Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918. 18 FINANCIAL. Real Estate. Loam A Mnrto-ao-ea. . -Q Q ' PER CENT mortgages, secured by voiai resiaences. E. H. LOUOEE, INC.. til Keeline Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. CITY AVn FARM T.AAV9 Hi and ( per cent; farm loana for . i- . ... rcn i closing ovi per cent. J. tl Dumont Co., 418 Keeline Bldg. No Delay doling Loana. W T GRAHAM. to Bee BJdg Doug. 1531. OMAHA "HOMES EAST. KEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1011 Omaha Nat Bt Bldr. Pout. ITlt. JToF to 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg-lSth and Farnam. LOANS ON CITT PROPERTY VH. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg Private Moneey, SHOPKN A COMPANY. Douc 4221. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO BORKOW $1,000, S per cent for 0 days. Farm ai security. Ad dress Box 3741 Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. NO. IHKR 6TH, Our nut i' sum to McQehee, Ark W. 8 FRANK 2 til NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Land OTHEH SO and 160-acre tracts, smooth . land, good soil. Rood water rights, on terms bo easy the crops will pay for tlie land; 10 Annual payments; we own these lunds and ofrer them for sale to fiirnnTs desiring good land whtrh they an buy on 1,-rms permittlnif them to jmy fur the lund and improvo it from the rocwili of the crops as they go nlon:r i'lII or write. Chicago Ttltle nnd Trust company, 7.8 Ideal Bldg.. I'nver. Colo. Several thousand acres to select from. ItiO OK Ml ACHES non-irrigated, cheaper wheat lund j clay loam soil; smooth land; price 123 to 610 per acre; 36 wiles of Denver, close to small town and elevator and shipping station; 10 annual payments. fhl"ano Title and Trust company, 701-8 Ideal Bldg., Den ver, Colo FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. SO-ACRKS, irrigated; 14 miles from Den ver, 'ons-half mile to elevator, beet dump and railroad station; lj) the heart of one of the oldest, most highly de veloped Irrigated districts In this coun try; 4 -room Imngalr.w house, shed, barn nnd' bunk houe; 30 acres fine stand al falfa cutting 6 tons per acre; balance wheat land raising 45 bushels this year; fine chocolate loam with clay sub-soil; creek cuts one corner affording running wh'ter year round; price reasonable and term to suit; Immediate possession If desired: ask 12.000 cash, balance 10 an nual paymenta, ( per cent. Owned and for sale by Chicago Title and Trust company, 701-8 Ideal Bldg., Denver, Colo SO ACltKSi Irrigated, fTi7ewneat land; under cultivation, but without build ings; one mile to elevator and railroad shipping station; 20 miles to Denver; ample Irrigation water; easy terms; one tenth' cash, balance 10 annual pay ments; note location, close to Denver with its big warkctK and stock yards; nearby schools, churches, towns, etc. Owned and for sale by Chicago Title and Trust company, 701-8 Ideal Bldg.. Denver, Colo. 6(1 ACHK3, Irrigated, improved, 14 miles Denver. 12 acres alfalfa, balance smooth land; good water rights; small' three room house; tio acres Irrigated, 20 acres non-Irrigated ; $1,500 cash down pay ment, balance 10 annual payments Charles O Klwood. T o 1 - Ideal Bldg.. Denver ?'i H BALK 40 acres, 14 miles from Cheyenne Wells and I miles from First View. Coin.; will soli right; would con sider trndo for part, fair Improvements If Interested write for particulars. J. B. Has!4inin. f irst View, Colo. KAtSYORN COLORADO. 1 have 12 "Hi, sections of land. Cheyenne county, Colorado. 100 per cent till able. . A snap if taken at once at $14 per acre V. J. Mnrehart, Mankato, Minn. Iowa Lands. WOODBURY AND PLYMOUTH COUNTY. IOWA FARMS FOR SALE. 110 acres Improved, 4 miles from stock yards, Sioux City; 1 mile from pave ment. Price, $226 per acre. 1C0 acre, new Improvements, 1 mile from paving and street car line, Sioux City. Price. $225 per acre. $0 acres, unimproved, level land, all In cultivation except 28 acres of hay meadow, IVs miles east of Sail. la. Price, 1125 per acre. 161 acres, Improvements small, all lev- land, all In good state of cultiva tion, 4 mlk-s from Balls. Price, $150 per acre. 1C0 acres, well Improved. 1 mile from Luton, 4 miles from Ballx. Price, $106 per acre. 100 acres, improved, all level land. 1'4 miles from Luton, 4 miles from Sails. Price,' 1150 per acre. 71 acres, unimproved, level land, 4 miles from Bronson. Price, $115 per acre. 400 acres, well Improved, i miles from Hornlclt, la., half the very finest level bottom land and tlx balance rolling Price, $140 per acrt. 100 acres lit Lucaa county. la., 1H miles from Oakley, partly Improved, . ' all In cultivation. Price, $135 per acre I acres, unimproved, close In, West " Side. Sioux City. Price, $1,360. I acres, unimproved, Crescent Park Gardens. Sloui City, on pavement, 4 blocks from car line. Per acre, $1,000. 120 acres. Improved, ( miles from Parkston, llutohlnson county, a. v., all In good state of cultivation. Price $125 per acre. 6, 10 and 20 -acre tracts near Morning aide, Sioux City, unimproved, at from $350 to $500 per acre. These properties are owned by H. C. Feddersen and H. C Feddersen & Co. An Immediate change In our business makes It desirable to dispose of all of our present holdings. Tbey art priced to sell and terms will be made to meet the reasonable requirements of purchas ers. Possession March 1, ltlf, if sold before October 1. H. C. FEDDERSEN CO. 427 Frances Bldg. Sioux City, la. Louisiana Land SELL OR TRADE, what have youT F. B. Schley, Council Bluffs, la. Nebraska Lands. