Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 1

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    nnno Ann rune
tUUUO HI1U uiuo
(How's This for a Tomato?
FLondon, Sept. 30. A tomato tree
jrown-by G. E. Grove at his nur-
f Q1iV af PVJVl am i rtf-tfc t kauri
11 tomatoes, of fully large size,
iith the exception of two, and
Cjarly half of them are ripe. Apart
lorn these, 15 ripe tomatoes have
teen cut from the tree, the total
Ut4 ...i.:.!. : . .1 11: x x
siu ui is ui us iiu luuiaioes.
ffce tree is over 6 feet in heitrht.
lid has 18 branches. It is esti
mated that the produce will amount
about 25 pounds.
George Sunday on the Job.
London, Sept. 30. A son of the
liart who said that the kaiser is so
Lw that he would have to make an
altitude flight in an airplane to
each hell is now in the A. L. F.
service here.
j "Billy" Sunday said the mouth
iful.'and his boy, First Lt. George
Sunday, S. C., is in the purchasing
department of the signal corps at
I the London S. O. S. base section.
' : Linen From Old Plans.
London, Sept. 30. The scheme
ior obtaining linen, calico, and
brown holland from the back of en
I ineering drawings was first advo
aed in the Times of October 31,
1917. During the six months ended
July 31, 1918, the number of pieces of
material, of most excellent quality
for surgical work, actually sent to
the hospitals was 24,215, in addition
! 4,390 still in hand. The lengths
varied from two feet to 30 feet, and
the widths from eight inches to 48
.nehes. The aggregate length of this
i material is between 18 and 19 miles.
1 Despots are being opened in India
'jjand Scotland. The donors include
(.many railway and engineering com
' ?nanies.
i Fine Feat of Censoring.
-Paris, Sept. 30. Sergt David
'Proctor of New York, actor and
song writer, at present an M. P. in
1 ondon, has just written a hymn
entitled "The Kingdom A God,"
the words of which are bv an aunt.
C He took the script to an officer to
J have it looked over for posting to
I America. Now the title page reads:
ML'The Kingdom of God.' Censored
iir Second Lt. Joseph l'ruegert,
. D.
Home for Lost Baggage.
Pari, Sept. 30. The Q. M. C. has
tablished a home for unclaimed
ggaKe. Members of the A. E. F.
i i . . . i i . i
(M'uo navetosi Daggage snoma mane
jpnquiry of the depot quartermaster,
6 uvage division, uievres, giving an
t ccurate description and pertinent
' :cts. Personal property of officers
t i men who are absent in hospital
More than two weeks also will be
ent to Gievres. The order alsd di-
jJCU that barrack bags and other
Jovernraent property which cannot
! delivered by the transportation
f.epartment will be sent to salvage
epot intermediate No. 8. St. Pierre
, es Corps, near Tours.
Scores of Attractions Bring
Thousands of travelers
Here; Novelties of All
; Kinds Mystify.
The Omaha Daily BEfe
VOL. 48 NO. 90
Entind ii MCond-eltM matter Miv 2S, I9M
It Omaha P. 0. ut act ot March S. 1879
By Malt (I yur). Dally. 14.50. Sunday. $2 M.
Dally and Sua.. $6: oimldt Nab. aostaaa axtra.
Generally fair and ,warm
er Tuesday and ;Wedneday.
S a. m 491
a. ni 411
1 a. m 47
H a. m. .
9 a. m. .
10 a. m. .
11 a. m. .
It m. ..
ju ..4
,.4S I p. m. , 49
,.4S 7 p. m 49
.43 I p. m. .49
1 p. m.
pt m.
i p. m.
,48! 4 p. m.
.47 I p, ni,
n uwii rj n) u n n c r u uii u r c i ri
i J lj vJLJ Liu Li V- uuuui i u j i i i uu u i j u ui jj
w- i-i r-i i i r-i r-i i i x-n i i n n x-n i 1 1 s n i i n n n i i n i i n n r--n n n x
II I I I I 1 II II I I I I llllllll -x t II llllllllll llllll II "VI II I II II III!.. t
1 1 u 1 n 11 z n) ii i u ii v
ifiiffii ii i i fiiiv v y ii iiiiiiiiii. i i i i i i i i i v y iivyeiiiiivi.
