- THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : SEPTEMBER 22; 1918. . B H Conducted by Ella Fleishman !0IEIY 4. -i.fr ..,; ...f,i,AA,tii;,,t.4i,tA.t.4.Aj ! Social (Calendar i TUESDAY TVnn fnr M bmJ Hf Gurdon W. Wattles, given Dy ir. ana Mrs. F. H. Davis. Dinner for Mr. and Mrs. E M. Fairfield at Omaha dul given by Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon. Card party given by Holy Name par.'sh. WEDNESDAY Dinner-dance at Prettiest Mile club. Mid-week dinner-dance at Comus club, Mrs. Ben F. Marti, jr., hostess. Country club. FRIDAY Harvest Home dinner-dance ? at Seymour Lake club. Card party at Prettiest Mile club. SATURDAY Dinner-dance at Prettiest t Mile clift. Formal closing of Country club. Mae Ender to Wed Captato -- A M--H"H"W"M"H"l 9953 DOESN'T it seem queer to have a fall season without an Ak-Sar-Ben ball? No new gowns ; fceinp nlannerf ipurU safplv tiirkprl i away in safety deposit vaults and v the narrow path of stern duty BiidigiH aucau: m in si li was .llimirybt that tUr minri, n fKr. nation but no dancing, but the pow- i . a mat uc nave ucviucu against any such merry making and, of r Ait rat vrvnn is .ir!l liner trt Kaui to royal decree. A guest or two. have lifted our knockers. Miss Linda Hall. . a charming girl from El Paso, Tex., is a guest at the E. H. Howland home.- Affairs there have been for her, but very informal, just a few friends in for-a dainty luncheon, or perhaps a bit of knitting and a cup iif tea. Miss Ufariorie Howland en. tertained at an "at home" Monday ' afternoon and Tuesday her sister, Mrs. W. K. Wood, was hostess at a delightful affair for the visitor from Texas. Mrs. Frank Selby enter tained at luncheon Thursday tY Miss Hall's honor, when the guesls in cluded the intimate friends of Miss Howland. - Miss Harriet Scott of Brookline, Mass., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. X? A I-!. T A VT.. k Am was hostess at a very pretty lunch eon at the Field club Saturday in honor of her guest Late fall flow ers formed a most attractive center piece and the guests numbered even. . With many Omahans planning a winter in the east, their friends are giving numerous farewell affairs. Mrs. William Sears Poppleton, who left several days ago. was honoree at a number of luncheons and din ners, -when the guests included little coteries of friends who have enjoyed so many delightful affairs together in the past Mrs. E. M. Fairfield is 5 tanning to leave very soon, and jr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon will en tertain at dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield Tuesday at the Oma!ia club. The school girls are waving good by to us, for the broad campus and achoot room call them. The boys' schools will be sadly depleted this year, so many of the erstwhile stu dents having chosen to complete their educations in the college of war with Uncle Sam as prexy. Dinner at Fontenelle. Miss Mary Ida Moore will be the honor guest at a dinner party at the Fontenelle on Sunday, followed by a. theater party at the Boyd. Those present will be: ' - Misses Misses Mary Ida Moore. Maud Malloy Rowe. Gertrude Kennedy. Mary C. Hanley. Marjorlo Corrtgan. Margaret Browa. Card Party. A card party will be given Tues day evening by members of Holy Name Parish at their hall, Forty, fifth and Burdette streets. Twenty prizes will be given. School Set Notes. Miss Dorothy Judson expects to leave Friday for Washington, where .she will enter her first year at Miss Somer's school. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes and Miss Helen Holmes will leave next week for Detroit where they will make their future home. Charles Rhodes and Rudyard Nor ton have left for Kemper Military academy. tfic. TWntrtw Ralhseh left Mon day for St Louis, where she at- 'tends the Principia school. Mrs. Joseph Barker is expected home today from Wyoming. - Miss Helen Shepard will leave to day to enter her senior year at Ann Arbor. Mich. . Walter Preston, jr., left last Thnt-eriav fnr Anrlnver. Mass.. where he has entered as a sophomore. ? t, rVirnliii Darke wilt leave soon to enter the Hill school at Pottstown, Pa. Miss Louise Clarke, Miss Dorothy Belt and Miss Gretchen Hess of Council Bluffs will leave Monday for Miss Bennett's school at Milbrook. N.Y. . . . Miss Catherine Hastings will leave soon for Pennsylvania, where V she will attend the Beechwood school, just out of Philadelphia. Miss Margaret McLaughlin will leave soon for Wellesley, Mass.. where she will enter the freshman year at Wellesley college. Jasper Hall will attend the Hill school