Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 19

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Will Sing in Omaha in
s a
H&NRI&TTA M. kiit.S. i tomary course, lor the young people
W good it seems to get back
to work after a summer soent
in divers interests and Dur-
away from it. And it is a
psure to look forward to a sea
jj which promises as many bright
spects tn the way of concerts,
ra, recitals and other musical at
ijtions as the one which is before
The Tuesday Musical club will
r its customary series of con
jftf. which will include among
jers one by Jascha Heifetz the
nominal violinist. It is great
pd news that the retailers will
gLjig the" Chicago Opera company
P Galli-Curci in the "Barber of
jj-ille. Another series of concerts,
Jluding John McCormack, and
fh-Curci, among its celebrities,
J also been announced.
ffy.San Carlo Opera company will
ijus its annual visit in March,
. other concerts and recitals will
roubtedly be announced from
e to time as the season pro-
tusic teaching will pursue its cus-
Phis Beautiful
huipped with individual
tcord racks and ejector;
rpmplete with 12 selections
doubIe-diC records
ONLY $125.10
yments $1.50 Per Week.
rarhis is your opportunity to
ire money on a oiuhidm urar-
JpW as prices are sure to ad-
or, material and war tax. Do
delay. Call tomorow and
us send one of these outfits
our home.
Ve have other models in Graf-
las priced to suit every purse,
0.00, $32.50, $47.50,
$30 and Up.
tarry a complete stock of
' t : rt j i. i
. r, Y!0111 jujcurus, aumesuc ana
I j, ' andnnvite you to visit
jj a 'lirafonola , Department on
i Main Floor and hear your
wemrite Rplfirtions on the Colum.
froiL Records sent on approval.
Mutalogues furnished on request
nertober Records now on sale.
Shnoller & Mueller
Ta4 t - -
H!,n..!lMSriin0 00. Phone
FI quitrnara St. Douglas 1623
""Retail and Wholesale Distribu
ous;j for Nebraska, Iowa and
P" "tw h d
heV ucwov rnv
iajippLiED Aesthetics
7f .
e dbnUUL
Fall Term. Sept. 4.
n. Mandolin. Steel fiu'tar. TTkelele
V Recitals. Orchvttra Praetie.
'1 iio. 26 Arlington Block.
bouf . 2008, Mornings, for
t Appointment
By. Edited by Godowaky. Matthews,
man anu cwtf.
idle, Room 19. Arlinft Block,
151iy DJfe Sbt.
Phone DoutlM 9S2S. .
letsont for Toeal pupil in
,inc tod retdinc.
Ainc l
A Teacher of riano
J5r appointments call at
. , , . m
)om 8, uaianage mag-t
lephone walnut i4z.
mtKf 1arn an1 time tvVin havi. th '
opportunity of music lessons must
make the most of it ere time flies.
With the privilege of credits in the
Umaha High schools for outside
musical work, never has the teach
ing of this subject been pursued un
der such favorable circumstances,
and it is to be hoped that many of
the students in high school grades
will avail themselves of the oppor
tunity offered, of combining their
musical work with their high
school courses.
With the return of. September and
the cooler weather many of the
studips have already opened, and
other teachers are soon to return
to their winter's work.
Not much of interest in general
has happened during the summer.
Caruso got married, Bruno Steindel
was questioned as to his loyalty to
the United States, and Frederick
Stock, through negligence in taking
out his second citizenship papers
years ago, is liable to lose his posi
tion as director of the Chicago
Symphony orchestra (although he
is generally admitted to be 100 per
cent American.) Two noted music
critics of New York have passed
away, Gustav Kobbe, widely known
for his musical writings, and Ed
ward Horsmann, the musical editor
of the New York Herald, and the
composer of "Bird of the Wilder
ness," a song which found its way
into many of the programs of the
leading artists. He was also known
as an organist and choirmaster. By
his death America lose9 one of its
most promising composers.
