Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Central Truck Loading Station
: Location to Be Chosen by
1 Committee Named on
At the regular weekly meeting
Thursday of the executive commit
tee of the return loads bureau of the
Chamber of Commerce, which is
stimulating the use of auto trucks in
delivering merchandise to nearby
towns, three problems were taken
up and will be "pushed to the limit."
The first thing necessary at this
time to make this form of delivery
more successful is to have the coun
try merchant wherever and- when
ever possible order his goods deliv
ered by the trucks. .
1 The other two-problems facing
this bureau is to have men on the
various lines deliver regularly and
to have a central loading station in
Omaha. The latter proposition will
be attended to immediately and a
committee appointed to make the
selection of the location will report
next week.
A committee composed of C. E.
Stallard, W. Saunders and W. W.
Killer was also appointed to perfect
the classification and rate system,
which will be similar to the railroad
system. At present the same rate is
charged on all merchandise, whether
it is nails or delicate millinery,
Mew Street Name Signs
in Downtown District
The Nebraska . Power company
has practically completed its work
of attaching street name signs to
the new ornamental electric lights
in the downtpwn district. The
streets which have been improved
are .Tenth street, depot to Farnam;
west oit Farnam to -Twenty-fourth;
Douglas, from the bridge to Twen
tieth; Thirteenth, Dodge to Wil
liam;' Fourteenth and v Fifteenth
Dodge to Howard; Sixteenth, Cum
ing1 to- Leavenworth,-and 'part of
Seventeenth, street.' This is the first
time, that this district has been
properly equipped with these signs,
which are" made of cast iron,' with
baked enamel lettering.
Lion's Tails Still Negotiating
for a Settlement Over
Claims Preferred by
Negotiations for the settlement
of claims preferred against the Lion
Bonding and Casualty company by
former employes, who once formed
the suborganization of "The Lion's
Heads," and who are now known as
"The Lion's Tails," are still in prog
ress. President Volpp, of Scribner, is in
the city, presumably looking the
situation over. He had an earnest
conference with Arthur Mullen at
-W. F. Taylor, who deniefl he was
a member of "The Lion's Tails,"
and who stated in an interview with
a Bee reporter that he had severed
his connection with the company in
February of the present year, is al
leged to have been carried on the
payroll of the concern for a number
of month at a salary of $200 per
His position, it is said, was
manager of the accident department
but the duties of the place, it is said
were not onerous, and he devoted
very little time to the work.
It is alleged he was engaged in the
more lucrative occupation of sell
ing a bunch of stock of the company
which was put on the market at the
time he was given his new position.
Omaha Men Return from
Trip to Arizona and Coast
V. P. Unitt and Dr. T. E. Sample
returned Saturday from a trip to
Arizona and California. G. W. Plat
ner, who accompanied them, return
ed the previous week. The trip was
made to inspect a copper and silver
mine in which they and other Oma
hans are interested and which is
located near Wicksburg, Ariz. After
a satisfactory visit, including the
thrilling experience of being low
ered several hundred feet down a
shaft in a bucket, the Omaha men
continued to Ltfs Angeles and vis
ited Coronado Beach and other
points of interest.
Home Guards Auto
Corps Has Issued a
Gill for More Recruits
A call has been issued for re
cruits t6 the auto corps of A com
pany, home guards.
lhis division is in need of vol
unteers who will furnish automo
biles for use of theiome'guards on
rarious occasions and which can
be vtilized in a military way, such
as soldier funerals.
There are about SO car owners
now members of this corps and no
limit is set to the number who will
be admitted. Applications are be
ing received by John W. Parish,
1322 First National Bank building,
whose telephone number is Douglas
Passenger Association
Meeting is Postponed
Because of the flu epidemic the
annual meeting of the American
Railroad Passenger Traffic associa
tion, scheduled for Washington Oc
tober 23-24, has been indefinitely
postponed. This meeting is usual
ly attendee' by a number of the
Umaha railroad passenger men.
Red Cross Work Will Be
Resumed on Saturday
Miss Jessie Millard has announced
that workers are needed at the First
Presbyterian church as Red Cross
work will be resumed Saturday. As
there is a large order to be filled a
special permit has been granted for
this work and luncheon will be
served at noon.
Hosiery Specials
Saturday we will offer
special values in Onyx
brand hosiery.
Regular $1.00 quality 79c
Regular $1.75 quality $1.25
Regular $2.00 quality $1.50
1808 and 1510 Douglas St.
