n ., THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918. ft I Men's Felt Hats Men's $2.50 and $3 fine soft hats, odd lota , and sample lines from a New York manufacturer including all colors and styles, at . $1.95 Sheets The Sleepy Hollow bleached seamless sheets. Two sizes at less than today's mill cost to produce, 81x99 at $2.05, and 8ijc90 at $1.95 v Lining Several Thousand Yards of Venetian Lining in lengths from to 3 yards. In black and colors. Values to $1.00, special, yard 39( Boys'' Underwear Boys' cotton fleeced Union Suits in Peel er and also gray in all sizes in medium and heavy weight. Your choice at $1.00' X Union-alls 65 dozen Men's $3 Union-alls, all $1.95; made of good qual ityN khaki cloth and full cut; (izes 34 to 46; vepy special $1.95 Drugs Aspirin Tablets, rec ognized by the best physicians as one of the best remedies on the market, 100 in a bottle, at . 59c Irsh Linen 36 indi White Irish Linen Grass bleach ed and snow white, extra heavy quality free from starch, -75c value, at 49c Hosiery .Women's thread silk hosiery in black full-fashioned sec onds of 55c quality. Very, special, only ; 25c Drugs Two-quart Maroon hot water bottle, a thing that is inde spensAble; for sick ness or chills and fever, special for this" sale 59c Ribbons Fancy Warp Prints. Four and five inch wide for hair bows and fancy, work. Special, at, yard 19c Ribbons Plaids and stripes, ribbons for ties and hat bands, H4 inch plain, 2 inch stripe, good line colorings, values 19e, at 10c r Draperies 100 pieces " of cur- l i mamas, wnue buu Ecru, 36 incilfv 39c a yard." A bar gain at this sale 25c You can't afford to miss this offering. Towels 10c . These are fine -soft finished . Bir,d'seye . weave, .hemmed at 'ends, each 1 at 10c ;..;...; ... ; V You can't siford Jto miss this offering. Dress Goods, Great Values 56-tncH Imperial Serge, comes in the sea son's best shade of midnight blue only; just the right weight for dresses, skirts and children's frocks; we have just 500 yards and worth $1.25; special for our sale, while the lot lasts, per 7Q yard iVC Remnants and Mill End of wool Chal fies in light and dark grounds dots, striped, buds etc., in lengths Jrom 2 to 7 "yards. Would sell regularly from the bolt at 79c and QQ $1.00, at OI7C . Remnants and Mill Ends of Wool Dress Goods, suitings and coatings in almost ever wanted weave and color, in lengths from 2 to 5 yards, width 36 to 54 inches; to be sold by the piece at a fraction of their value; each piece, M QC 95tf fo :...:'5, Knit Underwear Women' Cotton Union Suit in light jy fleeced, in high neck, long sleeve, and Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle 'length, all sizes, . d 1 Og p X tU at, suit Women's White Cotton Fleeced Union Suits in Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length; all sizes, $lx00 at Children' Sleeping Garment in natural wool in sizes 0 to 6, special, at Boys' National Wool Union Suits in sizes 24 to 34, at. . 85c $2.00 Childr Knit Waist light weight in high sleeves, ankle length. Specal 5-6-7-8 Union Suit, neck, long 85c Wonien's White Cotton Heavy Fleeced Vest and Pants, in sizes j QQ 7, 8, 9, at . . . . . . Girl' White Cotton Fleeced Union Suit, in high neck, long sleeves and Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, in sizes 2 to 16 years. Light and QQ medium weight. Your choice Wall Paper THIS big basement Sale coming at this time when house cleaning is in full blast gives you the opportunity to do your papering at big savings. Light and dark papers suitable for any room in the house with matched border (some QXq cut out). Sale price, roll Plain Oat MeaJ Paper, 30 inches wide in all colors with cut out bor- ders to match, sale price, 12e roll. Washable