f HE OMAHA SUNDAf BEE: SEPTEMBER 22. 1913. 11 B AUTO INDUSTRY LEADERS PUT BAN ON 191 9 SHOWS National Exhibitions Canceled as War Move, and Local Shows Are Urged to Be Called Off.' Washington, Sept. 21. B, M. Bruch, chairman of the War In dustries board, has announced that the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce has canceled the na tional automobile shows of 1919, to have been held during January and February in New York and Chicago, at his request and that of George N. Peek, commissioner of finished products. Going further to meet the views of the War Industries board, the au tomobile industry leaders have urged promoters of local shows for automobiles, trucks or accessories, to abandon all plans for such during the coming winter. . Co-Operation Reason. The reason given to the industry for this action by the Automobile Chamber of Commerce is a desire to co-operate with the War Indus tires board in plans for conservation of fuel, labor and transportation. The question of advisability and practially of holding these shows, both national and local, was taken up with Messrs. Baruch, Peek, Alex ander Legge and Judge Edwin B. Parker, of the War Industries board, by Hugh Chalmers and Alfred Reeves, of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Peek strongly urged that all such exhibitions be abandoned for the winter. Mr. Chalmers presented the view of the War industries board t6, his Chamber of Commerce, and Mr," Peek has received from Mr. Reeves, general manager of the Chamber,," a letter staling that the directors of the Chamber concurred unanimously in the opinion of the board and has adopted the following resolution: "Resolved. That the promotion of national automobi'e shows during the winter of 1918-19, with conse quent use of transportation, fuel and labor would, in the opinion of this board, be inconsistent with the pa triotic obligations of the industry and that, therefore, national shows be suspended until further action of the association. "Resolved, That for reasons ex pressed in the foregoing resolution, ' promoters of local and other shows be respectfully requested not to hold Clement to Give Entire Time to Truck Service At the new location of the W.- M. Clement Motors company, 2562-68 Leavenworth street, employed ex clusively for sales and service of autocar and Mack motor trucks, W. M. Clement will devote his time ex clusively in maintaining efficient mo tor truck service. "Ever since I have been in the automobile business, it has been my one hbbby to render service that would be satisfactory from the own er's standpoint," says Mr. Clement. "While in the past we feel we have done our full duty toward our cus tomers, we realize that our efforts have been hampered by lack of space and suitable facilities. In anticipa tion of suitable quarters at some future time, I have long given study to this matter and feel that the serv ice we are to install in our new loca tion will absolutely fill the bill. "In a general way, it is our plan to offer to owners of autocar and Mack trucks the privilege of storing their trucks over night in our fire proof garage, where we can accom modate at least 125 trucks. . "The driver of each truck will beQ interviewed by the foreman when the truck is Drought in, his com plaints duly noted and the necessary adjustments will be maded uring the night. We will assume entire re sponsibility for the care of the truck, filling the radiator with wa ter, supplying gasoline and follow ing out absolutely the instructions of the manufacturer regarding the oiling of the car. Trucks and me chanical parts will be washed and cleaned at regular intervals; this service will be performed at cost and without attempt to realize profit whatsoever. "A regular night shift of experi enced mechanics, headed by an auto car factory foreman for regular re pair work and replacement of parts, will be on the job, and except in W. M. Clement our day unusual cases every truck in care will be in service every in the week. "Another new idea will be our employment department, which will acquire the names of men who de sire employment in operating mo tor trucks. We will train and in struct these prospective operators in the operation of autocar and Mack motor trucks and we will be able in most cases to supply our customers with efficient drivers to enter their employment on de mand. "Our parts stock will be greatly enlarged and autocar and Mack customers will now be shown a most systematic and complete parts equipment." automobile, truck or accessories ex hibtions during the winter of 1918-19." Universal Motor Company Will