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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. 'OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Receipts Light and Lib eral Buying Advanced Price Ten to Fifteen Cents; Hogs Slightly Lower. .Receipts were: Omahi, Ot. 2 19U. Cattle Hos . . 1 24 :i,5;t5 6.s;o 3l.5:;:i 7,ooo 4:ooi 1 5.3ti U'9,2J5 16.816 HI. 20! S3.261 135.62'; 19.940 125.44S 11.31S 123.152 Official Monday umcial Tuesday ...11.232 Estimate Wednesday O.nOO Three daya thla wk. 39o56 Same days InBt wk. .45,001 Same day J.wk ago 48.675 8ame,day 3 wk. ago 36 917 Same day year airo 42.754 Cattle Receipt, of rattle were llM n,l tlia market was active under liberal buy ing by both packers and ordtr buyers ami everything desirable for b.ef In the line of tteera was l,)!915e higher and around 60c higher for the three daya. Good to choice westerns were quotable from 114 75 V 16.60. medium kinds from $12.00 14.50 and on down for the common kinds Packers were buying more of tne light weight fleshy kinds than they have of late. Butcher stock was 25c higher and In rasea showed advance of 50c and prices were 60c$l.OO higher than a week sun. best kinds selling from JsOOSjUZOO, fair to good kinds from IS.OO9.00. Veal calves and bulls were active at 15025c higher prices. Stockers and feedera were Very active on the desirable kind. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime betvts, I17.50S 19 00; good to choice beeves. 113.50 15.76; common to fair beeves. 110. 00ff 13.00; good to choice year lings. $16 00lg .00; fair to good yearlings, 112.00 15.50; common to fair yearlings. iH.SOfcll 00; choice to prime grass steers. SI 4. 60 ff 16.50; fair to good grass beeves, tl2.0014.60; common to fair grass beeves, IS.OOfi 11.00; Mexican beeves, $9.0011.00; Rood to choice heifers, $9.75 1 2.00 ; good to choice cows. $S.7511.25; fair to good rows, $7.608.25; common to fair cows, 15.7507. 25; prime feeders. 1 13.:.'. 3 16.60 ; rood to choice feeders. $10.50 13.00 ; fair to' good feeders, I9.00&10.25; common to fair feeders, $.00Si7.60; good to choice atockers, $10. 0010 11.00; stock heifers, $6.50 5.00; stock cows. $6.007.50; stock calves. $6.50 10.60; veal calves, $7.0ti j 13 r.O : bulls, stags, etc., S 00.7S. Hogs .Seven thousand hogs were re ! portf d In this morning, making the run . lor the. first three daya about the same as last week, 16.300 head. There whs not I much to the shipper market, the few that i they purchased looked 10c to 15c lower than yesterday. l'ackers again entered the market with a bear view, purchasing their hos mostly 15c lower than yester day, occasional sales looked as much as 20c lower. Bulk of today's sales was $18.60 to $18.75. and on up to $19 25. the top. The market Is generally 15c lower. Sheep There was another fairly liberal run of sheep and lambs here today, estt- i mated at 42,000 head. Trade was rather slow in getting under way, but with falr- ly liberal order buyera In the yards pros i pecta were that feeders would demand j about steady prices. Common, plain feed ers snowed lainy gooa BTrenffin ana are moving a little more rapidly than a week or ten days ago. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, 115 75816. 25: lambs, fair to good, $14,000.15.75; lamb feeders, $13. 00015 00; yearlings, good to choice, $12 50 13. 09; yearlings, fair to good. $12.00412.50; yearling feeders, $10 00 gp 1 2.25 ; wethers, fat, $I0.7512.00; wethers, feeders, $11.75 512 2;-, ewes, good to choice, $1.759.00; ewes, fair to good, $4.008.75; ewe feed ers, $7.00(8 60. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn Again Declines 5 to 10 Cents; Oats Over 2 Cents Off; Receipts Light, With Com Bulk. NEW YORK STOCKS! Market Erratic and Changes Mixed; Heaviness of War Shares Becomes More Pronounced. AUTOMOBILES. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; iafga stock used radiators on hand. Mashed fenders and lamps repaired like new. New stock of Kurd honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADITOR AND TIRE WORKS 1918 Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. FOR 8ALEORTRADE Ford "truck and Model 93 Overland, 1.200-lb. delivery wagon, both In good shape. Price Is right on these If taken at once. Address C. O. Dlllman. Moorefleld, Neb. BARGAINS-IN USED" CARS All makes. With and without starters. 