77 1 ? THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1918. OMAHA WINDOWS USED. TO BOOST LIBERTY BONDS Considerable Skill Shown in These Displays Intended to Help Sale of Liberty Bonds. The big, downtown stores are doing a great work in boosting tiie Fourth Liberty loan. Their window display men have designed some Striking ideas which are sending their appeals to tens of thousands daily. .Everywhere the central thought is "Buy a" Bond." The ''Liberty Special," a minia ture train which makes its steam by burning real dollars bills, to judge hy the contents of its tender, is at tracting great attention in one of the Farnam street windows of the Benson & Thome company store, the track is laid around a repro duction of the Statue of Liberty and the figure of a boy dressed in the uniform of an aviator. "Liber ty" displays a sign hearing . the legend, "Douglas County's (Junta $10,541,500. Help Go Over the Top." The young aviator holds a placard with the words, "Buy, Buy Liberty Bonds or Bye. Bye, Liberty!" P. X. Riley designed this display. Buy bonds. E. J. Berg, wlxj is chairman of the Liberty Loan committee on window decoration, has placed as lhe back ground for the Burgcss-Xash dis play, a large painting showing "The People and Uncle Sam Welding the Chains to Make the World Sate." The kaiser is the victiui i t their ef forts. On either side arc large pic tures of soldiers with ti.ed bay onets, and the words, "1 end the Way They Fight Buy Bonds to the. Utmost' A picture of "Liberty Enlighten ing the World" is the background for the Thompson-Beldcn display, the work of Frank Fiala. An Ameri can eagle and stacked guns are tn the foreground. The massage of the window is "Buy a Bond and Keep of Generals Foch and Ilaig and posters with the admoni tion "Remember Belgium" and "Pave the Way to Berlin with Bonds" decorate the windows of Orchard & Wilhelm. Thev were ar ranged by J. L. Doan. At Brandeis Stores. The Sixteenth street windows of the Brandeis stores are decorated with large feminine figures fash ioned from cardboard, bearing aloft shieU's of red, white and blue, be tween which are streamers with the words, "Buy Fourth Liberty Bends." Phil Armour was the de signer. W. Gannon ha centered the Hay den display around a wax figure of Liberty, who holds in one hand a picture of General Pershing and in the other a staff with a small shield bearing the words "Buy Bonds." Pictures of our great war presidents are hung in the background. In front of the colors radiating from an American eagle, in the Browning, King jt Co., window, are large pictures of the allied comman ders and posters with the words, "Hasten Victory, for Our Fighting Men." and "Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds." F. W. Chilians was the de signer. Any merchant in any part of the city who wants to donate window space to the Liberty loan may have the free advice of an expert window dresser by telephoning E. J. Berg at the Burgess-Xash company. Roads Are to Be Good for Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors If there is no more rain between now and Wednesday night the Oma-i ha Automobile club promises the I condition of the roads will not ham-! per motorists in the state w ho wish j to drive in for tiie parades. In Iowa j the roads are very muddy and are traveled with difficulty. ', : Haskins Bros. Employes : 100 Per Cent in Loan Drive i Thirty-eight employes at the plant j if Haskins Bros. & Co., Second and i Hickory streets, responded 1U0 per cent strong on Monday in their pledges to subscribe to the Fourth Liberty loan. Frank A. Freeman, ! manager, said he felt proud of his ! i:ic n. Nebraska Women to Give Liberty ,Loan Boost Out in State Mrs. Charles Wentz. chairman of Woman's Liberty Loan committee for Hamilton county, has arranged a patriotic program and flag raising in every school district in the county, a patriotic rally for every town and a big patriotic county meeting in Au rora. October 3. Mrs. A. G. Peter son, state chairman, and Miss Sara Hrbkova, state chairman to the Woman's Council of Defense, will be the sneakers. Following the meeting there will be a parade in which all bands. Home Guards, Boy Scouts, Camptire dirls and Ked Cross workers in the county will take part. Torches, campfires and banners will be a feature. Mrs. C. F. Ladd, county chairman Lancaster county, and her commit tee are assisting the men in the pre liminary work of getting out cam- I n.iicm literature for the Fourth Li berty loan. Howard county women will have nn organization separate and dis tinct from the men. They will be able to know at the end of the cam paign how many women have sub scribed. Mrs. J. P. Johnson is chairman. A card canvass is bring carried on ii: Hamilton county by the women. Every woman past 18 years old will be listed and indexed for future cam paigns. Butler county women, with Mrs R. B. Cor, will make a