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very attractive prop erties for sals In Dawes. Keya Paha and Brawn counties. These are places that we have personally Inspected, and are recommended as being good buys. Send - for list and photos stating as to reur wants Kloke In v. Co.. Omaha. a, FINE improved 54 -section, three miles from Oconto; $75 per acre; $4,000 caah; balance ten equal payments. Farms and ranches la and adjoining Wood River Valley; no rock; no sand) com and see O. W. McKlnney, Octonto, Neb. . DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM. 14 seres valley land, t miles town; - l-room house, large new barn, double corn crib, chicken he use, cattle barn , and machine shed. Well fenced. Prlc $100. J. A. Olbbons. Blkhorn. Neb, SEVERAL good Lucas county, ' Iowa, . farms to exchange for good clean Ne braska land; answer at ones with tall description sad price. W J, Oood. Charlton. Ia. HELP WANTED. r0O corn hookers Is Henry county, Iowa; yield 50 to ft bushels; husking , starts October 15. Apply to Count Nebraska Lands. AT-XUCTION. t 141 ACRES 241 TUE8DAT. OCTOBER 11, 1 P. M. On the above date, on the premises, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardless of price the following described real estate: The northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section four, township fifteen north, range four, Mer rick county, Nebraska, containing 143 acres more or less according to gov ernment survey; located 1 miles east and i4 miles north of Clarks, and 1 miles west and 2" miles north of Havens. Terms: 15 per cent of the purchase price cash day sale, owners will carry an amount up to $14,000, to be aecured by a fust mortgage on the above described land, for a period of fire years, bearing Interest at the rate of ( per cent annually, balance March 1, 191$, when possession will be given. Oood and sufficient abstract of title with warranty deed delivered to pur chaser day of settlement. Improve ments: Oood five-room house with large pantry and well In kitchen, welt sheltered by nice large trees; barn for 14 head of horses, and 1 or 4 tons of hay, cattle shed 24x4S, corn crib, gran ary, good well and windmill. 60 acrea of extra good meadow, 70 acres of as good a pasture as there is In Nebraska, 8 acrea of which Is fenced hog tight; balance of 123 acres under plow; soli all good black loam which lies level and well drained. An a No. 1 grain and stock farm, and you make the price. For further Information, ad dress, Nebraska Realty Auction Co. Central City, Neb.. M. F. Wood. J. M. Haney. Fremont. Neb, Owners. 160 ACRES, ALL IN WINTER WHEAT. . lilO acres level land In Central Ne bmska, 4 miles from town on main line of V. P. R. R., air in winter wheat; no buildings. Entire crop goes to pur chaser; price $16,000; reasonable terms; no work to be done until harvest; an average crop will reduce cost of land one-third. If purchaser prefers a sure thing, owner will keep the crop and al low ll.tiuu rash rent, to be deducted from tho price. Hera is a chance to make a hand some profit with the minimum of per sonal attention. Don't forget that I'ncle 8am guarantees $2.20 for the next wheat crop, and that the world must be fed after the war In dver. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 41S-418 Keeline Bldg. Phone D. 690. A FINE IMPROVED RANCH 800-arre ranch; will sell on good terms, wife sick and have to move; no sand or rock; good black soil. E. Combs, North North Platte, Neb. VALLEY FARM 360 acres, new buildings, pure spring water, fruit. $30 per acre Other fai;ms. views free. Box Y-B90. Omaha Bee. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, 117 International vews Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb ALFALFA whiat and corn Irrigated farms and ranches, $15 to $170. Send for list. Cover & Co., Coxad, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City, Neb. 160 ACRES, Improved, close In. paved road Nllnon. 422 Securities Bldg Oregon Land. Irrigation "In the Heart nf the Range" The Jordan Valley ProJecL Malheur Cfounty. Oregon. An empire In the making, land $1.00 per acre plus the cost of the water You can file on grazing homestead entries nearby Literature and particulars on request Next excursion October 2tlth. HARLEY J HOOKER. 9tn p'irst Natl. Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Texas Lands. 110 ACRES adjoining town, east Texas fruit district. $10. Will trade for Ne braska or Iowa. O. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 pef a Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi ACM Rylander. S4 Omaha NaPI. Miscellaneous. WYOMING AND NEBRASKA WHEAT LANDS. Choice farms In the celebrated Golden Prairie district. I believe the best buys on earth today. Quarters, halves, sec tions, $20 to $50. Write H. H. Whaley, Pine Bluffs. Wyo. AUTOMOBILES. I OPPORTUNITY To Become a Hupmoblle Owner. 1918 Hupmoblle, 5-passenger $1,300 1918 Hupmoblle, 5-passenger 1.350 1917 Hupmoblle, roadster 860 1916 Hupmoblle, 5-passenger .... 700 A, FEW OTHER MAKES. 1918 New Jordan, 5-passenger. ... $2,750 1016 Hudson, 6-40, 7-passenger. . . 700 1U Drummond. 4-cyl.. 6-pass 550 1916 Mitchell, 6-paasenger 389" 1916 Jeffrey, 6-ey!., 7-passenger.. 400 OUR TRUCK DEPT. Late Model O. M. C, 1-ton $1,060 Dart. 2-ton chassis 700 VICTOR MOTOR CO., Douglas 6486. 2525 Farnam St. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on band. Mashed fenders and lamps repaired like new. New stock of Ford honeycomb radiators OMAHA RADITOR AND TIRE WORKS 1118 Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. BARGAIN. 