Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 4
I Ur?jacil.HJ)) EVBNINGSUNDAY J- Jr.",- HE BEE i OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1018. FOUNDED BY EDWARD BOS E WATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tbt Aasociated I'm. X Hindi The M U meubei. e irtiultrl) eaUUl lo the um fur publlcXIuD of ail news dtipatrbre rrrdited lo It or not otherwise credited in this paper, and alio the local uewa (njOl oprwu. mil Haul ul iiuviivaMvu w. wu v ei also reserved, OFFICES) CWesje People's Gas BuIIJIdj. Omaha Tta Bet Building. Ksw York-ma Finn am M. LauIs New B'k of t'ommene. Waeblnstm 1311 CI Bt South Omaha-2318 N St. Council Bluffs 14 N. Maiu St. Lincoln l.utle UmiJiu. AUCUST CIRCULATION Dafly 67,135 Sunday 59,036 Ararat circulation for tna monUi. aubacribad and iwora to b) Dwlcht WlUlame. Circulation Mauaser. Subscribers laavlnf the city ahould hava Tbt Baa mailed te them. Addreea changed as often aa requested. THE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG iii I S Once more for Liberty all together! Buy a bond and add your strength to Uncle - u i t Mr. Hitchbranch is still mad. That's very evident from his weak-kneed come-back. ,:il ,.,nA., nn nnlv ii'U tho ... uvimau niu ivuii n vuuvi nvi vsj " j Germans have no friends, but why they have no allies. Five great battles raging at once, and each one going against him, is enough to occupy the kaiser's thoughts. No one need worry as to how "Big Jeff" will rote when the honor and safety of the United States is involved. The creative genius who created the class of "pewter politicians" evidently wanted to make ure for a place for the tin soldier. Grant certainly knew something about war, as Foch is proving by his application of the great American's strategy and tactics. The back door to Austria is now open, and the front door is rapidly being pounded down. Deutschland will find out just what it is like presently. Taalat Pasha insisted the other day that a decision could never be won on the battle field. Wonder if he has heard what Allenby is doing in Palestine? i ne aenare is msnosea 10 nur a ix on cui- ftn nH mat if srirk. tin mafffr wlipflir flip house likes it or not. Here is a fight we hope the senate wins. Americans used French and British artillery when they first went into action, but now they are using their own and some they have bor rowed from the Huns. ' Under the war pressure America has done a srreat deal to reduce waste, but can still do much more Take another inventory and see where you can cut the corners closer. Wilhelm the Worst hid in a cellar at Mann- heim while an air raid was on, and perhaps for the time realized how some of his helpless vic tims have felt. Unfortunately, the palace in which he was hiding escaped being hit. In the Austrian Reichsrat a motion has been made that all belligerent powers be invited to a "non-binding discussion" of peace terms. Czernin ought to tell his Parliament what hap pened when he made a similar suggestion. General von Risberg admits that the Amer- cans won a victory at St. Mihiel, but valiantly dds that the fact doesn't frighten the kaiser- es. He may be assured our boys did not go ross to scare anybody, but to lick the kaiser. You may have noticed that the president has d to go personally to congress and beg the mocrata to vote for each of the great war V 1. - II.. , i.j J:asnre in-'wnicn ne is personally interested. e seems to have known all along that the re- ublicans would support him in all worthy un-ertakings. The jenate committee is in no hurry to in- i. .! At. . iir..i.: . !-:.,,. - tcsiigaie mc asuniKiuii xititca cxpusurc nur V go further with an inquiry into the subsidiz K of the other papers with money from the iVie source. Some of the members of the ) Bte are interested in newspapers of their own I An sang to pro-German music as long as they ugui ii was sdic. Cotton Men in Control The war industries board has announced the rsonnel of two committees, one to regulate marketing of cotton by control of prices id by the United States and its allies for their in supply, the other to investigate the entire Ration and to pass on the question whether virires. should he fixed. Rpnrpspnrarivpe nf - fn-producing states want no price-fixing. t to come they demand at least di cents a I for raw cotton, about three times the V peace times figure. I believe" that every one of the men named e two committees is a loyal American, :st man, a capable man. But we regret not help feeling that most thinking econ- wjII regret that the great civilian pur- ftllMir rrt malrritv intarcfe hm ' "4n' 's 50 sl'Snt'y represented. T 'r,tebuying committee are Charles J. "e?fe Department of Agriculture, one thejtflOklahoma