Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Fighting an Up Hill and Losing
Battle During Coming
Campaign Is Opinion
Of B3ach.
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Sept. 22. (Special.)
Si.'ce the publication in The Bee
nd other state papers of a photo
graphic copy of letters of the demo
cratic national committee, holdine
tip postmasters and other civil serv
ice employes . for campaign contri
butions, calling attention to the law
that such contributions are prohib
ited and then urging them to break
- the law and come to the rescue of
the democratic party with the money
to save their scalps, they have be
come more desperate than ever and
evidnce is coming to republican
state headquarters that no scheme
will be too raw which will not be
used :n hopes to save the inevit
able defeat staring them in te face
Speaking of the political situation
and the apparent feeling among
democrats that they are fiphting a
losing battle, Chairman E. D. Rp-rh
of the republican state committee
laid to the Bee:
Political Misnomer. x
t "The much-worn 'politics has ad
journed slogan is showing a pretty
dilapidated condition just now and
is destined to become as much of a
political misnomer as the 'he kept
us out of war' of the last campaign.
"Further evidence that the 'politics
has adjourned' proposition is still re
sorted to is given in the publica
tion of a lamp post interview in the
local democratic paper this morning
with a 'prominent citizen' who said
that "republican victory would be
Germany's most effective aid in her
peace drive. Of course the party
who wrote the interview does not
believe anything of the kind, but in
the desperate condition of the demo
cratic machine something has got to
be done, and why not resort to the
old newspaper joke of the lamp post
. Interview.
Amusing Proposition.
'There are many amusing propo
sitions in connection with what the
reporter heard from the 'prominent
citizen' he did not see. After play
ing up the republican victory aid to
Germany stuff as a lead for his story
the whole thing appears so raw to
him that he seeks to camouflage it
by explanations intended to convey
the impression that the 'prominent
citizen' didn't mean it that way any
way. He then even goes back to
the loyalty convention held by the
republicans of Nebraska last sum
mer and calls attention to the speech
of Senator Lenroot of Wisconsin.
"Somehow democrats are bothered
a great deal over the senator's
speech. They can't get over it and
are continually finding fault with it.
This time the 'prominent citizen'
heard one of the delegates to the
convention say that 'the republican
party is the only party that can
conduct a war successfully and that
itwill be necessary for the republi
cans to take a hand in the game
and finish it right for the democrats
are not competent.'
Not New Idea.
"That, of course, is not a new idea.
A whole lot of people have believed
that for many years and the promi
nent citizen' discovered nothing of a
copyright nature. However, the
'prominent citizen' goes further and
says that 'under the surgeon's knife
republicans and democrats are ex
actly alike.'
"That of course depends upon
what part of the anatomy the sur
geon confines his operations. On the
feet, a corn would look the same to
a doctor whether it was a democrat
or a republican. It is also possible
that a democrat's appendix could be
removed in just about the same pro
cess as that of a republican. But
above the shoulders would be where
the difference would be found. This,
however, is not a slam at the demo
crat whose think tank works along
different lines than that of the re
publican. -
Method of Doing Business.
"Democrats have a different way
of conducting the business of the
government. Their method of doing
business is in direct oppositionlo
that of the republicans. Under their
way of thinking the government can
be run without a sufficient reveune
to meet the expenses and make a
success of it.
"On the other hand the repub
licans have always had an idea
eminating from above their shoul
ders that in order to keep out of the
red, or in other words, in order to
pay the expenses of running the
government there must be a sys
tem evolved which will bring in
revenue to meet those expenses. It
is simply the difference in the
"If a surgeon should operate on
4he head of a democrat he would
find the wheels running in one di
rection, while in the head of a re
publican he would lind the wheels
nmninfif in an entirely opposite di
rection with the hand of the oper
ator atways on the throttle to see
tw thr tmvernment didn't go too
fast This is the condition at the
present time.
Before Campaign Started.
