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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1913. School Children Find Cache of "Old Taylor" . ). rf.a.chc of "'ore than 20 bottles pt Old Taylor" whisky was found v J.V..IWI Liinuren uesnie the mam i ir ihree ,,li,cs snut!l of Waterloo Monday niKlit and the information' was telephoned the sheriff's office Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff Christen sen went after the goods. AVhy or when the bottles proceeds from which would be about '75 in line with "bootlegger" prices were placed in such a conspicuous place is pen to debate. Auto Parking Banned on Part of Farnam Next Week Automobile parking will not be permitted next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on Far nam street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, until 1 p. m. "JOHN A. SWANSOJf, Pres. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas. m Attractive F7 11 ral s lilt s 1 One-Minute Store Talk "I came here with the idea that I would see about half the j store you have here and I never I dreamed of seeing such a vast ; stock of clothing in Omaha," ' said a man from Wyoming who ! used to "go through to Chi," I' as he put it. Ak-Sar-Bcn Visitors the west's most complete, most ! diversified, most reprosenta ;i tive clothing' stocks awaits ; your choosing here at money :' saving prices. ,i li yHEN you buy your fall suit you want quality--all-vool fabric, good wearing linings, fine tailoring that will insure the per manency of proper shape. "yOU want a suit that is up-to-the-minute in style, but that at the same time adds to the dignity of your appearance. In short you xcant a suit that will make a good impression in any company. wimi wrmw mi us ftflilrltj Eranlf CloB' You would have to do a lot of looking to find suits that could come up to these in ii i i i i n st,v p. oua ntv ana irenera excellence at ? j x c3 - - our price. All Sizes for Men, Young Men and Youths of all Ages and "Builds." SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY In Our Fall Display of now ready for your inspection you will find suits in a wide variety of appro priate colors, fabrics and styles that will meet every requisite mentioned above. FALL SUITS $25 to $60 TOP COATS $25 to $45 OVERCOATS $25 to $85 wmam w WW forirt-jt Irani Clato JOHN A SWANSON.Rts. Wn I HOIZHAN.TRUS, COMPARE OUR VALUES "Style Headquarters" Where Society Brand Clothes are Sold. ' CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN BOILERS SMOKESTACKS TWO PLANTS DRAKE, WILLIAMS MOUNT COMPANY - ' , Main Office and Works : 23d, Hickory and U. P. R. R. , Branch: 20th, Center and C B. & Q. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING STANDPIPES TANKS W. O.W.WILL LAY LIBERTY TOWER CORNERSTONE Surprise Promised Omahans at Ceremony Next Monday; Salesmen Are to Meet Thursday. Oiualians are promised a treat when the cornertsone of the "Lib erty Tower" on the court house square is laid under the auspices of the Woodmen ot the World Monday noon, October 7. The Woodmen have been Vvcn charge of the ceremony because they have guaranteed to make the largest subscription to Fourth Lib erty bonds in Nebraska. Tins will make the Woodmen of the World tiie largest subscriber of any simi lar organization in the country, loan officials say. Laying of the cornerstone will be preceded by a parade. In the line of march, will be bands, officers of the Woodmen of the World and Wood men circle, executive committee Liberty loan officials, Mayor Ed Smith, city and county officials. Surprise is Promised. "Tell everybody to come to the laying of the cornerstone,"' said W. A. Fraser. sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World today. "We've got a surprise for them. We're going to give them some en tertainment and maybe we'll show them the kaiser!" The organization is not stopping at a subscription. It has ordered a huge electric, illuminated American flag and will place a big red, white and blue sign on its building. Then there is the whistle. This is a great army siren which can be heard for miles and which will be plaved on top of the building and sounded each time $250,00(1 is added to the Omaha loan quota. A meeting of Liberty bond sales men will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday at 7 :J0 p. m. Captains Arc Named. Local No. 70, Musicians' union, has asked all members to meet Thursday and the largest hand ever assembled in Omaha will play on the .streets at noon. Sam Hums, chairman of the men's Fourth Liberty loan committee, has appointed the following captains: F. P. Kfi.fili. C'h.irlo- t.. HouM. William W. Koll'T, .1. Hark" ('nit, I,. H. Kllne beil, Hm- T. Byrno, W. U. Clift, Ieorga W. Plainer. IT. U. WhltPhnuse. W. K. Haxter, OonaM T. l.eo, Onrgo If. Miller, !.. i;. Dmip. E.lwanl