Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1918, Image 1

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    UUVJ ISJ UN li Znl U U ULM LllAi U LUtM,.
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Dean of Four-Minute Men.
San Mateo, Ca!., Sept. 23. The
distinction of being the oldest four
minute speaker in the United States
is claimed for Judge E. E. Cun
ningham of this city. Judge Cun
ningham is close to 80 years of age.
Born in Missouri, educated in Iowa,
in 1862 he was enlisted in the Ne
braska cavalry and later in the Mis-
souri volunteer infantry. In 1868
he was elected to the Nebraska
State senate, serving two terms, was
' elected president during the second
,, term and presided at the impeach
ment trial of Governor David But
ler. Reichstag to.Sit Week.
Amsterdam, Sept. 23. It is likely
that the main committee of the Ger
man Reichstag, which meets tomor
row, will sit for a week. It is un
certain, says the Tageblatt of Ber
lin, whether Chancellor von Hert
ling will make a speech, but it is
.certain that Foreign Minister Hintze
will do so.
Washington Hotel Fire.
Washington, Sept. 24. Fire early
this morning damaged the New
Willard hotel and sent the thousand
or more guests hurrying to the
itreet in scanty attire. In the hotel
were Vice-President Marshall, sev
eral senatoVs and other government
officials who have suites there. The
blaze started in the kitchen from an
undetermined cause. It quickly
spread to the palm room but was
confined there by the firemen. The
greatest loss v.'ill result from water
and smoke.
Advised to Hold Wheat.
Washington, Sept. 23. Farmers,
who have been selling their wheat
below the,, government, guaranteed
price because of railway embargoes
placed on wheat shipments in cer
tain localities, were advised today
by the food administration that the
embargo soon will be lifted and that
if they hold their wheat the govern
ment will buy it at the guaranteed
price. The embargoes were made
necessary, it was explained, because
the movement of wheat to seaboard
has not kept pace with the internal
movement to elevators.
Two Chicago Explosions.
Chicago, Sept. 23. Two bomb
explosions in the entrances of an
apartment house drove a score of
families into the streets tonight.
The explosions caused a loss esti
mated at $500. They are believed by
the police to have resulted from the
hiring of non-union janitors.
Wholesale Slaughter of Rep
resentative People and Of
ficers Reported; Death
Warrants Plentiful.
Amsterdam, Sept. 23. Renewed
- attempts have been made to assas
sinate members of the soviet gov
ernment in Russia, and as a result
there will be fresh measures in re
prisal, says a Moscow dispatch
received here. -
Washington. Sept 23. Stories of
wholesale slaughter of representa
tive people' and former officers be
cause they are "dangerous to the so
viet" are told in further accounts
reaching the State department today
of the reign of terror in Russian
cities against which the American
government has called upon all civil
ized nations to- protest. , . '
All persons coming out of Russia
are1 said to bring reports of the ex
istence of appalling conditions. Que
detail is that the former officers are
shot at night in the cellars, the guns
being muffled with silencers.
One Peters, head of the bolshevik
extraordinary commission saeainst
counter-revolutions, is said to sign
death warrants without reading the
papers. The latest reoorts indicate
that the British and French consul
'. generals in Moscow are under arrest
in their houses. American Consul
. General Poole is at liberty and per
. mitted to visit his colleagues. Mr.
Poole, today's report says, is being
generally praised for his courageous
and vigorous action.
Seek End of Terror,
The State department has had no
answer to the message sent last Sat
urday to the allied and neutral na
: ffnrt tn hrincr about a
' uuua ; -
universal standing against the ter
rorism of tne DoisneviKi m.iuissia.
c....irir T.snsinc said todav the
, -- ,.
action may result from the sending
of the note without any direct re
soonse inasmuch as some of the
neutral nations, i icti, nc icy
in Mntcnw and Petro
grad and through them may bring
......... tn Knr unnn the hnlshpvilci
Jir tsuit iu -r ' .
eiders to put an end to the reigtH
of terror. . .
