Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Newspapers Particularly Pleased With Condition De
manding Guarantees for Maintaining Present Military
Supremacy of Allies. Washington Officials Believe
Note Will Stop Efforts for Negotiated Peace.
Solf or Scheidemann May Be
Made German Chancellor;
Kaiser's Abdication Said
to Be Imminent.
London, Oct. 15. The text of President Wilson's reply
to the German peace offer, received through press channels,
was placed in the hands of the members of the British gov
ernment early this morning. The council met shortly after
11 o'clock to consider the president's response.
The German autocracy must go,
u the heading placed over Presi
dent Wilson's reply to the German
peace note by the liberal Star,
which, like most of the liberal news
papers, considers this one of the
first conditions of peace with the
central powers.
A condition in the reply which
is given great display by the news
papers is that which asks for guar
afttees for the maintenance of the
present military supremacy of the
allied armies.
Satisfaction also fs expressed with
President Wilson's reference to the
continued sinkings by German sub
marines and the "wanton destruc
tion" in occupied territory, while
his decision that the conditions of
an armistice must be left to the
military advisers of the entente ap
pears to agree with the phrase so
often quoted in the newspapers dur
ing the last few days "leave it to
Ends Armistice Talk.
Washington, Oct. IS. President
Wilson's reply to Germany, ending
talk of an armistice until the Ger
mans are ready to surrender and
finally closing the door to peace ne-
-gotiations with kaiserism. was on
the cables today, if it actually had
not arrived at Berne. Only a few
hours should Ik required for its de-
. livery at Berlin through the Swiss
foreign office.
The feeling is apparent in Wash
ington that the atmosphere is clear
er than before Prince Maximilian
came forward with his peace drive;
that the purposes of the United
States and the allies are more than
ever, clearly stated and that the
powers in Berlin and the German
people now must see the futility of
further attempts to avert defeat by
Turkey Out Soon. .
So far the president has dealt only
. with the proposal of the German
government, leaving unanswered
v similar pleas for peace from Austria-Hungary
and Turkey. There is
no, indication mai inesc aiucs 01
Germany will hear from him until
the dominant factor in the e .al
alliance makes another move, unless
one or both of them in the mean
time should plead an; v, seeking
inrrender independent of Germany
Turkey already virtually is out of
the war and a separate appeal from
the reorganized government at Con
stantinople is looked tor momen-
No Statement of Terms to Be
Imposed Likely to Be
Made Before an
Kaiser Will Keep Up Fight
Say German War Leaders
Number of "Flu ' Cases
Grows All Over Land,
r With Many Fatalities
,New York, Oct. IS. With the
number of new influenza cases on
the increase in this city,. Health
commissioner Copeland announced
tonight that he had called for to
morrow a meeting of 100 social wel
fare organizations to prepare plans
for carrying relief work into the
homes to prevent further over
:rowding of hospitals.
Announcement was made at po
lice headquarters, by order of the
chief surgeon of the department,
ibout fO.OOO members of the force
will don gauze, masks when they
sleep in the dormitories at the vari
ous police stations.
.Chicago, (111., Oct. 15. In the 48
heurs ending at 9 a. m. today, 2,
174 new cases of influenza and 689
new cases of neumonia were report
ed in Chicago. During the same
period there were 216 deaths from
influenza and 202 from pneumonia.
Cleveland. 0., Oct. t 14. Every
public parochial and private school
in the city and all public li
braries and art- museums will close
for an indefinite period tomorrow,
ander an order issued today by City
Health Commissioner Rockwood, in
view of the increasing spread of the
Spanish influenza epidemic here.
Los Angeles, Cal.. Oct 15. Cities
uid towns throughout southern Cali
fornia with few exceptions, have fol
lowed the example of Los Angeles,
in closing schools, churches and the
iters and forbidding the holding of
public gatherings as a measure to
prevent the spread of influenza.
March aviation field, near River
lide. was placed under quarantine
Scandinavians Fearful of
Red Terror in Russia
Stockholm, Oct. 15. Much uneas
iness prevails in the Scandinavian
countries as to the probable effect
of the evacuation, of Russian terri
tory occupied by Austro-Hungari-ms.
