Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1918, Image 2

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Seek Protection and Offer
Services for Food; Tell of
Spoliation by Bolsheviki
v and Germans.
' Archangel, Sept. 29. Peasants
with their families, are flocking in
side the allied lines in northern Rus
sia. An Associated Press corres
. pondent, who has just returned from
a trip to the front, visited many vil
lages and found the peasantry re
joicing at their deliverance from
the bolsheviki. Most of them were
unlettered representatives of 70 per
cent of the Russian population. One
of the older men of a large group
', doing military construction work for
' thr allies and acting as the spokes-
man, said:
"Money is no good to us and we
are glad to work for the food the
allies are giving us. The bolsheviki
stole our cows and everything we
had. Now we are happy.
, "We know we are like children.
We need good, kind people like
the allies to protect us. We hate
the Germans because we know from
our brothers in the south and west
that they are cruel. They took our
lands, grain and cows.".
Americans returning to the Dvina
front with bolsheviki prisoners
brought stories of new cruelties and
murders. They told of one instance
where the mutilated bodies of three
British sailors who had become sep
arated from their command had been
' Most of the prisoners brought
here,, including officers, said they
had been forced to serve under
threat of death.
Soviet Admits Defeat
Amsterdam, Sept. 29. (Reuter's.)
The Russian wireless report re
ceived from Moscow covering the
operations on, September 25 admits
the righting on. the northern front is
going unfavorably for the soviet
troops who are retiring at various
points, including Kotlas. On the east
ern front strong forces of Czecho
slovaks are advancing from two
sides against Altayevsk, north of
Ekaterinburg. ,
Hohenzollems Must
Suffer for Wrongs Done i
; Humanity, Says Gerard
San Francisco, Sept. 29. "We 1
connot sit down and discuss term
with murderers or peacefully sit at
the green table of peace and p;.rcel
out the world in company with
burglars,' and there is something
j more. ' I believevthat the American
pftooie win cemasa ot meir states
"intlrVveTigean!pe 'which shall be ex
acted, for the wrongs suffered by
humanity;" 'said James W. Gerard,
fornier' American ambassador to
Germany, in bpening the fourth
Liberty' bond campaign in San
Francisco and the twelfth federal
reserve district.
"Don't stop now," he continued,
"in the spirit of the war. Guilt
is nersonal and the Hohenzollems
J and their advisers must themselves
"Buy your subscriptions to this
Iqan. Send a message to our allies
and to our boys, who are fighting
in France and tell them that we are
with them until the end and until
Mr. Gerard spoke following a
great night parade, in which thous
ands of persons, representing
every branch and society, associated
with the allied cause, marched for
two hours.
Student Players' Absences
From School Restricted
I Washington Sept. 29. Foot ball
i itnil riVim Arnma hftwitt Rf hffils
fa-Si VtHVI (BltlkJ fcf..4
and universities having units of the
student army training corps will not
be permitted prior to November 1,
necessitatingthe absence of students
over night from the city in which
the school is located. After Novem
ber 1, absences for longer than from
Friday night to Sunday night will
not be permitted of members of ath
letic teams. Only two games may
be played involving absences from
'Friday night until Sunday night.
These regulations were outlined
in announcement today by the War
department. Letters containing the
regulations have been sent to all
colleges maintaining units of the
student army traimng corps.
Odd Bits of Life
. According to a naturalist, a cater
pillar can eat twice its own weight
in leaves in 24 hours.
Bethany Home for Children at
Rock aland. 111., received a unique
gift on its anniversary in the shape
ot a loaf of white bread eight feet
Ion and weighing 100 pounds.
, Ellzaphan Langdell of Mllford,
N. H., has a cat S years old, weigh
ing 12 pounds, which in a week has
caught five large muskrats. out of
the Souhogan river and eaten them.
A sneezing drill for the prevention
of adenoids la being employed at the
Children's hospital in London. A
powder is shaken in front of the
children's noses and the resulting
sneeze dees wonders, say the physi
cians. In draft district No. S, comprising
the south side of Bethlehem, Pa.,
and vicinity, where many foreigners
live, Just 6,382 out of the 9,718 men
who registered are aliens. This shows
what a vast field for Americaniza
tion work there is in Bethlehem.
. A Lowell manufacturer, complain
ing of the delay in getting small pay
ments made by the federal govern
ment, says that a bill for $18 owed
tf the United States since 1915 is
still unpaid, although he has sent a
statement to Washington regularly
every month.
