Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
. Reply to Peace Plea Calls At
- tention to Recognition
of Czechs and Jugoslavs.
, Washington, Oct. 19. President
Wilson has answered the peace note
of Austria-Hungary with a declara-
- tion that the Austro-Hungarian gov-
, eminent must satisfy the national
aspirations of its own people and
that they, the people, shall be the
judges of their rights and destinies.
- .The text of the note handed to the
s Swedish minister follows:
"Sir: I have the honor to ac
knowledge the receipt of your note
of the seventh instant, in which you
transmit a communication of the im
perial and royal government of Aus
tria-Hungary to the president.
, am now instructed by the president
to request you to be good enough
through your government to convey
to the imperial and royal govern
ment the following reply:
"The president deems it his duty
to say to the Austro-Hungarian gov
ernment that he cannot entertain the
present suggestions of that govern
ment because of certain events of
utmost importance which, occurring
since the delivery of his address of
the eighth of January last, have nec
. essarily altered the attitude and it-
sponsibility of the government of
the United States. Among the 14
termslof peace which the president
formulated at this time occurred the
' '"The peoples of Austria-Hun
gary, whose place among the na
tions we wish to see safeguarded
;.- and assured, should be accorded
the freest opportunity of auton
omous development.'
Condition Changes.
"Since the sentence was written
and uttered to the congress of the
United States, the government of
th United States has recognized
that a state of belligerency exists
between the Czecho-Slovaks and
the German and the Austro-Hun-garian
empires and that the Czecho
slovak national council is a de fac-
W. belligerent government clothed
with proper authority to direct the
military and political affairs of the
Czecho-Slovaks. It has also
recognized in the fullest manner the
justice of the nationalistic aspira
tions of the Jugo-Slavs for freedom.
"The president is, therefore, no
Icr.gcr at liberty to accept the mere
'autonomy' of these peoples as a
basis of peace, but is obliged to in
sist that they, and not he, shall be
the judges .of what action on the.
part of the "Austro-Hungarian gov
ernment will satisfy their aspira
tions and their conception of .their
rights and destiny as members of
, the family of nations."
fAccept: sir, the renewed assur
ances of my highest consideration.
Approved by Senators. ,
The note rejecting the Austrian
' peace offer was read to members of
the senate military committee today
as they left their weekly conference
at the War department. Senator
Hitchcock, chairman of the foreign
relations committee, one of the
group, said:
"That is good stuff, and others
nodded their agreement. -'
Laer Senator Hitchcock made
this statement:
, "It seems to me to fill the till
exactly. It lives up to the letter,
and spirit of our relations with these
subject nationalities of Austria,
whom we have encouraged to seek
The reply at this time may be ex
plained by the publication yester
day of a proclamation by Emperor
Charles federalizing the states of
Austria in an obvious effort to
quiet the situation at home and at
the same time meet the conditions
of peace laid down by the president.
The president before has spoken of
the justice of the claims of 'subject
natit nalities for self-determination;
now he makes their real free
dom, a condition precedent to peace
for Austro-Hungary.
The Czecho-Slovaks, having won
recognition as belligerents, yester
day paved the way for taking their
place in the family of nations by a
formal declaration of independence.
Pershing Awards
Medals to Heroes
Distinguished service crosses have
been awarded by General Pershing
to the following officers and men,
for extraordinary acts of heroism:
First Lt. Joseph W. Smith. Aus
tin, Tex.; First Lt. Charles O'Brien,
Wilkesbarre, Pa.; First Lt. Leon
Marchland, Interpreter Alfred Du
Bois, First Sergt. Herman M. Sell,
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Cook William
Shefrin, Brooklyn. N. Y.
' (Continued from Page One.)
meeting of the crown council in
Berlin, where General Ludendorff
made a gloomy report on the mili
tary situation.
In the presence of Emperor Wil
liam an '. all the federated princes,
the general, according to this news
paper, declared the situation was
such that Germany might be invaded
within a few weeks. t
In view of his great promises of
last spring, he was made the subject
of bitter reproaches.