cotton dealer, one New , X dealer, one Atlanta retired cotton i"r w buv'n8 fr tne government. The Abl committee is headed by Thomas "ice chairman of the tariff commis- Kebraska retail merchant sertes iree cotton growers, from Teias, na and Mississippi; one ew 'Jr- factor, one South Carolina ra; nu itton goods and one New England per cent of each committee is i" unconsciously or conseously Ictional feeling or trade ttiterest t. But every family, nf rth or black, rich or poor, buy cotton Ih've the prices it pays Effected to committees do, and fhe only ir and proper representation in v trorn the conscious o nncou- conone profiteering. OUR BIG JOB STILL AHEAD. ' ' Bulgaria has accepted terms tor an armistice as dictated by the Entente, which undoubtedly means that a separate peace with that country will be similarly concluded. It will be on a basis of unconditional surrender, but we may reasonably assume it will contain nothing of the barbarous exactions or diplomatic deception practiced at Brest-Litovsk, or the savage terms forced down Roumania's throat by the Huns. Justice will be the foundation, and not revenge. Turkey must soon follow Bulgaria. With the road to Germany blockaded, supplies cut off and armies almost exhausted, the sultan cannot hope to hold out much longer in an unequal struggle. This naturally leads up to Austria as the next weakest member of the quartet, still capable of much resistance, and bound to Ger many so closely as to practically destroy any independence of action in matters of negotiation. While affairs have thus turned definitely in favor of the Allies, it is quite plain that the big end of the job is still ahead. Germany must be conquered. Defection of the useless ele ments of the combination will not end the fight ing ability of the kaiser, and he may be de pended upon to resist to the utmost. It be hooves our people, therefore, not to relax in effort, nor to waste time in talking peace, until our boys have reached Berlin. Only when Prussian militarism is prostrate, when its power for harm is finally and absolutely broken, will the world be ready for peace. Victory on the southern front is being sup ported by steady gains on the western. The armies of right are slowly pounding down the strength of the Hun. Stand fast now, and give the boys the support they need, both moral and material. Clearing the Way for Suffrage. President Wilson's appeal to the senators that they dispose of the pending suffrage amendment by adopting it as a war measure will probably clear the way for that long blockaded proposal. Opposition to it has been encountered chiefly among the democrats from the southern states. Republicans are pledged to let the states pass on equal suffrage, and it was only because of the overwhelming vote given the amendment by re publicans in the house that it was adopted there. Mr. Wilson's argument that it should be passed as a war measure will aid the recalcitrant and reactionary democrats to so salve their con spiences that they can perform this belated duty, which the republicans have stiported as an act of justice, in order to support their pretense of backing up the president. The main point is that it will give the women what they have asked for fifty years, and remove one great cause of discord from public life. Germany's Counterfeit Indignation. The imperial German government has for mally threatened the United States with re prisals, unless the shotgun is abandoned as a weapon by our army. What a guffaw must have resounded through Valhalla when the, shades of all the dead and gone Huns got this newsl Remember that the first bomb ever dropped from an airship in war was dropped by a Ger man on a hospital at Antwerp. The first passenger steamer ever sunk with out warning by a submarine was the Lusitania, and she was flying the American flag. Edith Cavell was executed, and after her death the military governor of Belgium issued an edict to make her act a crime. Germany first employed poison gas in war fare. Countless deliberate attacks have been made on Red Cross hospitals back of the line. It was German soldiers who deliberately cut the throat of the first American boy to die in this war, as he lay wounded in No Man's Land. It was Germany that armed its soldiers with spiked clubs to crush the heads of wounded men, and thousands have been so slain. All these things were done in direct violation of the rules of civilized warfare, as formulated at The Hague and elsewhere in agreement be tween the great powers of the world. Keep this in mind, and then you will under stand how spurious is the pretense of Germany's indignation at the shotgun. Help the Shopkeeper Save Paper. Your grocer does not want to