' Corp. ' Theodore Dukeshire of
Brooklyn, wrote hla mother that he
is alive today due solely to the pres
ence in b's vest pocket of a small
Bible she had given him the day he
sailed. The boche bullet that sped
toward his- heart struck the Bible
and only inflicted a brula on his
chest. .
.V 1
American Soldiers at Work at Field Telephone Post
If mtoi & i
Germans Rush Up Fresh
Troops in Vain Effort to Halt
French Advance Toward
(Continued From Fare On.)
uation and especially the Bulgarian
request for an armistice.
The Neue Freie Presse of Vienna,
says Austria has taken all measures
to make certain that reinforcements
shall reach the scene of operations
at the earliest moment and give the
Bulgarian army the utmost support.
"The Bulgarian forces driven
back," it says, "are getting into
touch with our forces in Albania
and have been removed from the
control of the Bulgarian army com
mand. We are justified in assum
ing that a new front will be estab
lished, ensuring our eastern communications."
A telegram from Vienna reports
the arrival there of two of Kiwr
Ferdinand's daughters and says
that Emperor Charles held a long
conference, with Premier .IVekerle
on the situation.
Insist on Allied Jolicy.
London, Sept. 29. London news
papers, while cod8 dering that an
armistice is not a necessary prelimi
nary to a discussion of peace, rec
ognize the ad'antages of a separate
peace with; Bulgaria. They insist,
however,,n the carrying out of the
allied picy in the Balkans and the
safeguarding of the interest of Ser
bia"' Roumania and Greece.
'If Bulgaria wants to negotiate,
ve are willing, but it is not likely an
armistice will be granted," says the
Daily Chronicle.
The only possible guarantees, de
clares the Daily Telegraph, are the
surrender of the Bulgarian armies
and the submission of the Bulgarian
people to the allies.
lhe allied governments, the Daily
Express says, will not pay too big
a price tor the distinct advantage
of a separate peace and they will not
forget Serbia. The Times declares
it is for commanders in the field to
deal with the present proposal.
The military correspondent of the
Manchester Guardian says that the
Bulgarian overtures for an armistice
and peace are much more than an
admission that Bulgaria is defeated;
they express her formal verdict that
Germany has lost the war.
Analyzing Bulgaria's cry of dis
tress, the London Times finds one
of the explanations in the fact that
the war never was popular with the
rank and file of the Bulgarian army.
The soldiers have realized more and
more of late, the paper asserts, that
the present policy of their country
was not paying and never would
Opposes Employment of
Children in War Work
Four Persons Injured in Acci:
dent Resulting From Ef- j
fort to Avoid Strik
ing Pedestrian. '
Four persons were injured in an
automobile accideM at Twenty
fourth and Maple streets about 8
o'clock last night when a Ford tour
ing car driven by George V. Divers,
4221 North Twenty-fourth street,
skidded on a rail and overturned on
the car track, throwing all of the
occupants to the pavement.
Riding with Divers were his wife,
Mrs. Francis Divers, his mother-in-kw,
Mrs. Fanny Jackson, 2107
North Twenty-seventh street, and
Pete Horgens of Arcadia, la., visit
ing with Divers. Divers and Hor
gens suffered the most severe in
juries, the former receiving a badly
bruised right eye and the latter a
terrible gash just above the right
eye. It was necessary for Police
Surgeon Edstrom to take several
stitches in Horgens' forehead in
order to close the gash. Mrs. Div
ers received a slight cut on the fore
head, but she suffered most from
the shock and general shake-up.
Mrs. Jackson also suffered greatly
from the shock. All were able to
go to their homes after being at
tended by Dr. Edstrom.
"I was driving south on Twenty
fourth street, in the car tracks,"
says Divers, in explaining the acci
dent, "and in order to avoid strik
ing Amy Anderson, colored, 108
South Thirty-third street, who had
just alighted from a northbound car,
and started to cross the street, I
made a sharp turn out to the right.
In so doing, my car skidded on the
rails and turned completely over,
throwing all of us to the pavement."
According to eye witnesses Divers
was going about 75 miles per hour
when the accident occurred.
Amy Anderson escaped injury,
but was almost bleached white with
The injured were taken into the
home of D. R. Hernel, 2906 North
Twenty-fourth street, where first
f id was given to them till the police
ambulance arrived. The car, which
was only slightly damaged was a
rented one and belonged to the
Ford Livery company.