: , : .
Bulgaria Agrees to Evacuate All Territory Now Holds
in Greece and Serbia; Gives Allies Control of
Navigation on Danube; Country Ceases
To Be Belligerent.
Paris, Sept. 30. French cavalry have entered Uskub,
according to official advices from Saloniki.
By Associated Press.
London, Sett. 30. The armistice concluded with Bul
garia by the ei nte allies is a purely military convention
and contains no -ovisions of a political character.
Bulgaria agiees to evacuate all the territory it now
occupies in Greece and Serbia, to demobolize her army im
mediately and surrender all means of transport to the allies.
Bulgaria also will surrender her boats and control of
navigation on the Danube and concede to the allies free
passage through Bulgaria for the development of military
All Bulgarian arms and ammunition are to be stored
under the control of the allies to whom is conceded the right
to occupy all important strategic points.
The Associated Press learns that the military occupa
tion of Bulgaria will be entrusted to British, French and Ital
ian forces and the evacuated portions of Greece and Serbia,
respectively, to Greek and Serbian troops.
' The armistice means a complete military surrender 'and
Bulgaria ceases to be a belligerent.
All questions of territorial re-ar-
rangements in the Balkans was pur-
1917. 1918.
A'ednesday 4.102 5,884
rhursdav 7.790 7,567
rrjday e'ul
aturdar 24,214 20,501
onday HJ.SJo j,om
Threatening and inclement wea-
ier failed to dampen the carnival
irtt and last night the loyal sub-
cts of the King of Ak-Sar-Ben
A forth in eav regalia to cele-
rate the fiTth day of His Majesty's
With the approach of the closing
ay hundreds of Nebraskans are
icking cityward to participate in
tie festivities. Every train arriving
tarries a throng of these gay pil
i rims.
I Last night almost every room m
he city was taken and present pros
licts indicate that room "conserva-
10a may be necessary Detore tne
'osing night.
After hve days or entertainment
nral oninion unanimously aerees
;at the efforts of Con T. Kennedy's
'hnura havi siirnacced anvthinff
fieretofore witnessed in the line of
carnival attractions. Elastic in
lariety, boasting the most talented
ipertormers in tneir nne; novei ana
entertaining, Kennedy's concessions
have attracted widespread comment.
Amusement for AIL
s Here is interest for persons of
tmnrjmfnt. For the oeo-
ple of scientific turn of mind is
provided the Submarine show. All
1 the latest developments in this pre-
fi cedent-breaking crau are expiameu
i by an able speaker.
Cm . Vnr thnc intri;td in art. The
T ihrtw lnatr and the Garden of
I ; Allah provide sufficient entertain-
V. mAnt
"" Af th Libertv theater one wit
i j
m ... . f
jiesses tne uncanny rcsmicniuu vi
the immortal Joan of Arc. Accom
plished by the scientific application
nf it'trht rav the illusion is executed
in most realistic manner. From
h inmh th withered mumified
form of the French woman whose
genius placed her among the world's
greatest leaders, is seen gradually
to resume its original contour, i ne
grace of limb and other attributes
! oi feminine beauty are quickly re
stored and color mounts the cheeks.
A flutter of eyelids and the "mum-
jA my steps trom ner xomo, a gor
Mgeous specimen of feminine grace
and beauty ciaa in tne rooes oi
A brief patriotic appeal for sup
port for the embattled allied armies.
andthe lovely apparition retires to
its gloomy vault and slowly re
sumes its grim, dusty place on the
slab. .
posely omitted from the convention
The allies made no stipulation
concerning King Ferdinand, his po
sition being considered an internal
matter, one .for the Bulgarians
themselves to deaf 'with.
The armistice will remain in
operation until a final general peace
is concluded.
Armistice Signed.
