Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 5

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Heavens Will Seem to Slip
Cog and Everything Will
Appear to Happen an
Hour Sooner.
On the 27th, the last Sunday of
(he month, at 2 a. m., according to
the daylight saving law, all our
clocks are to be set back an hour
ahd are again to indicate the usual
time that they showed before the
law went into effect. This turning
back of an hour is best done in prac
tice the evening before, just as we
, are about to retire for the night.
That night will then by an hour
longer than usual and . will thus
restore to us the hour we lost in
Turning the clock an hour back
is, however, not as simple an opera-
; tion as setting it an hour forward,
as we did on the last Sunday of
March. Every clock may at anv
tune be set forward any fraction of
an hour as well as any number of
hours by simply turning the minute
hand forward, but it is not every
' timepiece that may be set back
, without injury to itself. A watch
or a clock that indicates time only
without a striking contrivance and
without an alarm, may generally be
set backward as well as forward.
But if the timepiece strikes the
hours, or half hours, or quarters, or
has an alarm ,jr similar mechanism
like a program clock, we can never
without serious injury turn the min
ute hand backward past the time
that this attachment is to operate.
The only thing to do with such a
,clock is to stop it altogether for an
hour by comparing it with a watch
or other clock that is kept going
during the interval. There is no
harm done in stopping the clock
longer than an hour, because, as said
before, we can at any time turn any
timepiece forward by the difference.
"We may also if we like set the clock
backward twice or oftener by frac
tions of an hour. But in no case
should we turn it backward past its
striking time of the time it is to set
off its alarm or other attachment.
The penalty for the violating of this
rule will be a serious injury to our
Just as on the last Sunday of
March, the heavens will seem to
slip a cog, and everything will at
once appear to happen an hour
sooner. Thus on Saturday, Octo
ber 26, the sun will rise at 7:48 and
, set at 6:29, while on Sunday, the
27th, it will rise at 6:49 and set at
5:27. This will seem on Sunday
evening as if the day had suddenly
been shortened by an hour. On Sun
day morning, however, it will bring
us an unusual brightness. The
moon also will feci the jog, be
cause, while it is accustomed al
ways to rise, south, and set later
on the following day, it will rise
only two minutes later on the 28th
than on the 27th, and actually south
and set even earlier on the 27th
than on the 26th. The. true length
of the day is of course not affected.
This is II hours 46 minutes on
the 1st, 11 hours 8 minutes on the
- 35th, and 10 hours 29 minutes on
the 31st, a loss of 1 hour 17 minutes
during the month.
There are no planets visible yet
in the evening sky. Jupiter is the
first to appear, rising at 31:29 p. in.
on the 15th. Saturn comes next,
rising at 2:50 a. m., and then Venus
at 6:48 a. m. Mars is too near the
sun to be seen.
The moon is in conjunction with ;
Saturn on the 1st and 28th, with ,
Venus on the 3d, and with Jupiter j
on the 25th. i
Brie) City News
Lighting Fixtures. Burgess-Granden
Have Root Print It New Beacon
Dr. J. P. Lord, suite $30 City Na
tional Bank Bids:. Practice lesumed.
Congressman Iobeck's office,
217 Karbach Tlock. Theme Tyler
Daughter Is Born A daughter
was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Child, 412 South Forty
eighth street, at the Stewart Ma
ternity hospital.
Xew Adjutant Lt. V. A. Horning
has been appointed adjutant at Fort
Omaha, vice MaJ. R. S. Bamberger,
who was ordered east for extended
field service.
Buys Bonds Here The National
Life Insurance company of Mont
pelier, Va., has instructed Nathan
Berstein, local general agent, to in
vest $10,000 in the Fourth Liberty
loan bonds.
Itobbr-.l of jTash J. K. Smith, 2323
South Thirteenth street, manager of
the Smith Lock and Manufacturing
company, was robbed of $22 cash and
a check of 35 cents on the carnival
grounds Saturday night.
Oppose. Paddles At a meeting the
Methodist Ministers' union Monday
a resolution was passed endorsing
the stand taken by the polire com
missioner in abolishing gambling de
vices on the carnival grounds.
(. A. lt. Meet Members of the
Grand Army of the Republic are re
quested to report at the Army build
ing. Fifteenth and Dodge streets, at
1 o'clock Thursday for the mili
tary parade. Automobiles will be
Jeff Hard at Work A. W. Jefferls,
republican candidate for congress, is
putting in his time making out ques
tionnaires for local draft board No. 2
atthe South Side city hall, instead
of campaigning for votes in the com
ing election.
