T J BAKER WATCHES YANKS ATTACK IN CHAMPAGNE Tank Squadrons Play Great Role on the Ground While American Fliers Guard Overhead. By Associated Press. With the American Army on 'the Champagne Front, Sept 27. Secre tary of War Newton D. Baker wit nessed the beginning of the Ameri can drive along the front northwest of Verdun yesterday. At 5 o'clock after the enemy positions had been bombarded with high explosives and gas shells, the American infantry advanced. Squadrons of tanks again formed an effective part of the attacking force, especially in the region f Chepty. These "land battleships" moved up with the infantry, smash ing, down wire entanglements and routing the enemy from machine gun nests. The work of the-Ameri-can airplanes was one of the fea tures of the combat. An aerial bar rier -was maintained over the line, preventing the enemy from ob serving the movements of troops In spite of the fog, the airmen swooped low over the enemy's trenches, and materially assisted the advancing in fantry. Without a hitch and absolutely according to schedule, the entire line moved last night into positions par alleling the line of attack. THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, PTEMBERr2S,91. American Casualty List The following Nebraskans and Iowans were mentioned in the casualty list given out by the War department for Saturday morning. Sept 28. DIED OF DISEASE. Private Henry A. Lorenzen, next of kin, Fred Lorenzen, Mason City, DIED OF. ACCIDENT. Lt. Herman W. Schultz. next of kin, R. H. Schultz, Bettendorf, la. SEVERELY WOUNDED. Corp. William Frandsen, next of kin, H. Frandsen, R. F. D., Council Bluffs. Corp. Timothy J. Donovan, next of kin, T. Donovan, Cherokee, It Corp. Alex S. Simpson, next of kin, Mrs. M. Simpson, Clarinda, la. Corp. Charlie M. Swift, next of kin, Mrs. M. Swift, Akron, la. Howard L. Franks, next of kin, Mrs. Maude Blakely, 1502 Four teent street, Council Bluffs. William P. Field, next of kin, T. J. Field, Fort Dodge, la. Gustav C. Oberst, next of kin, Miss Clara Oberst, Lincoln, Neb. Jess R. Taylor, next of km, Willis W. Taylor, Missouri Valley, la. MISSING IN ACTION. John F. Davis, next of kin, Wil liam U. Davis, Amite, la. The following Nebfaskans and Iowans were mentioned in the casu alty list for Friday afternoon, Sep tember 27: KILLED IN ACTION. Corp. Joseph E. Boyle, next of kin, Thomas Boyle, Fort Dodge, la. Corp. Guy E. Moe, next of kin, Tony G. Moe, Decorah, la. Wagoner Clifford L. Litz, next of kin, Frank T. Litz, Dubuque, la. Robert A. Gress, next of kin, Her man Gress, Council Bluffs, la. Lawrence W. Gridley,' next of kin, H. W. Gridley, Villisca, la. Eivand L. Hamre, next f kin, Lars Hamre, Decorah, la. Tom V. Leonsrd next nt tin P L. Leonard, Bedford, la. Dewey McAvoy, next of kin, Mrs. Mary McAvoy. Washington, la. Richard J. O'Reilly, next of kin, Dan O'Reilley. McGregor, la. Floyd B. Wallace, next of kin, Mrs. Ellen G. Wallace, Washington, la. ' Charles C. Crube, next of kin, Mrs. Mary Crube, Dubuque, la. DIED FROM WOUNDS. Peter JChn Fehrs, ner.t of kin, John Fehrs, Belgrade, Neb. Homer I. Hawk.'ns, next of kin, William W. Donaldson, Washing ton. Ia. , John Unicke, next of kin. Matt naiam, Nebraska City, Neb. Omar B. Shearer, next of kin, Guthrie Center, Ia. SEVERELY WOUNDED. James Gibbons, next of kin, Mrs. Carrie D. Gibbons, Osbaloosa, Ia. Andrew R. Soffer, next of kin, Richard B. Morgan, Oskaloosa, Ia. The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: Killed in action, 55; miss ing in action, 10; wounded severely, 82; did from wounds, 27; died from accident and other causes, 4; died of disease, 13; prisoners, 3. Total, 194: Killed In Action. Lt. Samuel J. Reld, Jr., Brooklyn, N. T. Sergt. Thomas