TOE BKE: OMAHA, MOHPAT, BEPTEMBE to, 191 v -1 II J i 4 I NEWS OF THE DAY IN PICTURES Buy Your Coal Now to Escape Shortage Next Winter, Says Fuel Administrator j TO BORROW MONEY To BUY COAL NOV M K B -THAN TO DO WITHOUT gmS The production of coal in this country 7 yV io fundamentally a transportation problem JplJ 'WJff i JMH H'iwr nit nr.)i Problem Is One of Transportation, Declares Garfield Cars and Mines Must Be Kept Busy Every Day in the Year, He Says. ALLIED CHIEFS ENFORCE ORDER IN ARCHANGEL City Put Under Protectorate Pending Adjustment of Dis putes; U. S. Soldiers Patrol Streets. Archangel, Wednesday, Sept. 11. Colonel Tchaplin, leader of the re cent attempt to overturn the provi sional government headed by M. Tschaikovsky in northwestern Rus sia, has resigned his post as com mander of the Russian forces and has been succeeded by Colonel Ivan off. The labor disputes in Archangel are being; rapidly settled. American soldiers who had been operating the street car system have been trans ferred to other duties. As a result of an attempt to over throw the Tschaikovsky govern ment the allied displomatic and mili tary chiefs " today assumed tempo rary direction and established a p;o tectorate in the region in the rear of the allied front pending the adjust ment of the political disputes. This decision followed the arrest of M. Tschaikovsky and all but two mem bers of his government early Thurs day by a party of conservative of ficers headed by Colonel Tchaplin, the Russian army commander, who sought to establish a new regime. M. Tschaikovsky and his minis ters were taken on board a ship en route to the Solovetsk monastery, from where they were returned by order of the allied ambassadors with the approval of Consul General Poole. Meanwhile the allied forces, including the American troops, are patrolling the city, assuring tran quility and a just settlement .of all lisputes. Allied Proclamation. ' Following is the text of the pro clamation, which is signed by the American, French, British and Ital ian ambassadors and Consul Gen- :Tothe people of the northern region: The undersigned represen tatives of the allied nations and the of their forces seeing the confusion created in the mind! of the people by proclama tions of leaders of the opposing "actions, have decided to proh.b, the functioning for the present of the authors of the aforesaid procla- "This course has been adopted In order to prevent civil strife in the rear of our combined armies, which are advancing against a common foe and to avoid the almost equally deplorable calamity threatening the northern region with a widespread famine for the relief of, which we are bring supplies from our coun try We have no intention or de sire to force upon the northern re gion any kind of government or any officials not the choice of the maiority of the people. "Until the arrested ministers, who are now on their way back under the protection of the allies, return to Archangel and until popular opin ion can show who should continue to exercise the power in a consti tuted government we will assure the continuation of public service, the absolute maintenance of order, and will assure that the sovereign rights of every one will be respect e and observed and that the daily life of the community win nm uc interrupted. Consequently, subject to pur approval the assistant heads of the ministerics and chief of bu-r-aus will continue to perform their duties. We trust that all ood citi zens will co-operate in the further ing of this well-meaning plan. The necessity for which should appeal to every patriotic Russian who wants national independence and a regime of democratic liberty." Enjoin New Government. The allied ambassadors had ab solutely no desire to interfere in in ternal affairs, but they considered that the Tchaplin party's attempt to establish by stealth and force to be incompatible with the principles for which the allies are fighting. As soon as he learned Thursday morn ing of the coup d'etat, Americtn Ambassador Francis called a con ference of the diplomats and Consul-General Pool with the result that the new government was prohibited from functioning and the Tschai kovsky ministers were ordered im mediately returned pending an ad justment and the proclamation pre pared. Meanwhile, however, pro clamations by Tchaplin and Ivanoff and Dedusenko. who were not ar rested, and the Tschaikovsky min isters