1917 4-PASSENGER HUDSON SUPER SIX, 5 CORD TIRES. HAS BEEN RUN 6,000 MILES. CALL HARNEY 2877. FOR SALE OR TRADE SO-h, p. Mitchell chumm roadster, high speed and pow er. Will accept Ford in Al condition as part payment A bargain. B. B. Frank. Route 6. 75A, Benson, Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starters, li to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1516 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO. USED CARS AND TRUCKS' AT BARGAIN PRICES, 8TANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 1020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. 1918 MAXWELL 3-passenger roadster, $500. Drafted. Will give thorough dem onstration. Room (, Wellington Inn. Tyler 184. FOR SALE Oldsmoblle Sedan; car Is new; would not ba for sals only on ac count of sickness. Car at Strehlow garage. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 28th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970 WE) ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. " 2300 Farnam St BARGAIN 1917, four-cylinder Stearns Knight 5-passenger touring car. Call Harney 2877. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR 8ALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414 BARGAINS IN USED CAR8 McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson, Ford Agents. D. 3601 WANTED FOR f.'OT CASH. 100 USED CARS) quick si.ion; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. IMS Farnam St. D. 1015. QUALITY USED CARS, TAJ BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1406 LEAVENWORTH ST. OWNER dratted; must aell dasdy Ford touring car. Cash or terms. Har. 1661. Tirea and Supplies. SPECIAL SALE ON NEW AND C8ED TIRES Flak, Goodrich, General, Carsprlng, riamond. Congress. National, Sear, Me Graw, Portage, Kent Los, Keystone, Goodyear Mention else and wa will send prices. OMAHA RADIATOR T1RB WORKS. 1014 Farnam fit. ' 111! Cumins, St. OUT OP JAIL THAN T lt TO jNEAv? CM 1Y rr tl.,m HOUfeE rf y i NOW I M irs A FINE FIX I FOR,OT TO CARRY OUT MB HOE- tasMalswlkxl Caasst oh: thank jvn tou-mVkie: & isa I II! I - III! H .TTT" T ' . I r I ji T c. 7r J i fl iff . .1 3 1 ' r7- - i fsr r- i c.FKf (JI B in vj r :! AUTOMOBILES. Peace May Be Declared But used cars are bound to advance, as there Is a big shortage of material. We have a large collection, almost new, bought right, and we guarantee every one. Money back If not satisfied after 24 hours' trial. Trawver Auto Co. 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 9070. X FAV CA I.) ILL AC EIGHT. BAKOA1N For sale, nearly new Ca dillac Eight, 7-passenger touring car, equipped with two extra new cord tires. Car bought new July 1st; would now cost $4,000; will price for immediate cash sale at $2,800; guaranteed in per fect condition. Address Room 422 Ho tel Sanford. Market and Financial News of the Day NEW TIRES ANI TUBES ON SALE. Ford tubes....$3.3532x3'i $16 75 30x3 $9 95 33x4 f23 4f. 30x3H $13 5I 34x4, non-skid. $24 75 Firestone. McGrau, Republic, Congress. Pullman, Fish Send for circular. K AIM AN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Write ua for particulars. Agents Wanted. 2-ln-l VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 Davenport. Phone D. 1241. REAL bargains In slightly used tires; new tires at very low prices. G. and O. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth st. Tyler 1261-W BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubple. Powell Supply Co. 2051 Farnam St. NEW tires and tubes, 'in per cent off list. Douglas 2916. Omnhn rut Rate Tire Co. Auto Livery andGarages. KENT A FORD DRIVE iFvOUHSELF 15c per mile, S5o per hour mlmlmum charge. Sundays and holidays, COo per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas -JA23 1314 Howard St Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; servlct station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards 2610 N. 19th Webster 1101 Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-D AVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H Roos. the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leavenworth. BICYCLE, good condition, $12 cash. Wal nut 2028. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home sollctls your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo 1 1 1 0-1112-1 114 Dodge ft. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity. $40. 6 mo., H goods, total, $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bldg . 16th & Farnam Ty 666 loansn'dITmoIjdsIiewelryand LIBERTY BONDS. O V C FLATAU. EST. 1892 " 10 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG TY 960 iy2w Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. G. Carlberg and wife to Allda M. Sagert, 35th St., 49 ft. n. of Arbor St., 49x133 $ 2,925 John Radman and wife to Ida L. Parker, Harney st., 48 ft. e. of 44th St.. n. s., 48x132 6,000 Lillie C. Richards and husband to Alexander H. Richardson, s. w. ocr, 38th and Dodge sts., 90x155.. 25,000 M. E. Howell to John H. Brimson et al., Ersklne St., 200 ft. w. of 47th St.. s. s., 50x128 100 Ralph F. Clary and wife to John Ruftlno. 22d St., 180 ft. 8. of Pop pleton ave., 30x129 3i500 Alice Walsh and husband to Nick ' Nlgro, 30th st., 34 ft. n. of Tucker St., e. s., 32x1.12 2,100 Clyde Gilbert and wife to Mary B. Ryan, 34th St., 250 ft, n. of Laurel ave., w. s., 80x124.5 100 Nellie Brazil to Mary B. Ryan, 34th st., 170 ft n. of Laurel ave., w. 8., 160x124.5 2,250 Andrew V. Hlslop to George Pin deero, n. w. cor. 24th and Dav enport sts., E4V.X132 2,750 Jacob F. Lutz to G. L. Steck, s. w. cor. 42d and Grand ave., 135x231. .,750 George M. Raymer and wife to John F. Flack, 44th at, 200 ft. s. of Spauldlng St., w. s., 40x134 2,306 The Weather Comparative Loral Record, 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915. Highest yesterday 60 50 69 68 Lowest yesterday 48 29 42 63 Mean temperature ...54 40 66 60 Precipitation 01 .T .