Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 22, 1918. 1 , - Conducted by Ella Fleishman mm War Work for College Women. Prof. Sarka Hrbkova, chairman of the woman's committee, Nebraska State Council of Defense, is in re ceipt of information from Washing ton on arious avenues of war work for college women. Applicants for specific positions should write to Inter-Collegiate Committee on Wo men's War Work Abroad, Women's University club, 106 East Fifty-sec ond street. New. York City. This committee, at the request of the American Red Cross .and the women's overseas section of the Y. M. C. A., has undertaken to act as a personnel bureau for college wo men in oversea service. Theconnec tin between this committee and the Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A. is official and authoritative. For the Red Cross, the committee will re cruit social, canteen and hospital hut workers, stenographers, clericaJ aisistairts, etc.; for Y. M. C. A., can-t-cn workers for the American camps abroad. ' All colleges will be asked to fur nish lists of graduates available for these- services and an estimate of the tficiency of individual candidate. ., College women who apply to the rommittee will he assigned to serv ice either as individuals, or in units of If) as tlie Red Cross and the Y. Id-' C, A. may indicate. The practi cability of the unit has been, clearly 'The Kea Cross wants 50 canteen workers, 25 hospital' hut workers. 23 stenographers immediately. If full volunteers are not available, ex penses and maintenance, of suitable candidates will be paid. French is desirable, not essential. .The Y. M. C. A. wants a large number of cpnteen workers for American camps. 'If full Volunteers t"f not available, transportation and m: ' tenance will be paid.: French is not necessary. Service League Benefit Innes' band will give matinee and evening concerts at the Auditorium October 13 under the auspices of the National League" for Woman's .Service. Booths will be installed in the stores, where tickets will be sold the week before, the concert. Mrs. William Archibald Smith, chairman of the league, has issued a financial' report, beginning, January JS, 1913, un to September 20. 1918. Total receipts were $7,731.34; "flis- i-,.,-,,.--,-. rt) 891.50. and the bal- V t V J: r I ft .. IK I7 J." y fa V k - " , f : z i v, . 7 1 - ' - . lliichart-SU-ffcns ruttw. EDITH STANDEVEN. ' LUCILE SCOTT. Two more Oir.cha girls who have been selct;d by their country to serve in foreiga lands are Miss Edith Star.d;?:n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stindeven, and Miss Lucile Scctt. These young business women have recently been accepted for Red Cross clerical work abroad and expect their overseas orders very, shortly, Miss Standeven is em ployed as a stenographer in the First National bank and Miss Scott is a member of the office force of Thompsbn-Beldeft' company. ance in $839.78. the treasury up to date is Patriotic Girls Practice. All Patriotic League girls and others who will help in the singing at the Margaret Slattery meetings are requested to meet for practice at the Y. W. C. A. building Monky evening at. 8 o'clock. Dr. H. A. Knowles will remain over an addi tional day to lead the singing at the big meeting. The federation of mu sicians has agreed to furnish music for the Slattery meeting as a pat riotic service. Lt. Charles Zabriskie. who has been in a southern aviation school, spent several days the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearce and Miss Helen Pearce, on his way to an eastern port, where he expects to sail for overseas service. According to a cablegram, Lt. Hird Stryker of the 338th field artil ''rv hns arrived abroad. Colorado Springs' Finest and Largest Hostelry CHARLES A. SCHLOTTER, Manager. (European Plan Restaurant Famed In the center of the city, surrounded " by fifteen acres of garden and park. SiH 'Golf, Tennis ..Motoring. ; Garage. Turkish, Electric, Russian and Vapor Baths. Autumn is the most enjoyable season . , for motoring in Scenic Colorado. The Antlers Hotel ; . ' ... ( Colorado Springs, Colorado. ". Delightful Climata Absolutely Fireproof in 111 . m Serves' On . National War Committees .' MRS. GEORGE BASS. Mrs. George Bass of Chicago is secretary of the National Woman's t Liberty Loan committee ' and. "a