Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAH Nebraska DEM CANDIDATES BACK IN LINCOLN FROM WEEK DRIVE Governor Neville and Secre tary Pool Return From Northwest After More . 'Campaign Material. (Frbm a Staff Correspondent.) ' Lintoln, Sept. 30. (Special.) Democratic state officials, who have been lout in the state chasing the clusiJe voter, were back on the job todaJ. This is the open season on Is. which, under the constitu- rules and regulations of the closes on the fifth of next Ivernor Seville and Secretary tate Pool, who have been in fehort grass country for a week vo looking over the situation, enthusiastic 'over the outlook, It least they say they are, though her appeared to be stepping very Ir. Pool says he has Moses Kin J driven out of the political bull- hes and is banking on a vote t will simply surprise th tives. He did not sav whether would be the bigness or the small- ss thereof that would bring the rpnse. . Governor in Seclusion. Governor Neville was not in his fnce when newspaper men called land it is supposed he is preparing another speech, the one he used on the trip .being so completely shot to pieces by Roy McKelvie that a new one will have to be manufactured. As Bill Maupin, official speech man ufacturer for the administration, is out of the city, it may be some time before the governor starts out gain with his new equipment. State Auditor Smith is also back from a drive into the fastnesses of j the Rourth congressional district, 'Which he essays to represent in the next congress. V Shumway Still Out. Land Commissioner Grant Shuin- -ay is still out "among 'em." How ever, he is not soliciting votes. Far : tt from such, He is out apprais g school lands and he wouldn't lix politics with state business, en if he were running for so ini- ortant office as school directir. l'obody knows where he is and tate Treasurer George Halt says he doesn't give a dingbidget." Some jkme or other Shumway will come ck and then he will take his trusty 1ivrif in tlanrt' t,fl nlf ,,'WI.lbt. ... .1 U 1. H11U UN but it. n the meantime republicans ar mg their adding machines oiled eady for the big job of totaling n :j U-pubii can majorities. Dr. Fitzsimmons Back For Visit From Philippines Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.) Dr. A. P. Fitzsimmons, formerly of Tecumseh, but now treasurer cf the Philippine Islands is here visiting old friends and Secretary of State Charles Pool in particular. Dr. Fitzsitmnons says that the islands are enjoying the greatest of prosperity and that the natives who formerly opposed the United States are now loyally behind it. A division for the army is now in training and expects to go to France as soon as they are in condition. The people of the aslands have subscribed more than the entire Orient to Liberty loans. One native gave 50,000 pesos, which in Ameri can money would be about $25,000 in gold. Aguinaldo, former ruler of the Islands, is now living in com fort on his farm in the Cavite prov ince and has not attempted to take any part in the poltiical proposi tions of the government. He has, however, subscribed quite liberally to the war activities funds for the prosecution of the war by the United States. Dr. Fitzsimmons expects to be in this country about a month before returning to his home. Two Victims of Fatal Disease Die at Geneva As Epidemic Spreads Geneva, Neb., Sept. 30. (Special.) There arc many cases of influenza in and around Geneva. There are many cases amonr the school chil dren. Dr. J. Bixdv is on of the victims. Two deaths are reported Miss Myers, a pupil of the high school, died Saturday after a short illress, of pneumonia and Samuel Walker, son of Scott Walker of Geneva, died at- the home of his father Sunday morning after having been sick but a short time. Politics Gains Impetus As Mass Meetings Are Held Aurora. Neb., Sept. 30. (Special.) The political campaign in Hamil ton county is now going full blast. The republicans opened with a meeting in the Larson school near Hordville, Friday night, with County Chairman I-'. E. Edgerton and M. O. McLaughlin, candidate for congress,, as speakers. Another big rally will be held a Marquette next Friday evening with