Germans and especially of the
possible evacuation of Finland and
the Baltic provinces.'where neutrals
fear a resumption of the red terrc
ind a renewal of the struggle be
tween the white and red Russians,
which will further threaten Scandi
navian interests and upset the ship
Dinar situation in the Baltic: ' '
- TV. drriif nf hnlshevism in Scan-
w WW w- "
iinavia has been Intensified by the
recent action of the bolshevik com
mune at Petrograd. which ordered
.at neutral flags and seals be taken
' . a. . f A .' - .
.?ra eu neuirai properties A.cyi
Rations ana ; consulates ana ae-
-J thit M(nl nffiriala ntirht
Protect the orooertr of their
: . - . m ...
-ymn, muni les J mat oi'tin i
In other countries.
' ondon. Oct. 15. Dispatches
from Holland indicate there is a
probability of another turn-over
in the German chancellorship. The
Benin national zeitung prints a
report of a discussion, by an inter
prrty committee, of the letter
Prince Maximilian wrote to Prince
Alexander of Hohenlohe, which
showed a markedly different atti
tude in political affairs from ' that
proposed ir his Reichstag address,
The committee, according to the
newspapeer, recognized that the sit
uation rendered Prince Maximil
ian's retention in office doubtful.
The fact that rumors are current in
certain circles in Berlin that Prince
Maximilian's retirement is inevit
able also is reported in the National
Rotterdam reports to the Tele
graph that Prince Maximilian's
probable successor will be Dr. W
S. Solf. the new foreien minister, or
Philipp Scheidemann, secretary of
state without portfolio. The cor
respondent attributes this develop
ment to the "imminent abdication
of the kaiser," which, he says, the
kaiser wished to announce two
months ago, but was dissuaded
by the empress and others.
The text of the letter referred to
above showed that Prince Maximil
iam was reactionary in his political
attitude and that he was at that
time, January 12. 1918. a firm sup
porter of the German royal family.
(Continued from Far One.)
near Cambrai, it is pointed out, the
Germans rapidly fell back to their
third defenses, but the (strategical
reasons for their continued resist
ance in the open at that part of
the sector is not to be compared to
those in front of the Americans.
Added evidence has been secured
that, instead of reducing his oppo
sition, the German eommander is
continuing to bring up fresh divi
sions and to throw them after those
already broken by the Americans.
Gen. Von Der Marwitz explained
to his command in his order that
the Americans were about to at
tack on the Verdun front "to try
to push toward Longuyon."
"The object of this attack," the
order continues, "is to cut the Lon-guyon-Sedan
Eagle of Sea to Break
Power of Teuton Dragon
Washington, Oct 15. American
shipbuilders were called upon by
Secretary Daniels today to speed up
their output of destroyers to meet
the menace of the new and greater
submarine effort which Germany
is known to be planning.
The secretary began a series of
conferences with representatives of
the buildersJMost of the plants
are working now nearly to capacity
on destroyers, but arrangements
will be made to lay down as many
additional .vessels as possible.
Secretary Daniels also let it be
known today that successful trials
of Eagle No. 1, the new submarine
fighter and chaser, have been held,
with results in every way better
than had been' anticipated. In speed
the h-agle boat was said to be the
equal in every respect of the de
stroyer of a few years ago and to
excel it in seagoing qualities. Pro
duction, which has been contingent
upon trials, now will proceed, and
Mr. Daniels indicated that the Ford
plant, building the Eagles, will
reach the peak of its schedule early
next year. :
No Sugar for Second
Cup of Coffee at Any
Price, Says Mr. Pryor
Ellsworth W. Pryor, chief stew
ard of .he Chamber of Commerce,
says government regulations on
"eats" will be more rigid than
ever, starting next Monday, ac
cording to instructions he has re
ceived. .Here are some of the
One lump of sugar or one tea
spoonful to each meal.
Two ounces of bread, equiva
lent to one small roll.
"Even if you pay a 'dollar for a
second cup of coffee you can't
get second lump of sugar," says
Mr. Pryor. '."I have already cut
out the pastry because there isn't
sugar to make it"
A Renpcrmtivi diet In influents. Rorlkk'i
jutM wu, vtry oifiuu-Aai
London, Oct. 15. Andrew Bonar
Law, government spokesman in the
House of Commons, made the an
nouncement in Parliament today
that it would be very, unwise for
any of the allied governments to
make any statement on the terms to
be imposed on Germany before an
armistice was granted.