"Before the campaign started
democrats were finding fault with
democrats in congress because they
did not stand behind the president
' v more loyally and calling attention
JVo the fact that the republicans in
S" .... mnr unanimously
fWiind the oresident in his war pro
as" - . , r .
f gram than were the memoers 01 nis
wn nartV. -AOW Uldl mc "iiiuaiK"
is on the wheels are running in the
Mhrr direction and they are afraid
the election of a republican con
gress will be a menace to the presi
dent in his win me war.
"Their political arguments need a
rfcasir' to take away the taste of
what they have already said a la
Mav 1. 1917. and it appears to be
'nrettv hard work to adjust them
selves to the rapidly moving pano
lUma where tRe people of the coun
try are changing front and getting
f&ack to the original proposition that
he country is safest in the hands of
. Miron rnn cress."
Next to Packing Business,
Maupin Says it is the
Largest in the
Casualty List
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Sept. 22. (Special.)
"Potash has made Nebraska the
best known state in the union," re
marked Will Maupin, director of
the Bureau of Publicity, yesterday.
"This department has responded to
requests for information about the
state's potash industry from prac
tically every country in the world,
and the requests are coming in every
day. A dozen states and many prov
cines of Canada are sure they have
potash deposits, and this department
is swamped with requests to make
anaylsis and tell all about how pot
ash is made and the cost of install
ing plants. All the requests for
analysis are referred to the state
chemists of the various states, and I
frankly admit to n- corre'spondents
that I do not know anything about
costs or processes.
California Potash no Good.
"The publicity department is in
formed that California potash is
proving an injury wherever used for
fertilizer, owing to the presence of
borax in large quantities. No such
complaint has been made about Ne
braska potash, and today it is stan
dard all over the country. Nebras
ka is today producing 90 per cent of
the potash produced in the United
States, and the output is rapidly be
coming equal to the German. impor
tation prior to the war.
"During 1918 Nebraska will pro-duce-aipward
of $20,000,000 worth
of potash. More than- $S,000,000 is
invested in the industry, not includ
ing leases on lakes, and the weekly
payroll mounts into the thousands
of dollars. Next to the packing in
dustry it is the largest manufactur
ing industry in the state."
Blair Store Robbed
By Two Bandits Who
i Escape in Automobile
Blair, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special
Telegram.) As James Mose, pro
prietor of a confectionery store, was
closing his doors at 12:20 a. m., to
day two men about 25 years old,
wearing dark clothes, one tall and
one short, asked to be let in to use
the telephone, saying their car was
out of order. Mr. Mose let them in
and after talking about their car and
buying some candy the tall man
turned and pushed a revolver in
Mose's face and held him while the
other man rifled the cash register,
getting $36.85, but missed $117,
which laid behind the cash register.
A few mjnutes before they had been
in the grocery store of J. Mueller
and one made the remark, "nothing
doing here." They also tried to
force an entrance into the Rogers
restaurant, which had closed its
doors. The car was a large six
cylinder and the men drove south
towards Omaha.
About an hour later the chief of
police received a telephone message
that the same men had held up two
young men in an automobile four
miles north of Florence, taking a
gold watch and $3 in cash.
Automobile loads of heavily
armed officers scoured the country
between here and Omaha for several
hours in an effort to apprehend the
men, but the hunt was futile.
It is thought they made their way
safely to Omaha.
Wireless Operators
or Radio-Buzzers Are
1 ' r . r
inow m ureat uemam
Lincoln. Sept. 21. (Special. The
demand for radio-buzzer or wireless
operators greatly exceeds the sup
ply, according to -u A. fulmer,
special agent for war training, and
thousands of operators are needed
by the War department right now.
Mr. fulmer, who also is superin
tendent of vocational training in Ne
braska, gave out the following infor
mation regarding the needs and
says it opens up a field which should
appeal to the young people of the
state especially:
1. "Wireless" equipment Is osed on all
ships, many aeroplanes, field batteries, etc.,
and Is the most common means of com
munication In war.
3. Radlo-buzzer classes are now open tn
connection with the state university, the
Peru, Wayne and Kearney State Normal
schools, and the Omaha Young Men's
Christian association.