tile papers both light and dark patterns wjth band to 19c match. Sale price, roll Twenty Pattern of beautiful dilt papers in all colors shown with cut out borders to match. A bargain at 14c roll. Z A number of odd papers nice for attic kitchen or spare room, sold with 9ir borders at match, roll '. Paper Hansen Furnished. Men's Shirts 300 Dozen Men's Shirts in the very new est patterns of soft or laundered cuffs. Attached or detached collar styles. In this lot you will find Madras, Fercaies, Soisettes and other good wearing fab rics. These shirts are extraordinary and well worth up to $1.50. Sizes for all, 14 to 17i2. All in one big 7Q lot, at 400 Men' Mackinaw made of heavy wool fabrics in practical colors and patterns.. The Varsity in Sport belt and Norfolk models. Durably tailored Sizes 33 to 44, in three big lots; $5.95, $7.50 and $10.00." 500 pairs Men's Work Trousers for men andyoung men in neat striped pat terns of durable worsted, strongly tailored and extra well made. Size 31 to 42 waist. Very special J 95 Men's Big Basement Offering, Up to $20.00 Men's and You rig Men's Suits, light and medium weights; suitable for all year 'round wear; excellent choice of fabrics, patterns, color- d O c ings and models, at .... vlp.OU Boy' Fall and Winter Cap About 75 dozen of Boys' Fall and Winter Caps, plain and fancy colors, with or without inbands, all sizes. Og Special, at 77. The Biggest Hosiery Stock -Anywhere Here bouts 1 Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery in colors. With double soles and lisle garter tops, at 3oc a pair, or three Q 1 nn pairs for Women's Cotton split sole Hosiery only, at 25c Children's Black Cotton Hosiery in fine and heavy ribbed in sizes E 5 to 9,at v......:.... They're Making the Liberty Drive. You Make the Liberty Loan 'Ok J Liberty mm. Stores g Great Three-Day Winter Outfitting Quick Action Thursday Friday Saturday Sale Women's and Misses' Dresses Women' and Mitset' Silk, Satin and Cloth Dree. Made to sell at $8.95 to $15.00, a few even more. Wedding Dresses, Party Dresses, Street Dresses, etc. Fine Satin Crepe de Chine, Taffeta, Serge, etc. Many different styles, all up-to-date models. Many are samples; when you see them you will marvel at how we can sell them at such a price.' Over 400 to choose QC from, at, each pU.i7iJ Girls' Ready-to-Wear at Bargain Prices Two Very Special Lot of About 300 Coats, Fall and Winter weight; mostly 2 to 6 year sizes; all good styles; made to sell at $3.50 up to $6.00; real bargain today at dJO QC $2.95 each pVO A Big Lot of Girl' Coat, all winter weight; made to sell for a good deal more than the asked price. Many are samples; 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 year sizes; all new, up-to-date 4tA QC styles, at, each . Pt.i7iJ Blouses At Thi Price, Several Hundred Very Pretty Blouse, Jap Silk, Stripe Tub Silk, Stripe Taffeta, etc. Many different styles, well made, clever Blouses at the price of the OQ silk alone, at, each JJ..O7 Women' Good Quality Black Cotton Petticoat, several styles; $1.25 to $1.50 values, today, at Girl' 2 to 6 Size Percale Bungalow Apron, light and dark 4Q patterns, at, each r7C The Band Apron for Women, plain, solid color and check OP gingham,. reach bottom of skirt; worth 69c, today OiJC Women' Long, Full Size Bath Robe, all sizes; fancy t0 CQ patterns; worth $3.50 to $4.00, at each ViUi7 ues in My-toTJear Three Big Bargain Days , Great Fall and Whiter Outfitting Sale Money Saved is Money Earned This Big Basement affords you the chance for three days Merchandise of all the wanted kinds Away under the . actual worth. Women's, Misses' and Children's Ready-to-Put-On Garments, at real bargain prices. Many lots, as well as the advertised