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temperature 64 Excess for the day 0 Total excess since March 1 804 Normal precipitation 0.08 inch Deficiency for the day 0.07 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 . .13.06 Inches Deficiency since March 1 13.23 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1917 6.64 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, '16 11.98 Inch Reports From Stations at 1 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, part cloudy 64 68 .00 Davenport, clear 68 66 .00 Denver, cloudy 68 98 .01 Des Moines, cloudy.... 62 64 .00 Dodge City, cloudy 64 70 .00 Lander, clear 54 58 Jit North Platte, cloudy.. 62 64 .18 Omaha, raining.. .65 60 .01 Pueblo, cloudy 58 64 .02 Rapid City, clovt:'. . . .54 64 .00 Salt Lake City. oudy 56 58 .00 Santa Fe, ralnlrtg 50 56 .03 Sheridan, cloudy 62 64 .00 Sioux City, cloudy 54 56 .00 Valentine, cloudy ....64 54 .04 L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. SKINNER PACKING fOMPANY BUTTER EGGS 1116-1118 -Doudlas St: Tel-Douglas lift LOCAL LIVESTOCK Steers Fifty to Dollar Lower Than a Week Ago; Decline on Hogs Continues ; Sheep One to Two Dollars Off. Omaha, October 18. 1918. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofiirial Monday 19,933 4,035 40,126 official Tuesday ... 12,211 6,111 45 705 Official Wednesday ..12,530 5,627 34,286 Official Thursday .. 4,313 4,301 40,016 Estimate Friday 2,600 4,200 3,500 Five days this wk.. 61,485 23,326 163,633 Same days last week.. 64,778 32,482 123.025 Same days 2 wks. ago. 49, 789 28,203 178,050 Same days 3 wks. ago.58 757 27,086 212,734 .Same days year ago. .68, 546 24,238 106,489 Receipts and disposition of live stock at ilia Union Stock yards for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday; RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H's. C. M. & St. P. . . 2 2 TiHon Pacific ..16 8 1 C. & N. W , east ... 5 ... 1 ". & N. W., west 31 16 C , S P., M. & O. 1 1 C, B. & Q., east 3 4 ... ... C B. ft Q., west 39 13 7, C. R. I. A P. east 3 7 (' R I ft P west 1 1 Illinois Central.. 2 3 Total receipts ..95 60 14 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 508 Swift & Co 1,037 Cudahy Packing Co 98 Armour & Co... . 1,441 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co mucins Packing Co Hoffman Bros. ... Olassberg W B Van Sant & Co F P. Lewis 801 J B. Root & Co.. 39 J. H. Bulla 98 Rosenstock Bros... 21 F. O. Kellogg 62 Werthe'er & Degen 67 Sullivan Bros A. Rothchlld M. K. C. & C. Co.. E. G. Christie..... Baker 655 1,140 1,299 1,710 380 1,077 445 18 1 12 7 28 66 23 224 43 4 Banner Bros 116 John Harvey ...... 153 Jensen & Lundgren 17 Cheek & Krebs.... 26 Other buyers 2,975 Total 7.580 15.696 6,184 17,226 Cattle Receipts were light this morn ing, estimated at 93 cars of cattle, and there were very few beeves of any kind on sale and prices quotably steady to strong. As compared with a wek ago, native steers are 2660o lower and west erns 50c and $1 00 lower. Butcher stock was strong this morning, outsiders beelng active buyers and prices 6075c lowor than a week ago. Feeders closed strong, but nevertheless about $1.00 lower than last week. Quotations on cattle: Good to prime beeves, $17. 00 IS . 26 ; good to choice beeves, J16.2616.60; fair to good beeves, $13,260)16.00; common to fair beeves, $9.00 12 75; good to choice yearlings $16,009 17.60; fair to " good yearlings, $12.00 15.50; common to fair yearlings, $8.60 11.00; choice to prime grass steers, $11.60 14.50; fair to good grass beeves, $11.00 13.00; common to fair grass beeves, $8.60 10 50; Mexican beeves, $8.0010.00; good to choice heifers, $S.60tJ11.00; good to choice cows, $8. 00 $10.25; fair to good cows, $7.258.00; common to iair cows, $S.50Z.OO; prime feeders. $12.00 13.60 good to choice feeders, J9.75ll.60; fair to good feeders, $8. 60S) 9. 60; common to fair feeders, $6.0067.50; good to choice stockers, $9.00010.60; stock heifers, $7.00 8.25; stock cows, $6.2507.50; stock calves, $6.50010.50; veal calves, $6 000 13.00; bulls, stags etc., $7.6009.50. Hogs Sixty loads of hogs were re ported In today, estimated at 4,200 head, supplies for the week being 23,300 head. The downward trend of hog prices con tinued today at perhaps a greater de cline on the best hogs,- although there was a scarcity of well finished hogs on the market. The decline has been of an uneven nature every day this week, mak ing comparisons with the preceding day rather difficult. Today's market Is gen erally 25c lower than yesterday, although some sales -did not show quite sb much of a decline and other salea looked as if greater reduction had been recorded In prices. Todays' bulk is $16.75017.00, with a top of $17.45. Sheep There was a very light run of sheep even for a Friday, receipts today being estimated at 3,600 head, making the total for week of 163,600 head. Yesterday witnessed the heaviest break any day this week on feeder lambs, with $12.60 recorded as the top, the best here selling from $12.00 up. with good kinds on down to $11.50 and common kinds to $10.50. The market has gradually worked lower all week on feeder lambs, although there has been a noticeable scarcity in choice grades. The decline of the week is from $1.50 2.00, common lambs suffering the most. Fat lambs are not over 6076c lower than last week and aged sheep In the neigh borhood of 60c lower. Today's market shows a weakness, with $12.26 aa the top. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice $14.76015.35; lambs, fair to good, $13.00014.75; lamb feeders, $10.50012.50; yearlings, good to choice, $10.00011.00; yearlings, fair to good, $9.00010.00; year ling feeders, $10.80010.60; wethers, fat, $9.0010.00: wether feeders. $8.0009.00; Ewes, good to choice, $7.6008.00; ewes, fair to good, $7.0007.50; ewe feeders, $6.00 06.60. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Oct 18. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $17.00019.15: dressed beef steers, $12.00017.00; western steers, $9.00013.60; southern steers, $7.50011.60; cows, $6.50 011.60; heifers, $7.00012.50; stockers and feeders. $7.00013.00; bulls, $6.5O0$.5O; calves. $6.00012.60 . Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market lower; bulk, $16.90017.00; heavy, $17.00 017.75; packers and butchers, ,$16,900 17.75; lights. $16.60017.50; pigs, $16,600 17.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market, steady; lambs, $13.00016.40; yearlinga, $10.00011.00; wethers, $9,60 0 10.60; ewes, $1.0001.60: stockers and feeders, $6.00018.00. St, Lonls lira Block. St. Louts, Oct II. Cattle Receipts. 1,200 head; market higher; native beet steers, $11.60018.25; yearling steers and heifers. $9.60016.60; cows, $7.60012.10; stockers and feeders, $6.10011.00; beef cows and heifers, $7.(0015.00; native calves, $7.75017.16. Hogs Receipts, (,700 head; market ateady; lights, $16.76017.(0; pigs, $14,150 16.75; mixed and butchers, $17.00017.75; good, heavy, $17.60017.8$; bulk, $17,000 17.7$. , Sheep tad Lambo Receipts, 1,100 Fair Food Prices. The price fixing committee of Dougldl county lias named the fol lowing prices. Retailers are not permitted to charge more than these prices: Brown Sugar, per lb $0.11 Sugar, per lb 11 Flour (Nebraska) 24-lb. No. 1.. 1.55 48-lb. No. 1 3.00 Bulk, per lb 07 Hominy '. 07 Oswego cornstarch 12 Cornstarch 10 Cornmeal, per lb., white 05 Yellow .osij Corn flour .06 H Potatoes, per lb., No. 1 03 V4 No. 2 03 Butter, per lb., creamery No. 1 63 Creamery No. 2 68 Eggs, selects 55 No. 1 ! 61 No. 2 44 Bread (U. S. Standard loaf wrap ped), 13 oz. single loaf 08 12-ox, loaf 2) 16 16-oz. loaf 10 24-oz. loaf 16 Crackers (Victory) '" i Oatmeal 20 Uraham 20 Corn 20 Soda '. ! 20 Rice (In bulk), per lb.. No. 1 15 No. 2 12 Barley flour 06 Vi Rye Graham flour, 24-lb. sack.... 1.75 Rye flour, 24-lb. sack 1.75 In bulk, per lb 08 Oatmeal (In bulk), per lb .07 Beans, per lb., navy, No. 1 '. . .15 Pinto, best No. 1 WA Bacon, per lb. No. 1 whole pieces, wrapped 57 No. 1, whole pieces, unwrapped.. .55 No. 1, sliced 65 No, 2, whole pieces, wrapped 54 No. 2, whole pieces unwrapped.. .53 No. 2, sliced 60 Ham (whole). No. 1 skinned 42 No. 1 regular 42 Shoulder 28 Lard, per lb.. No. 1 pure .35 Compound 28 Oleomargarine (in cartons), per lb. No. 1 40 No. 2 35 New cabbage, best quality, per lb. .04 Corn syrup (In cans), 1 lbs 20 2 lbs i 25 5 lbs ...I 50 10 lbs 85 Note 1 These prices are for cash over counter. Note 2 An additional charge may be made for delivery or credit to customers. Same price for rye or graham. Bread prices are for cash and carry or credit and delivery. head; market steady; lambs, $16.50 16.75; ewes, $11.00012.00; canners and choppers, $5.0009.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. 18. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; market generally ateady; beef cat tle, good, choice and prime, $14.35019.40; common and medium, $9.00014.35; butch er stock, cows and heifers, $6.65013.00; canners and cutters, $5.7(06.76; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $9.75 012.60; inferior, common and medium, $7.0009.76; veal calves, good and choice, $15.50016.00; western range beef steers, $14.60017.00; cows and heifers, $8.25 12.26. Hogs Receipts, $1,000 head; market closed dull, mostly lower; packing grades In Indifferent demand; clearances poor; butchers, $17.75018.45; light, $17,400 18.35; packing, $16.00 17.25 ; rough, $16.60015.86; pigs, good to choice, $15.60 015.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, $.000 head; market steady to strong; lambs, choice and prime, $15.50015.76; medium and good, $13.60015.50; culls, $8.00012.00; ewes, choice and prime, $10.00010.25; medium and good, $8.60010.00; culls, $3.6007.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., Oct. 18. Cattle Re ccelpts, 1,200 head; market strong; beef steers, $7.00018.00; canners, $6.0006.60; stockers and feeders. $7.60012.00; feed ing cows and heifers. $6.0009.00. Hogs Receipts, 2,500 head; market 20c lower; light, $17.30017.46; mixed, $17.15017.10; heavy, $16.80017.10! bulk of sales, $16.90017.20. Sheep Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady. St. Joseph Live 8tock. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 18. Cattle Re ceipts, $00 head; market strong; steers, $8.00018.00; cows and hejfers, $5.60 16.00; calves, $6.00012.26. Hogs Receipts, 2,500 head; market low er; top, $17.80; bulk of sales, $17.17.