house-to- house canvass. Omaha as a Grain Center Appeals to Houston Man Believing that Omaha is one of tiie best grain markets in the coun try and that it will soon outdistance Kansas City and St. Louis, Sigmond Rothschild, who for years has been in the cash and commission grain business in Houston. Tex., has lo cated here. Here Mr. Rothschild has associated himself with Warren I. Powell, who for a long time has been with the Armour Grain com pany. Both members of the new firm are members of the Omaha Grain ex change and will do a general grain merchandising business. JOHN A. SWANSON, Pr. WM. L. HOLZMAN. Tres. One Minute Store Talk One building wasn't big enough to we opened an other for our Clothing sec tions; one floor wasn't big enough so we use another. More square feet of floor space devoted to Men's Clothing here than you'll see in a day's ride in any direction. Ak-Sar-Ben visitors save money by buying clothes at Great Nebraska. in vest in Liberty Bonds with what you save. tmv-i.ni.t "j...rj' . .. . .,.' DUjai. ,' -i.'-1. i u nail ffl' I. 1.4. p ? mm mi m uruty $rmt& (Italic WOOLENS are hard to get and the right kind of labor is scarce in war times, but fiswti Srmft maintain the dominant quality that long has made them lead ers. Your confidence in Society Brand is as warranted now as it ever was. Come to this store and see. You will find in Society Brand clothes the finest materials, the exceptional style and the skilled tailoring that you did before the war. A suit or overcoat with the Society Brand label in it is as good an invest ' ment as ever. It is real economy to buy one because it exchanges real value for your money. Fall Suits $25 to $60 Fall Top Coats $25to$J5 Winter Overcoats $25 to $85 Ment and Young Men's Clothing Entire Second Floor Main Building, and Annex and Fourth Floor. SEE OUR . WINDOWS TODAY 'atatm a swansomsk. iwumohum- - - COMPARE OUR VALUES "Style Headquarters" Where Society Brand Clothes are sold. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Buy Liberty Loan Bonds and End the War Quicker Braite Stores Buy Liberty Loan Bonds and End the War Quicker Visitors to the Ak-Sar-Ben Will Find Every Convenience and Perfect Service Here. ITi Here's an Opportunity To Buy Splendid Furs At prices which are well be low those which we would of necessity have to charge if we were to re-buy them in the market today. Our contracts months and months ago for these furs saved us many dol lars in the purchasing price, which now reverts to you. Manchurian Wolf Scarfs and Muffs Fluffy and full haired, noted for their durability and Ions-wearing qualities. Animal-shaped large Rug Scarfs, head, tail and feet, with crochet chain fasten ers; good quality satin lining; in black, chestnut brown, taipe and Isabella; red and pointed. Scarfs are $9.95, $11.50, $15.00, $19.50 and $25.00 Muffs are $5.95, $7.50, $8.50, $9.50 and $11.50. See Our Special Sets at $25.00 Here Are Other Low-Priced Items: $50.00 Scarfs, $35.00 Fox Scarfs, Kit Fax, Brown Fox, Gray Fox, in animal shape, large head and tail. $25.00 Throws, $20.00 . French Coney Long Throws, with pockets. Very excep tional values at this price. Second Floor. OVER-SEAS SERVICE Rendered FREE By this Store We will take orders, at our OVER-SEAS BOOTH on the Main Floor, from anyone who desires to send anything overseas and our Paris Office will buy and send direct. This Service U Rendered Absolutely Without One Cent of Profit by Thii Store. Come to the Over-Seas Booth on the Main , Floor, and you will find ' a printed list of the mer chandise carried by our Paris Office 1. You select the gift you with to send. 2. We mail order to Paris. 3. Our Paris office finds out where your boy is stationed. 4. Our Paris office sends the present to your hoy, asking him for a receipt. 5. The receipt is returned to us and sent to you. Women's Kid Gloves Complete Stocks At prices away below market quotations, for most all the gloves in this stock were contracted for much longer than a year ago, and we therefore own them at prices considerably below today's quota tions and you derive the benefit.. In addition, our early buying and foresight has secured for us an un usually complete stock of all desir able styles and colors in new Fall gloves. We direct your attention to the fact, that Brown in all the new shades, and Gray, the two most wanted colors right now, are here in great profusion, notwithstanding the scarcity prevailing elsewhere; and also there are other attractive shades, besides black and white, in plain and contrasting stitchings to be found here. As an illustration of the values we are offering, we quote the inter esting items below. Women's French Lamb Kid Gloves, $2.00 Two-clasp light and medium weight gloves, in black and white and white with black backs and black with white backs, also in various shades of browns and grays. Excellent quality and guaranteed fit. Remarkable