Social Revolution Menaces
Japan, Says Marquis Okuma
Tokio, Sept. 29, Marquis Okuma
has informed the emperor that the
war has brought a great change in
the sentiments of the people because
of the widening gulf between the
Washington, Sept. 29. Felix wealthy classes and the masses. This
Frankfurter, chairman of the war j has created a dangerous tendency,
labor policies board, in a statement j he said, which if ignored might un
today, said that while contracts ne-.dermine the social foundations of
gotiated by the war administration the empire. I he power ot tne worK
permit the employment of children
over 14 years of age in war indus
tries, it does not follow that the em
ployment of children is favored.
"Neither the patriotic desire to
serve immediately," said Mr. Frank
furter, "nor the attraction of high
ing class is asserting itself, he de
clared, and must be met.
Marquis Okuma recommended
that Marquis Saionji was suited to
bring national support to the gov
ernment. As a consequence Marquis
Saionji has been entrusted with the
wages should draft children from . task of forming .a cabinet which, it
school to work. The time is not yet i is believed, will be based upon po
in sight when the defense of the na-Mitical parties. He is one of the
tion must be assumed by children. strongest men in the empire and vir
The men and women of America j tually has the rank of elder states
are competent to the task." ! men.
Popular Outdoor Sport
With Yankees Overseas
R1 ty"
(t i
"ito&&xjH5 the; bcwesv
A- group of Yankee fighters in
France enjoying the time-honored
Yankee game of shooting craps, or
"rolling the bones," between battles
with the Huns. The photographer
who made this picture, a French
man evidently not familiar with the
pastime, captioned the photo "Ma
neuver of American Troops."
(ContbHad From Pace One.)
between the Aisne and the Aire.
To the' east determined opposi
tion also is being offered, although
in. that part of the front the Ger
man loss, while perhaps much
greater in extent, would be less im
portant because on the left the more
important communication lines are
seriously threatened.
The damage already done to the
line running north and east to the
American sector is not sufficient to
put it out of operation, but for
every 100 yards fhe Germans lose
in the Argonne the danger to their
communication line is increased.
The fighting on the American
front has developed into two major
operations, for the island-like re
gion between the Aisne and the
Aire, and for the district between
the Aire and the Meuse. If the
Americans can drive through on
either sector the Germans must look
to the Brunhilde system of defenses,
a line they have not had to use up
to this time. This extends along the
southern edge of the Boult forest
eastward along a line to the north
of Brieulles, where shells from Am
erican guns already have exploded
munition dumps, starting fires.
Important Bulgarian Base
Captured by Italians; Serb
ians Pressing on Toward
Rome, Sept. 29. Krashevo, an
important Bulgarian base. 20 miles
north of Monastir, has been cap
tured by Italian troops, who also
have driven the enemy from the
mountain ranges between the Cerna
and Velika rivers.
Paris, Sept. 29. The French of
ficial statement on operations in
Macedonia follows:
"The day of the 27th was marked
by a general advance along the
whole front and by new captures of
a large number of prisoners and
important material. On the left the
allied troops broke up the resist
ance of the enemy forces between
Lakes Presba and Ochrida and
pressed on. Northwest of Monastir
we have made an advance of more
than 18 kilometers at certain points.
We have progressed beyond Kru
shevo and are marching on Ky
chevo. "In the center the Serbians, who
entered Veles on September 26,
despite strong resistance by the
enemy, are pushing forward on the
front of Karabuniste-Rudnik, 35
kilometers (22 miles), from Uskub.
They have reached the region of
Kochana and Ratavista and cavalry
units have reached the region of
Lehovo, about ten kilometers (six
miles) from the Bulgarian frontier.
'On the right the allied forces
occupied the region of Strumnitza
and are ascending the valley of the
Strumnitza toward the east.
"The number of guns captured
is more than 300."
Baron Burian to Send
Second Peace Proposal
Paris, Sept. 29. (Havas.) Ru
mors persist in Vienna political
circles that Baron Burian, foreign
minister, soon will send to the
I belligerents a second peace note,
according to the Zurich journal.
' This note, it is reported, will be
i along the same lines as the first,
! but will contain more precise state-
i ments wmcn ne is saia to oeueve
! will modify the terms of the entente.
Fifteen Entombed When
Burning Mine is Sealed
Murphysboro, 111., Sept. 29.
Abandoning all hope of rescuing
alive 15 miners known to be left in
the north mine of the Franklin
Coal and Coke company, Royalton.