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.000 head; market ateady; lambs, $10.00015.50; ewes, $3.0009.60. ' , Omaha Hay Market. Receipts were god on both prairie hay and alfalfa, while the demand Is only fair, causing the market to go some lower ron all grades of hay and alfalfa. Hay Choice upland prairie, $26.60; No. 1 upland prairie, $24.50025.60; No. 2 up land prairie, $21.00023.00; no. 3 upiana prairie, $13.60016.00; No. 1 midland prairie, $24.50g25.5O; No. 2 midland prairie, $Z1.00Z3.oo; ino. i lowianu prairie, $18.50020.50; No. 2 lowland prairie, $14.00016.00; No. 3 lowland prairie. $11.00013.00. Alfalfa Choice. $30.00031.00; No. 1, $29.00030.00; standard, $27.00029.00; No. 2, $24.10026.50; No. 3, $21.00024.00. Straw Oat, $7.0008.00; wheat, $6,500 7.00. Chicago Produce. Chicago, 111., Oct. 18. Butter Unset tled; creamery, 51 0 56c. , Eggs Receipts 6,366 cases; unchanged. Potatoes Market higher; 62 cars; Minnesota, and Dakota, bulk, $1.6001.70; Minnesota and Dakota, sacks, $1.7501.80; Wisconsin, bulk, $1.6001.70; Wisconsin, sacRs, $1.6501.80. Poultry Alive, market unchanged. Kaasas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 18. Butter Creamery, 64c firsts, (2c; seconds,. 61c; packing, 39c. Eggs Firsts, 48c; seconds, 41c. Poultry Hens, 34c; roosters, 19c; broilers, 27c. New York Produce. New . Tork, Oct. , 18. Butter Market steady; unchanged. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged: Poultry Firm to easy, unchanged. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah", Oct. 18. Turpentine Firm; 60c; sales, II bbls. ;. receipts, 244 bbls. ; shipments, 29 bbls.; stock, 10,177 bbls.1 Rosin Firm; salea, 40S bbls.; receipts, 754 bbls.; stock, 68,151 bbls. Quote: B. D, E. $14.10; F, $14.16; O, $14.10; H. $14.40; I, $14.65; K, $16.00; M, $16.16; N, $16.26; WG, $1" ' ,"w. $16.60. luiiawsu. Dulutb. Oct. Unseed II.4U GRA.NJAf.KETS Corn Unchanged to Five Cents Higher; Wheat and Oats Unchanged; Receipts Light. Omaha, Oct II, 1918. The grain market continued narrow, with receipts totaling only 116 cars. Wheat arrivals were 10 cars; corn, 42 cars; oats. 17 cars; rye, 4 cars, and bar ley 12 cars. Shipments were 171 cars, of which 8 cars were of wheat, 84 cars of corn, 72 cara of oats, no rye and 7 cars of barley. Corn offerings were In good demand at prices ranging from unchanged to 6c higher. The advance In the good grades was generally not more than lc or 2c, with considerable selling at yesterday's prices. No. 4 mixed brought the ex treme advance. Wheat and oats were unchanged and barley unchanged to 2c higher. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts: Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat 10 20 26 Corn 42 15 89 Oats 17 18 66 Rye 4 .. 6 Barley 12 14 ( Shipments: Wheat 8 11 41 Corn 84 62 43 Oats 72 20 80 Rye .. 7 Barley T 1 ( RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 138 208 137 Kansas City 121 34 11 St. Louia 66 40 26 Minneapolis 924 Duluth 432 Winnipeg 823 .. .. Corn No. 2 white, 1 car $1.48, 1 car $1.47; No. 3 white, 1 car $1.45,1 car $1.43; No. 4 white, 3 cars $1.25; No. 5 white, 2 cars $1.22; No. 6 white, 2 cars $1.17; sample white, 1 car $1.10; No. 2 yellow, 1 car $1.47, 1 car $1.43; No. 3 yellow, 2 cars $1.42: No. 4 yellow, $ cars $1.30; No. 5 cars, 1 car $1.25, 1 car $1.24; No. 8 yel low, 2 cars $1.20; sample yellow, 3 cars $1.30; No. ( yellow, 1 car $1.25, 1 car $1.24; No. 6 yellow, 2 cars $1.20; sample yellow, 3 cara $1.12, 1 car $1.09; No. 3 mixed, 1 car $1.40; No. 4 mixed, 1 car $1.28. Oats Standard, 1 car 66c; No. S white, 11 cars 66c. Barley No. $, 1 ear 97c; No. 4, 2 cars 93c. Wheat No. I hard. 1 car $2.10 (smutty); No. 4 hard, 1 car $2.06 (smutty). CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Report of Recall of 17-BobU Has Bullish Influence On Corn Market. Chicago, Oct. 18. Reports that the German U-boats had been called In gave a decided stimulus today to bullish senti ment In regard to corn. Largely as a result, prices at the finish, although un settled, were lo to 10 net higher, with November $1.21(4, and December $1.16 to $1.16. Oats gained 14c to c net. Provisions closed 26o to 60c down, Belief that exportation of grain would be much facilitated by recall of the U boats put the corn bears at a disad vantage from the outset. Notwithstand ing that the report as to the recall were by no means fully accepted as true, a majority of traders credited the . gossip sufficiently to try to anticipate In a measure the Implied likelihood of greatly Increased freedom for commercial ship ping and therefore of a better demand for grain. In this connection, talk was current that regardless of the course of hostilities It would be many months and possibly years before consumption of ce reals could decrease to a pre-war Dasis. However, top prices of the day were not well maintained, and during the late dealings, the market was in an uncertain waiting attitude. Oats averaged higher with corn. The buying was scattered. Weakness of pro visions was due mostly to nog mantel declines. Oats developed firmness with corn. Small dealings sufficed to affect val ues. After opening unchanged to lttc higher, with November 6666Kc, the market continued to ascend. Provisions reflected weakness In the hog martaet Rallies took place, how ever, when cererals advanced. Subsequently, the late weakness of corn had a bearish effect on provisions. Oats No. 3 white, 6714069c; standard, 68Vi69Hc Rye No. 2, nominal. Barley 90c$1.01. Timothy $7.00010.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. ' Lard--$25.30. Ribs $21.(0022.50. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 215 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: STOCKJ ARRET Buying Orders Are Large and Prices Advance Sharply; Steel Is Leader in the Trading. New Tork, Oct. 18. Ignoring the warn ings of high authorities at horns and abroad against undue optimism regard ing the war's early termination, traders and a large percentage of the publlo to day again Indulged In another bullish demonstration. Totsl sales of stocks amounted to 1,676, 000 shares, the range of advances ex tending from 2 to 8 points In many repre sentative stocks and from 10 to $6 points In others of a highly speculative charac ter. Foremost among the latter was Mexi can Petroleum, which rose on enormous dealings from 1584 to 192, back to 174 and closed at 182, a net gain of 24H points. Royal Dutch, another oil stock, made an extreme gain of 19 points, only a small part of which was relinquished. Texas company was only mouerately active at an extreme gain of 5 points. Metals and rails were consistently strong, gaining 2 to 7 points, with Utah Copper and American Smelting and South ern Pacific and other transcontinental, also coalers and trunk lines In unusual demand. United States Steel, which furnished over 20 per cent of the day's turnover, the largest of the year, caught its stride In the final hour, rising almost 3V4 points and closing within a fraction of Its best. War shares and marines were under I marked restraint during the early session, the latter yielding on further delay In con summation of the deal with British cap italists, but the munition and ordinance stocks caught up with the buoyant move ment at the close, gaining 1 to 3 points. Convertible issues were the strong feautures of the bond market, Liberty Issues displaying decided Irregularity, with no 'especial feature to the Interna tional group. Total sales, par value, ag gregated $11,500,000. Old United States bonds registered no change on call. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yest'y Corn I I Nov. 1.20H 1 22 1.20 1.21V 1.19 Dec. 1.16 1.18K 1-16 1.16 1.1514 Oats. Nov. .6614 .67 .6614 .66 .65 Dec. .65 .66 .65 .6614 .6514 Pork 1 i I Oct. 35.00 I Nov. 35.76 35.85 36.00 135.00 36.30 Lard I Oct. 25.47 25.50 25.45 26.22 2S.65 Nov 24.35 24.56 24.35 24.22 124.62 Ribs. II I Oct. 21.25 121.27 20.90 20.90 Nov. 21.40 21.40 21.22 21.00 21. 42 Minneapolis drain. Minneapolis, Oct. 18. Wheat No. 1 northern, old, $2.21. Corn $1.3401.37. Oats 62 06314c Flax $3.3703.39. Barley 88 095c. Rye $1.671.58. Bran $28.77. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Oct. IS. Corn October, $1.27 bid; November, $1.24 asked. Oats October, 68c; November, 66c bid. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 18. Corn Oc tober, $1.29; November, $1.26 01.26 December, $1.22 01.22. New York Cotton. New Tork, Oct 18. Cotton closed steady at a net -advance of 30 to 40 points. New Tork Cotton Futures. New Tork, Oct. II. 42otton Futures opened steady; December 30.65c; Jan uary, I9.10o; March. 29.Ho, Hay, 19.710. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocka: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar. . .1,600 70 70 70 American Can... 8,400 46 45 46 Am. Car & F'dry 2,800 86 85 85 Am. Locomotive. 7,900 68 67 68 Am. Smelt & Ref 114,000 94 81 92 Am. Sugar Ref.. 5,300 114 112 113 Am. Tel. A Tel 105 Am. Z , L. and S. 1,200 16 15 16 Anaconda Copper 46,100 74 72 73 Atchison 3,900 94 92 94 A G & W I S L 3,000 107 104 107 Bait. & Ohio.... 5,700 66 '65 65 B. & S. Copper.. 400 25 25 25 Cal. Petroleum.. 6,900 24 23 23 Canadian Pacific 3,300 172 171 171 Central Leather 6,800 69 67 67 Ches. & Ohio.... 6,200 60 69 60 C, M. & S. P.... 4,600 62 61 61 C. & N. W 700 101 100 101 C, R. I. & Pac. a 7.200 28 27 27 Chlno Copper 4,900 42 41 42 Colo. Fuel & Iron 1,000 44 43 44 Corn Prod. Ref.. 20,900 44 43 44 Crucible Steel .. 6,600 (6 63 66 Cuba Cane Sugar 11,300 32 30 32 Distiller's Sec... 8.900 48 45 46 Erie 3,900 16 16 16 General E'lectrlc 700 158 167 157 General Motors .. 6,800 124 121 124 Gt. Northern pfd 10,600 93 92 93 Gt. N. Ore ctf..s 12,400 33 32 32 Illinois Central... 1,000 98 98 98 Inspiration Cop.. 22,400 68 56 67 Int. M. M. pfd... 38,900 117 113 117 Int. Nickel 8,800 33 32 33 Int. Paper 4,100 33 33 33 K. C. Southern 3,700 20 19 20 Kennecott Copper 14,200 38 37 37 Lousvllle & Nash 200 119 119 119 Maxwell Motors.. 2.300 37 36 37 Mex. Petroleum.. 109,800 191 168 182 Miami Copper... 3,100 29 28 29 Missouri Pacific. 6,800 26 26 25 Montana Power 700 78 77 78 Nevada Copper 1,400 20 20 20 N. Y. Central... 11,600 77 76 77 N T N H & H. . 9,800 42 41 42 Norfolk & West. 1,600 109 107 108 Northern Pacific 8,800 93 91 93 Pacifio Mall .... 600 32 32 32 Pennsylvania ... 4,400 45 44 45 Pittsburg Coal 8,100 63 49 63 Ray Con. Copper 6,800 25 24 24 Reading 45,900 92. 91 92 Rep. Iron & Steel 8,300 87 84 87 Shat'ck Ariz. Cop 1,200 16 15 16 Southern Pacific... 40,300 99 93 98 Southern Rail'ay 12,100 32 31 U. Studebaker Corp. 17,100 69 66 67 Texas Co 19,900 203 198 100 Union Pacific... 19,900 136 134 136 U S Ind Alcohol 14,800 103 100 101 U. S. Steel 241.300 113 109 113 U. S. Steel pfd... 400 110 110 110 Utah Copper 18,700 92 18 92 Wabash pfd "B" 1,100 24 23 24 Western Union... 