THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : OCTOBER 6, 1918. r REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. 1 10 ACRES. SUBURBAN HOME TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. October Seres Oaks Poultry farm. I blocks from main strset in Flor ence; It acres; well-built np-to-date, modarn reel denoe and olhar Improve ments, eiceedlng In Talua UMvO.00, exclusive of land; will ba told at AUCTION, with reserra tloa - for aceeptanoa or redaction ef blda. This la aa axcaptlonal opportunity for securing a suburban boms Ions alnea on paying basis. L. C. Harding, owner, care Woodmen Cafeteria, Oma maha. Nab. 4 ROOMS-NEW 2 ACRES, 2 BLOCKS TO CAR-4350 DOWN At Florence, outalda city limits. A fins location for poultry farm; all In alfalfa. House has t bedrooma, living room and Itltrhan, alao pantry. Pries f 3.3TB. Call .Walnut Slid today. Tyler to Monday. HAST1NOS A HETDEN. 1414 HARNEY ST. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. STOCKMEN AND INVESTORS ATTENTION We hare for sals a ranch of I,l6t seres near 0. P. railroad la Western Nebraska. Sail and subsoil like Nebraska; II per cent tillable: nearly all san be worked with a tractor; 100 acres cultivated; Ml acres alfalfa; running water; abundance of native bay, Wilt carry 101 head In summer and III in winter and mors by seeding mors alfalfa. Kxtra good build ings; fenced In four pastures. Surround ing territory being rapidly settled by farmers; land prices sdvanclng. OIL , . A well la being bored by "Standard" In terests I miles from this ranch. Under lying eondltlona muat ba right or experi enced men would not spend largo sums for leaaes and drilling. If oil la round snormous profits will be mads on this lsnd. Pries 121 per acre; ressonabls terms. Clesr of Incumbrance, but one-half of ell and mineral rlgbta reserved. This Is ons of ths beat ranches la 24. braiika, and ths opportunity for largs profits through the advenes In value of the land and development of mineral products Is exceptional. It you want a aura winner, don t miss this. J. H. DUM0NT & CO., 411-411 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 110. Acreage. : Lincoln Highway Acreage 1 15 Acres fronting) 1.110 feet on Dodge at. paved read; level, high and sightly, near oheol some tins trees. . Pries, 1411 psr aers. Oood Improvements, 4 miles west of XI m wood park on main road; I acres In a ahadsd psatura with spring water: bal ncs high, sightly, gently rolling; H mile to school. Ask us about pries and terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. ' 1011 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Dg. ITU. Miscellaneous. $250 CASH $25 PER MONTH Neat l-room cottage, modern except furnace; en a 10x140 foot lot; 3H blocks from street car; In Walnut Hill dstrlot Pries 13.100; a real bargain. CD. ARMSTRONG, III- tseurltles Bldg. Douglas 1110. .- district. Price 11,600; a real bargain. -REAL ESTATEWANTED. (HOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eaatern Nebraaka farm. - Mr, Pease, Ill Brandels Theater Bldg. klOHTEST cash price paid for equities la rasldenos property or acreage, White p A Hoover, 464 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages. TPBR CENT mortgages, secured by Omaha residences. v B. H. LOUQEE, INC.. . 63 Keellne Bldg. 1 CITY AND FARM LOANS ' S. Itt and I Per Cent. J, H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. FARM LOANS O PAUL PETERSON. O O i III BRANDEI3 THEATER BLDO. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 114 Bee Bldg. DougllSI ' OUAHA HOME8--EAST. NEB." FARMS. O'KEKFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 111! Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. Doug. 2711. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY V. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg - 10l to $10,000" MADS promptly. F. D. Wsad. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Private Moneey, BHOPEN ft COMPANY. Doug. 4121. 