Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Government Control Does Not
Necessitate Idleness on the;
Part of Former Omaha
. Officials.
Railroad passenger men of Oma
1 ha, who were automatically re-
moved from their positions when
the government took over the oper
ation of the roads and discontinued
. many offices, are gradually landing
good jobs, and mostly with he
roads they formerly represented. '
John Pr Cummins, who was head
of the Union Pacific advertising de
partment, has become a passenger
train arid station inspector on the
main line, his territory extending
from Omaha to Ogden, and over
the Denver-Kansas City line.
Godfrey is Supervisor.
Tom Godfrey, for many years
agent of the passenger department
of the Missouri Pacific, becomes a
supervisor of passenger business,
having the Nebraska lines and a
corner of Kansas as his territory,
i d Perry, former traveling pas
senger agent for the Missouri Pa
; cine, with Omaha as his headquar
ters, now is train and station in
1 pector for the same road, with jur
isdiction over the Kansas lines. His
headquarters are in Hutchinson,
- Kan.
Sain North, formerly traveling
passenger agent for the Illinois
Central, remains with the company,
"-looking after stations and general
v train servire. in western Iowa and
South Dakota,
Shields' Job Unchanged.
' Harry Shields, 'former traveling
passenger agent for the Wabash,
itVi the comoanv and
i" .without much change in his duties.
I ' J. S. McNally, who was a divis
ion passenger agent for the Rock
Island, is in charge of the com
pany's passenger business, with Ne-
. braska and Kansas as his -terntory.
' Charles Nave is Struck
and Bruised by Auto
Charles Nave, a laborer. 715 South
Seventeenth itreet, sustained severe
bruises about the left side of Ins
- body Thursday morning when
' struck at Nineteenth and Harney
streets by an automobile driven by
F. J. Dinble, 2617 South Fifteenth
street, '
' According to witnesses, Nave was
1 going south on Nineteenth street
when the automobile, which was
going east on Harney, struck him.
After being attended by Dr. L. n.
Walters he was able to go home.
Sandhills Section Has
Good Crops; Indians
1 Make Fine Showing
John Batchelor, leading cattleman
of the sandhill section, is here from
Valentine, marketing the last of a
string of 4,500 head of steers which
he has grazed in the sandhills, Pine
Ridge and Rosebud agencies this
"Conditions in the .sandhills were
fine this year," said he. "We cut the
normal crop of hay and the grass
has been fine in its quality. Wheat,
corn, potatoes and other crops have
turned out excellently and our peo
ple have proved that our section is
no longer the remnant of the 'Great
Anlerican Desert.'
"I was at the Indian fair at the
Rosebud aeencv recently and saw a
really wonderful exhibit of the grain,
root and grass crops raised on tne
reservation by Indians. It was a
revelation. Indians have gone to
farming quite extensively on the
rich bottom lands and benches, es
pecially along the White river.
"The showing they made would
have been a credit to the richest
agricultural counties of the south
eastern part of the state and the
contributions of food stuffs they
have made to the general program
for winning the war, during the
present season, show they are real
patriots at heart as well as in practice.".
Burglars Blow Safe in the
Office of Hinchey Laundry
Burglars blew up the safe of the
Hinchey Laundry company, 2307-9
N street, Thursday night and ob
tained $60 in cash and $98 in checks.
Entrance was gained through a
window which was left unlocked
Of. w ARYa
Anpom xnrT.TRR. 21 years of
. aKe, died at the home of hla parents.
'2107 Locust street, Friday morning. ,
Tie is survived by his parents, Mr.
i and Mrs. John Meller.
I i MRS. J. SCHUPP, 49 years of age,
Sled at her home, 2206 South Elev-
. ' enth street, Thursday morning of
J .. pneumonia. She is survived by her ,
husband, John B. Schupp, and four
eons and three daughters.
'-- S702 V street, B-week-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charels PWnger,
' died Thursday night at the residence.
1 Funeral services will bo held at 1 p.
: m Friday in the home and burial
will be In St Mary's cemetery.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude D.
. Johnson, 2867 Corby street, died
Friday morning of pneumonia fol
lowing Spanish influenza. Mr. John
son is an Associated Press telegraph
operator working for The Daily Bee
and World-Herald. .
IDA C. BRADFORD, 60 years of
1 , age. died at her home. 818 Atlas
' street, Wednesday of paralysis. The
funeral was held at the residence at
2 o'clock Friday afternon, with ln-
terment In Forest Lawn cemetery.
' Mrs. Bradford is survived by one son,
' Rodney Bradford.
RUDOLPH THOLEN. 72 years of
age, died at his home. 4119 Harney
street. Thursday of pneumonia. The
funeral will .be held in John A. Gen
v tleman's mortuary at 10 o'clock and
-interment In Holy Sepulcher ceme
tery. Mr. Tholen Is survived by his
wife and one daughter, Mrs. T. H.
' years, daughter of the late Walter
Parkhurst, died Thursday night at
Sioux, City, la. The body of the
father Is now at Larkin Chapel wait
! jng burial and the two will be burled
together, in Graceland Park ceme
tery. Both were victims of influ
s ema.
