Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1918, Image 1
fv a , : ; , ; : : : : 'i , r B RIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS OUR HANDSOME ROTOGRAVURE SECTION WITH SUNDAVS3EE INVITES COMPARISON. The Omaha Daily Bee Beware of Liquor. New York, Oct. 21. A warning to Spanish influenza utierers gainst the use of alcoholic bever ages was' issued tonight by Dr. Roy . al S. Copeland, health commission er, who declared alcohol tended to increase tf danger from the dis ease. There is a period in the treatment' of pneumonia, however, Dr. Copeland added, when the use of alcohol as a stimulant produces good results. Suffs Still "Militant." Washington. Oct. 21. Three mil itants v f the woman's party were arrested today when they under took" to stage a demonstration in front of the capitol. As the senate ras in session only a few minutes ttov were "quickly released and, with other banner bearers, they spent several hours in frontof the senate office building. There crowds destroyed most of the banners. ' Sues for Spoiled Wedding. New York, Oct. 21. Because of alleged failure to deliver a telegram containing a proposal of marriage on time Miss Catherine Frey of iersey City has sued the Western Inion for $20,000 . damages. The message was seit on August IS, from Camp Quantico, Va., by Pri: vate Maurice Adler of Company C of the 6th battalion of marines and read: "If you com to Quantico at once we can be married by the chap- lain tomorrow. Last chance before ' I leave. Answer "immediately." Miss Frey says she was waiting for a message, but received none until several days later, when a letter mailed when about to sail, arrived. Kills Mules and Himself. Sioux Falls. S. D. Oct. 21. Wor ried because he believed his soldier brother was dead, Hayes Moon, a teamster, today flfcrt and wiled, b two mules and then killed himself, He had written a letter, to his brother which was returned with the inscription "deceased VOL. 48. NO. 108. Entered te eecond-eUu natter May 28, 1908 at Omaha P. 0. under aet ol March 3. 1879 OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. By mall (I year). Dally. 14.50. 8unday. $2.50. Oally tad Sua., ; outelde Neb. aottaga extra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: , For Nebraska: Unsettled Tues day; cooler with probably shower in east portion; Wednesday fair. Hourly Temperatures. 8 at. m.. 6 at. m.. 1 a. m.. ft a. m.. 9 at. m.. 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. .55 .64 .55 .S4 .53 .58 .60 12 m 65 1 p. m, t p. m, 5 p. m, 4 p. m A p. m, 6 p. m, 1 at. m, 8 p. iu 7 . w a. t TO M ft M 65 FIGHTING HUNS GIVE GROUND ON BIG FRONT Americans and British Ad vance on Desperate Foe; Belgium Is Being Redeemed. BULLETIN. Paris, Oct. 21. French troops have reached the Danube river in the region of Vidin, the war office an nounces tonight. "We Are Alone;' Cries Hun Publicist, and Berliner s Applaud Amsterdam, Oct. 21. "We are alone. When a fortress can no longer hold it is no dishonor if the commander surrenders. The kaiser must take up his cross of concluding quickly necessary peace and accepting whatever is hard. Let the kaiser declare him self ready and let him fit himself with new Germany as her first citizen." This utterance by Maximilian Harden, addressed to several peo ple in Berlin on Sunday, was loudly applauded. GREAT FLANDERS BATTLE PASSES INTO NEW PHASE Allies' Sweeping Movement Pivoting on Point East of ... Courtrai; Enemy Bat- 4 ( tling Fiercely. XV. 7 i By Associated Press. With the Allied Armies in France and Belgium, Oct. 21. The great battle in Flanders and northern France passed into its second phase today." The first phase was com pleted when the Lille salient was eliminated and the Germans were driven out of western Belgium, so that the line all the way from the frontier of Holland to the Oise canal is virtually a straight one, This having been accomplished, the Belgians, British and French in the north started a sweeping move ment today pivoting on a point about east of Courtrai. The object of this appears to be the clearing of the enemy from his front in northern Belgium and at the same time to threaten his extreme right flank. , The key' position at the south is in the region below Valenciennes. At both places the exhausted Ger man divisions, whose ranks have had great holes chopped into them by terrific blows, are fighting with the greatest desperation. Sacrifice Men , " The German commanders are sac rificing many men in their .endeav ors to hold their ground, but in both sections the allied troops have .smashed into the enemy and made