The Boston Symphony orchestra
lias not as yet appointed its new
conductor, and the musical journals
continue to guess and predict in
that direction, undaunted by the
fact that it is getting to be an old
The Musical Courier has opened
a new department on program mak
ing, which should prove of great
value, not only to the professional
recitalist; but to the numerous local
artists of different communities. And
last, but not least, the government
is considering a raise in the war
tax on concert tickets from 10 to 20
per cent.
Musical Notes.
Iena Ellsworth Dale spent the
jmmer at Chautauqua, N. Y., and
in an extended trip, including stops
in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and
other points of interest.
Louise Jansen Wylie announced
the opening of her studios, suite 4
and 6, Baldrige-Wead block, and at
her residence, for Monday, Septem
ber 16. Mrs. Wylie has spent the
summer at Lake Okoboji. During the
season she plans a series of musical
teas at her residence studio for the
first Sunday afternoon of each
month, from 4 until 6, beginning
the first Sunday in November.
Gertrude Miller, soprano from the
Zeigler Institute of Normal Singing,
New York City, has opened a resi
dence studio In Omaha, specializing
in voice placing, breathing and
physical development.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly,
formerly of Omaha, conducted the
vocal department at the National
Summer School of Music at Lake
Forest, 111., during the summer.
While there he organized an excel
lent chorus among the students.
Recently this chorus went to Great
Lakes and gave a concert at the
Ravine theater before 7,500 men.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly have returned to
Cincinnati, where both are busily oc
cupied with teaching and concert
DJrnehia GalfcCurci
The New York Times of last Feb
ruary 1, had the following story
about Galli-Curci, who appears here,
November 2, with the Chicago Opera
association, in the "Barber of Sevil
le." So great is the demand to hear
Galli-Curci, the- new Italian prima
donna, of the" Chicago Opera asso
ciation, that her second appearance
in New York last night, drew to the I
Lexington theater a vast throng be
sieging the doors and begging to be
admitted at any price. Some in the
crowd bought occasional tickets,
which the original holders were not
using, at as high as 420 per cent ad
vance, while a line of standees that
formed at mid-afternoon, included
many women."
Charles E. Black, president of the
Associated Retailers, has appointed
the following gentlemen to act as
an advisory committee in bringing
the Chicago Grand Opera company
to Omaha: L. C. Nash; George
Brandeis, Joseph Haden, C. C. Bel
den, C. M. Wilhelm.
Advance sale of seats so far is
over $1,000,. and unless all signs
fail, this indicates i sellout. The
season ticket box office sale opens
Monday at 9 o'clock, in the lobby
of the new Hotel Conant, Sixteenth
and Harney.
r 'mil use i leaetn
ih!l L9ets d
In and out of the city's shops,
Polly's flitting never stops.
Hats, mes amies, of style so smart,
Chapeau of Gage, Cupid, works
of Art!
Wraps, suits, frocks of charming
Or air demure,
Trotteurs, tailleurs, of grace to
Modes of witching stitching, I
Braiding, beading, fringing,
Tunics, panniers, intermingling,
Effect, roguish, roguish, tingling.
Styles, so allusive, delusive, ex
clusive, Sometimes, I fear most elusive!
Not an Extravagance Nor a Whim. China We Owe a Lot to You!
Attend 1!
I have had so many inquiries in rt-i
T' HF. Msnn-Ham1in hatw ffranrl A FACF.TIOIIS wav of exnress-
-- which I saw in the display ing my enjqyment in the ship- 8arc! to Dyeing, Cleaning and ReJ i
rooms of the A. Hospe company, at ment of choice Oolong and Luen pairing suits and coats that I repro(
1513 Douglas street, is a worthy re- Chong teas just received at the duce below copy of a letter that will
suit of creative talent. Sweet,, pure, Eldridge Importing company's shop a"ser many of your questions,
and expressive tones produced by a at Fourteenth and Farnam. The , Dear Madam: es, the Panto
harp set in rich tinted mahogany) If clever people of the Orient can't num can dye your tailor suit dark!