appeared in the streets. These several proclamations so confused the people that a second allied decision became necessary. Working men and operatives before the allied decision became known called strikes, which are being ad justed. The Tchaplin group con tends that it was not fairly repre sented in the government. The proclamation by Dedusenko charged that Tchaplin was attempting to restore a monarchy headed by Grand Duke Michael Alexandro vitch, brother of the late emperor, who, they contend, is hiding in Archangel. Of this there is no proof. Archangel is generally tranquil and the people are watching the American and other guards, appar ently satisfied with the fairness of the allies. An Associated Press dispatch from Archangel September 22 said that the Tschaikovsky provisional government had been reseated after a conference between the entente allied diplomatic apd military chiefs and that it would continue to direct the affairs in the region of the north with the advice of the allies. DOtfTlAIT UNTIL AUTUMN is V WINTER II- HA, , r- . f w I'lHK lit 100 LATE ' Latest Photo of Missing Judge Advocate of Ameri- American Aviator ! -1 4 jn f?rCT7CC mmmwmmmmmmmmmsmm i " IT ' I 1 Xmmi T:w:w'vw.wwv I' I Attn, m Awm mmw. f ! to Join U.S. Forces. British Foreign Secretary Says Austrian Note Lacks Sincerity. WAft PUZZLES iff; fell fvv ' -lyy 1 Back to Nature Regains Ex-Baseball Stars Health for Modem Adam.l Now With Army and Nw Admiral Bcatty Proud of AVI?. Hon V n "W, -XW vfc "Bud' Ca;son, who entered the mountains of New York state in the garb of nature to regain his health. Carson lived in the mountains for several months, living on anything he could rustle with his bare hands. While in the woods he was attacked by a bear, which he killed with a primitive weapon made by himself, woods. With him was one of the cubs of the bear he had killed. Lieutenant Barrett, former train er of the New York Yankees, and Ensign Sullivan, former infielder of the Chicago Cubs, who are now in the aviation service of Uncle Sam. Barrett and Sullivan are trainer and manager, respectively, of the army and navy base ball teams. The aviatidn club will soon play a series of games with the submarine base team. The photo was made at North Island, San Diego, where the former big league stars are in training. A.X31-1J B EAT TV. ' The i.viii? taule rain en received by the Lafayete day na tional commiVee of New York from Admiral Sir Vavid Beatty, of the British grand fleet. "The grand ! fleet desires yiJ to express its j pride and satisf;,'ttion at being so closely associated with the Auieri 1 can tlcct, whose o iTi .. ?rs and men are i bound to us by ties f closest com radeship, j hey typwy tnc spirit m which the American nation has ral- i lied to the cause of right and justice. (Jur union is a happy au&ury lor the peace of the world.' H. P. Davison to France For Second Visit. Aged Couple Give Their All for France. ! '3 A1T MKS. An example of supreme love and The aged couple, after purchasing in the war. The couple are 96 and annuity in a French hospital in San 95 years old. respectively. Thev were francisco, sent the remainder of recently visited and personally everlasting devotion to one's coun- uy i luu.m .i. u.c oi L,r-tneir savings, about $2,000, to the thanked by General Pau upon his ban Chandeur and his wife, Louise. 1 French consul-general at San Fran-1 visit to San Francisco. 66 .99 By DADDY THE BIRD SOLDIERS : A Complete, N'ew Adventure Eacb Week, Beginning Monday and Knding Sunday Believes New World Is In the Making. (Pii;gy Is warned by Billy B.-lglum that was n;ce to fee(J you crumbs and Indians a: ahuut to atiaiit the hill oamp I u-t D..i ,u, .., kr, ti,o !a which phe is staying. Arthur J. Balfour, the British for eign secretary, giving h:s personal viewpoint of the Austrian peace note, declared that the proposal, coming after Von Payer's speech, lacks sin cerity and was an attempt to divide the allies. He also declared that no coalition ever has been so strong as the allied coalition and that the en emy would not succeed in breaking it. "Wild Bill" Donovan, former man ager of the New York Yankees, ex pects to sail for France soon. Donovan is now on his way to Washington, and hopes to join the gas and flame division, in which Ty Cobb and Christy Mathewson have been commissioned captains. ZEPPELIN AIRSHIPS MAKE NIGHT RAID Over London, killing tb' -y-eight pet pie, two years ago toda.'