at Pottstown, Pa., this year. Miss Geraldine Hess of Council Bluffs will leave Sunday for the east i where she attends Bryn Mawr col lege Miss Irene Dyball will leave today for Washington, D. .C, lo enter ner freshman year at National Park seminary. . ,' , . Lodovic Crofoot left the first of the week for the east where he will ' enter his first year at Exeter col- lege. r... HreA will leave the fir.t f the week for Miss Maderia's school in Washington. Miss Betty Kmgwait wiu enter I Photo J yj Hi Htm li 1 1 IH 1 1 1 U 1 tl j -H"H-H4" I 4h-M-WH4--W- CLUEID01 MONDAY Dundee Woman's Patriotic league, Mrs. W. J. Culley, hostess, 2:30 p. m. TUESDAY Custer Woman's Relief corps, Memorial hall, 2:30 p. ra. Girls' rally at Auditorium, Margaret Slattery. speaker, 8 p.m. Douglas County Council of Defense, woman's section on Americanization, Y. W. -t:. A., 2:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY Mu Sigma, Mrs. George C. Thompson, hostess, 10 a. m. Omaha Woman's Press club, Chamber of Commerce, 12:45 p. m. Train school Mothers' club, 2 p. m. FRIDAY Scottish Rite Woman's club at cathedral, 2:30 p. m. Train school Mothers' club, 2 p. m. West Omaha Mothers' club, Mrs. Jay Northrup, host ess, 2 p.m.' SATURDAY Baptist church women's meeting, Y. W. C. A, 2:30. IMPORTANCE of continuing cfub work in spite of pressing war duties looms large on the club woman's horizon as the open ing of the season draws near. Whether departmental work should be carired on as heretofore is indeed a problem, and as war work fills the days of a large . majority of the members, many are loath to spare any time for club work. Mrs. A. E Sheldon of Lincoln, state president of the federated clubs, who passed a day in Omaha last week, brings a reassuring an swer to this question. At the last biennial meeting recently held at Hot Springs, Ark., a message was brought from the government urg ing the women's club of the coun try to continue work as heretofore. The need of organization among women in war time is even more necessary than in peace times. Gov ernmental authorities urge the mem bers to do their Red Cross work, but to do further war work through the medium of the clubs. Mrs. Sheldon feels that the de partmental work is most important, as much of the training received is essential to success in war activi ties. For instance, the three-minute speakers who do much to make the drives a success receive their train ing at meetings of the public speak ing departments. Art and music must be maintained, even though nations are at war and each can do war work along its own lines. "Music hath charms" to win the war by stimulating patriotism, arousing recruiting, inspiring fights ers, maintaining good cheer, raising war millions, entertaining our men and comforting the wounded. Wil liam E. Gladstone said "Music is one of the most forcible instruments for training, arousing and governing the mind and spirit of man." Com munity singing of patriotic songs. therefore, is to be the principal un dertaking of this department. W. C. T. Meetings. Frances Willard Woman's Chris tian Temperance union elected the following delegates to attend the state convention in Fremont, Sep tember 24: Mesdames George Tick nor, W. G. King, E. Longstreth, G. R. Ward, G. A. Davidson, H. B. Richie, D. J. Burden, J. A. Dalzell, J. Salmon, George Covell and H. N. Craig. Alternates will be: Mesdames J. I. Lee, J. C. Roberts, Alex McKie, E. K. Krisel, A. N. Eattn, C. E. Malm and LeRoy Savell. The regu lar meeting will be postponed owing to the convention. Mu Sigma. Mu Sigma hold its -first meeting of the year Wednday at 10 o'clock. Mrs. George C. Thompson is hos tess. A vacation program will be given by Mesdames John Patrick, Boyd, and G. W. Noble. Following the program the club will be enter tained at luncheon by Mesdames J. W. Welshans, George Thompson and William t. Holtz, in honor of Mrs. Frank Holmes, who leaves the latter part of the month to make her home in Detroit. Patriotic Organizations. Mrs. W. J. Culley will be hostess tor the meeting of the Dundee Wo man's Patriotic club Monday after noon at her home, 4906 Underwood avenue. George A. Custer Woman's Relief corps will meet Tuesday at 2:30 in Memorial hall. Henry W. Lawton auxiliary's kensington will be held at Mrs. Lane's residence, 4950 North Thirty fifth street, Wednesday, 2 p. m., to make arrangements lor holding a bazar some time in November for the benefit of the Red Cross. Omaha Woman's Club. Six concerts are planned by the music department of the Omaha Woman's clubs beginning the first of November or