Keep Up ford Service Consolidation of the Universal Motor company with the W. M. Clement Motors company will not in any way interfere with their reg ular Ford service, sates V. D. Bene dict, manager of the Universal Mo tor company, but be more bene ficial and cause more efficient Ford service. "Our aim under this new plan is to give our customers efficient serv ice at the least possible cost, and al though there will be considerable saving in labor, fuel and overhead expense, Ford users and Mack and autocar owners can be assured that they will receive prompt service, as this pian has been studied out and each detail carefully looked into' so as to give, entire satisfaction to all customers of both concerns. Our shop, which is one ' of the best equipped in the country, will be re tained and we will carry our usual complete stock of parts." Mr. Benedict further stated that the two 'organizations are consoli dated oniy in service and in no other way. Dry Cells in Winter. Owners who have been using five dry cells for ignition in summer will find it a good plan to couple on two more cells for cold weather use, as the cold subtracts noticeably from the power of these cells. TIRE AGENTS ARE PATRIOTIC AS TO DATESOF BIRTH Canvass by Big Company Shows More Agents Born on Holidays Than on Other Days. That Americans have a strone predilection for being born on holi days ts indicated by the result of a questionnaire conducted by the United States Tire company, to learn what day of the year was the birthday of the greatest number of its tire agents throughout the coun try. A few weeks ago the tire com pany wrote to each ot its agents, asking for the date of his birth, and promising that a handsome Rayn- ster" the best grade of raincoat made by the United States Rubber company would be sent to each man whose birthday proved to be the most common in the group. Quite in keeping with the pa triotic spirit of the times, the tire agents promptly sent in responses, J which gave the post of honor to the Fourth of July. Out ot a total ot 11,821 birthdays recorded, 57 men an nounced that they first saw the light of day on Independence day. But the nation's birthday is close ly followed by other holidays in the estimation of the stork. Washing ton's birthday was second with 54, and New Year's, third, with 52. Sep tember 24 was fourth, with 51, al though it is not a holiday. Sticking Wheel. When you are confronted by a sticking wheel on a taper axle and have no wheel puller at hand, here is the solution. Run the nut off en tirely and then run it on again with the castellated end toward the wheel. True the other end of the nut up flush with the axle, letting the wheel down onto the ground from the jack. Now hit the nut three or four smart taps with a hammer and the wheel will start every shot. Wire Sizes. Contrary to the seeming ideas of many- car owners, there is consider able difference in the properties of electric light wire. For instance the resistance of number 10 gauge cop per wire 12 feet long is ZVt ohms. That of the same length of number 16 wire is four times as great. The electric lights on the motor car call for the number 10 gauge wire; be sure that no heavier gauge is used. New Manager Hanson Tuler.Auto Co. 11-k- - , v m little J. S. ELFRED. Arrangements were recently made by the Hanson-Tyler Auto company of Fort Dodge, la., to take over the Scripps-Booth contract, held by the vv. m. clement Motor comoanv, The W. M. Clement Motor company nave given up this contract to devote their efforts to selling trucks. The Hanson-Tyler Auto company has been connected with the auto mobile business for the past twelve years and is rated among the largest automobile organizations in the cen tral west. This company maintains branches at Sioux City, la., Sioux Falls, S. D., and Webster City, la. The opening of a branch at Oma ha is the natural outcome of an ex pansion program in selling Scripps Booth cars, which they have been handling for the past year. It is the plan of the company to carry a large stock of parts at Oma ha in order to meet the needs of Scripps-Booth owners in Nebraska and adjacent territory. Joseph S. Elfred, formerly dis trict representative of the Chevrolet Motor company, has been appointed manager of the Omaha branch of the Hanson-Tyler Auto company. Elfred has had a wide automobile exper ience and is well acquainted in this territory. Woodmen Circle Will Give House Warming Thursday A house warming will be given by the Emma B. Manchester Grove No. 156, in their new hall, 2553 Leaven worth street, Thursday evening, September 26. All W. O. W. and W. C. and friends are invited. Tuv-Passener Roadster The Cole Height The originator of aerofype tody design. The herald of a new era in motor car engineering. Uniformly efficient at all speeds. Custpm made throughout. . Double the range of performance Half the cost, of operation ' if De BROWN AUTO SALES CO. WhoIeal. Di.tributor. for Iowa and Nebraska Soma Good T.rritory Open for Live Dealers. llthALSts., Lincoln, Neb. 1414 Locust St., Des Moinas, la. TRAYNOR AUTOMOBILE CO., Retail Distributors. 