Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 15

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The Omaha
PAGES 1 TO 14 ",' -
pOISON gas and submarines and flying things
VI ucan uv vk t,n t.3 wut'wv tu
The newest is that department of organized
friendliness known as the War Camp Community
Service, whose aim is to keep up the morale of
'every man in training. It is authorized by the
War Department, and is rendering invaluable
aid to the government. You can help, too.''
Major E. C. Heniy's Toast at j
Rotary Club oanuqimet
i mm nvi . 1
I Service, whose aim is to keen uo the morale of 1 ailB " H n 11 W JLWWWl mmmm , 1 mv " FI 4 II II -at II '
tn tm i m"i .fs n i n 11 fi ' 11 11 h h m
Z I ' r"S 4 1 ( ' ' Mil II II II .V II II W I II II
1 SilMMfe yTF'
11 f flfl ' 0 &4A VA Y fit' 'F 'ftlf - 1 "A lonely soldier is not . .
11 1 i Vl W jJIV3AAV filxfrm Wt'-'K M Xi- f - P good soldier, in the opin- I
11 I V- IV (l CAHx IfilA Vmt'tH ttej&lt ' ' ' l ment. which wants people T
11 1 Ik j&WSV fA ji V - fiM I I JW rfWl 'I everywhere to open their . I
l I , Ml fpA iL a i 1 71 rN; J I
. 1 1 fSJ 4 V'?' X kt : vl )XUXV 1 Here's to the
- vWuIrCMV t 11. ' o 4 , :
more ' fssgst :S ' .J F2
i t"'"""T :r 1 i , k u,sa : t si.i f f
i t Gabby Detayls i ! J mill's. ' AHi
II Is Keen of Eve I U ' -Mtw
so3j y
Here's to the blue of the wind-swept North,
When we meet on the fields of France.
May the spirit of Grant be over them all
As the Sons of the North advance.
Here's to the gray of the snnHcissed South,
When we meet on the fields of France.
May the spirit of Lee be over them all
As the Sons of the South advance.
Blue and Gray as one,
meet on the fields of France.
of God be over them all
of the Flag advance.
4 l"t1 -M
X PaMotielOlMe9 Ckfa Oak
Life FkasaiiLt for
War Camp Community Service Extends Welcoming Hand to All Men in the
Neighboring Posts; Soldiers Say Without Reserve,
' - "Omaha People Treat You Right!"
t 0 SOLDIER boy who has ever been sta-.the boys laugh. The boys always win, for
tioned in Omaha wants to be trans
f erred anywhere else except "over
there." , One and all, they tell you, "Omaha
people treat you right." The boys in train
tag are the honored guests of the citizens, and
no class of citizens are more heartily entering
into the job of making the boys at home than
the girls of the Patriotic clubs, organized and
managed by the War Camp Community Serv
ice, the official organization designated by
the government for entertaining the soldiers
in training. Miss Frances Range is the, leader
of these societies.
Wednesday night is open house for the
D, T. A., one of the clubs, composed of girls
who work at teaching, stenography, book
keeping and other tasks by day, but still find
time for patriotic services when the day's
work is done. , "Down with Autocracy" is the
motto of th? club, and they are doing their
best to keep the wariors of democracy happy
and contented until their training is finished.
The Y. W. C. A. building is headquarters,
with the music room and gymnasium thrown
open f,or the music and games of the young
First there is a sing. Really good mu
sicians are secured to play and sing, and a
reader varies the program. Then the crowd
all "join in" for a hearty chorus. The pro
gram is short and games come next. There
Is the Virginia reel, as popular now as when
the great-grandmothers of the present gener
ation enjoyed it" There are modern games
of tag and stunts, and the "gym" resounds
with the gay laughter and shouts. One of
the stunts is for the boys to try to make the
they know how to make themselves irresisti
bly funny.
Rules are strict, but no one seems to notice
them, for there is no thought of breaking
them. No sitting about in corners, no mo
nopolizing of especially attractive young men
or women, and no "seeing Mollie home."
Just a jolly god time and not romance is the
object of the parties.
5lMTN A (TTl l A cm TI TI iF
argaireit jiauipy uauM?
As one woman to another that describes the way
Miss Margaret Slattery talks to her audience, according
to Miss Frances Range, War Camp Community Service
worker. ,
Miss Slattery will speak to the girls of Omaha at
the Auditorium Tuesday evening. She is considered
the leader among speakers to girls in this country.