offend you. You must ask him not to wrap up package goods. Take a shopping bag or basket with you. Your merchant does not want to offend you. Don't ask him to wrap up small purchases. Have some war pride and carry your package home, unwrapped with extra wrapping paper, or let him deliver it simply tied in with a string. Your furniture man does not want to offend you. Ask him to use burlap and cloths in de livering furniture to you. He can use them over again. Your hardware man does not want to offend you. Ask him to deliver hardware without wrapping or take it home with you. All paper must be saved to help win the war. The War Industries Board has declared that we must all save paper; that the production is only about 50 per cent of the requirements forfwar industries; that we must stop using many grades of paper in order that paper-making machines may manufacture paper which is required to move food and clothing to France. Profligate use of paper has been abnormally stimulated. Curb that appetite for wasting paper. Every bit of wrapping paper that you save, every bit of naper that you save, saves coal,la bor, chemicals and emphasizes your patriotism. "Figures won't lie, but liars will figure," and the whole democratic state administration is try ing to make it appear that taxes have not been increased in Nebraska. The fact that the state budget has jumped from $4,000,000 to $9,000,000 under democratic administration is a little hard for them to get around, however. And the Yankee boys are pouring into France steadily at the rate of 10,000 a day, each well armed and fully equipped, with plenty of supplies tp see him through the winter. This is what the kaiser told his people could not happen. American airmen, flying in American air ships, have done wonderful service on the battle line in the last two or three days. This is most gratifying news, but the Hughes report ought to be eiven out before it becomes aiicknt his- " an Right in the Spotlight. Lt. Gen. Sir John Monash. K. C. B who has succeeded Sir. William Birdwood in command of the Au stralian and New Zealand forces on the western front, is a civil engineer by profession, and the first lew to attain so high a rank in the British military establishment. Soon after the commencement of the war he was appointed chief censor for Australia. He served right through the Gallipoli campaign, and was mentioned three times in dispatches. Subsequently he served in the Suez Canal zone and later was trausferred to the western theater of war. One Year Ago Today in the War. British bombed Zeebrugce. the German submarine base on Belgian coast. Ten persons killed and 38 injured in the heaviest German air raid on London to date. Thirty Years Ago Today. The Omaha medical college opened today for the season, the first lecture being delivered by Dr. Peebles of Lincoln. The paving of Capitol avenue has necessitated the discipline of the old horse car track and it is replaced by oi'e of the latest design. J. Sterling Morton left for Lin coln, where he will speak on free trade. The orthodox Hebrew school as sociation are taking up subscriptions to maintain a school in this city and have now collected in the vicinity of $300. C. H. Sloman. Samuel Friedman and Morris H. Sloman have incor porated themselves as the Omaha Mortgage Loan company. The cap ital stock is $10,000. W. F. Griffith and wife have re turned after a week's visit to Chi cago. The Day We Celebrate. A. F. Stryker, secretary Omaha Live Stock exchange, born 1868. Hans Larson, salesman for Mil ton Rogers & Sons company, born' 1879. David R. Francis, U. S. ambassa dor to Russia, born at Richmond, Ky., 68 years ago. Mrs. Annie Besant, leader of The osophists, born in London. 71 years ago. Michael Cardinal Logue, Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland, born at Carrigart. Ireland. 78 years ago. Bishop Frederick D Leete, of the Methodist Episcopal church, born at Avon Springs, N. Y., 52 years ago. A. J. Prexel Biddle, author, ex plorer and lecturer, born in Phila delphia, 44 years ago. This Day in History. 1799 Rufus Choate, the brilliant legal light of Massachusetts, born at Ipswich, Mass. Died at Halifax, N. S., July 13, 1859. 1801 Preliminary articles of peace between France and England signed in London. 1853 Turkish Sultan declared war against Russia, and gave permission to the allied fleets to pass the Dardanelles. 1899 Diomede Falconio arrived at Quebec as the first permanent apostolic delegate to Canada. 1908 Two-cent postage between the United States and Great Britain inaugurated. 1914 Turkish capitulations for mally abrogated. 1915 Half a million Austro-Ger-mans reported to be ready for in vasion of Serbia. 