Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 20

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    .Jj& ' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 22, 1918. -f
, : . . ,m
i'he Omaha Bee
Tb Aasuciated I ma. of wiilcli ilia I tt a number, it cluleel)
an titled to the am for imbttcitlon of til ne dltpatrhet credited
In It or not otherwise credited In Ihli paper, and siao the local uewt
rtiMithed herein. All rights of publication of our special d.pcUe
tre aJto reeened.
fhtotto People- Uu Bnllalni. uiuthi The Bee Building,
NewYors 2) fifth An. eMilh Onialis MM N Ht.
ML Iioult New B's of 1'ouimerc. Council Hlutfn 14 N. Min St
Wtthinitoo 1811 O 8k Lincoln Little liuild.nn.
Daily 67,135 Sunday 59,026
limn circulation for tne month, subscribed and iworn to b
DwtsUl Williams, ClrculiUua Mnuasar.
Subscriber leaving th city should have The Bee mailed
to them. Addretl changed a often as- requested.
IP .
ill 1
Get your dollars ready for Uncle Sam.
Metz may be impregnable, but it is not
Each Liberty bond is a pledge to humanity,
now and hereafter.
Those New York brewers surely were loose
with their money
The kaiser has no occasion to complain that
Foch is neglecting him in any way.
Omaha came across tery nicejy for the Bel
gian babies, and are already waiting the next
Six months and two million Yankees have
made quite a difference in the European battle
That federal grand jury appears to have
taken full cognizance of all the facts presented
for its consideration.
General Allenby is giving the Turk about
what the rest of the world is willing he should
have a jolly good beating.
About that "bottle piant": It has been done
before, and with no better success than when it
was pulled on Sheriff Clark.'
Omaha is promised air mail after the war.
What would be more to the point would be a
little better service right now.
It is quite obvious that the kaiser's camou
flage peace offensive has proved just as disap
pointing as his military offensive.
The weather man should stop his teasing.
We are entitled to at least four weeks more of
good old-fashioned Indian summertime.
Six months ago the world looked in wonder
at the great wave of German, power, suddenly
loosed on" the plains of Picardy. Relying on
careful calculations, based on experience and
observation, the Hun had struck his final blow,
hoping to crash through any resistance that
might be offered, and beat France to earth be
fore help could arrive. For weeks the German
host spread almost unchecked, and almost it
seemed as if the kaiser were to triumph.
Today that great flood of destruction is
turned back jfiid dammed again behind the line
from whence it broke forth; its power is slowly
ebbing from it, and the army of conquest is des
perately defending itself, all hope for victory
gone, and battling only to save what it may
from final disaster. No six months in the war
have seen more of bloody battle, nor has any
like period been so pregnant with possibilities.
With no diminution of regard for the won
ders performed by the British and French, it
has been due to the presence of Americans that
this change took place. The few who were
available in April and May for service on the
battle line have been increased many times.
More than 1,200,000 have been added to our
fighting forces in France within the six months,
and, Germany's doom has been sealed. Hinden
burg and Ludendorff .planned well, but the Yan
kees achieved the impossible, and civilization
was Saved!
' Putting a Price on Cotton.
President Wilson is reported to have reached
a determination to fix a price for cotton. This
should have been done long ago, but even now
the president is to be congratulated for having
decided that public interest requires the action.
Although the great staple food products, grown
on northern- farms, have been closely regulated
since the start of the war, cotton was left to the
manipulations of theeculators and the actions
of the growers. No article is. rnpre essential
for common use than this, and for none has
there been a greater demand. Consequently
prices have risen out of all proportion to other
things. Four years ago bankruptcy faced the
southern planters; they beseeched the nation to
rally to their rescue, and were saved. Now,
with a prospective consumptive request in ex
cess of visible supply to the extent of 4,000,000
bales, King Cotton has assumed the arrogance
of a divine right monarch, and prbposes to ex
ert for profit only the advantage of his position.