Winston Spencer Churchill, Brit
ish minister of munitions, in a
speech at Manchester today said
that President Wilson's stern and
formidable answer to Germany is
wholeheartedly endorsed by all the
allied countries. The answer, Mr.
Churchill declared, has tended to
prolong the conflict, but there
would be no relaxation of the allied
war efforts.
The London evening newspaper
comment on President Wilson's re
ply to Germany is generally favor
able in tone. The Standard says
that the note "has removed certain
false impressions" but regrets that
the president did not refer to pun
ishment for U-boat crimes and the
burning of towns.
TheVall Mall Ga7tte says Presi
dent Wilson's replf "reaches his
highest standards of point and
"Foch. Haig and Pershing," the
Globe asserts, "will determine in
concert the guarantees they must
have in mind before granting a ces
sation of hostilities."
On the question of an armistice,
the Manchester Guardian suggests
as security the temporary occupa
tion of Essen, the evacuation of the
whole of Alsace-Lorraine and the
surrender of the German U-boat
Reply Pleasing to French.
Paris, Oct. 15. President Wil
son's reply to Germany was given
to the public in extra editions of the
afternoon papers published at noon
today. It immediately became the
absorbing topic of discussion in all
public places. The tone of the sen
timent was distinctly favorable to
the reply, the prevailing ndte being
cne of jubilation.
The president's firm position
against an armistice without guar
antees particularly appealed to pre
vailing French opinion.
Germans In Dismay.
Washington, Oct 15. Swiss dis
patches today say the German
newspapers are now showing a con
fusion equal to that which they
showed in the interval between the
proposal of Prince Maximilian and
President Wilson's message of in
quiry. Some of them are quoted as
The Frankfort Zeitung: "Evident
ly if the negotiations cannot be car
ried out we can still turn back to
arms and in desperate combats de
fend German territory, but we must
have no illusions in this respect. At
the most important time of her his
tory Germany feels the lack of that
very energetic military help, which,
according to ancient beliefs, stands
for right. However terrible this dis
illusion may be for the German peo
ple, brought up among military dis
play, humanity will benefit by it if
President Wilson is albe to estab
lish a real and true justice."
The Norgan Poste: "The army
high command believes too that the
continuation of war in the present
circumstances will bring no good re
sults." The Neue Landes Zeitung, organ
of the chancellor's party: "President
Wilson and the entente are mistaken
if they think that war was not made
with the whole German people in
250,000 Refugees Trying
To Escape Into Holland
Washington, Oct. 15. Two hun
dred and fifty thousand refugees are
making their way from Lille, Rou
baix and other Belgian towns near
the front lines to the Dutch frontier
in an endeavor to escape into Hol
land. Messages received today by
the commission for relief in Belgium
said arrangements had been made
for food, clothing and shelter upon
their arrival at the frontier.
Should the Germans in retreating
from Belgium seize the internal food
supply, consisting of crops now
ready for harvest and the few re
maining dairy cattle, the situation,
the message said, would be serious.
To meet such a possibility, the re
lief commission has shipped 180,-
000 tons of foodstuffs to Rotterdam
in the last month.
Germans Do Not Plan
for Complete Surrender
Amsterdam, Oct 15. The Co
logne Gazette of Saturday, refer
ring to the suggested evacuation of
German occupied territories, gives
testimony as to what such action
means to Germany. The newspa
per says:
- Vhat are Siegfried positions and
towns and villages? The main
thing is that the German front
maintain continuity. Even though
confiding in President Wilson s love
of peace, we consent to the evacua
tion of occupied regions then our
battle-prepared army, our intact
fleet and our strong nation at home
guarantee that the German people
cannot be forced into unconditional
Italians Capture
Albanian Port
Durazzo From Huns
Washington, Oct 15. Capture
of the Albanian port of Durazzo
by Italian and British naval forces
was reported today in an official
dispatch from Rome. The city
was occupied and many prisoners
and quantities of war supplies
taken. .
The message also told of fur
ther advances by the Italian
columns driving the enemy out
'of Albania and the occupation -of '
$vral important point.