the first of Decern-1 her. one to he iriven enrh mrvnfVi I Omaha musicians will be featured and the concerts will be given in the Y. W. C. A. auditorium. "Do Your Own Thinking." is the title of an article by Mrs. Elizabeth Sears, former Omaha newspaper woman, in the current number of the General Federation Magazine. Camp Fire Meeting. The Raosu Group held its last meeting in the form of a wiener roast at Elmwood park, Wednesday Another charming Omaha girl whose heart is in the service is Miss Mae Marguerite Engler, for today Mrs. Mary M. Engler announces the engagement of her daughter to Captain Morton Francis Engleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Engleman. The wedding date is indefinite. Miss Engler, who is one of the prettiest girls in the younger set, has ! kept her secret well, for only a few intimate friends knew of the romance j with the young officer. M.ss Engler, after completing her high school course, attended a school in southern California, The land of sunshine has ende'ared itself to this young woman, for she leaves Saturday, accom- j panied by her mother and sister, Miss Mabel Engler, to spend the winter there. ' ; j Captain Engleman was also a Central High chool student, later at-' tending the Western Military academy. He receiv.d hi3 first lieutenantcy at tne nrst oincers training camp at ort bneiung ana hns been stationed at Camp Doige for some time. Captain Engleman is a member of the 88th infantry, with temporary assignment in the 19th division. He will spend the week-end visiting his fkncee in Omaha. a her freshman year at Smith college and will be at the Maitby House. Miss Elizabeth Robertson has re turned to the Principia school in St. Louis. James Love, Harold Streight and Paul Bekins left last Friday for St. luis, where they will attend the Principia school. Kosher Restaurant Approved Efforts of the Jewish Welfare board to provide Kosher food in army camps for visitors of soldiers have met with the approval of the military morale section of the War department, which is lending its co operation to the plan. A Kosher restaurant has been recommended and will probably be established shortly at Camp Upton, which has the largest Jewish military popula tion of any camp. Lts. Sidney Stocking and George Stocking have arrived safely over seas. One $500 bond will 'provide two machine guns or 300 steel helmets (Carnegie derbies). Col. S. S. Curtis and Miss Lynn (V; of New York are at the Fon tenelle. v (This Has Helped Others! Make sure you are not pay ing war profits tor wearing apparel. Visit the splendid Beno store in Council Bluffs and youll be able to dress better at less cost. This ought to set you think ing as it has scores of others evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of Margaret Rix on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Mothers' Clubs. The Mothers' club of Train school will hold an election of officers Fri day at 2 p. ,m. in the school. West Omaha Mothers' club will meet riday at 2 o'clock for Red Cross work at the home of Mrs. Jay Northrup, 1037 South Twenty-ninth street. Scottish Rite. The jiext social meeting of the Scottish Rite VVnman'a rltih unit Ke held Fridav at 2 o'clock at the ra. hthedral. : Child Welfare to Be in Home Economics Course The General Federation of Wo men's clubs has requested the Na tional Home Economics association, the National Education association, and the Federal Vocational Board to use their influence in introducing child welfare as an integral part of all home economics courses of study offered in secondary schools, col leges, and universities of the Unit ed States. This action is taken in view of the fact that, because of so cial, industrial, and economic condi tions brought on by the war, the child life of the country will be in unusual danger.' The wife of Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse, who is said to be slated for the throne of the new kingdom of Finland, is a sister of the German emperor, and according to popular gossip, is the only one of the emperor s relatives who has stead fastly refused to recognize the right of the All-Highest to run and regu late the personal affairs of the whole imperial family. Knoxville has adopted rigorous measures to supplant the men chauf feurs with women. By agreement the dealers hereafter will refuse to sell gasoline or other supplies for any automobiles or trucks to be driven by men. Four $100 and one $50 bond will provide two sets of artillery wheel harness. BENSON Carl Johnson, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Graham