16 to pick from, l'hone D. 1241 or call at 1616 Davenport. BOYLAN AUTO CO. FOR SALE UK TRADE 60 h. p. Mltcnell chummy roadster, high speed and pow er. Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment. A bargain. B. E. Frank. Route 6, 75A. Benson, Neb. ' USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Far nam St. OmahaNeb. vTl,LISKNii;HT, late model touring oar, perfect mechanical condition, for cash or take In a Ford sedan. Box 4269. Bee. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO., U10 Farnam. Harney 414. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. Omaha, Oct. 2. Receipts of grain today totaled 110 cars I of which 79 cars were corn, 6 cars of wheat, 15 cars of oats, no rye and 10 cars I of barley. Out shipments of wheat were j 23 cars, corn, 46 cars, and oats, 49 cars. Corn prices ranged from 5 to 10 cents j lower. The market wr.s very draggy and up to a late hour few samples had been disposed of. In the good grades no white had been sold and the No. 3 yellow was 7 cents lower. Oats were 2 to 2H cents lower and bar ley prices were fully 5 cents off. Con tinued successes of the allied armies with the possibility of early peace was the fac tors In the cash market as they were also in continuing the drop in Chicago corn futures today. v RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Ft) II SALE Dodge roadster. Late 17 model Good shape. For particulars. write Box 12. Wann. Neb. BARGAIN T917 Stearns 8. overhauled and repnlnti d. and has 5 good tires. Call Walnut V53 after p. m. CrTALMKKS ritdiin, almost new, latest model, owner going to war. Box 3064. Omaha Bee. BARGAINS In used cars. DRR MOTOR SALES CO.. 4iHh and Farnam. Harney 414 -r uTiiii) ;siof cars. GUY L. SMITH. 56th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970 BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Mdlor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 350C WE ARK THE USED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1 1910 Farnam St Douglas 9070. WANTED FOR- SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2059 FarnamSt.D. 6035. 3RANT SIX, 6"-"i'.aiisinife"r touring, driven only I.0U0 miles at a bargain. Barnum Smith 2122 Cumlne St. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS, 1028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290 ' QUALITY "USED" CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2106 LEAVENWORTH ST. FOR SALE Ford Sedan, fully equipped. good condition. Walnut MH6 5121 Cass DAVIS roadster." $15"; evenings, Streh- low garage. 16th and Yates. Tires and Supples. SPECIAL SALE ON NEW AND USED Tiniis Flsk, Goodrich, General. Cnrsprlng. Diamond. Congress. National, Star, Mc Oraw, Porta.', Kent. Lee, Keystone, . (Joodyear. Mention size and we will send prices. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 2064 Farnam St. lS19Cumlng. St. HEALnargalns l:f slightly used tires; new tires at very low prices. G. snd O. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth st. Tyler 1261-W " HfW TIRKS AND TUBES ON SALE Ford tubes... . $3 . 35132x3", $16 75 0xt $' 13x4 45 IOxSH $13 9.V 34x4. non-skid . $24 75 Flfestone, McGrnu. Republic, Congress. Lee Pullman, Fish Send for circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming ' T1R ESAT H ',LF-PRICE. Write us for particulars. Asents Wanted. ' ' 2-ln-l VULCANIZING CO, 1618 Davenport. Phone I). 1241. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubple. Powell Supply Co. 2061 Farnam St. Auto Livery and Garage RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 150 per mile, 3Sc per hour mlminuim charge. Sundays and holidays, 60c per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas S623. 