111., in which 21 men were trapped
in an explosion ?arly yesterday, the
main shaft of the mine was sealed
today in an attempt to smother the
flames and prevent a recurrence of
the explosion.
The Weather
Comparative Local Record.
118 1117 191 1915
Hlsheit yet'rday....84 67 60 65
Lowcit yesterday ....63 53 34 6!
Mean temperature. ... 66 60 47 68
Temperature n1 precipitation depar
tures from the normal;
Normal temperature (1
Kxcrsi (or the day 7
Total exceai since March 1, ltll 671
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Peficlency for the day 11 Inch
Total preclp. alnce March I.. 10.08 tnche
Deficiency since March 1 ... .13 85 inches
Iurrioiency ror cor. per.. 1917-.. 4.14 inches
Deficiency (or cor. per., 1916 . .10.(6 laches
By Associated Press.
With the French Army on the
Champagne Front, Sept. 29. The
battle of Champagne has greatly in
ceased in violence with the arrival
of fresh German divisions. The
enemy is making a strong light to
halt the advance of General Gou
raud's troops toward Vouziers.
Northwest of Bouconville, Belle-
vue and Bussy farm were captured
this morning, giving the French i
position which commands the im
portant railway junction at Challe-
range and the defile of the Argonne
at Grand-Pre, which Domouriez in
his camoaiirn in 1792 called the
Thermopylae of France. The
French have also taken Mount Ou
velet, another commanding position
west of Bouconville.
With the French dominating the
western exit from the Argonne, and
the Americans advancing along the
eastern edge, one of the strategic
objects of the battle, which may be
to provoke the fall of the entire Ar
gonne position, is well advanced.
Further west fresh ground has
been gained in the region of Aube
rive, which increases the menace to
the strong German positions on the
mounts north of the old Roman
road, lying east, from Rheims, the
Teton, Mount Cornillet, Mount
Sans-Nom and Mount Haut.
Grand-Pre Big Stake.
The possession of Grand-Pre is
one of the big stakes of this battle.
When it falls the Germans must
make haste to get out of the Ar
gonne region, which explains the
desperate defense of its approaches
by the best forces the Germans have
available. Those taken prisoner
yesterday gave up only after most
bitter combats; they not only
fought well but their appearance is
far superior to that of most of the
prisoners taken in the last month.
General Mangin's forces, driving
back the enemy in the region of the
Chemin Des Dames during the
night, advanced to the Ailette river
north of Pinon forest, took Chavig-
non and reached the Canal basin to
the southeast, where they met sharp
machine gun fire, to prevent them
from crossing.
Further south the Germans are
resisting on the line of Chapelle,
Sainte Berthe, Ostel and Chavonne.
They are relying principally on ar
tillery in this region.
With Lhatterange unaer nre 01
the French guns, the enemy s
movements of troops will encounter
vastly increased difficulties. As he
is short of motor transports, he has
relied mainly on railroads and has
supplemented the oM French lines
with several branches since occupy
ing the region. These railroads
now are useless for all concentra
tions of the troops south of Grand-
Vouiiers, another important cen
ter of concentration, aiso is ai
rectly menaced, Gouraud's forces
being only about 10 miles away. A
little further advance will enable
them to render this junction also
useless, and the whole German sys
tem of communications toward the
Stenay Gap will crumble.
Display Extraordinary Courage.
French Headquarters in Cham-
pagne, sept. a. i. neuters.;
Germans fought desperately to re
tain nossession of Somme-Py. They
counter-attacked repeatedly in the
teeth of French machine guns.
French tanks displayed extraor
dinary gallantry in the capture of
a tunnel which the Germans were
employing to feed reserves to the
front and which had been organized
into a regular fortress, lhe tanks
had to traverse a labyrinth of
trenches under the attack of heavy
artillery but succeeded in their dif
ficult and dangerous mission, ena
bling the infantry to surround the
tunnel and turn the whole Somme
Py position from the east.
Further east the heigth of Grat
reuil was captured by a surprise at
tack delivered with such speed that
the garrison was surrounded before
it realized it was being attacked.
The village had to be cleared by
street fighting, however, for the Ger
mans apparently did not realize they
were surrounded.
The ehemy's resistance has been
intensified along the whole front as
the infantry and machine gunners
fell back upon their reserves in new
lines which, although neither so
strong naturally nor so well en
trenched as the abandoned posi
tions, are far more strongly held and
the problem of piercing them is one
of the utmost difficulty.