2210 Farnam St. Prion Doug. 5268 COLE MOTOR CAR COMPANY. INDIANAPOLIS. U.S.A. II WSM NO OTHEK H1UCK WOW BO ! 93,600 Miles 3l& Truck We Built I F you could see the Kentucky roads over which these Indiana Trucks i i ... ! n 1 c C : ... ...,J ' nave Deen carrying lviaii, rassengcrs auu cxpicas iui uvci ol. ycaia, yuu u wonder how any truck could stand up even one year. : And No Other Truck Did This unsolicited letter reveals the giant task the Indiana is capable of f doing; this, the 31st truck we built, has run to date 93,600 miles. Such 1 performance reveals the : 112 Reserve Strength which is built into every part and which is a big factor in the high earning " power of the Indiana Truck it reduces maintenance cost and makes de ; pendability certain. Individually and in fleets, Indiana Trucks have earned from $25 to $100 per truck per day. It is America's greatest truck value. , Not only because it offers $150 to $350 more value than do other trucks, but contains ' unusual features. For instance, the Indiana rear axle the load carrier has been tested '. in actual service for 100,000 miles; the truck has a high-powered, heavy-duty motor; over i - size, heavy-duty bearings; disc type clutch; 4-speed transmission; a gasoline saving carburetor ; ' an J. a magneto of 100 dependability. See the Truck Hei4 You must see the Indiana Truck to appreciate the above facts. Come in, or write or u 3 phone. I STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. T , ,' . CARL CHAlfGSTROM, Pre.. Western Distributors. 2010-20 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 1705. Columbia Model Mills Indiana Truck Corporation. Gentlemen: -Tho two Indiana trucks that were first put on this road about 6 years ago to carry the Hail, passen ger and express between here and Campbellsville are still running and doing fjne. One truck after another has been priti out and found to be a failure but the the Indianas are still doing the business. The business of carrying the Hail over this road has been tried 4 different times with Care but each time it was a failure and it never was done successfully until we put on the Indiana trucks. Ever since that the 2 old cars have been in con stant use. It seems that the Indiana cars are the only ones that will stand up over this road and make money for the owners. Yours veiy truly, KIT Because of the rapid increase of our Motor Truck business and the add! tional attention required, we announce that hereafter our exclusive attention will be devoted to Sales and Service of Autocar and Mack Motor Trucks. " ..(..vt5-.. ""H'i-" 'S ,-!,t!"fW tS'-X II I III I I I B l III I I I l WH'IIPB l M l ZtAV.TI HL HV Ml-. OJ3 Jt. JF.Jf- TTiiifriiiiiiiiiiW'" y r"i--"Mn-""'riiiiii(iiiiiyilllllllllllH1IIT1imiBiUltibiiiiliii""""-""--rT'l'7l'MiiiHil)iiM wiitoiiiMIMiliilflduaUMiMltmillllKirWiaWihiufaiiBi ' f - We have surrendered our Agency franchise for Scripps-Booth Motor cars in this territory to the Hanson-Tyler company, who will handle sales and render efficient service on Scripps-Booth Motor cars at our former location, 2514-20 Farnam street. We thank our Local and Dealer friends for the patronage and co-operation that have made our business relations. so pleasant and profitable since the estab lishment of our business three years ago. We also thank the many Business firms of Omaha and vicinity who have purchased Autocar Motor Trucks to such an extent that it is now necessary to occupy the largest, most convenient up-to-date, exclusive Motor Truck Sales and Service station in this territory. At our new location we have a- Fire Proof building containing 27,000 square feet floor space with 100 ft. frontage on Leavenworth. We will render Truck Service that will solve the problems of many Omaha Truck Owners and Oper ators, the details of which we will be pleased to furnish at an early date. i. r1. CLEMENT MOTORS GO. W. M. CLEMENT, Pres. and Treat. R. S. ODELL, Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. V Leavenworth Street, Omata, Heb. Phone Tyler 1715 c . Our (lew Location . 4 s , TtSSfl wife " x .. " tew- Mmmm mmnmrmmw mmm.4 JU"" " - 1 " " - ' ' ''