3. Any registrant, old or new, may
4. The course requires about eight
S. The student pays his own expenses
but tuition Is fiee; his draft status is
not changed; he remains a civilian until
called Into service.
i. When he has attained the speed of
10 words per minute he may be Inducted
Into service In the Signal corps, and sent
to a finishing school.
T. The student Is certificated and guarl
anteed placement In the Signal corps.
S. Evening classes are offered for local
men employed during the day.
Miss Howe Drives Auto
Onto Thorras, Messenger Boy
Lincoln, Sept. 22. (Special.)
Miss Helen Howe, a university stu
dent, Omaha, but who resides at
the Delta Gamma house in Lincoln,
run her automobile over the curb
and into a tree last evening to avoid
hitting a messenger boy, Morton
Thomas on a bicycle, whom she did
not see until too late. The boy
was knocked from his wheel and
Miss Howe's car damaged consider
ably. Miss Howe assumed all responsi
bility for the accident and took the
name and address of the boy who
was not hurt badly. She told him
to get his wheel repaired and she
would settle the bill.
Boone County Fair Marks
Up Record in Attendance
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Sept. 22. (Special.) .
Visitors returning from the Boone
county fair at Albion assert that
that fair, like the state fair, instead
of being hit hard by the war, ex
ceeded all previous records, both
in attendance and in exhibits
Wednesday, the big day, 20.000 peo
n'e were in attridace, while on the
fallowing day there were nearly as
f- ,i -
The following Nebraskans and
Iowans are mentioned in the casual
ty list for Monday morning, Septem
ber 23.
Killed in Action.
Corp. W. H. Swan, next of kin
G. W. Swan, Creston, la.
Died from Wounds.
Lieutenant Merle W. McCunn,
next of kin Mrs. Merle McCunn,
Shenandoah, la.
Glen L. Achen, next of kin Mrs.
Dora Achen, Alma.
Joe Grazis, next of kin A. J. Ur
banos, Sioux City, la.
A. C. Rasmussen, next of kin G.
W. Nelson, Clear Lake, la.
K. M. Raymond, next ot km James
Raymond, Waukort, la.
Died of Disease.
Sgt. W. P. Rogers, next of kin
Mrs. Clara D. Rogers, Decatur.
Wounded Severely.
H. O. Bergstrom, next of kin C.
O. Bergstrom. Osceola.
John E. Costello, next of kin Mrs.
Nellie Costello, Sidney.
Byron L. Hill, next of kin W. R.
H:il, Sutherland, la.
Adolph Benak, next of kin Mrs.
Marie Benak, Omaha.
C. V. Gilchrist, next of kin D
Gilchrist, Spencer, la.
Glenn D. Hall, next of" kin Mrs.
Eva Hall, Panora, la.
Clarence L. Johnson, next of kin
Mrs. C. Johnson, Council Bluffs, la.
Leon B. Lynch, next of kin E. T.
Lynch, Atlantic. Ia.
R. J. Shnltze, next of kin F. Shult
ze, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
M'ssing in Action.
John H. Saylor, next of kin L. J.
Saylor, Big Spring. .
The following casualties are re
ported for Monday morning by the
commanding general of the Ameri
can expeditionary forces: Killed in
action, 78; missing in action, 61;
wounded severely, 120; died from
wounds, 49; died of disease. 14; died
from accident and other causes, 11;
wounded, degree undetermined, 4.
Total, 337.
Killed In Action.
Capt. Will B. Hudson, Washington. D. C.
Lt. William H. Eylsr, Paulding, O.
Sergt. Earl R. Moore, Indiana, Pa.
Sergt. Peter G. Martlnsen, Brooklyn,
N. T.
Sergt. John J. Ryan, Brooklyn, N. T.
Sergt. Henry Thomrson, Cookevllle,
Sergt. Earl S. Watsworth. Macon, Oa.
Sergt. Valentine K. Walters, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Corp. Elmer C. Gradlnskl, Fond flu Lac.
Corp. William It. Newman, Waynesboro.
