Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 7

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Wmmmi in
Girls, Can You Write
in French?
Girls who read nd write
French re invited by a lonely
3elgian soldier to correspond
vith him. A letter received by
The Bee tells his pathetic story
in quaintly written and phrased
"Master the Editor; Sir: Please
excuse the liberty I am taking to
ask you. if possible, to accord the
hospitality to your columns to
the following request: Belgian
soldier at front from August
1914, will be glad to correspond
with an American lady, prefer
ably in French. He is without
news from his family, remained
in occupied Belgium. Many
French people have answered to
'he same appeal of fighters, and
this goodness I am sure to find
by your honorable readers
Please sir, accept my best thanks
and respects. (Signed) Victor
Latte, Seventh company, Z39.
Belgian Field Army."
WILL Mrs. Howard Baldrige
succeed in obtaining permis
sion from Washington to
take charge of a Red Cross ware
house in France? The answer to this
question i. awaited with great inter
est by Mrs. Baldrige'a friends and
associates in the state inspection
warehouse, where she serves as cen
sor. Mrs. Baldrige is the only woman
in the United States appointed to
Such an imoortant nnct en m
. iai as
can be ascertained.
It was a cable from Henry P.
Davison, national president of the
Red Cross soicety and a personal
friend of the Baldrige family, which
first raised the question. Mr. Davi
son asked the Omaha woman to take
charge of a warehouse in France.
Mrs. Baldrige's ability to speak
French would, of course, make her
additionally valuable in this ca
pacity. But here a stern government in
terferred with the regulation that no
woman, who had a son or husband
in the service couid qualify for
overseas vork. Mrs. Baldrige's son,
Captain Malcolm Baldrige, is al
ready overseas.
Mrs. Baldrige's friends believe
she will go. On Mr. Davison's re
turn to this country, important
chancres in reauirement fnr m-rr.
seas workers are anticipated.
Uniformed Women in Parade.
From the perky white garb and
flowing veil of the Red Cross nurse,
to the oil-besmeared feminalls of
railroad shop girls, the uniforms of
women in war work will take their
places in the grand military parade
of Thursday afternoon.
Mobilized by the woman's depart
ment of the united war work cam
paign, every group of women in the
city engaged in specific war work.
Is expected to participate. Those
who have not as yet made definite
plans to do so are asked to get into
communication before tonight, with
the state headquarters office of the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion. Young Women's Christian asso
ciation, Red Cross, state and local,
canteen workers, the human flag
(Bohemian), elevator girls, are some
of the divisions to be looked for,
their own banners and their spe
cial uniforms .distinguishing them.
Where there is no official garb for
their branch of service, the women
will wear white skirts and shoes,
blue or black short suit coat and a
sailor hat. Small flags to stick in
the hat ribbon will be furnished.
The woman's division of the pa
rade will form at 1:30 p. m., at
Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets.
Definite position will be assigned
each woman's organization.
Mrs. Howard Baldrige of the
state inspection warehouse an
nounces that war mothers who have
been giving two days a week at the
warehouse will march with ware-
house workers in the parade Thurs
day. They meet at Twenty-fifth
avenue and Farnam streets.
Temple Sisterhood Dances.
Temple Isreal Sisterhood is plan
ning a series of four dances to be
given this winter at the Blackstone,
with soldiers from Fort Omaha and
Fort Crook, if there be any, as spe
cial guests. Mrs. Jay B. Katz and
Mrs. isidor Ziegler are in charge of
arrangements for the affair, the first
of which will be given October IS.
The second is planned about Thanks
giving time.
The sisterhood will hold its Oc
tober meeting next Monday.
Mend for Soldiers.
North Side Mothers' club will
meet Tuesday and W ednesuay at 1U
a. m. at the tiome fo Mrs. G. it Gil
bert, 2611 Bristol street, to do
mending for the soldiers.
For Wedding Guests.