Miss Slattery is so popular as a speaker that her time
is taken two years ahead, but through her personal
acquaintance with Miss Range, the War Camp Com
munity Service has been able to get her for one even
ing. "Several years ago," said Miss Range, "I first heard
Miss Slattery talk. At that time I was working among
girls under the direction of the1 Y. W. C. A. in Roches
ter, N, Y. Five minutes after she had begun speaking
I felt as if she andI were alone in the room and she
was talking only to me. That is the way every mem
ber of her audience alway feels. She makes her talks
thoroughly personal and knows the way to the heart
of every girL When she came to Rochester again after
we went into the war, to talk on the work of the War
Camp Community Service, I was not particularly in
terested in the service, but I did know that no matter
on what subject she talked I wanted to hear her. I
went and arranged for all the girls among whem I was
working to go in a body to hear her. She told of the
work of the patriotic leagues. Before she had finished
talking I knew that I must take up that work. After
(he evening was over I proceeded immediately to take
the necessary steps, and as for the girls who were w;th
girls laugh, and then for the girls to make! went 100 per .cent strong.
SITTING on the outside with few
chances to look in, does anyone
ever wonder what the elevator man
thinks? Does he watch his passen
gers as they go and come and does
he put two and two together? One
elevator man in the city hall has
put, two together, as Gabby found
the other day on her travels.
All summer long Miss Sarah Can
field and Joe Ihm have worked to
gether with the boys' and girls'
garden and canning classes. Up and
down in the elevator they have rid
den many times a day, escorting
wash boilers, glass jars, fruit, vege
tables and many other domestic
utensils and materials.
One day Mr. Ihm rode up with
out his canning partner. "Where is
the missus today?" asked the eleva
tor man gravely. And that innocent
young man replied, ''She has gone
on before," without making any
statement as to his single condition.
So the elevator man probably still
believes in the matrimonial arrange
ment which exists only in his
GABBYis always interested in
names. Today she can not re
frain from calling your attention to
the fact that Miss Mae Engler will
not have to become atcustomed to
a very much different name when
she become the bride of Capt. Mor
ton Englman."
"Mae is just adding on a 'man'."
was the comment of double import
made by a punster brother.
Fort Omaha soldiers who frequent
the post canteen are having a good
laugh over one of the canteen work
ers who signs her initials to their
checks thusly, "B. V. D."
PASSING the Wead building one
day last week, Gabby saw two
women, evidently from out of town,
looking longingly up at the big Red
Cross on the second floor, which in
dicates state headquarters of that
society. They had stopped a young
man, also a stranger, to ask their
"But there inust be some way to
get up 'there," exclaimed the
younger, woman argumentatively.
The young man looked bewildered
and helpless. Then his eye caught t
War Work Record v
War work of tremendons propor
tions has been accomplished in the
last year by the National Women's
Christian Temperance Union. The
Nebraska branch stands among the
states accomplishing the most war
work individually, as reports to be
given at the state meeting in Frer
mont Tuesday to Friday of this
week will indicate. A delegation of
SO women, headed by Mrs. H. G.
Claggert, will go from Omaha to at
tend the meeting. Local women
who will address the convention are
Mrs. George W. Covell, Mrs. Flora
Hoffman, and Dr. Olga Stastny.
Miss Margaret Munns of Illinois,
national treasurer, and Prof. Minnie
T. England of Lincoln, chairman of
the women in industry committee,
Nebraska Council of Defense, wo
men's section, are other speakers.
Mrs. Mamie Claflin of Lincoln, state
president, will preside.
Included in the union's war work
accomplishments are: Equipment of
IS field kitchens, of which Jive are
from Nebraska; adoption of 500
French war orphans, of which 2S
were taken by Nebraskans: and
'three in Douglas county; gift of
four ambulances for use at the front
and 100 moving picture machines.
The Nebraska union has also pur
chased 25 electric fans for the post
hospital at Fort Riley.
The Douglas county service flag
has 179 stars for sons of members.
an approching hook and ladder wa
gon and gleamed with a bright idea. J
Gabby rushed Up and piloted the
women to the stairway just in time
to save the city fire department from
an emergency call.
One $1,000 bond will provide one
16-inch shell, ready to fire, or smoke
less powder enough to propel three
16-inch seacoast shells and 1. N. 1.
enough to burst SO three-inch Stokes
mortar shells
Hw MaiMy. Bonds Cam
Omaha Wmm Sell?