It became known today that the
State department for eight months
TflOf lO lUCli yuuuiauuu imu lull
- KHUWUUfcv j -
' dence of German control of the
bolsheviki recently maae puDuc,
The Omaha Daily Be
VOL. 48 NO. 84.
Entered u tcond-clas matter May 28. 906
at Omaha P. 0. under act of March 3. 1879
By Mall (I yaar). Dally, $-1.50: Sunday. S2.M:
Dally and Sun., $6; outiida Neb. pottage extra.
Shower and cooUr TuosdaJV
much cooler west portion WdnM
dy fair with ruing temporatur ia
west portion.
Hourly Tfmpernwuiw.
5 s. m.
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1 a. m.
8 a. in.
9 a. m.
10 a. ni.
11 a. m.
m. ..
. .5
1 p. m.
S p. m.
S P. m.
5 p.
6 p.
1 P
8 p.
m. ,
m. ......
BAGS 2.000
Cavalry Makes Prisoners of
Force of Russian Huns
at Kokka; Foe jn
' Quick Retreat.
By Associated Press.
London, Sept. 23. Blagoviestch
ensk, capital of the Siberian prov
ince of Amur and Alexievsk, have
been occupied by Japanese cavalry,
according to information received
by the Japanese embassy. Two
thousand Austro-Germans were
taken prisoner.
They laid down their arms at
The information which was given
out by the Japanese military attache,
is to the effect that Blagoviestsch
ensk and Alexievsk were occupied
by Japanese cavalry converging
from Khabarovsk and Tsitsihar Sep
tember 18. Troops moving up the
Amur river reached Blagoviestch
ensk the following day.
Kokka, where, the Austro-Germans
laid down their arms, is on
the right bank of the Amur opposite
Another enemy formation has re
treated to the upper reaches of the
Zeya river.
All Allied Nations
Will Be Represented
at Farley Funeral
New York, Sept. 23. The high
est dignitaries of the Roman Catho
lic church in North America, pro
minent laymen and representatives
of the military and naval forces of
the United States and the allies will
join here tomorrow morning in pay
ing a final tribute to the late Car
dinal John M. Farley, archbishop
of New York, whose funeral will
be held at St. Patrick's cathedral
at 10 o'clock.
Each of the allied nations, it is
announced, will have a delegation
present. The emaining North
American cardinals, 40 bishops and
hundreds of priests and members of
holy orders will attend the service.
Most Rev. John Bonanzo, D. D.,
apostolic delegate to Washington,
will be the celebrant. Bishop
Thomas J. Hickey of Rochester,
will preach the sermon and Rev.
John H. Farley, S. J., nephew of the
late prelate, will be deacon.
A cablegram from Pope Benedict
XV was received at the arcfiiepis
copal residence today, expressing
great sadness at the death of Car
dinal Farley.
President Wilson sent a letter ex
pressing the nation's sense of the
loss in Cardinal Farley's death.
General Chun Sent to United
States as Military Attache
Peking, Friday, Sept. 20. (By As
sociated Press) General Han Lin
Chun has been appointed Chinese
military attache at Washington.
By Associated Press.
Amsterdam, Sept. 23. In an
interview given to a Berlin news
paper, Baron Burian, Austro
Hungarian foreign minister, said
he was not surprised at the re
ception of his peace note; nat
urally he did not suppose that
the entente would straightaway
declare readiness to enter into
peace negotiations. .
"In a situation like the pres
ent," continued the minister, "it
is sometimes necessary to clar
ify things by means of reagents.
The note was such a reagent. It
has already produced remarkable
phenomena and will do so still
more in the near future.
"Very extraordinary, for in
stance, was the remarkable rapid
ity of President Wilson's reply.
Clearly President Wilson wanted
to anticipate the other entente
governments. He always had the
ambition to be a world arbiter,
and has not abandoned that ambition."
Favors Stopping Wine Impor
tation Immediately After
Bill Signed; Other Amend
ments Are Defeated.
t Washington, Sept. 23. National
prohibition effective next July 1, for
the period of the war, was approved
tonight by the house, which adopt
ed, 134 to 27, the senate prohibition
rider to the $12,000,000 emergency
agricultural appropriation bill. The
measure now will be sent to con
ference for adjustment of differ
ences between the two houses on
appropriation items.