It is strongly urged that in fixing "a fair price"
the president consider, as he did in the case of
wheat, the situation of the consumer as well as
that of the producer, and place the figure in re
lation to all the factors in the problem. No
injustice should be done the southern cotton
raisers,"but by the same token they are not to
be permitted to extort exorbitant profits from
the world.
The house "unanimously agreed to tax the
country $8,100,000,000, shut' "that 'doesn't mean
there will be an immediate rush to pay up.
How can you account for the nerve of the
burglar who blew open the safe in a printing
office next door to a police station? It happened
In Omaha.
"." "Politics is adjourned," but the democrats,
"r preparing for the 1920 census, have laid plans to
appoint 100,000 employes without regard to any
thing but political affiliations.
One and three-fourths millions of men does
not sound very big in this war, but their pres
ence in France means the difference between
victory and defeat to the kaiser.
Well, well, well! Did anyone expect Mr.
McKelvie to make speeches as the republican
nominee for governor that would suit the pro
German democratic World-Herald?
Inhabitants of Metz, fleeing to other parts
of Germany for safety, will spread a propaganda
the kaiser will find it hard to overcome. Tales
told by burglars driven from their roosts will
not reassure others behind the line '"
It Is officially announced that all; legislative,
candidates in more than two-thirds fof the dis
tricts are committed to Nebraska's ratification
of the federal dry amendment If that's the
case, it's as good as done and nothing more to
fuss about it "
Cardinal Gibbons' plea that creeds be cast
aside while all work in unity for the war ought
to fall on willing ears. It contains advice as
sound as any ever given. When humanity is at
stake, all petty things should fall away from
those who battle, for the right.
Bread Making a Domestic Art.
Bakers in Chicago are inflating a movement
that is to have for its objective the making of
all bread in bakeries, doing away with the
process as a domestic operation. Without
diminishing the importance of the bakery as a
part of modern communal economy, The Bee
hopes this move wHl not be a success. Bread
making is one of the prerequisites of advance in
civilization. No one can estimate the service
this art has been to man in his upward climb
through the ages. It is admitted, however, that
he has progressed just as he has been skilled in
the preparation and conservation of his food
supply, and in none of the elements of cookery
has his ability been shown to a degree exceed
ing that of bread making. The modern bakery
produces a wholesome and altogether delectable
food, and properly equipped and operated is sus
ceptible of admirable economy in the handling
of materials, which, in a large way, sums up its
value. On the opposite side must be set
down some reasonable objections. In the
late food crisis one ' of the greatest dif
ficulties encountered was the fact that house
hold baking is a lost art in France. Bread
there is made in communal bakeshops, on which
the villages depend. These were not equipped
to handle the coarser grain flours, and therefore
Americans had to furnish wheat It is not likely
that another such situation ever will confront
us, but the fact that in- the majority of homes
of our country bread making is still a part of
cookery enabled us to use corn meal and similar
substitutes ' and send the wheat flour to our
friends in France. The bake shop will continue
to' be a grea factor in the housekeeping of the
- cities of America, but it should not be permit
ted to displace household bread making entirely.
Without doubt a policemen's union offers
the easy way. All our municipal authorities
would have to do would be to sign a contract
with the officers of the union to furnish so many
men for so many hours at so much a fay. But yards, for example, or elsewhere about the
what city is willing to farm its police force out city, bringing farm products to market, will not
.The Truck, the Tractor, and the War.
A ruling from the war board that trucks
used in hauling farm products to market, and
tractors employed for farm purposes, are es
sentials of the war, ought to quiet any ap
prehension that might have existed on the
point. The truck and the tractor are just as
necessary as any other implement or tool em
ployed in agriculture. In factfthey have at
tained a place that can scarcely be taken by
a substitute. Anyone who has witnessed the
parade ot motor trucks at the Omaha stock
in this fashion?
