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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAYXoCTOBER 16, 1918, The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDA Y FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR TBI BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Its Aaocitud PrtM, of which Thf Be. It mcnibtt. it ucluilKl) aUUtd 10 ih um for publication of til oewt dlitchM credited to U ot not oUiorwIM redl(d In thlt paper, tnd alto the local new. wMMud feoraia. All nihu of publication of our special diptclie u aiao waaniad. OFFICES! ' 7 CMaato PtOrit't Uts Building, omtba Tb Bm Bunding. ftsTTort-IM Fifth Are. .uth Omaha-2SlS N 8U H liomlt M B'k of foanjeroa. Council Biufft-14 N. Main 3u ITathmaton 1311 O St. Unoom-Uttle Bulldin. AUCUST CIRCULATION Daily 67,135 Sunday 59,036 irarif circulation for ttta month, tabtcnood and tworo 10 oj tmtal wuuaiaa. circulation aiauaaw. tttktcribart leaving thliy should hava The Be. mailed la tasm. Address changed at often at requaated Well, Kaiser Bill, now you know! Left to the decision ofFoch, the prospect for the kaiser getting a rest is decidedly remote. Still, many people would have been saved a tot of worry had the second answer gone first. A separate note will be sent to Austria; but why distinguish between the two great crimi nals? Treat them alike. A soldier with a foot six inches broad has beep located at Camp Grant. Wait till he step on "Germany's sacred soil." Hoover's call" for saving food will be more than ever imperative, now that the war is to continue. Do not waste food. A quarter of a million soldiers a month from America will continue to land in France, just to show the Huns that we mean it. . ' Ludendorff flew into a rage and threatened 10 resign when he heard the news from Wash ington. Now, isn't he the testy fellow? Another thing worth remembering is that "'' our allies, Great Britain, France and Italy, will " .also have a voice in the final peace say-so. Prince Max, having played his little part and proved a flivver, is to get the hook. The kaiser has plenty of gold bricks,, but finds trouble in V locating customers. Turkey is lagging a little, buoyed up by false hopes engendered by the Berlin will-o'-the-wisp, : but it will not be long until the crescent is low ered in submission. Lenine and Trotzky are reported to be quar reling. It must be for sheer love of it, for there is nothing left in Rusfia under their" control worth fussing about. Omaha's firemen are showing a commendable spirit of patience, and it is up to the citizens, to reward them by providing for the increase in pay at the earliest chance. The superiority of The Bee's new war map of" the western battle front is attested by the crowds who are studying it daily. Take a look at the map just west of the main entrance -n the Farnam side of the Bee building. "Charley" Schwab's earnestly expressed wish to "give the kaiser one damned good kick" con tains no more of profanity than did Major Whit tlesey's response to the request that he surren der, and finds an acho in just as many American hearts. The latest measure of coal conservation pro poses to increase supply by conserving the booze drunk in the vicinity of the coal mines. Is the output of the coal miners greater irt dry Kansas than in wet Illinois? That ought to be susceptible of proof one way orthe other right now. - Duplication of stars and service flags causes confusion, but perhaps it does no harm. An illustration in point is brought up by the death I of an Omaha newspaper man who formerly v worked on The Bee,--leaving his employment with us for an officers' training camp. Failing to make1 a commission, he returned to work on The Bee, and then on another, paper, but again gave op his position to go into the balloon school. Whose service flag should carry his star? , -i ' ( The Germans do the Americans in the Ar gonne region the high honor of massing troop, ' artillery and all other forms of opposition to prevent their coming through. And each day the Yankee boys gain a litlte more ground, in spite of the Huns' utmost resistance, and soon we will hear that the wide door to' German re treat has been closed by Hunter Liggett's army. The critics who thought the , Americans had been picked to take care of a quiet, unimportant ' lector had better study the map. 1 A Thf American Spirit .' Their names are Riven in the dispatches: Vuleger, de Nevine (or Nevins), Ovesen and Stellehwerf, indicating, with Boyce, Ringard, Prime, Elam, Best and Newbury, a true Amer ican mixture of racial stock. One was a lad of 17. ' ' v These were the 10 who died out of a little band from a coast guard crew in French waters who volunteered to bring to port a British 5 cargo ship torpedoed and abandoned. To save a ship now is to save life, since ships carry that by which me live, in the great need of our allies. Our