After voting in the committee of
the whole to accept an amendment
permitting the importation of wine
until next May 1, the house later
reversed its decision, and by a vote
of 121 to 59 retained the original
senate provision that importation of
wine must cease when the measure
becomes effective upon its signature
by the president. The amendment
was approved by the house agricul
ture committee to meet an objection
by the governments of France, Italy,
Spain and Portugal.
All other efforts otherwise to
amend the legislation were defeated.
A proposal by Representative Kahn
of California, republican, to extend
the effective date for prohibiting the
sale of wine and beer to December
31, 1919, was defeated 112 to 52. as
was one by Representative Beshlin
of Pennsylvania, democrat, to
change the date for stopping the
manufacture of beer and wine from
next May 1 to December 1, 1919.
Samuel Gompers and Party
Are Received by King George
London, Sept. 23. Samuel Gomp
ers, president of the American Fed
eration of Labor and other members
of the American Labor mission,
were received by King George today.
World-Wide Search For California
Draft Evaders Ends In Venezuela
Two Livingstone Brothers, Members of Wealthy Family,
Fail in Their Efforts to Outwit Uncle Sam.
; Panama, Sept. 23. Although they fled from California through Cen
tral America to Venezuela to evade the draft, Robert and Benjamin Liv
ingstone of Los Angeles have been apprehended by agents of the Ameri
can government. The men were arrested while traveling in Venezuela with
their mother. They were under assumed names and had passports issued
in San Salvador. The Livingstones will be returned to California.
Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 23.
Robert Livingstone, reported to
have been arrested with his brother,
Benjamin, while traveling with their
mother in Venezuela, was sought by
the federal authorities here as a
draft evader. Benjamin forfeited a
bond of $10,000 given to insure his
appearance in federal criminal cases
arising out of Robert's alleged at
tempt to evade military service.
The Livingstone family, consist
ing of Nathan M. Livingstone and
Matilda Livingstone, the parents,
three sons and two daughters, who
formerly owned and operated shoe
stores here, Pasadena and San Fran
cisco, has occupied a handsome home
here. The oldest son, George Wash
ington Livingstone, left for Costa Ri
ca before the draft became effective ;
Robert left after registering, and his
parents were indicted for having
falsified his exemption claim affi
davits. They evaded arrest on the
indictment, and the remaining son
Benjamin, and the two daughters
were arrested, charged with having
assisted in such evasion.
It was found at that time that the
daughters and Benjamin all had
passports to San Salvador. The man
was required to deposit his passport
and $10,000 bail for- appearance.
The women's passports were also
called in, and each of them required
to give $2,500 bond. They aban
doned the passports, forfeited their
bonds and fled. It was rumored at
the time that they were going to
join the othe'r brothers and their
parents in Central America. They
sold their properties here before
leaving. The federal authorities
here instituted a world-wide search
for them. They said today that they
believed the arrests had probably
been made by naval authorities, all
of whom had been asked to look for
the wanted persons in all foreign
ports the navy men might visit,
Say They Were Deceived
About War Mothers of
America, So They
Two hundred mothers of men in
the service seceded from the local
branch of the War Mothers of
America last night at a meeting in
the city hall and formed an Omaha
branch of the National American
War Mothers' society.
Rev. Visa A. Bell, for 30 years
a minister and an applicant for serv
ice as chaplain in the army, was
named president; Mrs. Mary Am
brose, vice-president; Mrs. Ada
Brady, secretary and Mrs. Mary
Walters, treasurer.
Give Reasons for Break.
Members gave as their reason for
forming a new organization that
they had been urged to join the War
Mothers of America on a false rep
resentation by a local afternoon
newspaper that the organization was
to include only mothers of soldiers,
sailors, and women in the service.
Subsequently, all women relatives of
men in the service were admitted to
membership in the society, contrary
to its name and purpose, so the dis
senting members state.