Political Plums For 1920
A tree loaded to bending with political plums
will grow out of the fourteenth census unless
the house bill providing for the next decennial
enumeration is amended. The National Civil
Service Reform league warns every citizen that
its passage would mean "that the enumeration
in your district probably will be by low-grade
political heelers, following the advice of bosses
to canvass graveyards and invent fictitious,
names, or else wilfully to omit hundreds of in
habitants" according to political expediency.
Equally regrettable would be the placing of the
task of scientific analysis and classification in
..unskilled and careless hands. One section of
Ithe bill would make the chief statistician, eight
expert chiefs of division, and other high execu
tive officers appointive without examination by
tne secretary 01 commerce on mt uuctiui s
pecommendation. Another would make 4.500
emporary clerks and employes in .the census
brhce SUDjeCl to appointment in any urucr wnr
Iver from an eligible list yielded by such test
Examinations as the director miht prescribe.
of the census not to exceed 400
would be appointed by the secretary of com
merce on recommendation of the director, and
so on. The nation nas naa at ieasi one census
in the last half-cenUny' regarded as very unsat
isfactory, and several defective. We do not
vrajt another. New York Post y
question the utility of these. On the farms of
Nebraska and other western states the tractor
jiasj-made possible operations and economies
that can be achieved with no other tool. The
announcement of Fuel Director Garfield that
the use of gasoline may have to be restricted
is probably responsible for the rumors that dis
turbed the truck and tractor users. Dr. Gar
field's. Vrder aims at the "joy riders," and not
at the, legitimate use of,the fuel. Farmers will
continue to receive all they need to carry on
their vitally essential work. To check agricultural-
activity in any way now would be like
throwing an obstacle jn the way of the ad
vancing army.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
British 1 strengthened their posi
tions east of Ypres.
Argentina demanded an explana
tion of the Luxburg affair from Ger
many. Government at Washington an
nounced the finding of evidence of
a pro-German conspiracy to cause
a revolution in Ireland.
In Omaha 30 Years Ago.
Mrs. C. J. Alvarez, in honor of
her pupils and friends, gave a musi
cale at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Vierling, 2606 Poppleton ave
nue. Mrs. J. P. Johnson gave a Ken
sington tea party at her residence
on Thirtieth street. Those present
KUncle Sam is said to have commandeered
the big part of the butter supply with disas
trous, consequences to home market prices.
Littje Johnny will have to be content with his
bread spread thin and forget that he was ever
pampered with having it buttered on both sides.
Two Vailway stations in Council Bluffs have
been consolidated m 'the 'interest of economy
and efficiency, but here in Omaha an iron fence
still separates our two passenger depots that
could just as well be operated as one. .
i . v ' ; i ' ;- "
were Mrs. Zahner, Mrs. Eason, Mrs.
Sloan, Mrs. S. P. Morse, Mrs. Brady,
Mrs. Kirkendall and Mrs. Wool
worth. Judge Shields gave a pleasant
dancing party at his residence on
Lake street in honor of his niece,
Miss Maud Caldwell of Sioux Falls,
Superintendent Korty of the Un
ion Pacific Telegraph returned from
Chicago with his wife and daughter.
Joseph Scanlon left for Denver
and other Colorado points.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Skinner left for
New York city.
Mrs. Byron Reed returned from
her summer vacation.
The Day We Celebrate.
v Emerson Benedict, cement con
tractor, born 1853.
Dr. John C. Davis, physician and
surgeon, born 1855.
Major General Hugh L. Scott,
United States army, born at Dan
ville, Ky., 65 years ago.
William F. Cne. hrieadier-fireneral
of the United States army, born in
Utah, 44 years ago.
George T. Page of Peoria, the
new president of the American Bar
association, born in Woodford
county, 111., 59 years ago.
Andre Tardieu, French high
commissioner to the United States,
born in Paris 42 years ago.
Th's Day in History.
1761 George III. and Queen
Charlotte were crowned at West
minster. 1791 Michael Faraday, one of the
greatest of English scientists, born.
Died Aueust 25, 1867.