coast guard ship was on escort duty when one of the convoy was struck. A lieuten nnt gained permission to take it into port. Every man volunteered. Eighteen were chosen, und with them went back to the fated ship its captain and 11 British sailors of the bulldog breed, just rescued . from impending death. Storm and stress of waves made vain the labors that in calmer seas might have saved the ship; tight Americans were picked up fcy a destroyer V ihat heard their wireless calls. The British cap- tain and part of his men died with the 10 Amer icans. - v , x , No band tolay, no comrade to cheer, no Vi tn riartrnoca anH nnnnrlincr wavps and Ttrt-breaking toil i hese were what the vol' ers knew they faced. The sea was their of honor. No ship hits the stars ana $ to the wind that does not bear their like. 'VYork World- . , r ei ;vv, THE WAR MUST GO ON. Out of all the confusion of note-writing and discussion one point stands clear the war must go on. ' Nothing of the conditions essential to peace, as outlined by the president, can be realized while the Germans are present with an armed force in the field. We are not at present con cerned so much as to what use the German peo ple may make' of their right of self-determination. It is our task to defeat the military power of the kaiser and make it possible for his present subjects to freely elect for themselves what form of government they will have. To do this the campaign against autocracy must be pressed with utmost vigor. Having voluntarily assumed this duty, Amer icans cannot afford to lag in any way. Lip serv ice to our president will not be enough. He must have all' that is needed to give force to the declaration he has so deliberately uttered. In making this declaration Mr. Wilson relies on the unswerving devotion of his people, and in this he will not be disappointed. Just now the most ejTective- way for the citi zens to show their determination is to buy Lib erty bonds. The fourth loan has lagged, doubt less because of the German peace drive. That is disposed of now, so nothing is wanting but the announcement that the loan has been over subscribed. This, will not be the last bond is sue, if we are to Win the war as the president has indicated, but it is the supreme duty of the moment. Buy bonds and let the kaiser his doom is sealed in America! Over the Top Keep Going. When American troops first went over the top in France they were directed at a specific objective. This they attained, but they did not stop there. They went a little farther and took a little more ground from the enemy, and they have been doing it ever since. Their objective is Berlin. If they are to reach that, they must have the same SOU of support that they are giv ing Foch. Omaha is over the top on the Lib erty loan, but that is no place to stop; the quota reached is a minimum, not a maximum, measure. Keep right on buying the bonds, for each one is a pledge to Wilson, to Pershing, to humanity, that Americans are deadly in earnest in their undertaking. We cannot fail, but we will end the war all the sooner if we afford the means for hitting hard right now. Buy Liberty bonds, rienty of time for congratulations later. Who Made This Break? Transmitted over the wires from Washing ton by the Asosciated Press Sunday night came the message: "The government asks the people to with hold their judgment on Germany's note until President Wilson has received the official communication and has had opportunity to consider it." Who was it made this break? For it is hardly conceivable that the president himself had anything to do with the request or knew anything about it. The text of the German note had been made public the day before and it was no more possible for the American peo ple to suspend judgment on it while the presi dent was consideringthe framing of a reply than for a duck thrown into the water- not to swim. The American people instinctively and irresistibly passed judgment on the note the moment it was read with the irrevocable ver dict "unsatisfactory." From every direction, and from every element of the population, came the spontaneous protest against taking the note as acceptance of our terms and an outcry for following it up with a demand for unconditional surrender. Who, then, assumed to be "the government" empowered to stifle the voice of the American people, if not to make them stop thinking until someone else should think for them? Although autocracy may strangle free speech in Germany and Austria, ours is supposed to be a govern ment "of the people, by the people and for the people" a free government in- which public opinion freely expressed is, and always must be, a principal factor in the decisons of our chosen representatives in charge of our national des tinies. I Change in German Sentiment. The nation that so lustily sang the "Hymn of Hate" now is chanting a different