Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Women's Work
. in War Time
Wealthy Indian Woman
Ranch Owner Expert
In Business ;
Mrs. Ed Lannigan, Descendant of
Shoshoni Indians, at South Side
Market to Look After Live Stock
After a successful summer on her
'little" ranch of 800 acres. Mrs. Ed
Lannigan, reputed to be the wealth
iest woman in all the broad state oi
Wyoming, is in Omaha for a shop
ping tour. This motherly looking
woman with her bright eyes and
shining black hair thinks her estate
a very small one and is very mod
est about her work of raising fine
cattle for the market.
Despite her cultured speech and
charming manner one has visions of
the council fires and gay wigwams
of that race of redskins who were
monarchs of ihe fields and forests
when our land was young, .for
Mr.i. Lannigan bears the striking
marks of her descendants, as her
mother was a member of the Sho
shoni tribe of Indians. Her father
was a Scotchman and she was born
and reared in the little town of
Du Bois, Wyo. j
After her marriage to Mr. Lan-
nigan she was introduced to ranch
life and here she has made her
home. Undaunted by her husband's
death, she has managed the ranch
herself, assisted by her three daugh
ters, May, Cora and Clara Lanni
gan. Mrs. Lannigan is loath to
leave her beautiful home with its
rolling acres, but plans to pass the
winter in California with her two
daughters, Misses Cora and Clara,
tvho are now with her in Omaha. -
Winning the war is very near to
the hearts of the westerners, ac
cording to Mrs. Lannigan, the peo
ple who live on the different
ranches meeting together for Red
Cross work regularly, while the
young girls plan all sorts of dances
and parties for the benefit of the
Mrs. Lannigan spent,,this morn
ing at the South Side stock yards
with her ranch foreman making ar
rangements for. the disposition of
ner came, vv mi ner ousiness trans
actions closed, she will devote her
self to that occupation dearest to
all feminine hearts, shopping for
smart fall clothes. Mrs. Lannigan
. , will pass two weeks in Omaha.
Nurses Leave for ramp Dodge.
Three of the student nurses at
the Clarkson hospital leave this af
ternoon for Camp Dodge to care for
. ' the men afflicated with Spanish in
fluenza. The young women are
Misses Hazel Hardman, Helen Neu
meyer and Gladys;' Cunningham.
Three of the nurses in training and
one graduate nurse were released
from duty at the hospital Sunday
for duty at Fort Omaha. Misses
Mabel Cupper, Allison Martin and
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Mrs. Thomas Billotta, a Liberty
loan worker of Boston, has hit upon
a novel plan for increasing the sales
of bonds of the fourth issue. In
the uniform of the famous and im
mortal Bersaglieri troops of Italy
Mrs. Billotta has been making a
spirited drive in the Italian quarter of
the city. She has rolled up a great
total in the sale of bonds, and bids
fair to lead the individual sales
people in the present drive.
Netta Blair are the three student
nurses and Miss Vera Rechmeyer
the graduate nurse.
Enters Student Nurse Corps.
Miss Donna Mathews, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mathews,
left Monday for Fort Des Moines
to enter training as a nurse at the
base hospital there. Although Miss
Mathews has had no training, the
great demand for nurses at this
time made it possible for her to
enter an army hospital at once.
Miss Mathews, who is the niece
of Mr. and Mrs. Casper E. Yost, at
tended Oberlin college where she
specialized in music. At the time
of her enlistment in the service of
her country Miss Mathews was a
teacher in the Omaha public
Aj, , Ibma H Gross.
Desserts Which the Food
"Administration Eats
It is always interesting to know
how people live up to what they
are preaching. The magazines for
a time were filled with stories of
the Hoovers' private life and espe
cially of the foods served at their
table. The food administration has
recently sent the newspapers some
interesting material on the prac
tices of the food administration caf
eteria. It is given verbatim below:
Some time ago the newspapers
stated that the cafeteria in the head
quarters building of the United
States food administration had
served 6,000 meals with only 50
pounds of sugar. This would mean
less than a teaspoonful for each
meal. After hearing that one is nat
urally curious to know what sort of
desserts were eaten. Here are
some recipes which tell their own
story. They are in terms of 100
serviitgs. These recipes should be
helpful to those who have to pre
pare .big luncheons or suppers for
churches or women's clubs.
' t poundi (at.
ti pounds sugar
V quart or 1 U poundi light syrup
li ouncei soda
1H ouncei sslt
30 (g
1 H quarti milk
IVt ounces cream tartar.
S pounds corn flour.
1 pooMs wheat flour.