1827 Peter Turney, Confederate
soldier and governor of Tennessee,
born at Jasper, Tenn. Died at Win
chester, Tenn., October 19. 1903.
1912 A typhoon swept Japan,
causing many deaths and $20,000,000
property loss.
1914 German submarine, U-9,
destroyed British cruisers Aboukir.
Cressy and Hogue, with a total loss
of 1,422 lives, exclusive of officers.
1915 French aeroplanes dropped
100 bombs on royal palace and sta
tion at Stuttgart.
1916 French Chamber of Depu
ties voted $1,767,600,000 war credits.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
1514th day of the great war.
Rt. Rev., Herman J. Alerding,
Catholic bishop of Fort Wayne, to
day celebrates the golden jubilee of
his ordination to the priesthood.
Rt. Rev. Charles Gore, bishop of
Oxford, England, is to besrin an
American tour with an address to
be delivered today in Trinity church,
New York City.
The churches of Providence, R.
I., have made elaborate preparations
for the six-weeks' evangelistic cam
paign to be launched in that city to
day by "Billy" Sunday.
Storyette of the Day.
The druggist at the corner was
pasing some copper money in change
for a broken dime, the big part of
which had been spent in chocolate
candy, to an 11-year-old lad.
"There's your three pennies
change," said the druggist.
"Wotcher givin us?" said the
small boy.
"Your change, three pennies."
"No, y'r not Them's not pennies.
Vu ain't got no pennies in the
"I've more than a hundred of 'em
in this cash register."
'T'll bet you ain't trot one, let
alone a hundred,' said the boy. "I'll
bet you five sodawaters."
"I'll take you," said the druggist.
"I'll prove it right now. Read
what it says on the money. Don't it
say 'one cent?' You don't find any
pennies in our coins. Our teacher
told us."
The druggist acknowledged his
. "Now," said the boy, "come on with
your sodawater. Gimme two glasses
of chocolate to 'begin with.' " In
dianapolis News.
Editorial Shrapnel
Detroit Free Press: Apparently
the British are hanging the wash on
Hindenburga line.
Louisville Courier-Journal: Re
gard as a Blacker the fellow who
corners you. and tella you about
physical defects he never mentioned
before the draft age was raised.
Baltimore American: A captured
German order to1 poison all wella In
retreaU gives another reason why
kultur must be put out of commis
sion its soon aa it is possible to do so.
Kansas City Times: Those Ger
man newspapers are getting really
rational. They wure able to figure
out in advance that the peace note
wouldn't make any great hit with
the entente.
Brooklyn Eagle: A German news
paper in trying to calm the people
likens Prussia to a ship in the midst
of a rasing hurricane. Perhaps the
Blmilie will remind them of the In
nocent vessels that German hate haa
sent to the bottom.
Minneapolis Tribune: "Who,"
saya the kaiser, "introduced terrible
hatred Into this war V Well, the
Germans sang, the first "Song of
Hate." As a result of German atro
cities in Belgium, France, Serbia.
Armenia, and wherever they have
gone, other people have developed a
atat of mind which may well give
the German people the anxiety
which the kaiser, be tray f
Vieivs and Reviews
Difficulties. Besetting the War-Time
Trawler-Root's Tribute to Crowder
A hurried trip to New York has thus given
me new opportunities to observe the changes
that have been brought about in the running of
Mr. McAdoo's trains and the difficulties met
with bv passengers forced to war-time travel.
Some of the changes are indisputable improve
ments, such, for example, as running trains of
other roads through the tunnel into the Penn
svlvania's New York station, the simplification
of the dining car service, and the rearrangement
of, depot facilities, but otherwise the discom
forts and inconveniences of railway travel have
been strikingly increased. The reduction of the
number of trains, the added pressure for ac
commodations, refusal to sell through tickets
with stop-over privileges, the rule against
sleeping car reservations, these compel every
traveler to take what is handed to him. I slept
four nights in Pullman car berths four of them
in uppers. With no observation or lounging
cars one is compelled to stay in his own seat
or find a hang-out in the wash room. I believe
I had to stand in line from' five minutes to a
half hour each time I wanted to secure admis
sion to the dining car. ; s
Cordial invitation is extended by big placards
posted in every coach bearing the name of Mr.