you could only see its beauty of line refrain from adding an artistic brown or navy blue, providing it is
and perfection of tone. Best of all touch to all they do, and this time not too badly faded or sunburned, if
is the feature (patented for this they've expressed this inclination by hadly faded it should be dyed blacky
piano), a tonal resonator. Mr. packing the tea "so lovely" in most as black is the only color that cn4
Hospe described this to me as a attractive oddly shaped tin contain- t,r(ej' covers 'a('e- . , J
curved soundirrg board, shaped like es covered with tinted papers. A "Th? of dyeing and pressing;
an inverted saucer, which preserves fringe, forsooth, adorns the neck of the suit will be $j.0O. They suggest)
the tone of.the piano. He likened each can. These teas range in price that you remove buttons, buckles
this board to the bridge of a violin, from 25c to 85c. Candied and pre- and such trimming as may not dye-
making me understand very clearly served ginger arrived in the same wen, also it is a good plan to let our
Is Yours a Magic Mirror?
the value of this feature. When you shipment, at 75c and $1.
are down town I'll be very glad to
go with you for a visit to this most
DEAR WOMEN: Such a wonder
fill timp r I'vp hail this werkl
Omaha shops are quite outdoing KJ ly that to reflect even a sem- the pleasure of this superb mstru- vnn'll sav VnUv saw it
(1 in
. . . P -. -- --- -. :
V UMh, people we know need ex- interesting store, that you may share yery cn;c; The
in the window of a downtown shop.
themselves this season in the initial blance of the youthfully beautiful ment,
showing of authentic modes. Myriads lines of iigure that once were theirs. .
of fabrics in heaped masses cleverly If you have suffered from incor- For the dark-eyed girl of Spanish
lighted in beautifully decorated rectly fitted corests, and would like descent, is the artistically fashioned
show rooms, remodeled to be an ap- to have scientific service in fitting ivory and black ostrich fan which 1
propriate environment for so great the corset vour tvoe of figure needs, found in one of the Japanese shops. hut cm-h , hatl
: t.- i ..I.- . i .l. .... M-i.-i it..i c . - ,."'""
a ucauicuusucss, nave mci inc ccs in Keeping Willi me raoue 01 me uay nii. a nuuucnui name iui a
by all means plan to visit Mrs. D. coquette! It would make an usually
A. Hill, the corset specialist, at 205 clever gift. (
Neville building, Sixteenth and Har-
ney streets. Mr.s Hill is now niak- For Miles and Miles!
ing appointments with out-of-town T7ISITORS to Omaha during Ak-
neople for fittings during Ak-Sar- V Sar.BeiI wiU do wel, t0 make
uen weeK.
the hems of skirt and sleeves so, if
there is some shrinkage, they can be
made longer.
"Your daughter's velour coat can,
be dyed darki green, brown, buN
gundy or royal purple, lhe pneq
ranges from $4 to $4.50. They dye
Oddly soaring at the right, cut away vf-
at the left, bright blue a'top. French 1 u ; A card addressed to Tha
combination tips of purple, silver ?. J, J0""
"Miss Jane Beats, contralto soloist
of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
church and of the United Presby
terian church of Omaha, Neb., has
recently come t4 Cincinnati to
brush up for a season with Mr.
Thomas J. Kelly. She will do con
cert work and recital and oratorio,
for which there is a large western
Charley Stephens
Piano Tuning Expert
Phone Doug. 8870
Cecil Berryman
Concert Pianist and Instructor.
' Studio, 515 McCague Bldg.
Phone Walnut 3811.
Mary F. Cooper
School of Dancing.
Seventh Season
Blacluton. Hotel
Phone Harney 945
field, after her season here." Cin
cinnati Enquirer, September 8.