Home on Furlough Lt. R. L.
Dunlap is visiting the home folks for
a few days. He was a member of
the fire department before he went
into military service last June. He
has been instructor in tank driving
and gas engine work and declares
that he has enjoyed the service.
Captain Gun ion Arrives Capt.
Phil S. (Junlon of the quartermaster
general's oflice in Washington ar
rived in Omaha Monday and report
ed at the quartermaster's corps,
where he has been assigned to suc
ceed Capt. Adam Lepphart. who has
gone east for extended Meld service.
Lt. Herbert K. t'awyer. formerly an
officer in the quartermaster's corps
here, also has suite east for active
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderland's.
Thomas C.,ye and Staff,
Congressman Byrns and
Other Tennessee Nota
bles Visit Here.
"Tennessee is interested in after-the-war
problems and is now taking
steps toward adaptation to the in
dustrial, economic and social
changes which are inevitable," said
Governor Thomas C. Rye, who
heads a party of prominent Ten
nesseans who are here to attend the
wedding of Col. Aaron Bergeda,
Nashville, a member of the gov
ernor's staff to Miss Toynette
Blotcky, of Omaha.
"We are reclaiming lands in the
swampy districts of west Tennessee
stopping the erosion of soils in the
'sandy land' district of middle Ten
nessee by the planting of black
locusts and sowing of Bermuda
grasses, rebuilding work out lands
Lt. Storrs Butler Dies at
Camp Dix of Pneumonia
Word has just been received here
of the death of Lt. Storrs W. Butler,
son of Dr. and Mrs. S. Wright
Butler, formerly of Omaha. Dr.
Butler was pastor of St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church from
1890 to 1895, and the son was born
at Thirtieth and Mason streets just
25 years ago. At the time of his
death he was stationed at Camp
Dix, New Jersey. He was married
and his home was in Culbertson,
N. J. He is survived by a wife, sis
ter and his parents.
Lieutenant Butler was a victim
of a severe cold, which developed
into pneumonia. He was to have
gone overseas several weeks ago,
but was detained in this country for
an operation on his tonsils and was
acting as instructor at Camp Dix at
the time of his death.
Dr. and Mrs. Butler now live in
PoUghkeepsie. N. Y. They still
have a large circle of warm friends
in Omaha, who remember Lieuten
ant Butler as a little boy, and whose
most "sincere sympathy will go out
to the bereaved parents.
GOV. T. C. ftYE.
in all parts of the state by the plant
ing of humus and nitrogen produc
ing plants such as the soy bean and
cow pea, eliminating the tick in the
southwestern district and building
up of fine herds of cattle, arrang
ing for the abolishment of the con
tract labor system in the peniten
tiaries so we can use the penal man
power on roads and in truck gar
dens and on farms, improving trans
portation by damming and locking
the Cumberland river, developing
water power, building new agricul
tural colleges and polytechnic
schools to educate the mountain
men, in fact ipersons in all parts of
the state, along technical and scien
tific lines.
Prepare for Peace.
"We are also arranging a system
by which we can give our soldier
lads when they come home from the
world war, productive farms on
which to live and also adapt our
great war industries, which have I
sprung up in all of the large cities'
to the uses of peace, so they can be
an asset to us a nd that without dis
turbance to the employment of la
bor and capital.
"I am waging a personal warfare
on the Tennessee 'houn dawg,' and
his name is legion, in an effort to
develop the sheep and wool indus
try of the state, which has wonder
ful possibilities, and I hope to live to
see our commonwealth the greatest
sheep and wool state in the union.
"Tennessee has awakened from a
condition of lethargy to one of great
progressivenes. The state has lost
much of its negro farm tenant pop
ulation to the northern industrial
centers and to offset this we are do
ing great work to encourage inten
sive and scientific farming.
"We are also modernizing our
penal system and our eleemosynary
institutions so they are conforming
to the highest developments of pres
ent day science?"
Another interesting member of
the party is Hon. Joseph W. Byrns,
who represents the Sixth, or "Old
Hermitage" district of Tennessee in
congress. He is vice-chairman of
the appropriations committee in
congress, and said: "We are not
denying any of the military and
naval heads who are conducting this
war of the money they need. We
have taken the position from the
first that America is going to win
this war at whatever sacrifice and
we are with the men in the field
heart and soul.