.A reporter from the newspaper
in disfavor with the women attempt
ed to obtain a hearing, but he was
asked to leave the room, as was the
male reporter of another local news
paper. A woman reporter from the
Bee- was invited by the chairman
to remain.
Able to Steer Own Course.
"We mothers who have given so
much to our country are amply able
to Chaperone ourselves. If we want
any help, we don't need you; we
will get a lawyer, the Rev. Bell
told the Daily News reporter.
Mrs. Jones, who is also secretary
of the War Mothers' of America,
characterized as a personal attack
on her and the prospects of the new
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Two.)
Now Paying Soldiers
Without Delay; Send
Allotments on Time
Washington, Sept. 23. Troops in
the United States now are being
paid within five days or less after
the first of each month and volun
tary allotments are being sent to
relatives with only slight delay,
Brigadier General Wood, acting
quartermaster general, said today.
A year ago payments were delayed
in many cases as late as the 25th of
the following month, he said, but
the efforts of Brigadier General H.
M. Lord, head of the financial di
vision of the quartermaster corps,
have month by month cut down the
time until reports from 28 out of 32
camps and cantonments for Septem
ber show all men had received their
August pay by September. 5
The greatest source of delay in
paying the men, General Wood said,
has been among casuals. The
inauguration of the individual pay
card system devised by General
Lord, under which each soldier tar
ries his own record with him, mak
ing it unnecessary to await his mili
tary record, has relieved the situa
tion. In France, individual pay books
have been provided for the same
purpose. -
General Wood emphasized that
capture by the enemy will not cause
discontinuance of allotments.
Overland Company Acquires
Control of Moline Plants
Toledo, Sept. 23 John N. Willys,
president of the Overland company,
today announced the acquisition of
control by the firm of the Moline
Plow company, tractor manufac
turers, with plants at Moline, Chi
cago, Rock Island and Freeport,
111.; Stoughton, Wis.; Minneapolis
and Poughkeepsie.
The transaction is considered one
of the most important in recent
years in business circles. No con
sideration was announced. Mr.
Willys said the Moline organization
is to remain intact, with F. G. Allen,
vice president and general manager,
as president and general manager.
Daniels, to Take Part in
Rifle Factory Celebration
Washington, Sept. 23. Secretary
Daniels went to Eddystone, Pa., to
day to participate in an informal
celebration of the completion of the
first year of the operation of the
government rifle factory there. The
plant last week turned out its one
millionth rifle.
Tours, France, Sept. 23. Major General William
C. Gorgas, surgeon-general of the United States army
who is making a complete inspection of the medical
corps of the American Expeditionary forces, said today:
"I am very much pleased with the care and health
of the troops. Their sanitary condition is good ; the sick
rate is low, and the wounded receive splendid care. A
large bulk of these men are getting very much better
professional care here than they would have had."
General Gorgas cited as an example a man whose
leg had been crushed in a logging camp, or a farmer's
son shot accidentally and pointed out that they would
have had country practitioners treating them at irregu
lar intervals, often with more or less long delays, while
the troops in France have the most skilled surgeons and
the foremost physicians attending them with all appli
ances and conveniences as well as trained nurses.
"From what I see," concluded the surgeon-general,
"so far as the medical department is concerned, I look
forward to the troops getting through the winter very
Turks In Palestine Vanquished; Sim-
ar i -
ilar Blow Faces Foe In Macedonia;
British and French Piercing .
Vitals of German. Defense.
Initial Payments Must Be Ten
Per Cent of Subscription;
Interest Rate Is
Washington, Sept. 23. All terms
of the Fourth liberty loan except
the size and the maturity, were an
nounced today by the Treasury.
The amount, probably near $6,000,
000,000, was decided on but an
nouncement was withheld.
The interest rate will be 4J4 per
cent, the same as that of the third
loan. Bonds will be dated October
24, five days after the close of the
subscription period and the first in
terest payment will be made next
April IS, and will be for the 173
days intervening. Thereafter, semi
annual payments will be made Octo
ber IS and April IS. On a $50 bond,
the first interest coupon will be
worth $1.01, on $100, $2.02 and high
er multiples accordingly.