Pupils of Maude Graham Bell
were heard in the ninth program
Wednesday, September 4, when
prizes were awarded for memory
contest, and for the highest grades
receivedxduring the season of piano
study. Those taking part in the pro
pram were Dorothy Ward, Mary
Wallace, Ruth Timm, Phyllis
Wheeler, Margaret Albert!, Virginia
Mulholland and Jean Cook.
Agnes Hansel Harter, contralto,
lately from the McBurney studios in
Chicago, has opened a studio in
The second annual report of the
Nebraska State Music Teachers' as
sociation is out, Including the pro
ceedings of the convention held at
Omaha April 1, 2 and 3, 1918, the
constitution and by-laws, and a ros
ter of the members.
One hundred dollars was contrib
uted to the Seward county branch
chapter of the American Red Cross
through the sale of the song, "Old
Glory Mine," written by Alfred
Marschner of this city.
Many young women are studying
at Eugene (Ore.) Bible university
to fit themselves to fill the many pul
pits made vacant by the absence of
the regular pastors, who have vol
unteered for the various branches
of war service.
Seven $100 bonds will provide 50
revolvers or 20 rifles, complete with
Bve Women Cow Testers
of all shoppers
A new spirit lias been fused into
the designers of coats, gowns and
suits. Our new responsibilities in
the country s great fight for free
dom have given them a broader
vision, ror tnere is a patriotism in
clothes! We must learn to discrimi
nate. Above every other thing in life,
we must preserve our courageous
spirit, morale. The truly femi
nine way to accomplish this spirit
lies in the possession of clothes well
and happily chosen, lhe Carry On
and blue ostrich tightly curled
a oring ineir compicie rrice
Co-operatively yours,
From Fifth Avenue You'll Say- French Bronze Kid Shoes.
VOUR greatest charm lies in the A BOUT the only really new;
- the exquisite personal touches leather shown this autumn is
which dainty neckwear imparts, to imported French bronze kidi
your wardrobe. This season a Napier's Booterie is showing several
their car headquarters at the Flat- choice is offered of square, round, attractive styles made of this new;
iron (larace. 17t!i and Howard oval and deep square neck outlines. leather in both boots and oxfords.
Manhattan's coats and suits Vee s- opposite the J'lat.ron Most attractive in sty e is tne cowar -or orcss, tney suggest plain ana
show buttons applied in long rows.
A Wartime Compensation.
SO may we describe the practical
1 natrintir navv hltip sprfffl
spirit which so characterizes our sis- dresses. They're here and here to t Aj I t.,n -vrii.nt
t. f ,li; ,,ntr; Ic chw,, ai.. loraeu are super-excciieiii,
Hotel. This Karaare of distinction that stands out from the neck, some-
has an entrance on 18th and Jackson times called the cowl, or bishop col
streets also. In the heart of the city, lar. In the neckwear department :t
close to hotels, to all the important the Thompson Belden & Co.'s store,
trading points and amusement cen- Sixteenth and Howard streets, they
ters, it is surely an ideal location for are showing every new feature of
a earaec. lhe accommodations at- tan necuwear inns anu iuroeiows.
The Vestees fashioned in filmiest batilte.
three georgette crepe, and satin, of a
. - . , c it. , . JIU'JIB, has in aiiciiuciint; an huvivih uuoiui o.iv vij . v. .......... .
'"T"3 " v, ""ui me c.8C uc.s co of expert mechanics, who can
without windows and doors, are de- sold at wonderfully attractive prices ., .,ki. ,, ,,v
signing the creations of beauty and at the F. W. Thome Shop, Eigh- w, ThV FUtirnn Fniinr Station "Sweetheart Stationery,
t i r m r i ria j i i ihii i'i iiitm rir k i 1 1 i c t ! i - i i npr i c c i ro-i i- nnr im ire .