Prince Maximilian of Baden, the
imperial chancellor, said the war
must be stopped at once. King Lud
wig of Bavaria sharply criticised
Ludendorff, while King William of
Wuerttemberg declared a heavy re
sponsibility rested upon the emper
or. The grand duke of Hesse com
plained of military interference in
political matters. The chancellor
finally cut the recriminations short,
the newspaper adds, by proposing
submission to President Wilson's
Admits Game Is Lost.
Indications that General Luden
dorff probably was correctly repre
sented in his attitude by the Essen
newspaper is contained in a .nes
sage from the Berlin correspondent
of the Danish newspaper, Ber
lingske Tidende, who reports that
at the end of September Luden
dorff declared he had lost the game
and could only hold the west front
for a fortnight. At the same time
Bulgaria gave- In, and concurrently
with Ludendorff's declaration of his ,
defeat there came an ultimatum
from Austria-Hungary stating that
Germany should request peace, as
otherwise the daul monarchy could
not take any further responsibility,
Czech revolution being expected,
the correspondent adds.
It n held that Baron Kurian s
speech on President Wilson'9 last
note also is in the nature ot an ulti
matum to Germany, peremptory m
character, although similarly mask
ed in courteous, phrasing. It is
considered plain from this speech
that for Austria-Hungary the war is
over, that it cannot go on any
longer, and that if Germany fails
to satisfy President Wilson and the
allies, then the only alternative of
the, dual monarchy is a separate
It is felt that this must have had
its influence on the German mind
as well as the expectation in Ber
lin, according to the Berlin corre
spondent of the Danish newspaper
previously referred to, that Turkey
will comply with the demands of
the allies for surrender.
Might Have Prevented Outrage.
Commenting on the report in the
Handelsblad of Amsterdam that
German submarines had been order
ed by wireless to return at once to
their bases, the Yorkshire Post
"If the Handelsblad story is as
inndcent as it seems, it is a damag
ing story of German mitigation of
'frightfulness.' If the German gov
ernment can wireless to all its sub-
imarines, it could have prevented the
outrage on the Lemster by tele
graphing to all U-boat commanders
that atrocities must not be com
mitted. "Outrages have been excused in
Germany on the ground that it is
impossible to communicate with U
boats by wireless telegraphy. But,
if the government can recall the U
boats by wireless they could have
modified the ferocity without wait
ing for President Wilson."
Continued from Face One.)
five to eight miles across difficult
country which the enemy defended
with tenacity.
Capture 5,000 Prisoners.
"Having driven the enemy on the
first day from strong positions held
by him on the right bank of the
Selle river, by a determined and per
sistent fighting they have success
fully cleared the whole of the high
ground east of the river line, captur
ing many villages in the course of
their advance, together with more
than 5,000 prisoners and a number
of guns.
rurther north our troops are
steadily continuing their advance
They have reached the general line
of Orchies, Cobrieux, Bourghelles
and Templeuve and southeast of
Roubaix, the village of Nechin."
Occupy Zeebrugge and Bruges.
Havre, Oct. 19. "In the course of
the day we continued to pursue the
enemy, says the Belgian otticial
communication issued tonight. "We
have occupied ZeebruRge and
Bruges and passed the Bruges-
Ghent canal and made progress to
ward Aeltre.
French Attack Hunding Line.
Paris, Oct. 19. The French
armies all along the front have been
successful in their combats against
the Germans, making advances at
numerous points and at others
warding off violent counter-attacks,
says the official communication is
sued tonight. In Champagne the
French have reached the Hunding
line, attacked it and captured St.
Germainmont. Seven hundred pris
oners were taken.
Count Tisza Says Austria
: Has No Chance to Win War
Amsterdam, Oct. 19. Count Tis
za, the former Hungarian premier,
speaking in the Hungarian lower
house, according to a Budapest dis
: patch, said:
"We have lost the war in the sense
that in consequence of the, shifting
of the relative strength we can no
longer hope to win the war."
