REAL ESTATE OFFERINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS tystWSUSSBi IKIMI.MiipSilt Answer the Call! The call of our great government today is effi ciency from every American business man and woman, The importance of it is as urgent as the sending of fight ing men to France, because the business of. the nation, ' as well as the fight for democracy, must go on. :- The primary step towards efficiency is selecting offices in the best possible location in a reputable build ing without paying too large a rental for your accom- ' modatio'ns. v - -. ? The Bee Building, with its brief, distinctive name, ,: : widely known and easily remembered; with its unsur .,' passed location at the very axis of Omaha's business : district; with its-splendid light offices, modern equip V ment, and unexcelled service to tenants, makes it the v logical building in which to have your offices. Plainly speaking, efficiency and the Bee Building ; go hand in hand as an important aid to the government " and in affording exceptional advantages to tenants. ' ; Our limited vacancies consist of: Room 530 North light, private office and reception room; water and taljonery Rooms 2222? U 2 7q. ft, four large private offices and spacious work and recep tion rooms; 3 corridor entrances, water, stationery cabinets, north flight? Room 636-17th "street frontage; beautiful' light,' large 'room." Wili divide to suit; good location; 2 corridor entrances; rental Apply at office of The Bee Building, Room 638. Tyler Ml. Keystone Investment Co. LSSG6 ' M. E. RANDELL, Manager. Once Western Outpost Of Business Activity Now Ideally Located At the time of completion of the Bee building the erection of which was started in 1887, it stood as the western outpost of the business dis trict of Omaha and many shook their heads at the daring of the builder in locating so huge a struc ture far from the center of , activi ties. But the vision of Mr. Rose water, who had the foresight to see the trend of the city's growth, was vindicated in a few years. For office purposes the Bee build ing is ideally located. The almost prophetic judgment of the founder, Edward Rosewater, has been ful filled, for the gradual growth of the business of Omaha to the west ward on Farnam street, has, in the past two decades, placed the Bee bu'lding in the center of the com mercial, civic and industrial life 'of Omaha. All of the activities of the city are within easy reach of tenants of" the structure and will continue so for decades! to come. Another peculiarity of the . build ing is the stability of its tenant population. Many of the offices save been occupied since its opeh "g by the same person, firm, or nrporation and instances are many .vhere these have grown from very modest beginnings to great success. The present population of the ; Ree biulding is conservatively es j timated at 800 and thousands of i other persons pass its portals daily ; in the transaction of various busi , ncss affairs. i It is one of the structures of Omaha endowed with the personal- i ity of history and which is identi fied with many of the great civic, economic. and political achievements ! of Omaha, Nebraska and the middle vest, and because of the nature of its tenancy will continue in this relation to a section potentially the richest and affording the greatest future for development in America. Coursing Event Planned For Camp Funston Soldiers Camp Funston, Kan., Sept. 28. Denizens of Camp Funston gener ally supposed the reservation har bored about all the varieties of sports extant, but here is a brand new one for Funston. A great coursing event is to be staged here October 12 to 20, inclusive! The Kansas jack rabbit, having a repu tation of renown, has been selected as most eligible to develop all the sprinting prowess of the fastest greyhounds in the country. A num ber of "jacks" are now being fed up for the occasion and they will be turned loose before the hounds on the Army City base ball park. More than 400 dogs already have been entered in the event, and $6,000 in prizes has been offered. Winner "Over Top." Winner. S. D., Sept. 28. (Special Telegram.) Winner went over the top in the fourth Liberty loan drive today in two hours. I Twelve Sales Reported by Payne Company This Week Payne Investment company re ports the following sales made in the last few weeks: Minnie Matson Blackctt to Anet ta O. Barnes, 2586 Crown Point ave nue, $5,500. E. A. Stringer to Fred G. Leeder, 3826 North Eighteenth street, $3,100. Charles W. Knight to Security Land and Improvement company, 2879 Newport avenue. $4,500. N. S. Brown to William Lyles, Kountze Place. $3,100. L. L. Munger to Emma McDon ald, 2527 North Forty-eighth ave nue, $4,000. Gertrude A. Persons to Annis Gilmore, 622 South Thirty-second avenue, $4,750. Matilda Ebers to Henry C Rich mond, 812 South Thirty-Seventh street, $4,500. Wallace Cass to Paul E. Cohen, 1458 Lothrop street, $3,500. Samuel J. Beckett to Edward J. Movna, 3028 Cottage Grove avenue, $2,300. Helen Rowley to John E. Roundy, 2344 South Thirty-fifth street, $3,200. Andrew J. Clark to Teresa Ko bak, 4223 Seward street, $1,700. Josie Kroner to Minnie S. Frank lin, 2208 Pinkney street, $5,500. Huns Rush Up Troops To Hold Yankee Army With the American Forces on the Front Northwest of Verdun, Sept. 28. (By Associated Press.) The determination of the Germans to hold the Argonne forest and the re gion east has caused the enemy to reinforce the front opposing the Americans. - One German division brought up is