::V " :i " l:trr : : fage . immensely roomy
Itll lliai rvuij III nnviv viiw vidU, 11U LUCIC 13 11U11I11IK UIU3A1I. a
t -l.t - L. . . . .1 t ... . . i - , J1
beaded bronze oxfords or pretty
turn sole lace boots. For street;
lace boots with Cuban or Louis
heels, swagger indeed I The prices
on this new fall footwear range
from $11 to $15. All orders are filled
subject to exchange or refund. Theifl
new fall catalog will be ready this
week. Send your name to Napier'
Booterie, 307 North Sixteenth street!
and receive one of these attractive
have. The Flatiron Filling Station oweeracri
at Howard street entrance furnishes V WEEHEART Stationery ongi- A blouse suggestion rich grayisbj
quality gasoline and oil. The great- U nated in the shop of the Omaha taupe as a foundation of yarn em-,
est charm and interest to out-of- Stationery company. 307 North Sev- broidered design in green, gold, and ,
town women visitors is the comfy enteenth ' street. The design, sug- dull red. At base of square in front
restroom and dressing room which gested by service p:ns, is a service and back of blouse, queer ornaments
hi, Ka.h tWtarl nrv with a vipw tn ineirip of a hpart. If vol! like. VOU nf vpltnu.- anft f hi'nc crrpn hanof
. , , . . ...,,, i'ov "l 1 ' ...... . - - - r - j i - - o - .'-.'ai
rouuueu, me ivciidiss-m-c nu.uciiuc the exclusive patrons of this garage, can have this design piacea on any pendant.
plainly shown, with facing of rose Hefe you may writc your letters, tint of paper for 25c extra. The white
(the Mandarin sleeves, hanging phone t0 and meet your friends and paper, very -attractive as it combines Reindeej- Jersey and French Blue!
loose at the hand have fac-ng of the dress your hair. A most cordial we!- the colors of red. white and blue. Tricolette makes a charming littla
same silk). Motifs of flatly applied come is extended to Ak-Sar-Ben is 75c and $1 a box. A novel idea dress. Vest of blue tricolette has
braid orovide an agreeable trimming ...-:... nnA in A t.rhirh will hp annrpriafpd hv mhrnMprv In ilirninff etlt..h mf.
over, have sought expression of note adornim? upper blouse, sleeves the boys "over there." gray yarn,
personality in their homes. What is and skirt. Of a truth there is a phe ropped stitches that are so I
more individual than the interpre- variety of individually becoming d'fficult to nick m are a thing ... ' ,
tations placed on pictures by dif- models, and. "when in dou'it. blue of the past jf " use "Brer Rabbit" Cou,d anything be lovelier f Sott vonnoisseurs ot Beauty
distinction that are serving to bol- tecnth and Farnam. All the stvle
ster the high courage of the French 0tes of the incoming 'Season are
women, embodied in these dresses. Reliev-
So I assure you, the lure of the ing the simplicity of one model are
shops is at once a righteous gratifi
cation I
of the Artists
several dis'inctively new and artful
touches. The neckline is widely
PULTURED people, the
ferent people. Very often you feel serge is apt to be the answer,
certain influences and inspirations
in a picture. W.' not express your
idea of the picture, by fitting frames. Why not add a decorative line to
just as musicians fit music to cer- an old gown by fur, which may be
tain snatches of verse, music which bought by the yard?
suits the thought of the poetry?
You will find frames of perfect
artistry shown at the Milton Darl
ing Shop, in their new location at
Eighteenth and Farnam. There are
frames of gold in odd shapes and de-
Signs. inc UCSt
B-rney Paris, France.