140-ACRE RANCH AT AUCTION FRIDAT. OCTOBER 11, t P. M. On the above data at Oconto, Neb., we will- sell at public auction to the high est bidder regardleaa of price, the follow ing described real estate; all of aeetlon 21, and the weat halt of II, all In townehlp IS, north of range 11, Custer county, Nebraaka. Terme: Fifteen per cent of the pur chase price cash day of sale, purchaser to sssums a mortgage of 111,000, 1 due March U 1122, bearing lntereat at the rate of I per cent, payable annually; owner will carry a second mortgage of ,000 for ths same period of time and same rats of Interest as first; remainder of purchase price March 1, 1111, when possession will bs given; good and sufficient ab stract of title together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of set tlement Improvements: Good l-room houss, fine cave, largs new barn for 20 horaea, 40 tons of hay and several hundred bushels of grain, other necessary out buildings, stock scales, three good wells with windmills, and three large sup ply cisterns, water piped Into both house nd barn; 180 acrea under plow, 40 acres of which Is In alfalfa, all of the very beat black loam aoll with clay subsoil snd lies ' level to very gently rolling, balance rolling paaturs produc ing a variety of graaaes; upon both horaea snd cattls keep fat; 100 acrea fenced hog tight with woven wire. Bear In mind that this Is all hard land which will neither tramp out or blow away; farm land lies In one body with ths exception of about 30 acrea; all very convenient from buildings; school house on ranch one-half mile from dwelling; located 5 miles dus south of Oconto, Neb. This ranch will carry 860 to 100 head of cattle. For further Information addreaa Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central City, Neb., or call Carl Wleee, Owner, Irvlngton. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. OCTOBER 1ST. Our next excursion to McOehes, Ark. W. a FRANK. 10 1 NEVII.LB BLK. California Lands. 'AN JOAQUIN VALLEY; Irrigated far me; fins ollmale; good markets; two rail road; no crop failures. Lsnd will pro duce anything In grain, corn, beana, al--falfa. cantaloupes, sugar bests or fruit; priced from 1200 to 1300 per acre; for rartlculara writs or ses Carl Johnson, 685 California St., Omaha, Neb., or Chas. Dahlqulst. Hlllmar, Turlock. CaL Colorado Lands. WH own seversl largs tracts of choice astern Colorsdo farm and ranch lands buy direct from owners; writs today for list, John Lorens, 111 Denham Bldg.. Denver Colo. Iowa Lands. ARM . On main automobile roadj to Glenwood, Za an hoar's run from Omaha or Coun V all Bluffs. On the hill just this aids of Glenwood; II acres; l-room cottage; , toms eld barns; good wall; 40 bearing apple trees; about I aores rough tlmber U land,- balance gcod. An easy living. In ''r raising hogs or chickens hers. Pries, "- Mlt. Possession March 1, 1111. , HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. lit Omaha Nat'l D. 114. 10 ACRES Vt mils from Psoitis Junction; all da wheat and alfalfa; pries 1121 per acre, Chas. L Davis, Pacific- Junction, la. Missouri Lands. aUTS COUNTY. MISSOURI, FARMS FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Ill sores adjoining sod of mala street f ta a thrifty and growing town about 60 tollea south of Kansas City and fine ly Improved and ths very best of a 11. no rock, no waste land, about II acrea In Wheat goes with ths farm. Balance of farm In timothy and big red clover. 121.001 will buy this fins farm and Is worth much mors money. Your train far will be refunded If not found very a, desirable. Addre Walter Hendrlckson.' Adrlsn, Mo. Oregon Land. Irrigation la ths Heart of the Range Ths Jordan Valley Project Malheur County, Oregon. Am empire In ths making, land 11.00 per let plus ths cost of the wster. You can til aa graxlng homestead entries nearby Literature and particulars on request. Next excursion October 26th. HARLEY 3. BOOKER, 141 First NstL Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. r Nebraska Lands. ' 40 ACRES, CLOSE IN. OOOD 40 ACRES, well Improved, situ ated near Dodge street road; In -good atata of cultivation; crops will show for themselves; Improvements worth con siderable money, practically new; six room honss besides largs pantry, trunk room and four clothes closets, hallway and good largs cellar (double floors snd double doors! ; barn, garage, - chicken house, hog houss, alas small chicken house, cow barn erciara or apples. plums, gooseberries, grapes and cur rants; six acres of good alfslfa, flvs . acrea of pasture, balance under cultiva tion. MORE THAN WORTH THE MONEY; within ltt miles of Omaha aore tracts. Do not let it sltp by. Only 1121 psr acre; 13,100 to 37.000 will handle, balaac I years. Remember to buy some government bonds: also hare numerous other farms. ORIN S. MERRILL CO., ltll-mi City Nstlenal Bank Bldg. For Sale or Exchange ,114-asre farm, Sherman county, Ne braska, 1 miles from good town on anam line of Burlington Railroad, fairly well Improved. Morgan Realty Company tW.fh.OM XK tell. ill grandei Bldg. BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. A Square Deal for Every Body. Improved. 