Paris, Sept. 30. The armistice be
tween Bulgaria and the allies was
signed last night, a Salonika dis
patch states.
General rranchet D Esperey, the
allied commander-in-chief in Mace
donia, signed for the allies and the
Bulgarian delegates for their gov
ernment. Instructions have been
given by the government to Gen
eral D'Esperey to proceed immedi
ately to the execution of the con
ditions of the armistice.
The actual suspension of hostili
ties immediately followed the sign
ing of the armistice, but it is noted
that this suspension '. pphes only
to Macedonian hostilities against
Bulgaria and that it in no way
affects Macedonian hostilities which
the allied v armies will continue
against Austria-Hungary, Turkey
and the German contingents sent
to that locality.
The armistice, La Liherte de
clares editorially, was signed with
the full consent of King Ferdinand.
It prints a denial of a report that
he had taken refuge in Vienna. The
king.'it declares, has not left Sofia.
Washington Opinion.
Washington, Sept. 30. Although
deeply gratified that Bulgaria has
signed an armistice which must be
followed by her elimination from
(Continued on Fare Two, Column One.)
Washington, Sept. 30. Kei Hara,
one of the leaders of the great Seiyu
Kai party, has been appointed pre
mier of the new Japanese cabinet,
succeeding the Terauchi administration.
Nebraska Republican Chair
man in Washington to
Talk Politics; Omahans
in Capital City.
Washington Bureau of the Bee.
Washington, Sept. 30. (Special
Telegram.) Chairman E. D. Beach
of the Nebraska republican state
committee arrived in Washington
today for conference with Chair
man Hays of the national committee
and Chairman Fess of the congres
sional committee. Mr. Beach will
also take up" the political situation
as it affects Nebraska, with repub
lican leaders in both senate and
house. His conference with Chair
man Fess is scheduled for tomor
row. Sloan Talks for Loan. .
Representative Sloan inaugurated
the Fourth Liberty loan drive Sat
urday evening at Pythian temple,
this city. Fe spoke to an enthusias
tic audience of Masonic members
of the Trowel club of the interior
Nebraskans in Capital.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake of
Omaha today heard President Wil
son's address before the senate- in
favor of the suffrage amendment to
the constitution. Mr. and Mrs.
Drake arrived in Washington yes
terday. They will leave tomorrow
for' a, short visit in New York be
fore returning .west.
Mrs. H. H. Harmon of Lincoln
is visitjng friends in Washington
for a few days, awaiting the return
of Rer; husband from France, -having
befn in that country for a year.
She hafs engaged in the work of the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion. ' Mr. Harmon is due to arrive
at an Atlantic port on Saturday.
Cholera Breaks Out
In Berlin; Six Cases
Out of Seven Fatal
Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 30.
Cholera has broken out in Ber
lin, according to advices received
here. There have been seven
cases) of which six were fatal.
Franco-American Troops Have
Germans in Pocket in
Forest; Advancing on
Chemin Des Dames.
Chinamen Enforce Protest
Against Feature in Show
The mayor of San Francisco tele--graphed
a' protest to Mayor Smith
Monday against certain features of
the "Chinatown" show, which is one
of the attractions of the Ak-Sar-B'en
This protest supplemented one
which has been made to the Oro
prietor of the carnival, the man
ager of the show, and the carni
val officials by the Chinamen of
Last night a committee of 5China
men accompanied City Attorney
Frank Weaver to the grounds and
got a promise from Con T. Ken
nedy, owner of the shows, to elim
inate certain objectionable f atures.
The members of the v. Chinese
colony - here protest principally
against that part of the exhibition
where there is an iron care, into
J which, it is explained, whi je girls
By Associated Press.
Paris, Sept. 30. Between the
Aisne and Vesle rivers French
troops made important progress on
a front of about seven and a half
miles, the war office announces to
night. Italian units operating north
of the Aisne carried Soupir.
General Gouraud's troops fight
ing in Champagne this afternoon
were only a 1,000 yards south of
Monthois, from where they com
mand a view of the valley of the
Aire eastward toward Grand Pre.