refrain. Irt excerpts from editorial utterances, cabled from the kaiser's land, is noted a change that marks the progress of the thought of possible defeat. On this side we know that no German paper is permitted to print anything that does not have the approval of the government. Therefore, the severe criticism of the military party, the charges that it deliberately duped the people, and that it intrigued to prevent peace at a time when it might have been obtained on terms really favorable to Germany, must be ac cepted as a proof that the kaiser's government is preparing the people for an about-face move. We will soon be given a new picture of the Teuton, not as'a fire-breathing monster, career ing to the establishment of a world-empire, but as a most exemplary individual, a peaceful, gen tle burgher, devoted to his home life and quiet pursuits and anxious to be left undisturbed in his domes'tic tranquility. However, we must not forget that in 1870 Bismarck presented a forged telegram at Versailles, suppressing the one really sent from Berlin, and thus precipi tated a war, and no German since that time has repudiated Bismarck's act Deception in 1914 and since is not one whit worse, but has not turned out quite so successfully. That is the only difference. An Astounding Request. The Ukrainian cabinet has sent a message to President Wilson, calling Ntis attention to the fact that the Ukraine is occupied territory, and that if his demand for thy retirement of German forces from all such territory is insisted upon, it "sovereign rights" will be infringed upon. Jost what the cabinet means may only be con jectured. If it is that the government can only exist so long as it is supported by the presence t oi uerman troops, tne sooner it Dreaks down the better for the peoplexof the Ukraine. Such a government has no right to live, for it cannot represent the true interest of its people. In this case the animus is plain. The present pow ers that be in the Ukraine were put there by the .Germans, and have since been of great help to thekaiser, especially in the matter of stripping the peasants of their food Supplies and turning them over to the Huns. Not only the Russians, bait humanity will be benefited by stopping this. Right in the Spotlight. Rt. .lev. James D. Morrison, who enters upon his 75th year today,(has been Protestant Episcopal bishop of Duluth since the creation of the dio cese in 1907. A native of New York state, he received his academic edu cation at McGill university, and then, took up the study of theology. In 1869 he was ordained a deacon of the Protestant Episcopal church and a year later was given full orders. Prior to reaching the epi, ' ate, he filled nastorates in several cities of Canada and in New York state. In 1897, while serving as archdeacon of Ogdensburg, he was consecrat.d missionary bishop of Duluth and 10 ye. . s later he was elevated to the bishropiic. Bishop Morrison is wide ly known for his eloquence and learning. In 1898 he was Paddock lecturer to the General Theological semi, ary of New York. One Year Ago Today in the War. German naval forces occupied the Russian islands in the Gulf of Riga. British under Field Marshal Haig continued a vigorous offensive in Flanders. French troops reported successful in several attacks on German lines at Verdun. In Omaha 30 Years Ago Today. The Omaha club gave a reception in its new quarters to its members and their families. The Armour-Cudahy Packing company bought their first cattle 73? today and will commence killing to morrow. The Bishop and Wheeler Loan company has filed articles of incor poration. The capital stock is $10, 000. The incorporators are Joseph W. Bishop, James A. Wheeler and S. R Epperson. Edward Rosewater left on a busi ness trip to Chicago, Milwaukee and Minneapolis. Wells, Fargo and company are re placing the office that was de stroyed with a larger and more commodious structure. Harry Benson has accepted a situation as bookkeeper with the well-known firm of Dorsey Bros. & Clifton. The Day We Celebrate. Edgar E. Calvin, federal manager of the Union Pacific and other west ern railroads, born at Indianapolis 60 years ago. Brower E. McCague, secretary McCague Investment company, born 1874. Charjes G-. Morgan, vice president of the C. W. Hull company, born 1877. John Kenneth Caldwell, United State consul at Vladivostok, born in Japan (of American parents), 37 years ago. Congressman Frederick H. Gillett of Massachusetts, leader of the re publi:an minority in the house, born at Westfield, Mass., 67 years ago. William C. Potter, Chicago min ing expert and financier, born in Chicago 43 years ago. This Day in History. 1781 Cornwallis made a vain at tempt to escape with his army from Yorktown across the river to Gloucester point. , 1843 United States government proposed to the republic of , Texas a treaty of annexation. 