member of the National UOuncil of Defense,' woman's committee. As such, she was one of the principal speakers at the war workers' con ference held in Lincoln last week. Mrs. Bass spoke in Omaha a year ago, when the nucleus for the state women's defense committee was formed and may come again during the Fourth Liberty loan drive. , Our showing of the newest creations i n Fall headgear is com plete in every detail. And please accept this as an invitation , :to view the new . styles at your earliest convenience. . . Due to our ever- increasing, business, we have been forced to enlarge our Milli on ery Department to. ; three times its for-. ; .. - . ; mer. size, , thus en- X ,. ' ; : . - - v abling us to show a more varied and larger assort-. ; ment than heretojlore. ' Come and see the pleasing models and the new styles. Prices range from ' , L $4,95 to $16.S0 .V;itIr Cfeaft-Terms to Meet Your Approval BE;PB 1417 Douglas Street A conservation booth will be a feature of the Ak-Sar-Ben and county fair. Henry Maxwell, Doug las county aent, and Miss Nellie Farnsworth, hone demonstration aent for Omaha, have it in charge, Mrs, R.-E. .Winkleman, chairman of the Conservation council, has ap pointed committees to take charge each- t'dy. Women arc urged to bring their canned fruit and vege tables for exhibit by 6 o'clock, Thursday. September 26. Any resi dent of Douglas county may com pete for premiums., without any charge for entries. The instruction classes will be sus pending' during ti'.e week except in . Saratoga district. The regular meeting vill he held in the school house on Tuesday -at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. R. H. rjiir is chairman, the subject .... r. . ... . J 1 f - - 1 is Meat SUDsutmes ana run wcai Dishes." Miss Farnsworth spoke on ' Suar Conservation" to the Miller Park Mothers' club, Wednesday. . Miss Maud Wilson, who has been state leader of home demonstration work for the- last-'three years, has h-nded in her resignation to take effect October 1. Mrs. Davis son Irs bec-i appointed her succes sor. Mrs, . Dr.vicson was called to Wrsr.instot'i 1-st winter to help in the cr.nscrvatioa work under Mr. Hoover. ; War SirCo Instead of ; Pr.per Tl.e governnicnt wants every scrap of paper put to war purposes paner contains ivatenais ana chemicals r.ece:sary in the manu facture of explosives and nases. The scribblintr'psd' must go.'school chil dren and even storekeepers can lielo the war by stopping the paper scribbling habit. . Get out the slate and sponge. Children should be fli en slates, in t!:e schools. ,Tne paper makers, before the wcr, made paper so checp'y tat enormous waste of n?er re;u'.ted? now the paper mak er? are restric'td and conservation mast b'e practiced. Bring out the slate! and . siva su'.p'.ii:-, chlorine, caustic ioda, and pu'.p, a'l wan'.ad by our fijhting boys over there. Benc3t for Smith College Unit. Plans Are being formulated by the Smith College club for a bene fit to be given the fatter part of Scplemher. Mies Portia Swelt. who has recently-presented a dance car nival tv Denver, under the auspices of the Smith CoUe-e c'.uh there, has been ashed to give a similar per fnrmcnee fere, The afTair will be glvcri Y.t or.8 cf the local tb-atcrs and the procee-'.s sent to the Smith Coiie-e 'unit; who are enpsged in re construction work overseas V - Mrs. Frank Ellick, chairman of the public shop, 'announces the opening of the workrooms in the Keeline building Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The shop will be open Tuesday and Thursday evenings for night work. ' December 16-23 is the wee!, desig nated for the annual Red Cross membership campaign. Fines amounting to $270, collect ed by Douglas county food adminis tration, have been turned over to the Red .Cross. L'nion Pacific Pensioners' Red Cross auxiliary will resume its reg ular meetings Thursday at room 312, L1. P. headquarters, Fifteenth and Dodge streets. Unitarian auxilliary, Mrs. W. F. Baxter, chairman, will meet at the Unitarian church, Wednesday from 10 a. m. to S p. m. The largest number of men ever served in one day at Fort Omaha canteen is 1,600. Between Septem ber 5 and 12, 9,714 took advantage of the canteen. cal dressings. Mrs. C. Grandon.jWMH,4' house Tuesday at 1 o'clock. ! Army smd Mavy Nates i I GOSSIP OF PEOPLE :c All