J. Their. O. H. Menolrt, II. A. Tukey, C. O. Talniage, ,T. A. Roekwell, F. . Wead. W. It. Wood, John '. Marlin, fienre M rurk(" Hover, W. B. Tmsk, VV. n. check, lioorgo iSlhbs, Norman II. Tyson, W. K. Khei hard, 10. T. Hector. K. K. Calvin, fiuy f. Cramer. Paul A. Haskell. A. I). Klein. H. A I'nisted, M. (.. Cole, J. A. Linderholm, W. H. Fonda. The following are vice captains: Thomas Coleman, William MeAdani. If. J. Hoerner. Fred I'n.scaden, Genipe Enp ler. A. 11. Warren, I,. P.. Campbell, T. F. Kennedy. F. W. McClure, I. H. Zlmman, V.. E. Kimberly, Harry Jones, Harry Kel ly, Ceorco Smith, J. He Forrest Richards, II. F. Wyman, S. P. Hyidson, C. N. I.yle, Robert Smith. Harry O. Steel, A. I,. I.ierk, F. V. Roy, F. F. Stryker. L. Herser. o. I. Mayberry. Itufus Jlarrls, Jt. K. Mur phy, W. S. Shivfcr, .'. C. Johnson. Harley Moorhead. Charles J. I.ane, J. A, c. Ken nedy, Robert Fpdlke. N. H. Updike. Government Starts Mail Service to U. S. Men at Vladivostok Tostal authorities have issued a bulletin announcing that a United States mail agency has been estab lished at Vladivostok, Russia , for conducting the postal service in con nection with the American expedi tionary forces in Siberia. Domestic rules will govern the ac ceptance of mail matter until further notice. Letters may be mailed for three cents, post cards for two cents. Addresses must include name in full and rank, designation of the unit, American expeditionary force, Siberia, and the name and address of sender. Packages must be inspect ed at window No. 10 at the post of fice. American War Mothers to March with Red Cross American War Mothers will not march in the military parade Thurs day. "We were intending to do so," said the secretary, Mrs. Ada M. Brady, "but the War Mothers of America, composed of mothers, wives and sisters, have made ar rangements to march, and we do not care to affiliate ourselves with them. The members of our asso ciation, which is the larger, ' will march with the Red Cross auxil iaries or other associations and not as mothers of soldiers." At the meeting of American War Mothers held Tuesday evening in the school board rooms in the city hall, Mrs. W. G. Mettlen invited the mothers to help censor socks at the warehouse, w hich they decided to do for one month, after which time they will form a Red Cross auxilliary, of which Mrs. Mary Anderson, will be chairman. About 150 mothers were present and the meeting was a live ly one. Smallest National Army Officer from Omaha SHOE a O imam Harry 11. Kohmson is not only one of the youngest, but is un doubtedly the smallest vouth to re ceive a commission in the national army. He is but 18 years of age, and does not weigh more than 115 pounds. He was one of 16 students chosen from Creighlon university for military training at Fort Sheri dan. 111., and was the youngest of 14.000 to receive a commission. Lieutenant Robinson is a former ! carrier of the Omaha Bee. He grad uated from Central High school, and was a pre-medic student at Creighton when he received an ap pointment to Fort Sherideu. He came to Omaha, and spent a two day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Robinson, M27 California street, and then left for his new field of work at College station, Tex., where he will assist in the military training of the students at the Texas agriculture and mechanical school. To Head Motor Division 1 of the Big Daylight Parade! Capt. Helen Mitchell and Lt. Weil j of the Lincoln motor corps will I head a motor delegation from the i Lincoln league t,o ride in the parade j Thursday. Capt. W'edemeycr and the FortJ. Omaha baud, for which the Service j league furnished musical itistru- i ments, will make its iirst appear ance in the military parade. McDonnell Sued as a Result of Auto Truck Mishap John McDonnell is made defend- ent in a $10,000 damage suit riled .'n district court Wednesday by Esther Whitacer. who alleges that on Sep tember 28, at Twentieth and Doug las streets, McDonnell's auto truck ran over her. She alleges she was permanently injured and that she was disfigured for life. Two Couple Married. Grace Skelton and Horace W. Rate, both of Casper, Wyo., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savidge Tuesday at 5 p .nu And at 10 p. m., the pastor married -Miss Maud M. Glasspoole and Otis A. Hood, both of Casper, also. STYLES STANDARDIZED PRICES FIXED Retailers Will Be Required to Display in Their Shops Pledges to Observe New Rule. ! - j The American people soon "ill be able to purchase shoes at fixed maximum and minimum retail prices, lower than those now pre vailing, and obtain at the same time shoes of belter quality. This announcement was made today by the war industries board based on at; agreement it has entered into with the' shoe industry. Shoes will be standardized as to quality and style at prices ranging from $3 to $12 for men and women grouped as