The advance of the French and
Americans on both sides of the Ar
gonne forest therefore appeared to
have put the Germans into another
pocket, from which the valley of
the Aire is the only avenue of es
cape. Grand Pre .and Vouziers
each is distant only about seven
miles from Monthois.
With the French Army in Cham
pagne, Sept. 30. General Mangin's
troops continued their advance this
morning on the Chemin Des Dames
while on the right General Bearthe
lot attacked, crossing the Vesle
river at Goulot farm. He ook the
village of Legrand Hameau and ad
vanced nearly two miles north of
Les Venteaux and reached the south
ern edge of the village of Montigny.
Berthelot's attack appears likely to
derange the German plans and
hasten the retirement of the en
emy. South of St. Quentin the enemy
delivered fierce counter-attacks in
a vain effort to recapture Hill 88.
The reaction on the front of Gen
eral Gouraud's army was also very
violent in the neighborhood of
The diminished resistance in
front of General Mangin's troops
confirms the fact that the enemy is
making a systematic retirement.
This retreat, to which the Germans
are endeavoring to give essential
elasticity by vigorous intermittent
defenses here and there, seems like
ly to extend. The rapid succession
of Heavy blows the allies have 'dealt
from the sea to the Meuse have not
only greatly shaken the Hinden
burg line, but have brought the
fighting at some points close
enough to the secondary line of
defense to make that also look pre
carious. BRITlSHTAKE
10,000 TURKS
London, Sept. 30. A Turkish
force of 10,000 men has surrendered
to the British in Palestine, accord
ing to an official announcement
! made this evening.
Strong belief exists here this
afternoon that a peace offer from
Turkey is imminent.
Dodge Officers Call for
20,000 "Flu" Face Masks
Des Moines, Sept. 30. 'Special
Telegram.) The Des Moines Red
Cross chapter was today called on
by Camp Dodge officials for 20,000
cloth face masks to be used in fight-
ful pleasures, and sold as captives i ing Spanish influenza at the' big
to the highest bidders, the pur-1 camp. , Need is urgent and impera-
chaser holding the girl a slave for tive, officers declare. It is- de-1
of tender years and attractive ap
pearance are finally lured and in
carcerated by Oriental cunning, in
their progress through various sin
"good luck" until she fades in beau
ty and becomes 'bad luck." It is
then a knife is put in a cage with
her as a suggestion that she com
mit suicide.
Local Chinamen say there is no
foundation in fact for such an ex
hibition and that it is a dangerous
clared it is not possible to tell the
exact number of cases.
Emergency Bill. With Prohib
Rider, Sent Back to Senate
Washington, Sept. 30. The em
ergency agricultural appropriation
slander to spread about people ot j bill, with its rider for national pro
their race. It is alleged that they : hibition from next July 1 until the
tried every means to have this fea--American armies are demobolized
ture suppressed before appealing to j after the war, was sent back to the
the mayor and the city attorney and senate and house today by the con
that they even offered to pay $1,000 ferees, who were unable to agree
tash for the elimination of that j to a provision regulating rents in
part of the show.
I the District of Columbia,
President Wilson Draws First
Capsule, Number 322; the
Drawing Will Continue
Through Today.
By Associated Press.
Washington, Sept. 30. The draw
ing of order numbers for the 13,000,-000-draft
registrants enrolled Sep
tember 12 was started today by
President Wilson.
Blindfolded the president groped
into the great glass lottery bowl
and drew out one of 17,000 capsules.
It contained a slip numbered 322,
thus giving to men holding that
serial number first place in their
respective classes after registrants
already classified under previous
registrations. The number was low
enough to touch the list of every
local draft board in the country ex
cept one or two of the very smallest.
Vice President Marshall drev the
second number and was followed by
16 other notables who had been in
vited to participate.
Officers and enlisted men of the
army, assisted by a corps of tellers,
then settled dojwn to the task of
emptying the bowl. Two thousand
numbers had . been drawn and re
corded before 4 o'clock, indicating
that probably 36 hours would be re
quired to complete the work. The
drawing continued almost without
interruption through the night.
