an -A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 22, 191t. 3 RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. OUSES MODERN. 11S4 N 40th. good location. 13110. ,-r., 1301 Howard, good condition, fit. r.f, 27J N. tth. very choice, $25. l-r. til N. lid. close In, $16. ' -r, 1112 Locuit, good location. Ml. -r. 1TI4 Davenport, choice, l-r.. 2(01 Davenport closa in. $34. HOUSES MODERN BX. FURNACE. -r.. 1(11 Parker, good cottage. 111. l-r.. 1001 Pacific, itood location. 111. -r.. 1121 N. 25th, good condition, l-r.. 211 N. 2th An., close In. 2. HOUSES PART MODh-RN. l-r., 3335 Meredith Ave., water, lights. i.u. 3-r.. 102 S. J7fh, downstairs. It l-r.. 120H4 S. 11th, rood condition. in. o. Send for our weekly printed list OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney. H 1 1 A L L lltiUE"y.v; $10.00 3.1:3 Laf'-otte Ave., 8 rms. - i.imiiH2-44 . S!d St., 7 rmi. 3 ' 3f. Cal -ita St., I rms. 31. .!) 1010 8. : St., 1 rms. It.' 1-2..21 J . i St., 8 rms. 4.1 ., .,4115-1 8. Aw., each 9 rm. t". '--1003 Cnlf.irula 8! , 7 rmi. M i!0 3:2 S. 20th St.. 14 rms. 9.08 ii6 Harney St., apace for three curs. 11- rms. HOUS.'-.S PAHTLY MODERN. $!?,OT 4126 Grand Ave., 4 rm. 2i.0O 2s!3 Burdotte Ft., colored, T rma 2", mi 25C3 Pierre St., I rms. 33.O" 1H17 Davrnnort. 9 rms. TI.US-MOH. AND PAUT MODERN. I i ' 1S11 N. .4(h S. , 6 mis. 0i 146 S. Hih St.. 7 rms. Ji.iO 315 N. 25th St., 2d floor, duplex. 7 rms. APARTMENTS. Bosworth, 2.17-1 Howard St., 2 rmi. and bath: furnished or unfurnished $27.59 to $40. Armstrong-Walsh Co., . Tyfrr 1 r.3'i. 3J-3fVcurl:!r Bids. 2101 F ARNAM, 12-rm. brick, double7aiT modern, $60.00. 1010 Dodge, 1 rma.. all mod., with gar age, $60.00. 406 S. 40th. I rma., all mod., with gar age, IS3.13. 710 N. 31th St.. 12 rmi., all mod., with garage, 1100.00. 114 H N. 22d St., 5-rm. flat, alt mod.. 115.00. 132 S. 26th St.. l-rm. brick flat, $61.00. 2920 Leavenworth, 7-rm. flat. mod. ex. heat, 117.00. - Ill N. 24th. T rms., flat, mod. ex. heat, 111.00. A. P. TUKF.Y & SON. - REALTORS. HQ 1st Nati Bk, MJdg. Phone D. $02. Iff-N. lSTH79ooin modern,-$45 0Q , 2201 Douglas, 10-room, mod., $40.00. tnflt W.halar l.rnnm wt.A-r. t.o EA - - - - - -, - " ' ........ . ... ,u,wv, . 1104 Farnam, 6-room, modern'' except I ' heat, 2d floor, $17.60. ' 2002 N. 13th, 5-room, modern except neat, ia noor, i.uo. W., FARNAM SMITH & CO., FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. CORNER LOCATION. FARNAM ST. 1 First floor and cemented basement; modern building, 40x100. Will highly In terest auto accessory dealers or any bus iness requiring fin quarters. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1131. 331 Securities Bldg. lit South loth si., 'retail store with full basement. In on of Omaha's best retail districts. 1401-11 Harney st.. over 4,400 sq. ft en ground floor; close In. 1104 Cuming St., modern pressed brick store building, cement basement. CITY TRU8T COMPANY, P. 789. 245-60 Cm. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 1113 Harney, 22x9i), $50.00. 311 N. 24th, 20x60, $36.00. 101! N. 16th. 22x76, trackage, 130.00. 2018 Farnam, 19x60, $100.00. A. P. TUKBY SON, Realtors. 620 First Nat'l Hk. Bldg. Doug. 101. FbR RENT Shop, 2d floor Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sts. Fine location for la dles' furnishings or millinery. See Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1531. 333 Securities Bid. 2418 CUMINO ST., store room, 117.60. 2413 Cuming St., store room, 130.00. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., 205 8. 13th St Douglas 722. Office end Desk Room. fiJTTrent. One fine suit of offices, nearly 1,000 square feet of floor space; also two smaller offices; best equipped building and most central location In the city. Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam S'.a. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler- 1536. 333 Securities Bidg. HURRY I There are only a few vacant offices left .In the Bee Building. Key stone Investment Co.. Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT. Near Dundee 5-Room Modern Bungalow 2,850 l-room modern bungalow on Jackson St , near 61st; 1 block east of Lockwood Addition and 1 block south of Dundee, where lots are selling for 11,350. Oak finish, furnace heat, large south front lot, 2 blocks to car line. This Is cer tainly a snap and can bs handled oa reasonable terms. J. L. Hiatt Company, Qflfl FIRST NATIONAL TYLER ft wU bank -Ri.nn. WANTED. APARTMENT Four or five rooms, desirable location, furnished or or unfurnished. Phone Harney 2431. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West A Real Home $5,500. This Is a special home In Minns. Lusa, built for a client who has moved from Omaha., It Is for sals at a bargain; has pressed brick foundation, laundry tubs, fruit cellar, toilet la basement best of furnace; brst of oak finish and oak floors; bait tub In bathroom; fine fix tures, extra large living room with firs place, front and back stairs. T silly decorated throughout, extra large i losets. We have stopped building opera tions and have very few houses left Cor sale., This house wis built last year and could not have been duplicated this year for less than $6,000. Don't hesitate on this once It will sell quickly. Very easy terms. Call one of our salesmen for appoint ment Sunday call: M. O. Headley, Col fax 3842 or M. A. Holslngton, Colfax 8472. Charles W. Martin & Co. REALTORS. Tyler 187. 742 Omaha. Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses Douglas 1064. 1320 Farnam 1-ROOM flat, 1110 Farnam St., $16. 6-rm. flat, 613 8. 13th St., $17.60. t-rm. flat. 1411 N. 17th St., mod., $2$. ' 10-room, 2412 Cass St., modern, $40. T-room, 1420 Sherwood Ave., mod., $25. . BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 434 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 748. ROOMING HOUSES. ,133 S. 26th St., 14 rms., steam heat and hot water supplied ..$80 2556 Harney 8t., 11 rms., garage for three cars 10 405-1 8. 25th Ave., rms. each...,,. 40 Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. 116.00 6-r. cottage, 3304 Franklin. I1T.60 5-r. cottage, 2712 Decatur. $25.00 l-r. mod. house, 2708 Woolworth. 330.00 8 -r. mod. house, 2110 Emmet St. $32.00 6-r. mod. house, 1117 So. 27th. $55.00 12-r. mod. house, 2501 St Mary's. W. H. OATES, 147 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1284. 12-ROOM modorn house, hot water heat hardwood floors, 2501 St Mary's ava., ' $55. l-ROOM modern house, 2701 Woolworth .. avs. - W. B. GATES, . - 8ffrOmhajSat'l Bk. Bldg. P. W4. 