1314 Howard St - Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; servtc, station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. Motorcycles and Bicycles. FOR SALE One Shaplelgh Sp-cial bicycle In A-l condition, used 'only 2 months. Phone Tyler 1000, Engraving Dept., ask for Savage. ' NASH TRUCK, 1918 model one-ton, com plete with cab and 60-bu dump body. Never In use. a bargain. Box 606, Ord. Neb. HARLEY-D A V I D S O N MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H Roos. the Motoroycle Man. 27th and Leavenworth. XWIN Excelsior Tnotorcycle. first-class condtlon; call Webster 625S after :3 p. m. - PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home sollctls your old clothing, furniture, mag- aslnea, Wa collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1119-1112-1114 Dodee St. LEO : Have written, telephoned and telegraphed, but you don't get them. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank H. Wray. 30 Bee Bldt. Chicago 78 Kansas City 17 St. Lous 23 Minneapolis 64 Duluth 70S Winnipeg r,n OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Receipts (cars) Wheat Corn 79 Oata 15 Rye 0 Barley o Shipments (cars) Wheat 23 266 16 46 16 3R 14 1 54 79 74 0 5 New York, Oct. I. Many mixed changes were registered during today's er ratic and less active stock market. War shares displayed further heaviness which now and again extended to Issues in no j way Identified with the gpoup, ' Aside from the tenor of the foreign dls- ' patches, there was little In the day's de velopments to prompt further offerings of war stocks, other than thst such a course j probably suited the purposes of profes- sional interests. i Uulihs participation was slight judg ing from the inactivity of commission i houses, and the selling at no time sug 1 gested liquidation of an important charac I ler save in a few isolated Instances. I United States Steel was apraln under fire, ! reacting slightly ovSr a point, but retrtev- lng most of its loss at theend. Recognized war shares, notably Bethlehem steel, Bald win Locomotive and a half score others engaged in the manufacture of munitions and ordnance added 1 to 3 points to re cent reversals Rails failed to bear out promises of the previous day, denoting moderate heaviness after an early demonstration of strength by Union Pacific and Reading. Low-priced rails, a feature of the early week, were dull and little changed. Oils, motors, shippings, coppers, tobaccos and utilities featured the constructive side at gains 'f 2 to 7 points. Mexican Petrol eum and Texas company rising spiritedly in the final hour, with material rallies in most other active issues, a steady tone rul ing at the close. Bonds wero irregular, liberty issues as well as International showing no decided trend. Total sales, (par value) aggregated $.1, 350, 0000. Old United States bonds were umihanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on leading stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. 400 i'.K 6S'i 40U 45 44 'i 2,100 86 ti l V, 600 66 Vi Mi 1,400 78V 77Vj AT THE THEATERS A Am. Beet Sugar American Can . .. Am. Car Fou'dry Am. Locomotive Am. Smelt & Hef 6S4 444 6 6' t 77 No. 3 1 car No. 4 1 car Corn 4 Oats 49 Rye 0 Barley 7 Corn No. 5 white, 1 car $1:12; yellow, 8 car $1.43; No. 4 yellow. $1.3. 1 car $1 35; No. 6 yellow, 1 car $1.15, 1 car $1,13; sample yellow, 2 cars $1.00; sample mixed, 6 cars $1.03, 1 car $1.02, 1 car 95c. Oats No. 3 white, S cars 67c; white, 1 car 6SHc, 1 car 6654c; 66Hc. Barely No. 2, 1 car 94c; No. 3, 2 cars 92c; No. 4, 3 rars 92c; sample, 1 car 88c, 1 car 8Sc (heating). Wheat No. 1 hard. 1 car $2.184; No. 1 mixed, 1 car $2.10 (smutty); No. 2 mixed, 2 cars $2.14. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bue by Logan & .Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Slxteentn street, :naha ' Open. High. Low. I Close. Sat'y. Art. i 'nrt Nov. 1.31 I. I 1.32 Vil 1-27HI 1.291,1 1.304 Am. Sugar Ref 108 Am. Tel. & Tel.. 4.900 102Vi 100 101 4 Am. Z . L. and S lSVs Anaconda Cop... Atchison AO & WISS L'es B. & O B. & S. Copper.. Cal. Petroleum.. Canadian Pacific Central Leather C. & O C, M. & S. P.. C. & N. W C. R. I. & P., ctfs Chlno Copper.... Colo. Fuel & Iron Corn Prod. Ref.. Crucible Steel... Cuba Cane Sugnr Distiller's Sec .... 