Mail Master Lists.
Only the first 100 numbers were
flashed to the country by telegraph.
Because of the impracticability of
telegraphing all of the 17,000 the
press had beer asked to refrain from
sending more than 100 numbers.
The complete master lists will be
mailed as soon as the drawing is
over to district draft boards
throughout the country to be made
public by them.
The numbers In the order in
which tkey were drawn were:
Number 1 is 322, 7277, 6708, 1027,
16,169, 8366, 5366, 1697, 7123.
Number 10 is 2781, 9783, 6143.
10,086, 438, 904, 12,368, 1523, 7512,
Number 20 is 3748 6540. 3808,
1240, 16,846 1907, 12,521, 6593, 5941,
V Number 30 is 13,728, 20, 6857.
1255, 14.122, 11,101, 2132, 10,762,
3 '35 739
"Number 40 is 16,657, 6809, 4948,
m2, 7034, 535, 8691, 10,600, 8858,
Number 50 is 16,518, 4287, 12,839,
625. 72, 11,338, 832, 10,491, 14,023,
No. 60 is 964. 8,637. 2,897, 7,834,
4,723, 10,656, 4,327. 3,505, 348, 7.234.
No. 70 is 4. 12,842, 4,482, 9,022,
1,961. 4,886, 16,009, 12,930, 134, 14,
319. No. 80 is 12,210, 8.317, 395, 5,240,
12,284, 11,256, 657, 12,818, 3,531, 14,
361. No. 90 is 13.754, 11,464, 13,841,
8,055. 6,777, 7,952, 11,191, 15,760, 13,
359, 12.184.
No. 100 is 11,232.
Whisky and Alcohol Taken
From Council Bluffs Train
Sixty-eight pints of whisky and
one quart of grain alcohol were
confiscated from a Union Pacific
train at Council Bluffs early this
morning by special Railroad Officer
The owners of the booze jumped
off the train somewhere between
Council Bluffs and Omaha. Malone
immediately took the next train
back toward Council Bluffs, in an
effort to locate the bootleggers.
The -confiscated liquor was con
cealed in two suit cases and two
hand 'grips, and the whisky bottles
were individually wrapped in a
Kansas City newspaper.
Revolution in Germany
After War, Says Gerard
San Francisco, Sept. 30. "There
must be no negotiations without oc
cupation," James W. Gerard, for
mer American ambassador to Ger
many, declared at the Commercial
club here today in an address for
the Fourth liberty loan. i
"The United States and her allies
must force their way well into en
emy teritory despite all attempts at
peace, and must keep on going un
til Germany bows to their will,"
he said.
Mr. Gerard predicted a revolution
in Germany after the war, "that
will make the French revolution
look like a Sunday school picnic"
German Newspapers
In Hysteria Call for
Cool Heads in Crisis
Amsterdam, Sept. 30. The
German press today is hysteric
ally emphasizing that the need
for cool heads never was greater
than now. The possibility never
before entertained or visualized,
is beginning to dawn on the peo
ple that Germany may lose the
war and the suddenness of this
realization has had a bewilder
ing effect.
The Zeitung Am Mittag en
tirely approves as wholly appro
priate to the occasion the sen
sational editorial printed in Vor
waerts last week, dealing with
what would happen should an
enemy succeed in invading the
fatherland. It makes an asser
tion remarkable for this news
paper, saying: "Our govern
ment throughout this terrible
war has sedulously avoided hint
ing at this, and the other possi
bility, namely, that the war may
be lost if everybody and every
thing are not united in the ut
most effort."
"The government has thus it
self contributed to veiling the
real gravity of our position dur
ing these four years of war," the
newspaper continues. "It has
preferred to lead the nation in
blinkers past the abyss of dan
ger to our national life."
Darkest Days of War Facing Central Powers; Entente
Forces Crushing Back Hun Troops on Wide
Area; French Take Uskub; Turkey's
Cessation From War Looked For.