Both coupon and registered bonds
will be issued in denominations of
$50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and
$10,000. The $50,000 and $100,000
bonds will be registered only.
Printing Started.
Since the latest maturity periods
of the first, second and third loans
were 30, 25 and 10 years, respective
ly it was considered probable that
the maturity of the fourth loan
would be either 15 or 20 years.
Ten per cent of the subscription
will be required as the initial pay
ment on the fourth loan. Twenty
per cent will be due as installment
November 21, December 19 and Jan"
uary 16, and thirty per cent January
Terms of the loans were com
municated today to the bureau of
engraving and printing and within
a few hours 500,000 finished bonds
were ready for shipment. The bu
reau plans to print about 35,000,000
separate bonds for the fourth loan,
with a larger proportion of baby
bonds of the $50 denomination than
in previous issues, in anticipation
of a multitude of subscriptions from
persons of small means.
Germans Have Evacuated
Vehdeuil Under Menace of
Being Cornered; Gen.
Debeney Proceeds.
Paris.v Sept. 23. French forces
fighting along the line south of
St. Quentin have reached the
Oise river between Vendeuil and
Travecy, according to the official
statement issued at the war office
tonight. ,
With the French Army in France,
Sept. 23. The French now hold the
left bank of the Oise for more than
half thedistance from La Fere to
General .Debeney's troops cap
tured the woods north of Ly-Fon-taine
last evening and his patrols
went through Vendeuil to the Oise.
The Germans had evacuated Ven
deuil under menace of being cor
nered there with their back to the
river by the French advancing to
ward the river in the region of Ly
Fontaine. The French about the
same time reached the quarries just
north of Travecy, which completed
the conquest of the west bank of
the Oise in that region.
Together with the formidable de
fenses erected by the Germans
around St. Quentin, General Debe
ney's forces have reached the low
marshy land of the valley of the
Oise, which presents enormous dif
ficulties to any troops that might
attempt a crossing north of La
Government Preparing to
License Gasoline Dealers
Washington, Sept. 23. Regula
tions are being prepared by the fuel
administration under authority
granted by President Wilson for the
licensing of persons or firms en
gaged in the transportation and dis
tribution of oil and gas. The licens
ing plan becomes operative October
1, and it was emphasized today that
all concerns coming within the pro
visions of the president's proclama
tion must obtain licenses.
Capture of Vandieres Due
To Slain Des Moines Officer
With the American Army on the Lorraine Front,
Friday, Sept. 20. Wounded in the arm during the bat
tle for Vandieres, Lt.-Col. Emory J. Pike of Des Moines,
divisional machine gun officer, insisted upon remaining
in command on the field, and did so until mortally
wounded by a shell several hours later This was on
September 15, and the officer died the next day and was
buried in a French cemetery nearby.
Officers say Lieutenant Colonel Pike consolidated
machine gun positions making possible the capture of
Lieutenant Colonel Pike, who was a West Pointer,
received his mortal wound on Hill 427 while assisting
a wounded private to a place of safety. After his first
wound he not only continued to command, but wrote
messages for regimental headquarters relating to the
progress of the battle.
By Associated Press.
Disaster has overtaken the Teuton over all fields. -In
Palestine the Turks are all but hopelessly crushed;
ATopoHnnio Hio ont.pnt.fl fnrres are hurrying their.foes and
threatening them with similar disaster; in France the Britisn
and French troops slowly, but surely, are eaung meir.way
into the vitals of the German defensive positions, the collapse
of which would result in important changes all along the
western battle front and in eastern Siberia the' Japanese nave
made additional strides forward in the process of reclaiming ;
flint fprritnrv for the Russians. "
In all the theaters of' the war the entente allies have
the initiative in their hands and are pressing their advantage j
rigorously. The Gerraftns and their allies are able oniy xo ,
do more than stand on the defensive. And in Palestine and .
