THE OMAHA BEE Children's Shoes Here are shoes that will make little feet grow in the way Nature intended, with comfort. Children's Gun Metal Calf, tan elkskin,,wlth sewed soles, button; sizes 6 to 11, at $2.50 Children's Shoes, patent colt vamps with cloth or dull leather tops, heavy extension soles, Nature shape lasts; sizes 8V2 to 11, at $3.00; sizes 2 to Hi2, at $3.50 Children's Dull Calf Shoes, high cut At 7 to 8: Sizes 8i2 to 11: Sizes 11 12 to 2: $2.93 $3.48 $3.98 Gun Metal Calf with welt soles, lace and button, broad toe shapes; extra value. "BILLIKEN" Shoes for Children are Jiere in a splendid assortment of the most wanted kinds, and at reasonable prices. Main Floor, Rear , J9t a. ai,.e. In all departments of children's wear we have made special effort for this Sat urday's offerings. To outfit the children now, means to save the later higher prices, because we are offering these splendid outf ittings on the basis of the lower markets, when we made our contracts 'months and months ago. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT MOTHERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE OFFERINGS. "Cinderella" 'Hats The leading feature in our display of Children'! and Misses' Hats for Saturday. In spite of the scarcity of desirable colors and materiajs, our line this sea son is bigger and better than ever, owing to advance purchases before the present prices went into effect. Hers are large Pokes, Sailors, Soft Hats, Streamer Hats, Dressy Hats, School Hats, etc., for the girl from 6 to 14 years of age, in all the best colors such as Black, Brown Nvy, Red, Sand and odd shades. The Price $2.50 Always Second Floor Children's Hose and Underwear Children'i'Hoie in all size3 and assorted quality, fine medium ribbed, double heels and toes. Good weight, in black only, 25c Boyi 'and Girls Hoio in white, tan and black. Heavy and medium weights, good -dye, double knees, heels and toes, at, pair 33c Boy' Extra Heavy Hote with double heels and toes', spliced knees. Extra vale. Sizes 7 to 10, at : 39c GirU' Thread Silk Hoie in black only. All ribffed fine quality, sizes 6 to 8, at . . . 50c Infants' Cashmere Hose in pink, sky, red, black and tan. All perfect. Some are silk and wool. At 39 Main Floor. Children's Vest and Pants. He&vy fleeced. Good quality, sitfes 2 to 8 years. Cream only, at 39c Children's Fleeced Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, white. 'Sizes 2 to 12 years at 69c Boys' and Girls' Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, white, cream or gray. High neck, long sleeve, ankle length. Sizes 2 to 14 years at $1.00 Boys' and Girls' Union Suits of good quality, part wool or heavy fleeced. High neck, long sleeve, ankle length, finished with neat shell edge or tailored band in white, cream or gray, at, each $1.50 Infants' Part Wool Vests and Bands. All sizes 50c Third Floor. fro $e Cods-RemarkMe I 71 1 No. 1 Girls' Coats of Wool Zibeline, trimmed with handsome fur collar, fea turing the new pockets and belt; sizes 6 to 14 18.59 M No. 2 Girls' Dress-Up Frocks, made of Taffeta Silk, high waisted effect, with fancy stitching on collar, belt and cuffs; sizes 6 to 14 years. 15.00 No. 3 Girls' Practical Frocks, made of good quality Serge; jacket effect, turn down collar and silk tie; with wide belt, trimmed with braid. ,No.4 Attractive Coat made of Velour Plush, lined throughout ; trimmed with Beaver Cloth collar and cuffs and on border. $15.00 enngs No. 5 Charming Serge Frock for dress-up and school wear, of real fine Serge; straight lines, with belt of self material; hand em broidered down front. v $8.95 No. 6 Coats made of Velour Plush, high waisted; col lar fitted close around neck, trimmed with nifty buttons;, sizes 6 to 14 years $8.50 Child ren's Gloves 59c a Pair About 60 Dozen Chil dren's Guaranteed Wash able Chamoisette Gloves. Light and medium weight. For boys and girls 2 to 14 years; excellent for fit and wear; gray, brown, mastic and white; quality that usually sells at 85c to 95c, while this lot lasts, Sat urday, pair v.59c Mala Floor Children's Sweaters Nobby Coat Effect, with belts and pockets; sizes & to 5 years, $1.75 to $4.25, and sizes 8 to 12 years, $3.95 to y $11.50 Children's Sweater Sets, Coat Leggings and Csps, $3.95, $8.95 to $8.50 Second Floor Ferris' Waists for children and growing girls from 7 to 16 years old; made of coutil; have 2 pair sup porters; prices from $1.50 to $2.50 Drugs and Toilet Needs Sal Hepatica, $1.25 size, at 89c Bromo Seltzer, 60c size, at 43c , Aspirin Tablets, 100 in bottle, at 59c Peroxide Hydrogen pound bottle for .... 