840 acrea, within Itt miles from town on main line, U. P. Railroad, In Keith county, 11 miles from Ogallala, Neb. Improvements consist of a 7-roora houss, good barn with hay mow. Garage, a hog stable, chicken bouse, and other odd buildings, good well and wind mill, half fenced, 400 acrea of choice farming land. Lays nearly level, best of soil. Triced fur quick sale. $36 per acre. Good terms. HELD LAND COMPANY, 870 Brandels BMg. Phons Doug. 1148. BARGAIN, SARPY COUNTY 116-acre farm, Sarp county, eholee lo cation; small, but almost new and ex ceedingly good Improvements; four-room house, barn, cattle shed, Ice house, gar age, two good wells and tanks, aome timber; good aoll. In fact, 28 acres In native hay, that, and what Is under cultivation, 35 acres, lays fairly good, balance exceedingly rough. Would make a dandy DAIRY FARM; handy to school and on mall route and milk route. OOOD VALUE, only 112,000; 13,000 to 17,000 by March 1, balance long time. Remember to buy aome government bonds. Also have other farms. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. 1016-1010 City Nafl Bank Bldg. CASS COUNTY 80 ACRES IMPROVED CHEAP About IS acres tillable; II acres tim ber; pssture; never-failing spring; all rich rolling black aoll; no rock, sand or gravel; about t acres In alfalfa; new 4-room house; small barn, sheds, gran ary, eto. , This farm Is In a - fine dis trict about 6 miles northeast of Union and s offered at a bargain as the owner Is in the U. 8. army In France. Price only 12l per acre. Mortgage of 34.600 at I per oent can be assumed, balance cash March 1st. C. D. ARMSTRONG, , 326-1 Securities Bldg. Douglas 1280. FINE IMPROVED 320 ACRES. T miles from Grant, Neb., In Perkins county, 140 acres In cultivation, 16 acres of alfalfa, 10 acres fenced hog tight; lays level, good soil, fenced and oroeaed fenced; modern new bungalow, built last year. Thl can not bs beat at ths pries at III per acre. Very sasy terms. HELD LAND COMPANY, IT! Brandels Bldg. Phone Pong. 1148. KIMBALL COUNTY FARM. 131.10 PER ACRE. ' Buy dlreot from owner and save agent's commission. Ill acrea seven miles from V. P. It. R. School houss on land. 401 acrea can be plowed with tractor, 145 acres now In fall wheat and up. Kimball county fall wheat this year made from- II to 46 bushels. Fin well snd mill, small fcoue and barn. Land all fsnced. Will sell all or part. 1-6 down, balance five years, I per cent Thla farm Is priced right for quick sals. , Address B. L. Griffith. BushnelL Neb., or call Tyler 1971-W, Omaha. 160 ACRES. Nicely Improved within 14 miles from county seat Town, Perkins county. Neb. Real snap. Pries 171 per acre, Eaiy terms. HELD LAND COMPANY, 170 Brandels Bldg. Phons Doug. 1148. 10 ACRES High and sightly, just north of Flor ence, comes down to the river road; well wooded; adjoining property held at 1400 per acre. This, 12,100 for ths 10 acres; act quickly if Interested. HARRISON & MORTON REALTOR 111 Omaha Nat'l. D. 114. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FARM NEAR OMAHA 111 acres, II mtlea from Omaha post offloe; I miles from stock yards; t miles from railroad town; extra good land, well Improved; price 1300 per acre, one half eash, balancs at I psr cent The best bargain on our list. J. H. DUMONT & Co., 418-411 Keellne Bldg. Phons Douglas III. BELVIDERE ACRE 4II quick sals. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. Ill Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 114. I HAVE tor ssle my farm, 140 acres, one half mil from Clerks; good Improve ments. In Plstts valley. For further in formation writs to owner, O. R. Romln, Clarke, Neb. WRITE ms for pictures and prices of my farms and ranchea in good old Dawes county, Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. VALLEY FARM lit acres, new buildings. pur spring water, iruu, e.u per acre. Othar farms, views free. Box Y-600. Omsha Bee. LISTEN Well Improved 10 aores, dandy creek, 11,860, terms; others. MoOrath, Mountain View, Mo, ALFALFA wheat and corib Irrigated farms and ranches. 111 to 1170. Send for list. Cover ft Co., Cnzad, Neb. HAVE cash buyers for bargains In west ern land. No sand. White ft Hoovsr, 464 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farma at the right pries. M. A. LARSON. Central City, Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming rarms, ISO per a., including paid up water rlghte. Henry Levi ACM Rylander. 864 Omaha Nat'l. Miscellaneous. $2,000 Down Gets Central West Farm, Stock, Tools Crops Pair horses, eow, mowing machine, double gang plow, cultivator, harrow, roller disk, seeder, long Hit tools, crops. 