Washington, Oct. 15. Even be
fore President Wilson's decision
bad been announced, rumors were
current of the probable retirement
of Prince Maximilian, and these
were followed by reports that
Scheidemann might take his place
as chancellor. Such a development
would be regarded as important on
ly as an index to the leaven work
ing in Germany. It was made very
clear again today that President
Wilson's opinion is that it matters
little who is the German chancellor
so long as the chancellor and the
government are answerable to the
Some observers here think the
Germans will make any sacrifice
rather than go through another
winter of war at or within their
borders, and that the next move
in I erlin may come more quickly
than is generally expected.
Military officials here, however,
are almost unitedly of the opinion
that Germany has not yet been
brought to the point where it will
seek an armistice on the terms laid
down. On the contrary, they think
the military elements stilt in control
will hold up the president's com
munication to the German people
as proof of their contention that
their enemies are determined to
bring about destruction of the na
tion and do not desire any peace
short of that Then they will con
tinue the retreat of their armies on
the western front in the hope that
an early winter will find them be
hind shorter and very much more
powerful lines of defense, close to
the German border, but still on its
enemy's soil.
The supreme war council in
Paris has considered the program
to be followed when the time does
come for cessation of hostilities It
also is said to have been consider
ing plans for dealing with the Bal
kan provinces, the Russian border
states and Finland in the event Ger
many should undertake to evacuate
those territories. Ample precau
tions will be taken' to guard against!
an outbreak df bolshevism and
anarchy. ' x
Prince Max Opposed Request
for Armistice, but Was
Overruled by Hun
War Council.
(Continued from Fag-e One.)
lied advance, now ts only three miles
from the important railway junction
of Courtrai. Once the allies master
the line Wervicq-Menin-Courtrai,
which probably will be only a mat
ter of a few hours, the jGerman sit
uation at Lille will be njost perilous
and that at Ghen not much better.
The French capture of Roulers is
a serious loss to the Germans. Al
though the Belgian railway system
is dense enough to provide alterna
tive routes to a certain extent the
allied entrance into Roulers on the
first day of the offensive is bound to
affect the German communication
system most unfavorably.
Summing up the situation on the
British front the Echo de Paris says
that Douai virtually has been taken,
that Valenciennes is threatened and
Denan only a few kilometers dis
tant. To give an idea of the German
losses in Champagne the Petit
Parisien quotes the evidence1 of an
enemy prisoner who said that the
406th infantry regiment while engag
ed in battle on October 1 was deci
mated. The companies in two bat
talions, according to the prisoner
were reduced to 30 men and two
other supporting battalions suffered
heavily from artillery and airplanes.
Despite these losses the prisoner
said the regiment was ordered to
The French troops north of Laon
and in the Champagne have made
further important advances against
the Germans, according to the offi
cial communication issued tonight
The Grand Pre-Vouviers road in
Champagne west of Grand Pre is
now in the hands of the French.
Eight hundred prisoners were taken
in the day's fighting.
Burton Chosen Head of
Indiana Standard Oil
Chicago, Oct. 15. Dr. William M.
Burton was elected president of the
Standard Oil company of Indiana
at a meeting of the board of direc
tors today. Dr. Burton, who re
cently was awarded the Walter
Gibbs medal of the American Chem
ical society, succeeds the late Lauren
J. Drake. He has grown up in
the service of the company, the last
position he held being that of gen
eral manager and vice president. A
new office of chairman of the board
of directors was created also, Rob
ert W. Stewart, formerly general
counsel of the company, being elect
ed to the place.
Altitude of Hungary
To Austria Is Changed,
Says Premier Wekerle
Amsterdam, Oct. 15. Hun
gary's attitude toward Austria has
materially chaged Dr. Wekerle.
the Hungarian premier, declared
in a recent speech, according to a
Budapest dispatch to the Vos
siessche Zeitung of Berlin. The
premier added that the validity of
the treaties between Austria and
Hungary was a matter for discus
sion. Hungary, he said, must be rep
resented at the peace conference.
(Continued from Page. One.)
Germans entrenched behind wire en
To the east of the Meuse the line
moved forward to Sivry and Mag
enta farm, but just to the west of
the river little advance was regis
tered. Less effort was made there
because the problem was to
straighten the line further west
where it joins that of the French
near Grandpre.