1916 Ten German airships made a raid on the eastern coast of Eng land. Timely Jottings and Remarks. 1523d day of the great war. Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan today enter upon the 35th year of their wedded life. Today is the 93d birthday of Miss Delia C. Torrey of Millbury, Mass., aunt of former President Taft, and known throughout the country as "Aunt Delia." Maine's big game season will open today, when deer shooting will be gin, extending to December 15. Saloons will be abolished today in many cities and towns of New York state, which voted "dry" in the elec tion last November. Wartime service will be the gen eral theme at the annual conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Missouri, which opens today at Jefferson City. The prohibition amendment to the state constitution of New Mexico, adopted by vote of the people last November, will become operative today. Storyette of the Day. Read Admiral Samuel MvGowan, navy paymaster general, said the other day; "Those navy contractors who paid graft commissions to middlemen were very foolish, for the navy has warned contractors time out of mind to leave the middelmen alone. "Yes," the admiral went on, "the contractors who have been bam boozled by middelmen are as foolish as the colored gentleman who was owed $4. "After tryi.K', in vain to collect his as the colored gentleman who was a lawyer. " 'What reason,' the lawyer asked, 'does the debtor give for not paying his debt?' "Boss," said the colored gentleman anxiously, 'he's gimme a mighty good reason, sah.' '"Well, what is it?' " 'He done say. boss,' hat he's been own me that money so loni Text of the Konta Letter Illustrating what the German agents were aiming to do by the purchase or subsidizing of American newspapers. "New York. March 31. 1915. Dr. Bernard Dernbtirg, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York City Your Excellency: In re the purchase and pub lication of a daily newspaper in this country in the interests of Germany and the German government, I heg leave to submit to Your Ex cellency the following report, in pursuance of our recent conversation: "The expenses of the war news service, com bined with a considerable .decrease of advertis ing owing to business depression, have seriously affected the financial status of several papers in this city, already made sufficiently precarious by the excessive competition of the last 15 years or so. With the standard price of the American newspapers down to one penny, they have shown a serious loss on each copy sold, which has had to be met entirely out of advertising profits. The consequence has been, and this state of affairs continues, that most of the daily papers in New York have been published at an annual loss which has had to be met by constant loans in Wall street, which as a rule is content to take its profits indirectly, in abstention from hostility to its doings, if not in positive support of them. (Then follows a detailed discussion of the New York new paper field.) "The price quoted for the Evening Mail by its editor, who controls the stock, is $1,000,000. Whether control of the Globe can be had at all is a matter for cautious inquiry. Of course, an evening paper can be turned into a morning paper, if preferred. Certain it is that, generally speaking, and with the exception of the Evening Post, the morning press has far more influence on political opinion in this country than the evening papers, which are held to be more read by women. Hence their superiority in the ad vertising field. "In all this I have assumed that the purpose is to buy a paper already existant and not to found a new one. The chief advantages of this, aside from the invaluable Associated Press fran chise, which inhered the paper, however often it changes hands, the chief advantages of the purchase of a paper already in existence, how ever precarious its state, must be obvious. "There is a name already familiar; there is an organization in working order, easily remod eled; there is a complete plant all advantages to be had for much less than it would cost to found a new paper, organize its own news serv ice, find its editorial and business staff, estab lish collections with advertisers, newsdealers and so forth. "It is perhaps little to the purpose now to reflect upon what might have been done 20 years ago. One of the most sensible schemes then proposed was the purchase of the Staats Zeitung and the conversion into an American paper. The stock of this paper is rapidly changing hands just now, but who or what is behind this I have been unable to find out. The present editor declares that he still has the controlling interest safely in his hands. Whether the pa per will be able to