the same unit that was used to reinforce the line, when the Americans fought for Belleau wood, northwest of Chateau Thierry, There has been much fighting in the dense forest, but its character has been largely that of a clearing operation, a great number of iso lated machine gun nests being met with. These and ordinary snipers have been troublesome, although unimportant in view of the general operation. One detachment of engineers south of Montfaucon, being hamper ed in their work, dropped their tools long enough to clean out one-Ger-machine gun nest. The gunners who were not killed were captured by the Americans. Restrain Realty Company Pending Divorce Trial A restraining order in favor of Carolyn Willis was issued in district court Saturday against the Willis Realty Co. and its president, Lloyd D. Willis, against whom Mrs. Wil lis has filed suit for divorce, to pre vent the company from transferring or exchanging any property in its possession. The restraining order holds good until "October 4, when the trial will be heard. ' mh 0 oij JJL VLL ftjfeM i ) A Good Downtown Investment The BERKLEY Apartments, located at the Northeast corner of 19th Avenue and Jones Street, ett high ground, a corner lot vithin 5 minutes' walk of Omaha's Retail District and close to the wholesale district which will always make this apartment easy to rent. The Berkley contains thirteen apartments, sach one has a large living room and dressing room with Murphy disappearing bed, bath and kitchen, all finished in hardwood, built-in refrigerators and gas stoves. Each apartment fronts on a street no dark rooms plenty of light. The arrangement is very desirable. Built of first-class material only several vaara a crr Ylltlr3il4n nraa KflCf laca titan af vmaAf A nnnnl Tasma tf( (f iimaM tnafwiiiU na tA V sell at a very low price, much less than building alone would cost See us about it at once if you want a de sirable downtown investment. Will take in exchangj Omaha property or land, from $10,000 to $15,000- s HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER, SOi 'ij 26 1. W.W. Arrested, Connected with Plot for Northwest Strikes Spokane, Wash., Sept. 28. A. S. Embree, acting secretary-treasurer of the Industrial Workers of the World, arrested yesterday at Chi cago, was indicted, here this week by the federal grand jury along with 26 other alleged members, of the organization, it was announced today by United States District At torney F. A. Garrecht. Pending his arrest the indictment had not been made public. The indictment of Joseph E. Ken nedy, said to be secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World at Butte, and of John Jackson, Rob ert Scott and James Murray, also alleged Butte Industrial Workers of the World members at the same BsBssm time, also was announced by Mr. Garrecht. The indictments, according to the district attorney, charge that W. E. Hall, among the others indicted here this week, was sent .by Embree to Kennedy and others to organize strikes throughout the northwest and that Hall carried a letter of credentials from Embree to Ken nedy. Midwest Iron Works Builds U. P. Big "Kaiser's Coffin" "The kaiser's coffin," was the grim lettering printed on a long sheet iron receptacle observed in front of the Midwest Iron works at 933 North Twenty-fourth street This eight-foot box was one of an order given by the Union Pacific, the coffin-shaped affairs to be used as waste bins along the line. The box resembles a coffin and aroused much curiosity among passers-by. Nevada Food Head is Convicted on Bribe Charge San Francisco, Sept. 27 James A. Wood, former assistant federal food " administrator for Nevada, was con victed here today of bribery by a jury in the U. S. district court. Judge M.T. Dooling, set. October 7 for judgment. The maximum pen alty is five years imprisonment or fine triple the amount, $100, of the bribe, or both. Wood was released on $1,500 bail. Burglars Hold High Hand and Collect $340 in Loot While playing cards with a party of friends in the library jFriday night, theieves entered the second story pf the home of Ed Osborn,. 1906 South Twenty-ninth streslt. ac cording to a report made to wplice. He values the property.Ukej $340, consisting of $6S, jn "cash and the balance in diamonds and jewelry. 1 A New Dundee Stucco Home Nine rooms, strictly modern ; beautifully decorated; va cuum vapor heat; garage; cement driveway, etc; ready for occupancy. Price and terms on application. OTHER GOOD DUNDEE HOMES $8,600 buys one of those unusually well huilt, 2-story and attic, 7-room, modern houses in excellent condition, hav ing hot water heat; garage for 2 cars; located on corner lot; 1 block from carline, and only 2 blocks from school. $8,500 buys a brand new, 2-story and attic, 9-room, mod ern house, located on south front lot near Happy Hollow cir cle; having large living room, sun room, dining room, break fast room, kitchen, front and rear vestibule, coat closet first fjoor; 4 bed rooms, including enclosed sleeping porch and complete bath, second floor; stairway to floored attic; full cemented basement; furnace heat; all rooms finished in oak with oak floors throughout; garage for 2 cars; paved alley; something desirable, just completed. An opportunity to secure a brand new, up-to-date home on reasonable terms. $9,500 buys a brand new, 2-story and attic, 7-room stucco house finished in oak and birch with oak floors throughout; located on east front lot on 50th ave., between Farnam and Dodge. Something desirable and