121.600 Erie General Electric. Beneral Motors. (it. N. pfd Illinois Central. . Inspiration Cop'e Int. M. M. pfd.. 62.000 108H 106 106 Int. Nickel 1,400 30", .10 Int. Paper 1,300 34 Vi 33 K. C. S 200 19 18 Kennicott Copper 34 L. & N 200 1164 116'- 116'i Maxwell Motors.. 2,500 30 '4 29 U 30 Max. Petroleum.. 68.400 123V, 116V I2014 Miami Copper... 600 28111 28 28 Missouri Pacific. 1,500 24V 24 24Vi Montana Power 71 Vi 16,100 70V 69 69V4 400 86 86 86 200 105'A 104V4 104V4 1,700 64 63 63Vi 700 25 25 25 1,000 21 '., 20H 20Vi 800 166 165 166 4.100 70 Vi 9Vi 70 300 57 67 V 57 700 49 48 Vi 48 9414 26 300 40 39 39 1,500 45 44 44 3.700 43V, 42 43 9,500 63V4 60 61 3,700 29 29Vs' 29V, 121.600 50V, 47 48V, 15V, 148 2,500 125'., 122' 124 800 91 90 90 96 'i 4.900 56 56 V, 55 30 33 18 Nevada Copper.. N. Y. Central N. Y., N. H. & H. N. & W Northern Pacific. Pennsylvania . . . Pittsburg Coal . . Ray Con. Copper 600 1,400 800 1,000 1,800 300 300 20 74 41 88 43 51 24 20 74 40 v; 'mi 43 51 Vj 23 20 74V4 41 104 Vi 88 43 51 23 I 1.32V4 1.29 1.29 1.01 Dec. 1.29 1 29Vj! 1 25 1 27 1.28 ! I 1.29 I I I 1.28 Nov. j .70l .70l .7l .68 .70 i I ,7fl',i I I .69 .70 j Dec. .70 .71 9b I .67 .69 .70 .71 I .69V4 .70 ! Perk I I I I Oct. 137.30 ! 37 20 138.30 Nov. 137.80 1 37.89 !38.80 Lard 111 ! Oct. 126.50 126.57 !2.S6 26.67 !2S.flO Nov. 126.00 j26.00 25.60 25.82 26.12 Ribs ill I Oct. 123.02 123.02 122.50 22 65 123.00 Nov. 123.25 (23.25 (2 2.67 22.75 123.17 91 14 88 28 67 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Weakness In Corn Market Increased by Fresh Military Successes. Chicago, Oct. 2. Bearish crop estimates together with important fresh military successes by the entente allies led the pronounced weakness at times today In the corn market. The close was un settled, to lc net lower with No vember $1.29 to $1.29 and December $121 to $1.27. Oats finished 1 c off to 'sWic advance and provisions down 2c to $1. At first the corn market gave signs that In tr- absence of specific new develop ments. In regard to peace, would lead to an upturn. This prospect was afterword dispelled, however, by a selling wave that had its origin In a statement by a lead ing authority pointing to a total crop of 2.700.000,000 bushels whereas the latest government figures were but 2,672,000.000 bushels. Sentiment In favor of lower prices was further Increased by the character of the war advices, but on the ensuing declines resting orders to buy were uncovered, and with profit-taking on the part of shorts the market after mid-day showed considerable power to rally. Oats paralleled the action of corn. Es timates were current that the 1918 oats crop would be the second largest on record. Weakness of corn and hogs carried down provisions. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHEAT screenings $2.60 per hundred del. A. W. Waggner. 801 N. 16th. D. 1142. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity, $40. ( mo.. H. goods, total, $3.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 4JI Security Bldg,. 16th Farnam. Ty. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1614 Dodge D. 5619 Est. 189!. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS LOANS OiTdIAMONDS. JEWELRf AND U,Cf LIBERTY BONDS. OCT '2 fW. C FLATAU, EST. ISft. 10 H FUL SECURITY BLDO. XT, ISO. Chicago Live Stork. Chicago. Oct. 2. (V. S. Bureau of Mar kets1 Cattle Receipts. 12.000 head; steers cle.sing slow and steady; butcher stock 1 He to 25c higher; calves steady to 25c hlghr; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, 115 75i 19.60; common and me dium, $10.00 16.75 ; butcher stock, cows and heifers. $7 25013.75; canners and cutters, $6.00 7. 50 ; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $10.7513.J5; In ferior common and medium, $7.7610.76; veal calves, good and choice. $17.75(318.25. Hogs Receipts, 13.008 head; market 15c to 25c under yesterday's average; light; mixed fully. $1 00 lower than Mon dav; butchers, $19.25 S 19.65; light, $19.00 if i? 50: packing. 18.1519.00; rough, 517.5018.00; pigs, good and choice, $17.0018.