Saints' church Red Cross aux iliary meets every Monday in the church between the hours of 10 and 5. Mrs. Robert Trimble is chairman. There was no shipment of socks last week. The quota, 21.600 pairs by November 1, is not yet one-half completed. Women are urged to knit. ' In the salvage department there are Mason jars and jelly glasses for sale at a bargain. Carter Lake club auxiliary, Mrs. A. D. Chapman, chairman, surgical dressings, will meet at the Scottish Rite cathedral Thursday, October 3, at the usual hour. The Prettiest Mile auxiliary, surgi- Organization of workers for the Red Cross information desk at the Union Station, Mrs. J. C. Dahlman, chairman, has been perfected for duty every day but Sunday, as fol lows: Mondays Company C, Mrs. Sam uel Burns? captain. On duty, Mrs. Osgood T. Eastman and Mrs. Tom Davis; substitutes, Mrs.1 K. H. Sprague, Miss Mary Megeath, Miss Gladys Peters and Miss Helen Eastman. Tuesdays Company A, Mrs. L. J. Healey, captain. On duty, Mrs. Piatt. Miss Lucy Updike. Wednesdays Company H, Mrs. George B. Prinz, captain. On duty, Mrs. W. G. Nicholson, Miss Ger trude Stout. Thursdays Company G, Mrs. W. J. Cully, assisting captain. On duty, Mrs. Culley, Miss Eloise West, Miss Florence Rahm and Miss Corinne Elliot. Fridays Company A, Mrs. L. J. Healey, captain. On duty, Mrs. W. G. Bradley, Mrs. A. F. Tyler. Saturdays Company H, Mrs. Howard Baldrige, captain. On duty, Mrs. H. E. Newbrailch, Mrs. A. F. Taylor, Mrs. A. V. Kinsler and Mrs. O. G. Osborne, Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall and Mrs. F. A. Brogan, Mrs. Thomas W. Allen, Mrs. F. R. Dailey, Mrs. Alv;n Johnson and Mrs. George Doane, Mrs. W. J. Mettlen, Mrs. H. H. Berger, Mrs. Baldrige, Mrs. R. C. Howe, Miss Marion Howe. Lt. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter re ceived word on their arrival at Fort Andrews' of Lieutenant Carpenter's promotion to first lieutenant. He is adjutant at the fort now. Lt. Harold Graham, stationed at Camp Dodge, is passing the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graham. ii .... i. r- i? . ... f I i roniouon to ic ursi iieuirnani oi Hubert Keyes Owen is announced from headquarters of the aeronautic section of the air service of the army. Lieutenant Owen received his com mission as second lieutenant at Fort Omaha in February, He is now on duty at West Point, Ky., where he is attached to the artillery observers' school. Captain rhillip Morgan McCul lough, who has been spending a short leave of absence with his par ents, Col. and Mrs. T. W. McCul lough, will leave Monday night for Fcrt Leavenworth, where he will take command of a company in a new battalion of signal corps men being organized for overseas duty. Lt. Victor Caldwell, who has been at Akron, O., is now on special duty in Washington, D. C. Lt. R. W. Hall, who has been spending a two weeks' leave with his mother, Mrs. R. S. Hall, left Sunday evening for Camp Funston. Lt. Henry Jennings of Council Bluffs has left Camp Dodge for the east, where he expects to sail soon for overseas service. Mrs. Jennings is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McConnell. Mrs. P. L. Market has received a cable from her husband, Captain Markel telling of' his safe arrival overseas. Lt. Ralph M6ser, .who was sta tioned at Fort Omaha for some time, and Capt. H. B. Lemere of the medi cal corps have arrived abroad. Miss Loretta De Lone, Miss Thel ma Skeen, Miss Hughes and Wright's orchestra will give a con cert in the Henshaw hotel, Sunday from 6 to 8 p. m. A daught r. Grace Irene, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Judge, Wednesday. Mrs. Judge was former ly Miss Irene Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Kom and Mrs. Ralph M. Holzman arrive this morning from New York City, to be guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Talmage leave the first of the week for Chicago. Miss Anbeline Rush will leave this evening for the east, where she will enter her first year at Rogers' Hall, Lowell, Mass. Miss Alice Coad was operated upon Thursday at the St Joseph hos-pital and is getting along very well. Edward Daugherty expects to re main here and join the student army training corps at Creighton univer sity. Mrs. Willard H. Hosford is ex pected home today from Des Moines. Mrs. P. A. Wells returned to Oma