The members of the party are en
thusiastic in their admiration of
Omaha and its evident signs of
growth and prosperity. The party
consists' of Governor Rye, Congress
man Byrns, Verner Tolmie. former
president of the board of education;
mcy Wells, Herbert Eskmd, Col.
Edgar Graham. Col. R. L. Farley,
Col. Sig Hill, Col. E. J. Brecklin,
Herman Click, Abe Goodman, Jo
seph Warner, James Cayce, State
Senator Albert E. Hill. Arthur B.
Ransom, W. W. Wilkerson. presi
dent of the board of education, and
D. M. Bergeda.
Pacific Coast Newspapers
Raise Subscription Rates
San Francisco, Sept. 30. An ad
vance of 15 cents in subscription
rates effective October 1, was an
nounced today by daily newspapers
published in San Francisco and
Oakland. Four afternoon papeis
will advance the price of single
copies from 2 to 3 cents, and one
afternoon paper from 1 to 2 cents.
Single copies of the two morning
papers remain at 5 cents.
Sergeant Short Sends Hun
Helmet Back to Friend
Sergeant Walter Short, first mem
ber of the pjlice department to don
the khaki, has sent to his friend,
Detective Frank Lee, second mem
ber in the service, a Hun helmet
as a memento of the Marne drive.
There are two heavy indentations,
on the side and top. The heavy
headgear has evidently been worn
a long time for the internal padding
and sweatband are worn and stain
ed. It is now on exhibition at Jack
Whittaker's place on West Broad
way. Sergeant Short writes in a letter,
telling of the exciting times in
France and urges Lee to hurry and
get into the big game. Detective
Lee is impatiently awaiting the or
ders to move. He has repeatedly
asked to be transferred from Com
pany A, and to correct the only
minus 100 point in his physical ex
amination has voluntarily under
gone a surgical operation to straight
en his eyes and remove a pronounc
ed case of cross-eyes. It was the
only point where he was marked
9. He Has also had his classifi-,
cation changed by which he is ad
vanced to Class A-l, waiving all ex
emptions. Skip-Stop Plans Arranged
to Start After Ak-Sar-Ben
Street railway officials have
worked out the tentative plans for
the skip-stop plan on the Farnani,
Harney and Dodge street car lines.
Blue prints showing where it is pro
posed to stop cars to take on and
let off passengers have been pre
pared and copies have been deliv
ered to Mayor Smith, Commissioner
Ringer and Fuel Administrator
Kennedy, With the official ap
proval, immediately after the clos
ing of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, j
the skip-stop system will be in
augurated on the three lines re
ferred to. Plans for apply itu? skip
stops to other lines will "follow.
To indicate where cars will stop,
company officials have ,had pre
pared a large number of board
signs. These will be attached to
cross wire poles at intersections and
points to be agreed upon by road
officers and city officials. The
signs read, "Car Stop." The letters
are black and two inches in depth.
They are stenciled on a yellow-ground.
Employment Bureau Has
Jobs for More Than Thousand
Jobs for more than 1,000 men,
paying from 37i cents to 45 cents
an hour, are in the hands of the
local offices of the United States
employment service.
Transportation will be advanced
to many points in the east, where
go eminent work is going on.
More than 10,000 men have been
provided with employment since
these offices opened last April.
Clerical, secretarial and executive
positions also are on the list for
men with proper qualifications.
Men tiow in nonessential employ
ment are urged to make application
for essential war employment with
the assurance that positions paying
equal and in some cases more money
than they receive in their present
occupatio'n, will be provided for
them. No fees are charged.
Omaha Soldier Dies of
Spanish "Flu" at Dodge
Herbert H. Hatz, son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. J. Hatz, 1627 Binney street,
died of Spanish influenza at Camp
Dodge, according to information
sent to his parents. He had been in
camp about three months. No fu
neral arrangements have been made.
Young Hatz was 24 years of age
and married about a year ago. His
bride, Miss Eva Rasmussen, was em
ployed with him in the Union Pa
cific headquarters.
Stop Itching Eczema
Never mind how often you have
tried and failer you can stop-burning,
itching' ecerna quickly by ap
plying a little zemo furnished by
any druggist for 35c. Extra large
bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment zemo is applied. In a srurt
time usually every trace of eczema,
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads
and similar skin diseases will be re
moved. For clearing the skin and making
it vigorously healthy, always use
zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic
liquid. It is not a greasy salve and it
does not stain. When others fail it
is the one dependable treatment for
skin troubles of all kinds. The E.