ones. Ne wand right up to date. Suits, fcoats, Dresses, Wafsts, Skirts, Petticoats, Underwear, House Dresses, Aprons EVERYTHING for house and street.wear for women, misses and children, at more-than-right prices. Three big lots of Suits for Women and Misses that are real bar gains. We have grouped all the Suits in the Basement into three very special price lots. Over 600 to choose from. Women's and Misses' Suits At these two prices you will find wonderful Suits. Every Suit is a new, right-up-to-date Fall and Winter model, the new longer , coat styles, all wool, Serge, Poplin, Burrella Cloth, Velvet, etc. Every Suit is a copy of higher priced garments; many are all satin and silk lined, 89c ieu. v $20.00 Suits Made to Sell Up to $35.00. $15.00 Suits Made to Sell Up to $25.00. Do you want a good suit for ordinary wear? Here dC Qp is your chance. Only $5.95. Good styles PU7 g Coats -Coats Coats THOUSANDS of Coats in the Basement in this big sale. Fall and Winter weight Two big lots of Women's and Misses' Fall Weight Coats. Just the kind for immediate wear. Long Coats, Short Coats, Sleeveless Coats, etc. All-wool Serge, All-wool Ve lour, Fancy Plaids and All-wool Chinchilla, etc. Long and Short Coats, worth up to I0 QC $10.00 PJ.i7J Long Coat, all new, up-to-date styles; worth up to $15, a few even more. If , you want a good style Coat, good material, etc., to wear now for a while before you put on your heavyJO QC winter coat, you cannot afford to miss this chance. . V UI7t $15.00 $20.00 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats Heavy Winter Coats We can save you $5.00 to $10.00 on every one of them. Wonderful Coats at these prices.1 Over 1,200 at these two prices. A Real Skirt Bargain Hundredr of Women's and Misses'-Silk, Satin, Plain and Fancy Cloth Skirts, All-wool Serge, All-wool Poplin, French Plaid, Stripes, etc. All new, up-to-date styles. Big pockets, belts, etc. Only $3.95 each. Made to sell at $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. fl0 QC , Real bargain, at, each Extra Special! Women' Light and Dark Gray Percale Bungalow Aprons; full length, OQ. full size, several styles; worth today $1.25 and $1.50 ...... 0t Women's and Mine' Middie. worth up to $2.00; today, extra special real bargain '. Girl 2 to 10 Years Size Black Sateen Bloomers, worth 89c; today only, at $1.00 . 35c Girls' 2 to 6 Size Sweater Coats, white, red and fancy combination; d 1 OQ many different styles; many are samples; worth today $1.50 to $2.50 V a5i7 Women's Two-Piece Breakfast Sets, White Skirts with Stripe Coat, to match; you will be surprised at how splendid a set this is for so small a 00 A Big Lot of Women's Whit and Colored Waists, odds and ends; all QQ Arfcr v grouped at this small price. DOMESTICS ABIE HERE IN BIG VARIETY 36-inch Salisbury B. Bleached Muslin, extra good quality, spring water bleach, free from dressing. Positively worth 35c, 20 yards limit to each OPi customer tO2 C The genuine Sleepy Hollow Bleached Seamless sheets, a pop ular well known make to every housewife, in two sizes, at less than today's mill cost to produce, 81x99 at $2.05, and tfcl QC 81x90, at tyltUO Genuine Serpentine Kimona Crepe in a beautiful range of new fall printings and color com bination for Ladies' and Misses' Kimonos. Requires no OP ironing, at only OiJC 36 inch Bleached shaker flannel, heavy, warm nap on both sides, unusual value for this QC- sale, at aSOC 72x90-inch Bleached Sheets with French seam in center, made of good quality, 36 inch muslin. Hemmed ready f or 1 1 "I ( use, at 5Pl.1V 36-inch Bleached Nainsook soft chamois finish, specially adapted for fine underwear, lingerie, etc. Positively worth 35c. Special, at .... . ...25c 36-inch Dress Wrapper and Shirt ! ing Percale, light and dark colors. 