Governor l homas C. Rye of Ten
nessee and his staff, who arrived
this morning irom .Nashviiie tor the
wedding of Miss Tonnette iilotcky
and Col. Aaron Bergeaa, which
takes place Tuesday evening, were
honor guests at a breakiast given
at tne i otneneile by Coionel iier
geda ay. A dinner will be giv
en tins t veiling at tne hotel in Honor
of the soutnern visitors wnen Mr.
Lou BloicKy will be host.
i lfersojriais t
tx4m--hw . jolC) PASHA
Airs. n. Koscnsiut. aim uaugu
ters, Jessie and jLorrame, moved to
' day to the Hamilton apartments.
Mrs. G. W. Megeath is confined to
her home with a severe cold.
omplrta, Rtw adnntura Bach Wack. Bcflnntiii Idocdiy ud Bndlni Sunday
First Omaha Canteen
Worker's Letter from
French Post of Duty
The crying need for relief work
ers in France and confirmation of
reports of Hun atrocities are points
emphasized in a letter friends re-
ceived last week trom M;ss wane
Matthews, Omaha school teacher
who with her friend. Miss Edith
Dahlstrom. were anions: the first
group of Red Cross canteen work
ers sent from Nebraska.
"I was crazy to come over but
I thought I was a little selhsh in
wanting to come for I realized that
the work at home and in the schools
was important and must be done,
and that perhaps one was doing just
as much to stick to their lobs but
all that is changed in my mind. With
the number of teachers that are re
signing, school may become disor
ganized but they still have a founda
tion and they will muster new forces
and go on but this proposition is
another thine. Workers must come
to do these things. I had no concep
tion of the need.
Everything I ever heard that was
awful. I ve heard confirmed at ai
most, if not quite first hand. Our
boys have seen service like veterans,
American women must be here. We
except in the next few days to do
service locally, ana to be ass:gned
for regular duty .next week. We've
asked to be sent together but have
not been answered, though we expect
a favorable decision. Ie rests with
Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbilt. She signs
herself Anne Vanderbilt and they
say it's Mrs. Willie K. She works
steadily as any other clerk and she's
not young. If they need you at
Portland and you want to go, you
go. If they get to bringing the
wounded in there, there'll be lots of
things you can do. Now here's a
thing not to forget we will be on
a line of communication (L. O. C.)
but we will not be close up at all.
Oh I never in the world knew so
v.ell how to be proud of America.
It you know any woman with a son
in the marines congratulate her.
They're wonderful, wonderfull"
Military Training
Planned for Members
of New Athletic Club
Military training probably will be
included in the athletic curriculum
of the new Omaha Athletic club.
Already eyes are being cast around
for a suitable instructor. An ef
fort will be made to secure from
the War department the services of
a regular army or naval officer.
This courtesy has been extended
to similar organizations throughout
the country in the interest of uni
versal training. The movement
probably owes its impetus to the
efforts of Theodore Roosevelt, a
staunch supporter of military train
ing. With the arrival of rowing ma
chines, punching bags, pulleys and
weights and other paraphernalia,
calculated to creat numerous sec
ond Samsons, the new club's gym
begins to assume a businesslike ap
pearance.7 When completed the
new Athletic club's facilities for
physical training will be second to
none in the country.
The law school of Fordham uni
versity is now open to women students.
REEK - c
I . came the
of a c
A son was born Sunday to Mr.
and Mrs. Meyer Fridstein of Chi
cago. Mrs. r-ndstein was formeriy
Miss Evelyn Bergman of Omaha.
Mrs. P. T. Buckley, accompanied
by ner daughter, Mrs. Joseph E.
Withrow, and iliss Joe Aren, ot
Portland, Ore., ate spending a wet.
at the Fontenelk Mrs. Withrow
was formerly titulah Buckley, a
graduate of the Omaha High schooi
and Wellesley cohtge.