D. Applewhite, San An tonio, Tex. Srrgt. Francis P. Baker, Lynn, Jlass. Sorgt. Kurt Graf, Blackwolf, Wis. Sergt. Worth Lewis, Bessemer, Ala. Sergt. Lester J. Michael, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sergt. Lester J. Wentworth, Seymour, Conn. s Sergt. Burton 'Woolerjr, Bloomlngton, Ind. Sergt. Patrick 3. Wynne, Ireland. Corp. Walter E. Barent, Natrona, Pa. Corp, Wilbur E. Barton, New York, N. Y. Corp. Walter R. Craig, Rockford, 111. Corp. Clement Dlefenthal, Brooklyn, N. Y. Corp. Guy B. Knowlton, New London, Conn. Corp. Fredolph Llndhuldt, Dassel, Minn, Corp. Culver E. Weaver, Johnstown, Pa, Mech. Horaca Seel Leedom, Philadel phia, Pa. Mech. Jamea Morrison, Fall River, Mass Cook Lon Flala, Rupert Idaho. Leon Ellsworth Allen, Center, Mich. Floyd Wflllam Baker, Sanford, N. T. John Baran, Erie, Pa. Bernard B?, ry. New York, N. T. Claude B : . Dravosburg, Pa. ' William Bodah, Indian Orchard, Mass. Wayne Scott Braden, Orchard, Colo. Giovanni Caroalt, Suplno. Roma, Italy. Garrett Campbell, Vendor, Ark. William R. Cotton, Enxabethtown, Kjr. Shlrl E. Dean, Durand, III. Arthur H. Evans. Bethune. Colo. William Albert Evans, Meadows, Tea. Taul Fatseas, Fatsadlca, Cythtra, Q reece. Morris Hler, Jersey City, N. J. Rollln Hershberger. Mlddlebury, Ind. James A. Hill, Bath, N. Y. Patrick Keane, Jamaica Plains. Mas. Da-.lel O. Kelley, Richmond, Ind. Robert L. Kesler, Madison Helghta. Va. George Kltellnger, Walnut Bend, Pa. Andrew R. Lafaver, Sunbury, Pa. Otto August Linskl, Detroit, Mich. Daniel Evans Locke, Waynesboro, Miss. George W. Looney, Augusta. Ark. Robert H. Lots, West Canton, O. Benjamin H. Luckett, Klrkfend, 111 Antonas Luola. Bllssvllle, N. Y. Tllman O. Lyle, Armory, Mlsi. Jim G. McCollum, Sprlngville, Mlsa. Thomas McGovern, Jersey City, N. J. .Fred Carlton McKenny, Milton, W. Va. George McLean, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. Angelp Martini, Hancock, Mass. Bohumlel Mlkolasek, Yonkers, N. T. James W, Moore, Watson, Ala. Died of Wounds. Lt. Douglas B. Green, Pottsvllle, Pa. Lt. Joseph L. McMlnlmy, Frankfort, Kan. Corp. Bernard Roberts, Cincinnati, O. IMcril Urnnklvn N. Y. Jesse L. Hensarling. Hattieaburg, Mlsa. Leo J. Kerner, Ottawa, 0. Hobert Ray, Sweeden, Ky. Tiomas Ryall, New York, N. Y. Mandua Holmgreen, Blackrtver Falls, Wis. Roy X Ingram. Hamburg, Ark. Otto M. Kunert, Kent, O. Harold Kussmaul, Akron, O. Dee Lash, Flint, Mich. Chester J. Lessard. Watervllla, Mo. Leo Levesque, Quebec, Canada. Abe iLevlna, Boston, Mass. Wllburn Lewis. Powder Mills, Ky. Frank J. Lowensky. Brooklyn, N. T. George J. Lucking, Hastings, Minn. Chester McCrery, North Lewlaburg, O. John MeGeary, New York, N. Y. John McNs,mara, Cazonovla, Wis. Sidney Manuel. Namou, La. Lewis W. Nnss. Norrlstown, Pa. Wllsle A. Tutor, Toccopola, Mlsa. Antonto Vlvsla, Italy. Stanley Zaslona, South Lawrenea, Mass, Died of Dtsea.se. Sergt. Hamp N. Arrlmnon, Irfdell, Tex, Corp. Roy O. Walta, Toledo, O. John A. Cummlngs, Washington, Pa. Charlie W. Gilley. Tyler. Tox. Henry A. Lorent7.cn, Mason City, Ia. Allen Benjamin Moyer, Richmond, Mo. Kdward A. Rellly. Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank M. Wark, Scotland. Uili,:igs Tlieopiaiua Avery, Jr., Nor-wli-h. Conn. Will W. Cann, Park Grove, Ark. a Otto E. Cook. Lullng, Tex. Anton Deutsih. Kden, S. D. William I). Fenwlch, Washington, D. C. Died of Accident and Other Causes. Lt. Herman W. Schultz. Bettondorf, Ia. Corp. Robert C. Garland, Warsaw, Va. James II. Beck Mason, N H. Frank . Dlsch'er, Brooklyn, N. T. Missing In Action. Jamea Francis Fold, Chicago. George Andrew Goehrlng. Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Landor, Canton, O. John R. Caldwell. Wllliamsport, Pa. Frank Conn, Philadelphia, Pa. Logan B. Crltes, Reuton, Wash. John E. Davis, Amite, la. Frank Bacon Dubois, Esslngton. Pa. Lee Hoplngardner, Laverne, Okl. Frank J. Houston, Pittsburgh, Ta. Prisoners. Lawrence I. Miller, New Kingston, Pa. Charles Schlckllng, SasVeville, N. J. Joseph J. Wllkanowsky, Kcasbey, N. J. NEW YORK- -OMAHA- LINCOLN- SIOUX CITY- mm 16th and Harney Streets Greatest of the Season Dress Sal e -fj A Fascinating Variety of JERSEY, SERGE, SATIN, TAFFETA, GEORGETTE AND COMBINATIONS IN Street and Afternoon Dresses ji $24 There's not the slightest hint of their low pricing in the quality, the style or the workmanship of these garments. Indeec they are all reproductions of far costlier gowns, fashioned of rich, lustrious silks and fine cloths, and finished with an at tention to detail most unusual at this price. Smart New Coats In a Sale at 35 There are Silvertones, Broadcloths, Velours, Bolivias, Pompoms and Mixtures. Many fur trimmedsome tailored for wear with separ ate furs. Later it will be impossible to secure such a coat at these prices. They are cut on ample, distinctive lines, featuring the smartest new collars, belts and pockets, and fashioned of beautiful, high-grade materials. Beautiful Fall Blouses On Sale Saturday Charming new models in the soft, dark colorin now in demand for wear with suits, ana showing many new departures in trim mmgs new beaded and em broidered designs, new necK outlines narrow self frills, novel trimmings of contrasting georgettes, soutache braiding, pin tucks, in cross-bar effects, and smart vestees and buttons. White, flesh and suit shades. $395m$5.95 - Louisville Efficiency Club is Ready for End of War Louisville, Ky., Sept. 27. Louis ville business men have organized an Efficiency Engineers' club along lines urged by government officials in preparation for the trade war that is expected after the end of the war. Each business or profession will have one representative in the insti tute, which will act as a practical clearing house of business problems. The Louisville club 19 said to be the first of its kind in the country, although similiar clubs are now be ing organized in other cities. It is expected a national organization will grow out of these local clubs, so that each industry in the .nation may bring together its leaders to dis cuss methods of improving produc tion and management. i ft m m m 6 Hp 1 m m mi P V'A hi SATURDAY At BEATON'S With Every Purchase of 20c or More in Any Department SHAVERS WANTS. PATENTS AND SUNDRIES $3.50 Horlick's Malted Milk, hospital size $2.00 $1.00 Nuxated Iron 89c $1.00 Tokino Flesh Re ducer 89c $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ...79c 60c Resinol Ointment 45c 85c Mercoliz9d Wax 50c lets 50c Sal Hepatica 25c Sloan's Liniment. 71c Kodol Dyspepsia Tab. .42c . .c .19c 50c 3-P Capsules 39c 35c Castoria . ,24c 25c Goutorbe Nail Polish, cake 19c 35c Kolynos Tooth, Paste. .19c 25c Stictite (keeps the hair in place) . 19c 40c Tooth Brushes 25c 50c Hay's Hair Henlth 29c 50c Orazin Tooth Paste. . . .34c 25c Peroxide Hydrogen, 4-oz. bottle 7c 75c Pompeisn Massage Cream 89c $1.00 Pinaud's Lilac Vege tal 74o CANDY DEPT. 80c Melba Chocolate Creams. per pound ,59c 80c Walnut Kisses, per lb., 60c $1.00 Peanut Brittle Chips, per pound 80c We are exclusive agents in Omaha for Huyler's and Origi nal Allcgretti Chocolates. PERFUMES. Mary Garden $2.50 per oz $2.25 Houbigant's tract, per oz. ... Extract, $1.79 Ideal Ex- $1.C9 RUBBER DEPT. $1.60 Beaton's 3-qt. Water Bottle, lEruaranteed 1 yr., $1.10 $1.25 Wellington 2-qt. Water Bottle 80c $4.00 Paradox Abdominal Sup porters $1.93 $1.50 2-qt Parisian Fountain Syringes .93c 35c Eye and Ulcer Syringe, 19c Complete line of Rubber Supplies. Call or write for prices. 