It is at Romagne that the Kreim
hille positions swing in a northwest
erly direction , and (here the forces
of General von Gallwitz fought vali
antly to hold back the Americans.
New guards divisions were brought
up at that part of the line and evry
device of the Teutonic fighting ma
chine was used to smash the pres
sure. Except for a brief period in the
latter part of the day, when the
visibility slightly improved, it was
a battle without adequate observa
tion for either side. Clouds with
out a break covered the field
throughout the day and during
much of the time a drizzling rain
was falling.
Ravines Filled With Gas.
This condition, coupled with a
lack of wind made the time for gas
attacks almost ideal and the Ger
mans took full advantage of the
v-eather. Every wooded ravine
through which the Americans
moved was a flood of lethal and
mustard gases, supplemented with
a liberal fire of high explosive
In front of their barbed wire de
fenses, however, the Germans be
trayed an unusual nervousness. In
stead of the ordinary well controlled
artillery fire their batteries explod
ed in a barrage of fire on the slight
est excuse. Instead of these bar
rages covering any counter offen
sive they were nothing more than a
defensive move and they were laid
down at the least indication of ac
tivity on the part of their assail
One of the most stubbornly held
positions was in the Chatillon wood,
which covered the high hill south
of Romagne. The Americans
worked their way around the sides
of this great natural obstacle form
ing one of the most imporant links
in the Knemhilde line.
Time and again they were thrown
back until late in the day. Then,
covered by their own artillery, they
were able to gain its summit and to
dominate the country beyond. Pa
trols are now well in the woods.
Approximately 1,000 prisoners were
sent back.
Germans Claim Victory.
Berlin, via London, Oct 15.
West of the Meuse, where the
Americans are in the fighting line,
partial engagements are resulting in
victory for the Germans, according
to the official statement issued from
general headquarters tonight.
Woman in Council.
London, Oct. 15. The duchess of
Marlborough, formerly Miss Con
suelo Vanderbilt of New York, to
day was elected a member of the
London county council, to represent
West Southwark, a working class
district of London.
it i
io serve Uncle Dam
is a chief duty of
these days.TKey do
it by saving wheat
and sugar
TKeyre also the most
delicious corn flakes
r ii
ljPHAf n n m n Off RJlf I "AflAPH "nananananan,!
Washington, Oct. 15. It was
Field" Marshal von Hindenburg him
self and not the supposedly pacifist
premier, Prince Maximilian, who
caused the German government to
accept President Wilson's peace
terms and seek an armistice, accord
ing to advices which reached Wash
ington today through official sources
by way of a neutral country.
According to this version. Von
Hindenburg. knowing the desperate
condition of the German arn.y, him-
selt, better than any civilian, and
especially that fact that there is now
no supply of raw material to re
plenish the exhausted stocks of mu
nitions of war, insisted upon the ap
plication for an armistice. Prince
Maximilian is said to have Vesisted
strongly, disclosing himself in the
light of a true conservative and
autocrat, mly to be overruled by
the majority of the war council, at
which were present the heads of the
German states. This is pointed to
as the explanation of why the Ger
man note '.n response to President
Wilson's inquiries were signed by
Dr. Solf. the minister for foreign
affairs, although the prince had in
itiated the correspondence.
From the same source is cabled
a prediction that the German de
fensive can not be continued without
a debacle for more than three
months at the outside. This state
ment, from a well-informed neutral
source regarded as semi-official, is
based upon belief that a great revo
lution is impending in Germany, the
majority of the people being deter
mined to have peace at any price.
Bank Check Stamp
. Tax Incorporated in
iir r n
war Revenue di;
Five Are Missing.
Washington, Oct. 15. Reports to
the Navy department on the sink
ing of the transport America at its
dock at Hoboken, N. J., today said
there were 300 soldiers on board in
addition to members of the crew
and that all hands except three
privates and two sailors had been
accounted for. It was thought
probable that the missing men were
safe but had failed to report
"Whafs in a Name?"
Berlin First to Get
Required Loan Quota
Washington. Oct IS. "What's
in a name?" asked a telegram re
ceived today at national loan
headquarters with the following
Berlin precinct, Otoe county,
Nebraska, with a population of
1,030 and a quota of $72,315, was
one of the first communities in
the Kansas City district to ex
ceed its quota and win an honor
ttrjETTPEABarar axnrcncmct.