Therefore, he said, he approved
the offer df Germany to make peace
on the basis of President Wilson's
"14 and supplementary points.
Count Tisza was premier of Hun
gary at the outbreak of the war. He
has been looked upon as one of the
men in Austria-Hungary most re
sponsible for the declaration of war
against Serbia.
A recuperHv diet In influenza. Horllck'
Malted Milk, very digestible. Adv.
Have Your Old
Clothes DYED, as
WE Dye 'Em, and
Forget That They
Ever WERE Old
Of court, Dye work can
ivr hm ruaranteeil. but we
jdo magnificent work in this
line and show some marvelous
result. , -. , v x f
Phone Tyler 345.
Dyers, Dry Cleaner.
2211-lt Farnam St., Omaha.
For Supreme Judge
UN : J J
Judge Ernest B. Perry
Clean, able, fearless Omaha
Remarkably fit timber. Lin
coln State Journal.
The west three-fourths of the
state is entitled to at least one
judge. World-Herald.
Judge Ernest B. Perry of
Cambridge is one of the nom
inees for supreme judge. Judge
Perry is highly equipped in law
and character for the office.
Courageous, alert, active with a
fine conception of the honor and
duties, he should attract, to his
support a strong enough follow
ing to insure his victorious elec
tion Jn November. McCook
Tribune. , .. - . -, ' '
By Associated Press.
Allied troops on a front of, more
than 120 miles from the North Sea
to the Oise are pressing closely the
retiring Germans. The enemy is
given no rest and may have diffi
culty in holding his supposedly pre
pared lines when they are reached.
On the north the British, French
and Belgians are approching Ghent,
in the center the British are march
ing on Tournai while the British,
French and Americans north of the
Oise are threatening the important
railway lines south of Valenciennes.
In the Argonne west of the Meuse
the Americans have improved their
positions near Bantherville.
Unofficial reports are that the
Belgian coast has been cleared com
pletely of enemy forces and that
6,000 German troops have been
caught between the advancing
allies and the Dutch border and the
North Sea. This force apparently
was unable to escape southeastward
toward Antwerp owing to the rapid
ity of the allied advance from
Bruges. Allied troops are reported
nearer Eeechloo, IS miles east of
Bruges and the same distance
northwest of Ghent and also are
approaching the Dutch frontier near
Sluis. The allied troops in Flanders
have regained 800 square miles of
territory in the past four days.
Wedge Being Widened.
Between Bruges and Courtral the
main resistance is somewhat stiffer
than further north, but south of
Courtrai the British are advancing
rapidly from the DouailLille line
The Marcq river has been crossed
east of Lille and the town' of Che
reng eight miles east of the import
ant junction of Tournai taken. Trem
chereng southward to east of Douai
the British have pressed forward
nearly eight miles on a thirty mile
front in three days.
South of Valenciennes the Brit
ish, American and French forces are
widening the wedge driven into the
German defenses and have forced
the enemy behind the Sambre canal
on a wide front east of the important
railway center of Guise.
The Selle has been crossed in
force joutheast of Cainbrai and the
British are approaching the formid
able natural obstruction of the forest
of Mormal, guarding the Valenci-ennes-Avesnes
railroad, the main
German support line in this region.
The French maintain strongly their
pressure between the Oise and the
Serre and eastward along the Aisne.
There are some indications that
the Germans are preparing for a re
tirement irom their positions in
front of the Americans northwest
of Verdun between the Meuse and
the Boult forest. The American
advance threatens the security of
the Kreimhilde positions on the left
center of the sector. A further ad
vance in the JtJantheviile region
would further increase the menace
to the Germans. East of the Meuse
the enemy Saturday attacked the
American position in the Bois De
La Grande Montague, but was repulsed.