Mrs. E. A. Higgins returned from
Chicago last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Storz, Miss
Elsie Storz and Miss Dorothy Hig
gins left Sunday evening for Ex
celsior Springs.
s Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Arter, who
have spent the summer at theii
home" at Cape Cod, are expecteu
home in a few days. Miss Dorothy
Arter will enter her freshman year
at W'ellesiey college this fall.
Mr. and Mrs.- Arthur English
who have been in the east for somt
time,. will arrive home the first of
next week.
'' One of England's most success
fu! business women is Miss Evelyn
Barlow, the gifted daughter of the
late Dean of Peterborough and a
sister of Sir Montague Barlow' M.
P. After having demonstratedher
. abilities as a business womai-f in
several lines, Miss Barlow has Aow
become junior partner and auction
eer in the famous Loudon firm 'of
From prominent men in U. S. wai
charged by Paris newspapers, oni
year ago today, October 1, 1917.
Find another traitor.
Upvei left corner down behind toV
Be Sure That You Are Registered
So You Can Vote November 5.
(In previous itorlei Pefjjy has been
crowned Princess of Blrdlami, and has en
joyed many Interesting adventures with
her Bird subjects.)
The Call of the Crickets.
REEK - creek - creek- creek 1"
e monotonous chirp
cricket outside of
Peggy's window. It was lulling her
sweetly to sleep, when all at once
she roused up wide-awake. The
"Creek-creek-creek-c reek" was
bringing a message to her much like
the tick-tick-tick of a telegraph in
strument brings a message over the
wires. Only in this case she could
make out the words clearly and
didn't have to change them from
dots and dashes into letters and
"Come, Princess Peggy, to the
birds' carnival. There's going to be
frolicking in the moonlight tonight
on the green at the fifth hole of the
golf course."
"Of coursei I'll come, just as
quickly as I can get dressed," cried
"Princess Peggy sends her com
pliments to Birdland and says she
will come as soon as she can get
dressed," sounded the cricket tele
graph. A cricket farther away
caught up the message and passed it
along. A third got it still farther
away, and so it went far out of
"That's a regular wireless tele
graph," thought Peggy. "I never
knew before that a cricket's chirp
was the slightest use."
As she was dressing she heard a
message coming back, sounding in
distinctly far away, and then loudly
and clearly as it came near.
Princess Feggy, dress up runny
As a chicken or a bunny;
Every on will gaily rollick
At our yearly harvest frolic.
"And I haven't a single fancy
dress to wear," said Peggy in dis
may. "If I could only get into my
doll's clothes I'd be fixed fine."
"We're here at your service, Prin
cess Peggy," called a voice from
outside, and there was her aerial
chariot borne by the Whip-Poor-wills
and Night-Hawks, which had
served as her flying horses when
she flew to battle with old King
"Goody!' cried Peggy. "And I'm
sure you have fairy ring grass to
make me small."
She looked beneath the seat of
the chariot and true enough, there
was a blade of fairy ring grass. It
took her only a moment to nibble it
and quick as a wink she was the
size of her dolls. Now Peggy had
a wide assortment of frocks from
which to choose. The one that
caught her eye, however, was a gay
parrot costume she had made out
of colored paper.
What a joke it will be to go as a
strange bird. Then I'll fool them
all," she giggled to herself.
The parrot dress fit her perfect
ly. As she looked into the mirror to
see the effect she nearly fell back
ward in amazement. She looked ex
actly like a real Parrot.
If I could only squawk and
screech like a Parrot I'd be all
fixed," she tittered. "This is better
than going as a chicken or a bunny,
and it certainly will give those Birds
a scare."
Among her toys was a tiny auto
horn. "There's my squawker," she
thought, as she quickly tucked it
beneath her wing. "Now, I'm
Outside the window sill was her
aerial chariot. As Peggy stepped in
to view she squawked a greeting
with the horn. The effect was not
what she expected. Instead of
laughing back at her, the Whip-Poor-Wills
and Night-Hawks gave
one look at this strange and awful
looking Bird and dashed away with
loud screeches of fear. Peggy had
to call to them again and again be
fore they would believe that it was
really she and not a fierce, wild
When the aerial chariot drew cau
tiously near again, Peggy seated her
self on the throne and away they
went for the carnival.