The theaten will open after the
"Fin" has paased and you will want to
look your nicest. So have your clothe
cleaned, pressed, altered and repaired
now. "Tell" Web. 892 and tha Carty
Cleaning Co. will do the rest.
The quiet comradeship of
. evening hours is doubly pleas
ant if one's reading or knit
ting is done under the right
sort of light. Mazda IS just
right We sell them.
Thoroughly equipped in
all branches.
Phone Doug. 4163.
806 S. 16th StA
For Baby's
Itchy Skin
AD dronta; Soto B. Oint
miiI 25 and H Talem SV
8unti nth. tn of "OMt-
Washington, Oct 15. A stamp
tax of 2 cents on all bank checks is
provided for in an amendment to the
war revenue bill adopted by the sen
ate finance committee, which is re
vising the house draft.
The amendment was adopted by a
vote of eight to six. Such a tax is
opposed by Treasury department of
ficials and many senators because it
not only would be a serious incon
venience to business but would tend
to discourage thrift and encourage
hording. The amount of revenue
from such a tax would be small, in
the opinion of experts.
Consideration of the revenue bill
progressed so rapidly today that
Chairman Simmons tonight reiter
ated his prediction that the bill
would be completed by about Octo
ber 25.
Extends Loan Period.
Washington, Oct. 15. To aid
persons who have not sufficient cash
funds on hand to buy liberty bonds,
Comptroller of Currency Williams
today announced an extension from
July J, 1919, to November 1, 1919.
of the period during which any
national hank may make loans on
such bonds where there is a mar
gin of 5 per cent or more. Pre
viously existing restrictions may be
disregarded save only such as the
prudence of the bank directors may
Mayaguei, P. Oct IS. (By
Associated Press) There were
more than a dozen distinct shocks
here in the course of the night
The exact number of dead and
injured among the inhabitant! of
this city as the result of Friday's
shock has not been determined.
The Red Cross estimates that 600
families are homeless. Food sup
plies are expected here today in
army automobiles from San Joan,
which is 135 miles away. Railroad,
telegraph and telephone communi
cation still is unbroken.
Up to last night 38 victims of the
earthquake at Aguidilla had been
buried. More bodies are being re
covered. Seventy-five per cent of
the masonry buildings at Mayguez
are a total loss. '
British Casualty List
For Week Totals 35,710
London, Oct. 14. British casual
ties reported for the week ending
today numbered 35,710, divided as
Killed or died of wounds, officers,
552; men. 6.937.
Wounded or missing, officers,
1.741; men, 26,480.
Thompsoit-Beldeit &Qx
J Established 18 8 6 ,
r- -r i - r f fir .
liie rasfiion venter Tor woman
Acquaint yourself with the
New Corset Models
Never mind if you are just looking we realize .
that it is often difficult to reach such an im
portant decision as that of a new corset with
out first seeing everything that's worth while.
Permit us to show you the new Corset
Styles-There are many this season
It ia one of the rule3 of courtesy of this house that
those who are looking shall be afforded every at
tention the same as when a purchase is made.
Corset Prices to Suit Every Woman.
l ..,.r....i. fl
Good Shoes for Men
Style, fit and durabil
ity are assured with
every pair of men's
shoes we sell. The
most rigid tests of ser
vice and comparison
won't chalk up a sin
gle demerit against
them. Made on ortho-
pedically correct lasts, of sturdy leathers, In styles
that are at once comfortable and attractive. You
will not find better shoes than ours at their prices
Notice to Taxpayers
of Douglas County
Commencing November 4th, 1918, I am by
law compelled to sell all delinquent taxes or spe
cial assessments on all property in Douglas county.
It is not my desire to sell the property of any
tax payer, so for the benefit of the tax paying pub- -lie
I will state that there is still time to avoid the
sale of your property for delinquent taxes by at-
pending to the matter at once, as the taxes on all
property advertised may be paid without any extra
expense except advertising before November 4, j
If you are in doubt as to whether you have any
unpaid taxes, call us up by phone, or read the f
Evening World-Herald of October 19th and 26th.
. N. . , M. L. ENDRES. County Treasurer. '