100 acres smooth loam tillage, clay sub soil, high cultivation, record corn, grain, general crops, 40 acres wire-fenced pss ture, big herd, estimated, 1,000 cords wood, 60,000 timber, much fruit. Splen did house, 8 big rooms, gas, I tins barns, poultry, carriage, hog houaea, buildings valued 86,000. On Improved road near bustling railroad center, bus passes dally. Milk sold at door. Aged widow sella at 30,000, 12,000 down. Details thla high-value central weet . opportunity page 71, Strom's Fall Farm Catalogue with other real bargains. Copy free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, Dept 3073 206 S. lth St., Omaha, Neb. FARM LAND WANTED. WANTED to rent, a farm for next year with outfit furnlehed or position as farm foreman and manner. Address Box No. 374, Omaha Bee. FARM LAND FOR RENT. 160-ACRE farm; highly Improved; I miles from Broken Bow, Custer county, Nebraska. C. A. Rhoden. 2867 Bristol St Omaha. Webster 1888. AUTOMOBILES. Bid tire sale. Prices smashed I For next 10 daya 4,000 to 8,000 mile tires (not seconds) for about one-third regular price. Plain tread or nonskld 30x8, 17.46; 30xSH, 83.46. All other sizes In proportion. Write for prices. Superior Supply House, (Dept, K), 1304 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2061 FARNAM Do you resits that used ears are getting scarce and hard to find? Ton can get Junk any time, but not GOOD USED CARS. Cars will never be aa cheap as they are today and are advancing steadily in price. NOW IS THS PSYCHOLOGICAL MO MENT TO BUT. We have something at a price to suit you. The following list Is by no means our entire stock of used can, but gives you aoms ldsa of ths price range: Hudson Super Six Cabriolet. .Reasonable. Cadillac Coup ........Bargain Veils Six touring ,. ... .1110 Bulek Light Sit, touring.... if. .. U0 Paokard Six, touring........ ....... 100 Molln Knight T60 Willys-Knight, roaditer ,.vr. .. 101 FARMS AND RANCHES W have several very attractive prop - artles for sale in Dawes. Keys Paha and Brown counties. These. are places tnat we have personally Inspected, and are recommended aa being good buys, 8end for list and photos stating aa t your wants Kloke Inv, Co., Omaha. 160 ACRKS. lmproved,.flose In,' paved rad. MUsB itt Securities Bids. Chalmers Six, touring 100 Overland Model 83, new paint and tires .' , 400 Qverland, touring 800 1917 Ford 460 Oakland, touring t..r. .. 860 Marlon, roadater S76 Overland, Tl-B, roaditer tt..v, 176 Studebaker, soup 400 Hudson, IT, soup.......-. -rr.. 176 Ford Roadster 180 Our new quarter comprise three floor, all daylight Illumination, eleven thousand squar feet floor spac in all; over on hundred ears on band. Yoar laspeotloa invited. Open Sunday from I t I. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2033 FARNAM STREET. TRAWVER AUTO CO. WE BUY THE BEST THAT IS WHY WE CAN GUARANTFE OUR CARS. DRIVE A CAR Twenty-four hours yourself then you know If It haa anything wrong or not If you are not SATISFIED, bring it back and get your MONEY. lilt Chevrolet 490 . 1017 Paige six HIT Chalmers sx .. 1917 Baby Grand ... 1917 Chevrolet 491 1917 Dodge 1911 Stutx roadster 1916 C-24-Bulck .... 1916'studebaker .... 1914 Cadillac ...1660 ... 800 ... 650 ... 600 ... 400 ... S00 ... 800 ... 400 . .. 250 ... 300 FORDS Our Specialty. Two 1911 Touring cars. Two 1117 Touring cars. One 1918 Touring car. Ono 111 Roadster. One 1917 Roadster. Remember Our'Guarantee TRAWVER AUTO CO., 111! FARNAM, DOUGLAS 1070 AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS THIS IS OUR LIST OF USED CABS. EVERY CAR A BARGAIN. 1111 I Studebaker Sedan.. 11,111 1911 I Studebaker Touring ....... 101 KIT I Studebaker Tosrlng Ill HIT 4 Studebaker Touring 160 1111 I Studebaker l-pass. roadater 110 HIT 4 Stadebaker l-pass. roadster 100 II Overland touring Ill 1116 T-pasa. Cadillac Ill BUY BEFORB PRICKS ADVANCE. BONNEY-YAGER AUTO CO., STUDEBAKER DEALERS. PHONE HARNEY 171. 1661 FARNAM ST. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand. Masbed fenders and lamps repaired Ilk new. New stock of Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADITOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1918 Cuming St Omaha. Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starter. 