attractive. $14,000 buys a brand-new, 2-story and attic, 8-room, modern Colonial house finished in birch mahogany and old ivory with oak floors throughout. Located on large corner lot 100x135 ft.; maid's quarters and bath on third floor. This attractive, conveniently arranged new nome must be seen to be appreciated. !Herms less than one-third cash, balance monthly. $20,000 buys a substantial, 2-story and attic, 10-room, hrick residence with tiled roof, hot water heat, beautifully finished, Exceptionally well constructed; located on large corner lot IOOxISj it., witn bricK garage tor z cars; oeauti ful lawn and shrubbery ; only 1 block from car line. If interested in purchasing property in Dundee, Happy wallow. Fairacres or vicinity, it will pay you to sae us. We have a large list of desirable homes ranging in price from 4,850 to $30,000 to select from. . GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City National Bank Bldg " " Douglas 756, OUT We are completing our last building in MINNE LUSA until the war is over. Only a few unsold and if you don't act quickly, you will be unable to get one of these beautiful mod ern homes. Make an appointment TO DAY. Sundays call M. O. Headley, Colfax 3482 or E. A. Hoising ton, Colfax 3472. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR RENT 2018 Wirt St This is a very attractive, large brick house, having large reception hall, parlor, living room, dining room, kitchen, den on first floor; six fine sleeping rooms on second floor; large, completely finished third floor. House is in excellent condi tion, newly decorated throughout; fine hardwood floors all through; beautiful plumbing, tiled bath, lavatories on first floor and in bed rooms. Hot water heat. Nice south front yard, fine shade, large porch, good brick garage. Will e rented at very reasonable rent for house of this kind and can be seen any time by calling at our office. 2022 Wirt St. This is a good 9-room frame house, strictly modern, in good condition ; hot water heat. $40.00 per month. OUR REGULAR RENTAL LIST $15.00 Nice 3-room flat," second floor, modern except heat. 28th and Leavenworth St. $11.00 2579 Hartman Ave., 4 rooms partly modern. $10.00 4753 No. 14th St., 3 rooms, good. $35.00 2121 California St., 7 room modern, first-class con dition; no children. $15.00 3824 N. 54th St., 5-room bungalow, with five lots: furnace, electric lights and well water. 6 blocks from Krug Park. Corner. $40.00 2967 Pacific St., very finely finished 8-room modern house. $50.00 1101 S. 30th Ave., 8-room modern, very good. $55.00 3307 Poppleton Ave., 8-room and sleeping porch, strictly modern; first class. Possession November 1. $75.00 2222 Farnam St., 10-room brick flat, good for room ing house. Will put in good repair. . LIST YOUR RENTAL PROPERTY WITH US. D. V. SHOLES CO. 915-16 City National Bank Building, Douglas 46 Residence it Bargains SOUTH SIDE SNAP. ' . $300 DOWN AND $25 A MONTH. 6-room, gemi-bungalow, located near 42d and G Sts.f living ToornV. dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on first floor; oak finish and oak floors; two bed rooms on second floor; large lot; full cement-basement furnace heat. Owner leaving oltj will give possession on October 1st. Price, $3150, , " VICTOR PLACE $500 DOWN AND $35 A MONTH. 6-room strictly modern bungalow, located in Victor Place jkd& tion; 5 rooms and bath all on one floor; oak finish and floors full cement basement; furnace heat; floored attic; south front on paved Street Price, $3650. , - KOUNTZE PLACE BUNGALOW V '-V $1,000 DOWN AND $40 A MONT? 6-room strictly modern, nearly new, bungalow just north ot Kountze Park; large living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, colonnade openings; plate rail and paneled walls in dining room; two large bedrooms and bath; oak floors throughout; oak finish In living room and dining room; bedrooms and bath finished in white enamel; largo lot; east front; pavsd street. House is vacant and we can give possession at once. NEAR 26TH AND PINKNEY. $500 DOWN AND $50 A MONTH ; ' ' Just listed a 7-room, full 2-story, strictly modern house; '4 larg , rooms on first floor; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second, oak finish -and oak floors; built-in features; full cement basment; furnace heat; "south front on paved street. Priced at $4850, a bargain figure. KOUNTZE PLACE BRICK BUNGALOW $1,000 DOWN AND $50 A MONTH. " 6-room strictly modern brick bungalow inJCountze Place; living -room running across front of house with genuine fireplace; dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath on first floor; attic entirely finished oak finish and oak floors; full cement basement; hot water heat; soft ' water system connected over house. This was built for a home bj owner. House is 28 ft. wide and 54 ft. long, beautiful corner lot; east front on paved street, paving paid. The location is excellent, facing Kountse Park on 21st St One of the classiest homes in the. city for the money. - t, ACREAGE SNAP 7 acres located at 49th and Brown; 6-room house; large barn,, chicken house and well; 2H acres of bearing fruit, consisting of grapes,' apples, cherries, plums, pears, and small fruit Good soil. 5 blocks from school and carline, and 3 blocks from paved street; owner has agreed to sacrifice thjs for $8000 on terms of $2000 down. This is an excellent, proposition for a retired farmer or party wanting to make his own living. ' Payne Investment Company REALTORS 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D17l i