1 UODEKN rooming house, wlfli'af)' furnl . ture, rugs, etc., at 111 3. 20th St. 10 rooms, modern, hot water heat; closa In. CITY TRUST, COMPANT, Phone Douglas 789. 246 to 260 Omaha Nat Bank Bldr 1604 CHICAGO ST., 5 rms., mod7 except heat $15.00. tit 8. 26th St., t rms., part mod., $1. BIRKETT & COMPANY. " " Be Bldg- ' Doug. 638. , lilt DODGE ST. 10 rooms, modern; close . In, good location for roomalng. . CITY TRUST COMPANY, ' - Phone Douglas 789. 241 to 260 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. - lit N. 25TH, 7 rooms, 132.60. . 212 Jackson, I rooms, $37.60. 1 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1131. ( 233 Securities Bldg. $88 2212-16 Howard, 21 rooms, modern, fit 1017 Chicago, 1 rooms, modern. $10 105 go. 28th, 4 rooms, water paid. RINOWALT BROS. Brandels Thea. Bldg ElST your property for rent or sals with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, , Realtors. Tyler 721. Shopen A Co.. Rentals. Douglas 4221. 8ROPEN It CO.. Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. TOR RENT 1 room, all modern except heat los to Fort Omaha and bandy -for soldiers' wives. Loaded S. E. Cor. 10th and Saratoga streets. Call Traver Bros Co. lit 1st Nst'l Bk. Bldg. D. 88t. I.AM1 ITON AP'iS., best location, fire proof, good .aervloa and prices reason abU) 24th and Farnam. Phons Doug - laa 1472. - North. toft RENT At 1004 Douglas St. U-room. steam-heated flat, $66 per month. Apply ' at 1307 Howard St. second floor. Miscellaneous. 171 Howard St, t r all mod $45.00 2711 Howard St., t r.. all mod..... 45.00 207 So. 24th St. It r., mod 66.00 1221 Park Ave.. S r., mod '30.00 147 So. 24th Aye., 8 r.. mod 12.50 llt So, Sid St. I mod cottage 30.00 ltll So. 36th Avs.. I r. mod. sx. ht. 21.50 2101 Farnam St, I r. mod. ex. ht 23.00 1011 So. 20th Ave., r. mod. ex. ht 17.50 16(4 Leavenworth St., r., mod. mod. ex. ht 1124 Harney St., fine place tor rooming house. SOU Sherman Ave., I r. mod.... 20.00 F. D. WEAD. tit So. 18th St. Tyler 161. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. WAREHOUSE SPACE tilt per month. One floor, 16x122, : . with elevator service. U. P. trackage. tlOt per month. Warehouse at Ith ' and Leavenworth Sts. 26,000 sq. ft of floor siace. U. P. trackage. WORLD REALTY CO., Douglas 6343. Sun Theater Bldg. JTORE rooms, 1104 So, 13th St and 120 M. llth 8t Cheap rental. Fell A . Flnkerton Co.', 3t Keellne Bldg.- Stores, STORES FOR RENT 125 per mo,, good room 2d f.oor, 211 8. Itth St 1 S6I per mo., room 47x10 ft, partial - haa.ment: rood Uaht and s'.cam heat. , tt per mo., room 24x40, with service room In rear. V - ' f 104 (Mr mo.. 2551 Farnam St. steam 1 heat . - ' tut per mo., lit S. ISth St. 20x60 feet rail basement, steam hent SI3I par mo 114 8. litb St, Wells Fargo location. Just vacated by govern. meat order. . - - tOxHO ft., on alley, full bssoment. . WORLD RE ALT YOO., DousMel S34T i in T' et r Bids. STORE. ROOM . CENTRAL LOCATION. See lit N. 16th St. a verr dslrsbls ' i .1.. a Mtail etora.. Will make tn three-rear lease, for rert al call CREIGH, SONS & CO. , .' . 'i i Realtors ' Peuttas lot. 101 Bee BUg. flNS new store room and basement t . 27th and Leavenworth 8's.j steam h-at; ;s for ertlruliirs CJorfl fovrrj. 3. , 9rtdi Xhwtar Bldg. Jvvug. K1U WANTED NICE FURNISHED APART MENT FOR S MONTHS, FAMILY OF S ADULTS. HARNEY 45. APT 230. WANTED Refined married couple want small furnished apartment, In good neighborhood. Address Box 2568, Oma ha Bee. $500 Down and $35 a Month near Hanscom Park l-room, strictly modern bungalow; oak finish and oak floors In living room and dining room, bedroom and bath; large floored attle; cement basement; furnace heat; large lot, 60x133, on paved street, paving nearly all paid; Vi block from school, 1 blocks to car line; newly dec orated and painted, Inside and out. Price $4 000. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 537 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. WANTED Young lady wants furnished room in West Farnam district, near 32d. Heitemher 1. Box SO. Omaha Be. MOVING AND STORAGE. TWENTY EIGHT MOVING AND STOR. FIDELIT STORAGE & VAN COMPANY. ' FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN ' COMPANY. STORAGE. yOUR WAREHOUSES OFFER THE y BEST FACILITIES FOR SAFE, CLEAN AND THOROUGHLY DRY STORAGE, KNOWN I.N MODERN WAREHOUSES. ABSOLUTELY THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE HOUSEHOLD STORAGE IN THE CITY. MOVING. OUR MOVII 3 FORCE IS COMPOSED ' OF THE MOST EXPERT PACKERS AND- FURNITURE HANDLERS OB TAINABLE, WHO ARE CONTINUALLY IN OUR EMPLOY, THUS ASSURING YOU THE VERY BEST SERVICE AND A MINIMUM OF WORRY AND TROUBLE. PACKING. THEf PACKING OF FINE CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC, BOOKS, PAINTINGS, ETC., IS A FEATURE OF THE BUSI NESS TO WHICH WE DEVOTE THE GREATEST ATTENTION. THE HIGH GRADE OF GOODS HANDLED COM PELS THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE MOST EXPERT PACKERS OF GUAR ANTEED RESPONSIBILITY. DOUGLAS 111. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY. lth and Jackson streets. fidelity storage co. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 282. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 30 8. llth. Douglas 41(2 Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving packing and storing call Tyler 210 or Douglas 4338. OMAHA EXPRESS COT LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., stoorage. 1417 Chicago Douglas 3364. J. C REED Exr Co- Moving. W. J. LXi-tiltV packing and Storage 1107 Farnam SjWeK1741Doug ,6146 R3 . ESTATE IMPROVED. West. NEW .COTTAGE 4411 Farnam St.. la six-room cot tage Just completed, everj thing the very best and up-to-date. Oak floors and finish, built-in cupboards and bookcases, white bathroom, all rooms good slxe and airy, splendid basement and attic; large lot Only $4,460. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON, - V REALTORS. Ill Omaha Nat'l Bank BUg. Doug. 114, lu an exceptionally fine location, at a bargain price for quick sale; stucco con struction, with pressed brick foundation; one year old and In elegant shape; 6 large rooms on one floor, with floored attlo large enough for two fine rooms and bath; full basement; large living room, with fireplace, and beautiful din ing room, with place rail and paneled walls, finely finished In oak; two fine Bedrooms and bath In white enamel; well arranged kitchen, with ample built in cupboards. Ook floors throughout Fine East front lot on paved, street. Paving paid. Price $5,400. Reasonable terms. For appointment to see this call Walnut 1680. North. . Kountze Place Brick Bungalow $1,000 Down and $50 A Month We have Just lilted another t-room, strictly modern brick bungalow In Kountas Place; large living room run ning across the house, with genuine fire place; dining room, two bedrooms and bath on first floor; attle entirely fin ished: oak finish and oak floors; full cemeent bssement, with 13-tn. wall; hot water heat; soft water system con nected over house; this house wss built for a home by owner and hasn't ever luen occupied by anybody else; house Is 21 ft. wide and 64 ft long; beautllul corner lot, east front on paved street paving paid; the location is excellent, facing Kountze Park on 21st St.; this Is sn excellent property; for further par ticulars call the PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 537 Omeha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. Kountze Place Bungalow $1,000 Down and $40 A Month 8-room. strictly modern, nearly now bungalow, just north of Kountze Park; large living room across front of hous' with fireplace, French windows, built-in bookcases .colonnade openings; dining room with plate rail and panel walls: two large bedrooms and bath; oak floors throughout; oak finish In living room and dining room; bedrooms and bath finished In white enamel; house has been newly decorated Inside and out; large lot, east front, on paved street; ran give possession at once; wa have this listed for much less than house can be built for. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 537 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. I-ROOM HOUSE. 1 LOTS. 8HADE AND FRUIT. FINEST CEMENT CAVE, . CHIQKEN HOUSE, ETC ' $200 Price, $1.100 $11 Month. South 1 front splendid location and neighbors. About I blocks from sohool and street car and stores. This Is the cosiest place. Electrlo light Finest well A real home. Will grow into money. Call Tyler 4M. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank B!d. YOU will certainly like this bungalow at 4911 North 2th St Built only about a year ago, and strictly modern. Finished In oak; high grade lighting fixtures; large dry basement, and has t well ar ranged rooms. Sun-room facing east and south has I windows. Street im provements In. Can be purchased on "rent" terms. Built and owned by Hiatt Company, 245 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Phnne Tyler 60. A GOOD BUY. We have a nine-room, all modern, beautiful home with garage, all oak fin ish, large, sleeping porch, bath, beautf ful fixtures, good furnace. On paved street, one block from car. Located in Kountze Place. Will sell on terms or will take five-room cottage, partly mod ern, as first payment Call Traver Bros, Co. Doua-. 6888. 818 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WEST SIDE, $5,750. A dandy stucco residence, less than three years old, well built, fully mod ern; hard wood finish with large living room arrangement, fireplace, bookcase, buffet; extra toilet and lavatory first floor. 3 large bedrooms second floor. Lo cated on corner lot with garage for two cars. Price just reduced for quick sale. Immediate possession. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. SIX-ROOM modern semi-bungalow adjoin ing Lockwood and near Elmwood parkJ( UHrBB anu ui ivdw.j , itu u.uv.n. lu $3,600 ON TERMS. Large and comfortable; living and din ing rooms finished In oak. This Is one of the best houses on our list, location and price considered . Shuler & Cary, REALTORS. . Phone D. 5074. 204 Keellne Bldg. (Sundays Phone Walnut 118.) Bungalow and Two Lots t rooms, strictly modern, oak finish in den, parlor and dining room; full screened tn porch; 2 large south front lots; 1 block to car; 3 blocks to new school; $500 cash, bn'nnca monthly. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 101 1 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. NEW MODERN BRICK HOME. At 401 N. 39th St., we offer a prac tically new all modern brick home; 6 large rooms below and 2 rooms on 2d floor; main rooms finished in oik; hot water heat; built-in wash tubs, bookcases, buffet, fireplaces, eto. A large lot and Ideal location. It would cost now $10,000 to build this home. Owner vlll take $8,000.00 for hojse ar.d lot; $1,000 cash and balance r.'.isorftible payments. H. A. WOLF CO., Electrlo Bldg. Tyler 85. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. i Beautiful sow horns, strictly modern, finished In oak and white enamel; liv ing room, dining room, kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms and bath on sec ond floor; double garage and drive. Lot 60x131. All new homes In this addi tion. Price $7,260. Terms. Located 1311 Walnut St. NORRIS 4k NORRI3, 1601 Dodge St - Phone Doug. 4170. sivEN" rooms. In good repair; nicely lo cated, east front lot 10x100, on one of Omaha's nicest blocks, surrounded' oy nice homes. Look It up at once. 414 N. 81st St Price $3,000, on terms. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., 205 8. Itth St Douglas 722. REALTORS. 4-ROOM SPECIAL FOR SALE OR TRADE. Steam heat, elee. llgh'n. maple floors; garage; close to car; full lot; $2,000 Terms. Will consider trade on 5 or 6 room house, with garage, tn good loca tion. F. D. WEAD. 210 SO. 18TH ST. Tyler 151. 5-ROOM HOME WITH TWO LARGE LOTS $2,800; $230 CASH. If you want one of the best horns places In the city with plenty of room for raising chickens, fruit and vegeta bles, you should look at 4314 Emmet St Located 2hi blocks from the end , of the Deaf Institute car line. This ' house has 6 large rooms on the first floor, 3 unfinished rooms on second floor, which can be finished at little cost. Has large shade trees and some nice fruit trees. Possession ran be given on October 1st. Only takes $230 cash, then $33 per rapnth. Including In terest If you want any more Informa tion about the property today call Wal nut 262. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TfLER 60. PRETTIEST-MILE BARGAIN 9 rooms and bath, strictly modem, oak finish, an elegant home, large living room, fireplace, book cases, beamed ceil ings, dining room, oak paneled walls, beamed ceilings, built-in buffet, butler's pantry and kitchen, 3 fine bedrooms, bath room, best of plumbing, clothes chute, etc.; full cellar, bricked off vege table and fruit cellar, has heater at tached to hot water boiler, fine furnace, floor drain and laundry, extra toilet In basement, screened porch, cement floor, fine lawn and hedge, facing east on boulevard, all taxes paid; $600 to 0800 cash, balance payments. Sea this place before you buy. P. J. TEBBENS CO. 805 Omaha Nat. Bank. D. 2182. 