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, SO, 000 head: good to best fat lambs steady; others and sheep alow to lower; prime western lambs sold, $16.75; choice feeders, $15.00; lambs, choice and prime, $16.00 16.76; medium and good, 14.00 1 6.00 ; culls, $8.00 12.00 : ewes. choice and prime, $10.50911.00; medium and good, $9.0010.50;culls, $3.6007.60. St. Inl I.Ito Stock. S. Louis. Oct. 2. Cattle Rceipts, 5,300 head; market 25c higher; native beef steers, $11.5018.25; yearling steera and heifeis, $9.60J 15.50; cows. $7.5012 50; stockers and feeders. $8.50(812.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00(518.00; beef cows and heifers, 17.60 15.00 ; na tive calves, $7.7517.25. Hogs Receipts, 10.700 head: market 20c to 25c lower; lights, $19.00019.30; pigs, $15 0018.00; mixed and butchers, $19.00 19 45; good heavy, J19. 400 19.46. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,400 head; market steady; lambs, $16.5016.76; ewes, tll.i012.00; canners and choppers, $5.00 9.00. Kansn-t City Live Stock. Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. 2 Cattle Re ceipts. 18.000 head; market strong: steers, $17. 5019. 00; westerns. $11.00 14 05. cows, $5.40 11.75; heifers. $7.00 12.50: stockers, $7.00 14.50; calves, $6.00 12.50. Hogs Receipts. 16.000 head; market lower; bulk, $18 7519.25; butchers, $19.25 19.40: pigs, 1S.5018.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 10,000 head; market strong; lambs, $14.00ffil6.25; yearlings. $10 00 12.00; wethers, $9.00 11.00; ewes. $8.0: '9.75. 100 300 2,100 7,900 19,800 14,200 186 2,000 128 7.500 112 181.400 110 108 109 800 110 110 110 89 14 87 y4 27 64 179 90 41 88 27 67 183 Reading 89 V Rep. Iron & Steel Shat'k Ariz. Cop. Southern Pacific. Southern Ry Stude'ker Corp. . . Texas Co Union PRdflc .. U. S. Ind Alcohol U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd.. Utah Copper . . . Western Union.. Westlngh'e Eleo, Bethlehem B 126 126 108 109 1,800 300 700 43,000 83 84 83 83 43 Vi 43 74 76 New York Money. New York, Oct. 2 .Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Unchanged. Francs Demand. $5.47Vs: cables, $5.46. Guilders Demand, 45c; cables, 46c. Lire Demand, $6 37; cables, $6.35. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Strong; unchanged. Call Money Strong; unchanged. U. S 2s, reg. 98 'O. N .1 4s 88 IT. S. 2s, coup. 98 I. C. ref. 4s 77 U. S. 3s, reg. 83 Int. M M 6s.. 98 I'. S. coup. 83 K C. S. ref 5s 75 lT. S. Lib. 3 100.12 L & N. un. 4s 81 U. S. 4s, reg. ior. 'M K & T 1 4s 63 U S 4s, coup. 106 "Mont Pow 5s 86 Am. F. S. 6s 97 7-16 M .P gen 4s.. 67 Am T & T c 6s 90 N Y. C deb 6s 94 Anglo-Fr'h 5s 95 "N Pac. 4s.... 79 Arm.&Co. 4s 83 N. Pac 3s .. 58 Atchison g..4s 80 O. S. L. r. 4s 81 B & O c. 4s 72 P. T. & T. 5s 88 B. Steel ref. 6s 90 Tenn con 4s 94 Cen. Leather 6s 94 Penn. gen. 4s 86 Cen. Pac. 1st 75 Reading g. 4s 81 C. & O. cv. 5s 79 'SL&SF a. 6s 66 C B & Q J 4s 93 S. Pac. cv. 5s 91 CM&-SP c. 4s 75 S. Railway 5s 88 C R I & P r 4s 69 T. & P. 1st 80 C. & S. ref. 4s 71 U. P. 4s 86 D & R Q r 5s 56 U. S. Rubber 6s 80 D of C 6s (31) 94 U. S. Steel 5s 97 Erie gen. 4s.. 52 Wabash 1st .. 90 Gen. Elec. 6s 96 Fre'h gvt 6s 101 Bld"Asked. BRAND new show designed to meet with the approval of Ak-Sar-Bcn visitors, opens at the Empress theater today. Robert Everests "Monkey Hippodrome" troupe of 20 Simian actors furnishes a complete vaudeville program of specialties and aerial features. "A Breath from the West" is the com edy singing and talking sketch of fered by I.aHoeu and Dupreece. Robbins and Fulton will furnish the comedy part of the program with their rube comedy, whi; (lertrude an Dyke and Brother will oiler a finging act. Probably the most powerful piece of dramatic propaganda on the stage today is the one-act play by Hall Caine, at the Orphcum, pre sented by his son, Derwent Hall Caine. Audiences are uniformly en thusiastic over this tensely interest ing presentation of the Hun in Bel gium, and his tyranny there. Music lovers are having a genuine treat in the appearance of the celebrated Russian pianist, Tina I.erner. Miss Lerner plays with a delicate artis try seldom equalled. Both sceni cally and from the point of view of grace and agility, the dancing act of Ivan