Outcome of Action on Amend
ment Still in Doubt; Pres
ident Makes Personal
By Associated Press.
Washington, Sept. 30. Although
President Wilson, in a personal ad
dress today to the senate, asked for
passage of the woman suffrage fed
eral amendment resolution a-s a vital
war measure, the senate again failed
to reach a vote. Leaders generally
hoped for a final roll call tomon
row, but the outcome admittedly
was in doubt.
Under the weight of the presi
dent's influence, advocates of the
resolution were hopeful tonight of
mustering the necessary two-thirds
majority, but leading opponents
were insistent that there would be
no defection from their ranks.
Unexpectedly intervening in the
senate fight, the president went to
the capitol at . 1 o'clock to tell the
senators why he regarded favorable
action on the resolution necessary.
Approval of the resolution, the
president said, was necessary if
America is to lead the world in
democracy, for it will be judged by
its acts.
Measure is Vital.
"It is my duty to win the war,"
said the president, "and to ask you
to remove every obstacle that stands
in the way of winning it. I tell you
plainly that this measure which I
urge upon you is vital to the win
ning of the war and to the energies
alike of preparation and of battle.
And not to the winning of the war
only. It is vital to the right solu
tion of the great problems which
we must settle, and settle imme
diately when the war is over."
After the president's address the
senate resumed debate, while lead
ers re-canvassed senators to deter
mine the effect of the president's in
tervention. Champions of the reso
lution said they could safely count
on 62 of the senate's 96 votes, or
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
, By Associated Press.
Bulgaria is definitely out of the war and Turkey, virtu
ally cut off from communication with her allies and her ar
mies fn Palestine almost annihilated, likely soon will be
forced to sue fe-r a cessation of hostilities against her.
Meanwhile the entente allied forces from Belgium to
Verdun on six battle fronts are registering victory after
victory over the Teutonic armies, and the enemy front almost
everywhere is crumbling, notwithstanding the desperate re
sistance that is being offered on various sectors.
Seeing eventual defeat staring her in the face through
the swift progress of the Serbian, Italian, British, Greek and
French troops in the reclaiming of Serbia and the invasion of
Bulgarian territory, the Bulgars begged for an armistice,
reserving to themselves no conditions. All the territory ndw
held by King Ferdinand's. men is to be evacuated; the Bul
garian army is to be immediately demobilized and all means,
of transport inside the kingdom, even along the Danube, is
to be given over into allied hands.
Thus, in addition to the isolation of Turkey, the back door
to a direct invasion of Austria-Hungary is flung wide open
to the allies and doubtless the time is not far distant when
advantage to the full will be taken of the new avenue through
which the enemy can be reached. With the debacle in Serbia
and Bulgaria complete, the Austro-Hungarians in Albania
soon will be put to the test and when their evacuation to their
own borders is accomplished the allies will have welded an
iron semi-circle about the central powers from the Black
sea to the North sea. . '
Viewing the situation in all its aspects the success of
the great offensive in -Belgium and France, the blottifig-tmlr
of the war zone in the Balkans, the cutting off of the Turks
from intercourse with Germany and Austria-Hungary ,y each
by the long route through the Caucasus and southern Russia,
and the steady gains that are being made by the allies in
making Russia once more a factor in the struggle the dark
est days of the war seemingly are faced by the Austro-Ger-mans.
Although it had been officially announced that hostili
ties against the Bulgarians ceased at noon Monday, the
French official communication of Monday night said French
cavalry had entered Uskub, one of the most important com
munication centers in Serbia. It is not improbable therefore
that the French are still hard after the Germans, who are
known to have been fighting with the Bulgarians in this re-
? gion acting as rear guards.
U-Boat Bases in Peril.
On all the sectors under attack
from Belgium to Flanders" to the
region of Verdun the German front
is gradually bending back under the
violence of the attack of the British,
Americans, French and Belgians. In
Belgium the advance of the troops
of King Albert and of Field Marshal
Haig have pierced so deeply east
ward that Germany's submarine
bases on the North Sea are in
jeopardy of being cut off. The fa
mous Messines-Wytschaete ridge
has been captured and the allied
guns dominate the plains beyond.