Probably no troops ever made
such an advance as General Gour
aud's infantry in the last two days
over such a maze of fortifications.
Five distinct trench systems were
counted in the space of a thousand
yards. After the first hours Ger
man reserves began to appear,
among them at least one division of
Prussian guards, and they counter
attacked furiously.
Fire Discovered in Cargo.
An Atlantic Port., Sept. 29. Fire
discovered in the cargo of the New
York and Cuba mail line's steamer
Mexico, while the ship was at sea
had been brought under control
when the vessel reached ths port to
night. Part of the cargo is being un
loaded so that ; survey may be
made of the damage, which is not
believed to be great.
B Sura That You Are Registered
So You Can Vote November 5.
Low-Flying Planes Lay Down
Barrage Covering Infantry
and Vanquish Enemy
By Associated Press.
With the American Army North
west of Verdun, Sept. 29. American
aviators again demonstrated Satur
day that they are the masters of the
air on this sector. They engaged in
52 combats and brought down 33
enemy machines without the loss of
one American pilot. The German
airmen appear to have lost the dar
ing which has characterized their
work of the previous day and did not
venture across the American line
with reconnaissance airplanes after
they had been attacked once by the
American machines. The German
balloons were hastily lowered in
the face of an American attack and
did not appear again during the day.
One of the American pursuit
groups engaged in 23 combats at low
altitudes and brought down three
enemy machines. Another pursuit
wing had 17 battles in two sorties
along the line. A third group
dropped bombs on Roinagne and
Cunel and engaged in several battles
with German machines, bringing
down six of them.
Aerial patrols left their airdromes
Thursday before dawn and were
over the sector of attack by sunrise.
They began their operations by
launching a successful raid against
the German balloons, six of which
were brought down during the day.
Other aviators directed the continu
ous barrage throughout the day all
the way from Chatillon-Sous-Les-Cotes
to Lamarazee at an altitude
never exceeding 1,000 yards. Flying
at this low height these patrols were
able to protect the observation air
planes who were doing work for the
One Group in 23 Combats.
One pursuit group engaged in 23
combats with enemy airmen, des
troying two enemy machines and
fringing down out of control a num
ber of others. Other Americans
(lew over the German lines to as
far as the Moselle, southwest of
Metz. They found few German ma
chines but drove back all they
chanced to find. The work of the
observation airplanes was virtually
undisturbed by the enemy machines.
A series of deep rairjs into enemy
territory was made during the day.
The first of these resulted in 13 com
bats in which 10 German airplanes
were destroyed. The second was
made at a low altitude for the pur
pose of bombing concentrations of
enemy troops and convoys. Three
German planes were engaged and
one probably was destroyed.
A third raid was made in con
junction with a bombing group
against the railroad junction at
Etain, east of Verdun and resulted
in the successful bombardment of
the objective. The Americans met
German fliers during the bombing
operation and are believed to have
destroyed three of them. Long dis
tance reconnoitering flights were
carried out and valuable information
obtained concerning German troop
American observation aviators
carried o-t 75 missions during the
day1, starting from their bases be
fore daylight and working until
long after dark. They came in con
tact with German infantry on 35 oc
The aviators were divided into
groups, lhe first section was as
signed to an infantry unit to re
port its progress. The second did
observation work, watchine the gen
eral advance, the location of the
enemy troops and the movements of
his batteries. The third section was
attached to the corps for general
scouting and observation work.
The American machines not onlv
cr.rried out this work, but them
selves went over to the offensive re
peatedly and spent much time in at
tacking enemy formations.
lhe aviators returned to their
hangars at night with the wings of
tnetr machines often r. tidied with
bullets. A ground mist, especially
in the morning, necessitated their
tl .scenditifr to a level of only 75
feet above the fighting units. While
over the American infantry the avi
ators encouraged the men and flew
so low that they could hail the ad
vancing fighters.
One wounded man lying on the
ground even turned over and waved
cheerily to a plane as it flew close
above him. One of the machines
which sighted a big group of Ger
mans swooped down upon it. The
i..achine Run jammed just as the
aviator was about to fire. The ma
chine turned so that the observer
might fire, when it was discovered
that the Germans were prisoners in
the hands of five American soldiers.