Nebraskan and lowans in
' Canadian Casualty List
Ottawa, Ont.. Oct. 19. The
names of the following Americans
appeared in the Canadian casualty
list lssesed today:"
Missing. J. A. Jensen, Burwell,
Wounded: D. Gasperi, Oska-
loosa, la.; E. Hammer, Swan, la.
General Pershing Asks
Coal Miners to Stand
Behind Men at Front
"Let there be no shortage of
coal. Lack of coal means limit
ing our war industries, railroads
and shipping are slowed down,
and the army cannot be provided
with means to deliver the telling
blows needed to end the war.
Without coal we shall be with
out guns and ammunition to use
against the enemy. The man in
the mine helps the man on the
firing line. The more coal you
produce the sooner- we shall
have peace. Every soldier of the
American Expeditionary Forces
expects to be backed up by the
miners of America, just as labor
in every branch of industry at
home has stood behind us. We
soldiers know that we can de
pend upon you to do your part
as we are doing ours.
Every Family
Should own a lot in a cemetery,
1. Lots may be purchased on par
tial payment at time ot firat burial on
the lot.
2. Where there Is perpetual care
of the lot free and no annual assess
ments for that purpose and where
there are no neglected graves. )
t. Where the service is courteous
and thoughtful and car line service
is direct to the cemetery.
West Lawn offer all these ad
vantages in addition to natural beauty
and seclusion.
In case of immediate need tele
phone Walnut 820 or ' Douglas 820
and our free automobile will call for
you so you can make your selection.
58th and Center Sts.
Office 15th and Harney Sts.
Bet '
, of -All
Heating Question
You can't buy hard coal.
What can you do then to
heat your home?
A Soft Coal Stove
Will do the business and we
are now showing a full line.
Don't wait until the line is broken as we can get no
more this fall.
or a Fox Furnace with pipes will burn any kind of
coal and keep your home much more comfortable
than the old hard coal stove. Let us give you a
figure. It pays to have your heating plant in
stalled by a man who understands the heating
business and it costs no more. Call us by telephone.
John Hussie Hardware Company
2407 Cuming. Douglas 1116.
"If you buy it of Hussie it' right."
ary G. Keenan
Nonpartisan Candidate
of Public
Present incumbent appointed last
August by county commissioners to
fill vacancy caused by resignation of
her brother, Thos. J. Keenan, who
' joined the colors. Has had seven
years' experience as a teacher. Prin
cipal of Bennington Public Schools
last year. Holds a state certificate
.-. from Kearney State Normal. ,
w, A
X.:;""1 .v .MI
(Continued from Tar One.)
whether the number of smaller sub
scriptions by individuals is found to
meet expectations.'
New subscriptions entered during
the last day and those made effective
by payment of the 10 per cent in
stallment probably will amount to a
$1,500,000,000 for the entire nation.
Before business opened this morn
ing $4,599,719,450 had been reported
to federal reserve banks.
Big Task Ahead.
For the next five days banks
throughout the United States will be
busy adding up subscriptions. Re
ports and payments then must be
made to federal reserve banks, which
are expected to take at least five
days more to report to the treasury.
The honor roll of- buyers will in
clude many who have not partici
pated in the first, second or third
loans. It will number subjects of
other governments, neutral and bel
ligerent, throughout the world.
Germans interned in this country
and others whose sympathies are
not with their native land will be
A large part of the $6,000,000,000
will be paid to government account
by banks through whom subscrip
tions were arranged by individuals.
The individual subscriers will then
take 10 mouths in which to pay the
banks. The transactions represent
the most extensive scheme of pop
ular lending and borrowing the
country has ever seen.
According to official figures to
night, only the St. Louis and Min
neapolis districts had exceeded their
quotas, Minneapolis having gone
over today. Unofficial reports cred
ited several other districts with
passing the 100 per. cent mark, how
ever. Confirmation' probably can
not be obtained for several days.
Coupon Bonds Ready.
