Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1918, Image 1

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Exemption Claims to Spare.
Uniontown, Pa., Sept'. 28.Of all
claims for exemption filed with the
board here, those in the question-
i naire of Rev. Albert Breakieron of
Break Neck are the most compre
hensive. He sets up:
v That he is an ordained minister of
the church of God, with nine
charges in Pennsylvania, West Vir
ginia and Maryland.
That he has a wife and three chil
dren dependent upon him.
That in summer he tills a small
farm and is entitled to agricultural
classification, and
That he is a coal miner. His sal
ary as clergyman, his affidavit sets
forth, is insufficient to maintain his
family, and during the winter he
digs coal. He is 36 years old.
: Belgian Song On German.
Chicagrr, Sept. 28. The Belgian
national air, "Brabanconne," is to be
pasted in 100,000 song books used in
', the Chicago public schools to hide
from view the German national air.
The latter song appears in the books
only "because they are ten years
;o!d, and has not been sung for more
than four years," according to the
supervisor of music in the public
' Shortage of Guinea Pigs Now.
New York, Sept. 28. Because of
, the great scarcity of guinea pigs for
medicinal laboratory work, Louis
Harris, director of the Department
of Health of the city of New York,
has written to Chief City Magistrate
McAdoo in an effort to induce any
private institutions or persons who
own guinea pigs to place them at
the disposal of the health authorities.
The Omaha Sunday Bee
vol. xlviii-no. 16. ffirPT;r;::;W,!!5 omaita, Sunday morning, September 29, 1918. vVkJ. five cents.
Fair Sunday and probabf (hr.
Monday: cooler Monday. 'r'ib
Hourly Twiineraturwt
S a. m 57 I 1 p. m.
. m SI t p. in.
1 . m 57 I p. nl.
. m .R7 I p, nil
b. ni 60 5 p. m.
10 a. n M p. ni.
11 a. m. 1 P. m.
11 m ...78 p. m.
Germans' Retreat Harassed
by the American Gunners;
Fir Reninninn in Rmp
- of Enemy's Lines.
By Associated Press.
With the American Forces North
west of Verdun Sept. 28. High ex
plosive shells from the American
Nbig guns are now reaching far be
hind the German lines. Fires at
Brieulles and at other points are
attributed to the work of the Amer-
Iran mmyimr-i . m..... . ..
Shells are reported to be falling
cn Consenvoye, Dun-Sur-Meuse and
on other towns far in the rear of the
German lines. The bridges over the
Meuse also are being bombarded,
111 U J , 1. 4 . . 1 V w ,
mans withdrawing. ,
The American lines tonight ex
tends to the outskirts of Brieulles
and Exermont. Additional prison
ers have been taken.
In three days more than 60 enomy
airplanes haye been brought down.
The American loss in that period
wa4ess than 20.
A counter-attack by German in
fantry along the elbow of the Meuse
iU .1 T1 - .,..
ill Ul VdliilCYUUA was icpuistu
this morning by the Ameri
' cans. The assault by the en
emy was preceded by a feeble artil
lery preparation. Many Germans
were killed in the operation and a
. considerable number taken prison
er. '"
Trains Under Fire.
Two trains loaded with German
troops were caught . by the fire of
tering Brieulles this atternoon. 1 he
artillerists opened fire soon after
the trains were first sighted by ob
servers. When the shell smoke
cleared away, only a few of the
Germans were in evidence,
x No German tanks were encoun
tered following the bombardment
of the Brieulles region, although pre
viously the enemy had a number of
these machines in action.
South, of the Meuse in the region
of Vilosnes the Americans captured
7 (Continued on race Two, Column Eight.)
