Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Witch of the Night
The Witch is Unmasked.
(Prfiy, prisoner of the Witch of tht
Nlirht, la thrown Into tha csga of tha Man
Eaters. Bha eacapea through tha aid of
tha Froga.)
PEGGY, spurred on by the cries
of the Witch of the Night, fled
desperately along the bridge
made by the backs of the Frogs.
The queer path was slippery and
rough, but it held her up safely as
she sped over the murky waters
and black sink holes of the swamp.
"Hurry! Hurry 1" urged Bullfrog,
who was leaping along beside her,
showing her the way. But she did
not need his urging to make her run
her very fastest. The thought of
those awful Man Zaters put wings
on her feet. It seemed as if she
could still hear their menacing hum.
Glancing behind her. she found that
this hearing them wasn't just fancy.
A string of Man Eaters was chasing
Any minute Feggy expected to
come to the end of the bridge of
Frogs, but it went on and on until
she darted out of the swamp to the
epe of the open lake.
From the direction of the Witch's
den came a loud cry.
"The Man Eaters have found the
trail. Follow, follow! She must
not escape. She knows my secret."
stopped abruptly. Looking down
she saw that the Frog bridge ended
under her feet. There seemed no
wav of pscme across the rinnlintr
waters of the lake. The bridge was
now breaking up behind her, the
Frogs fiercely attacking every Man
eater that came within reach.
"Cro-ak! Cro-akl" sounded a fa-
injliar voice among the reeds, and
Peggy saw floating toward her a
.board on which stood her old
friend, General Croaker,
i "AH aboard, Princess Peggy,"
croaked General Croaker. Peggy,
never questioning, stepped on the
slippery craft.
"Full speed ahead," ordered Gen
eral Croaker, and the board headed
out into the lake, moving swiftly
over the splashing waves. Then
Peggy saw what was making it go.
It was drawn by dozens of strong
wimming Frogs.
General Croaker and Bullfrog
fought off Man Eaters that came too
rldse, but behind them stretched a
long line of the voracious fliers.
The storm which had been threat
ening for a long time now seemed
werv near. Flashes of lisrhtniiiK
:ame from all directions.
Looking around, Peggy saw the
Witch coming swiftly along the
trail of the Man Eaters. With her
were the Night Herons and the Ra
vens. "The Witch; She'll gobble us up,"
:ried Bullfrog, He had been very
brave fighting the Man-Eaters, but
he knew he stood no chance against
:he Witch.
"Shoot her!" croaked General
Croaker. Peggy wondered what
she could shoot with. In the water
ihead she saw a floating stick. As
she went by she seized it. It glis
'.ened in the moonlight and at a little
listance looked exactly like a gun.
The Witch was now directly behind.
"I've got you nowl I'll make sure
of you by eating you myself," she
Dr. Mary Walker in the
Financial ctress
P 'jf i
Uf J .
I " t
I Wy? i-t it- I
Teacher Wins Scholarship in
War Course for Work in Italy
4 4X,i04X'AA1WV
n-r? mai?y -WAlAcri
Her pension, said to be insufficient
to provide maintenance, the case of
Dr. Mary Walker, famous civil war
surgeon, and the only woman in the
United States permitted by official
act of congress to wear man's at
tire, is presenting a problem to the
authorities at Oswego, N. Y., where
Dr. Walker has her home. Dr.
Walker, who is 86 years old, is in
feeble health. She returned to her
home recently, after receiving treat
ment for injuries at the Fort On
tario Base hospital. At present the
Grand Army of the Republic pro
vide a nurse, but this is but temporary.
To few women comes such an
opportunity for patriotic service
as was offered Miss Grace Crosby,
who left Omaha Thursday to take
a course in Carnegie institute which
will lead to her crossing the water
for reconstruction work in Italy.
Miss Crosby is a graduate of the
Teachers' College of Greeley, Colo.,
and was engaged as a teacher in
the Howard Kennedy school this
year. She has made a specialty
of psychology and through profi
ciency in this branch, won a scholar
ship at the Carnegie Institute of
Dr. Clara Harrison Towne, in
structor in the University of Penn
sylvania, is a friend of Miss Crosby.