As they passed over a black clump
of trees, a dark cloud suddenly
whirred up toward them.
"The Bats! The Bats!" shrieked
the Night-Hawks. "And we can't
fight because we are harnessed to
this chariot."
"Squeak I Squeak! Now we've
got these Night Birds where we
want them," shrieked the Bats, rush
ing to the attack. Things looked
pretty bad for Peggy, for she knew
that the Birds couldn't fight unless
they dropped her, and if they did
drop her she would be smashed on
the gound far below. Then she
thought of her horn. "Squawk!
Squawk! Squawk!" it sounded with
such alarming suddenness that the
Night Birds jerked the chariot as
my own
Tt phyti-
actiTity m
lart.l due tm
i Mnonal dm off
Nox.t.d Iron", say
Former Health Com
missioner Wm. R. Kerr, of
I 'the City of Chicago. "Froni
my own experience wun mut
ated Iron I feel it is such a
valuable blood and body build
ing preparation that it ought
to be used in every hospital
and nrecrihed bv every fihv
slcian in the country." Nuxated Iron brio
to make healthier women and ttronger, itur
titer men. Satisfaction guaranteed or mopejj
refunded. At all good druggists.
oa mii inmit ass aky druggist
i M t 18 K
9 a fi re,- jm .
tin ea rs y
though they would tear it to pieces.
But the squawk scared the Bats
even more than it did the Birds.
They were coming to the attack full
tilt, but now they veered off with
wild squawks.
"The Witch of the Night," they
squealed. "Fly, or she'll get us."
And away they flew as fast as
their wings could carry them.
(Tomorrow Peggy reaches ths carnival
and receives a strange warning.)
The Witch of the Night.
(Peguy la Invited to the Birds' Harvest
Carnival and goes disguised as a Parrot.
having been mads tiny by fairy ring
AFTER the Bats has flown
away, badly scared by Peg
gy's Parrot disguise, the
Night Birds bore the aerial chariot
swiftly to the golf links, where the
Harvest carnival was to be held.
The birds chuckled and giggled
among themselves at the way in
which Peggy had frightened them.
"The Witch of the Night. That's
a fine joke!" cried a Whip-Poor-Will.
"Let's keep it a joke," answered
Peggy. "I'll be the Witch of the
Night at the carnival. Please don't
tell any one who I really am.
"We'll keep your secret," promised
the birds.
The chariot sailed over the broad,
beautiful green where the crowd
was gathering for the carnival, and
came gently to earth behind a patch
of shrubbery. Peggy dismounted
and the Night Birds flew away to
put on their costumes for the fun.
Peggy was delighted when she
peeked around the shrubbery. The
board green carpet was covered
with gaily decked birds who made
a fantastic picture in the bright
moonlight. The green itself was
set on the side of a- partly wooded
hill. Below it was a tiny lake, which
sparkled brilliantly as the waves
played under the gentle urging of
the evening breeze.
Peggy didn't see a familiar bird
in the gathering. All were in car
nival disguise. Wouldn't it be fun
to mingle among them without
knowing who they were and with
out their knowing herl
"Squawk! Squawk!" went her
automobile horn.
"Oh! eh! oh!" shrieked the
startled birds, huddling to one side
of the green. Peggy stalked grandly
Blue Heron, whose legs were so
lrong that he couldn't possibly dis
guise himself, even though he did
trj to make himself appear like an
owl on stilts, was acting as master
of ceremonies.
"Who, who are you?" he stam
mered in his croaky voice.
"Squawkl Squawk!" replied the
ai tomobile horn. "I am the Witch
o.' the Night, come to make merry
at your revels," added Peggy in a
hollow voice.