retain the circulation which it has regained since the beginning of the war is open to serious doubt. It might be well to bear the Staats Zeitung in mind for future con sideration. Some 10 years ago there was much talk of the purchase of the Tribune. This is now out of the question. "In ordinary circumstances a loss of from $250,000 to $500,000 per year would have to be provided for, but I believe that owing to my connection with certain interests in this country this could he greatly reduced, if not wiped out altogether, by attention to newspaper manage ment. "Prohibition is seriously occupying the minds of the brewers and distillers of the country. It is not a question of temperance, which they ad vocate, but of the actual prohibition by law of the sale of beers, wines and liquors. A paper that would not be hostile to the personal liberty of the citizen to drink in moderation what he pleased could count upon the powerful support of the brewers and distillers, who command al most illimitable capital, and what is more means of giving the paper in question a circulation large enough to attract advertisers. Add to this a discreet appeal to every German society in the country, for support by its members, and we could easily count upon a national daily cir culation of 500,000 copies. This, to be sure, would be a circulation among German and German-Americans, whereas what is wanted is na tive American readers, but if this German cir culation is built up discreetly as I suggest, the man in the street will only be impressed by numbers. A large circulation widely adver tised would impress the native American and lead him to take the paper. And meanwhile, a deficit would be changed into a profit to be used for further propaganda. "The interests to which I refer have repeat edly consulted me on this very subject of a newspaper not hostile to their industry, and I know that they would be more than ready to give their support to the plan now in hand. "This is a general survey of the field. Financialy the moment is favorable to the plan under discussion. The newspapers have suf fered heavily from the war, and for some of them the load is beginning to be too heavy. Politically the transaction would have to be handled with the utmost delicacy. No suspi cion of the influences behind it should be al lowed to reach the public. And the newspaper world is like a sounding board. "I shall be delighted to keep myself at your excellency's disposal in case vou should desire further facts. ALEXANDER KONTA." Health Hints -- ' aMe. ' " " Hun Crime and Punishment Prince Bismarck, haying drunk much beer and brandy on one occasion, made the wise and illuminating remark: "Revenge is a delicacy that must be eaten cold." It would be well if all the allies, as custodians of the future of the world, pasted that piece of advice in their hats for future reference. Our danger is not that we may lose the war for we are winning hands down but that we may not be deliberate enough in fitting the punishment to the crime. Thi Hohenzollern must go and the Haps burger must go. President Wilson has insisted that we cannot trust the first; the case of Italy proves that we cannot trust the second. The mealy-mouthed advocates of peace by talk hate the thought of revenge. In the case of the middle empires "justice" and "revenge" are convertible terms. Nearly every family in France has lost a man. The British have buried 900,000 soldiers of their own. Our losses are growing with the worst yet to come. A more terrible, a more disastrous crime than that of starting the war would be that of the statesmen who, by bringing about a bad peace, should cause these men to have bled and agonized and died in vain. New York Herald. Measles. It Is most unfortunate that mfasles is usually considered a trivial disease. That this is not the case is shown' by the fact that 40,000 out of 150,000 inhabitants of the Fiji Islands died from measles when the disease was unfortunately introduced from a British man-of-war. The ex periences of the last winter show thut the mortality is well above 10 per cent, even in the United States. Measles is of preat importance to us because it exists at present upon the Station and in all probability will increase during the present month, due to the large number of recruits now be'n received. Measles is also of importance due to the fact that very few people have any nat ural resistance to the disease, and if exposed will, almost without excep tion, contract the disease. The first symptoms of measles are very much like those of ordinary cold sneezing, running at the nose, soreness of the eyes, and a cough. It is during this stage and before the eruption breaks out that the danger