Bankhoff, is one to be remembered. The curtain will be held today to give patrons an op portunity to see the parade. Fiske O'Hara is praying at the Brandeis theater all this week in a new play by Anna Nichols, called "Marry In Haste." He sings four new songs especially written for his- use in the play. "Marry In Haste" has all the elements to make it a popular success romance, mys tery and witty dialogue, and clean, wholesome comedy. Theater Notices. Out-of-towners realize their visit to Ak-Sar-Ben isn't half complete without a visit to the Gayety, so all are trying to see Al Reeves and his big beauty show. The perform ance is just a succession of beauti ful sights and laughs, and thoroughly in keeping with the joy ous spirit of Ak-Sar-Ben. This af ternoon the curtain will not rise un til after the parade passes the Gayety. Seats should be procured in advance. "A Little Mother To Be" will be presented at the Boyd all next week with daily matinee. Elsie Janis is to be a leading member of a London revue called "The Bird of Paradise." Brandon Tynan and Robert Mc Wade have been engaged for Leo Dietrichstein's company in "The Matinee Hero." Lou Tellegen will appear for a short time on the road in "Blind Youth," and then will appear in a play by the Hattons called "The Blue Devils." Patricia Collinge will appear in "Tillie, a Menomite Maid," under the direction of Klaw & Erlanger and George C. Tyler. The Coburns are planning to re vive "TheYellow Jacket" and "The Imaginary Invalid." They .re going to produce first a play called "The Better 'Ole." Henry Miller will have on tour a company in "Daddy-Long-Legs," headed by Edna Walton and Robert Phillips, and one in "Come Out of the Kitchen," headed by Frances Stirling Clarke and Coates Gwynne. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 2 Cattle Re ceipts. 7,500 head; market higher; steers, $9 .00 18.60: cows and heifers, $5.50015.00; calves. $6.00 13.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,600 head; market low er: top, $19.40; hulk, $18.50 19.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; lambs, $10.00 16.50; ewes, Jl.oOfa 9.50. New York General. New York, Oct. 2. Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red, $2.34, track New York. Corn Spot weak; No. 2 yellow. $1.67. and No. 3 yellow, $1.58, cost and freight New York. Oats Spot easy; standard, 8484c. Hay Strong; No. 1, $2.302.60; No. 1, $2.15'2.25; No. 3, $2.002.10. Lard Weak; middle west $26.5526.65. Minneapolis firaln. Minneapolis. Oct. 2. Oats, CIS'6;C. Flax $3.86. Barley 8391c. Rye J1.5Gf 1.57. Bran $28.77. Mofix Clry I.I re Stock. Sioux City, la., Oct. 2 Cattle Re ceipts, 3.000 head; market strong; beef steers, IS.00igl4.50: canners. $5.0006.75; stockers and feeders. $7.60 13.50 ; .cows and heifers, $6.00 9.25. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head; market 15 to 25 cents lower; light, $18.75016.90; mixed, $19.50 19.75; heavy, J18.30ffilS.50; bulk ot sales. $18 40 1 8.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head: market steady. ft Lend thejmyihey 1 1 1 i uy Bonds TfieSatiorialCity Company National City Buk Bldg., New Tori Corrnpondcnt 0?cci in 31 Cities Chicago 137 So. La Salle St. Bondf-Shorl Term -Votes-.4crep,'onccj SKINNER PACKING COMPANY EGGS 1116-1118 - Douglas St: Tel -Douglas 1 5ZI M X ..... ' 9J TRAD! MANK JEFF! FOR CONGRESS He Will Stand by Your Boy in the Trenches. Dultuh. Oct 1. Unseed $1.87 J. 8$. ROBERT W. PATRICK r.d:dats for Judge of the Municipal Court Judge Patrick was born in Omaha and u a life-long resident of Douglas county. Voters should not mistake this candidate for William K. Patrick of Sarpy county. Ringer Puts Eberstein in Complete Control of Police Department Superintendent Kinder has Riven Chief Kherstein full charge of the police department, according to the following order: "Mr. Marshall Eberstein has this morning assumed the duties of chief of police of the city of Oma ha. Every question having to do with the management of the police force must be taken 1141 through him, and all orders to the police depart ment will be given by him. He has full control