ha Friday from her summer home in northern Minnesota. Mrs. Wells and her neice, Mrs. H. H. Hancock, motored through in three days, a distance of 600 miles, over roads wade rough from recent rains. Mrs. Wells exoects to remain in Omaha this winter and Mrs. Hancock will stay with her. as; her hushanH is now at Camp Dodge, and will proba bly be sent across the water soon. i f Lt Hanigihsii to Wed 'l Southern Belle An announcement of interest . ti Omaha friends is the engagemen of Miss Anna Maria Damrich daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J Damrich, of Mobile, Ala., to Lt John J. Hanighen, jr., son of Mi and Mrs. J. J. Hanighen. The wed ding will take place in October. Ti' Hanighens plan to leave soon fo the south to be present at the nup tials. Miss Damrich, who is a cjiarminl girl of the brunette type, comes oj an old and prominent lamily of. Mo! bile. She is a graduate of the Con) vent of Mercy, after attending th Nazareth academy in Kentucky. Miss Damrich was chosen quee of the Mardi Gras last vear whirl honor acknowledges her leadership of the social set. Friends of tl.J pretty southern girl are not suri prised at the announcement, as th romance with the young Omaha ofi ficer began a year ago, when Lieut tenant Hanighen was first stationed at Fort Morgan. Lieutenant Hanighen is a gradj uate of the Central High school) later attending Cornell university He is a member of the Zeta Psi fral ternity, of the Masque Dramatic soj cierY and Savage club. He entereij the first officers' training camp a Fort Snelling, where he received hij commission of second lieutenant iq the coast artillery. Lieutenant Ha nighen was then assigned tn Fori Morgan and has recently been pro moted to first lieutenant and engw neer of artillery. Miss Marian Lowell of Portland) Me., has been the sruest of MisJ Helen Shepard for several days, Nine $100 bonds will provide 2(j demolition drop bombs. 11 mKA rJS7rT7f7T-7f7 i rUL-LJ'T-i H 5- Fill EIS tOMMHIIO its I THOI-UW ft PLANT COMMMT I HI Thi$ beautiful figure, adapted at truly itprtttnlativ of "Quten Quality," will b tttn wheretm th $hoet art Mold. It la reproduced in colon on th cover of tht Fall and " k Winter Style Book, now ready for general dittribution. nn m ( J I ST J D it J- J Ff3 I I I ! f M'KMM mi I Q . Ill I i m aj L) mi If i u II t "TfwClrJMlUfarw'rolaicooffon IT II f U t.lj .. .J II II I: lun, UHV .uu, rt.H. ...uw, iumi..v h hmrni or Mock ifcx-toap kid. - I i " I i n is- mi i tia r trr ; ft 6 ' F F RSI & J' m U fed! 4- A f L-.) V' Hit HI I' H9 I a U K -TW 1 1 I 1 m s y, . i y 1 1 l: s i rr- i i mm m H l hr WV y. U Ll I f I T II II I is is . :i khlackmiihoot at haatvai tract. Cray, luli moo, tobacco .roan UJ, It hat timpUctty of Una and die- era th laathen wd In ! hand- . Z nity at ttyia tot tailormod towm. tome modtL Many tfmilar ttylu, 'i - n u n " h ii r-H TDTI HUUIiiniMlHilUU T T TTTTWfTnTTTTTTTfrW B A MERICA'S BEST FOOTWEAR. Made for the women of America by Amer ica's greatest shoe manufacturing organization, specializing on good shoes for every woman. "Queen Quality" shoes have maintained their high stand ard of quality and kept their prices within reason able and equitable limits. "Queen Quality" manufac turers, and merchants pledge to you Price Equalization commensurate with Maxi mum Quality and satis faction to every woman. Fall and Winter shoe styles insure to American women genuine beauty and grace in footwear of established reliability and true value. "Queen Quality" shoes are within limitations pre scribed by the War Indus tries Board. They are the standard of comfort, fit and corrective features. Buy "Queen Quality" shoes with confidence and wear them with pleasure. They fulfil arid conform to every American ideal. Approved styles being shown all over the country. Now ready for your kind consideration at the store of the "Queen Quality" dealer in your city. Thousands of Merchants now ready to serve you with "America's Best Footwear." Afiproeti ttyle, made ot block kid, alio tart or tobacco calf, and mimlla ifyle in other Uathm. xSny, itld moot or tobacto brown k i, alto (itld motu. top with krown kid oamp. Variant timUar ttyltt. Thlt handtomt boot may ha had In cherry caU. Thtrt art ttmllar ttyltt ol other Uathtn and pattern. XC rr rr THOMAS G. PLANT COMPANY BOSTON MANUFACTURERS MASS