of spreading the contagion Is greatest. The contagion is spread by the material discharged from the nose and eyes ami tne nne spray thrown out by coughing, and for this reason it is of great importance that the men should sleep behind the health screens and thus prevent re ceiving the infection or transmitting lt to others. A man in this stage of the disease who attends the Young Men's Chris tian association, public gatherings and moving picture shows is a great source of danger to his shipmates iind It Is of the greatest importance that all men suffering with the symptoms of a cold in the head and eyes should report immediately to the doctor for examination. What's In a Name? Omaha, Sept. 30. To the Kdltor of The liee: I arise to a point of information, and 1 think this will be of interest to many of your readers as well as to myself. Yesterday I was told by a friend that the real name of Harvey Newbranch Is "Har vey Knest," with a dot over the "e," according to the Swedish language, He explained to me that "knest" in Swedish means "new limb," and that "Newbranch" was the name taken on account of its euphonious sound ing. Taking the name of "Newllmb" might place Harvey in the position of getting out on a limb and then sawing lt off, which I am not accus ing him of doing. I merely wish to know whether his real name is "Knest," as stated by my informant, who says he received the informa tion from Harvey's brother. DOX HUX NO. I. LINES TO A LAUGH. "Tlma to ba .thlnklna; of winter, hubby! ".lint an, wlfo. Now, which would JO rathrr luve. a diamond nrcklact a pair of hoe?" Waahlngton 8tr, the "What'a the mettar with BtlktneT dcran't aeem to be itlrred up by war1' "You misjudge him cruelly. Be tola me yratertlay that he waa cutting dowa his golf to nine holes a day." Life, Flrat SnmmlB Writing home The New Sammlo Yea! I'm tilling the folka I have at laiit dlerove reil why N- polfon la alnaye rcprcaonted I with Bit hand plunpfd tnstdp hla coat. Hist Sammle Well, what tie reaaon. The Ni'W Sammle You'll knowtdl right, when you've alert on atraw In k French stable and heard the cootlea eilig. Car toons Magazine. Peppery Points Detroit Free Press: Only a thor oughly licked Prussian will be a modest one. New York World: Halg's army appears to be totally unconscious of all the repulses it suffers in the Ger man official bulletins. Brooklyn Eagle: "Butter, butter, who's got the butter?" will soon be the most pressing of market ques tions. As usual, the consumer's fat is in the fire. Washington Post: Belgium re fuses to elaborate upon its rejection of the enemy peace proposal. So does Serbia. The little nations have no time to waste on words. St. Louis Globe Democrat: Amer ica is not putting Its faith in political upheavals in Germany, but in Foch and his armies, who are principally responsible for the upheaving. Baltimore American: When you buy a Liberty bond you are not mak ing a contribution you are invest ing money. All the same, it is a pa triotic thing to buy a Liberty bond. Odds and Ends The antique statue of the sleeping Ariadne, one of the gems of the Vatican museum, is celebrated as the only marble statue with eye lashes. Until 1905 the British title of "Prime Minister" had no official status whatever. In that year a royal warrant officially gave the prime minister precedence over his col leagues. The rulers of the signatory powers don't affix heir signatures or seals to the peace treaties entered into by them. This important formality is carried out by the specially accred ited peace commissioners. The rulers of the signatory powers don't affix their signatures or Beals to the peace treaties entered into by them. This important formality is carried out by the specially accred ited peace commissioners. Doin' Our Bost. Omaha, Sept. 22. To the Editor of The Kee: Pay the price, friend; pay it now. Not alone because in the rough watches of life's voyage, with gale a-roaring und sea a-smash- lng, a serene conscience brings to your soul comfort and a courage that minds not the storm nor the perils of the mist or darkness. Pay the price, friend; pay it now. Not alone because by offering your best, and thus aiding in lightening the glow of the crimson, the purity of the white, the beauty of the starry blue in the emblem of lofty strength that now leads the world the quiv ers and throbs of the hero-heart will be yours to share. Also, pay the price, and pay Jt now, because when the dawn's early light at last shall have shattered the yawning blackness you will wish to exult in the knowledge that you, too, added your mite to save civilization from destruction by Attila's hordes. H. MBJLL, Kx-Sailor. 