Corp. Cart Emll Rocdelspergcr, New
York, N. Y.
Corp. William H Swan, Creston, Ia.
Corp. Charles Thompson, Brownestown
Corp. Henry Hall, Mldvale, Utah.
Corp. James H. Fatten, Philadelphia, Pa.
Corp. Roy F. Swartz, Tipton, Ind.
Corp. C. Williams, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dronislaw Closztowt, Aurora, III.
Sanford N. Adams, Dadevjlle, Ala.
William H. Altken, Chico. Cal.
Sam D. Ashby, Vardaman, Miss.
Howard O. Beckner. Mantua, O.
Placid L. Bolduc, Showhegan, Mc.
Arthur I,. Clayton, Lowndes. Mo.
Randolnh Coke, I.awrenceburg, Ky.
.Tusto B. Cordova, Williams, Aria.
Charles Arthur Davles, Kingston, Pa.
Joseph W. Devore, Big Plney. Mo.
William J. Eagleson, Eimira, N. Y.
Conrad P. Ekblom, Danbury, Wis.
Frederick Eriksen, New York, N. Y.
Dahar Farharj, Michigan City, Ind.
Henry Finn, Portal, N. D.
Roy Fletcher, Springfield, O.
Amos Robert Gonder, Bayonne, N. J,
Raymond B. Doodwln, Blanchester, O.
Edward Haines, Midland City, O,
John A Harbison, Hardy. Ark.
Marvin Harner, Quarryville, Pa.
Thomaa M. Hayden, Bayonne, N. J.
George W. Hebron. Fergcs Falls. Minn
Palmer William Herrold, Shamokln, Pa.
Abner J. Hlggins, Stockbrldge, Mass.
Michael Hlggins. Columbus, O.
Arndt T Johnson, Cushlng, Wis.
Nicholas Koschak, Scranton, Pa.
Pearson G. McGee, Curryvllle, Mo.
Avak Manzoolan, Worcester, Mass.
Aley Mastronl, Bridgeport, Conn.
William K. Melton, Wlckllffe. Ind.
Herbert J. Miller, Newburgh, N. Y.
James R. Orr, Bowling Green, Fla.
Tony Richard. Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Newsom Roberaon, Lockhart, Ala,
Anclllo Stango, Glencove, N. Y.
Fred R. 8trough, Philadelphia, Pa.
Walter L. Travenn r. East Falls Church,
Cody C. Thomas, Haynesvllle, La.
Calvin Thompson, West Hamdon,, W. Va,
Walter W. Vandine, Shirley, Ind.
Joseph Velmure, Comervllle, Mass.
Frank W. Walczak, Sloan, N. Y.
Barney Wlchlacz, Chicago, 111.
Harmon M. Vrooman, Ballston Lake,
Joseph Wildrlck, Wyaluslng. Pa
Moses Benavldex, Walsenburg, Colo.
James F. Bridges, Fairfax, Ala.
Charles J. Glendennlng, Mulberry, Ind.
Samuel Hicks, Cowcreek, Ky.
Moses Justice, Marietta, O.
Arnold Kuester, Menominee, Wis.
Joseph Leroy Loomls, Sterling, N. D.
Arthur Lorena. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Howell Lowe, Wlldrose, Wis.
Ernest Henny Meier, St. Louis. Mo.
Arthur O'Neill, New York. N. Y.
Harold R West, Waterbury. Conn.
Charles Wilson, Cliffsldo Park, Corn
all, N. Y.
Lt. David W. Lorlng. Wilmington, N. C.
Lt. Merle W. McCunn, Shenandoah, Ia.
Sergt. Edward C. Adams. Cochton, N. Y.
Sergt Nell A. Davis. Connesvllle. O.
Sergt. George E. Point, New York, V. Y.
corp. josepn John Burns, Shelburne, Vt.
Corp. Willie C. Murray, Unadllla, Ga.
James Peightal, Clymer, Pa.
Glen L. Achen, Almrf, Neb.
William E. Bankston, Concord, Ga.