1870 French city of Soissons surrendered to the Germans after four days' bombardment. 1888 "Long John" Wentworth, who established the first newspaper in Chicago, died in Chicago. Born at Sandwich, N. H., March S, 1815. Timely Jottings and Reminders. 1.538th day of the great war. The Italian Parliament ha fixed today as the date for resuming its sessions. y A provincial conference of Cath olics is to be held in St. Louis to day to consider plans for the nation wide campaign to be launched next month to raise a $170000,000 fund for camp community service. Storeyette of the Day. It was the sweet scent of the lilies in the conservatory, the beauty of the young girl's hair, or the excel lent champagne he had taken at sup per that led to his proposing to the obscurity beneath a palm. "It cannot be," she said. "I am unworthy of you." "Oh, rubbish." said he. "It is true; it is true." And she sighed. "You a:e an angel," he said ar dently. ( "No, no: you are wrong," said the girl. "I am vain, idle, silly, utterly unfit to be your helpmate through life." . He laughed lightly, then said, in a soothin voice: "Why. this is sheer madness. What sort of a wife do you think I ouifht to have?" "A very wise, deliberate, practical woman," she replied, "one able to live on your salary." Washington Star. Defeat of the Gerpian Army EDITORIAL SHRAPNEL Washington Poet: If Germany really wants a quick peace, why doesn't it send out Its high seas fleet? Minneapolis Tribune: Those Ger mans who raise such a row because black men are fighting them proba bly want to have the game called on account of darkness. Baltimore American: British aviation officials have come to the conclusion that bachelors make the best air fighters. Married men. of course, are more, experienced in fighting with their backs to the wall. Brooklyn Eagle: John D. Rocke feller tucks away $5,000,000 worth of Liberty bonds. Ida Tarbell would have to admit that John D. is a Wandy man to have around when the world machine needs more gas. New York Herald: It is only a few days since wo were celebrating a ship-building world's record of 1,956,435 gross tons In one year. The September figures now made public include 100 ships completed, of 301, 433 gross tonnage. It Is superfluous to point out to an arithmetical na tion thai this la at the rate of up ward of S. 600.000 tons a year; and we may yet do better. New York Evening Post. We cannot understand how acute is the chill of fear which military defeat has cast around the heart of the German people without recalling the relation of the German army to the German people. Kaiser metaphysics has exa'ted the "state." The idea of the state as a super organism has been the boasted contribution of the German mind to the progress of civilization. But too often when Germans have said the state they have meant the army. With his army Frederick the Great built the greatness of Prussia. With his army Bismarck built the German empire. The army has openly and boastfully been characterized as the defense and cement of German greatness. In his own thoughts and in the popular view William II has been first the war lord and only secondarily the emperor. In the army the genius of the German people has been described as attaining its richest fruition. In the army there found self-expression all those admirable qualities which German modesty has been so fond of monopolizing loyalty, discipline, laboriousness, forethought, education. By their own confes sion the Germans have put into their army the best of themselves and now the German army has been defeated. This is the truth which the events of the last six months have borne in upon the German con sciousness. This is the thought which is as gall and wormwood to the Junker soul. Had Ger many been starved into submission, had it been driven into defeat by exhaustion of man power, had it succumbed to revolution from within, there would have been a measure of consolation for the war lord and his adjutants. But at the present moment Germany stands defeated through none of these weapons. It has been beaten down by the weapon of its own choice and worship, the sword. The kaiser even today speaks of Germany's unequal fight against a world of enemies. That is true only in the sense that ultimate German defeat was assured. Ul timately Germany's man power was bound to dry up, its food supplies would have vanished, its people would have risen against their mas ters. But the simple fact is that none of these causes have operated, except to a minor degree, in the historic period from March 21, when Germany almost had victory within its grasp, to the present dy, when Germany confesses defeat. Put away the war before March 21, suppose the world struggle to have begun then, and how did things stand on that day? Germany faced its opponents in the west with an army which, in spite of contemporary official denials from