"The Witch of the Night," whis
pered the birds in awed tone.
"Fear not," Peggy hastened to
say. "I come in good will. This
night is for fun; let no evil mar
our joy."
"Hurrah for the Witch of the
Doesn't hurt at all and costs
only few cents.
Magic! Just drop a little Freezone
on that touchy corn, instantly it
stops aching, then you lift the corn
off with the fingers. Truly! No
Try Freezone ! Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle for a few cents, suf
ficient to rid your feet of every
hard corn, soft corn, or corn be
tween the toss, and callouses, with
out one particle of pain, soreness
or irritation. Freezone is the dis
covery of a noted Cincinnati genius.
Tint the Gray
Hairs Away
Give the Natural Beauty of Your
Face a Chance. Don't Spoil It
by Permitting Unbecoming
Gray or St:aked Hair
to Show.
Gray hairs are never welcomed by a
woman. Many women are so employed
.hat gray hairs would lose them their
positions and incomes. And to practically
all women, gray hair means the loss of
One simple application of "Browna
tone" will instantly tint the hair and sure
,y bring back a youthful appearance.
You need not hesitate to use "Brown
atone" for no previous experience is nec
essary and no harmful results can possi
bly follow from its use.
"Brownatone" is the one preparation of
its kind and is guaranteed to be entirely
free from sulphur, lead, silver, mercury,
zinc, aniline, coal tar products or their
"Brownatone'' will give any shade, from
light pnVen brown to he deepest brown
or black. It Is sold by all leading drug
stores and toilet counters everywhere. Two
sizes, 35 cents and $1.15.
A sample snd a booklet will be sent you
(from manufacturers only) upon receipt
of 10 cents. Mention rhnde desired when
writing or purchasing. Prepared by The
Kenton Ph-irmaeal Co., Suite 406 Coppin
BMtr., Covincton, Ky. ,
Sold and guaranteed In Omaha by Shcr
mn A McConne'l Drutr Co.'s Stores and
oher lp-rl'n dealers. Adv.
Kectal Diseases Cured without a sever sorvieal
neratico. No Chloroform or Ether used Curs
uarsnteed PAY WHEN CURED Write foi ilitin.
- , ' " .... ... l.i vipe. ni.u I ta 111 r fiu mil.
'" -nonia's of more than 1 000 nromlnent lunula shn
have been permanent! cored
Night!" cried the birds, forgetting
their fright. Feggy found herselt
received with open arms and quick
ly became a lively part of the jolly,
gathering crowds. Every one was
busy showing off his own costume
and trying to guess who the others
were. The- disguises were so good
that Blue Heron was the only one
she could recognize, until a funny
looking Turkey Gobbler came up
and boomed a queer complaint:
"Oh Witch of the Night, so charming are
My heart la beating a lively tattoo;
If you'll but have me I'll wed on the spot
For a batch like mo thnt's snylng a lot."
' Peggy giggled. Judge Owi might
disguise his looks but he could
never disguise his awful poetry.
"That's very pretty, Judge Owl,"
she whispered, "but this is not my
wedding day. I'll have to think it
Judge Owl was much fussed to
find that she had guessed who he
"Surely you are a witch to learn
my secrets," he answered.
"The best way to keep a secret
is to put a lock on your lips," she
whispered teasingly, as she lost her
self in the crowd.
"Cock-a-doodle-doo!" came a
harsh cry from the shrubbery.
"Oh, it's a rooster come to our
carnival," rejoiced the birds. "We'll
give him such a good time that he
will forget to call the sun in the
The Rooster, a dashing looking
young fellow, stalked out on the
green and in an instant was sur
rounded by the excited group of girl
birds. Every one wanted to meet
the handsome stranger. Peggy
thought that she would like to flirt
a bit with him herself and she won
dered who he could be.
The young Rooster presently made
his way through the crowd around
him and came straight to her.