Macedonia their efforts in this respect Uve proved sorrv?
ones. ' ";: t
From north of Jerusalem to the sea of Galilee in the ter- j
ritory lying between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean
sea, the Ottoman forces have been caught by the swift driie I
of the British armies and virtually destroyed. Added to tine A
heavy casualties suffered by the Turks, hordes of them wfere j
made nrisoners and manv more are wandering tewilderled,
without lpnriprs in the hilla. eventually to. be broifcrhtJlf to J
swell the o-rpat total At last accounts more than 25.000
the sultan's soldiers and 260 guns and large quantities of w I
stores were in British hands - -
To add to the demoralization of the Turkish , mora
allied aviators are carrying out successful bombing ral
against Constantinople. -
Over a front of 80 miles in southern Serbia, from M
nastir to Lake Doiran. the entente troops are vigorously ai
sailing the Bulgarians and Germans. Already in the swif't
drive in the center a great spearhead has been pushed across
the Istib-Prilep road, severing communications between the X
Bulgarian army northeast of Monastir and that m the Lake
Doiran region. Unofficial reports are to the effect that the i
Serbs have taken between 9,000 and 10,000prisoners and i
120 guns. '
In the region between Monastir and the Vardar the en-"
emy troops are in full retreat before the Italians, French and
Serbians, while west of Doiran the British are steadily hanv
mering their way forward, driving the enemy northward to
ward the Bulgarian frontier. Already the enemy line from I
Doiran to a point west of the Vardar has been evacuated. ;
This force of the enemy with the railroad to the north -sev-
ered, seemingly is in danger of an enveloping movement tin-,
less it turns sharply eastward and presses into Bulgaria
through the mountains. : T, i
Not so spectacular, but of vital importance, have been
the operations of the French and the British south of St.
Quentin to Cambrai. Both the French General Debeney and
Field Marshal Haig have won highly essential ground in the
maneuvers which have as their objectives the' obliteration of.
the Hindenburg line, the'eapture of St Quentin and the turn
ing of the German line at Laon. South of St. Quentin the'
French have advanced their line to the west bank of the
Oise canal over a front of three miles and now completely,
outflank St. Quentin on the south and La Fere on the northw
Meanwhile Field Marshal Haig north of St. Quentin around
the village of Epehy has taken strong positions , from tie
enemy. ' ... t- j
In eastern Siberia the Japanese have captured Blagcn
viestchensk, capital of the province of Amur and also the
town of Alexievsk, and 2,000 Austro-German troops surren
dered. V '
Life of Archbishop
Ireland Hanging by
Thread, Late Report
St. Paul, SepL 23. At 8:15
o'clock . tonight Archbishop Ire
land's life was hanging on a thread,
it was said at his home.
: .
Germans Grouping as Before
Great Disaster, Says Neutral
Paris, Sept. 23. (Havas.) A
neutral diplomat who has just pass
ed through Germany declared to the
Matin that the food situation in
Berlin is so bad that foreign diplo
mats subsist exclusively on pro
visions sent to them.
The German people crushed by
recent events, seem like automatons,
responding unconsciously to sug
gestions received; all spirit of ini
tiative and free criticism is com
pletely gone.
He concluded the summing up of
his impressions with the following:
"Everybody wants to group to
gether, just as before great disas
ters,". '
Uncle Sam Turning f
Token Gold of Spies
Into Coin of Realm
Buttons and bird cageV, coats and
camisoles, fish food and firearms
and hundreds of other articles wer
sold at public auction at the north
door of the postoffice Monday.
There are still more than 1,00
packages to be sold and . the salt
will continue Tuesday and Wed
nesday. ' .
This is the semi-annual sale "of
uncalled for Darcel nnct
Among the articles are 114 gQl-l-Clf
watch chains which were sent frc t
uermany to spies jn this cou.W"
and were to take the place of n-jSi
as pay tor services rendered. 1
were seized by postal authof
ana the money realized from!
sale win be used for wagint
against Germany. J 3,
French Ambassador to 1
Spain Dies at
Madrid, Sept. 23,Joseph j
rv ib U f J
ppain, aica toay,