Dr. Towne left last June for Italy
and has been urging Miss Crosby
to complete her work and "come
over" to assist her.
Having accepted the position in
the Omaha schools, Miss Crosby
felt she could not honorably leave
before the end of the year. Twice
she refused the offer without tell
ing her friends about it. The third
time, she spoke to Superintendent
Beveridge, who told her she was
making too great a sacrifice in giv
ing up the work offered her and
who freed her from her contract
Miss Crosby is very happy in her
freedom to continue the work she
. ; Grace Crosby ,
Advice to the
loves and hopes before many
months to join her friend in Italy,
there to have the privilege of help
ing restore the Hun-wrecked coun
try to its former glories.
Markets Furnish Solution of
Housewife's Eat Problems
Teggy raised the stick.
"Bang!" she cried. The effect was
amazing. The Witch gave a squall
and dived abruptly into the mke.
Clear out of sight she went, but up
to the surface floated her queer head
dress. Then Peggy saw that it
didn't belong to her at all. It was
false, just like a switch made out off
The head of the Witch came up,
but Peggy again raised the stick and
again shouted "Bang!" Down dived
the Witch, leaving more of her trap
ping floating on the surface.
"Why. the Witch is only a Loon,"
cried Bullfrog in astonishment.
"She's a Loon," croaked Night
Heron, "That's her secret"
"She's a Loon," croaked the Ra
vens, "She's been fooling us all these
Now Peggy understood why the
word "looney" had so upset the
"And we've been wasting our time
catching fish for her and waiting on
her because we thought her some
strange marvel who could do us
harm," cried all the Night Herons.
"Princess Peggy was right. She's
a fraud. Let's finirh her and change
from Dismals and Dolefuls to Joy
fuls and Gladfuls," screamed the
Birds, and away they went after the
Witch, whose head bobbed up a
short distance away, only to dive
out of sight when the Loon saw
that her subjects had revolted, and
that her tricky reign was ended.
Peggy didn't see what the finish
of the Witch was, for the frogs
quickly brought her board to shore
at the cottage. They were just in
time, for the storm broke just then,
and Peggy had to streak it across
the lawn to escape the rain which
swept down in a regular cloudburst,
while the wind shook the cottage
and the thunder roared.
"My, I'm glad I'm safe and snug
inside, instead of out in that awful
swamp, thought Peggy, as she
crawled back into bed.
(Next week Peggy will meet the Liberty
Fairy, who will take her on a marveloua
adventure In the warlanda acrosa the
ocean. )
If the housewife who is burdened
with the problem of what she can
feed her family will take her purse
and stroll among the markets for a
time, she can soon make an ample
selection from the innumerable
things displayed.
Of the more substantial vegeta
bles there are Irish potatoes at 40c
per peck are sweets at 5c per pound
There are carrots, beets, turnips and
parsnips at Sc per pound and tine
hubbard squash at 2c. Choice cab
bage brings 3c and fine Louisiana
shallots are 3 pounds for 10c. Green
and red peppers are quoted at 2 for
Sc. Breakfast radishes, fresh and
crisp, 3 bunches for a nickel and
winter radishes 5c per pound. Green
onions right from the southern mar-
Eastern Star kensington, which
was to have been held at the home
of Mrs. Fred Crane, 6141 "Florence
boulevard, Saturday afternoon, has
been indefinitely postponed.
Chapter B. K. of P. E. O. sister
hood has postponed meetings until
further notice.
Mrs. Anthony French Merrill,
who was to have given the opening
lecture of her course at the Black
stone Monday has postponed her
talk one week.
Alpha Grove No. 2 Woodman Cir
cle will not hold its Red Cross en
tertainment which was planned for
October 22. The entertainment will
be given November 12 instead. This
will be a musicale at their hall
Nineteenth and Farnam streets, to
raise money for canteen workers.
ket sell at 4c per bunch and nice
crisp wax beans and cauliflower at
12ic per pound.