2y2 Acres Old House A block from the Benson car line and Military Ave. (paved) splendid, blgb ground, but not too well kept up, very old house of 2 stories and 7 rooms, needs repairs and paint. Eastern owner will let go for 13,000. Possession next month. This Is at 61st and Corby Sts., a' block east of Krug park, 2 acres, equal to 12 city lots. HARRISON & MORTON, 918 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone D. 214. BUNGALOW. Miller Park District. Practically new 5-room strictly mod ern bungalow, on Crown Point Ave., near 25th St. Oak floors and finish. All built-in features, full basement, furnace heat, full size attic, large enough for 2 rooms; large south front lot, 1 block south of Miller park and convenient to school and car line. Owner leaving city, must v sell. First time offered for sale. Price. $4,200; $1,000 cash. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 FIRST NATIONAL PHONE g3 BANK BLDG. TYLER FOR SALE Fine stucco bungalow with two '.cres of ground. Located close to a b'.autlful Bellevue boulevard; close to a (rood school and motor line; ten mtn- x utes' walk from city line. House all modern. Fine new garage for two cars. Private water system Good barn and hen house. Inquire XYZ at Bee office. 2318 N St. ..AROE GROUNDS, LANDSCAPED. AND GOOD-LOOKING TWO-STORY HOUSE WITH SUN PARLOR AND ALL THE ATTRACTIVE MODERN FEATURES USUALLY ADVERTISED. CALL AND SEE OWNERS, 6624 NORTH 80TH STREET. (ON FLORENCE CAR LINE OPPOSITE MINNE LUSA.) PRICE AND TERMS REASONABLE. NIFTY HOME, NEAR KOUNTZE PARK. . t-room modern, furnace heat; t good rooms down, 2 bedrooms and bath up; large basement; good location; 2 blocks to car. Price only $2,700. , F. D. WEAD, 210 SO. 18TH ST. Tyler 151. LKS3 than a year old bungalow, only one block from Miller park, on fine paved street; 6 rooms, oak finish and up-to-date In every way. (Owner In class 1). Price only $3,350. Some terms arranged Rasn Bros., 210 Keellne Bid. Tyler 721 REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. REAL .ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Six-Room Modern House For $3,400 Hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor; cement basement wjth good furnace; east front lot. 46x133, at 1124 No. 13d St 7 -room modern house In Kountsa place; three rromi on tint floor, fin ished In oak; three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor; one room finished on third floor; lot 37x124, sleeping porch, Price$4.000. t-room modern houis at 2311 Seward St., oak finish; three rooms on first floor; three rooms and bath on second floor; a nice home In brst of order. Price $4,200, with paving paid. Good t-room bungalow, two blocks from Harney car, oak finish and up-to-date: lot 40x134; owner In the aimy and will sell for $3,000 cash; place coat owner $3,500. W. Hr Gates, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bids. D. 1284. CLOSE-IN SNAP. - An 8-room house In good repair, with a dandy corner lot, close-In. Owner leaving the city and makes big sacrifice. $3,500. Terms easy. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. DEStRAfcLE DUNDEE HOME. II, lit bays a well eenstruoted. i-atety and attic, 7-room. modern hoose. Lo cated oo corner let ens block from ear line ea list St.; convenient to school. Has large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, large porch 1st floor, 4 corner bedrooms and bath Id. Stairway to floored attic; hot water heat; storm sash and screens to all windows and doors; gangs for 2 cars; exceptionally well built, In excellent condition. Priced much less than original cost. ; GEORGE & COMPANY, 903 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 786. DUNDEE, $5,250. 6 R00M BUNGALOW. Living room, dining room, den and kitchen, first floor, with built-in book cas s. china cabinet and buffet; Id floor, 2 nice bedrooms nad bath, base tub, clothes chute, large closets, mirror doors; extra good lighting fix tuns. A complete home with garage for one car. Located on south front lot. 2 blocks from car line, immediate possession. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3963. 9'9-20 City National. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Iowa Lands. rORTt-ACRg FAPU 1 Ftve salles at Council Blaffa. At! fans land, a waits, IT acres la aero. If acres airaira, eeiaase ereaara. caracal and yards, l-room ho see, ban) for t horses and It eows. Water tnunpe4 by gaa engine Close to rsllreed ship ping point, a gecd hasae and arefltablt) small farm. Worth the prtee at ll.ict, MeOee Real Estate Co., 191 Fearl St, Council Bluffs. Iowa. rfiflB IOWA FARM, ' lit acres, 41 mtle east of Omaha, all plow land, slightly rolling, well Im proved, owned by widow; mast selt possession any time. 8. R. R. B. MONTGOMERY, 111 City National Bank Bldg. i!.:N acres, rich, roiling, cultivated land, 4 mtles north Psolfio Junotion, la., 11 miles from Council Bluffs. Good four, room cottage. Outbuildings, fruit, water, telephone, R. F. D., eto. Only 11.100. J. U. Fackler, Pacific Junction, Is, FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES APARTMENS PORTER at SHOTWELL. 202 S. 17th St Douglas 6013. 5-ROOM cottage, two blocks from car. full lot, 12,000: terms, $300 cash, bal ance $20 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 643 Paxton Blk. WE SELL, rent Insure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Real Estate and Insurance. J320 Farnam St. Douglas 1084. BAROAINS In homes, Investments, prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harri son A Morton, 918 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg F D. WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE 3-ROOM cottftge, has gas and toilet, $10, 2401 Seward St.; 8-room flat, modern but heat. In fine condition, 115. 1601 N. 24th. Red 682. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone T?'ler 187. YOUNG DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 122 BRANDEIS THEATER. DO. 1571 South. HOME, EIGHT ROOMS. Reception hall, living room, d Inlng room, kitchen and one large bedroom and bath room, lit floor; 4 good bed rooms, 2d floor. Large front porch, nice basement walled with brick, cement floor, gas range for laundry and splen did furnace. Some of the special fea tures are built-in cupboard In kitchen china closet In hall between kitchen and dining room, large clothes closets In bedrooms, plate rail In dming room. Large lot, splendid shade trees and fruit trees. Small chicken house and chick en yard, fenced in rear of lot; other outbuildings. This house Is not new, but In good condition. Priced to sell at $3,000. Terms: $500 c.ish, balance I'.ko rent. Located 26th and Poppleton Ave., close to Cross-town car line. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. 1320 Farnam St. H. M. CHRISTIE. Dept. Mgr. Tel. Douglas 664. $500 Down and $35 a Month 6-room, strictly modern semi-bun ga low. located within 2 blocks of Field club grounds; living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor; two bed rooms and sleeping porch on second floor; oak floors throughout; oak finish downstairs and white enamel up; large garage; chicken house; large lot, 49x130 ft., on paved street; owner leaving the city has offered to sacrifice this property at $4,000 for quick sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 117 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1721. $3,000 COTTAGE. This Is a good h d.' cheap, located two blocks from tin 24th street car line on full lot street. Has been built about seven years, but Is in excellent condition. Has six Rood rooms on one floor, with large attic, full basement. This Is the first time we have offered this home for sale and advise you to act quickly. Small payment 'down and balance like rent Call one of our salesmen for appoint ment. Sundays call: M. O. Headley, Colfax 1481 or E. A. Hnlslnrton, Colfax 1472. Charles W. Martin Co., REALTORS. Tyler 137. 742 Omaha Nai l Bk. Bldg. $300 DOWN AND $25 a Month. Just listed, a t-room semi-bungalow near 4d ar.d O St.; living room, dining room and kitchen and one bedroom on first floor, quarter sawed oak finish; two bedrooms on second floor; large lot 50x130; full cement basement; furnace heat; owner leaving city will give pos session Oct 1. Priced at $3,160, a rcnulne snap. Payne Investment Co., REALTORS. '37 Omahe Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1711. 6 rooms on one floor; large attic and full basement Modern tn every respect; large east front lot on paved street, con venient to car and school. A real bar gain at the price, $3,200. Reasonable terms. Doug. 1722. 842 Paxton Blk. Today call Walnut 1680. , CLIFTON HILL, $2,100 COTTAGE. I rooms, near 43d and Lake, on paved street; good location; very good lot; modern except furnace; near car and school. F. D. WFAD. 110 BO. 18TH ST. Tyler 151. CLOSE IN. 6-ROOM. $2,400. Modern, furnace beat, elec. llh's; full basement; cast front, on paved street; near S7th Ave. and Ca"ltol. ' F. D. V.'F.AD. 310 SO. ISTH ST. Tyler 151. 2C20 U. 601'H ST. Brand new 4Tnom bun pa low, 1-3 acre. Easy terms, cement wal''s to ca. PAYNE SLATER CO., DouHiis 1018 N..W u'-to-dnte 7 rooms, uak-f-n ab large lot, fine lo't',n; price $3,2.'0; terms 6137 N. 24th St. Norrls -Norris. Dd 4270. LtiV wlili u:l i:.ii.i'ovi'HH-i.;, o.i i:.v. d street; pood district; Vii to $li"; ti diwi; 15 pr m '!!!. Do-i"'. ?f'74. 1-ROOM, alrl'fly tidra. Will -II r! Would cns'i"r lot as dwn payment 8?e owner, S.ll Cfclcei-a St. FIELD CLUB HOMET MUST B3 SOLD This 2-story and at tire, 7-room. modei n hocse has hct water heat, fii'shedelh osk"lst fiaor; 4 bed rooms on 2d. Located on front lot on paved street Only 1H bluets from car line. Price t:.2!0, discount of $250 allowed for all cash for quick sale. Hsrirain for tmi one. lifiM-n1?, GEORGE & COMPANY. to Cllir Sat I Bank Bldg; Phone O. 1A. J CL( ti In 8-rtium modern house, wi h Is-Re lot at a ba-pafn, Oa, lender 4. Neison TVii!m IIS ' lI(-Dr'T:N -rrti. tnuie naae high sehnnl. $2.500. Ba'gsin. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chi. rior "l. WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. $ 2St boys a wcl constructed t-story, 7-ro ni, mo rn ho'isD with sieoplng porch, oak fir. shd 1st floor, 4 bed rooms on 2d. South f.-ont cirncr lot, paved sirei.i, s-cda!s ell r!d. I block from eer !in. rouble Harare. Fray terms CFORCE h COMPANY. 102 City i.rnt I tUwk Bids. Phone D. 166. 'ERY ATTRACTIVE. v5 ROOMS, den; GARAGE. 1704 N. 40TH AVE. This Is a t-room practically new Mfalow. Corner lot; pressed brick f -undatlon; large cement basement; oak Irtish, beamed ceilings, bult-tn features. Vacant October 1. 'Call Tyler 50 and nrk for Mr. Manvllle. Sunday, Walnut :!24. . IRT STREET BUNGA LOW, NEAR 45TH, $2,8C0. 5 rooms. . all modern, oak and maple floors throughout; oak finish; full base ment; front porch screened tn; house bdllt 4 years apo and thororghly re painted, varnished and rerapered since ey. Call Wa'nut 3124 today or Tyler 50 during week and ask for Mr. 'anville. OTTAGE HOME $1,100 Hps four rooms, pa-tly mcrt.-rn, but no furnace and has bren built abiut six yea s; iocated on N. 3Cth St., on full sljcd enst front lot, just erf Pax'on Blvd. Here's your chance to beat "hlc'u r it." Small cash payment balance ll'.OO per month. Call one cf our snlisin'-n for appe'nt mcnt. Sur.ilftss cnll: M. O. Headley, t'n'fiix 3482 or E. A. Hoisington. Colfax 4.2. Char!e3 V. Martin & Co., Tyler 187 RE.r;)U3. 7!2 Om; ha Nat'l Pk Bldi?. b:itk Horss. t lov3. PRICE ONLY I2.7C0!! fiven raoms and ba.h. fu: nice. elec. v ll'jht, 1 dandy east front lo s. S b'.o-'. s to car, I'cO down, V.i month. Built for home. A real snap. OSBOR.W3 REALTY CO., 7M Orv r:-.t. r, 7!dt. Tvier 496. .. a..; atuakiiu aud couvoa- l;nt t-hiom bimralow v.i:h or w(-r?t:t adiolnini? lot On car line, rear s??iooL Oak finiah and floors. Uulit-in b--.ik-, cas's, bnffflt a-d kitchen cabln-t Flwed attic, C!jnrmtrd brscvvnt First el&a pluuUug and heating. Walnut l. $300 CASH. PAYM'TS, $35 MONTH. 5 RMS. NEARLY NEW. Dandy full two-story house, finished in oak. First-class lot, southwest of Hanscom park. High and sightly. You can get vacant lots close by and keep a cow and chickens. Take a crack at the high cost of living. Price only $3,100. You couldn't commence to build the house for this money, to say noth ing of the lot. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1638. 333 Securtles Bldg. MOST ATTRACTIVE, WEST SIDE HANS COM PARK. Beautiful 7-room, sleeping porch home. Quarter sawed oak, garage, choicest lo cation. Price $6,500; well worth 16.600. Best bargain In Omaha; has full front porch, splendidly arranged recep. hall, large living and dining rooms, butler's " pantry, kitchen and refrlg. room; a full, compartment basement; furnace room, fruit and laundry; 3 bedrooms, mirrored doors; sewing room and sleeping porch; tiled bath, linen closet; fine cemented garage, alley paved; all paving and taxes paid. Good terms. Call Owner, Harney 4601, or week days, Tyler 490. 