allied quarters, we now know was stronger than the allied armies by a quarter of a million men. At the end of the May offensive it wassstronger, according ito some observers, by half a million men. When Germany began its great try for victory in March if was stronger in war ma terial. It had a goodly portion of the 2,700 cannon captured from the Italians last autumn and the guns and munitions presented to it by the bolsheviki. It had, finally, the advantage of united command. By all tests, therefore, men, material, leadership and morale, the kaiser was assured of victory. Instead of victory, William II envisages de feat. The change has been brought about by no miracle. We speak of our own army as hav ing turned the tide of war, but the effect was nut produced by the brute strength of American numbers. At the present time it is doubtful whether much more than half a million Amer icans are in the front lines. It is doubtful whether the fighting forces of the allies on July 15 outnumbered the Germans so heavily as the Germans outnumbered the allies on March 21. Nor, after the enormous captures of allied guns and munitions could our advantage in war ma terial have been very great. " Yet the allies have compelled Germany to sue for peace. For the moment we need not consider the "ways in which this astounding result has been brought about by steadfastness, ', by prodigies of energy, by unity and inspirea leadership. The bare fact is eloquent; what the German army set out to do and failed, the allied armies, with no superior initial advantages, have accomplished. Un March 21 the Germans began a kaiser battle for world domination', and have been beaten. In tracing the march of events on the map, hardly enough stress has been laid on the allies' prisoners and the Germans introduced the wprd booty. Prisoners and booty have been from the beginning of the war the favorite Ger man measure of victory. The underlying idea has been, no doubtthat enemy dead and woundr ed only testify to the enemy's resolution, but enemy captives and guns testify to your oppo nent s declining morale and your own superior leadership. Today the test is turned against the Germans. In less than three months they have lost close to 275,000 men, more than 3,000 can non and nearly 25,000 machine guns. The only parallelthe Germans can cite are the demoral ized Italians last Autumn, the unarmed, starv ing Kusian hordes in 1915. That close to 300.- 000 German soldiers should have gone into the prisoners cages in 12 weeks, that the incom parable German army should be yielding and breaking like so many "decadent" Mediterran eans, like so many uncivilized Slavs, - a phe nomenon to strike panic into the fjerman heart. The end of all .things may well be approaching when the German army the noblest work of dott, is deteated. Good, Plain American . After all, it's the thought that gives elegance to words and the occasion that establishes their suuammy. ii one is in a parior one can not use the expression Go to Heir without peril to his standing as a gentleman. N But if one has been surrounded by Hun enemies who have been trying for four days to exterminate him and his comrades and on the fourth day of sutlering and anxiety he receives a note from the enemy suggesting surrender and he shouts "Goto hell." he gives a sort of sublimity to the words that no expression elegant in itself would have had. He means what he says and he says it in the most emphatic way he knows. There is no profanity or vulgarity about it. It is exalted language. One is reminded by the story of Major Whit- telsey of Victor Hugos classic story of the old guard who, in the battle of Waterloo, when he was confronted with the alternative of death or surrender, accepted the former with an ele gant expression of contempt which Hugo de votes several paragraphs to eulogizing. The old guard's expression was one of contempt onjy contempt of death and of his enemy at the same time. Maj. Whittelsey s words con veyed not only contempt of death but defiance of the enemy. It was good, old American language. Nor folk News. People and Events "There was intermittent bombardment of Somme-Py,' says a fighting front dispatch. It's a safe bet the Yanks swept the Py counter and made the Huns sore. "The Huns are beaten to a frazzle!" exclaim ed a Yank, limping to the hospital. Here's hoping St. Peter will not hand the message to Michael. One, war at a time is aplenty. Landlord profiteers manage to get away with the loot at Washington, in spite of congressional-threats. Minor profiteers in i the food line tried a like turnover.