Jonn Henry Burchfleld, Rockwood,
i . nn,
John Ervlck, Norway.
Harold Harner Fockler, Warsaw, Ind.
Frank Gdak. Russia.
Arthur W. Goecks, Windsor, Wis.
Jasper 8. Green, Wilder, Idaho
Walter G. Hooper, Metheun, Mass.
Martin S. Hoops, Salinas, Cal.
Frederick B. King, 8prlngflcld, Mass.
Robert J. Lang, Ferdinand. Ind.
Emlle LaPiante, Watervlile, Me
Thaddeus McCully. Mt. Pleasant.' mim,
John C. McDeviet, Blnghampton, N. Y.
oam aiii, uaiy.
Raymond C. Parks, Mt. Sterling, I1L
Henry Walter Perry, Orr, Okla.
Carey Redkey, Hlllsboro, O.
Angelo Tamburlnl. Italy.
Ellzah A. Tyner, Maude, Okla.
Albert Borst. Chicago, 111.
Herman W. Best. Holmes. Pa.
Pearly Jennings Bond, Caldwell, O
Roy E. Bossert, North Lima, O,
Andrew Crawford, Ireland.
Earl Dews, Newport, Ky.
Daniel J. Fitzgerald, New, York, N Y
Mai Goldklang, Brooklyn, N. Y
Joe Grazis, Sioux City, Ia.
John F. Huffman. Merldan. Kan.
Joseph Knsickl, Ashley, Pa.
Harry L. McBride, Newcastle, Ind
John Monterastelli, Ladd, Ind.
Charles R. Prather, Somerville, Ind
Axel C. Rasmussen. Clear Lake, la,"
Richard M. Raymond, Waukon Ia
Harvey C Stiles. M.vhaniosburg Pa
Jacob John Taby. Shamokln, Pa.
Guisseppe Talarico, Italy.
Ora Wombles, Leaton, Mo.
uied of Disease.
Lt. William F. Martin, Big Springs, Tex
Sergt. Ralph R. Glidewell, Dillon. Mont'
Sergt. Churles F. Gold, Peoria III
Sergt. William P. Rogers, Decatur! Neb
Corp. Emory Lee Pullen, Meigs Pa
Fred R. Allen, Mt. Vernon, Tenn
Albert Lawrence Bollinger, Chllllcothe,
- Grover C. Brumley, Newslte. Miss
James Coffee. Lexington, Ky.
John A. Constien. Bridgeport, Conn.
Sack M. Dlggs, Sumter. S. C.
Edmond Douglass, Irvlnvllle. La.
Peter Ertckson, Issaquah, Wash.
Job A. Garrison, Clearwater, Minn.
Died From Accident.
Capt. Kenelm Wtnslow, Tuxedo Tark.
Corp. .Percy Jordan, Auburn, M"
Corp. Stuart D. Thompson, CreenrUle
Harry A. Alkins, Lawrence, Mass.
William Arnett. Marshfield Wis,
Benjamin G. Arsensoilt. Canada.
Simon tifM, Round (Oak. Oa.
CRmllHo PI Vatteo, Wllnerdlng, Pa.
; Rex . Nelson, Kokomo, Ind.
Henry J. Rixe, Lewlstoa, Mont.
James O. Slddons. Bumr-ass, Va,
Wounded Severely.
Sgt. Major Orrin C. Lambert. Kecla,
8. D. I
Corp. William McGinnls. Lawrence, Kan. ;
Corp. Allen W. Snow. Jewel, Kan.
Corp. Herbert O, Bergstrom, Osceola.
Neb. ,
Corp. John E. Costello. Sidney, Neb. i
Corp. Bt-ron L. Hill, Sutherland. Ia.
Adolph Benak, Omaha, Neb.
Charles V. Gilchrist, Spencer, Ia.
Glenn D. Hall, Panora, Ia.
Clarence L. Johnson, Council Bluffs, I
Leon B. Lynch, Atlantic, la.
Raymond J. Shultze, Cedar Rapids, I
1 Missing In Action.
John H. Saylor, Big Springs, Neb.