26C9 S. 18TH ST. This is a t-room partially modern! nouss, oniy a snort ai.iit-i-.a huid i-r line. You can boy for $100 cash and $18 per month, or $50 cash and $11 per month. For price call CREIGH, SONS & CO., Realtors. Douglss 200. 101 Bee Bldg. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 29TH AND VINTON. 1300 Down Price. 11.700 $20 Month. A good house, coxy and warm. Has electrlo llcht city water, gaa, south front A real home and a big bargain. A good location and you won't find any- hlng as good for the money, can Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat Bank Blda HANSCOM PARK, 7-ROOM COTTAGE. Modern; furnace heaty A dandy lot. In a very good location f near 13d and Center; 1 block to car and closa to school. A good soma at $3,000. Easy terms. Immediate possession. D. WEAI, 310 SO. 18TH 8T. Tyler 151. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT ATTRACTIVE HOME. ,7-room modern, fjrnace heat; I good rooms down, 4 nice bedrooms ard b-th up; large lot, on paved street; good lo cation; nar both Hanscom park car lines: 13 500. Tsy terras. F D WFAD. 310 SO. ITH ST. Tyler 151. "fcLOSElNBARGAlN. 1 6-room honn rented at $65.00 a month, a'so barn, on east front lot, 75x131. Mortrae of $5,000.09. Located at 618 So. 26th St. Price only $7,600.00. see us at once. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., REALTORS. 205 So. 18th St. Doif'ss 72. FOtl paT.T Seven-room modern hoi-se In Bemls Park district. 2420 Hawthorne Ave. Price now $3,959. BUY A HOME EASY PAYMENTS. 4'.08 Hamilton St . Is a gond 8-room modern eTcot hat bouie. on a enth f ont lot and nenr S'-!;nol aid or line. TM p'ace won'it melte a o-1 home Yen can buy for $100 cash and $15 per month. 4T0I FrsnHin St.. Is an 9-room hnnw. on a cc erot 75100. This can be fixed on ard mad Into a fin? home. Psyments, $100 cash and $15 per month. J33t F-imr-t St.. a good 5-ronm cot tscrs on a full sired lot TVs r.l-ee Is a rs! buy on h-e terras of $100 cash "1 M T"r monh. CREIGH, ONS & CO., Realtors. Douglas 200. Mt Bes Bldg. REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY SON, .4i0 First National Bank Bldg. WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay caih. . H. A. WOLFE CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler 88. ., M'CAGUl. INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Specialists 16th and Dodjre Sts. Douglss 16. $150 BUYS 10 lots with good chance for oil. Call Red 7401. 613 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb, PEAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. SAFE INVESTMENT $30,000 buys a 2-story duplex brick of rooms each, having hot water heat. Located on Harney St., between 20th and 24th, In the coming business loca tion, where values are Increasing rap Idly. $8,700 cash will handle this deal. $45,000 buys a 3 -story brick building, with stores below and living quarters above, on S. 16th St. Gross yearly ren tal about $4,740. Encumbrance, $23,000 at 5 per oent. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 754. South Dakota Lands. .SEND for new descriptive map of South Dakota allowing crop production, suta roads, etc. Chai. MnCaffret, Cora, of Immigration. Pierre 8. D. Minnesota Lands. DUNDEE HOME New 2 Vi -story, 10-room brick veneer home with tiled roof; 2-iiory gira:e to match: lot 76x128 fet Price, $17,500 This house has 6 bedrooms and sleeping porch, two bath rooms) and separate UAROAIN J40 screi; 40 miles from Minneapolis; 120 acres cultivated; all good corn land; to acres fine meadow land; 60 acres pasture; some scattered hard maple In pasture: flr set build ings; near creamery and slore. Price, 347.60 per acre; $2,600 cash, balance five yean 8 per cent. Schwab Hroi., 1031 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Land. ALFALFA whtst a-d shower, quarter sawed bak floors up- I farms and ranches, lit to $170 stairs snd down and all modern con- ! for list. Cover A t o., Cugad, Nb. Irrigated Bend venlences. Located right, priced right Ask for full description. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-418 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 890. Council Bluffs. TWO ACRES, $1,050. THREE BLOCKS CAR. $20 DOWN, $20 MONTH. This Is located on Writ Q St., near paved rood. Corner. Or can show you one to six acres nearby at $650 per acre on easy terms. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 80 South Side Investment See This First Rental, $1,410 . Price, $11-500 Store building and double dwelling, on fine transfer corner; first-class drug bus iness In store for years; location getting better all the time. See us fur Inspec tion of property and terms. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. i3RICK FLATS, $8,000. NOTICE Unusual opportunity to get brand new, classy, well built, two-apartment brick flat at less than cost; t rooms each; modern and up-to-date; very desirable. Rented at I960 a year. Adjoining Field club district Don't de lay If you want an Investment. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 39C2. 919-20 City National. SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN tt son huvn S -story brick store build lng and flats at 2608 "N" St. Rents for $568 per year. This Is one of the best snaps ever offered In South Omaha, pays over 20 per cent -LOOK IT OVER. BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 741. SO. OMAHA BARG AIN $2,600 buys the S-story brick tore building and flats at 2606 N street, Rents $658 per year. The price Is only a fraction of the original cost of build- lng and the Income better than 30 per cent. You will not find a oetter nargain In Omaha. BENSON & MYERS CO., 421 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 746. Florence. TEN acres, known as Seven Oaks farm, 6 blocks from Main street In Florence, Buildings cost more than $15,000. Will sell farm for value of Improvements. Must sell QUICK. L. C. Harding, care Woodmen Cafeteria, Omaha. Neb; REAL ESTATE WANTED. GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska r.irm. Mr. Pease. 211 Brandeis Theater Bldg. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loan3 & Mortgages. Investment Bargain On N. 18th St., near Sprague Tire and Rubber Company plant, 60x140, with a 8-room and a 4-room-house. Paving all paid. Ground values are advancing In this location. A bargain at $4,500, but owner wants offer. For location and par ticulars see us. Shuler & Cary, REALTORS, Phone Doug. 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. West. ACRES WEST. I AORPIS In Falracres. t ACRES, with about mile fron tage on Dodge St, paved road, near Falracres. 