. Septembe 23. 1916. Find a victim. SATURDAY'S AXSWER Toj tide down above boat. U. P. Freight Wrecked. . Grand Is'and, Neb.. Sept. 21. ' Special.! A Union Pacific freight 'rain, east bound, was wrecked near Gothenburg tiiis monnng. 'iitcbi' g two 'cars. Information received in dicates that a defect in the switch was the cause. 'German People, Be Hard' Watchword of Hindenburg Amsterdam, Sept. 22. Field Marshal von Hindenburg, reply ing to greetings sent to him from a patriotic meeting in Juterbog, said: "The Erst replies from the en emy camp to the Austrian no'.e rcveel our enemies' state of mind. In the face of this there can be only one watchword "German people, be hard.'." Hilly la captured iy the Indians, nut with the hi'lp or I'eggy "ind Lonesome Bi-ar wapes. The Indians ihink Lonesome Bear is the Spirit of th lllils.) (In previous adventures Peggy has become- of liirtliarid ant! lias met a number of interrstin.T I'id characters.) CHAPTER I. Peggy Meets a Pacifist. ((fOOl Coo! I'm hungry. I Throw me some crumbs!" Peggy looked up from the newspaper she was reading. On the porch railing before her was j perched a fat Pigeon. j "We haven't any crumbs. We be-1 long to the patriotic food savers,"! she answered. "What's that a new excuse for being stingy?" The Pigeon's saucy answer caused Peggy's eyes to Hash with indignation. "Stingy, indeed!" she retorted. "We are generous to our soldiers and to our allies when we guard every bit of food, so that they will have all the more." "But what are we Tigeons going to do if you don't teed us?" Peggy thought over that ancle of ! the matter for a moment. '1 hen, like a true Yankee, she answered by j asking another question. Why don t you feed yourselves? il,T 'II 1 . f . now suiy. we do teed our selves. We pick up the crumbs that people throw to us." "Nonsense," tartly replied Peggy, who was annoyed i . the Pigedn's pufted-up ways. "I mean, why aren't you se!f-sup; . ;t;? Why don't you earn your r. . by eating food-destroying insec'.s or picking, up, weed seeds?" "The idea. Who ever heard of such a thing?" The Pigeon drew itself up haughtily and duffed out its feathers. ' Homer and Carrie Pigeon find plenty to eat and are serving the country by gobbling up crop-ruining pests on Farmer Dalton's farm," answered Peggy, warmly. "Oh, they are common country Pigeons," sneered the Pigeon. "They work for a living." "And who are you that you are above work?" demanded Peggy wheat. But that was before the war. Now we have to use our food for useful purposes. We can't throw any of it away just for fun or to feed lazy ornaments." She gave Airy Pouter just as disdainful a look as he had given her. "If you were patriotic you'd help win the war by helping in the food rais ing, as the other Birds are ding" "I don't like war. I'm a pacifist." "Humph," said Peggy, disgusted ly. "Neither do I like war, and neither does any real American, but we don't like to be robbed and in sulted and murdered. We're fight ing because we love peace enough to fisht for it. And you don't love peace even enough to do your share in saving food. You're a fine pa cifist!" "You are a very disagreeable per son, and I'll tell all of the tribe in our steeple to have nothing to do with you, cried Airy Pouter, as he fluttered stiffly away before she could say another word. Peggy was much annoyed by Airy Pouter's attitude. She was so thor oughly loyal herself that she didn't have much patience with either food slackers or work slackers. "Coo, coo!" came another Pigeon call, and Peggy looked up prepared for further argument. But her frown quickly turned into a smile. On the porch railing were Homer and Car rie Pigeon, and between them, seated in a little chair which was harnessed to them, was Billy Belgium shrunk to the size of a doll. "Hello, Trincess Peggy," cried Billy Belgium. "We're on war work. Do you want to come along?" "Sure I do," answered Peggy. "We are raising an army of Pigeons to carry messages'for the Americans in France. We've recruit ed a lot of the country Pigeons and now we've come after the city Pigeons." "You have a job on your hands making useful messengers of those stiff-necked Steeple Pigeons," an swered Peggy. ''But 'you bet if they don't enlist, I'll give them a piece Henry P. Davison, chairman of the war council of the American Red Cross, is on his way to France, ac cording to an announeerngfl4md by the Red Cross in Ney.r.York: This is Mr. Davison's second .rip to Europe this year. It' is'lir'pui;- pose to meet the heads ,iof 'tWv American Red Cross abroad to ' dis cuss the increasing requirements of the expeditionary forces. MAXIMUM PRICES. The price flxjns committee of Dou&Ia county has named the following: prices. Re tailers are not permitted to charge mor hnn these prices: Drown sugar, per lb..... I 094 Susar, per lb 13 Flour (Nebraska), 24-lb. No. 1 1 6S 48-lb. No. 1 3 oil Bulk, per lb 07 , Hominy 01 Oswego cornstarch .l!'4 - Cornstarch , j Cornmeal, per lb., white ,os Yellow ot Corn flour 664 New potatoes, per lb...'