'AH new patterns, 5 ot)A.g 20-yard lengths, at.. 2C 36-inch Fancy Printed Velour, Flannel and 36-inch fancy printed Superba Serge in a splen did assortment. New print ing and colorings, ' : 36-inch All Wool Double Faced : Eiderdown in white, for in- fants' Coats, Blank- d 1 QC lets., etc J1.7J Apron Ginghams, best quality in all wanted staple, checks and broken styles at less than today's wholesale cost 234c 35c EXTRA SPECIAL The Genuine Hope Bleached Mutlin, 36 inches wide, at less than today's mill cost; limit of 10 yards to each customer; Ol X.g no mail or phone orders taken. Friday, only, yard. ... 2 C Best quality 36-inch Percale light and dark colors; book and flatfold, hundreds of pieces to select from. Mill Remnants Laurel Dress Ginghams, in plaids, checks and stripes. Long,, service- 1 7l able lengths, at 1 I 2 C Mill Remnants Fine Dress Calico, ; medium and light colos, genuine American and Simpsons make i On large bargain I square, at a itiunvt 14ic HARDWARE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS Irons GAS AND MRS. POTTS The "Superior" Gas Iron is simple in construction, easy to operate and does not get out of order, a guarantee of satis faction with every iron. Value $2.49 $2.98 Special Five piece set Mrs. Potts nickel plated Sad Irons, three irons, a stand and a handle. 'A $1.79 value, special . .. ..$1.29 Old Dutch Cleanser. . .7c Fels Naptha, per bar OC Sunbrite or Victoria Cleanser, at 3c t Is o phone order or delivery on soap. , '.- - Soaps and Washing v Powders DMimoncTC" Diamond "C" Soap, OJLn per bar O2C WhiteyBorax Naptha, bar, 4 He , Whit Borsn Lux, per pkg. Ivory Soap, per bar . . .10c 5 k 39c 4c Excel, for toilet or bath, C per bar C 1 quart Cedar Oil Polish Pearl White, per bar , "Jiffy" Toilet Brushes, a long handled brush, specially made and shaped for cleaning toilet bowls, while they 1 f I&st Willow Clothes" Baskets We have a small lot, a special purchase just secured that we will offer at a fraction of their real worth, there are QO two' sizes, special. . , . OC A good quality stove pipes, 6 inches, special 19c Boys' Suits and Pants Boys' Suits We1 have reduced about 300 Boys' Suits at a big saving. The lot shows a wonderful assortment of newest Fall models in Norfolks with belt all around. Coats with slash pockets, and a good many of them have two pairs of full lined pants. Affords double the wear of the suits. Colors are plain blue, brown or gray mixtures, fancy striped. Sizes for all, 6 to 18 ftg years; very special at " Boy' Good School Pant Pants that are durable made of dark pattern, all sires 6 to 18 years. Very QtI specially priced at 7JC Boys Heavy Weight Sweater Coats, in Oxford gray and navy blue, with pockets and shawl collar; very spe- 1 OQ cial at " Trimmed Hats, $2.39 LOT 2 100 dozen nntrimmed Hats made of good velvet in a wonderful assortment of shapes and colors and x plenty of black. Won derful values, at $1,49 LOT 3 Hundreds of Misses' arid Chil dren's Hats in Pokes, Mushrooms, Sail ors and Bonnets, made of silk velvet. All plain but neatly trimmed M 25 in all desirable colors ; special The Gift Shop Offers entire Salesman's Samples and Surplus Stock of a Manufacturing Jeweler of Providence, Rhode Island, bought by us at 25c on the dollar. Shoes for Children And Grown Ups Women's Dress Shoes, 1,500 pairs of women's high grade footwear. Wonder ful values in patent, dull leather, vici kid ; patent and calfskin, button and lace style ; hand welted sole ; splendid fitting shoes ; sizes from 2 to 8, width j0 98 from AAtoE Children' Shoe Vict kid patent and dull leather, hand turned sole. Midges or no heels. Sizes QQ from 2 to 5. 