300 92 92 92 Westing's Elec... 1,300 45 44 46 Beth. B 42,400 41 67 70 Total sales for (he day 675,000 shares. New Tork Coffee. New York, Oct. 18. Conditions created by the discrepancy between the maximum prices fixed for futures here and actual values as reflected In spot quotations and Brazilian markets culminated in a rill ing from the board of managers of the exchange this morning, suspending all business In futures pending the outcome of conferences in Washington. This ruling took effect at 11:45 a. m., and a 24 hours notice will be given before trading Is re sumed. The market opened unchanged and there was a sale of September at 10.15o early or the full maximum price. The spot market was firm at 10 for Rio 7s and 16c for Santos 4s. York Wins Foot Ball From South Omaha By Seven to Nothing York, Neb., Oct. 18. (Special Telegram.) York won the foot ball fjame between York and South Omaha here this afternoon by a score f 7 to 0. Rain felt through-o-it the game. Voltz carrie.' the ball from a fumble early in the game, for a touchdown but Etler was pen alized and the touchdown was de clared void. Another fumble for South Omaha brought York to the 10 yard line and Reisbeck carried it on for atouchdown. Thompson kicked goal. Reisbeck was the $tar of the game. The game was fea tured by line plunges and dirty play ing throughout. The officials were McFarland, umpire; Schilser, ref eree, and Harmon, timekeeper. Foot Ball Schedules Upset by Influenza Chicago, Oct. 18. Football ched ules of the middle west again will be upset tomorrow as a result of Spanish influenza which has caused cancellation of virtually all games. Health authorities, fighting to check the spread of the disease, caused some of the games to be called off while others were cancelled on or ders of the college authorities. With the exception of the Notre Dame-Chicago Naval Reserve game scheduled for Notre Dame, the mid dle west will be entirely deprived of notable contests. The naval eleven, composed of former intercollegiate stars, triumphed over the University of Chicago a week ago and is ex pected to furnish strong opposition to Notre Dame in its first start of the season. Sport Calendar for Today. City Jockey club, at Tonkers, N. T. Autumn meeting of Maryland Fair asso ciation, at Laurel, Md. Autumn meeting; of Latonla Jockey club, at Latonla, Ky. FOOTBALL Opening of the season of the Paclflo coast Intercollegiate conference. Don's Trade Review. New Tork, Oct, 17. Dun's tomorrow will say: No slackening of the vigorous produc tive effort In the leading Industries has resulted from the continued discussion of peace prospects, but the question of prob able future readjustments has entered more largely Into calculations. Signs of hesitation amqng buyers, prompted by ex pectations of 'a later turn In the price situation, are not wholly absent, and the disposition to operate cautiously and well within the limits of safety has been In tensified. The volume of business, mean while, has been further reduced by the diversion of Interest to the new Liberty loan, and the restricting effect of tho influenza epidemic has become more pro nounced and general. Not only haa retail trading been checked by the smaller at tendance of customers in the shopping districts, but manufacturing activities, no tably In New England and elsewhere In the east, have also been appreciably cur tailed by the greater Inroads made Into the already depleted ranks of labor. Week ly bank clearings 15,547,797,474. New York Bonds. IT. S. 2s, reg.. 8 I'Gt. N. 1st 4s 85 U. S. 2s, coup, ti j I. C. ref. 4 SO V. S. 3s, reg. 83 Int. M. M. 6s.. 102 U. S. 3s, coup. 83 K. C. 8. ref. 6s lift V. S. Lib. 3 lis I8.88!L. & N. un. 4s 85 V. S. 4s, reg. 10 M K A T 1st 4s 67 U. S. 4s, coup. 108V4IMO. Pac. gen. 4s 6 Hi Am. For. Sec. 6s 08 Mont. Power 6s 17 Am. T. 4 T. o 6s lViN. T. C. debj 6s 8 Anglo-Fren'h 6s 95'No. Pacifio 4s 83 Arm & Co 4tts M!No. Paclflo 3s 6 'Atchison gen 4s 85 IO. S. L. ref. 4s S5 B. & O. cv. 4Vis 82Pac. T. & T. 6s 8IVi B. Steel ref. 6s 83 Penn. con. 4s I6M Cen. Leather 6s 5m?enn. gen. 4Vis tt Cen. Paclflo 1st 79 C. & O. cv. 6s. . 85 C. B. & Q., j. 4s tiK C M & S P o 4tt 80 C R I & P ref 4s 72 C. & S. ref. 4Us 7 D, & R. O. r. 6s tl D. of C. 6s 1921 96 Erie gen. 4s. . . . 51 Oen. Elec. 6s 9 Reading gen. 4s 14 S L A 8 F a 6s 72 S. P. cv. 6s.... 100 S. Railway 6s.. 73 IT. A P. 1st.... (3. Union Pao. 4s.. 87 U. 8. Rubber 6s 14 V. S. Steel 6s.. IS Wabash 1st.... tl French gvt (li 102 Bid. New York Money. New York, Oct. 18. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Day bills, unchanged; demand, $4.7546; cables, $4.76 9-16. Francs Demand, 16.4814; cables, $5.47. Guilders Demand, 41Ho; cables, 4244s. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Strong; unchanged. Call Money Strong; unchanged. ' Blouse Specials Saturday at The Store "Famous for Blouses" Fine quality Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and beautiful Silk stripe blouses special at 5.95 Julius Orkin, 1508-10 Douglas. Itching, Scratching. Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results. For real, downright, harassing discomfort, very few disorders can approach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczema, Tetter, Boils, erup tions, scaly irritations and similar skin troubles, notwithstanding the lavish use of salves, lotions, washes, and other treatment applied exter nally to the irritated parts. No one ever heard of a person be ing afflicted with any form of skin diseases whose blood was in good condition. Therefore, it is but log ical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for pimples, blotches, sores, boils, rough, red and scaly skin, is to purify the blood and remove the tiny germs of pol lution that break through and mani fest their presence on the surface of the skin. People in all parts of the country have written us how they were completely rid of every -trace of these disorders by the use of S. S. S., the matchless, purely vege table, blood purifier. S. S. S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply, and purifies and cleanses it of every vestige of foreign matter, giving a clear and ruddy com plexion that indicates perfect health. Write today for free med ical advice regarding your case. Ad dress Swift Specific Co., 44 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Qtmm Advr 4 ! i VI f ' 1 ,'t