50c Antiseptic Razors l$c $1.00 Penn Safety five blades $1.00 Gem Razor blades $5.00 Durham Duplex Kit, with razor and Razor and 69c five . . .89c Soldier five and blades $1.00 50c Durham Duplex Demon strator Razor and blade. . . . 15 15c Keener Edge Razor Dress ing . Sc 25c Mark Cross Razor and blade 19c Also blades. complete line of all SPECIALS $1.50 Beaton's Fountain Pen, self-filler, non-leakable, guar anteed 1 year 98c $2.25 Alarm Clocks $1.49 $1.25 Knives .85c $1.25 Military Frames 75c EDISON MAZDA LAMPS 25 to 50-Watt Lamps.... 30c CO Watt ''i m Hi If kly 4JUiii9 a f VV 't ' Lamps , .35c r .1 fl-II kJ- T - a fl a In a V4 BEATON DRUG CO. si 15th and Far nam a?; ?qt easy mommy raymems waaiy Arrangea en avery rarcnaseir usstrea ) $29 60 William acd Mary DcdTi B ffct. . . FUMED OAK OBLONG MIRROR Conveniently arranged drawers; splendid , workmanship throughout. ""V, InOur Stove Department All the New 1918 STOVES Art Now on Display at Our Store. See Them Ranges, Heaters, Base Barriers Combination Gas and Coal Stoves, Gas Ranges, Etc. Kepretoating Snch Famous Makes as Garland, Penlnsnlar, Regent, Cole's Hot Blast, Grey & Dudley, Etc Tou irill find In our stock a stove for every purpose and the prices are consistently lower than you can obtain anywhere else. "CAPITAL" REGENT STEKL RANGE Hat larga 20-Inch oven; -hol top; roomy warming oven with conveniently ar ranged shelf, built of H & 32.50 Colcud Design $ Well Made Mid . . ROOMY FOUR-DRAWER BASE Large French double plate mirror; excellent finish and construction. OAK HEATERS Wei! made and of good dimen sions; stoves that will pay for themselves In fuel saving in a short time; r -in v Rt tractive designs; we have them priced trom $45, accord ing to size, and low as. ;;$10.89 r Mahogany Fi:i:!i $ Lcalhcr Rcckcr . . Upholstered in genuine Spanish leather over complete ret cf steel springs. An exceptional value. Comfortable Full She $t nss Baby Carnage .... Has recllninn black; your choice of gray or brown finish, with interior upholstering to match. SPECIAL for Saturday Only! A BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAVURE OF Our President AT BIS POST! Signing That Great Docu ment for World's Democ racy. Size 20x16 inches Every home should have ope. On sale while 1,000 last, aV o i 21111" v 12 A Fine Solid Oak Dresser . . . . Three roomy drawers with wood pulls; finish golden; neat plate mirror. Priced unusually low. rtajft Attractivs Values in FLOOR COVERING at Lss3 thin Prsvdlir.? Paces also f?MtH dcsl The Famous $1045 Quarter-sawed oak frame; finish I fumod or golden; splendid Imita tion leather upholstering. Just push the button and back reclines. 6x9 FT. SRAM I. ESS BRUSSELS RUGS In attractive Oriental and and all-over patterns. Tour choice $13.03 9xtl FT. HIGH GRADE In beautiful a 1 1 o v e r patterns; Oriental ns. Splen did values 23.85 8-6x11 FT. HEAVT VELVET r.UGS Some very bcrutiful' Oriental color com bination. Satur day $23.60 JrlJ ft. high GRADE SEAMLESS VELVET RUGS Persian, floral. Oriental and small allover patterns $32.45 J $3445 The Columbia s6rafonola Combination It includes our number 15 Columbia Grafonola in oak or mahogany. Record cabinet to match and six record selections of your own choosing. A small payment of $4.00 delivers lt toyour home. The balance being paid 75c weekly. AJIEBICA"3 GREATEST E03E ITEJilSMES. Labcr-Saving Kitchen Cabinet Duilt of solid oak; white enamel In terior; sliding aluminum top; slid ing flour bin, metal lined cake and bread box. two handy utensil draw ers and roomy pan compartment fitted with wire shelf, complete set of glass spice jars and many other exclusive features. J ii u i 4 I