- Food Show Fizzles
Under Incubus of
The World-Herald
The great Annual Food show,
which was to have been put on by
the World-Herald next week has
collapsed and will not be held as
advertised. The management of
J the Auditorium has been notified
that the reservation is cancelled be
cause of inability to secure exhibit
ors, or rather of refusal of the ex-
hibitors to be hooked by the World
Herald. The food show has been
on on twice with much pomp and
boasting, but little, if any,
profit, and to pull it across again the
World-Herald made a deal to pay
the Retail Grocers' association
$1,000, for use of its name antf or
ganization in the promotion work.
A. peculiar wording of the agree
ment let the World-Herald out of
paying the grocers anything if the
. show is not held, although the gro
cers have thereby been kept from
folding a food show of their own
as originally planned.
This collapse of -the Food show
comes right on the heels of the
fiizle of another World-Herald en
terprise, its "tractor school," also
scheduled for the Auditorium, but
for which the dates were cancelled,
' either as the result of the ineffi
ciency of the World-Herald's show
managers, or indisposition of those
olicited to he mixed uo with a con
cern weig.Ud with such a notori
u record froGerxiKHrijt
Four Thousand Prisoners Taken by
Belgians in Advance of Three
and One-Half Miles Between
Dixmude and Ypres;
Menace Cam)rai
By Associated Press.
x London, Sept. 28. In their attack today between Ypres
and Dixmude the Belgians made an advance of more than
three and a half miles, taking 4,000 prisoners.
The British and Belgians have taken the town of Poel
capelle and have outflanked Passchendaele ridge on the
north and are advancing toward Roulers.
Os$end and Zeebrugge, German naval bases on the
Belgiarf coast, were heavily bombarded by entente warships
between 2 :30 and 4 o'clock this morning, according to a dis
patch from Amsterdam to the Central News agency. The
German batteries on the Belgian coast replied vigorously.
Heavy enemy counter attacks
around Beaucamp, on the Cambrai
front, were repulsed last night by
me oritisn, according to iMeia Aiar
shal Haig's report from headquar
ters this evening. This morning
the British advanced two miles be
yond this ridge, occupying the
Highland and Welsh ridges.
The British have captured Marco
ing, Sailly and Palluel, as well as
Noyelles, Cantaing and Fontaine-Notre-Dame.
Fleet Bombards Coastal Defenses.
The official communication .from
Belgian headquarters tonight says:
"We attacked this morning be
tween Dixmude and north of Ypres
after violent artillery preparation in
co-operation with French and Brit
ish batteries.
"The British fleet bombarded the
enemy coastal defenses and points
of communication. The Belgian
and British infantry then advanced
and attacked the positions. We cap
tured all' the organized lines of de
fense in the first position. Cross
ing this, we carried the second posi-tioaliiduwas-strongly
"Despite the resistance and . vain
counter attacks against the Staden
railway, we captured the whole for
est of Houthulst.
"We captured territory to the line
of Woumen, Pierkenshoek, Schaep,
Baillie and Broodseynde.
"The advance amounted to more
than six kilometers,s and 4.000 pris
oners were taken by the Belgians.
The booty, which has not yet been
counted, includes a complete battery
of ISO millimeters, other heavy cali
ber guns and important material.
The number of dead bodies on the
field shows the extent of the enemy
Tighten Grip on Cambrai. (
British Headquarters in France,
September 28 (Reuters.) With
the entry of the second British army
into the great offensive virtually
the whole of our front is ablaze
while the Belgian army is carrying
the battle to the very wash of the
North sea. The fruits of our con
verging roundup towards Cambrai,
which nestles in the very center of
the net work of roads and rail
ways, still are being gathered. That
city lies at our feet and is within
range of our field guns.
The gain of ground has not been
considerable since last night for the
simple reason that we have enough
to do cleaning up-and consolidating
what we already have gained so
there has been little opportunity to
extend our advance. There ' have
been some important local Improve:,
ments, however, -
Apparently the whole of Marco
ing is in our hands as our line rests
upon the bank of St. Quentin canal,
which runs east from that place.
Highland ridge, wiiich was the
scene of such severe fighting in the
former battle of Cambrai, is again
in our hands.