BARNEY, Paris, France, to La
mond's, 208 Securities building,
Omaha! Almost too distingue to
Japanese quilted carriage robes in Will Want This Wrap!
dainty, rose and blue. The lower F an eXquisiteness to add touctf
part ot the robes is in darker color J supreme to madame's toilette is
with spray ot hand embroidered this coat of rich Burgundy colored
blossoms, shading to a very faint, pom.pom cioth) the fabric mosi
almost white at top ot the robe, admirably suited to the graceful
Very charming indeed, and at prices lines 0f the season's wrap-coatj
within the rea-h of evervone. lhink ,..h;rh rnrntc th rA;A
fective and irresistible navy fabrics Ul a"u s,u-"' cnange ot the year in coat fashions;
for wartime dinner frocks. At Herz- Combining luxury of oit cream
berg's Women's Toggery, 1517 . Noon andVieht. L"?"
the home ot so -f , , , "i mc ourgunay xaoric.
ears in your knitting needles
Superior Style Suggestion
DRESSERS of reserve and intuitive
good taste will revel in this find!
A frock of the same modish appeal
which has led Paris to adopt the ef-
be styled a suit is the one in brown " "re. e ?B ? T TFP j. tr,,1v nn, Hr after an- ii
.. . 0 i - . tninir r vaf crv nr ainnnnnv. ismw ... vvn mv iui luiua udt.
are dull gold frames with touches ot siivertone wnicn i saw in tnis snpp ; -"f"f;i;:,?n ti a .hnrt otherl Lamond's Shop, 208 Se- from the neck and extends to the
Borglum Piano School ,
AnRiut M. Borglum. Madame Borglum
(Pupils of Wager Swayne) Solfrcge
Schvarti Method. Paris Harmony ,
Public Performance.
Hazel True
Graduate Chicago Musical College
Phone South 1448.
Five women cow festers have re
cently been appointed by dairy
agents ot the United Mates Depart
ment ot Agncu ture, co-operating
witht the state agricultural colleges
and the state dairymen's associa
tions. One of these has been placed
in Iowa and the other four are in
Wisconsin, where the first woman
cow tester in the country is now
starting her second year of work.
These women have received training
w agricultural nign schools or have
taken work in dairying in short
courses, and all of them have been
in close touch with dairy work.
Instructor Academy of the Sacred Heart.
Studio, 12-13 BaMridge B!k, 20th and Farnaia Street.
Phone Harney 863.
By Claudia Cranston.
I must make my mourning
Over into song;
To the one who left me
Mourning would be wrong,
Mourning would be wrong.
Work must be my grieving,
Smiles the only sign;
Weeping were unworthy .
Such a loss as mine,
Such a loss as mine.
Work must be my worship,
Cheerfulness my prayer;
Less would be unfaithful
To the one who dares.
To the one who dares.
Spirit his to chide me
Were my laughter fled,
Though I found his body
Lying with the dead,
Lying with the dead.
Work must he my grieving,
- Love must hide my loss,
Still my lips be smiling
When they kiss the Cross,
Wrhen they kiss the Cross.
color show-ins throutch the gold, or the other day. Gown or costume
dull colored and tinted woods would seem a term
splotched with gold, in irregular suit, for this model
markings The obiect of these genuine siivertone, '
frames of course is to bring out way. is very different from the
personal notes in the picture. You fabric which we have called silver
will appreciate at once the charm of tone for so long a time. Coming
these new frames, and the clever from France, the home of this
suggestions which are gladly given charming fabric, the model has a
in this charming gift shop. witching charm. The lines of the
coat are Ions?, enfolding, hanging in
graceful points at each side. Chif-
TTspful as well as ornamental is
light screen of lacquered wood, with
oval frame enclosing three perfect
iridescently colored peacock feath
ers'. Caueht in the meshy fronds of
the feathers, is a tiny omteny. " , vou how so of course this entranc
one-piece back of the coat; a panel vou now, so oi course i.
yoke stitched cn shoulders in the tr,cot,me model 1S long and c0"
... . back, and a long happilv curved servingly narrow.
Pans Makes Much ot urs. overlavine; seam and shaoelv amilied
Remove Stains Quickly and Easily.