Silk Underwear Specials
Saturday we will offer extra
ordinary values In Ladies' Silk
1S08 and 1510 Douglas St. '
It Was Dewey Who Said:
vuiouissypii: iinsv virago liourcsiwsa&uy
Those were pregnant words the of tener ycu read them, the more ypu see in them. Readiness is a great thing and firing at the
right time an exceedingly important thing. '
We have been ready in our Ready-to-Wear section for some time. The fourth Liberty Loan has had the right-of-way and so we
said to Department heads we'd better bide a wee, let's wait until Uncle Sam gets his that is one most important thing Omaha
Douglas County and Nebraska have again done themselves proud and so the decks are cleared for action and the order has
DRESSES all up to the Minute in Style
v 3 Divisions
for Serges, Jerseys, Tricotines, etc.; Autumn
Woolen fabrics, some Jerseys, also Satins and
Handsome Afternoon Gowns. Elegant and
yet, practical. Satins, Georgettes and Trico-lettes.
The Blouse prices shrapneled also: ', Sold up to $10.95. Georgettes,
Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow, Wash Satins. Some have the high, con
vertible collar. Saturday they go at !
$4.95 and $5.95
V Women War Workers
Those who were privileged to hear Miss Fraser tell of "Worsen in
War Time," have a broader view of the world's women. Without them
the war would have been won by the Huns, and Democracy and Civiliza
tion lost to the world.
Nurses' and other garments for war workers, priced much lower than
present manufacturers' prices would admit of.
Nurses' Uniforms, $3.00 to $4.45. Aprons, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
- t Aprons for Red Cross and Canteen, $1.45 to $2.00 each. Only the
official aprons.
(. Nurses entering Red Cross, will find Uniform No. 2947 an exact copy
of government requirements. These are. made for us of genuine Indian
Head the best dress we can buy. The price is $4.45, and they are made
ill' Omaha. ; Ty '.'.
i : House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons, $1.49 each. All colors. Every
One perfect. Many worth up to $3.50. Won't last long.
Ho! All Ye Women With Little Hands! Would Ye Glove Them?
Black Kids Saturday, which in happier days, before the war, sold at $2.00
per pair. On sale Saturday, 2 pairs for $2.00. Two for the price of one.
Only 5y2 5 and 6. No larger sizes.
The New Autumn Neckwear for Women All Here
Hand Embroidered Net Collars, $1.75 to $15.00 each.
Real Filet Lace Collars, round and square, $3.75 to $8.50 each.
Imitation Filet Collars, Georgette Crepe Collars, 50c to $3.75.
In the Basement
Tea Pots, 25c. Jap Cups and Saucers, 20c. Just for a day Tea
Pots, 49c
A few Dinner Sets for sale. 100 pieces in set. Saturday, only $17.85.
A long time before you will see their like again at this pric,e.
In the Junior Section
If the weather is fine, people will come in battalions, regiments and
Dresses for those who are almost women. Youthful in air and use
ful in wear. ; Serges, mainly. Some of Costume Velvet. Colors: Navy,
Brown or Khaki.
A belated shipment of Best Blue Chambray Dresses, $8.00.
Suits for Juniors and Little Women $25.00 each
. Price will please when you see the fabrics-Navy, Serges and fash
ionable Velours.
. Yarns All the new, bright shades in Zephyr, Saxony and
Knitting Yara,? in balls or. skeins ' " ;
Good Wool knitting Yarn, in Khaki and Gray, 79c skein.
Nothing About Candy.
Cobb Joo Busy.
The COATS Grouped also in 2 Divisions
First Group $57.50
The Acme of Quality Silvertone, Velour,
Kersey, Seal and Nutria Collars. Flowing pan
els, with fringe trimmings.
Second Group $75.00
High Grade Velours, all shades, including the fashionable Reindeer,
Plum, Pekin Blue and Olive. Raccoon and Seal Collars. Deep Cuffs of
Fur. Straight line back models.
Right here, as a diversion, we tell of foolish pricings on Toilet Goods,
Again we have the open season, and it beats all how our Merchant Princes
are striving to outdo each other selling toilet articles at cost, or there
abouts. Oh, it's fine business, but very little excess profits for the govern
ment. Saturday, then, we'll be with them
Cuticura Soap, 19c. Pebeco Tooth Paste, 34c. Mentholatum, 17c
Wright's Silver Cream, 17c. Hudnut's Cold Cream, 50c. Hind's, 36c
Woodbury's Soap, 19c. Jergen's Glycerine, 10c cake ; 3 for 25c Ben
zoin and Almond Lotion, 23c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, 59c Tooth
Brushes, 2l2c Palmolive Shampoo, 39c. Lilac Vegetal, 69c Col
gate's Cashmere Boquet Soap, 10c a cake.
Sale of Hats
Hats for all ages and between the years. This year those who wait
for sales of children's hats until the season's end, may find what the boy
said about the apple core apply: "There ain't goin' to be none."
We would like to know what that mere man down in Washington,
holding down a swivel chair, knows about essentials and non-essentials as
applied to petticoats. Verily, verily, Mr. Man, you assume too much, we
We intend to have a Petticoat Sale Saturday, and we shall see
whether women think them essential or not. $3.95 and $5.95. 1 Silk Jer
seys predominate.
Don't you know that more and more women are giving greater thought
to the under rather than the outer. Women of good taste and refinement,
we mean. Silk Garments, Camisoles, Night Gowns, Envelope Chemises.