-tinmindful of the minions of Hoover. In boosting milk from 5 to 10 cents a glass, they didn't get very far. Revo cation of a few feedery licenses made the prof iteers "holler" and promise to be good. Where proclamations fait, the wise regulator swings the club. The last lingering remnant of "Soapy" Smith's abbreviated career vanished with bankruptcy of his Skagway cafe, known to Alaskan pro spectors for 20 years past. "Soapy" turned his toes skyward long ago, not being as quick on the trigger as an unwelcome caller. Long be fore that involuntary suicide "Soapy" reigned in Creede and put several notches on his guns, which made the Colorado-climate too hot his health, , , Over There and Here Amsterdam reports that Karl Liebnecht. anti-kaiser socialist, is to be given hia liberty. Junerdom relents as defeat advances. Three meatless days are the rule in Hungary and the remaining four carry short rations of meat Hun gary for peace? Sure thing.' Lo, the poor Indian, sets a hot pace for paleface patriots down Ok lahoma Way. Last reports give In dians credit for $2,600,000 subscrip tions to the Liberty loan. Official retail prices for cured ba con in England is 32 cents a pound. In Omaha the fair price makers think 87 cents is Just right From which it may be inferred that money comes easier here. Despite the wreck and ruin of up standing things in Rhelms, 25,000. 000 gallons of wine have been saved from the thirsty gullets of the Huns. Enough to celebrate "unconditional surrender" and then some. A writer in the New York Times traces -the nickname "doughboy" back 233 years to a book entitled "The Buccaneers of America," printed in London in 1685. The term then applied to primitive cakes of bread called by the English "dough boys." Private Larry Halleran, United States army, of Flushing, L. I., tried to enlist 57 times before breaking in. Doctors said he was shy on kidneys, but the 58th medic let him go to it. An Omaha boy, minus a few toes on one foot, had a similar experi ence, but not so mamy trials. Army and navy recruiting officers turned him down, so did the draft doctors and the transport units. Still the persistent scrapper managed to get in while the doctors were lookinc the other way, and Is now in France doing his bit. CHEERY CHAFF. Mrs. A. Do you do all your own bak ing nowadayt? Mrs. B No, Indeaa. All I can afford Is to make "patty-cakei" for the baby. Philadelphia Bulletin. He' the tidiest man I know." "What makes you think so?" "He can' even fill the grease cups on his car and not iret most of the grease on himself." Detroit Free Press. "A man should not stare at a pretty girl If he has his wife with htm." "Decidedly not." "Besides he can get an eyeful out of one corner If he's at all smooth." Cin cinnati Enquirer. "In the other life," said the theorist, "we simply develop the tastes we have had In this.1' "Ha" said one of his hearers, "that's hard on the smokers." Baltimore Amer ican. ''Our coins are not as artiste In appear ance as they used to be." 'Perhaps not. But you're not supposed to keep them about you so long." Wash ington Star. Creditor Tou couldn't ride around In your fine automobile If you paid your honest debts. ' Debtor That's so. I'm glad you look at it In the same light that I do. Boston Transcript. ' uven a oaa arcmteci couia not spoil a police court building." 'Why not?" 'Because no matter what he does with the plans, lt Is bound to be a fins place." Cincinnati Enquirer. "Peck says his life was ruined by two women. ' 'How was that?" One did not marry him and ona did." Boston Transcript. "Seax." Omaha, Oct 8. To the Editor of The Bee: Attention has been called to the definition (with htsturlcal al lusion) of the old word "Seax" In the Century dictionary, which in these days of "parleying" with the German enemy sems to bear partic ular significance to the case at hand: "Seax, n. a curved one-edged sword or war knife used by Ger manic and Celtic peoples; specific ally, the largest weapon of this sort, having a blade sometimes 20 Inches In length." "They Invited the British to a parley and banquet on Salisbury plain, where, suddenly drawing out their seaxes, concealed under their long coats being crooked swords, the emblem of their Indirect pro ceedings they made their Inno cent guests with their blood pay the shots of their entertainment" (Fuller Ch. Hist. I. v. 25.) The Germans may have a "seax" concealed somewhere about their clothes, and lt might be well to defer all diplomatic conversation until they have been submitted to a thor ough search. C. F. M, Woostcr Applauds Whittlesey. Silver Creek, Neb., Oct. 13. To the Editor of The Bee: The story of the refusal to surrender on the part of the "lost battalion" In the Argonne forest, as it appeared In the newspapers of the 11th, is the best thing from the front I have read since the beginning of the war. The answer of Major Whittlesey, without an instant s delay, to the demand for surrender and the responsive shout of approval of the boys of his com mand was enough to make an old soldier's blood burn through his hide. "Go to hell" was the answer, and lt showed the spirit that will an nihilate the Huns if