Nets Lutru, Armour, 8. D.
John Peterson, Desmet, S. D.
Allied Air Force Bombs
Works in German Town
London, Sept 22. The entente al
lied independent air force droppe '
bombs on the uerman towns ot
Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Boulay, Fres-
caty and Morhange. according to an
official statement issued by the Bri- ,
ish governmet. I
Explosives were dropped on the
Lanz works at Mannheim, or
wharves and factories at Karlsruhe
on blast furnaces at the Bourbac
works and on airdromes at Boula;
Frescaty and Morhange.
One German machine was broug
down. One allied machine is mis
Nineteen German airplanes we
accounted for by British airmen Ft
day, while the British themselvt
lost 11 machines, according to Fie'
Marshal Haigs report dealing wit.
Senators Join in Praise
Of Secretary of Interior,
Washington, Sept. 22. Action oi
Secretary of Interior Lane in the
California oil land cases, criticized
recently by Senator Thomas of
Colorado, was given warm approval
of the senate Saturday by several
senators, while Mr. Thomas dis
claimed intending to "attack" the
secretary and joined in praise of
his personal integrity, ability and
official career.
Denving intent to "attack" Lane,
Senator Thomas declared his criti
cism lay principally in charging that
Mr. Lane had submitted to encroacn-
ment upon his official prerogatives in
the oil dispute and naa lanea u re-
ent or notice the attack: ot francis
J. Kerful, assistant attorney general.
Many Patents Issued to
Nebraskans and Iowans
Iowa and Nebraska patents issued
J. F. Anderson, Norway, pipe coupling:
It. Eullcrdlck, Eellevue. "drier for setd
corn; J. S. Carswell, Boone, rear axle
sland; W. Caswell, Cherokee, balling ma
chine; T. Connell, Iowa City, damper reg
ulator; T. S. DeLay, Creston, level and
rule measuring Instrument: W. G. Dunn.
Ciarlnda, courier balanced crank shaft;
F. J. Frlcdlein. Guttenberg, silo; L. E.
Brabau, Bonalr, snow plow; F A. Her
wehe. Monroe, electrical generating sys
tem: J. W Klrby. Harlan, automatic stock
watering trough; W. N. Landmes3er, Oska-
loosa, stuffing box- E.E.Larson, Thomp
son, flexible shaft; R. Mewes, Des Moines,
tractor attachment; S. Moncrlef, Centei
Junction, broom holder; L. Monson, De-
corab, extension steering device for trac
tors and automobiles; F. Norman, Des
Moines, acetylene generator- E. J. Rich
ardson, Sioux City, hose clamp; L. W.
Stuart, Orchard, attachment for corn
Planters; G. B. Wilson. Nevada, register
fan; B. Clark, Des Moines, combination
rounding and moulding machine; H. God
bcrsen, Charter Oak, corn picking and
husking machine; E. G. Hakeman, Hart-
wlck. automobile nonskld device; T. a.
Hanson, Northwood, support for- cream
separator strainers; J. F. Holzclaw, Albia,
switch operator; J. M. Jennings, pes
Moines, gun for destroying wire entangle
ments; J. P. Kyle, Aredale, seat attach
ment; C. Markel, Clinton, driving box
side motion plate; F. N. Poulalion, Des
Moines, deglutltory cup; H. W. Powell,
Paton, colter oiler; J. Schroeder, Daven
nort. motor: F. D. Tellln. Algona, metal
basket corrugator; W. K. Voorhoes, Cedar
Falls, fastening device for gates; S. T.
White, Davenport, driving mechanism for
wasning macnines; u. a. wooarow, new
ton, washing machine; G. H. Amend, Des
Moines, display casef C. A. Barnes. Blue
Gress, feeding trough; P. Black. Algona,
power device; C. E. Clark, Hubbard, seed
corn sampling machine; C. B. Campbell,
Sully, tuning transformer; W. Culver,
Sioux City, dirigible balloon; H. F. Evans,
Davenport, wearing plate for mowing ma
chines; W. J. Kelly, Clinton, convertible
furniture; Julia A. Robinson. Manchester,
clothes prop holder; C. O. Shauck. Des
Moines, direction signal for automobiles;
E 8tout, Brighton, hoist; H. L. Wood
ward, sllcer.