McAdoo in black letters at top and bottom to
send him suggestions and complaints, but why
complain? Unable to 'secure a through Wash
ington sleeper on the limited it was necessary
to change to a chair car at Harrisburg, where
we arrived on time, only to be side-tracked half
an hour to let a "special" train from Pittsburgh
carrying Mr. McAdoo himself go ahead of us
presumably as an obiect lesson in conservation.
In the meantime, Mr; McAdoo's : name also
stares at you on every ticket and in two places
on every bill of fare.
."I'm sure the government will take over the
street railways next," proclaimed a washroom
orator. ' ''
"Why," I asked, falling for the gag.
"So Mr. McAdoo can have his name printed
on every transfer," was the answer.
New York, where I had last year witnessed
the inauguration of the first "heatless" day, fur
nished this time the novel exhibit of a "gasless"
Sunday. Not a motor car was to be seen ex
cept the buses. Fifth avenue, ordinarily one
continuous procession of whirring machines
going along from two to four abreast, was
almost lifeless. At the Forty-second street
crossing, the busiest of the entire thoroughfare,
workmen were putting across from curb to
curb a ' light-wire conduit, protected with a
white stone or tile covering flush with the
pavement, without any traffic interruption
whatever and with only a few onlookers
serving as volunteer inspectors. The street
cars, of course, were running, and yes, I did see
one limousine partially occupied by flowers and
displaying a carboard sign, reading in large
letters, "funeral," as justification and excuse
for using gasoline on a Sabbath morning. At
some of the larger hotels I was reminded of the
time preceding the horseless age. Where they
were resurrected no one seemed to know, but
here and there stood a coupe or a "Hansom"
cab surmounted on the box by a "cabby" ar-d
harnessed to an animal that looked as if it
might once have been a horse. I did not ex
periment with these vehicles, for one glance
convinced me that the street cars were speedier,
if not safer and, anyway, I would not want to
be responsible for having one of the decrepit
equines drop dead from over-exertion.
I had a delightful visit with General Crowder,
who is in fine form and spirits notwithstanding
the tremendous stress under which he is
working. He had been over to New York to
see his mother, now 85 years old, stopping there
with his sister. The enlarged army program,
calling for an aggregate of 4,500,000 men as the
man-power furnished as America's quota of the
war forces, has put new and immensely in
creased responsibilities on the draft machinery,
for whose success and smooth working General
Crowder is entitled to the credit, but he hopes
to have practically finished this part by January,
next. Like all keen military men, he would
like to lead an army in the field, yet is uncer
tain whether he will have that opportunity.
Gencal Crowder was on the program for the
Ohio Bar association last month but, though
preven ed from attending, was accredited an
exceptional tribute through Elihu Root, who, in
his opening address, laid claim on him for the
legal profession in these highly complimentary
"The bar has answered to the demands
which these amazing issue; present. It was
a fortunate circumstance that the president
placed in the hands of the head of the law
department of the army the application of
the law for conscription and for the raising
of the vast army already in France, and the
still greater army which is about to follow; ,
for, in the first place, .the judge advocate
general, General Crowder, when he became
provost marshal general, applied the new law
under the war-power of the constitution to
the people of the country with a just
sense of their legal rights and the legal
principles to which they were accus
tomed. I do not want to pass his name with
out expressing a sense of satisfaction and
doing honor to that admirable and able and
effective officer, General Crowder (applause).
We have had much criticism; many things
have necessarily gone wrong, many things
have made us unhappy, but we could always
turn to him and to his work as proof that
virtue still remained in the American people
(applause). Whatever has gone wrong it has
not gone wrong with him and the result of his
work is 1,500,000 American soldiers in France
today and 1,000.000 and more that are yet
to go (applause). General Crowder, as I say,
applied the new law under war powers to the
American people with a just sense of their
legal rights. To accomplish that he called
upon the bar, and the bar of America has re
sponded most nobly by the thousands and
tens of thousands and have given their serv
ices and their devotion to the work which
underlies all American service in France.