26 to pick from. Phons D. 1241 or call at 1618 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO. BARGAIN. "HI A Super-six, T-pasenger touring ear la fins condition; t good tires. Call Webster SS53. FOR SALE Ford sedan; nearly new; de mountable rims; Kelly. Springfield tire: Helnz-Sprlngfeld starter. May be seen at 1016 North 34th St. "USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and pow er. Will accept Ford In Al condition aa part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank. Rome 6. 76A Benson, Neb. FOR SALE, AUTO Slx-cyllnder, seven passenger touring car, perfect condition, run less than 6,000 miles; unusual chance for high grade ear. Address Box 3361. Omaha Bee. STEARNS KNIGHT four cylinder. 4-pa-aenger roadster, uaed year, excellent con dition; snap 11,400 If sold at ones; half cash. Y-701, Omaha Bee, WILLIS-KNIGHT, late model touring car, perfect mechanical condition, tor cash or take In a Ford sedan. Box 4269, Bee. NASH TRUCK, 1911 model, one-ton .com plete with csb and 80-bu. dump body. Never In use, a bargain. Box 601, Ord, Neb i WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. FCHJR-PASST ELECTRIC BROUGHAM BY OWNER, EXCELLENT CONDITION- BOX 4308 OMAHA BEE OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam 8t FOR SALE 4-crllnder Cadillac Coupe, flrat class condition, 407 8o. Ilth St Phone Harney 84t3. BARGAIN 1917 Steam I, overhauled and repainted, and ha 5 good tires. Call Walnut 3853 after 8 P. m. BARGAINS in uaed care. ORR MOTOR BALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 411. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 3th and Farnam Sts. Douglas HT. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3500 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 208 Farnam Bt D. 0036. GRANT 8IX, 6-pasaenger touring, driven only mile at a oargain. uarnura Smith 2122 Cuming St MEEKS AUTO CAR, USED CAR BARGAINS, 1028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 1190. -QUALITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2408 LEAVENWORTH ST. AUTO 1917 Dodge roadster; good condi tion. Call Douglas 1232 during business hours. FOR SALE Ford Sedan, fully equipped. good condition. Walnut 1081. 1121 Cass. FRANKLIN car series I. Price 11,600. Phone Douglas 1273. AUTOMOBILE electric starter and tn- eretnr repairing. I'oirax 7a. Tires and Supplies. SAVE 40 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. HAVE THEM REBUILT 1,000 MILES GUARANTEE . Plain oa-Skld 10x1 . t.00 f 11.00 10x814 ................ ...10.01 11.10 1 3x4 ,...........:n.00 1T.I0 AGENTS WANTED TIRB AND, TUBE REPAIRING DOUGLAS TIRE & VULCANIZING CO., New Location, 2657 Farnam Street. SPECIAL SALE ON NEW AND USED TIRES Flak," Goodrich, General, '. Careprlng. Diamond, Congress, National, Star, Mo Graw, Portage, Kent, Lee, Keystone, Goodyear. Mention six and w will send prtces. - OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS 2064 Farnam -St 1819 Cuming. St. REAL bargains in slightly used tires; new tires at very low prices. G. and G. Tire Co. 1415 Leavenworth st Tyler 1261-W NEW TIRES AND TUBES ON SALE. Ford tubes.... 13. 3532xSV 111. 76 80x8 89.961 33x4 133.46 30x3 H I13.96 34x4. non-skid. 124.75 Firestone, McGrau, Republic, Congress, Lee Pullman, Fish. Send tor circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1731 Cuming TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Writs us for particular. Agnts Wanted. 1-ln-l VULCANIZING CO., 1111 Davenport. Phone P. 1141. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tires and eliminate your tiro troubpl. Powell Supply Co. 1061 Farnam St Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 16o per mile, ISo per hour mtmlmum lharge. Sundays and holidays, lOo per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 1623. 1314 Howard St Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical, repairs; ssrvlc. station for Rsyfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards 2616 N. 19th. Webater 1141. Motorcycles and Bicycles. FOR SALE One Shaplelga Special bicycle In A-l condition, used only I months. Phone Tyler 1000, Engraving Dept. ask for Savage. NASH TRUCK, 1918 model one-ton, com plete with cab and 80-bu. dump body. Never in use, a bargain. Box 501, Ord. Neb; HARLEY-D A V TttS O N MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H Roos. the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leavenworth. TWIN Excelsior motorcycle, flret-claaa condtlon; call Webster 1261 after 1:30 P. m. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Feeder Lambs WILL SELL IN CARLOAD LOTS UP TO 11.100. Ths are nice, smooth Ram boulUet lambs, averaging 41 lbs. or bet ter. Good young Ramboulllet breeding we. Also young Msxlcaa breeding ewes. High grade Angora (oat and Mexican goats (milch strain.) Will make shipment upon request For full particulars wire or write. PITMAN LIVE 8TOCK COMPANY, Salt S aad I, Morehoos Block, EL PASO, TEXAS. "PRODUCE MORE EGOS EAT MORE EGGS" Is the government' appeal. Keep a small flock ef hen In your Idle back yard. Have plenty of eggs and meat for home use. Sell ths surplus at big prices. For best results use a varied ration and Pratt's Poultry Regulator. Guaranteed te make your hena lay or your money back. Sold by first-class dealers sverywhere. HEALTHY young chlokens direct from grower, fine fryer and roasters; splen did breeds, good care, fins food snd cleanliness make these birds highly de sirable. Try one for Sunday dinner. Colfax 1662. ONE REGISTERED DOE with six young from prlxs buck; also some utility stock. Bargain. Send atamp. Geo. Utt, 1001 Dodge. ONE pen of six single-comb Rhole Island Red, bred for winter layers, thorough bred stock. Tel. Webster 4003. RABBITS Belgian Hare, the best you ever saw for the money. More rabbits thsn room, 2811 Bristol, Tel. Web: 3Z3 WHEAT screenings 12.60 per hundred del. A. W. waggner. sui N. lstn. u. mi. FOR SALE Buff-Rock cockerels. Apply 2117 Castellar St. PEDIGREED mat Boston terrier pup. Beautifully marked. Harney 6497. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock Homer breeding pigeon. Wal. 850. BEST Medicine for Chickens, Germoxone, at most dealers, or 1116 Harney. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a eurglcal operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 806 Bee Bldg. LIVE STOCK VEHICLES. ONE aow and nine little ones 6 weeks old. 6612 South 21st. South 1190 . ONh, team of horses, wagon and harneaa for sale cheap. Call Harney 2336. FOR SALE Beautiful Shetland pony, Cheap for quick sal. Harney 2610. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes aa secur ity, 140. 6 mo., H goods, total, 13.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bldg., 16tb & Farnam. Ty. 161. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1614 Dodge. D. 6619 Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND 11 L LIBERTY BONDS. O (p J-72 ", C FLATAU. EST. 1892. O 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG. TY. 160. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Susan E. Eveleth to Fred Hawks- worth. Chicago St., 300 ft. west of 49th st. North Side, 60x135.8 4,800 John F. Flack and wife to Alma Johnson, Sprague st, 71 ft. east of 44th St., North Side, 40x108 195 John Lavelle and wife to Honor M. Norrls, Lafayette ave., 168 ft west of 41st t. North Side, 40x160 JJ50 It. P. Grtffth and wife to Nina E. Swanson, northwest corner 68th Grant St., 88x130 1 Daniel Buckley and wife to Louis Carlson, Clark at., 103 ft west of 17th St., North Side, 37x120.. 2,400 Dwlght D. Long and wife to A. A. Edglngton, southweet corner 61st and Ixard sts., 100x131 and other property 1,000 Lulu Van Vleet and husband to Vera a V. Sloan, 47th St., 160 ft south of Miami St., West Side, 60x131 1,000 Caroline Garrison to Frank A. Swoboda, 13th it., 130 ft south of Missouri ave.. East Side, 40x130., 1,000 The Byron Reed Co. to Haute Lilly Slagle, Spencer at., 200 ft east of 65th at, South Side, 100x128 2,159 Esther Bishop and husband to Helen Peterson, 20th St., 80 ft north of Mandersoa St., East Side, 40x70 l Charles W. Martin and wife to Axel G. Frlburg. 16th SU 120 ft south of Sprague St., West Side, 40x129 1,200 Francis G. Allen and husband to William A. Smith. Burt at, 60 ft weat of 60tb St., South Side, 80x131 1,600 Anton Soukup and wife to Rudolph Lerke, Walnut at, 209 ft west of 4th at., North Side, 27x100.... 1,100 Wilson T. Graham and wife to Mary K. Nleamann, 24th st, 46 ft. north of Manderson st, East Side and other property 15,000 COMMERCIAL GUIDE A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. Automobiles. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., 10th and How ary. Doug. 2500. ord care and repairs. Authorised sgents for rord cars. MINTYRE-HAYWARD MOTOR CO., 1117 Farnam. Douslas 2406. Stearna-Knlght and Regal ear. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO., 18th and Burt Tyler 613. 100 per cent Ford erv Ice to Ford owners. AMERICAN STATE BANK, 18th and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Auto Painting. ROESSIO, W. F 144 S. 40th. Har. 1448. We make old autos look like new ones. Auto Repairs. GREENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR RE PAIRING, 2024 Farnam. Douglas 30U1. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS, 110 S. 11th. D. 4881. Automlle work, cyL bor Ing, pistons fitted, auto parts mads to order. BERTSCHY MFG. & ENGINEERING CO., S. E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts., old parts made new. new parts made, too. D. 1662. Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO., 1611 Davenport St. Douglas 2914. Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH. THOS. F.. 2318 Harney. Doug las 2786. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ths best Is none too good. Attorneys. FISHER, H., 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1966. Attorney and counsellor at law. FITZGERALD, JAMES M , 1017-20 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4508. GRAY A BRUMBAUGH, 813-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Red 1157. General prac tice In state and federal courts. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE A AB STRACT CO., 1714 Farnam St Douglas 2865. Adding JMachines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 431 Rams Bldg. P. 1449. Baggage and Transfer. Omaha transfer company, "the only way." Telephone Doug. 296. 14th and Jackson. FORD TRANSFERCO., 817 Douglas Bt Tyler 3. "Always St your service.'' FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007 ft Howard. T. 141. Let ui contract to do hauling for YOU. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BI8CUIT CO.. Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th St Doug. 2123. Snow White bakery. Mfrs. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tsnks, smokestacks; oxy-acetylene weld. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSO CIATION, N. W. cor. 15th and Dodge. Doug. 370. 6 per cent real estate loans. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N. 11th St. Doug. 3903. W. W. Richardson, Pres. Cash Registers. 'MORRIL,' CASH AND' CREDIT" RKOfs? 1STER CO., 219-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douslas 4403. E. W. Hart, Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental Blk.; new location, 494-496 Brandels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter D. 6381. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 38th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 884. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE A HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. 9th and Howard Sts, Douglas 206, Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kind of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WO IKS. 318 S. 13th. Douglas 2171. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany In the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Hardware. PETUKSON A MICHELSON HARDWARE South CO.. Side. THE, 4916-18 8, 14th St, Phone South 171. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising HENNINGSON KNG1NKKRIGN CO., 1122 Farnam. D. 1131. Skilled municipal Im provement engineers; sewer, paving, eleo. light, water works, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON A BENNETT, 434 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Bran). PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO.. 3414 Martha it. , Harney 11. Machine, gray iron, brass, bronxe and aluminum eastings. OLSEN &-SCHLINGER, 1407 Jackson. ST 7491. Brsss, bronie and aluminum east- Inxs. Fish (Wholesale.), BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1808 Leavenworth St. Douglas III. Drug Storey POPE DRUG CO., 1302 Farnam. D. 2671. Gen. Agt. NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Hospit!s. FORD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglae'Sts. Douglas 340. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-ln-chlef. The most com plete hospital In the west COMMERCIAL QUIPS, Physicians and Surgeon. DAVIS. DR. WILLIAM WIND. Pkystolas and Surgeon. 1110-11-11 let Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler T. CAMPBELL, DR 8 M.. Phjrslolaa anj Surgeon. 1801 Farnass St Douglas 1331 Dl..riniy mrtA RiirtAna Van1 arnam's dress PltATtXO. HEMSTITCH INO AND BUTTON CO.. Di till. Rms. 131-17 Psxton Blk.. Id flofj . i - . Printers' SuDDlies. Sarnhar'Fbros. a spindler 1114 Howard St Douglas 1071 Print supplies. ' Printers. ; . Omaha printing co., lit' Tra nana. Douglas 141. Printing and offloe furniture. ' Tank Manufacturers. Nebraska a iowa steel tank CO 1301 Wllllae Ave. Webater 178. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-13 Nlcbolae St. Douglas lilt.' 'Everything tor schools' DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. 109-11 N. Ilth. Douglas 144. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTINO CO.. Ill Bee Bldg. Douglas 1647. Fine commercial printing. Stationery and Supplies. T Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1508 Farnam. Douglas 141. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCague Blk , 15th and Dodge. Dougla 154. Wholesale and retail ice. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J. L. Baksr, Prs. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS.. 126 Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stockers A feeders our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 414 "Just Lumbering Along. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Dougls 6626, 1614 Cuming St Patent Attorney!. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Int nat'l Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D. 1691. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 1140. 8outh Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Doug. 4760. 1609 H Farnam St. nuiUl STATIONERY, CO. THE 307-301 8. 17th. Douglas 806. Offloe, typewriter, architects' and engineer1 nnnllee Leoae-leaf devloce. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL- CO., 10I-1I-1 8. 10th Bt Douglas DDI. BKyiignis, ceilings and galvanised shgets. Tents and Ownlngs. NEBRASKA TENT A AWNING CO, ' ' 1204 Farnam. D. 1321. When yon thlnl of tents or swnlngs, think of Doug. III!.. Undertakers. s HUL8E A RIEPEN, 701 8. 1, D. 1111. Undertakers and embalmers Personal attention given to all calls and funeral. HOFFMAN, LEO A., Cor 14th and Dodge. Douglas 3801. Experts In embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel. HEAFEY A HEAFEY. 1611 Farnam. Hat ney 166. Undertakers and embalmor. CROSBY, WILLIS C, 1611-11 N. 14th stiT Phons Webster 47. Wall Paper and Paint , N TETTER WALL PAPER CO. 1414 HanW, Phono Dougla 130. Wall paper and U terlor decorations. Wholesale and retail. Council Bluffs Directory. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. Ill W. B'dwaf. Red 1107. Baths In connection. Observe the number of olean tew! used en each customer. Coal and Ice, Phone 1810, Caterer to heat and told! DROGB ELEVATOR CO.. 110 Pr1 St. CLOSING OUT 1i We are completing our last building in MINNE LUSA until the war is over. Only a few unsold and if you don't act quickly, you wil' be unable to get one of these beautiful modern homes. Make an appointment TODAY. Sundays call: M. O. Headley, Colfax 8482 or E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 8472. Chas. W. Martin & Co., Realtors 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. PERSONA,. WILL Arthur Demorest, who left his home at 2(uh and California Sts., April, 1117, or any one knowing his where abouts, notify The Omaha Bee office or Mrs. O. E. Sludgeon, 1637 Wirt St., Oma ha, Neb., or telephone Mrs. Mary Miller, Harney 2453. Arthur's brother Is dead and his mother is In Seattle, Wash., and would like to hear from him. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Horn sollctls your old clothing, furniture, mag- ! aztnes. We collect We distribute ' Phone Doug. 4131 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodre St WRITE A SONG; patriotic or popular. I compose muslo and guarantee publica tion; send words today. Thomas iter- , nn, n neaper hiock, unicago. .UO ; Have written, telephoned and telegrarUed, but you don't get Uesn, MR. FARMER;- The Three Essentials for Sure Crops Are Rich Soil-Sunshine-Water The farmer in the rainfall country gets a good cropif it rains. The farmer in an irrigated country gets a good crop every year he has "water when his crops need it. Without irrigation profitable farming is an uncertainty one crop losl means two years lost. Living in a community thickly settled with good homes, less than a quarter of a mile apart close to a good town with fine roads, schools and climate - is ideal. This combined with the certainty of a good crop each and every year, makes farming a pleasure. . You can farm 160 acres or irrigated land with less work than you can farm 160 acres in a rainfall country this is a fact. Let us prove it. The next five years promise great returns as regards price and demands for. farm products. The scientific farmer can make big money by raising big crops. . The only certain method is irrigation. It is the last word in scientific farm ing. Fifty bushels of wjieat, five tons alfalfa and seventeen tons sugar beets is the average production per acre. Improved farms sell for less than Nebraska land. All we can ask is let us show you. Colorado Farms Co., Logan County Farms 524 First National Bank Building. OMAHA, NEB. irn1 m..l . nynrr ,.'4iV