Most coupon bonds of the fourth
loan are ready for delivery now and
registered bonds will be available
soon. Holders of first and second
loan bonds, which bear 3 1-2 and 4
per cent interest, respectively, have
until November 9 to exchange them
at benks for bonds bearing 4 1-4
per cent interest if they choose to
do so.
Twenty per cent of any fourth
loan subscription is due November
21, second installment of 20 per cent
due December 19, 20 per cent Janu
ary 16, and 30 per cent January 30.
About $16,000,000,000 have now
been raised by the American people
in popular war loans sflnce the
United States entered the war and
all loans have been oversubscribed.
The first loan was for $2,000,000,000
and there was $1,000,000,000 over
subscription, but none of this over
subscription was accepted. The
second loan was for $3,000,000,000;
subscriptions amounted to $4,617,
000,000, and the government took
only, half the oversubscriptions,
making a total actually paid of
$3,808,000,000. The third loan was
for $3,000,000,000 and subscriptions
amounted to $4,176,000,000, all of
which was taken.
New York Exceeds Quota.
New York, Oct. 19. In the face
of official figures showing a total
fourth Liberty loan subscription of
only $1,375,331,050 by the New York
federal reserve district, 'members of
the Liberty loan committee confi
dently declared tonight that when
the final figures were compiled it
would be shown that the district
had gone "over the top" with its
$1,800,000,000 quota.
Chicago Completes Quota.
Chicago, Oct. 19. Chicago com
pleted its quota of $252,300,000 of
the fourth Liberty loan early tonight
and began to pile up oversub
scription expected to run into mil
lions. The remainder of the district
has already completed its quota.
At 9 o'clock tonight the subscrip
tions in Chicago were estimated at
district headquarters at $225,000,000,
distributed among 1,000,000 subscrib
rs. The total number of subscrib
ers in the district was estimated at
3,935,000 against 3,400,000 in the
third loan.
... i
(Continued From Face One.)
the company, which he refuses to
Vice President Luikhart stated
publicly that the reason he discharg
ed Brown, who was former super
intendent of agencies, was that "he
went out on the streets of Omaha
and repeatedly made statements that
his associates in the company were
pro-German. No successor has been
named for Mr. Brown. I regret
very much there are no sensible
steps we can take to compel Mr.
Brown to correct his statements.
Calls for Retraction.
Mr. Brown denies that he ever
gave publicity to any such state
ments, although he and Mr. Lee and
Mr. Beattv. former associates in the
Iowa had 5156,000,000 or $8,100,000; offices of the Lion Bonding and
over its quota with hnal figures like
ly' to show a further substantial in
crease. Will Feed Refugees.
Amsterdam, Oct. 19. The Dutch
government is prepared to care for
refugees entering Holland from
Belgium, according to a statement
made by Premier Riujs de Beren-
brouk in the chamber yesterday
Surety company did discuss such a
matter in private.
Mr. Brown demands a retraction
of the statement from Mr. Luikhart.
Two employes of the company,
holding responsible positions,
tendered their resignations Satur
day. They are Walter Farraday, un
derwriter for the compajiy, and E. A.
McGhisson, special agent for Nebraska.
A? Shop Early! VI
Is It Neckwear
You Have in Mind?
Stylish affairs that go well with
the latest frocks and costumes?
If so, a glance, either hurriedly
or leisurely, at our newest show
ings will prove delightful. Very
new vests and vestees are in
pique, Georgette, nets and satin.
Separate collars, and sets with
cuffs in . organdie, pique and
Georgette. Plush neck scarfs in
rich shades of brown and grey,
besides black.
Wool Dresses
For wear on every occasion
when service is essential.
Graceful in their lines and
distinctive with many de
rails of finish that go far to
ward making dresses of a
character that appeal to
well dressed women.
$25 to $125
No extra charge for the alterations.
ThompsoivBelcieii &Co.
. J Established 18 8 6 -
Hie Ihsliion Gener or vomeii
Correct Gloves
One-clasp model for street
wear in tan, gray and khaki
with spear point and em
broidered back, $3.