40 ACRES, U mile west of Falracres. 80 ACRES, 3 miles west of Falracres, near Dodge St. paved road. 160 ACRES, 6 miles west of Falracres, on Dodge St road. For price and terms see GEORGE & COMPANY, lI UtyHM, BK. Bldg. DOUg. 758. South. ACREAGE tracts, $1 down, $1 weekly. 8. W. Field club; high and sightly; rich soli; $295 and up; new add.; Introductory offer; no taxes; no Interest till Jan. 1, '20. The Byron Reed Co. D. 297. 1612 Farnam 2BAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE FOR FARM LAND Owing to war conditions, which make It Impossible for me to look after my various interest, I will trade the follow Ing good farm land: 1917 Hudson Super Six. Recently over hauled. Run about 13,000 miles and valued at $1,760. Equity In a 120-acre Missouri farm, $1,250. One-third Interest In two sections of Rosebud county, Montana, farm, equity $5,200. Equity In three best lots on Sheridan boulevard, Lincoln, Neb.. $3,000. Twenty shares preferred stock Sprague Tire and Rubber company, $1,600. Ten shares common stock, $250. - Five shares Omaha Iron company, $500. One-third Interest In $60,000 business block, equity $8,000. One hundred shares of Industrial Stock, $10,000. All of the above properties are first class and bear good rate of Income, They are quoted at actual value and do Inflated property will be considered. For further Information address Box 111, Lincoln, Neb. .iKi-i choice sightly lo.s In Omaha's newest and most popular high-class residence section, also Scrlpps-Booth 8 cyllnder chummy roadster with five wire wheels, to trade on good smooth cheap unimproved eastern Colorado land. When building Is resumed these lots will be in demand at considerable Increase over my prices. Streets paved, cement walks, all modern Improvements In, lots ready lo build on. Will also maks sub stan.'al cash payment. My prices are not Inflated for trading purposes and land must be priced at actual cash value. Describe land fully. Address. Box 2867, Omaha Bee. ACRES, 7-room modern house, close to paved road; free Jitney for school chil dren; 8 blocks to car; worth $6,000; all clear; exchange for house In city, INTER-STATE REALTY CO., Res., Walnut 3007. 113-14 City National, Tyler 1671. CITY AND FARM LOANS i. f, and 6 Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keeline Bldg. OUR t per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha residence are safe invest ments because they are based upon not more than 40 per cent of the actual value of the security and are backed by 25 years' experience without the loss of a dollar to an Investor. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. t PER CENT mortgages, secured by Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. ri CI FAKS1 LOANS CI (ff 0 '72 O PAUL PETERSON. 72 ' .64 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. I WILL sell from $5,000 to $10,000 worth of 8 percent preferred Skinner Manufac turing Co., (macaroni) stock 'at reason able price Object of seller Is to raise money to buy Fourth Liberty bonds. In quire 792 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Doug las 2717. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 804 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1632. OMAHA HOMES--EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat BkBldg. JJoug. 2716. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W.H.Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg $100 to" $10,000 MADE promptly. F.' D. Wead, Wed Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Private Moneey, SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4212. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. DO YOU WANT LAND 7 Ws want to end everybody wanting land, free sample copy of American Land Bulle tin, containing land for sale In 20 states. Msny snaps. We are publishers not land dealers. - Write stating kind wsnted. American Land Bulletin, Baldwin, Wis. Arkansas Lands. FOR SALE About 6.600 acres, solid body, In the big plantation country in south east Arkansas; more than half In high est state of cultivation; finest quality soil tor cotton, corn and alfa.fa; good Improvements, railroad station on prop erty; new Ark. t La. Highway passes through center of property. DescrlptlKS list mailed upon; we iell all kinds and sizes of farms. Southern Trust Comnany, Little Rock, Ark. OCTOBER 1ST. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark, W. 8. FRANK. 201 NSVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE 320 erCrcs deep black sandy loam, located In rain belt, Byjou Basin, Elbert Co., Colorado; under cultivation; stock fenced; 4-room house; produces corn, rye, wheat, barley beans, potatoes, hay; vein coal exposed, more than a prospect for oil; lease expires January 1 next; $22.50 per acre, cash or Liberty bonds; who gets It? I need the money. Hlnse. 56 Eddy St., San Francisco. No agents. ' WE own s.-veral large tracts of choice eastern Colorado farm and ranch lands -buy direct f-om owners; write today for list, John I.orenx. 211 Denham Bldg., Denver Colo. CHEYENNE, Lincoln and Kiowa county lands some Improved 10 per acre up. One cron of wheat or beans will par for farm. Send for list Wright 4k Lasfcury, 606 8. 16th St. WKiiAV. corn, beans and alfalfa lands. 112.60 to $40, easy terms; plenty of mo s ture; hot winds ars unknown. Write for list. Farmers' Land 4;o. Byers. Colo IMPROVED quarters, half sections or larger. Llnooln Co., Colo., bargains; sasy terms; good cro'-s. Write John L Maurer. Arriba. Colo. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN. Benson. MR. K ENTER. Why continue to rent when you can buy a nice 4-room modern home In Ben sen for $2.2r,9. Only $160 cash Is need- d and the balance Is paysble $21 monlh-J electricity, etc. Fine neighborhood. COLFAX 802 or DOUGLAS 1014, Dun-ee. LL'NDKi. 2-story, frame, 7 rooms, mod dern house on Webster near (0th Sis., must ba sold to close an estate; price $5,260. C. A. Grlmmel. Phone D. 1616. MONEY making L-rigate farms; write Ceorge R. .Hankir.s, Lafayette hotel. Clinton. la. I-lorlda Lands. WESTERN Florida farm of 960 acres, one mile from West Coast branch Dixie Highway, good road connecting; within few mllrs main line Seaboard and near county seit town; Orangeburg loam, red clay subsoil, well watered by ereek; ten tenant houaci In good condition, two poorer onei; price for quick sale, only $17.60 per acref smaller farm, same sec tion. 240 acres. H.O cleared, three ten ant hoi'srs, splendid veins at $22.50 per IIERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. Nebraska Lands. WOODS BROS, of LINCOLN, NEB., offer the 'ollowlng, every one of which they consider a special bargain: KNOX COUNTY. 