Then come the relishes, such as
Honey dew melons at prices ranging
from 25c up and California grapes at
15c per pound.
Among the apples shown on the
market are some fine Colorado Jon
athans and Ganos at 75c per peck;
California Bellflower at $2.85 and
Yakima Valley Jonathans at $3.50
per box.
Dried fruits of all kinds are selling
strong, prices having already gone
up from 10c to 25c with prospects
of a still further advance in the near
Butter and eggs are quoted at
about the same price as last week;
best butter bringing 62c and guar
anteed fresh eggs 54c per dozen.
Number one eggs are a little
cheaper and are selling at 48c per
'lozen while number 2's sell at 43c.
Best Wisconsin cheese is quoted at
37c, New York 38c and brick cheese
at 40c.
When it comes to meats, the mar
ket is about the same for all kinds
of beef and mutton, but pork is
down about 7c per pound.
Those who are in touch with the
markets in general state that just
at present everything is at a stand
still due, no doubt, to the uncertain
conditions of the war, that if peace
should suddenly be declared there
might be a temporary drop in prices
but only for a time until they could
adjust themselves to the new conditions.
Do You Conalder Quality and Price? Trad at tha
Pork Roast, per lb. 14 Vic
Beef Tenderloin, per lb. 30c
Extra Fancy Pot Roast, per lb. 17Vtc, 20c
Choice Round Steak, per lb. 25c
Choice 8irloin, per lb. 25c Veal Roaat, per lb. 20c, 25c
Fancy Veal Steak, per lb. 30c
Mutton Chopi. per lb ,20c
Extra Fancy Mutton Legs, per lb.,.. 18c
Extra Fancy Mutton Stew, per Ib.-,.12y,c
All Branda of Creamery Butter..... 58c
Homemade Peanut Butter 25c
Vlait Our Branch Market at McCrery Be and 10c Store, In Basement
United States Food Administration License No. G-27634.
The Washington Market
1407 DOUGLAS ST. 1307-1309 HOWARD ST.
On el the Larfeet Mail Order Houses in the Middle-West
i i
1608-10-12 Harney. Douflae 1796.
(U. S. Food Administration No. G-18173.)
48-lb. sack White Flour. . . .12.93
24-lb. sack White Flour $1.50
24-lb. sack Rye Flour $1.55
1-lb. can Rumford Baking Pow
der 23c
Yeast Foam 4c
Mission Asparagus, per can. . .15c
Mission Asparagus,, per dot. .$1.85
California Navy Beans, per lb.
for 12V4e
, Fancy Sweet Wrinke Peaa, per
can 15c
Fancy Sweet Wrinke Peas, per
dos. eana $1.75
Armour's Veribest
Large bottle
Milk, per
Monarch Ketchup,
Fancy 9weet Corn, per can... 15c
Fancy Sweet Corn, per dos. cans.
for $1.75
Kamo Mince Meat, large jars, 29c
Fancy Pink Salmon, tall cans, 19c
Extra Fancy Red Alaska Salmon,
tall cans 27 Vic
Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb., 20c
Lord Cecil Coffee, 30c grade, 25c
Fancy Fresh Dressed Sprinf Chickens ' .30 He
Fancy Veal Breast, per lb... 16 Vic
Lega of Young Mutton, per IK 20c
Prime Rib Roast, rolled, per lb..
for 27Vie
Fancy Veal Roast, per lb 25c
Swift California Style Hams, per
lb. 24 Vic
Pig Pork Chops, per lb 35c
Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb.. 22 Vic
Sugar Cured Bacon Back, per lb.,
for 37 Vic
Large Boston Ferns, each 79c
Extra Fancy Peers, bar bu.. .$3 25 I Fancy Cranberries, per qt..$1.50
Extra Fancy Pears, per basket, 45c Faney Cranberries, I qt 25c
Mew York Grapes, per basket. 45e I Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 1 lbs. 25c
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of All Kinds.