appreciable gains. Scores of addi tional villages have been reclaimed and numerous prisoners and large quantities of supplies have been captured. In the center of the battle area, the British kept thrdsting out every where and gradually during the day moved toward the west hank of the Scheldt with increasing celerity. The Germans have taken advan tage of the natural protection of- - . . . . ... r . i . . ierea oy tne wiain oi mis siream and its canal and marshy borders. They are hiding behind it in shallow trenches and are showing nervous ness as the allies approach. Back of their-artillery, the .strength of which ha$ been greatly depleted, is jiving; some support. The Germans have their cannon close to the roads and on them, so that when it becomes necessary to ' withdraw the. guns, they can get away in- a hurry. In their retreat - the Germans have resorted to every known means to delay the bringing up o the. artillery but without affect By Associated Press. Allied armies have taken no heed of the efforts un der way for the re-establishment of peace, but are continuing Ho force back the Germans at vital points along the lines in Belgium and France. - ' In these endeavors' the British and Americans are for the moment taking the., principal parts. The Brit-' ish have approached to within two miles of Valen ciennes and the Ameri cans, to the northwest of Verdun, have succeeded in occupying two highly im portant positions in their operations aimed, at an ad vance northward. American and British droops have crossed the Oise canal on a wide front in the face of desperate re sistance, and further successes in this sector will menace the Germans both to the north and south. The Valenciennes-Hirson railway, formerly one of the German's main lateral arteries of communication has been cut. . On Scheldt Canal: The west bank of the Scheldt canal has been occupied by the British along an extent of 10 miles, to the north of Tburnai, which city is being defended by masses of Ger mans armed with machine guns. Belgium is gradually being re deemed. Although now that the Germans have drawn in their lines, the British. Belgians, and French are encountering much stiffer opposition than during the early days ot the (Continued on rage Two, Column Three.) Lieut. Col. Howard Spends Ten Days' Leave Here Des Moines, Oct. 21. (Special) Lieut'. Col. M. K. Howard, recently appointed assistant chief of staff at Camp Dodge, having been transfer red from the western front, where he saw eight months service, reach ed here this morning. He was stationed at Chilhcothe, O., previous to overseas service. He will spend a ten-day furlough in Omaha before assuming his duties at Camp Dodge. GOVERNOR STOPS BIG DRAFT GALL BECAUSE OF FLU More Than 12,000 Draftees Affected When Orders Come to Postpone Entrapment. Instructions were received at lo cal exemption boards Monday after noon ordering the calls of drafted men for Camp Kearny, Cal., and for Camp Bowie. Tex., canceled until further notice. The Omaha diaft contingent scheduled to leave at 8:30 Monday morning for Camp Kearny was held here all day awaiting instructions and at 6 o'clock the men were or dered to r am home, until further notice. .Telegrams from ' Governor Neville ordered both calls canceled and informed the exemption board members that bulletins containing more explicit instructions will fol low. Was Neville's Suggestion. Cancellation of the calls is the re sult of Governor Neville's activity and follows the recommendation he made to General Crowder that the calls be postponed until the lnHu enza epidemic is less critical. The action affects 457 draftees, who were to leave Monday for Camp Kearny. About 300 of the men are Omahans. The contingent also in cludes 13S selective service men from Saunders county and 33 from Colfax county. There were two calls from Camp Bowie. .Both have been canceled The first was for 508 men, to leave Omaha Tuesday night. The quota includes 293 men from local board No. 3, and contingents from Sarpy, Nemaha and Otoe counties. The second call for Camp Bowie was for 492 men, to entrain Thurs day. This jncludes men from local boards Nos. 4 and 5 and draftted men from Richardson and Cass counties. The men who -reported to entrain Monday have been inducted into the army and are now soldiers under the authority and in the pay of the gov ernment. Quarantine In Nebraska. The state board of health Monday morning issued an order quarantin ing the entire state for Spanish in fluenza.. The order prohibits the holding of all gatherings indoors and outdoors, closes schools and urges that children