OMEN who discriminate in
Tore fitting than jacquette rounds up in the curities building is showing a prod- waistline in front-ending where
M ? 7al Kd I of center, and is generally short in the profusion of dresses ior any and gray pearl buckle fastening the bell
which hv the front to reveal a draped turiic just every day and time. Serges for may nestle in its cozy softness. Yoi
, wnicn Dy inc , , . . . - . . . mnrnmcr. and for afternoon and eve- must knnw that thrm ar nn i...i
over inc iou ui uicsmii.ii inc - , -. . . ; .. ... ..v. hk,
line. The fullness under each arm mnS. a variety of fabrics. A clever m this coat sleeves are such an
is caught down smoothly by hori- georgette in navy blue has blouse awkward line my dearl Instead the:
zontal tucks, two on each side. A composed of panes, adorned with shoulder -lines are extended to the ,
loose panel back, of jacket length, has beaded borders of dull green, amber hand giving that most desired dohH'
fim tfcat would become any frock. A and soft rose- The lines at each side man effect of fitted shoulder Nand,
novel effect has been attained by a are given dash and chic by masses vague waistline. As a trim alluring.
combined influence of silk embroid- OI pieats. stunning e.neci is im- is tne thread line ot embroidery at!
th fon velvet VharaVterUtic in Tit, furrv "ed design and flat prism beads. Pea w a ifolk oi ueye gcorKcue me siue ot tne skirt, making tmish
the ion velvet, characteristic in its lurry , r , arul navv tafTe'a bv beaded motits in to a wran utter v HeKrahti Pvh;h;..J
softness, forms the high collar and ' - Chinese desim An esneciallv an- ihi weTlr , " ii,rV vZ.
faces back the full lentrth fronts of neckline has a fetching trim of two ninese design. An especially ap- this week at Herzberg s Women
races oacK ine iuii lengin ironxs oi :. k,c Th Deahne dress of rose taune has a Toee-erv. 1S17 Dnno-taa street
the coat. Insp red touches which u ui . . u , ..v - unusual in a row of i
add a reminder of farawav France opening is on the shoulder. "They re. note ot. tne unusual in a row or i
aaa a reminaer oi iaraway rrance m. . m ,., : p,r,-c -virtc heavy silk cords edmnc the front of ....... . i
.,i-h the wtttiiiijt tin iviiri in a ... o, . . . . - ... ineai inr rvi niftnn or
fans MaKes wucn oi ru. overlaying seam and shapely applied
COSY, and comfy enough to with- cuff which completes the sym- Removi
stand the worst "offensive" of phony by a designer dear to the "ITOS
Jack Frost are the furs now on dis- heart Parisienne. VV a.
aT a
tunic. Each cord has a nendant of "ull"u,'
three rose-colored beads. J J A S crowded with wartime ao
4 tivities demand at least one
coat of a practical type. Kneeter,
An achievement in rich autumn the Tailor, 506-8 South Sixteenth!
colors! I couldn't help exclaiming street, showed me a coat yesterday
as I saw the shimmery mass of which he has designed and ta!W
dress, discriminate as carefully fabrics exhibited in one of the local" with a definite idea of filling this
in toilet and household requisites, shops this week, tvery shade which demand. In this shop you will have'
The Franceo-American Shop, 772 one could imagine in the treetops ot the assurance that the suits and
a iorest was represented in xne aisi coats are well tailored in the mod
play. Truly an inspiration for the acclaimed by persons of most dis
modiste 1
From the Land of Cherry Blossoms.