I tablespoon vanilla. v
Cream thoroughly the fat and the
sugar; add the soda and salt; add al
ternately the syrup and tyc eggs,
creaming after each addition; add
the milk and vanilla; add flours sift
ed with cream of tartar; bake in a
moderately hot oven or at about 360
degrees Fahrenheit. This cake may
be varied by adding any one of the
(a) 1H pov n da nut meat.
(b) 1 pounds ralilns or other fruit.
(c) H pounds cocoanut.
(d) pound chocolate. (If chocolate
Is uad, increase the milk to I quarts).
Baked Indian Pudding.
II quarta milk.
I ounoas salt.
1ft quarts or i pounds light syrup.
S pounds corn meal.
Co-Operation .
Miss Gross will be very glad to
receive suggestions for the home
economics column or to answer,
as far as she is able, any ques
tions that her readers may ask.
1H pounds shredded cocoanut.
S tablespoons cinnamon. '
1 tablespoon mace.
Heat the milk in a double boiler
to the boiling point. Add' the syrup
and salt. Add the cornmeal, stir
ring constantly. Cook for 20
minutes. Add all other ingredients.
Pour into greased baking pans. Bake
in a slow oven for one hour. Serve
with milk or cream.
Variation One-half pound raisins
may be substituted for the cocoa
nut; Vi quarts of molasses may be
substituted for the syrup; the cocoa
nut may be omitted.'
Maple Tapioca.
2Vi gallons milk.
2 pounds minute tapfroa.
l'l quarts or 4(, pounds maple syrup.
ZVt tablespoons salt.
14 pounds nut meats.
Heat the milk in a double boiler
to the boiling point. Add the
tapioca. Cook for 30 minute or un
til very thick; stir frequently to pre
vent lumping. Add the maple
syrup and salt. When cool add the
nut meats. ' '
Sugarless Rice Compote.
S pounds rice.
T quarts milk.
? ounces salt.
1'4 quarts or 3?t pounds light syrup.
It egifs.
Wash the rice. Cook the rice in
6 miarts of the milk until tender.
I Add the syrup and salt. Add the
slightly beaten eggs mixed with one
quart of cold milk. Cook until
thick. Allow to cool and mold.
Variation The eggs may be
omitted. If eggs are omitted use
yt pounds of rice.
Sauce for Sugarless Rice Compote.
quarts sliced peaches.
14 quarts or 4 4 pounds light syrup.
To make the peach sauce: Boil
syrup for Jive minutes. Pour over
the sliced -feaches. Use this sauce
to serve on top of the molded rice.
Other fruits may be used in the
same way. Canned fruit may be
used without the addition of syrup.
I L I a J
.ie ..iii - 1 . rj-.
' lU. S. food Administration No. G-18173.)
1608-10-12 Hmy. Douglas 1791
Specials for
Wednesday Selling '
, Fancy Pit Port Chops, per lb. 3Se
Fancy Steer Kdund Steak, per lb. 27V-e
Fancy Mutton Chops, per lb. 25c
Sunkist White Flour. 48-lb. sacks $2.95
Sunkist White Flour, 24-lb. sacks $130
Pure Bye Flour; 24-lb sacks fl 55
Tall can Armour's VeriBest Milk, per can...... 12V,e
4 small cans Armour's Veribest Milk..., .....2Se
Very Best Santos Coffee, per lb. . I o
Fancy Concord Grapes, per basket 48c
Fsncy 8weet Potatoes, per basket. 90c; 3 lbs.... 25c
Strictly Fresh Cheeked Ergs, per dos.. ..41c
S-lh. pstla Swift's Snowflake Giro $1.75
Taxman-Milder Wedding.
The ball room of, the Blackstone
hotel will be the scene of a beautiful
wedding this evening when Miss
Anna Milder, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Milder, will become the
bride of Mr. , Ben Taxman of El
Dorado. Kan. Under a canopy of
roses and ferns the young couple
will take their marriage vows, Rabbi
Morris Taxo.i officiating.
Miss Rose Stedman of Kansas
City will be maid of honor and will
wear a panne velvet suit of blue
with picture hat to match. She will
carry Ophelia roses. Mrs. H. B.
Milder, who will be matron of hon
or, will wear a brown velvet gown
with small hat to match and will
carry Mrs. Ward roses in a silver
holder. The two bridesmaids will
b. Miss Ruth Taxman of El Dorado,
who will wear a gray velvet gown
with a large gray hat, and Miss
Bess Stalmester, "who will wear
green velvet with a green hat. The
bridesmaids will carry Mrs. Ward
The bride will wear a beautiful
model iri white broadcloth, trii med
in ermine. Her large picture hat
of white will also have a trimming
of the same rich fur. A lovely
touch of color against the white cos
tume will be the bridal boquet of
purp!e orchids combined with lilies
of the valley.