W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O., Adv.
Eat without Fear of Indigestion!
Instant Relief for Bad Stomachs
7 1 l.l17.112-8uir.
7 20 1.14JT.09 30-Mon,
7 21 1.14i7.07 1-Tue,
7 32 1.1317.061 2-Wed.
7 23! 1.13 7.04 3-Thu.
-7 24 1 J3 7.02 4-Frl. n. m
7 26 1.1217. 001 5-Sat.
, V
1.12 . 59 6-Sun.
1.1216.57 7-Mon.
1.1216.56 8-Tue.
l.llj.63 -W(l.
1.10 6.4912-Sat. F.
T 26
7 27
7 28
7 29
7 10
7 31
7 32
T S3
7 14
7 36
7 37
7 38
7 39i
7 40
7 41
7 42
7 44
7 451
7 46
7 47
7 48
.49il5 08!5.27 27-Eun. ,
I S112.0!I6.2S 25 -Mon.
62 12.08i6.25,2-Tu.
6 S4!13.08l6.23i31-Thu.
S;i2.0T!5.21 l-Frl.
kt'12 07 5.20 2-Sat.
1.08'6 3224-Thu.
1.0S 6.29 26-Sat.
iRlse. ISou'h Set.
3 06 9 26 4.31
2 1410-02 4.50
4 0710 45 G.16
5 0611 2" 5.40
6 05112.09 6.05
7 0312.60 6.30
S 01 1.32 6.57
8 00 2.15 7.25
9 68 3.00 7.57
10 57) 3. 48 8.35
11 63 4.37 9.19
12.441 5.2710.10
1.34 6.19111.06
j 3.17 7.10Midn
2.56 8. 02113 07
3.33 8.64 1 14
4.05 9.45 3 22
4.58 10.38 3 33
6.08 ll.30 4 47
5.42iMldn 6 03
6.19;12 26 7 20
7.01! 1 23! S 57
7.49 2 2 4 ! t 65
8.441 3 25 11 05
9.451 4 26 12.08
10.601 5 25 1.01
11.63 6 20 1.44
12 68
7 11 S. 21
00 7 44;
69 8 26
59 9 OS t
67 9 49;
6.V10 30
S3 11 13
"diiisks OF THE MOON".
New moon on the 4th. 10:05 a. m.
Flnit quarter on the 12i, 12 p. ta.
Full moon on the 19th, 4:35 p. m.
Last quarter on the 26th, 12:35 p. !
Curious About
It Stand for th Beat Cold,
Cough and Catarrh Medicine
Ever Discovered, Which It
Mentho Laxene !
Metho-Laxene has been on the
market eight years. It is a concen
trated compound df healing, sooth
ing, curative extracts to be mixed
at home with granulated sugar
jymp a full pint or it may be
taken in doses of ten drops in the
"raw" state by those vho do not
like sweet syrup.
The very first dose biings won
derful relief in head or chest colds
of children or adults. Evy bottle
sold is guaranteed to pease or
money back by the Backburn
Products Co., Dayton, Ohio.
It is economy to make a f til pint,
i Much' cheaper than buying fcady
made cough or cold remedie be
- sides, you cannot buy a more tffec-
- tive medicine anywhere. One Wttle
will last a season for most farrtlies,
and it checks or aborts a bad tod if
tV.en promptly. Every well stoked
" aJUjrgists supplies Mentho-Lawne
Don't take a substitute for yur
take. Adr,
Vhen your meals hit bac!c
When what you eat turns sour,
forming acids, gases and indiges
tion. Magic belief. No waiting !
The moment Pape's Diapepsin
reaches the stomach all the sour
ness, acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia
and indigestion ends.
Upset stomachs feel fme
Costs so little Any drug store.
PtM$ Diapepsin SKSMSr
Science ys that old age begins with
weakened kidneys and digestive organs.
This being true, it is easy to believe
that by keeping the kidneys and digestive
organs cleansed and in proper working
order old age can be deferred and life
prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the
average person.