"A Bond in Every Home " Not How Much Money
Can Be Raised, is Slogan for the Fourth ::
Liberty Loan Drive
OT how much money can be raised, but how many bonds can be
sold, is the test ot efficiency ot the Women s Liberty loan com
mittee in the coming drive. President Wilson has: said that he
would like to see a bond in every home. There are still, in spite of pros
perity, many homes in Omaha where there is not sufficient money over
and above bare necessities of living to buy a bond, but wherever there is
enough cash procurable to pay for one little $50 bond the women will use
all their persuasive powers to have that surplus invested in this gilt-edged
government security. ' '
This year it will be rather difficult for the women to make a big show
ing, owing to the system whereby the men are given the downtown ter
ritory, and the women must confine their efforts to the home and the
wife. In the last drive, in this same territory, without infringing on the
men's rightful grounds, the women mrle 11,000 sales, totaling approx
imately $3,000,000. For the fourth drive they are determined to do at
least equally well, and they hope to leave that goal so far behind that it
will be a mere speck in the distance. .
Omaha, Florence and Benson will be canvassed thoroughly. Every
home will be visited. "Have you a little bond in your home?" will be
asked of every woman, and if she cannot display a bond purchased by
hubby she. will have to buy one herself or show the reason why.
It is not a bit of fun to do this work, and the women who have, vol
unteered for the eanvaaitinor are not doinff if for th Invo nf tVi oAflr
itself, but because they realize that it is their patriotic duty to help get!
me money 10 nnance tne war. ineir msk is naraer than that of the men
because of the feeling of resentment on the part of many people at what
they consider an unwarranted intrusion into their homes.
In previous Liberty loan drives the women have occasionally been
subjected to insults and humiliating treatment.. .Col. J. M. Banister has
told the women's committee to report to him any soch treatment re
ceived this year and the government authorities will look after any who
do not receive the women courteously.
Not how much money they can raise, but how many bonds they can
sell. This is the object for which every woman in Omaha, both those on
the committee and those who merely owe a loyalty to their sex, will get
together and boost just as hard as they can.
Nebraska women have been asked by the state chairman. Mrs. A. G.
Peterson of Aurora, to buy bonds as well as sell them. Women gener-i terials, made over under Hie dim.
allv are nurchasers of SSO and S10O bonds." A ISO bond will n tv.
penses of the national war for only one-fifth of a second.
It will take 300 $50 bonds to carry on the national war for one sec
ond, three $5,000 bonds to carry on the war for one minute, 18,000 $50
bonds to carry on the war for one hour and 432,000 $50 bonds to carry on
the national war for one day.
Pioneer Work in
Relief for Belgium
by Vassar Women
A - : J " 1 r .
i uiiuunwiue campaign tot Bel
gian relief will open Monday, when
5,000 tons of old clothing will be col.
lected by the Red Cross in the
United States to protect the Belgian
destitute against the coming' win
ter. As a nation Americans have
hpptl clflur fn . U 1
ble asset in discarded clothing.1
Private relief organizations 'have'
sent some, but. comparatively little
has hppn sent jinrli tti f
BULilLl.l III.
American organizations. " '
Mrs. Joseph Smith, daughter of
Ma). George Putnam, publisher and
author, representing the Franco
Airlerican cnmmitt-i-c (nr tk -
thildren from the front, writes that
me numDcr 01 cniiaren needing- as
sists nee, a number constantly on
the icrease, has now reached the
stupendous totalof 600,000. Of these
the French government is caring lot
about 400,000. The rest of the work
is done by Americans. These chil
dren must be fed. They rcusi re-t
ceive medical attention, but first of
all, thev must be clothed. ' ., i
The Duryea War Relief, spon-'
sored in Omaha bv the Vassar rink
has been shipping- clothing to'
France durinsr the last IS
Forty-three large packing cases have
been assorted, packed andshipped.
People have been very generous in
response to the continuous drive for
old clothing which the Vassar club
has instituted, and the large and
very valuable budget received last
week from -the Women's Christian
Temperance union -of Dooglas coun
ty is a conclusive proof of the value
of the used garment This . collec-
A.'. A 9 A M .
non cunsisico. entirely ot used ma-
tion of Mrs. T. M. Taliaferro
After the Belgian drive the Dur
yea War Relief office, S29 Bee build
ing, will receive any donations of -
clothing and provide for their re-"
shipment V