The law offices of the country have been
emptied not merely of the noble and gener
ous youths who have gone across the water,
but of their elders who have laid aside lucra
tive business and have given , their time and
their strength, some of them to the extreme
limit, to the. application of this law of con
scription to the American people. The result
is that the draft has taken its place through
out America with the good will and the satis
faction and the undiminished patriotism and
the enthusiasm of the entire people, and the
boys who have been drafted and have gone
into the national army are as full of patriotism
as any man that ever marched in any army
'General Crowder was to have been here
today. Unfortunately the paramount duties
'mposed upon him by the condition in which
the new draft is forbade him to come. That
!aw is imminent; the committees are at work
ipon it now, and it is about to be reported.
That law extends the ages of conscription to
8 and 45. It is a law which is necessary to en
'ble us to do actually our great part So Gcn
;ral Crowder must stay in Washington at his
post of duty; we could not ask h'm: to come
''ere, though we greatly regret his absence. In
General Crowder's absence Mr. Lowell and
Mr. Boston, both of them very familiar with
the work which the bar has been doing, will
speak to the conference and explain that work
in detail."
Truck Drivers' Troubles.
One bunch of striking truck drivers in New
York insinuate out loud that they cannot make
ends meet on the present wage pittance of $40
a week. Another encore for Sherman's view of
Arouni the Cities
Kansas City factories are working
on war contracts totaling 138.000,
800, and employing 1,000 workers.
A get-together meeting of Sioux
City Journeymen barbers and bosses
boosted haircuts to 50 cents and
shaves to two bits. Next!
Chicatro'e school board has se
lected two elementary schools fcr a
tryout of French. Extension of the
study will depend on the outcome of
trre experiment
New York City's third gasless Sun
day scored 100 per cent perfect
Walking was particularly fine and
beneficial and churches and theaters
drew crowded houses.
Kansas City has put Into effect a
"work or flsht" ordinance applic
able to males between the ages of IS
and 55. A municipal' war labor
heard of five members will direct en
forcement of the law.
As a preliminary to the fourth
Liberty loan drive every person in
Sioux City and Woedbury county are
given questionnaires calling for de
tails of their earnings and wealth.
The answers will determine sub
scription ratings.
New York City has been denied
material for building new schools by
the war industries board. Special
pleas for relief were made without
avail. The action of the board in
New York forecasts the answer to all
school building applicants.
All plans for public work In Los
Angeles have been put over until
after the war. A tunnel job and
considerable new paving had been
projected, involving an outlay of
$1,600,000, but the issue of bonds
therefor failed to get the federal
O. K.
Seven Kaisers living In Chicago,
comprising one family, seek legal
consent to abdicate the name and
take on the name of Kent. A peti
tion for the chanse filed In the su
perior court glimpse the pervading
pressure of the world war.
It is a neck-and-neck race be
tween New York and St Louis for
the dubious distinction of the top
score in infant mortality. Improved
fanitation and more care takes St.
Louis out of the race for the pres
ent, and the event calls forth an
editorial of congratulation from the
School attendance In New York
shows a marked decrease the open
ing week. On the first day, 15.518
fewer pupils were registered than
last year. Most of the decrease oc
curred In the elementary schools and
high schools, the latter reporting a
net loss of 4,856. Nearly 80 per cent
of the 4,000 men teachers are of
draft age.
Signposts of Progress
Harry Pyle, a miner at the Mc
Gregor plant, near Berlin, Pa., drew
t SI 6. 10 wages for 26 days' pick min
ing. An electric brake has been in
vented by a Californlan to auto
matically stop a phonograph at the
end of a record.