McLaughlin as speak er. He will also hax'e his quartet with Jiim to furnish music. S. K. McKelvie will be the speak er at a big rally in Aurora, Thurs day. evening. October 1. Governor Neville is slated for a meeting on the evening of October 11 The republican county committee fdled the vacancy on their ticket for sheriff by naming James E Howard, the present democratic in-! cumbant. They named r. K. I-.dgcr-ton to fill the vacancy in the office of countv attornev. Johnson County Gets New Agent for Period of War Tecumseh, Neb., Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) C. F. Davis of Colon, Saun ders county, has been named as agricultural agent for Johnson coun ty, to succeed Clarence k. Weber, resigned, who has gone into the army. Mr. Davis has agreed to come here and do the work for the period of the war, expecting to give up the position as soon as the men begin returning from France. Congressman C. F. Reavis of the First district, who recently re turned from France, will speak in Sterling Monday evening, October 14, and in Tecumseh the next eve ning, in the interests of the fourth Liberty loan. Spanish Influenza Victim Is Buried in Fairbury Fairbury, Neb., Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) The funeral of Harold Hare, the soldier son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hare of this city, was held Sun day afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church.' Harold was a graduate of the 1917 class of the Fairbury High school and enlisted in the navy two months ago, going in training at the Great Lakes sta tion. He was sick less than a week with Spanish influenza and pneu monia and died in Chicago Wednesday. The Diller home guards and the veterans of the Span- i ish-American war assisted the Courtland News Suspends Publication During War Beatrice. Neb., Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) Editor Eberhardt of the Cortland New suspended publica tion last wefk until after the war. The paper was established 21 years ago, and until recently was known as the Cortland Sun. Eberhardt is in the draft. The Beatrice High school foot ball team, which walked all over Fairbury here Friday afternoon, has arranged a game with the fast Su perior team next Saturday after-4 noon. Farmers have generally finished sowing their winter wheat in Gage county and are now engaged in cut ting their last crop of alfalfa which is a fair yield, recent rains having made the crop. Kearney Engineer Killed f ; In Chateau Thierry Fight .'Kearney, Neb., Septv 30. (Spe- cial ciai.)i-Dawid A. Rhone, sergeant in the engineering corps of the army, has been reported killed in action in France, supposedly before Chateau Thierry. Rhone was one of the original 37 Union Pacific engineers Who entered the service and went immediately to France. He was educated both as a civil and railroad engineer, being graduated from the "Kearney high school and state uni- His father, Frank Rhone, Twelve Persons Fined On Drunkenness Charges Fremont, Neb., Sept. 30. (Spe lelegram.) twelve persons were arrested in tlie oiggest ram made by local police since the pro hibition law . went into effect. All pleaded guilty in police court on a charge of drunkenness and paid fines. All efforts to get informa tion that would lead to the source of the booze proved unavailing. Six of the men were arretted at the race track, where they were drinking cider, three were taken at a pool hall and three more picked up on the street. On order of Mayor W. C versity, 14 nm if th ritv'c ar1v spttlprs and y was one of the founders cf the New Wiley the pool hall where three of t.ra Standard, one of Kearney s the persons were arrested was early papers. Rhone was killed on closed till noon today August-e. i 'It I Paul Butler, Lincoln '' Moiircnonop Ilon near! "Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.) Will IV, UUIIVI, Xjlll V.U 1 M lll-l,i)Jatl J nan, for several years manager of I the United Press association here, died Sunday evening of pneumonia in Detroit, Mich., where he was transferred last summer by the United Press in charge of their busi ness there. His mother, brothers and sisters live in Lincoln. Mr. Butler was born