be kept at home as much as possible. The order went into effect im mediately and will continue until November 2. The order gave the in formation that the cause of the large number of deaths from the disease was on account of persons afflicted refusing to go to bed soon enough and attempting to get out of bed too soon. REPLY HELD AWKWARD MOVE TO ACCEPT AMERICA'S TERMS Unofficial Text of German Peace Bote Washington, Oct. 21. The text of the German note, president prescribes the destruction of every arbitrary power as received by wireless is as follows: ' that can separately, secretly and of its own single choice Section One In accepting the proposal for an evacua- disturb the peace of the world. To this the German govern- tion of occupied territories the German government has ment replies: started from the assumption that the procedure of this Hitherto the representation of the people in the German evacuation and of the conditions of an armistice should be empire has not been endowed with an influence on the form left to the military advisers and that the actual standard of ation of the government. power on both sides in the field has to form the basis for ar- Q c T, j.j . -j mivu ucych - iuc cunHiiuuoo uiu noi pruviuc lur a concurrence of renresentation of- the neonle in decisions of The German government suggests to the peace and war. These conditions have just now undergone a fundamental change. A new government has been formed in complete accordance with the wishes (principle) of the representation of the people, based on equal, universal, se- rangements safeguarding and guaranteeing this standard. Section Two, president that an opportunity should be brought about for fixing of the details. It trusts that the president of the United States will approve no demand which would be ir reconcilable with the honor of the German people and with cretf direct franchise. opening a way to a peace of justice. r'-ta. tl i j i e .i . Section Eight The leaders of the great parties of the Section Three--The German government protests reich.tag are member, of this government. In the future no against the reproach of illegal and inhumane actions made goverment can take or continue in office without possessing against the German land and sea forces and thereby against the confidece cf a majority of the reichstag. . the German people. For the covering of a retreat destruc Sect;on NineThe re8p0nsibiIity of the chancellor of the tions will always be necessary and they are carried out in Am fv fk. M , .. , 4, . . . . , So Regarded in Washington, but Official Text Awaited 1 Before Reaching Con clusions. NO OFFICIAL COMMENT YET Believed, However, Does Not Close Door to Further Changes; Armistice in Balance. so far as is permitted by international law. The German troops are under strict instructions to spare private property and to exercise care for the population to the best of their ability. Where transgressions occur in spite of these instruc tions the guilty are being punished. Section Four The German government further denies developed and safeguarded. The first act of the new govern ment,has been to lay before the Reichstag a bill to alter the constitution of the empirs so that (the consent of - &6 rep resentation of the people is required for decisions on war and peace Section Ten- The permanence of the new system is, War-Torn England Declares 'No Compromise' With Huns that the German inavy jn sinking ships has ever purposely de- however, guaranteed not only by constitutional safeguards,' stroyed life boats with their passengers. The German gov- but a,so by the uiuhakeable determination of the German ernmen, propose, wun regard u ail tnose cnarges mat the people whose vast majority stands behind these reforms and ,w7 ?ear "P y neu,irai comons. demand lheir eergetic continuance. aecuon rive m oraer 10 avoid anytmnsr mat misrht ri it. , , , ., jwnuu j-icvcu me question mi me president wun hamper the wwk of peace, the German, government has whom he and the governments asserted against Germany are caused orders to be dispatched to all submarine commanders, dealing is therefore answered in a clear, unequivocal man precluding the torpedoing of passenger ships without, how- ner by the statement that the offer of peace and an armis everj for technical reasons being able to guarantee that these tice has come from a government which is free from any orders will reach every single submarine at sea before its re- arbitrary and irresponsible influence, is supported by the ap turn t . proval of an overwhelming majority of the German people. Section Six