certain people In high places will ult this peace idiocy. If the ladles of the Woman's Re lief corps will make an appropriate battle flag for that battalion with those words, "Go to Hell," inscribed thereon In letters of gold, I would be glad to blow myself for $! to help meet the expense. And then if the boys, with Uncle Sam's consent. would let me carry It for them "dur ing the war," or as long as I lasted. I would be the happiest man In France, and would not ask for pay, pension or other emoljments. CHARLES WOOSTER. that was Imparted to them. I ca assure you that, no matter wher my orders may take mo, I shall not forget the editor of The Bo and hit able corps of assistants. Tou cer tainly can feel proud of the fearless manner In which you presented th issues involved In this crisis and for the unlimited space you have volun tarily given to every patriotic en deavor. 1 beg to remain, with very great respect, stneerely your friend. JOHN MAHER. Major Quartermaster's Corp Major Maher's Adieu. Omaha, Oct. 14. To the Editor of The Bee: I have been relieved as depot quartermaster, Omaha, Neb., and am under orders for extended field service, and before I depart I desire to express my appreciation for the many kindnesses extended to me personally and to express my great appreciation for the stauncii support your paper has given everything that went to help in the great cause we are all interested in. While your reporters have been alert to get all information possible pertaining to military matters, they never violated any request that was made not to publish information OLD KENTUCK IS GOING DRY O there's brick-dust In the cellar Where the Bourbon used to stay; And the colonel's lips are parching For a drink to start the day: And the birds have ceased their singing. For the clouds blot out the sky; And there's mourning In the morning Old Kentuck Is going dry! - O the weeds have claimed the mint bed, And the julep Is a Jest; And there's nothing left but water They may offer to a guest; Where the major meets the colonel And In silence passrs by, "With a grief too great for comfort Old Kentuck Is going dryl O the Judge Is staid and sober. For there's nothing left to drink; Even crafty politicians Do not give their friends the wink, In the still there's naught but stillness. For the Bourbon and the rye Are two things the natives dream of Old Kentuck Is going dry! O the pleasant clink of glasses Is a south of by-gone days; For the bar-keep's job has vanished He hp s gone the unknown ways; And there's dust upon the counter Where the highballs used to fly, When they took 'em stiff and steady Old Kentuck Is going dry! Harry M. Dean In Loulsvllle-Courlef Journal. HEADACHE FROM A COLDUISTEN! "Pape' Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a a dose of "Rape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ning, relieves sick headache, dull ness, feverishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffrress. Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! Ease your throb bing head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Adv. I II CSaTg favorite jlecevkY to Itt IW often you ask tome one to wgr only to MOTtt- -IdonotknowiM Jou can qet In a mutic roll and your favorite iimi lc-lt will be acorn home son new ralb. October Piano Sale Now On Pianos From $150 Up vijthing in Mrt mndturit CHICAGO OPERA, NOV. Lt. Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, t about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon ; apply it at night when retir ing: use enough to moisten the scaln and rub it in gently with the fingei tips. I Do this tonieht. and bv morninr. most if not all, of your dandruft will be gone, and three or four mor applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too that all ltchina and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, ana look and feel a hundred times better. You can eet liauid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Adv. When your nerves are all on edge and sleep seems out of the question take at bedtime one or two Largest Sale of Any Medicine in tt World Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10c 28c QUICK WINTER STARTING RED Crown Gasoline in the tank defies cold. When you open the throttle the car springs to lifewhen you want speed it's there. Every drop of Red Crown does its bit every gallon is packed with utmost power and mileage. It vaporizes at low temperatures, burns cleanly, and doesn't clog the carburetor. Red Crown Gasoline is the same every where straight-distilled and all gas. Look for the Red Grown Sign. It's your guide to full engine jwwer. J3L is a cold-proof lubricant 1 OldrillCi that keeps cylinders clean and compression tight. y L j ucubiu ailftUIKU U1JL lUMfAIMI (NEBRASKA) OMAHA RE P CROWN GASOLINE yypwWMiiLjiin. - i linn" mm p p b E c t t t BED .fnrirtA7iai vnvTTll rf GASOUNE A 4 bhp no njj