Fabric Gloves in gray,
khaki and white, 75c to
Distinctive Novelties
Lovely Tapestry Scarfs,
from $7.50 to $22. Also at
tractive tapestry pillows. A
large selection of unique,
practical novelties among
which you'll find numerous
pleasing gift suggestions.
A- great variety of cellu
loid bag handles and rings.
Art Dept. Third Floor.
Dainty Lingerie
Crepe de chine gowns,
skirts, enevelope chemise
corset covers, bloomers, bou
dour caps. Philippine hand
3ewn and embroidered gowns,
$2.50 to $12.
High neck, long sleeve ,
gowns of cambric, nainsook
and muslin, round or V
necks; trimmed with em
broidery, $1.25 to $4.50.
v Decorative Linens
Anticipate your Christmas requirements and con
sider how sensible and beautiful and altogether use
ful are Linens. An extensive showing of handsome
decorative Linens awaits your coming. A collection
of great proportions, when one stops to think of
their scarcity.
Real Hand Embroidered Madeira Linqns.
Lace Pieces of French Cluny.
Italian and French Filet and Numerous
Other Real Laces. Some are Combined
Withjhe Loveliest of Italian Cut Work
Doilies, Center Pieces, Scarfs, Table Cov
in and Oval Pieces.
Some New Laces
You'll find a new semi-made
lace camisole, by the yard, in
teresting and attractive. Also
imitation Duchess lace bands for
camisoles. A large assortment
of vals, clunies, torchons, Venise
and filet laces. Hundreds of
lovely patterns from which to
choose. Chantilly flouncings and
new polka dot nets will be of
assistance in planning new
Clocked Silk Hose
The careful selection of ac
cessories, has everything to
do with the success of the
costume and not of the least
importance is Milady's ho
siery. Numerous hand
clocked styles are here for
your viewing some are
silk to the top, others have
tops and soles of lisle. The
contrasting shades of
clocks and hose are very
pretty. $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4.
Fine qualities of black silk
hose are $2.50, $3, $3.75. s
Fashions of Fall and Winter
Coats That Are Really
IT The reputation of this house was never
upheld better than in this present showing
of the latest Coat models. Such a display
is even more remarkable when the diverse
difficulties of these war times are consid
ered, for today qualities are more fre
quently lowered than they are maintained.
H Materials are numerous and handsome,
including Pom Pom, wool velours, both
plain and novelty, Scotch mixtures, gabar
dine, silk velours and many distinctive
novelty cloths. ,
f Furs are used extensively as trimmings,
such rich effects as Hudson seal, nutria,
beaver, fox, wolf and possum.
The complete price range, $35 to $200
With exceptional values,
From $59.50 to $139.50.
From Liberty & Co. of London
Come Wonderful English Velvets
They are unlike any other velvets you have ever
seen. For never were velvets so delightfully
soft and rich in appearance but so fine and
heavy in weight. To properly appreciate them,
ask to be shown. Colors are beautiful.
Exclusively at Thompson-Belden' s
You will find Liberty ' Silks .and Velvets,
Haskell's famous Black Silks and Belding's
guaranteed Dress Silks.
The Manhattan Shirts
Preferred by Particular Men.
The Manhattan Shirt Co. has striven for half
a century to constantly perfect their product and
in these times of uncertain qualities, rising costs
and labor shortage, you can be certain that Fall
Manhattans will live up to the standard of quality
established by the makers, fifty years ago.'
v ,
Exclusive weaves and original designs are characteris
tic of Manhattan Shirts. Patterns not to be found elsewhere.
Perfect fitting qualities, exacting sleeve lengths. Button
holes hand sewn with pure silk thread pearl buttons of the
finest quality.
These and numerous other points of superiority have
made Manhattan the best known shirts. We feature these
together with other equally good haberdashery. See for your
self. The Men's Shop, to the left as you enter.