of the department. "I ask for him the undivided sup port and allegiance of every mem ber of the department, and feel sure that he will deal wisely and justly at all times." FIMIWt TllMUmD THOTO PlVY' OFFERING FOR.' TODAY U. S. Agents Take Booze Without Warrant; Lose Even the minions of Uncle Sam have no right to enter a man's home, without a search warrant, aiid seize a quantity of liquor. This was the decision of Judge Madden in police court Wednesday morning. According to evidence submitted, Andrew Hansen, federal agent of the Department of Justice, traced a trunk containing liquor to the home of Walter Rosicky, secretary of the Foreign Language Press, 1701 South Twelfth street. It was shown the federal agent had acted without process of war rant in the seizure and arrest, and Judge Madden held this was a vio lation of the constitution of the United States and of the state of Nebraska and dismissed the case. The liquors held in evidence were taken possession of by Federal Agent Hanson and are being held for further orders. This occurred September 1 a;id the defendant was 'charged with violating the Reed amendment. Without search warrant he seized the trunk and hrought it to the po lice station, where it was found to contain 43 packages of Vermouth, Kimmel, Norway, Virgina Dare and Silverwitz wine, Green Valley, Sunny Brook, Tom Moore and Melwood whisky and some gin and beer. On the Screen Today rtlAl.TO I.H.A LER tn "THE CltriSK OP THE MAKE HKUEVK." hTKANl "CRASHING THROUGH TO HKR1.IM." Sl'N "J. WARREN KERRIGAN In TRISONERS OF THE TINES." MISK NAZI.MOYA In "TOYS OF V ATE." KMI'KKSS ANNA Q. NIT.SSON' and FRANK1.YN FARNUM In "IN JllG M EN V OK." I.OTHKor 24th arid I.othrop (5EORGE WALSH In "UR AVE AND DOLIV ROHI.FF 2550 Leavenworth WIL LIAM KAR.NTM In "A SOLDIER'S OATH." MARYLAND 13th and Pine GLADYS HUI.ETTE AND CLAYTON HALK in "ANNEXING HILL." RUTH ROLAND In "HANDS VV" No. 7. AL LIED WAR REVIEW. OHI'llEl'M South Sldt MARY MILES M INTER in "SOCIAL BRIARS." Al'OI.IO 29th and Leavenworth MADGE KENNEDY In "THE SERV ICE STAR." (IRANI)- 16th and Blnney FEA TURE BILL AND COMEDY. act, is a charming little actress who, although only lo years of age, has been given the opportunity to star. In her new story she portrays the part of a little girl who builds a boat in her back yard and in it takes make-believe cruises and when the young man next door joins the crew of the boat a charming romance is ! started. In addition to the feature I there is also being shown a Toto I comedy and a Liberty loan film, I showing a different star each night j of the week. Last night Mr. Henry j One of the most unusual pictures j of the year will be the attraction at I the Empress starting today and con i tinuing until Sunday. This is the ! Metro production "In Judgment Of," starring Anna O. Nilsson and Franklyn Farnum, supported by an all-star cast. A tender love story runs through the play and the scenes are tense and dramatic. V 13 veloj- jent of the spectacle pietuve. The fnassiveness of effect will r t smother dramatrf interest. Naz mova in "Toys of Fate" ap pears for the last time today at the Muse, closing a very successful rim here and tomorrow will be seen Gla dy's Brockwell in "Kultur." a story of the inside intrigue of the German court and what part it had in tin starting of the world war. David W. Griffith's "Hearts of tlx World" will open a limited engage ment at the Brandeis theater starting Sundav ninht. Under the auspices of the British government Mr. Griffith has reproduced scenes ot battle ana action that will probably never be af forded anqther dramatist. rnoTori.Avs. AMISKMENTS. NEW SHOW TODAY Vaudeville and Photoplay EVEREST MONKS Monkey Hippodrome LEHOEN A DU PREECE Comedy, Singing and Talking GERTRUDE VAN DYKE & BRO. Singing Act ROBBINS ft FULTON Rube Comedy HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY MUTT A JEFF CARTOON PATHE WEEKLY ANNA Q. NILSSON and FRANKLIN FARNUM in "IN JUDGMENT OF" S3 TAMirUT All Thii Week. I UnlVn 1 Matinea Saturday Augustua Pitou Preaenta FISKE O'HARA In the New Romantic Fare ' "Marry in Haste" By Anna Nichols HEAR O'HARA'S