"Fair Witch of the Night, I lay
my heart at your feet," he said
grandly. Then he whispered a
strange warning: "Be on your
When a cold is
neglected it at-
WhV COldS tacks the lining
iiiij uiuof the lungs
l than it's TitlPli- !
Lrjaa lO m0nia. Father j
n . John's Medicine j
PneiimOllia treats colds and I
prevents pneu-;
monia because it
nour i s h e s the
system and
drives out the
poisonous waste
matter any oth
er way of treat
ing a cold is like
ly to lead to
pneumonia. Not
a "cough syrup"
or "balsam" de
pending upon
dangerous and
drugs, but a food
medicine and
body builder.
Forty United
Protit Sharing
Coupons (2
eon jxrnt each de
Dominstlon20)ar packed in every
ease Exehinee
abl for va!pbl
When you want the cne
best drink for good taste
and good health.
"Bear" In Mind
Enjoy the good taste of hops, thm
foam and the sparkle.
Drink all you want it's non-Intoxicating.
At grocers.' at druggists,' in fact at
all places where good drinks are sold.
H. A. STEINWENDER, Dittributor
1517 Nicholas St. Doug. 3842.
Omaha, Neb.
guard. Keep eyes and ears open.
There are spies among us tonight.
(Tomorrow wilt be tola mora about tha
warning which Veggy receives.)
Mrs. L. E. Ellison, wife of the
pastor of a Baptist church at Ar
eola, 111., has been appointed to oc
cupy her husband's pulpit for the
next six months, while he is at
Camp Pike, Ark., doing pastoral
work among the soldiers.
That women can acquire high
skill as mechanics is demonstrated
in an English factory engaged on
breach mechanism for howitzer
guns, where every machine tool is
operated by women and the tools
hardened and ground by women.
Marie Botchkareva, the famous
leader of the "Battalion of Death.
will go down in history as the Joan
of Arc of Russia. She has been
wounded five times and wears on
the breast of her uniform as a lieu
tenant of the Polozk regiment, five
medals, and on her sleeve four red
wound stripes. She is entitled to
wear six medals.
The Chamber of Commerce of
Sherman, Tex., is the first in the
Lone Star state to admit women to
full membership privileges on equal
terms with men.
For the first time in its history,
extending over half a century, Drew
Theological seminary has opened
several of its courses to women.
5 best efforts. Pj
enables your m
the best and thi
f without effort orl
i Use Mazda Lamps
! UAocr
the Rubber
Science Perfect!
The OrdinsrvRu
Hoel- Set with Nails
Often Pulls Loose and
Opens at the Joint
It takes the repair man almost
as much time and trouble to put
on old-style, rubber heels as for a
little girl to get ready for a party.
He can put on a pair of "Usco"
rubber heels in about as little time
as it takes brother "Reddy" to get
into the old swimmia' hole.
The oW-style, flat rubber heel
is set on with rubber-cement and
nails. It soon gaps around the
edgesjand gets frazzled and floppy.
The "Usco" rubber heel
is anchored for keeps with
a few little nails and it takes
a spy glass to And the joint.
Furthermore the joints
never gap.
ii i
Built onaCiirvc
When nailed Flat
it Sets Snug till
worn out
The "VAGtfK
Rubber Heef
Invisible Join?
Never Pulls Loos
"Usco" Rubber Heels era i
product of scientific thought.
They are the world's best rubber
heels made by the world's larga"
rubber manufacturer.
They are moulded on a
like a saucer. When naded flJ
the spring of the rubber sets
edges so close and snug all aroi
you can't pry them loose.
a f n . .
a nrm. nat creaa to walK 01
comfort in every step, ecoi
omy in the long run.
" Usa" Huh timt in blacky tern
ana white at jtur rtpatrman't
five minutes tt put thm tn, LhI
fir thi (J. S. uaU
United States Rubber Company
Mechanical Goods
1 flMMTB
We will win this war
Nothing else really matters until we do!
The Flavor Lasts