during -"tn past week. S. HIKELL, Chemist JUST LIKE OFFERING YOU $20 COLD PIECES FOR $5 One Hundred Dollars Reward To any doctor or chemlit who can prova that thcrt ii better vanishing or cold cream on the market regardlese of price. Hikell's Vanishing and Cold Cream To the ladies ef the community no mat ter how rich or poor, in order to introduce my vanishing and eold cream I will sive you to a full half pound Jar for 60c in sta tion to this I will give you 2 Re worth of my oriental perfume free ef charge. Aik your druggist for it if he ean't sup ply you call us and we will tell you where to procure it. If he tells you he has soir'ihing better, he la not telling the truth. HIKELL MFG. CO. 1614 CHICAGO ST. DOUG. 4268 Martin Hedelund, who is at the naval training station at Seattle, Wash., is home on a furlough. Mrs. John Calvert returned Mon day from Lincoln, where she at tended a church conference. Rev. Calvert was made pastor of the Methodist church with Rev. Mr. Jansen as supply till his return from France. The local King's Heralds attend ed the district convention at Hans corn park Saturday. This chapter has won the banner for three years and hopes t6 this year. Mr.-and Mrs. James Walsh are home from a summer spent in the northern states. The Immaijual Ladies' Aid society meets alternate Fridays to sew and mend soldiers' clothing. They meet Friday. Mr. Ed Janke left last, week for Wyoming. Mrs. Janke will join him in a short time. The Benson Hospital Supply aux iliaries will not meet for another week on account of supply work shortage." Mrs. D. H. Fair is chairman of the salvage department of this place, and can be called af Benson 780. Peach and other fruit pits are wanted. The Odd Fellows lodge and Re bekahs will celebrate the latter's an niversary with an entertainment Fri day evening at their hall. The annual election of teachers and officers of the Methodist Sun day school was held Wednesday evening. Several changes were made. P. A. Leggee resigned, who was superintendent for three years, was succeeded by G. Roth; assist ant superintendent, E. C. Hodder, secretary, C. H. Penoyer, and treasurer, Mrs. C. H. Stephens. Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turnev. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Whitefield. Mr. and Mrs. enuaMMA easam a (Ma EAT flAUUlUill JEFFERIS FOR CONGRESS B Sur That You Arc Rf UtaraJ So You Can Voto November 8. Dermatologist Gives Complexion JSecret "The great secret of keeping the face young is to keep off the dead cuticle," aaya Dr. 1. Mortimer Mitchell. "It ia well known that the surface skin Is constantly dying, falling off in imperceptible par ticles, except in some diseaaed conditions. T.hcn the same appear like dandruff. But the particles do not all drop off Imme diately they die, being help for while by the live skin. "To have the dermatologies! surgeon peel off the entire outer akin at one tim ia a painful and expensive operation. The same result is obtained by app'ylng or dinary mercoVsed wax, as you would eold erenm, allowing this to remain on over n!ght. then taking It off with warm Water. One ounce usually suffices. The process Is both painless and Inexpensive. The wax, wh'eh Is procurable at youf drug; store, 1wvns the nstur-t ahedd'ng proee. It rnJnUy absorbs the dead and hlf dead 'kin. reveal'ng the new. healthy, yonthf'i'-!nV'n skin underneath." Adv. The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend - FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by (MISS) MARY G. EWING, C. S. B. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., v At First Church of Christ, Scientist, . . .. St. Mary's Ave. and 24th Sts., - . - , THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, Sept. 26 and 27, . At 8 O'clock. Ground Crfper Hi For MDa r-d Women. M !rl? ; AIWL IB 1 ;JUIY10 V i J y ; ItfOfit u M I 3 CBOUUVf i I m A 1 tSg.vlLlJ tsnns 3 ammo Ak-Sar-Ben visitors (all and let us show you our shoe. We have the ahoe that will cure all your toot troubles. Many teet in same condition as shown here, positively cured in a short tine, Ground Griper Sace Stare 1414Fnuun. Is San Theater TWf. & A. JOHSSdXXgr. GS!l SSftsjj KEEP DANCING With Keeps at Hotel Rome Monday, Thursday and Saturday I Classes and Prlvat Lessons. Phons Doug. 2581 or Harnsy 2782: aaaaaaBBSBBSWaWBWWaWIIIBatMW 1 r : ' 1 fiLJ 1 What Determines Efficiency Efficiency protection la more than bare com nVanee with the Isw. The Woodmen of the World not only pays tvery legal obligation to fuU promptly, but our 850,000 members rlsit and care for the sick