in Platts tnouth 33 years age? and was gradu- . - e .l. i 7 ' : f XT aiea irom inc uiiivcisujr ui "t- J braska in 1907. Later he was with the State Journal as a reporter and Ithen took up the work of the press association. , War Relics Train Turns Away Spectators at Grand Island Grand Island, Neb., Sept. 30. (Special Telegram.) The Liberty j bond war relics train began the day I by an exhibit here. For the entire two-hour period a large crowd was lined up and not all could be ac commodated. The Union Pacific shopmen marched to the train with the American flag fljing and a ban ner showing 100 per cent signed up lor Liberty bonds. Pioneer Dodge Citizen Dead. Fremont, 'K Sept. 30. (Spe cial Telegrf -Nickels E. Mint ken, pioneet J dge county settler, died at his home in Fremont at the age of 77. Mr. Mintken came to America from Germany in 1866, lo , eating in Illinois. , In 1873 he came o Fremont and for five years was Engaged in inc mij"."'vi.. InJ878 he located on a farm in Maple township, where he re , uiained until a year ago. Phone Case Before Board. Lincoln, Sept. 3 (Special. The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company is before the State Rail- way commission today on an appli cation for a raise in rates covering most of its exchanges. In some instances the raise covers only busi- l t,ic telenhones and in some ex changes only the residence district. In Lincoln the company is asking to raise only on residence phones from $2.25 to $2.50 a month. Seymour's Car Stolen. Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.) Victor Seymour of Omaha, who still - holds his residence in Lincoln but romfi here every Sunday to spend the Sabbath with his family, is ou at least lor a time, a -uuicic auto .-ioh;ie. Mr. Seymour's car wa stolen from in front of his hou last Htvtmng: Steady Rain Falls at Friend Monday: Is Greatly Needed Friend, Neb., Sept. 30. (Special.) Rain began falling at an early hour this forenoon and is steadily falling with indications from local weather instrument of the best rain fall for the past two years. Soldier's Wife Dead. Fremont, Neb., Sept. 30. (Spe cial Telegram.) The funeral of Mrs. Kent Graham, who died at the Great Lakes naval training station, where she went two months go to be with her husband, in training there, was held at the Lutheran church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Graham was ill only a few days. She is survived by her husband and baby boy 7 months old. services and accompanied the body to the cemetery. Celebrate Anniversary of Founding of "Stone Church" Auburn, Neb., Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) Parishoners of the "Stone" church, a German Lutheran congre gation, in Nemaha county, cele brated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the church Sunday. The "Stone" church was ( dedi cated in 1868. The original" stone church is still standing and is used as a Lutheran parochial school. A bell which the members had cast in 1874 from French cannons, cap tured by the Germans in the Franco-Prussian war, still tolls the members to service. It was the gift of the Emperor Frederick, fa ther of the present kaiser. Lincoln Veterans to Give . Reception for Commander Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.) Next Saturday evening, Farragut post of the Grand Army of the Re public will tender a reception to Commander-in-Chief Clarendon E, Adams of the Grand Army of the Republic, the event to be held in Knights of Pythias hall in this city, Addresses will be delivered by Governor Neville, Mayor Miller, Maj. John G. Maher of the Spanish war veterans, but the main address of the evening will be made by Cap tain Adams. First Youth Wins Commission in Yank Army San Francisco, Sept. 30. Dr. Ng roon Chew, editor of a local Chinese daily newspaper, received word tonight that his son, Edward C. Chew, had been commissioned a second lieutenant in the artillery at Fortress Monroe, Va. Lieutenant Chew is a native of California and was a junior at the University of California, when he enlisted. Dr. Chew said his son was the first Chinese to receive a commission in the United States army. Department Orders. Waihlngtori, Sept. 30.