Freak Checked Egga, per dos. 39 Vic
Elgin Butternut pkg. Butter, per
lb. B8c
Wisconsin Yellow Cheese, per
lb. 34Vi
B-Ib. pails Swift's Lily Oleo. $1.58
t-lb. pail Swift's Snowflake Oleo,
for $1.75
Mall orders filled at above
. price. -
VOU can always depend I
ff&H on pleasing the family and
ftSfef delighting guests when you have this I
iyT flaked rye cereal in the houses I
jT JSf Such tasty, sausfying cookies, mux- U
nW ' fins, bread, rye crisps, fritters, and Ifl
Mf breakfast porridge carl be made with rt. f ff
I i aVi . And it's so nourish- I
I " r nil intr. healthful, easily 1
. yrQW digested; also has na-
I , .lii. I lirJlStrlliM; tural laxative proper- I
kMlRR fH ties. J
l-PWi fc" Tli iHI Recipes on every f .
r M P1 Getapack-
faltJ iwtfl - 15 age today ana trytne
' I Iw I I recipe for Cream of
' Iffe "",Blp2il " yon, grocer doesn't sell
ef ..matS Cream of Rye, write us
Xifcli mbmmSWSWm and well Wl jnw wher
)f mm togetiu
!fii go hand-ln-hand when you serve Ice Cream. VS I
H j First, Uncle Sam wants us to eat more milk products, rot
frj if J order to promote the Dairy Industry and send the precious j
TrA S f wheat to our allies. Second, It will keep you sweet and 1 '5
PI j I healthy, because It la concentrated nourishment In a delight- I ( '
EJ Sunday, We Specialize on I
W j Peach Marmalade j
H I Vanilla lee Cream With Best PayaUup Peaches. 1 j
( W 1 Ask for It by name you are sure then of getting the best I j
W it M
Ik. Mil
G '-M Cream of n j? TZi I -v-
1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 mm JT,aBmuBat, vu i - - - isw
Shall She Accept Him?
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am
deeply In love with a young
man four years my senior who is
soon to sail for France. Do you
think It prudent for a girl to engage
herself to a man who might come
home a cripple and be a burden?
I shall always care for him (leeply.
whether he Is crippled or not. F. L.
I don't think, in spite of what you
believe, that you would always care
deeply for your soldier boy even if
he came back a cripple. There are
indlci eVons in your letter that you
would find it considerable of a hand
icap to have this kind of a husband.
Unless you are so proficient in your
own particular line of work that you
make enough to help maintain the
family, or unless you have some
money, the risk appears to be too
There are cases in which girls love
their soldier sweethearts so deeply
that one feels they will manage,
somehow, even if their earning ca
pacity Is not great enough to put
them, in the financially Independent
class. But these girls are not con
sidering in advance if it would be
prudent to run the risk of having
such a burden as a crippled man on
their hands. They care enough to
assume that risk.
Red Cross Nurses. 1
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Will you please answer the follow
ing question, which is puzzling many
people? I have in mind a young
married lady who. before her mar
riage, was an experienced trained
nurse. During the last year she has
been taking a supplementary course
flod studying French. Her husband
expects to go to France as a Y. M.
C. A. man.
Will the Red Cross accept and
send her to France as a nurse? She
would not expect to go In the same
unit as her husband. MRS. J.
Government rules absolutely pro
hibit both husband and wife serving
in France. Since your friend is so
well equipped and nurses are so
badly needed, why does not the hus
band stay at home and let her serve?
If he will not, the Red Cross would
be glad to place her in cantonment
service in this country. There is a
great, shortage ' of nurses and she
could render a valuable service on
this side of the water. She should
director of nurses, Nebraska Red
apply to Miss Charlotte Townsend,
Cross, Farnam building, Omaha.
British Soldier's Address.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Kindly give me the name and. ad
dress of a British soldier in the In
fantry. LITTLE GIRL.
No, I think I will not give it to
ryou. I am glad to give advice when
It Is asked for, but not to give ad
dresses to start flirtations by corre
spondence. Four Service Stars.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
I have three sons and one son-in-law
in service. Shall I have four
stars on my service flag, and wear
a pin with four stars? A MOTHER.