160 A. 60 A. under plow, I A. of al falfa, 20 A. In hay land, balance In pas. tur. Oood house, barn, small orchard; all fenced. Price, 150 an-acre. 160 A. 10 A. under plow, 40 A. hay land, balance good pasture. Large creek running through the farm. Fair house Six miles to county seat Price, $65 per acre. 80 A, wild prairie, all hay land. All suseptlble to plow: slightly rolling; I miles from town. $60 per acre. 490-acre stock farm, 200 A. under cultivation; 40 A. in alfalfa. Fenced and cross-fenced. Improvements worth $10,000. Water piped te ten different places on farm. Ten miles from Bloom field. Price, $90 per acre. $12,000 cash will handle this placs and It Is the best grain and stock farm we know of In the country. LANCASTER COUNTY. 1S6-A. farm within a mile and a half ef the postofflce, on pared street $36, 000 In Improvements. 220 A. under cul tivation; lit A, In alfalfa. One of the best farms In Lancaster county. Price, $310 an acre. Owner of this farm pur chased It a year ago, but finds himself unable to operate so large a place and Is offering It at a very decided bargain. 40 A. planted to winter wheat goes wltU the farm. .$15,000 cash will handle It. WASHINGTON AND BURT COUNTIES. We will sell Improved qnarter or half sections out of ouf Nels Morris ranch In Burt and Washington counties, ad Joining the town of Herman, at prices ranging from $135 an aore for 180 A. all in cultivation, without further Improve ments, to $170 an aore for quarter sec. tlons with fine set of modern Improve ments. There Is no land In the state to equal this land for productiveness. V.'heat this year went as high as tt bu. to the acre and you will see eorn on the place thst will go 10 bu. We have 5,700 A. In this tract, every foot In cul tivation, and 8 sets of Improvements and have decided to sell half of It Consequently you- may suit yourself In picking"" It. - Reasonable terms will be made. 3,000 A. of this land is now planted to winter wheat and you will be charged only for the work of plant ing and the seed, in addition to these prices. RANCHES. ' Our bank at Santee, Neb., has listed with them a very attractive 1. 120-acre ranch in Knox county; 175 A. of ex cellent farm land with fine Improve ments, fenced and cross-fenced, at $4$ an acre. This is a wonderful bargain. They also have listed several smaller ' ranches and one l.soo-acre ranch In Knox Co., priced at $36 an acre. When you stop to consider that Knox county Is In the northeast portion of the state, a little over 100 ml. n-irth of Omaha and 100 ml. west of Sioux City, yon must realise that these prices are very attractive. Will bs glad to show you any tt these properties at any time. No mat ter where you are, call us on the phone at our expense or drop us a line and we will send a man to see you If yon can't corns to see us. WOODS BROS., Thone B-8744. 1S1 S. 13th St. Lincoln. Web. Buy Direct From Owner. Kimball County Farm, $35 Per Acre. Must sell In thirty days, 840 aeret Kimball county, seven miles from V. P. R. R.- School house on land. 800 acres can be plowed with tractor. 150 acres broken. 100 acres now seeded to fall wheat on sod. Kimball county sod wheat this year went from 26 to 45 bushels. This can bs verified by com ing hers and seeing wheat threshed now. Will take one-fifth down, balance flvs yoars t per cent. Mo reasonable terms refund responsible parties. Will sell all or part Fine well and mill Small hoose and barn Land all fenced. Can have section all plowed and seeded for non resident If desired. Address E. L. Griffith. Bushnell, Neb., r call Frank A. Smith. Douglas 9280. NOTICE OF PARTITION SALE Notice of partition sale Is hereby given that by virtue of a decree and order of sale entered la the district court of Vashlngton county, Nebraska, under date of August 12, 1918, In aa action in partition therein pending wherein Alma M. Hsas. et al. are plaintiffs, and Luella Brown, et al, ara defendants. I, as referee. In portion, in said ' action, will, oa Tuesday, Sep tember 17, 1918, at 1 o'clock p. nr. at ths north front door of ths court house In Blair, Washington county, Nebraska, offer for sale the following described real estate, towlt: The northwest of seotlon 26. township 17, range 10. east of the fth p. m. In Washington county, Nebrssks, asid sale will be at public vendue for cash to the highest and best bidder therefor and will - bo held open for one hour. Dated this llth day of August, ltll, E. B. Csrrlan. Ref-ree it Partition. West Dodge St Acreage 15 ACRES Fronting 1,320 feet on Dodge St paved road; land lies level, high and sightly; near school; some flae trees. Price, $660 per acre. 40 Acres Good Improvements, 4 miles west of Elmwood Park, on main road, I acres la shaded pasture with spring wster; bal ance high, sightly, gently rolling, H mile te school. Ask us about pries aad terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. Ittt Omaha National Bank Bldg: Douglas 2711. A FIRST-CLASS STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. For sale, 400 acres, II mlleo from Kearney. 4 miles from Elm Creek, Neb-, on U. P. R. R.; all level, good valley land; 308 acres la cultivation, 1ft acre of which Is under Irrigation by a private" plant. At acres pasture aad the balance In wild hay meadow that cuts a tatf ef good blue stem hay to the acre every year, 140 acres fenced hog-tight; first clsss alfalfa land; a story and a half six-room boose, with targe cemented basement; water In house; large barn with mow, and all kinds of other out buildings, all In good condition; wells and mills; price, llOt per aero, easy terms; . If Interested, call aad see A. Nelson, Kearney, Neb. acre; liberal terms offered on both prop erties; for full details address B. I il A TJlfO A XTrTT Hamner. general development sgent. -J AlViUO AIN U XV Seaboard Air Line Railway CO., jiio Roystr Bide;., Norfolk, Va. ' A DUN.)-:-; HOME at 4S:3 Davenport to ' be sold by October 1 at a sacrltlco. CATTLE range land?, sou.h Florida, 10.900 to 100,000 acres; all-the-year-round - grasing; new railroad; low prices. Bend f r lnformst'on today. James Hutton, Box 4if, Fort Myers, Florida. Ws have several very attractive prop erties tor sale la Dawes, Ksya Paha aad Brown counties. These are places that ws have personally Inspected, aad aro recommended as being good buys. Sn4 for list snd photos stating aa to MB wsnts. ILluke Inv. Co, Owa , .