Mr. Philip Taxman will be best
The wedding supper which will
follow the ceremony will be served
in the Oriental room. Owing to the
serious epidemic in the city only
immediate relatives will attend the
ceremony and wedding supper.
Masses of bride's roses and shaded
lights will decorate the table. Mr.
and Mrs. Taxman will leave late
this evening for the east, where
they will spend their honeymoon
returning in the early winter to El
Dorado, where they will make their
home. :
Mrs. J. H. Rogers, chairman of
Calvary Baptist auxiliary No. 2 has
called a meeting for Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock at Red Cross
ro6ms in the Masonic Temple.
One hundred women in one and
one-half hours responded to an
emergency call from the Red Cross
hospital garments department Mon
day afternoon and completed 200
sheets for the Visiting Nurse asso
ciation. "The response of the women was
wonderful." said Mrs. Arthur Mul
len. "No 'flu' scare at all."
This is another instance of co
operation of Red Cross in handling
local needs.
Mrs. W. I. Walker is the new
chairman of the French section of
the Red Cross. Miss Carrie Mil
lard has given up the work for a
time to take a rest.
Wife of License Inspector
' Dies of Spanish Influenza
Mrs. Sam Fried, wife of City
License Inspector Fried, died at the
Ford hospital Monday nipht after an
illness of a few days. Spanish in
fluenza and pneumonia was the
Mrs. Frid was buried Tuesday
afternoon from the residence.
1822J4 North Twenty-second street,
with interment at the Beth Hame
drosh Synagogue cemetery. Mrs
Fried is survived by her husband
and two children, one 2 years and
one 7 weeks of age, and a sister,
Mrs. Harry Lapidus. ,
Mrs. Rose Ohausto Go South
With Brother, Who is III
Mrs. Rose Ohaus left , Omaha
Tuesday afternoon for St. Joseph,
Mo., called by the illness of her
brother. Her brother has been ill
for some years, but a sudden turn
for the worse necessitates a sojourn
in the south and Mrs. Ohaus will ac
company him. ' She will be away
from Omaha indefinitely. Mrs.
Ohaus was suptrintendent of the
Board of Public Welfare until a few
months ago. when she resigned,
taking charge of the welfare work
of the Tribe of Ben-Hur.
Mrs. Sarah G. Brewster,
Pioneer Resident of
State, Dies at Crete
Mrs. Sarah G. Brewster, widow of
Silas C. Brewster, died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. G. T. Noyce,
in Crete, Neb., Monday. She was
born in Mount Pleasant, la., and
was 79 years old at the time of her
Mrs. Brewster was one of the
earliest pioneers of Omaha coming
overland with her parents from Iowa
in a carriage, in Dec. 1856. Her
father, Rev. Robert Gaylord, was the
first minister in Nebraska having a
charge in OWha, which was then
without a railroad and having a
population of 500.
She taught in the first Sunday
school in the stafe In connection
with the First Congregational church
of which her father was pastor.
She. was an instructor in public and
private schools until her marriage
to Mr.' Brewster in 1862. '
After their marriage they moved
on the homestead taken by Mr.
Brewster and farmed this tract of
land for 63 years. The homestead
was near V Arlington. Funeral ser
vices will be held in the open air on
the homestead Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Seven children were born five of
whom are still alive. Mr. Brewster
died two years ago. The surviving
children are, Mrs. G. T. Noyce.
Crete; Eraest L. Brewster, Lindsay.
Okla., F. R. Brewster, Irvington;
Mrs. C. F. Hubbard, Omaha; and C.
G. Brewster, Benson.
Husband and Son in France,
Mrs '.Tancock Does Nursing
Mrs.-J. A. Tancock, whose hus
band, Dean Tancock, is now some
where in France with Base Hospital
Unit No. 49, and whose son, Mon
tague, is with the Royal Canadian
Flying corps on the battle front,
remains in Omaha and is devoting
her entire time to nursing.
For several weeks Mrs. Tancock
nas oeen doing volunteer nursing
amoiiR lamuies ottmen who are
now in the service. Recently and
since the breaking out of the flu. she
has been working in families where
it has been impossible to obtain the
services of professional nurses. A
couple of days ago she went to
South Omaha to nurse in a family
where the man of the house had
died of flu and where several chil
dren were ill with the epidemic
Since then, in addition to adminis
tering to the relief of this family
she has taken on a couple of others.
Parocl.'al School 13eing
Used as "Flu" Hospital
Missouri Valley, la., Oct. 15.
(Special.) The Rev. Father Nolan
has turned the local parochial school
building into a temporary hospital
to care for patients suffering with
Spanish influenza. Several patients
with nurses are in the hospital and
the Knights of Columbus have of
fered their hall for hospital purposes
if necessary. The Spanish "flu" epi
demic is increasing rather tlran de-.
creasing here and 20 deaths are re-'
ported. The stores will be closed a
greater part of the time.