values at $2.00 a pair. Perrin's Real Kid Gloves, $2.50 Light and medium weight, overseam gloves, the famous Eglantine make. A very special price because of our early buying while this lot lasts, $2.50. Complete range of colors and styles also in the other popular brands made by Perrin & Co. assembled in this stock. Main Floor. Corsets Are Essential The War Industries Board of the United States Government has said that Corsets are to be classified as among the first civilian essentials. A demonstration of the construction of a Nemo corset shows that each particular model was de signed to aid a certain type of figure, that each particular patented feature was added to aid or prevent some ailment it is these special features 'hat helped so much in having corsets classified as ssential. Are you wearing a Nemo corset and taking advantage of the great aid it can be to you? Please remember that only an experienced Corsetiere with a complete variety of models and sizes to select from can fit you in the proper manner and that our stock of Nemo Corsets is as complete today as ever before. If you have your corset fitted here, you have the service and advice of the most carefully trained corsetieres in the country. Their services are free. The government asks every woman to make her corset last as long as possible. Nemo Self Reducing Corsets. '. . Nemo Wonderlift Corsets $4.00 to $6.00 $6.00 tO $12.00 Third Floor. Clothes For Your Boy That Will Last That's the kind we want to show you here that's the only kind that we care to sell and that's the only kind that you want to buy. The government wants you to practice conservation in every way, and there is no better way than to buy the clothes that will wear longest, so that you will not have to buy so often. Two Pair Pant Suits Give Double Wear. Many have double seats and knees; an excellent variety of fabrics at last season's prices. Get that, because we are selling them on the bas's we bought them. $7.75 to $17.50 Corduroy Suits, $7. 00 to $15.00 Look well and wear better. In dark drab tones, dark brown, government tan and olive drab. One pant, two pants and some with three pants. Buy them anyway you like, but buy them early, is our advice. Second Floor, Men's Bldg. A Few Friends and the Victrola all that's necessary for an evening's delight. You can invite the friends; we invite you to pay our superb Victrola Depart ment a visit and select your Victrola. Our stock is the most complete in the city and our service will appeal to .you. New October Records Now Selling Pompeian Room Victrolas, $22.50 to $395.00 Easy Terms Fall Suits for Women Autumn and Winter styles suits that are shown in such a variety of styles that you are sure to find what you want. We are able to quote these moderate prices because we made arrangements for the shipment of these suits a long time ago selecting the styles that are the best at the price. Tailored Tailored Suits Exceptional val ues, in a collec tion of the new est styles, show ing the latest shapes in Coats of serge, poplin and other good fabrics; braid trimmed with plain or velvet collars and cuffs. All sizes. $25 Suits Of Serge, Poiret Twill, Mixtures and Velours, in Browns, Taupe, Black, Navy and others. Styles are copies of much higher priced models, smart and youthful. All sizes. $39 Second Floor. Tailored Suits Plain tailom effects, novel pleated or rippli coats, belted models with con vertible collars, some fur trim med in Velours, Silvertones, Mix tures, Worsteds, etc. Many odd sample suits. $59 This Is the Most Complete Blouse Dept. in Middle West There is a Blouse in every style, at every price, for everybody. New Striped Tub Silk Blouses, $1.95 Semi-tailored models, with roll collar and turn cuffs; buttons in front. Crepe do Chine Blouses, $2.95 In white and flesh; some lace trimmed, others band trimmed. Georgette Crepe Blouses, $4.19 to $6.95 Hand beaded and hand embroidered; in white, flesh, navy, taupe, brown and green. Crepe de Chine Blouses, $5.50 Extra quality, in white and flesh only. Some with two-in-one collars, can be worn high or low neck; very special at this price. Second Floor i! I 1 1 I t II ---. -' I II , . ; , I I ; ' , . . ; - . - " .. . . ,m . .. " . - , , , 2 . i ; ' ' """""" ' "-zZrpt Three Rug Offers 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs, good colorings and designs, suitable for any room in the house. These, rugs could not be retailed under $50.00 if booght at to- djOl Qg day's prices. Wednesday, at. 9x12 and 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs in all over Oriental and medallion patterns. This is a good rug at a reasonable price and those wishing rugs this Fall should take advantage of this number. Wednesday, $32.50 and $29.98 Smith's Axminster Rug, 36x70. These rugs are a little undersized to be regulaj"1 should be 36x72; sold in regular J at $7.50, Wednesday $3 at Second Floor