Wise ones, buy now for holiday gifts. Get better selections, and will help
to relieve the pressure later. The government urges early buying. Some
attractive Boudoir Caps to show you.
Mr. Man For you, too, we have attractions for Saturday.
First, the Shirt Sale Hundreds of them. Stylish, seasonable stripes,
laundered cuffs; others soft. Made from materials which are getting
mighty scarce, $1.50 each. Cost much more to make today.
Sweaters Just the thing for cooler days, Jumbo and Jersey; prices
$1.50 to $15.00. And for our Soldier Boys Our Boys Three specials:
Sleeveless Khaki Worsted, $2.98; with sleeves, $3.98; extra heavy, $5.98.
Men's Gloves Nearly a year ago we bought these. Kids, Mochas,
Reindeer, Buck, Cape. Silk and wool lined. Gauntlets if wanted. Be
cause of our preparedness, priced lower than possible if bought now. Wise
to buy your underwear now, also. Outing Flannel Night Gowns and Pa
jamas mentioned to attract only.
Women's Hosiery
Unfashioned, the favorite of the future. No seam, and yet properly
shaped. Made of soft finished Lisle; Black, White, Bronze, Gray, Navy,
59c per Pair.
Pure Silk Stockings A gathering of small lots, aggregating quite a
few pairs; $1.50 to $2.00, the prices now; Saturday you get them for $1.
500 Rolls of
j Starting Tomorrow and Continuing
OCTOBER 21, 22, 23
Neponset Wears Longer
Looks Better and Costs Less
than Linoleum
We are exclusive agents for Neponset. It cannot be pur
chased at any other store in this city. Neponset is absolutely
rot-proof and water-proof. It lies flat on the floor without
tacking; it looks better and wears better than ordinary linoleum.
500 Rolls of Neponset Just Received
There will be no more Neponset Floor Covering made during
the war. The government requires for ammunition, many of the
ingredients that are needed for the making of this floor covering.
We took over at a bargain price, 600 rolls that the Neponset
Company had stored in their western warehouse all they had on
hand at this time. It is our rule when we secure a big bargain,
to pass it along to our customers and give them
the benefit There are more than 25 different M
patterns to choose from, and they eome in 2-yard D
wide goods. Neponset will be put on special Jt
sale for four days only, at, per square Q 1
Special Factory Representative Will Be Present to Explain to Yoa
the Many Advantages You Will Have in Using Neponset
Jthe Wonderful Floor Covering.
Buy Your Stove Noi
You May Not Be Able to Get One Later On. Let Us
Save You From 10 to 50 on Your Heater or Range
Howard Over-Draft Heater
The World's Greatest Heating
Stoves. All the gases and every bit
of carbon in the fuel in entirely con
sumed, making them almost entirely
smokeless. They burn any kind of
coal and wood, and give a continuous
heat. Are fully guaranteed in every
respect, and GIVE YOU TWICE
THE FUEL. Many styles. All
moderately priced.
Soft Coal Heating Stoves
We earnestly advise that you make
your selection now from our large
stocks and not wait until it is too late
to secure a heater. Many styles to
select from. Priced at
6.95, $10.50, 814.75,
19.50, $24.50, $29.50
Your Old
' Taken
Cook Stoves and
Steel Ranges
Placing our orders early enabled
us to secure large shipments of
Stoves and Steel Ranges and all at
prices considerably less than pres
ent wholesale prices. We offer
for your selection a large assort
ment of warranted Cook Stoves
and guaranteed Steel Ranges. Our
prices, $21.50, $27.50,
$34.50, $39.50 to $59.50
Hoosier Kitchen
The Nationally Advertised
Line. Saves you thousands
of steps, much labor and
much time. Everything is
convenient and easy to get
tt They are a war neces
sity. -Many styles to select
from-rall moderately priced.
Home Outfits
Three Rooms
Furnished Complete
Columbia Grafonolas
They are going to be hard
to get a little later on. Make
your selection now while the
line is complete. One JOf
like above only. . . . VVJ
Arrange to atttend the grand
opera given under the auspices
of the Associated Retailers,
featuring Fremstad in "Tosca"
and Galli-Curci in "The Bar
ber of Seville."
V i. 4
Quality Dressers
In Mahogany, Golden and Fumed
Oak, Walnut and Bird's-Eye
Maple. Many styles to select
from. Priced $14.50, $17.50,
$24.50, 29.50, $36.50.
Many . to match above Dressers.
Priced at $10.50, $14.50,
$18.50, $24.50, $29.50.
Everyday Values
Splint Wash Baskets. Good
size. Our price 75
Clothes Hampers. Made of
splint. v Our price. .. .$1,10
Folding Step-Ladder Stools.
Always useful 79
Taborettes. Golden and Fumed
Oak. Our price 27s
Curtain Stretchers. Adjust-
able Frames. Our price. 79