-Speclal TI gram.) The following appointment have been made In the army: Frederick Mar wald, Webster City, la.; Samuel M. Me Clure, Jr., Fort Dodge, la., aecond lieu tenant, air service. Ralph A. Metier, Council Bluffa, la., econd lieutenant, quartermaater corpa. Leo F. Worth, East Cedar Ra?lda, la,, aecond lieutenant, sanitary corpa. First Lt. HaroM D. Flah, Jr.. la relieved from duty at Northwestern college, W. tertown, Wis. He will proceed to Lather college, Decorah, la. Quartermaster Sergt, Charles Arthur Lawson and Sergt. Charles 'Brace Fox, quartermaster corps, have been appointed tlrst I'eutenant quartermaster corps. lususireuir Every True-Hooded American appreciates FO w 10ASTIES They- save wheai and sugar, and f urnisK the mos-fc wonder ful flavor of corn ever served in corn flakes. " 1 r; k p . . - m . " 7. . '. . .... . . A, TUESDAY. OCTCftEE 1, .1918. '"'W W :rrt?''-.f v 1 " '!: a. I 1 ; : y s ir TH ' Tl 0 r i U prairie is Mores . s Do you want peace? Then buy it buy Fourth Loan Liberty Bonds for all you've got. JJ Hair Goods With our switches, made of long, natural ly wavy, finely select ed hair, any lady can arrange her coiffure in the latest and most approved modes. Our Switches are absolutely sanitary and of a lasting kind. 20 inch Brittany, naturally wavy Switches ...$1.95 20 inch Gray, na - turally wavy Switches . . . $2.95 24 inch Gray, na turally wavy Switches . . $4.95 Prices on any other kind of Switches will be furnished upon request. t Shampooing, Massaging manicwing rna Marcel W ting by appointment Second Floor. Greetings to All Ak-Sar-BenVisitors When you come to this store this year, you will find an establishment that has grown and expanded-that has improved and altered its interior to meet every need of its vast list of customers. You will find a store that is ready and able to cater to your every want in the best manner. Take advantage of the services it offers-make Brandeis Stores your headquarters in this city. Your Money is the cheapest thing in the world against a boy's life. Buy Liberty Bonds Remember This Every hour you can save now, may be de voted to Government service or war work of some kind. The "Free" Sewing Machine does all kinds of sew ing so quickly and eas ily and effectively, that it is the greatest time saver you can have its cost is moderate in comparison to its per formance. COME IN AND LET'S DEMON STRATE. Save time, Strength and energy . Get this Sewing Machine Today Main Floor, Rear. The New Furs are here Very Exceptional Offerings Furs that cannot be duplicated later on at the prices we are quoting now. This will give you a splendid opportunity to visit our greatly en larged and beautified Fur Depart ment on the. Second Floor. While you are visiting in the city take advan tage of these offerings. And you are sure of ab solutely reliable furs when you buy them here our guarantee has 37 years of fair, square dealing behind it- $200.00 Sets $150.00 Genuine dark Mink Sets, full haired, perfect skins, well matched, long stole with tails, large muff. $75.00 Scarfs for $49.00 Taupe Wolf Scarfs, large animal, rug shape, head, claws and tail, soft full haired. $50.00 Scarfs for $35.00 Fox Scarfs, Kit Fox, Brown Fox, Gray Fox, in animal shape, large head and tail. $250.00 Coat for $195.00 Fine Hudson seal Coat, hip length, loose belted model, large collar, deep cuffs, Special. $175.00 Coatee for $125.00 Rich Fitch Cape Coatee, perfectly matched, deep haired pelts. $250.00 Coat for $195.00 Nutria Beaver Coat, flaring cuff sleeves, ripple back, deep collar and belt. Special. $175.00 Coatee for $125.00 - Hudson Seal Cape Coatee, long sash Jbelt, grey squirrel alftwl collar. $40.00 Scarfs for $32.50 Select Raccoon Rug Scarfs, in a wide ani mal shape, with head, tail and claws. $25.00 Throws for $20.00 French Coney long throws, with pockets, fine satin lined, in Taupe or Black. $250.00 Coatee for $215.00 Scotch Moc Cape Coatee, convertible model, richly lined. Special. $375.00 Coatee for $295.00. Deep Hudson Seal Cape Coatee, long tab front with pockets and belt, genuine Beaver deep collar. $150.00 Coat for $98.00 Rich Chestnut Brown Marmot motor or street coat, belted back, richly lined. Unusual