One pilot had the glass eye piece
shot out of his goggles, rutting up
his hands to adjust his goggles, an
other bullet grazed his thumbs. Still
another pilot received an explosive
bullet through the front of his outer
fur coat, setting it on fire. He was
not wounded.
(Continued From Pe One.)
Dames Ridge. The German posi
tions on the ridge are being sub
jected to a heavy artillery bombard
ment. French Headquarters on the
Aisne, Saturday, Sept. 29. (Reut
er's.) The Germans have begun a
retirement from the important Laf-faux-Malmaisoti
plateau, from which
the Chernin Des Dames runs east
ward to Craonne, and the sources of
the Ailette.
After fighting desperately for
weeks to retain the approaches to
the massif of St. Gobain and Laon,
the enemy is abandoning them.
This group of heights for four years
has formed the central pillar of the
German line in France. The strate
gy of Marshal Foch compelled the
enemy, as it did on the Marne, to
withdraw his center before the allied
attacks to the north and the east
forced him to move back on the
wings. The retreat is one of the
first and direct results of the French,
American and British offensives of
the last three days.
Senate to Dispose of Woman
Suffrage Resolution Today
Washington, Sept. 29. Disposal
of the woman suffrage resolution,
probably tomorrow, is expected to
pave the way for three day re
cesses of congress while senators
speak for the Liberty loan and rep
resentatives look after their politi
cal fences back home.
The suffrage resolution comes up
in the senate again tomorrow with
prospects of definite action, either
by a final vote and its defeat or its
withdrawal. Chairman Jones of the
woman suffrage committee said to
night no plans had been made other
lhan to call up the resolution again
and decide, after a final poll of
forces, whether to press for a vote
or have it laid aside.
With the suffrage question set
tled, the senate has little left on its
immediate calendar to interfere with
the proposed recesses.
Forest Fires Sweep Area
25 Miles Wide in Washington
Olympia, Wash., Sept. 29. For
est fires, driven by high east winds,
have swept an area 25 miles wide
near Shelton, Mason county, Wash
ington, destroyed all bridges on the
upper line of the Peninsula railroad,
burned out three logging camps of
the Simpson Logging company
completely surrounding two other
camps and tonight were sweeping
into the timber toward the coast.
Damage to railroad property alone
was estimated in reports received
here at $250,000.
Butte Strike Ends.
Butte, Sept. 29. Federal Mediator
Thomas Barker announced tonight
that he had been informed unofficial
ly of the decision of the Industrial
Workers of the World to return to
work in the mines pending settle
ment of their controversy with the
mine operators. The Butte Daily
Bulletin, regarded as the official
spokesman for the strikers, has an
nounced the ending of the strike.
Could Make Position Unten
able for Germans. But Fire
Withheld From Desire ,
Not to Damage City. '
British Headquarters in France,
Sept. 29. (Reuter's.) The Geo
graphical situation today is that
while we are nearly as far forward
as the extreme limits of our No
vember thrust south of Cambrai, to
the north we are in more advanced
positions than at any time since
1914. Naturally no information is
available as to whether we shall try
to enter Cambrai, but it is certain
we are in a position to make that
town untenable for the Germans.
0' guns are trained upon the city
and if their fire is withheld, it will be
from a desire not to damage the
town unless it is absolutely neces
sary. Prisoners say that with the ex
ception of the western outskirts
Cambrai is in a habitable condition.
Up to 3 o'clock Saturday the
prisoners collected by the first and
third armies since Friday morning
exceed 12,000, and more guns have
been added to the 200 already re
ported. From the south to the north our
new front runs roughly through
Beaucamp, Bois Couillet, Marcoing,
with troops on the east bank of the
canal and then along the west bank
of the canal to the east of Cantaing,
Fontaine-Notre-Dame, Saeilly, Pay
necourt, Epinoy, Oisy and Talleul.
Army Orders.
Waehlnirton, Sept. ti. (Special Tele
gram.) The following appointments hare
been made In the army: Roland Fox.
Treynor, la.; second lieutenant, Quarter
master corps; Percy B. Dies, Parnell, la.;
uoriaia j. Harris, Hlfrhmore. 8. D. : Leroy
S. Lighter. Conrad. -Ia.: John B. Smith.
Dubuque, la.; second lieutenants, Tank
corps; Wallace N.Orlswold, Lincoln, Neb.:
L. Q. Hunt, Omaha: Robert H. Loomls.
Omaha; Abe L. Beeley, Andover, & D.;
J. Vanrennselaer, Jr., Council Bluffs, la.;
second lieutenants, Air service.