and needy., Men that are called to the eolors art looked after the same as the ones that have to stay home. This entire organisation is pledged to the en thusiastic support . of our Government's War Program. You need additional insurance. sAr rT rvB TTJir XTTOXil D HON. W-rKASfcK. aoeeteum u "i " " j K 5fta THE BROADMOOR! BUILT OF STONE, STEEL AND CONCRETE; NATURALLY IT 19 FIREPROOF An All 'Tear Hostelry Beyond Compare 5 INDIAN Summer now reigns in Cole rado's Rockies. The majestic slopes -that flank The Broadmoor are ablaze with autumn color. A thousand moun tain trails tempt the motorist and horse back rider. C At The Broadmoor every room com mands a view of the p ncspiked Rockies. Here the days are sunny and the skies of turquoise blue. C.The Broadmoor golf course is in its prime. The hotel is sur rounded by a mountain park of 2,000 acres. And combined .with these attrac tions of the great outdoors are those de .luxe appointments, service and cuisine so distinctively Broadmoor's. C.The Broadmoor is easily accessible from either coast It is open all the year. m I miHWWlllSIIBI' uaipmniwitiw.w. T I I - . xhe BROADMOOR COLORADO SPRINGS Write for illustrated booklet r a . a ..... . ...... auc;uiuns answered below are gea eral in character, the symptoms or diseasei are given and the answers will apply b. any case of similar nature. Those wish'ng further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg.. Collcee-Elwood streets, Dayton, Ohio, en closing self -addressed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only init'als or fictitious names will be ued in my answers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked Hug ' store. Any druggist can order of whole sale. Lady writes: "I am writing for advica to cure myself of pimples and boils. My skin seems too oily." . Answer: The organa which eliminate waste matter need attention. Obtain three grain suipherb tablets (not sulphur tab lets) and take regularly as per directions for several months. I . "Father" writes: "Should man of forty-six find himself utterly incapaci tated T Am weak, nervous, timid, self conscious. Do not sleep well. Arise with a tired feeling, lame back and often have severe headeche in the back part of head. Fickle appetite, but when I do eat, do noi get strength." ' Answer: To use a common expression "you have exceeded the apeed limit" and your nervous system needs the aid of an Invigorating tonic medicine. .Get s tube of three grain esdomene tablets. Take aa per dlrect'ons and continue treatment sev eral months if necessary. see Young Miss writes: "My hair ia comb ing out, my scalp itches and dandruff ia much annoying, and I want something to cure these conditions. Answer: For hair and scalp troubles t have never found anything to equal the benefieial results of a thorough treatment or plain yellow minyol. It Is cooling, cleansing and invigorating, and thousands now use it regularly as a hair and scalp tonift "Restless" writes: "I am uneasy about my health.vjpy kidneys and bladder are not well. Have' spells of degression do not nleep well, have to arise frequently. Urtns ' hed odor and color, very scant sometimes. My ankles puff and under my eyes I havs ' bags.' Please prescribe." Answer: Your symptoms Indicate yon need treatment to tons tin the functions of kidneys and bladder. Obtain in aaaled tubes balmwort tibleta and take as per directions for several weeks, or until relief Is experienced. . , , ess i Mr. writes: "When a person becomes uncomfortable from excess fat do you be lieve in reducing with medicine treat--merit J . .t Answer: The treatment of excess fat for reduction can be carried out aafely ' w'.1i five gra'n arbolons tablets. I do not advise indiscriminate meri-'eation, but this treatment seems to bo uniformly sue. . cessful. NOTE r -Tor many years Dr. BaVer has been r'ving free advice and prescriptions to millions .of peonie through the press columns, and doubt'ess has helped In re lieving illness and distress mom thsn sns s'ngle Individual in the world's hiatorr Thousands have written h'm expressions': of gratitude snd confidence similar to the -following: Dr. Lewis Baker. Dear S'rs I have Us taking Sulnhrrb Tablet, for wnstTnauS and 1 liver trouble for two weeks, and find that they give me the moat benefieial re suite of anything the. I havs taken for the past 20 years. So viewed am I that I recommend them to all my fronds. I en- cloe tami and eonnon for book. "Health and Beauty." and treating I may receive mors benefit from r-edlng ft, I am Very truly yours. . T. J. O'WIW V ittinestaifcS r,