7QC Women's Shoes 1,700 pairs in one big lot, specially priced for three days only. In patent, dull and vici kid; every pair worth from $3.00 to $5.00 a pair. Hand sewed or McKay sewed sole; sizes from 212 to 5; if you can wear small sizes, we have thenr QEJ at . . .j Mute' Shoe Patent and dull leath er, low'or high top in this lot. Yott will find one of the best school Shoes made and will stand hard wear. Ev ery size from im to 2. d0 QC Special at ........ . 9VD Misses' Shoes If you are looking for good school shoes for little money, be sure to come ; every size 2 50 wanted, from 8 to 2 Children' Shoe Sizes In this lot are from 4 to 8, hand turned sole, patent or stock tip. Vici d OQ ' patent or dull calf skin, at Little Gents' High Top Shoes, black elk skin uppers, stitchdown sewed sole, spring heel, blucher cut, 9-inch two strap; sizes 9 to 1212 ; $1 95 special at (lotions and Sewing Needs Fait Colored Darning Cotton Girl' and Boy' Skeleton Waiit. all sizes, at 254 Large Pieces of Elaatic, each." 4d 10-yard Bolt of Bias Tape, each 5 Plain Dreiiing Pin, 2 papers.. 54 50-yard Spool of Sewing Silk, each, at, 54 White Cotton Tape, bolt....... 5J 200-yard Spools of Machine Thread, 2H4 Stocking Feet, all sizes, black and white, two pairs 254 Shoe Lace, all lengths, 2 pairs 54 12-yard Bolt of Rick-Rack, bolt... 184 Ocean Pearl Buttons, all sizes 3K4 American Made Crochet Cotton, each.64 lnide Skirt Belting Remnant, each 54 200-yard Spool of Beating Cotton.. 2 14 4 Shoe Trees for all shoe, pair 54 White Ivory Dressing Combs, each.. 194 Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, card 5 Rust-Proof Hooks and Eyes, all sizes, card 54 Large Box of Wire Hair Pins, eacn..9 J. & P. Coat's Machine Thread, 8 for 254 Ladies' and Children's Hose Supporters, . 154 Safety. Pins, card 5l Sewing Needles, paper 12Vi4 O. N. T. Crochet Cotton ball... 64 Large Scissors and Shears, pair.... 694 Children's Stocking Dryers, pair.... 254 Shoes Boys' heavy box calf blucher, cut half double sole, McKay sewed sole, every size from 1 to 54, special at $2,95 Wash ood 25-lnch and 27-lnch wide silk and cotton fabrics for linings, foundations, draper ies, etc.; regular 85c value, for this sale, per yard 18c Corsets Large sizes in Neme Corsets.' You know how good they art and look at the modest price $3.00 Get a good supply at this low price. Damask Full bleached super fine satin damask, mercerized finish, 64 inches wide, all very pretty patterns, a yard 75c Blankets Baby blankets. Size 27x38. White with pink or blue borders. Thread bound edges. Soft fleecy nap. Spe cial, each, at 35c Draperies One table of sample curtain and net ends the kinds you ex pect to pay mors for. Special, each 15c You can't afford to miss this. Spec cial, at this sale. Rugs 16 x 27 Velvet Rug samples, a great assortment of pretty designs, very un usual is this Bpecial offering, at . 29c Curtain Rods 100 dozen extra heavy extension rods extends 30 to 64 inches complete with fixtures, at 6ic XJet a good supply at this low-price. Draperies 3,000 yards of Mar quisette, Madras and Grenadine, lengths 5 to 20 yds. Worth on the bolt 39c. Special, at this sale, only 18c . Napkins Mercerized damask, hemmed ends, each ready to use, each 10c Get a good supply at this low price. Handker chiefs Men's red and blue bandana handker chiefs, the kind you expect to pay mors for usually at 10c Towel Ends 71-2c These are made of a fine quality fancy huck toweling. Very soft and absorbent. Special,, at . 7h Unbleached Muslin 36 Inch unbleached muslin, fine, closely woven quality for making sheets and pillow cases, usually 25c, special, at 19 k Corsets For medium and slender figures. Of good durable ma terial, well boned and every pair is guaranteed rust proof, at V 4' 75c i