As a fundamental condition for peace the (Signed.) SOLF. QUARANTINE IS LIFTED WITHIN DODGE CONFINES Number of Influenza Cases in Iowa Camp Decrease; Im provement Noted Over the Country. By Associated Press. Camp Dodge, la., Oct. 21. Col onel E. ,W. Rich, division surgeon, announced today that no cases of Spanish influenza has been admit ted to the camp hospital since Sat urday, and that the death rate has dropped almost to normal. The quarantine within the camp has been lifted. By Associated Press. -London. Oct 21. As proof of the futility of German attempts to weaken the will of the British people by peace talk, the Daily Telegraph publishes a series of messages from the mayors of more than 50 English and other towns, representing every phase ot municipal me. iney au breathe but one spirit, namely, that there must be no compromise with the foe. The following are messages from a few of the principal towns: Birmingham: "Germany must be required to accept the terms imposed by the allies and stern justice must be meted out" Bradford:' "After what Germany has done, there must be n- compromise.' It is absolutely essential that there should be a British supremacy of the seas." Cardiff: "Any compromise with Germany would be fatal. The German navy must be handed over." Hull: The allied troops should occupy Essen and march to Berlin." . . .... , . - Blackburn: To bargain with the Germans. is unthinkable after the history of the last four years." . - "Blackpool: .The Germans asked for a good hiding and deserve to get it." . - "Canterbury: "In no circumstance must we make peace until every man and woman in Germany who has been brutal to our pris oners has been punished and reparation given for all the damage." . Exeter: "Let Germany surrender at the bar of the world's justice and receive just sentence for her crimes and give guarantees for her future good conduct The allies will be just, but dare not be gen erous." ; Hythsi "la town . ao compromise.' iTaailed pa our mast" Washington, D. C, Oct. 21. Im provement in the influenza situation in six states was shown by reports received today by the qublic health service, but 27 other states reported the disease still spreading with many additional cities and rural districts affected. Conditions apparently were worse in Pennsylvania, where it is estimated 350,000 cases have oc curred, with probably 150,000 in Philadelphia. For the first 18 days of October, 14,850 deaths were re ported in the state. . In army camps a slight increase in both influenza and pneumonia cases were reported Sunday, but a de crease was shown today with 3,007 influenza cases and 768 pneumonia cases, the lowest figures reported since the epidemic became general in the camps. For the 48 hours end ing today at noon, new influenza cases totalled 6,666; pneumonia 2.709 and deaths 919, , ; - These figures brought thetotal of influenza cases since Sept 13 to 290.447; pneumonia cases to 46,055 and deaths from all causes to 15.072. Irish Vessel Sent Down; i Only Thirteen Are Saved Belfast, 0t2L The Irish steam er Dundalk was torpedoed in the Irish sea last week. Of the Crew of more than 30, only 13 were rescued. BIRDMAN LANDS AT FORT OMAHA IN DARKNESS Lt. Shinnon Flies From Ran tout in 10 Hours and Skillfully Reaches Ground. i. , Lt. J. M. Shinnon, aviator, flew from the United States Flying school at Rantoul, 111., to Omaha Monday and made a landing near Florence Field about 8 o'clock Mon day night. The officer made tire trip in a large army bi-pjane which will be used in connection with the balloon observation work at Fort Omaha. Both Lieutenant Shinnon and Lt. Franklin W. Gledhill, who "flew into Omaha" Wednesday, will be stationed indefinitely at Fort Crook. in charge of the two army bi-planes which they brought here. Officials at the army post are not yet willing to state just what their work will be but explain that it is in connection with the balloon ob servation work. Lieutenant Shinnon was accom panied on his flight Monday by an army mechanic. He had some mi nor machine trouble on his flight but he made good time as he did not leave Ranfoul until nearly 10 i i. i nunc Aionuay morning. It was dask when he reached Omaha and he circled above the city for some time before making a landing. Aviators praise Lieuten ant Shinnon's skill in making a suc cessful, landing in total darkness with a machine that was not in per fect working order. Omaha's first aviators are both young men. They are modest about their feats of daring and are already popular with army officials' here. Allies Get New U. S. Credit for $300,000,000 J London, Oct 21. New credits for $200,000,000 for Italy and $100,000. 