First Lieutenant Chas. M. Conrad. Avi- ,
atlon Section Signal corps, will proceed
to army Balloon school, Arcadia, Fla.
The appointment of Geo. A. Bberly as
major. Infantry, la announced. Ha will
report to CamD Dodge, Des Moines, la.,
to duty with the 866th Infantry.
James Wade Ferrie la appointed cap
tain. He reports at Camp Dodge.
Herbert Tock White Is appointed can-
tain. Medical corps, at Des Moines. Ia.
Captain Allen T. Newman. Infantry, Is
relieved from duty at North Dakota Agri
cultural college and will proceed to Dec
Moines college.
Captain H. C. Mortenson and First
Lieutenant Robert Lea Steffey, are relieved
of duty at Camp Grant, III., and will pro
ceed to Camp Dodge, Ia.
Second Lieutenant Herman W. Nolker.
Aviation Section Signal oorps, will pro
ceed to San Antonio, Tex.
Second Lieutenant Frank Godfrey, in
fantry, Is relieved from duty at Or ace
land college, Lamonla, Ia., and will pro
ceed to the State Normal school, Millers- ,
vllle. Pa. 1
Ths following offlcera of the Medical
eoprs are relieved, from duty at Dea .
Moines, Ia., and will proceed to Newport
News, Vs.: Captain Lambert W. Rosen
baum, First Lieutenant Edward C. Mat
thews. First Lieutenant Emlle S. Scbulse.
The following offlcera ot the Medical
corps are relieved from duty at Des
Moines, Ia.: Captain Eugene M. Stanta
bury, First Lieutenant Walter S. Cherry,
First Lieutenant Mayer 8. Coffler, First
Lieutenant Lyle Hare.
Department Orders.
Waahlngton, Sept. 29. (Speolal Tele
gram.) Sadie M. Lowry, Des Melnea, Ia., .
Florence L. Rush, Alma Neb., Ruth E.
Merritt, McGregor, Ia., Clair L. Sills,
Crete, Neb., Louise Elrman, Tulare, 8, D., ,
Stella A. Werner, Hebron, Neb., are ap
pointed clerks la ths war department.
Rural letter carriers appointed Ns.
nraaka: Berwyn. William H. Gettys;
Bladen, Ernest H. Nyckelhahn; Hardy,
Bert O. Benson t Homer, Mrs. Caddie
DJxen; Tutan, Otto Dau; Barnaton, Or
I. McArtor; Blue Springs. James W. Lee;
Geneva, Ivan Ertell; MeCook. Dolma L
Carter; Mlnden, Carl D. Bayer; Winside,
William I. Loury; Wlnslde, Mint H.
Iowa. Moridon, William T. Larson;
Mllford, F. Glenn McCullough; Muscatine,
William H. Horton; Osage, Sadie T. Hen
ley; Atlantic, John J. Moore; Dunketron,
Dudley J. Perry; Ellston, Saul W. White;
Lowden, Walter C. Baade; New Virginia,
Thomas J. Clark; Orient, Conant 8. Tor--ranee;
Osage, William H. Wolf; Storm
Lake, MUo F. Robinson; Stusrt, Jaraea A.
Cochran; Ute, Joseph G. Reynolds.
Industrial Loan and Investment
i Company ot Omaha
at 405 Soutfi. 15th Street.
"Opposite Orpheum Theater."
This corporation is captalized at $100,000.00, officered and managed
by local business men and labor representatives, who will confine their
uusmess soieiy w imancing me wage 3arners ot - Umaha and vicinity.
We lend money in sums of $10.00 up to $500.00 to salaried people
only, at the legal rate of 8 per annum to be repaid in weeklv or
m mummy payments. Ltoans may De oDiainea witnout red tape, long
vexatious delays, no assignments of salaries, no pledges.
The officers and stockholders of this company believe that the
wage earner is entitled to share in that which he creates, and each bor-
rower is invited to join in this co-operative system.
This is the only institution in this city that allows the borrower to
i participate in the profits, and if you are in need of funds for immediate
Ik necessities, and would like to .centralize all of your indebtedness with us
and pay it out in small payments, placing yourself on a cash basis, in
k the self same way that the business men do with their banking connec-
J tions, a call at our office will merit you this opportunity. If you are
honest, you can obtain a loan from us as cheap as though you were a
3 - property holder.
F. W. ADAMS, Secretary-Treasurer.