You may wear four stars, and no
doubt you will do so very proudly.
Blouse Specials
Saturday at The Store
"Famous for Blouses"
Fine quality Georgette
Crepe, Crepe de Chine and
beautiful Silk stripe blouses
special at $5.95
Julius Orkin, 1508-10 Douglas.
1 aCawl ppap0 fob vout TAftinr mmm m . m aaikisi a
WAR times have brought about a marked change in the use and con
servation of food supplies, and the butter problem has been most
economically and satisfactorily solved with the delicious nut butter.
American housewives have quickly accepted this wholesome and nu
tritious product as butter's duplicate for the table and for cooking.
It contains only the purest ingredients, namely
cocoanut oil, peanut oil, milk and salt.
In accordance with an old law any competing product for butter is re
quired to pay a heavy tax if colored, so HOLIDAY comes to you a
creamy white with a capsule of vegetable color, the same as used by all
butter manufacturers in coloring creamery butter.
Your Grocer, Delicatessen Store and All Dealers in Pure Food Products
Sell This Brand. Insist On Getting It.
NO MATTER if the road
is obstructed with ice
and snow, your car has the
energy to plough through, if
Polarine is keeping every
moving part friction-free,
every cylinder clean.
Polarine feeds freely in cold weather.
It is non-congealing, non-carbonizing;
free from grit and acid. Polarine is
made at zero temperature. It is ac
climated to freezing weather, yet it
withstands intense engine heat.
Fill your crankcase with Polarine, and
watch the car respond. Look for the
Red Crown Gasoline is the mosv
economical cold weather fuel.
At every good garage and service
U T8 U U B
71 w i n n n n
111 So. 16th St.
Truly Remarkable
values that no store
in the country can
Oil I TO. hig stanart an
O U 1 1 d quality, Worsteds
and Cassimeres, hand tailored.
The new fall styles intended
to sell at $30.00, 1A 7C
Sat.'s offering. . . y I I V
D o uble
and sinzle
breasted, silk lined, in fancy
mixtures, black, gray, brown,
for the young men and the
conservative dresser. Intended
to sell at $35.00, "IF
Sat.'s offering. . . y I I V
" in
ft ATUCDC Here
boys' store -
where you get the best for
your money every time.
with two
pant. Unexcelled for service
and with two pair of pants to
double the wear it outlasts any
other you may buy
Panel or plain back, plain
shades or novelty mixtures for
lads from 7 to 18 years. In
tended to sell at $12.50, Sat
urday's offering
Bring tha boy. .
111 So. 16th St.
Family lots on easy payments. ,
Thoughtful service. Perpetual care !
of lots and graves free. Street car 1
to entrance. In case of immediate
need Telephone Walnut 820, or
Douglas 829 and our automobile
calls for you.. i
6 8th and Center. Office 15th and Harney.
Hosiery Specials
Saturday we will offer
special values in Onyx
brand hosiery.
Regular $1.00 quality 79c
Regular $1.75 quality $1.25
Regular $2.00 quality $1.50
1508 and 1510 Douglas St.
fkl ,
Silk Underwear Specials
Saturday we will offer , extra
ordinary values in Ladies'. Silk
1508 and 1510 Douglat St
Would Itch and Burn Dread
fully. Swollen and
Cracked Open. , ,
"My mother's hands were terrible.
Little red spots appeared that would
itch and burn dreadfully,
and when she would do her
washing she could hardly
stand the suffering. Her
hands were swollen and
were hard, and they would
crack open and bleed. ;.
"Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment were recommended and when the
used a quarter of a bos of Cuticura
Ointment and a quarter of a cake of
Soap her bands were healed." (Signed)
Mrs. A. Deurloo, 929 Ionia Ave.,
N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Most skin troubles might be preven
ted by using Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment for every -day toilet purposes.--'
SiaiU Xtrl fnt ; Mall. Adrfras pest-card:
"CiUma, EH. H, SMta.M Gold mrywhara.
Soap (So. Ointment "t and Me. Talons fee. .
When Writing to Out Advertiiers
Mention Seeing it in Tht Be