Irresistibly fascinating, with
fracrntire elusive inrleerl ore
veloDed Kv master fingers from Vic
toria Fox. The shoulders of this Wraps That Flatter,
piece were so shaped that the effect "PraKCE.' the land of ty!c i;i
gracefully draped is charmingly X spiration. shows its influence i
i . .! Ill Tl - Cl, ICl"?
piay at ine r. vv. ahuihc ouy,
Farnam street. This exclusive shop
is featunne the Gordon Furs widely Inspired by artistic sentiment one n,nnA.:. h. . Jl ,i
known for their wonderful qaul.ty 0f the, local florists whose clientele abe stain rem0ver, Eradigiene. Valu
and exquisite workmanship, and the appreciate the unusual has evolved an abe j advised!y, because it re
prices are riotously surprising. A adorably quaint bouquet m lacy frill moves ; of a kinds iro rugt
Gordon model-silky brown marten t0 be tucked into the box of flowers f . and other stains rom aI1 j.inds
cape. The collar drawn m soft that goes to the new mother. A fit- f hhcks It also renl0ves every trace
folds about the neck by a band ting expression of the love we feel f . vegetabie( ink and other
of fn ried silk which is threaded for the little mother and her wee .... . r. u.Jj. ...:.u... ::
. , . ... .1 c . ... . .L . , siaius iruill UIC II..I1US WllllUUl llljuijr "
through big eylets m the fur. nestling are the sweetheart rosebuds . ... aHe tn j,i:rat(. the cunningly contrived artificial
This rich little garment, for- and forget-me-nots m this miniature f . ric j.jj fee ga(1 t0 send you a flowers now on display at the Eld
merly $75 is now $64.50. A novel nosegay-. knii.'n( r.n,Ki. -Wh ; ZSr rige Importing Comnanv's Shoo.
, ' ' They're truly unique and lovely and
most opportune. For the garden
Terra Cotta! A Broadway Sensa- proves sadlv disappointing these
tion m Millinery. daySi The flower holders look quite
IF YOU want to be unusual, as -deserted. Tliev are : altncether aflnr.
smart. Iperfectlv matching, in shade
ewerv rhic line nf the mats at the well as unusuallv chic, vou UP.- able for vour car.
and quality, is the skin used for the p. yy, jhorne Shop this season. As doubtedly acquire one of these hats
mutt- hven to those uninitiated in iur ,f proud of the fabric the designer of ultra charm. 1 he Nebraska Lloth-
lore, these furs are at once arrest- chose for it, is a coat of Overseas ing Store's Hat department. Farnam
ingly rare. Good value at $175, the Blue, with touch militaire in cape and Fifteenth street, is exhibiting
set is a treasure to be acquired at drape in one piece with sleeves and models having all the newest style
$129.75. In this collection you'll find chrmtHer seame frnm the hack of line features r.f the season in a case
the furs that vou have always longed n(.rlr A etriner helt new indeed, con- tha't catches the eve the instant vou for all fabricsv is nnirklv and wnn.
for. The range of colors and furs fines the fullness at the waistline and enter the shop. These bats of charm, derfully accomplished at the Ideal
is varied to suit every taste. two ravishing touches enough to droop, tilt and soar, in all becoming Button and Pleating company, 300-
make any coat happy are the collar of ways imaginable. The one which .110 Brown building (opposite Bran
Hudson seal and lining of rose, blue will assuredly fascinate is a modified deis Stores). To give you some
The new glass candy jars in and black blended stripes. This is lain o shanter shape with trim idea of the work done in this busy
hand painted and silver inlaid de- one of the second or medium priced 'round the face of solid shirring, workroom: All-over Persian designs,
signs are exceptionally good. Noth- coats on 'sale at this shop. Other Two artistic wings in greenish taupe for tunics and vests; gold, silver and
ing will ornament a buffet or serv- coats in pleasantly colorful models lend height and dignity to this stun- silk embroidery; applique and cord
ing table more attractively than have chosen brown, green taupe and ning chapeau. Whether you need a ing, cording designs in gold and sil
twin candy jars with their "peaky" all of the many styleful colors of hat or not, do not fail to view these ver or silk; beading designs, and
covers. the season for expr' , up-to-the-minute creationr spangle designs
criminating taste.
Frocks Gaily Embroidered.
SKILLFUL embroidery touches
enlivpll the mnrlee nf autumn
1918! I've found that embroidery