2017 Leavenworth Street. SEPTEMBER. Oh, who doe not love September, With Its feathery golden rod, And Ita fields of yellow eunfloweri, That lift their heads and nod. With its dainty purple altera, Scattered along the way, And the red-haw triea that are dropping Their scarlet apples gay. The grape vines showing clusters Of Juicy purple fruit, And the leaves of trailing woodbine. That have put on their autumn suit HlKh up among the tree tops. The bittersweet berries show. And the sumach on the hillside. Is catching September's glow. Oh, who does not love to wander. Along the woodland ways, And catch the golden glory, i Of these soft September days. ELLA THORNGATE. Omaha, September 22. 11 esaaaaajiaaaaa tVKO la sold In-erlglnai pact sea only, tike picture abevaj, ftafute all substitutes. Summer Lassitude Sizzling days and swelt ering nights wear down the reserve force and leave the mind and body impoverished. Rebuild your energy and restore your ambition with J The Great General Tonic Sold By All RtliabU Druggist Sole Manufacturers: LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York; Kansas City. Mo. What Doctors Use for Eczema A soothing combination of oil of Wb tergreen. Glycerine and other healing ingredients called D. D. D. Prescription is now a favorite remedy of skin special itts for all skin diseases. It penetrates the pores, gives inttant relief. Try D.D.D. today, lie, tec and ll.Ofc n).in).irB. Hie Licruid. Wash i'li.'iuiiriKtiiii.iiiiiKiijiiinrirjiJMiiii'iiiiiiii rum 1 THE NATION NEEDS your best efforts. Proper lighting enables your employees to do s the best and the most work 2 without effort or strain. Use Mazda Lamps. For sale by s NEBRASKA POWER CO. Z ri i i i i i i it ii i i i i i i i i in NEARLY CRAZY WITH ERUPTION Itching and Burning On Face and Body. Cuticura Healed. 'An Itchine and burning began on mv face and 8tread all over my body. Then little red pimpies wouio raise, and you could not put a pin point between tnem The pimples came to a bead and burned and Itched to that I irritated the affected parts by scratching. The eruption nearly set me crazy. and it also caused disfigurement. "Then I used Cuticura Soap an Ointment. I had relief soon, and afv using about three cakes of Soap ar five boxes of Ointment I was healed. (Signed) Miss Bessie Foreman, Box 182, Fountain City, Ind. Having cleared your skin with Cuti cura why not keep it clear by using the Soap for every-day toilet purposes? taasla Iah Free y Mau. Address eoat-esrd "OoUcara, Dept. H, Bolton " Bold everywhere. SoepSe. Ointment 26 and We. Talcum ae. People and Events "Save sugar and boost victory 1" That's the talk. Besides being a money saver the sweet ness of the finish compensates for the trifling sacrifice. , N ! New York's board of health recommends kissing through a handkerchief as a safety meas- j ure. Strictly professional advice. Doctors ; rarely prescribe for themselves. j The condensed society of "spug3" shows signs of returning life as Christmas approaches. Appeals for economy are featured as usual, a proceeding hat needs no other support than the price tags However the "spugs" cannot hope for a hearing until the October and Novembet , drives ar bygones. 1 Every man of draft age running for office in Kansas is now classed as a slacker by women voters. The latter give it out cold that mere man under 45 has no business seeding other than war jobs. They feel perfectly at home saving tne country Dy tilling an xnc omces m Lsight. Take i front the papers doyvn there, the len JnataiKiJioj Over-Seas Service Rendered Free by This Store J. L. Brandeis & Sons will charge you the exact price that our Paris agents charge us. OVER HERE we will take orders from relatives and friends of the BOYS at the FRONT for the things that they desire to send them. OUR PARIS OFFICE WILL BUY THEM and send them direct to the address furnished by the military authorities. THESE THINGS WE WILL SELL WITHOUT ONE CENT OF PROFIT considering it a privilege to help those who are fighting our fight. We have made up a printed list of the stock carried by Our Paris Office, and these may be obtained at THE OVERSEAS BOOTH On the Main Floor You may aso order things not printed on this list, and Our Paris Office will try and buy them for you OVER THERE- When the package arrives at the front, we will endeavor, wher ever possible, to get a receipt from the soldier boy to return to the sender. Deliveries will be made with the utmost speed permitted by the military and postal authorities. TMPOR T ANT yu desirc send an onier from out ' town niafc i application for one of these printed lists. Be sure to write name and address plainly and verify it before sending, as it would be ex tremely difficult to rectify cay mistake afterward. 4 O r tie 1 i