American tobacco preparing and
cigarette making machinery have
been introduced into Algeria, which
manufactures more than 1,000,000
packages of cigarettes annually.
For the use of physicians and
dentists a tongue depressing instru
ment has been invented that switches
on an electric light to illuminate a
patieht's mouth when It is used.
A recently patented portable motor-driven
wrench for factory use is
almost completely automatic In op
eration, a switch cutting off the cur
rent when a nut has been tightened.
Safety is a leading feature of a
new motor-omnibus, which cannot
be started while the entrance door
is open, while the door cannot be
opened while the vehicle is in mo
tion. A Frenchman has Invented a pro
cess for solidifying petroleum for
safety In transportation by the addi
tion of a solution of soap, it being
possible to burn the resulting com
bination or to remove the soap with
Russian geologists have estimated
that the upper layer alone of re
cently discovered coal deposits on
the Island of Spitsbergen contains
1,000,000,000 tons of fuel, most of
it within a few feet of the surface of
the ground.
Quaint Bits of Life
The United States senate meets on
an average of less than 200 uays in a
year, and it costs about $9,000 for
each meeting day.
As punishment for two youthful
delinquents, City Court Judge Glenn
of Asheville, N. C., sentenced them
to take doses of castor oil.
A hand-organ man has In his
rounds visited South Paris, Me.,
from SB to 37 years, and with the
exception of one or two popular airs,
he is grinding out the same old
While making measurements of
river flow In the upper Mississippi
basins and In the Hudson bay re
cently the United States geological
survey discovered that some of the
rivers under Investigation empty Into
the Arctic ocean during certain sea
sons and Into the Atlantic ocean at
other times.
Marlon W. McReynolds, 85 years
old. of Carroll county, Indiana, who
for 60 years had lived a life of seclu
sion, was found dead the other day
by a neighbor, who went to his home
to do some work. A search of the log
cabin by the sheriff revealed $5,500
in hiding places, $3,600 of the
amount wrapped around corncobs.
Col. J. L. Smith of Detroit, Mich.,
a 74-year-old veteran, at the en
campment of the Grand Army of the
Republic in Portland, Ore., ran five
miles in 36 minutes and 4 seconds,
defeating two veterans who ran a
relay of a quarter of a mile each
against him, and also distancing sev
eral Boy Scouts who took up the race
when Colonel Smith's mature com
petitors left off.
Sidelights on the War
Germany has so far lost 250
U-boats and 8,000 submarine sailors.
Americans sank 50.
The number of women replacing
men In industries in Great Britain
aggregates 1,442,000.
The amount of money In circula
tion in this country is $5,559,000,000,
the greatest at any time in the na
tion's history, averaging $52.44 for
each person.
Marshal Foch's strategy and the
tactics of his generals wrested in
three weeks from the Germans what
the latter required four months to
obtain at a cost of 700,000 to
1,000,000 men.
The part that Africans played In
General Mangin's army lends inter
est to recent figures from the French
Journal Offlciel giving the number
of soldiers which the French posses
sions have sent into the war. North
Africa had by July given France
about S40.000 troops, from a popu
lation In the pacified districts of less
than 7,000,000. The Sudan and Sen
egal, with a little assistance from
Tonkin and Madagascar, had fur
nished about 250,000 soldiers, while
60,000 more were being recruited
there. A fresh July levy fn Jorth
Africa was expected to supply
30,000. The total obtafned from Af
rica and Asia must now be ap
proaching 700,000. These figures do
not include laborers, the number of
whom la placed at 233.000,
Over There and Here
Insurance claims paid on the lives
of Toronto eoldlers bo far this year
total $650,000. Claims In course of
settlement amount to $250,000.
Cuba Sent to the American Red
Cross in London half a ton of the
"makings" of smokes for dlsrtihu
t!on among American wounded The
younger sister wears her heart in
the right place.
Late quotations from Berlin show
the Austrian crown to bo 40 per cent
be!ow pre-war value, or about on
par with the shaky crowns of auto
crats. The German mark is almost
as cheap and equally eary.