NEW SONGS Mat. 25c to $1. Night 25c to $1.50. Next Sunday "Hearts of World" J WARREN KERRIGAN will appear at the Sun today and the remainder of Ak-Sar-Ben week in "Prisoners of the Pines," a stirring story of outdoor life in the Wisconsin lumber camps. There is a romance woven through the ac tion that brings a touch of interest into the film and lightens the serious parts of the story. In addition to the feature there will be shown a comedy film and patriotic war film weekly. Lila Lee, appearing in her first picture, will be seen at the Rialto today in "The Cruise of the Make believe." Miss Lee, who is ( well known over the country as the "Cud dles" of Gus Edwards' vaudeville PHOTOPLAYS. TO nnrcn n O0C0 000(5 Longton of the British Royal flying corps sang foi1 the audience the new Liberty loan song, "Buy Bonds, Buy Bonds, For Your Boy and Mine." Owing to the unusual interest dis played in "Salome," presented by Theda Bara at the Boyd theater this week, the performances will Le given continuously at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. "Sa lome" is the biggest of all film pro ductions ever made by William Fox and was declared to mark a new de- PIIOTOPLAYS. MATINtE PRICES SAME AS NITE. LOTHROP ?b';d GEORGE WALSH In "BRAVE AND BOLD" mm Phone Douglas 494 SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE Matinee Daily. 2:15 Night, 8:15. AK-SAR-BEN WEEK MORAN a MACK: I DERWENT HALL CAINE JVntatl 4 Co"! D v 6 w 9l WsHsoc; Equllll Broi.; Official Weekly Allied War Review: Orpheum Travel Weekly. Prices: Matineei, lOo. 25c & 50c. Boxet tad Stalls, 50c and 75c: Nlghti. 10c. 25c. 50c 4 75c. Boxes and Stalls, $1.00. Few $1.00 Sunday. Curtain After Parade Passes Theater "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" -fj Curtain Raises After jfAXC4, Parades Past Theater Purposely Booked For Carnival Week, ALREEVES BEAUTY SHOW cir'Sue In Immensity, Second Only to Ak-Sar-Ben Itselt. Only Musical Show in Town. Glitterlnqly Gorgeous Dellphtt. Nothlnn Like It Back Home. Flouncy, Bnuncy Beauty Chorus ot Girls. G Iris. Glrlt GRAND MATINEE DAILY. Sat. Mat. and Week: "THE BEAUTY TRUST." TODAY Continuous 1 to 11 P. M. SMASHING SCENIC HIT SALOME -TBh Mats., 25-50. Evngs.. 2S-S0-7S-$1.00 FPU TINTS 1 M f t 4 SUPREME TRIUMPH l Mif HTM aF 7lfSVLiTtST LOVE STOW EVER TOLD OF THE 20 Mm Mill ''MP A &OMAMCE OF THE GREAT WAR BATTLE SCENES ON THE BATTLE FIELDS K)F FRANCE! -PIECE "BIRTH OF A NATION" ORCHESTRA. Beginning Sunday Night. Twice Daily Thereafter 2:15 and 8:15. PRICES Matinee, 25c to $1.00. Night, 25c to $1.50. War Tax, 10. 20 AMISEMENT8. ALL NEXT WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY A Drama of Justice to War Babies BOYD'S "A Little Mother to Be" (NOT A MOVING PICTURE.) Daily Ladies' Matinees, 25c. Sun. Mat. 25-50c; Night 25, 35, 50, 75c SEATS NOW. Thursday Evng. October 10th The Noted Chicago Tribune War Cor-respondent--' Ffoyd Awarded the Croix de Guerre "Who has just returned from the Wentcrn front, where he has been from the time of the arrival of American troops until he was wounded anil lost an eye in the engagement with the U. S. Murines and the Rain bow division at Chateau Thferry." New York Herald. MARSHAL FOCH Said to Floyd Gibbons--- ''No one is leuer cbtz h iell of the Scares on the French fiord after your brilliant conduct in the Bois de Belkau '' y, , 1 1 Jgl : : A romantic drama of t i ins the Wisconsin-Caiv InKSI 'umer camPs- "PRISONERS OF THE PINES' featuring J. WARREN KERRIGAN Gen. Per shing's Let ter to Floyd Gibbons SEATS ON "My personal reirrets that you are leavinc u at this time are lessened by the knowledge of the ureat. opportunity you will have of Riving to our people in America a true picture of the work of the American soldier in France and of im pressing on them the necessity of carrying on this work to the end, which can b accomnlithtd only by victory for the AlKed arms." "JOHN J. PEPSHINH, "Commander-in-Chief American Army in France." SALE OCTOBER 7TH AT THE AUDITORIUM Prices 50c and $1.00. t. A H . blank FMflanraiiiHiiiis.siiii"' 7 1? the Make Believes" to ber "CRASHING. 3H I, ; LIN'fW V. If--