23c Glycothmoline, 30c size, at 21c Senna Leaves, large pkg 5c Milk Magnesia, 8-oz. bottle 17c Hinkle Pills, 100 ill bottle 16c Orchard White, 40c size 33c Holin's Frostilla, 25c" size 7T. 19c Sempre Giovine, 60c, size 39c Milkweed Cream, 50c size 39c Berry's Freckle Cream, 60c size 39c Lusterite Nail Enamel, 30c size ...19c Abonita Liquid Nail Polish, 25c size.... 19c Mavis Talcum Powder, 25c size 16c Pepsodant Tooth Paste, 60c size 43c Non Spi, at 39c Java Rice Powder 33c Two Quart Maroon Combination Fountain Syring and Hot Water Bottle, special $1.19 Two Quart Maroon Hot Water Bottle, regular z 98c value, special at 59c Cuticura Soap, at 19c Packers Tar Soap, at 19c Kirk's Elder Flower Soap, atv 8c Physician's and Surgeon's Soap, at 7c Toilet Paper, special, per roll 5c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap 15c K0K0 Palm Soap , ....5c Hard Water Castile Soap 5c Main Floor. Extraordinary Values in Boys' Wearables Boys9 Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws and Accessories at Prices that mean , Substantial Savings on each. Boys' Suits, Extra Value, $7.75 All odd lots of Mixture Suits, two or one pant; also in cluded are Corduroy Suits, made of the famqus Buckskin Corduroy, the kind he can't wear, out ; sizes 6 to 17. Boy' Overcoat are here in abun dance, smart, .snappy styles; mili tary in army and navy and semi military; fur collar styles, Chin chillas, Mixtures and Plain Colors; special styles for little fellows of 1 to 3 years and different styles for those of 4 to 10 years, also for ooys irom 11 to IS: years. Boys' $12.00 to$15.00 Suits, $10.00 Two Pant Suits and single pant styles; double seats and knees; splendid styles; various fabrics and colorings; stripes, checks and plain colors; big assortment to please everyone Two Pant Suits: Extra Quality, $15.00 Plenty are pure all wool and worth today fully $20.00 and more. Tweeds, Cassimeres and Cheviots. Military models and plain models; wide range of patterns. splendidly tailored. Browns, Blues, Grays and Greens. All $7.50 to $20.00 , Here's Our Biggest Special Double Seat $3 Corduroy Pants $1.95 Heavy weight, dark drab Corduroy, splendidly tailored, with plenty of fullness; two back pockets and watch pocket that has button over flap; all sizes, and not mors than two to a customer. Here's a Big Special, Too $2.50 to $3.50 Sweaters, $1.95 jui-Wool Jersey Sweaters in plain color and fancy stripe bodies; various colors. , Heavy Coat Sweaters with shawl collars, good substan tial weight; in navy and maroon; all sizes. Mackinaws for Boys, big supply, all new styles: Navajo Mackinaws, Army O. D. Cloth Mackinaws for Sammy Junior, Corduroy Macki naws with quilted linings; plentj of plaid effects, as well as the plain colors, and the siAs range from 4 to 19 years. $7.50 to $17.50 Second Floor, Main Building. T 1W urvSS&ij Women's Kid Gloves A special sale at $2.00 a pair. About 150 dozen of Real Kid' Gloves and Lamb Gloves will be offered in this very special Saturday sale. These are made by two excellent makers of very good, selected skins ; light and medium weight; come in black, white, tan, : brown and gray. If we were to buy these gloves in today's market, we would have to retail them $2.50 to $3.00 a pair. This is a very extra ordinary offer indeed. , While this lot lasts, a pair $2.00 Separate Skirts , $9.95 , We are offering a splendid stock of separ ate skirts at this price. Extraordinary values rightnow. . Novelty Plaids, Silk Poplins, Taffeta, Satin, Serge, etc., in the lain straighter models. The side pleats, box plaits, tunics, etc;. Very s. rt for Fall and Winter wear. . 150 Odd Skirts In Serges, Mohairs, Gabardines, Poplins, Plaids, etc.; reduced for quick selling, to the . extremely low price of $5.00 . . - second floor : y Smart Utility Dresses $1701; A Remarkably Low Price 1 tD Special Groups of Wool Serges, Satin and Velvet combinations; soutache braid and embroidery trimming; variety of styles, tailored coat'ef f ects, Mandarin blouses with pleated skirts. Tailored Dresses New arrivals in Velvet, Tricotine, Serge and Gabardine, cleverly de signed ; braid and cord fringe trim ming; popular Moyen Age and Mandarin effects in Navy, Brown, Burgundy and Taupe. $35.00, $49.00 to $69.Q0 New Fall Coats, $28.50 Splendid styles, all lined; Fur and Plush Trundled Coats, smartest models, displaying convertible collars,pockets, pan els, pleats, etc. A variety of materials, such as Silvertones, Velours, Plushes and Corduroys. Best colors, such as Brown, Taupe, Spruce Green, Burgundy, Pekin and Navy Blue, in cluding Black. Very unusual offering for Saturday. 1 Second Floor Sweaters $4.95 to $22.50 Women's and Misses' Sweater Coats with high or square collars; belts and pockets, plain colors or combinations. $4.95, $5,95, $7.50, $8.50, $9.95 to $22.50 Heavy, Pure Silk Sweaters New arrivals, bought at a special price. Long coats, buttoned and fit ted back with wide sash afnd fringe. Pockets and square collar and cuffs of plaid wool. Fifteen different shades to select from. Special $25 Sttond Floor Hats . $5.00 Here's an offering that is extremely unusual these Days, because a Hat at $5 is a rarity. Large Black Lyon'i Velvet Hatt, with colored facings of Old Rosa, Peacock Blue, Purple, Taupe, etc., in rolling brims; irregular shapes with fur trimmings of seal balls, ostrich bands, ribbon fancies, etc. Several new styles to select from!, All wonderful values. Second Floor Bag Sale. Saturday, About 800pieces in all. Fine Bags and Pocket Books, strap back and top handle. Finest of Real Seal, Real Pin Seal, Real Morocco and Real Mocha. Come in all .colors and all the newest shapes and styles. Very fine bags, the very best leath ers and most beautifully finished. Don't miss this sale, COME EARLY Bags Worth $5 Jo $10 $2.98 mm Mln Floor ijl