GEORGE STATHOS. 48 years of
' age, died at a local hospital Wednes
day of Spanish Influenza, The fu-
neral will be held In Hulse & Rle
: ohanai at 2 o'clock 'Saturday
afternoon, with lnterement In Forest
Lawn cemetery. Mr. statnos is sur
: vlved by three children, who reside
at 522 South Thirteenth street
. GENEVIVE M. GILSON. 5 months
of age, died at the home of her
1 t.,..n tit Knrth Twpntv-second
street Thursday of Spanish influenza, !
i The funeral was neia in jonnson k
Swanson's chapel at 2 o'clock Friday
' afternoon, with Interment In Forest
Lawn cemetery. Her parents, Mr.
. and Mrs. Harry M. Gilson, survive
J the little girl.
; EDNA B. NERNESS. 25 years of
age, died at the home of her parents,
: . 1206 North Twenty-fourth street,
. Thursday of Spanish Influenza. The
' 1 funeral will be held in Hulse & Rie
: pen's chapel at 1 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, with Interment In Forest
Lawn cemetery. Miss Nerness Is
v survived by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C C Nerness, and two brothers.
' 6719 South Thirty-ninth street, died
Thursday night at the South Side
' hospital of Spanish influenza and
' pneumonia. She is survived by her
i .husband one daughter, Helen Mar-
jaret Funeral services will be held
Saturday afternoon at the residence
tnd will be private. Open air serv
ices will be held at St Mary'a ceme
; lerv at 4 d. in.
' MARCUS A. DUNCAN. 224 North j
; rwenty-fllt& street, aiett Tiaay
; : .norning at his home of Spanish in
', Iluenra after an illness of two weeks.
" He is survived by his widow and
three children, besides his father
ind two brothers, and a brother-in-
law, Dan J. Danaher, of Omaha. The
; deceased was a bookkeeper for the
' Oudahy Packing company. No ar-
f MnirBmAlitl hura tioan mor), fn Vl
'' ' funeral, as the remains are in the ,
: uirKing cnapei awaiting me arrival
ot the two brothers from Chicago
and the father from Sulphur Springs,
Orkin Bros.
316-18 So. 16th St.
Have Arrived
for Saturday
New Ideas in
Hatters9 Plush
Priced. ...
feeaver Hats
Specially Priced.
"New York'
Sioux City"
Worth $7.50- QC
For Saturday. OD
316-18 South 16th Street
Worth $4.95- 0 QC
For Saturday.
The Last Oay -of Our Great Sale
Saturday marks the close of Our Great Sale f $150,000 purchase for our, New Store in New York city;
the building is not ready; we had to take the merchandise, yThe sale has troven a great success and to make
Saturday the BANNER DAY of this Great Sale,we have taken FURTHER DRASTIC REDUC
, , TIONS. Come prepared to choose from enormous groups of Coats Suits Dresses, Skirts ana Waists, that was
bought tor the New Sore in New York city. Think of buying right at the beginning of the seasoti, new apparel
These Beautiful Dresses, Bought for Our New Store in New
York City, Are Typical "FIFTH AVENUE" Models, in
AVhich Quality, Destinction and Exclusiveness Are
Only Excelled by Sheer Beauty of Design. So
Very Remarkable Are the Models That We
Advise Early Selections. -
Dresses Worth $25.00 to $55.00
$15.oo $20.oo $30.oo
Including Such Smart Materials as:
Alt Georgette All Satin
All Serge j Wool Jersey,
Georgette and Satin Combinations
Georgette and Serge Combinations
y rA complete selection of "Up- o-the-Ml lute" modes
In B raited, Beided, Embroidered, Tailored and
Dressy Effects.
High-Class Models in
Distinctive Winter Coats
Wonderful Coats, bought for our new store in New
lYork city, the styles are the newest and most
desirable, and include fur trim models
and models to wear with separate
furs, beautiful wool fabrics in a
large selection of new colorings
For Coats Worth $3950
For Coats Worth $55.00
For Coats Worth $75.00
j Our Lovely New
Blouses of Georgette Crepe
dv- - '
' Beautiful new waists bought for our
jiew store in .New York City of supreme'
quality Georgette in the fashionable shades
of corn flower blue, Quaker gray, navy or
suit shades. . Features include frilled col
lars and cuffs; dainty ribbon bows and rib
bon drawn through the cuffs.
U I me
For Waists Worth $5.95
Extra Special!
Hundreds of New
Waists Worth $3
Three Featured Groups Of
Modishly Tailored Suits
-Hundreds of highly interesting styles in smart
tailored suits, bought for our new stop in New .
York city; workmanship of a very high" order
I 1 . It' J J.1 - J.
ana materials or nrsi; quality are tne out- .
standing features of these wonderful suits.
Large selection of new colors and fabrics.
For Suits Worth $39.50
For Suits Worth $55.00
For Suits Worth $85.00
I $49.50
Ak Fascinating
Array of Luxurious Furs
, is? I
25 Discount
All classes of furs from the less expensive to
the very finest the market affords are included.
A fascinating array of rich Furs developed
in Coats, Coatees, Stoles, Scarfs, Sets and Muffs
representing unusual values which it will be
impossible to duplicate later.
Rich Fur Coats
$275 Hudson Seal, at $206.25
$395 Hudson Seal, at $296.25
$475 Hudson Seal, aj $356.25