It is believed there was a big haul
of guns near Havrincourt which had
been especially reserved to pinch out
in yesterday's attack.
Our Come-Across- Stick.
Military and Electric Parades
Feature of Week's Enter
tainment for Ak-Sar-Ben
i Visitors.
1917. 1918.
Wednesday 4,102 5,884
Thursday 7,790 7,567
Friday 8,696 8,016
Saturday 20,501 24,214
The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben are
looking forward to a week of mer
riment, as the king has decreed that
loyal subjects of the realm who
labor in the vineyard and in the
shop assiduously during the year
are better for a brief surcease in the
chief city of ' the kingdom of
The big features of the week will
be the electrical parade, "The An
swer, of the Allies," on Wednesday
night; and the military and Liberty
bond pageant on Thursday after
The night parade will be an ar
tistic and impressive demonstration
of the work of the mightiest ar
tificers of the realm, led by Chief
Artificer Gus Renze. This, electrical
column of beautiful floats will have
the war spirit and will evoke a re
sponsive note in the hearts of thou
sands who will journey hither to
view this magnificent spectacle.
The floats will sustain the reputa
tion Omaha has gained throughout
the nation, as foremost promoter of
the electrical parade in connection
with fall festivities.
Military Parade.
The military parade will bring to
Omahans and visitors a striking
object lesson of the valient quali
ties of the Yanks, who are at this
time with the allies pushing the
Huns back to the Rhine. Maj. John
G. Maher, who will be marshal of
the military parade, believes Omaha
will be pleased with the daylight pa
rade. He stated that it will show
the people how the troops appear in
the field and present to them some
of the features of warfare, such as
a cooking outfit, reclamation de
partment, quartermaster's depart
ment, ambulance corps, and he add
(Contlnued Pf Two, Coliuna Six.)
5,00:' MORE MS
British Capture Also 350 More
Guns; Town of Nabulus
Captured by the
French Cavalry.
London Sept. 28. General Allen-
! by. commanding the British forces
operating in the region of Pales
tine, between Jersualem and the
Sea of Galilee, has taken 5,000 more
Turkish prisoners and has cap
tured 350 guns.
Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 28. (Havas.)
The town of Nabulus, Palestine,
was captured by a French cavalry
regiment in the recent allied drive
west of. the Jordan. With the town
the French horsemen took 2,500
prisoners, 18 cannon and numerous
machine guns. Their casualties
were only a few wounded.
British Casualties for the
Past Week Total 24,929
London, Sept. "28. British cas
ualties reported for the week end
ing today as announced by the war
office follows:
Officers killed or died of wounds,
432; men, 3,936.
Be a patriotic American witft
Undivided allegiance and
You will come fiandsomeltj
Across for tfie Liberty Loan.
Back up the beys
Over there !
Nuf seel.
Damn the Kaiser ! ! !
p o w e
ES h
Germans Faced With the Great
Offensive Effort Since Beginnii
of War, Americans, British,
French and Belgians Pro-
gressing Successfully
- Washington, Sept. 28. With
three great major offensives driving
forward simultaneously between
Verdun and the North sea and the
German military framework in Bul
garia tottering toward complete
collapse, today stood out sharply to
military observers here as one of
the most dramatic of the whole
war. Not an hour passed that did
not see new advances scored upon
the great maps at the War depart
ment. ' From all fronts except in
Italy dispatches were received show
ing the storm to be spreading so
swiftly that events of a decisive na
ture are to be expected momentarily.
Part of Prepared Plan.
To some observers it appeared
that Marshal Foch had seized the
psychological moment to hurl
against the enemy all the accumu
lated strength of the allied and
American forces, possibly with the
expectation that a crash on the
western front is close at hand.
Among army officers, however, it
was said that the launching A)f the
British-Belgian thrust was but a
part of the carefully prepared pro
gram which is designed to hold the
German army in the north to its
lines there while the critical blow
of the French and American armies
on the Meuse and in the Cham
pagne is pressed home.