. 04 Butter, per lb., creamery No. 1 '43 Creamery No. 2 ,60 Egs, select 61' no. 1 ;4T No. 2 .40- Bread (V. s. Standard loaf, wrapped.) 12-oz. loaf, sinslo jg- 12-oz. loaf (2) 'm .10 .16 .20 .20 .20 .20 .IS '.1214, -06H 1.7( 1.75 "Why, I'm Airy Pouter of the of my mind. Have you fairy grass Steeple Pigeons. We trace our an cestry back to the original Blue Rocks. We haven't worked in years and years." "How do you live, then?" asked Peggy. "We live in a steeple, as befits Birds of our quality. And we eat only the best of food, too cake crumbs and bits of bread, which people who are not stingy" Airy Pouter looked disdainfully at Peggy "are glad to give us for the pleas ure our appearance ives them." "Well, you are prettv," admitted Fcggy. "And I used to think it the' Tired Stranger.) to make me small?" ' Here it is," answered Bill, pulling a blade from beneath his chair. Peggy nibbled on it, and in a trice she was as small as he. "There's room in this seat," said Biily, moving over. "Crowd in." Peggy did as he said, and the Pigeons rose into the air, floating to ward the high church steeple that towered above the housetops a block away. CTomorrow will be told the reception P'eTgy and Bill Belgium get from the Steeple Pireona and about the arrival of JOUIS F. POST. A new world is now in the mak ing, Louis F. Post, assisstant secre tary of labor of the United States, who is at prescent in San Francisco 011 official business, believes this. A new world with no quarter for the monopolist; no allowance for the private ownership of public re sources; 110 toleration for class op pression a new world with the peo ple in control. The successful prose cution of the war means the realiza tion of this vision. It means a state of democracy such as the world has not yet seen. Co-operation, not domination, must be the keynote of the new order. 1B-03. loaf. 24-oz. loaf . Crackers (Victory), oatmeal .... Graham Corn Soda Rice (in bu!k, per lb ), No. 1.. No. 2 Barley flour I'.ye graham flour, 24-lb. sack. flour, 24-lb. sack In bulk, per lb ne Oatmeal (in bulk, per lb.) 07 Beans, per lb., N'r.vy No. 1 lg l'into, best No. 1 llt!4 Bacon, per lb., No. 1 whole pteoea wrapped jj Unwrapped (5 Sliced 65 No. 2. whole pieces, wrapped.... .64 Unwrapped (3 Sliced j5 Ham (whole). No. 1. skinned 41 ' , No. 1, regular ,43 Shoulder jj per lb. Lard, per lb., No. 1, pure. Compound Oleomargarine (in cartons). No. 1 No. 2 New calil'n,-e, bi st quality, per lb. Com syrup (In cans, 14 lbs 2 lbs 5 lbs '. ID lbs .IS .21 .40 .IS .0 .IS .20 .45 .80 These prices are for cash ovei1 Note 1. counter. Note 2. An additional charge may be" made for illivery or credit to customer. Same pike for rye or graham. Bread prices are for cash and carry or credit and delivery. ; EZS&5 Error Might Give Idea & & I J EI R Clothes Had Taken Slump g pyjQ iiivni .vnn-ni iiniaic was indue by the printer in the large advertise- ment for Hayden Bros., in Sunday's Bee. The announcement was made to read "The Omaha Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx, All-wool Guar anteed Clothes, Most complete lines west of Chicago, 25 cents up." The ad should have read "$25 up." American Telephone S Telegraph Co A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Tuesday, October 15, 1918, to stockholders of record at the close of bus iness on Friday, September 20, 1918. MILNE, Treasurer G. D. POULTRY BUTTER EGGS 1116-1118 --Doudlas Sf: Tei-Douglasl52l BE i FISTULA CURED Rectal Diieasea Cured without a saver nnrii operation. No Chloroform or Ether iu a-uaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Writ. fo OmI" trated book on Rectal Diseases, with nam and teatl moniale of mor than 1,000 prominent popl who DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building. Omaha, tb