Exception to the use cf the word
"unfavorable" In the fuod
situation In Germany Is taken by the
Munchener Pest, which says that
the expression "chronic famine"
would be considerably nearer the
Albert Orluf, a German army "de
serter," floated around this country
for nearly three years, regardless of
regulations or cards. Carelessly, so
to epeak, he drifted along the docks
In New York and was quickly
pinched. At last accounts Orluf was
heading for an Internment camp.
Municipal betterment moves for
ward In London regardless of the
stress of war. Fifty-five acres of
slums have been demolished and
modern homes erected thereon, at a
cost of $10,000,000. Another cleanup
project, estimated to cost $17,000.
000, Is planned to solve the housing
problem In the whole east end.
Base ball talent among American
soldiers looms large as a fighting
factor In a pinch. Stars and Stripes
reports surprising accuracy In
thowing grenades and "unbelievab'e
hits" In short range fighting. "It Is
a surety," says the fighting force's
paper, "that the Americans have the
other armies of the world spell
bound by their throwing, and the
Germans terror-bound, too."
, Sm the men.
He rolls out piano. He falls over It.
He bang all the keys at once. He re.
movea all empty bottlo from Iti Interior.
He pour a bucket of water into tt. Finally
be playa a tune on tt.
A prime vaudeville act. Louisville
Wife (durlnt th apat) I wasn't an,
lous to marry you. I refused yon six
Hub Tea, and then my luck gave out.
Boston Transcript.
"Tou know Al Strong, the wrestler T"
"Yes. what about him?"
"Well, he's lost the championship."
Ton don't say!"
"Yes, his (tlrl threw him down!" Car
toons Magazine.
"II Is queer that the took never wants
anyone near her when she Is making
"She doesn't want to be Interrupted.
Why does It strike you as. odd?"
"Isn't that her hour ot knead?" Balti
more American.
"It says here that the amount of con
science money returned to the government
Is not one-tenth what It used to be," said
the Old Fogey, as he looked up from his
newspaper. "This shows that there Is
less stealing, doesn't It?"
"Not necessarily," replied the Grouch.
"It may merely anew that rV- -conscience."
Cincinnati Inquirer. T I
"How sweetly the baby aleepa ,
pered Mamma. !. - lL I "
V.. ' n,irm.l' PaBL ?WklUl
suppose la the matter 4tb TU I
"Tske this soup away. There'i if V
"11.. ..rn air awfully JOt
thousrht we'd taken them H
Ing Know.
Mabel What do you think f
dr-.cimc pumrs?"
s, y.v dinr. they're lm
Reoay s Mirror.
When the children mm bom
light, come home Irom th f
the strcr'..
Com home from th path tht
tempted tho recklessly brav
Come home from the sun and th J
romo horn with their liUt
They find In the home plao a
all of their frets and their
i I
h i
lltt i
Th lamplight gives all of them l
Not one will be turned fro
door: "
Their footsteps make merriest ir
soft they trip on the. floor, -
And sheltering arms creep aroua
and fingers nf love drive awayj
The stains of the tear and th
Ings that somehow huv con J
the day. y J
And all of the children they k
thoy knew that when twilight!
With stars creeping out throug
bases, when all of th bee hud
When over the hill and the vall:
bird tlu'.teis home to It nes
They know that the playtime lyj f
And some have been given to
and Rome have been tragi.'
And somo have been gentle and
and cheery, with iRnghter and .
But they Unit were bad are forglv
they that were good given pral
And all are rejoiced when they gal
borne through their devious wsl
I wonder and wonder and wonder
with our colors anil our creeds.
If we with our Jeers and our jud
of words and of dreams and
Will find when we come In the t'
a-weary 01 me ina m "'lllght.
That we come as good and bad
creep home at the end of thejf i.j
Chicago if U
- - " ffost
If we
Let uur
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$Zb5 ; Kerywooa nano, Mahogany, $265; Harrington Piano, Wa
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