Expect Retreat Soon.
From any point of view it ap
peared to-rhilitary men that the tre
mendous strain could not long be
endured by the enemy. The hour
when he must again attempt on a
wide front the most difficult mili
tary maneuver withdrawal under
attack appeared not far distant.
There is little doubt here that the
first stages of retirement to the
Belgian frontier will soon be evi
dent, if the movement has not al
ready begun. At every critical
point Marshal Foch is striking ham
mer blows. While General Persh
ing's advance along the Meuse is
growing increasingly menacing
every hour to the whole German
position, the French are battering
again at the Chemin des Dames
ridges which screens Laon. Should
they win the flanking position on
the high ground at which they are
driving, enemy columns on both
sides would be under fire and the
withdrawal from the Aisne line
might well become a rout.
As to the objectives of the main
American thrust, some observers
were inclined to look for a turn to
ward Longuyon, to the northeast,
after a little more progress, Lon
guyon is in the rail center through
which flows the enemy communica
tion lines, not only for a large part
of the line at which the French and
Americans are now striking, but
also for the great Metz fortress.
From positions in this vicinity,
American guns would command the
great Longwy iron field and render
it almost useless to the enemy.
Italian Move Next.
Starting at any time, a drive on
the Italian front is expected by
many officers here. Austrian dis
patches recently have admitted that
an offensive army of 800,000 men
had been concentrated by the
Italians while the increasing num
ber of raids and local actions
strongly indicated that a big move
ment is in prospect.
Withdrawal of Austrian troops in
Albania, reported in dispatches to
day, it was said, was the natural
result of the impending Bulgarian
By Associated Press.
Over a front of more than 250 miles from the North Sea
to Verdun the allies are smashing into the German defenses !
on four wide and important sectors. The enemy is faced 1
with the greatest allied offensive effort since the beginning
of the war. .
On all , the sectors the British, French, American and
Belgian troops are progressing successfully. Serious in- (
roads are being made into the German defensive system
north of Ypres, ardund Cambrai, north of the Aisne and on
the Champagne-Verdun sector. Additional prisoners have
been added to the allied total of 27,000 for the last three
days and several hundred more guns of aU calibers have been
taken from the enemy.
bitterly contested villages of Jotiy
and Aizy have fallen to the French.
On the western flank of the
Champagne-Verdun, the French are
pushuig over the heights behind the
Hindenburg line. From lh6 Ar
gonne, east of the Meuse, the Amer
icans are forcing their way into the
Kricmhild positions. Some ground '
has been gained near the Argonne -forest,
but the American progress
Saturday apparently was slowed
down some from the first two days.
German Command in Tight Place. '
With a 250-mile line aflame over
almost its entire length, Marshal
Foch has the German command in
a tight place. On each of the four
sectors the allies threaten import'
ant bases and valuable commanica-
tion lines, me ucimaii euuiwuaiiv
nrobablv will have trouble inl plac
ing its reserves to the best a,laff"-
Americans Brought
y To Standstill, Says
German Statement
Berlin, Sept. 23. (Via London.)
The official statement today declares
that the American attacks to the
east of the Argonne were brought
to a standstill south of the Apre-mont-Cierges
line. Montfaucon, it
is stated, was evacuated -under the
threat of a surrounding movement.
A little ground was gained by the
French in the Champagne between
the Suippe river and the Aisne, it. is
announced. '"
West of Cambrai, in the Cham
pagne and west of the Meuse, heavy
enemy attacks failed, says the Ger
man war office statement issued to
night. Anglo-Belgian attacks are
under way between Dixmude and
the Lys in Flanders, it is added.
Leading Papers of Hunland
Reveal That Nation Must
Face Inevitable Disas
ter in Great War.
First News From FigHting
Front Carried by Pigeons
By Associated Press.
With the American Army North
west of Verdun, Friday, Sept. 27.