000 for France were established to day by the treasury,-' - I i Yankees, and British ,.. Kill Many Germans After Crossing Canal With the Allied, Armies in Northeast France, Oct 21. Cy clists have reached Haulchin, on the Scheldt, less than three miles southwest of the important city of Valenciennes. The infantry is pouring on after them. I Oise canal has been crossed on a wide front from Etrenx south ward against the heaviest resis tance. Hre, as elsewhere, all along this part of the battle area, the. Germans are fighting with the realisation that every foot of ground lost increases the menace to their comrades for many miles to the north and south. American troops participating ia this action crossed the canal tinder heavy fire.. They end the British killed a great number of Germans who were attempting to hold the east bank and fought to stop them after they had gained it HUNS CALL BACK SUBMARINES? , CROWDIIARBOR Report in Switzerland That Kiel Waterway Too Small " to Accomodate All of U-Boats. Geneva, Oct. 21. Kiel harbor is unable to accommodate all the sub marines which have returned from Ostend and Zeebrugge during the past week and ( some are lying off shore, according- to advices received here. SOLD OUT! The Demand for -The Bee's New Sunday Rotograyure Section Was. so great that the entire supplv of papers was sold out before 10 o'clock Sunday Morning. Did You Miss Getting Yours? If so, make sure for4;he future-phone Tyler 1000 right now and order THE BEE delivered' regularly to your home. - Something NEW Every Sunday in THE BEE By Associated Press. Washington, ; Oct. 21.- Germany has replied to Pres ident Wilson with a note, which, though no one is pre pared to say it will lead the president even to continue ex changes on the subject of an armistice and peace, at least has served almost to brinsr conviction liere that the peo ple of Germany actually are taking the reins of govern ment and sincerely , desire peace on any terms- the United States and the allies are-willing to give. v ; inere was no intimation tonight of the attitude of the 1 president and probably there will Jbe none until the official , text of the new German com munication has been re ceived. The president was in conference all evening with Secretary Lansing, discussing the note as received by wire less late in the day. Like the -reply to the president's in quiries a week ago, this note was sent out from the Ger man wireless stations and picked up in the allied coun tries many hours before the official text could move bv cable. The official version probably will come tomorrow . tnrough the Swiss lecratinn here. Note Garbled. As received hv uiUca fV nn is believed to be slightly garbled in . the important sentences reparHinc ' conditions for the evacuation of !n- vaaea territory and for an armis tice, but nevertheless it is retarded ' as an awkward attempt to meet the conditions laid down by President Wilson for consideration nf an arm istice. And it makes the ' cant declaration that the ment in Berlin no longer is respon- ' oiuic io a single arDitrary influence the kaiser but is suooorted hv . an overwhelming majority of the vjerman people. - . i This declaration is supported' by the statement that constitutional re forms are in oroaresa in inj ; with the determir tion of the people under which no government can ' take or hold office without the con-" ndence of the maioritv of a rit.. . stag elected by universal, secret suf frage It is accorded more consid eration here because of ronflrf.n;.f . advices received only todav indicat ing that the German middle classes have resolved to have peace ajt ny i price and if necessary are nrenarfH . t gt. rid of the kaiser, the crown prince and all military control. " Looks Genuine. Thus the belief is strengthened that the present note and those that' -have gone before are genuine eX forts to obtain peace and are in conclusive merely because the Ger mans conducting the exchanges art seeking to barter for something bet. ter than the unconditional surrerw ' (Continual on Pago Two, Column Two.) ' '4 : Vienna Report Says " Revolution Started. On Big Scale in Sofia 4 London, Oct. 21. A state of -revolution has broken out in Sofia and street fights are occurring be tween bolshevik laborers and the troops and police. It is reported that more than three thousand per sons have been killed. This information is contained in dispatches from Vienna and Russia received by the Copenhagen corrs spondent of the Exchange If graph company, ' i - i 1! , ii'1 IS 1 FV