For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil he been relieving the weak
nesses and disability due to advancing
years. It is a standard old-time home
remedy and needs no introduction. GOLD
MKDAL Haarlem Oil is inclosed in odor
less, tasteless capsules containing about
6 drops each. Take them as you would a
pill, with a small swallow of water. The
oil stimulates the kidney action and en
ablesthe organs to throw off the poisons
which cause premature old age. New life
and strength increase as you continue the
treatment. When completely restored con
tinue taking a Capsule or two each day.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will
keep you in health and vigor and prevent
a return of the disease.
Do not wait until old age or disease
.lave settled down for good. Go to your
druggist and get a box of GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded
if they do not help you. Three sizes. But
remember to ask for the original imported
GOLD MEDAL brand. In sealed pack
ages. Advertisement.
first for
skin trouble
Delay in the irofer treatment
of skin troubles is dangerous.
Every day spent in trying un
proved remedies may only let
the disorder spread and become
more and more deeply seated.
The value of Resinol Ointment
is known. For over twenty
years it has been used as a sooth
ing, healing remedy for the skin.
If applied in time, it visually
checks the itching and reduces
the eruption right away. ( But
even in stubborn, long-standing
cases, it i3 surprising, how
quickly this gentle, yet effective
ointment brings results.
All druggists sell Resinol Ointment.
Men with Under faces Vie rick
itther ef Fennel Skmbig Utah deUfla
ftdlf tntiung.
One Minute Store Talk
"The store with the goods," that's what our customers say; that's what
all Nebraska and the middle-west is finding out about Greater Nebraska.
Hundreds of Styles in Men's Clothing, where only dozens are shown
elsewhere, and best of all the best of the best clothes made.
Ak-Sar-Ben Vivitora! You'll enjoy inspection of our
Great Four-Floor Apparel Store and money-saving values.
Make yourselves at home here.
LOTHES "built-to-the-wearer" have long been
the ideal of the clothing manufacturer. It re
mained for the makers of
to fashion for Younger Men, clothes that befittingly
represent their character, feelings and conduct. Cor
rect clothes; correct in pattern; correct in style and
make, assuring self-valuation. CAMPUS TOGS are
backed by the manufacturer, backed by us and in
dorsed by the Younger Men the country over. Your
own model, fabric and color await you.
Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats
Top Coats, Auto Coats, Utility Coats
$15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 to $60
Alleged Forger Returned
to Tace Charges in Omaha
George H. Hennett, former Oma
ha Xews reporttr. was returned
from San Francisco by police and
will face a charge of forging a
check for $85 cn the Corn Exchange
hank. He is said to be suffering
from tuberculosis and heart disease
and is tinder a doctor's cave in the
matron's department at the central
While in Omaha and later in Lin
coln, Bennett is alleged to ' have
posed as a returned war correspond
ent and told vivid talcs of his ex
periences in the trenches where he
said he was gassed. He is also al
leged to have posed as a corre
spondent for the Saturday Evening
l'ost. Police say he left behind him
a trail of high finance which cost
his acquaintances a considerable
sum of money. Newspaper men and
county officials are said to have
been tlfe heavy losers in Omaha.
Every Jt
thelity is
iai j.ionisi v
ing to be hehp
o ouuck m ins
teenth and Burt
refund money u
He Will Stanl
Boy in the
Monday, Sept. 30, 1918
Extra ! ,
A Sale of Ready -to-Wei
and Untrimmed
In the
Downstairs 5m
f$ 11.00
m I
: : : ' I1Uj -- ' 'X,
A really sensational
offering think of
it at this season of the
year to be able to offer
such lovely hats at $1.
It really seems im
possible with the
cost of everything
constantly g o i ng
But here they are
ready for you Tuesday
morning when the doors
open at 8:30. A col
lection of ready-to-wear
and untrimmed hats
that surpasses anything
for value we have offer
ed this season.
In fact we can't
recall when we of
fered such won
derful values as
There a almost every,
conceivable color, an'
black and an al
most endless range of
style selection you'll
marvel at the variety
as well as the value
when you see them.
Included in the offer
ing is a splendid
selection of
War service sailors,
made of the finest qual
ity of hatters plush and
which are in such de
mand now by those in
war work.
Then there's the
silk velvet turbans
for the middle age
And the chic little
shapes for the young
Miss, wide in variety of
style and range of color.
Really we can't do
this offering justice
with our printed word
but come expecting
things and you'll not be
disappointed. vl
And let us suggest, i
here early
doors open
the "Earlyi
. you know'
jT3 i-