Carrier pigeons have-proved them
selves of inestimable value in
Verdun, supplanting telephone
and telegraph wires connect
ing the advanced posts with the
bases at the rear. The birds have
been used freely and have repeat
edly flown from outposts to the di
visional or corps headquarters with
messages of vital importance such
as calls for barrage fire, news of
unexpected difficulties or word of
an advance.
The birds were carefully trained
and tested before the beginning of
the oTfensive. They were fed es
pecially well at the base 'stations
and underfed and neglected at the
front so that they would return to
the bases gladly when released.
Part of the pigeons. are from the
French army and part from the
American. Some birds were taken
over by mistake from the French
and it was believed they had too lit
tle training to permit them to travel
more than five miles. They were
released from the front line with
important messages for a point 12
miles away notwithstanding their
youth and inexperience all the pig
eons succeeded in reaching their
By means of the pigeons general
ly has come the first news of the
capture of towns and important positions.
Amsterdam, Sept. 28. The Lokal
Anzeiger, the Vossische Zeitung,
the Tageblatt and Germania, four
of the leading papers of Berlin, all
exhort the nation to be calm in this
fateful hour. The Lokal Anzeiger
says communications with Con
stantinople must be maintained Dy
all means at Germany's disposal.
Vorwaerts, the socialist organ,
goes so far as to deal with the pos
sibility of a collapse of the German
defense on the western front and
earnestly appeals to socialists to
help the German people remain
Declaring that the hour had now
arrived to speak plainly, Vorwaerts
says the question no longer is one
of conquest but of attaining peace
in an orderly way and without un
bearable burdens, adding:
"The government must do every
thing possible to enable it to come
to the conference table together
with its allies as speedily as pos
sible. It must be the government
of. democracy which goes to the
"The greatest war humanity has
experienced ends as a war purely of
German defense and as such it must
now be quickly brought to an end
(as well as possible."
Crown Prince Charles
Renounces Succession
To Roumanian Throne
Amsterdam, Sept. 28. Crown
Prince Charles of Roumania, who
was ordered by King Ferdinand to
undergo 75 days' solitary confine
mtnt because he recently went to
Odessa and married the daughter
of a Roumanian army officer, is re
ported to have renounced his sucJ
cession to the Roumanian thrnoe.
Vital successes are being gained
by tjie British in their new drive
for Cambrai, in whiqh American
troops are aiding in the region west
of Le Catelet. The capture of
Cambrai by the British would" ap
pear to be neafr for the British are
within one and three-quarters miles
of Cambrai at two points and, all
natural obstacles have been over
come. On the north the British are
pushing forward rapidly. South
west of Cambrai Field Marshal
Haig's men are fighting for the
crossings of the Scheldt canal.
Douai Threatened.
Douai, the German base northeast
of Arras and one of the outlying de
fenses of the great fortress of Lille,
also is threatened" by the Cambrai
operation. The British have crossed
the high road between Douai and
Cambrai and the railooad connect
ing them is , useless to the Ger
mans. Southeast of Douai the Brit
ish are reported to have taken Ar
leux. .:
Belgian troops entered the great
offensive movement Saturday by
beginning an operation in conjunc
tion with the British in the Dix-mude-Ypres
area. Th8 allies are
reported to have pushed forward
rapidly and were reported fighting
their way through to Houthulest
forest, which has been looked upon
as the keynote of the enemy de
fensive system between Ypres and
the sea.
Pressing Toward Heights.
General Mangin resumed his slow
progress toward the heights of the
Chemin Des Dames, the southern
defense line of the great and im
portant massif of Laon. Ground
has been gained south of the high
point at Fort Malmaison and the
tage as the allies are in P0ST'?C'
to strike on still more sectr
Marshal Foch thinks necessary.
In Macedonia the allies are presl-t
ing the defeated Germans and Bui-)
garians into Bulgaria,1 on the east
into Albania in ther west and toward
Uskub on the north.