follows: Class A, from $9 to S12; class B, $6 to $8.50, ant! class C, $.3 to $5.50. Proportionate prices for youths' and children's nhues have been fixed in each of the three classes. ! The war industries board will cluck up on the quality of the shoe j sold at each price by means of a ; class number stamped on each shoe. Policing, officials explained, will be j done by the various councils of de fense and where the public is in doubt as to what quality it is Retting according to the price schedule, i complaint may, be made and the source of manufacture traced. While it is possible fo purchase a shoe for $3 now, under the new schedule, the shoe at that price will be of higher grade. Officials also said that it will be possible to buy: better quality shoes throughout the three at less money than at present. Shoes,, now retailing for as high as $20, theV sa'd, will retail for ; the maximum price of $12 and be ! of at least equal quality. Manufacturers, jobbers and re tailers subscribed to the agreement and retailers will be required to sign a pledge containing the newv price scale and display it in their shops. Failure to do so will mean the cutting of supplies. The manu facturers' pledge provides for stan dards of quality at the quoted prices. The cutting of shoes under ti e new schedule will begin October 15. and it is expected first deliveries will be made within from 30 to 60 days after that date. Time is allowed retailers to dispose of present stocks at present prices. ' BF.RO SVITS ME To Out-of-town Buyers The Best Clothing Styles of the Season AT LAST SEASON PRICES It's economy time in this store now. Big savings you can't afford to miss genuine values that will really surprise you. You would never know that woolens were sky high and go ing higher by the prices we are naming now, and you'll not have to think about high prices for many a day if you take advan tage of these values we offer now Kuppenheimer Hirsch-Wickwire L-System ALL WOOL b Suits and O vercoats $20 '22 '27 302i $2500 '35 Models and Styles for young and old m sizes to suit all builds of men. Underwear, Sweaters, Flannel Shirts, Flannel Night Gowns at only a slight advance of old prices Rain Coats and Oravenettes . , . Extra Trousers, $5.00 to $25.00 Worsteds and Corduroys,. ....$3.50 to $10.00 Remember the Location: 1415 FARNAM STREET ! typewriters; &tkm& I For Rent. j J E j! SPECIAL RATES TO j L All Standard Makes m il The W. N. Long Company Sr 0 J 1915 Farnam. II M kfSS lyll QP I Tel. Doug. 3969. FISTU LA CURED Rectal Diaeuses Cured without a severe urK!c1 Dlieration. No Chloroform or Ether used Cur. iuaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for ilius tratrd book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testi monials of more than 1.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. OR. E. R. TARRY 402 Bee EuiJriin-, Omaha. Net . NEW YORK. .SIOUX CITY .OMAHA .LINCOLN . m t r-i -v r i- n fx rt a inMii siuKc can never u hope to be more than a l "dinky" business. For good i. ' lighting use Mazda Lamps. J i For sale by v NEBRASKA POWER CO. I Famous Beauty Tells Hair Curling Secrets "I cannot too strongly condemn the use of the hot curling-iron.' says Rita Moya. "It means death to the hair eventually. Moreover it is entirely unnecessary. The hair can be made beautifully wavy and curly to any extent and in any form de sired, merely by usinjt such a simple thins as pore silmerine. This perfectly harm less liquid Ehould be applied to the hair ! with a clean tooth brush at night. In the morning you will find that a very beau tiful natural wave and eurliness has re sulted, and the effect will last a con siderable time. "The liquid silmerine is very beneficial and is not sticky or greasy. Neither does ! it streak the hair or stain the scalp. You ' neea not tret more than few ounces Irom your druggist The best way is to divide the front and back hair into from four to t:x atrgedt. and to. moisten each strand Jtnoronrnry irom rcxrt M tlj. A AT. 316-18 So. 16th St. 816-18 So. 16th St. Extraordinary Sale Tomorrow Only t m ew Ira A special purchase, obtained greatly under-price, from one of America's best known destriers and makers of Women' Dresses will be offered tomorrow at a marvelouslv low price of $21.7.5. The Orkin quality, style, ' exclusiveness and distinction prevail fore most in every garment. Included are Serge, Satin, Jersey, and Serge com bined with Satin. Every model is new. Many shown for the first time tomorrow. Street and Afternoon Dresses Dinner and At Home Dresses Dresses for Every Occasion Dresses for Every Figure Special Sale Price Regularly Priced Up to $39.50 with n!)iypnLnKf-Ur great exPerience as specialists in Ready-to-Wear Garments, coupled lia Jn A Tng Per' are we able obtain a price-advantage to us in our pur chases and for our customers in their purchases