Mrs. G. W. Doane Run Down
By Auto Has Broken Arm
Mrs. G. W. Doane, 432 South
Thirty-eighth street, was run down
hy an automobile at Sixteenth and
Farnam streets Tuesday afternoon.
The car was being driven by Charles
Foley of 1309 South Twenty-seventh
street. Mrs. Doane sustained a
broken arm, but was able to walk
to another automobile in which she
was taken home. Foley was ar
rested by Traffic Officer Thestrup
on a charge of reckless driving.
Miss Davis, Injured
Monday, Still Serious
The condition of Miss Catherine
Davis, who was injured in an auto
mobile accident at Seventeenth and
Farnam streets, Monday, still re
mains serious, according to a report
late Tuesday from St. Joseph's hos
pital, where she was taken following
the accident.
When Writing to Advertisers,
Pleaase Mention The Bee.
Mrs. Leslie Kranz, nee Leone
Dellone, librarian of the court
house, has returned from a two
months' visit with her husband in
Seattle. Wash. Mr. Kranz. former
Omaha lawyer, is now in the serv
ic and left Seattle a few days ago
to enter an officers' training school
in West Virginia.
Mrs. E. Dunningan is convalesc
ing at the Ford hospital, following
a serious operation.
Miss Etta Young, canteen worker,
has arrived safely overseas.
Mrs. Irma Richardson, who has
been the guest of Mrs. T. W. Burch
more for the last two weeks, left
Monday for her home in Sioux City.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William M. Burton, Monday at Dr.
Pollard's hospital.
Miss Almarine Campbell and Miss
Dorothy Hippie are at home from
the University of Nebraska, owing:
to the epidemic of Spanish influ
enza. ' v
Mr. D. W. Cahill, father of Mrs-.
Frank Carey, has recovered from
his recent illness.
Miss Verna Kirschbraun is t
Birchmont hospital recovering from
an operation.
A party of school girls visited
our new bakery plant last week
and witnessed the making of
Try it
cn you
will alway
Tuy it
Though young in years, these future
housewives of Omaha were visibly im
pressed with what they saw, and if their
frank opinions, ejaculations of wonder
and delight can be taken as a criterion,
every one of these young ladies, when
they come to manage their own house
hold, will always buy no other bread
but TIP-TOP.
Hundreds of others have visited our
new bakery plant the finest and best
appointed plant in the country, and et
our bread because they know it is pure, j
cjean and best. Other hundreds eat it
because, after all, the loaf tells the
Petersen & Pegau Baking Co.
12th and Jarckson
'New York"
'Sioux City
'O m ah a'
316-18 South 16th Street
Thousands of New Garments
' Additional Salespeople K
Is Now in Full Force
$150,000.00 Stock of Merchandise
Bought for our New Store in New York
which we had to take because the building is not ready, is a great
success and to the hundreds of women who came the first two. days
and were unable to be waited on, we wish to say that by greatly increasing our sales force, we
will now be able to give you the attention we were unable to give you the first day. Merchandise
that was delayed en route, arrived today and is now being ticketed and
Will be Placed in Stock for Tomorrow's Selling x
Think of the Opportunity to Buy Beautiful New Apparel Now at
Stunning' New
Beautiful coats that were bought for our new
store in New York City. Hundreds to select from.
Made of Silvertone, Velour, Bolivia, Plush, Broad
cloth and Pom-Pom. All sizes and colors.
Coats Worth $40.00 ,
$24.5 0
Coats Worth $55.00
Coats Worth $85.00
Wonderful New
A most interesting collection of newer
dresses bought for our new store in New York City.
Beautiful dresses of Jersey, Serge, Satin and
Georgette. Hundreds to select from. All sizes
and colors.
Dresses Worth $23.75
Dresses Worth $55.00
Dresses Worth $85.00
; : .1
Charming blouses bought for
our new store in New York, of
Georgette and Crepe de Chine.
Suit shades and all sizes.
$3.95 Waists
$6.50 Waists
$8.50 Waists
$5.45 '
Smart Tailored
The suits bought for our new
store in New York are designed
with simple grace and quiet
elegance. Developed in Serge,
Velour, Broadcloth, Tricotine
and Poplin. All colors and sizes.
Suits Worth $45.00
Suits Worth $65.00
Suits Worth $95.00
Orkin Brothers
Smart Skirts that were bought
for our new store in New York
City of Serge, Poplin, Satin, Jer
sey and Plaids.
$7.50 Skirts
$10.00 Skirts
$15.00 Skirts
Orkin Brothen