The Serbians who are at the apex
of the salient, are moving toward
Uskub, having taken Veles and its
garrison. They are also approach
ing the Bulgarian border from east
of the Vardar. In the Doiran region
the allies are working their way over
the mountains toward the important
line of the Struma river.
It is reported the Austrian forces
in Albania are being withdrawn. If
true this is the logical result of al
lied drives in Macedonia, as the
Austrians would be in a precarioui
position should they attempt to
hold their line in southern Albania.
British and Greeks Press In
vasion of Balkan State;
Serbs Driving Toward
- City of Uskub.
Vienna, Sept. 28 Austrian troops
have gone to the assistance of the
Bulgarians, according to the war of
fice statement tonight, which re
cords the repulse of enemy attacks
west of Lake Ochrida, "in a defensive-"
sector which we have taken
over from the Bulgarians.-
Masses of Germans on Way.
London, Sept. 28. Great masses
of German troops are on their way
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three)
Secretary Baker Questions
German Prisoners of War
By Associated Press.
With the American Army North
west of Verdun, Friday, Sept. 27.
Secretary of War Baker, who
watched the American troops begin
the attack in the region northwet
of Verdun, visited the various head
quarters behind the front todav.
The secretary spent more than an American canned beef and that they
hour in the vicinity of cages holding ' always asked for it first after being
German prisoners. j captured. White bread came second
One cage contained 2,000 prison- in their desires. .
A Oerman officer, who wore z
monocle and carried a cane, resem-
I tary noticed this and asked about it.
the prisoner explained that each
German regiment had a tailor's kit.
Secretary Baker gave orders that
the prisoners be given food as soon
as pftssible after bein;? brought to
the rear. The secretary was told
that the .Germans had heard of
ers. When the secretary appeared,
American officers commanded the
Germans to stand at attention. All j bled the German crown prince. He
except one officer leaped to their
feet, and a pull on the shoulckrs
of the German officer by an Ameri
can sergeant soon brought him to
his feet.
attracted much attention from the
secretary s party.
The secretary shook hands with
all the military police on duty at
the cage and watched the army pho
speaking in German, the secre-i tographers taking pictures of the
tary asked the prisoners questions ! prisoners and the crowded corrals,
regarding conditions within the j Another cage visited by the sec
German lines and what the soldfers ; retary contained 1,300 prisoners,
thought of the, war. These were furnished with Ameri-
The trousers of one of the pris- can blankets and mess kits before
oners had been patched. The secre-' being taken to the rear
Bulgaria's Peace Offer Result
of Agreement Reacheff by
Leaders of All Po- -litical
Paris, Sept. 28. Anti-German "
peace demonstrations in Sofia have
assumed a serious character since
last Sunday, disturbances having
taken place even opposite the royal
palace, according to information
reaching Zurich. "
Communications between Vienna
and Sofia are reported to have been
interrupted while excitement in
Budapest is running high. - The
Austrian crown council has been
summoned and the principal Hun- .
garian political leaders have arrived
in Vienna, it is stated. -
Bulgaria's offer- of peace to the
allies was the result of a meeting
held on Monday and attended by all
the political leaders of Bulgaria, in '
eluding Vaseil Radoslavoff, the lib
eral leader, and membef of the cab-
met It was not, as German news
papers pretend, the impulsive act
of Premier Malinoff, according to 1
Zurich dispatches to morning news
papers here.
If martial law has been proclaim-,
ed in Sofia, it was because of re
peated anti-German manifestations
with a strong pacifist tinge. -
Omaha Man Is to Speak
At Banquet in Chicago
For the diamond jubilee of the
B'nai B'rith and the fiftieth anni
versary of its organization in this -district
which is to be celebrated at
Chicago this week, Victor Rose- -water
of The Bee is on the program '
for one of the principal addresses
at the celebration banquet.' The
banquet will be held Wednesday at
the La Salle hotel, also the head
quarters for the annual convention 4
of the order, which is fraternal tl
national in its scope.