8. 8. Benson, York, aerial bomb thrower;
D. O. Goldlng, Fremont, lens mounting for
eye glasses; M. N-Latta, Valentine, re
versible hydraulic well digging machine;
C. L. Thornberry, Lincoln, means for se
curing wood flooring and trimming In
place In fireproof buildings; c. a. rrussen.
Omaha, gearing; D. J. Wyatt, Fremont,
car door hanger; C. A. Ertckson, Burwell.
printing machine; W. E. Graves. Bloom
field, plunger valve; J. V. Llsy, Ravenna,
clamp; W. Petz, Firth, vaporizer; 8. C.
Repsholdt, Omaha, traffic signal tower;
L. P. Wells, Gerlng, endgate fastener;
R. N. Beard. Omaha, wall paper display
rack; J. A. Calvin, Spalding, tractor wheel:
A. J. Glbba, Hay Springs, push rake at
tachment; P. C. Hauhold, Naponee, dough
raiser; P. B. Lllley, Prosser. feeding
inquire Into
The Demand
For Postum
A few years ago one
could safely assume
that most every family
was drinking either
tea or coffee.
Now-a-days it's differ
ent. People from every
walk of life in increas
ing numbers are drink
The first users were
impelled by reasons of
health, and in the new
er form, Instant
Postum, there are
qualities of economy
and serviceability in
addition to value and
splendid taste which
makes' it the para
mount table beverage
for discriminating
"There's a Reason"
An Appsal-
aiBiasaiaiaaBBaaaai SMSiiiiiiiaiBBiBBBBaBiaBBBiBiiBiaBBBiBiBiiaiiH
-By American Brewers-
Brisasssssi mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
To the American People
The Press Has in the Past Few Days given much space to the
fact that certain American brewers loaned the sum of $375,000.
to Mr. Arthur Brisbane, which sum he used in the purchase of the
Washington Times.
In many publications referring to this matter, the word
"German" is applied to the word "brewer," and there is con
tinued and persistent effort to create in the minds of readers the
impression that brewers are as a class unpatriotic. The attempt
to create and foster this impression is to give bjrth and nour
ish what is a malicious and cowardly lie!
What Money. They Have has beefl made in American busi
ness and invested in America. Since the beginning of the war
brewers have been among the largest purchasers of every Liberty
bond issue, the total of their subscriptions amounting to many
millions of dollars. They have contributed in large amounts to
the Red Cross and other war activities.
Brewers Themselves are wearing the uniform of service and
the sons and the grandsons of brewers are fighting under the
Stars and Stripes.
In The Many Acts of Disloyalty discovered by the Depart
ment of Justice prior to and during the war, there is not one single
instance where any brewer, directly or indirectly, has in any way,
been found guilty of any act which could be considered disloyal.. i
It Has Never Been Shown and can never be shown that any
American brewer has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the
.dissemination of any unpatriotic propaganda!
Much Publicity Has Been Given to the fact that before war
commenced brewers of the country contributed money to the German-American
Alliance for the purpose of contesting prohibition.
Not one single dollar was ever paid to the German-American Alli
ance by any brewer after the declaration of war between Ger
many and our country, and this fact is well known to every man
who has investigated this subject.
A Few Days Agc-our president issued a proclamation forbid
ding the manufacture of beer after December first. Despite the
fact that this order destroys a Million dollars' worth of property, it
has been accepted by the brewers without complaint, because they
realize that in the judgment of our president such a ruling is nec
essary to the success of the war program.
Are Certain Politicians disappointed in their ambitions, and
those who are opposed to the consumption of any beverage with
the slightest trace of alcohol, so powerful that they can use the hor
rors of this distressing war to heap odium and disgrace upon a
class of citizens whose loyalty, measured by whatever standard, ia
One Hundred Per Cent American?
T. . (