Offering One year's subscription to the Designer . . . ,60c The last time that we can offer this valuable magazine at such a low price. For 15c addi tional, we will include the Autumn Quarterly, containing a coupon good for fifteen cents to apply on any pattern. Standard Patterns are Always Reliable Phone or call at pattern counter. Main Floor. The Wonder Butter Merger Actually makes 2 pound roll o merged butter from one pint of milk and one pound of butter. Firm and sweet. i See the demonstra- tion here every day . at 3 p. m., or the ' process will be ex- plained at any time. ' Cut your butter bill away down by adopting this pro cess. A great sav ing with the Butter Mereer. ' o 98c Basement Very Special An unusually large purchase made early in the season of Manchurian Wolf Scarfs and Muffs These Furs cannot be duplicated now at anywh ere near the same price. These Wolf Skins are noted for their durability and wearing qualities; being fluffy and full haired. Animal shaped large Rug scarfs, head, tail and feet, with crochet chain fasteners; good quality satin lining in Black, Chestnut, Brown, Taupe and Isabella, Red and Pointed. Scarfs $9.95, $11.50, $15.00, $19.50, $25.00. Muffs $5.95, $7.50 $8.50, $9.50, $1 1.50. The muffs are canteen shape, large pillow or huge round shape, silk lined bedding and silk chain or tortoise ring. See Our Special Set at $25.00 October Victor Records : on sale here Tuseday , Buy. now and Save Disappointment Main Floor Pompeiian Room. onet Hats $10.00 Always Notwithstanding scarcity and high price of velvets, we feel safe in saying that these Hats are even more desirable than our $10 Hats of last year. A representative assort ment of the utmost in value at $10.00. There are small close fitting Hats, medium side roll shapes and various large styles of Lyons velvet, panne velvet or combination of both; trimmed with ostrich, wheels and pom-poms, rib bon, 'fruit, fringe and some with hand work of chenille; all suitable for immediate wear. Second Floor. Separate Skirts-Endless Variety New Styles and Fabrics. It is very essential for every woman to add a smart Separate Skirt to her wardrobe, for street or general service. The newest ideas In plaids, smart circular box or side pleated. The Silk Poplin, Taffe- f tas, Crepes, Worsteds, Serges, Poiret Twills, Gabardines; all smartly shaped over the hips; some a trifle narrower; newest pockets, belts, etc.; all wanted shades. . f $8.50, $9.95, $11.50, $15,00, $19.50, $22.50 Up -: Special About 200 Separate Skirts. Accumulated lots of good selling styles during 'September; only a few of style, but enough to choose your size. For women and misses; in worsteds, gabardines, poplins, plaids, stripes and checks, in black, navy, gray, taupe, brown, etc. Skirts worth $6.50 to $9.00$5.00 Second Floor. "Billiken Shoes" for littlefeet Shape a foot in the way it should grow, should ' be a maxim that every parent should keep in mind. Put the right Footwear, on small feet in the early years of life, and children will avoid all the trouble and annoyance that comes to those who are not properly shod. "Billiken" Shoes possess those qualities which are most desirable. They are made with flexible soles, have no nails or hard stitches to hurt little feet, arfthaped over a last that gives freedom to every toe, at same-time not permitting foot to slide. Children are happy with "Billiken" Shoes, and as it is the desire of every mother to see her child happy WHY NOT BUY BILLIKENS? Priced According to Size A Main Floor, Rear I 'II!-. i nimmw vim mm. TYU 37 Underwear A style and size for everybody. Quality of fabric, ' per fection of finish wash ability, durability, per fect fit, the most for your money, any way you fig ure it. Clean, sanitary and the most eco nomical underwear that you can buy. Women's Wool and Silk and1 Wool Union Suits $4.00, $4.50 Upward Cotton Union Suits for Women $1.25, $1.75, $2.25 Up Boys' and Children's 'Wool Suits $2.00, $2.25 Upward Boys' and Children's Cotton Union Suits $1.25 and $1.50 Third Floor. 4 it I 5 . 1 II kail M l - v. u UiA;ill" - IL1 IMilHiHaWHBHHMiMWIlHMHlWHHMHnaHHMaMr -l"f I - " neai'ng remedy for the skin. -.--M ! M -i i 11 J . nrt.e J