Both Menin and Roulers, important
railroad junction points for the sup
ply of the German armies north and
south, are virtually in the hands of
the British and Btlgians and seem-
Washington, Sept. 30. The
American government, in reply to
Germany's threat to execute Ameri
can prisoners of war found in
possession of shotguns, todaj gave
notice that if Germany carriei1 out
any such threat suitable reprisals
will be taken.
Secretary .Lansing's reply, made
public today, declares that the use of
shotguns is sanctioned by the j ingly soon must fall
Hague conventions, ana that in
comparison with other weapons
now used in modern warfare the
shotguns used by the American
troops cannot be the subject of
legitimate r reasonable protest.
"IL the German government
should carry out its threat in a
single instance," says Secretary
Lansing's reply, "it will be the right
and duty of the -United States to
make such reprisals as will best
protect the American forces."
Huns Resisting.
From Cambrai to St. Quentin - the
British and Americans again havs
delivered hard smashes against the
German strongholds all along the
r i i j . , . . .
ironi, including tne remaining por-
Friedrich Von Payer, German
Vice Chancellor, Resigns
London, Tuesday, Oct. I. Fried
rich Von Payer, German imperial
vice chancellor has resigned, accord
ing to an Amsterdam dispatch to
the Central News.
Wilson's Loan Speech is
Given to Spanish Readers
Mdrid, Sunday, Sept. 29 (Reu-1 that any imperfections which may
ter's) All the newspapers here j be found in practice will be grad-
puDiisnca tne Liberty loan address ot ually corrected by this ideal.
In any case, the most important
fact is that the United States, by
President Wilson, has just said its
last word. To it the allies will as
suredly be willing to subscribe."
The Dairo Universal says:
"It is only by adopting the disin
terested principles of President Wil
son that true peace will be attained.
Never has there been a clearer or
more exalted ideal of humanity
than that which President Wilson
has outlined. It finds an echo in us
all, especially in those humbler ones
amongst us who are eager for jus
tice and equity.
President Wilson in New York in
full. In commenting on the speech
the Liberal says:
"The address is the noblest thing
that has been thought or said since
the beginning of the war. It is the
epitome of the general spirit ,of
amity which dwells in the depth of
every conscience that is free from
covetous egotism.
"Perhaps President Wilson's pro
gram may be too idealistic, but we
might forget that this doctrine, so
noble and so human, will be guar
anteed in return by the mighty
power of the United States and
tions of the old Hindenburc line.
The Germans here are offering most
bii.uuuu3 icaiaiauLC aim in counter
attacks compelled the British on one 1
or two sectors to withdraw fnf
slight distances. The British' are in
the process of cleaning up the town
r ("imKri. In .tin f. n.A..Al .
auuuivs uuiu me uunnwest ana
Southwest. In thi reirinn r,t sf.
Quentin, where the Americans ara
fiffhtinc with the Tlritist, h M
Hindenburg line has been cut and
penetrated to a depth of three miles .
over a front of eight miles, , , , ;
Tn rnnintirtinn with th Ani..
tions of the French northeast of
Soissons the Germans have begun '
the evacuation of the Chemin De- :
Dames and the French now hold "-
half of this famous defensive posi-,
tion. Likewise there is an indica
tion that the enemy intends to give
up the remaining positions held bv
him along the Vesle to Rheims. .
In Argonne Forest.--" ; ' .
In Champagne the French trooos
west of the Argonne forest every-
iiKewise to tne east ot tnis position
the Americans are moving north
ward in unison. Already the big J v
forest is virtnallv nut anil
parently soon will be made a Dart of
.i r- a .
uie i i tiicu-incrican line, from tne.
heavily bombarding enemy
trains, which are being hurr "
the front. .
Ktnnrr trnm AmctfWlAi.
T? IIT'K? i Itnm X Tf i
and Admiral
. 1
VIII V . .
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