THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1918. 13V 2 RULES LAID DOWN ON PERMITS FOR GRAIN SHIPMENTS Hale Holden Issues Circular Telling How Request for Cars Should . Be Made. The following instructions regard ing the issuance and handling of grain permits, as a result of the re cent embargo, were issued by Hale Holden, regional director of Chi cago, according to a circular issued t the Omaha Grain exchange Fri day: 1. Application for permit may be made Hbar by ahlpper at point of origin or by continue at destination. It muat be In wrltlnr and on prescribed form. t. When application la made by ship per It must be transmitted . by railroad teat at point of origin to the grain con trol committee at destination; consignee's application stiould ba made direct to grain oontrol committee. . Application for permit for shipment from one primary market to another will be made to the grain control committee at the originating primary market for transmittal to the grain control commit tee at destination market; permit when Issued will ba returned through the same channel. .. 4. Grain control committee will con sider applications In the order In which they are received, and will Issue permits as conditions warrant. (. When applications are approved, permits will be Issued In triplicate and numbered serially, with prefixes as fol lows: CH Chicago OM Omaha CB Council Bluffs PaPeorla DH Duluth SJ St. Joseph KC Kansas City si, st. Louis MK-Milwaukee sp St. Paul MS Minneapolis t. Permits shall not be transferable; they can be used only by parties author ised therein and for kind of grain speci fied. T. All permits, except ss Indicated In paragraph three, will be transmitted by the grain control committee directly to railroad agent at point of shipment, who will note theroan date of receipt and Im mediately notify shipper that permit has been granted and that shipment covered thereby must be made within five (5) working days from date of such, notifica tion. The committee will also send copy of permit to transportation officer of the road on which shipment originates ex cept where handled In accord with para graph three. The third copy of the per mit will be retained for committee's files. The committee will also notify con signees of action taken with reference to applications filed by. them. 8. Number of permit must be shown on waybill aa authority for the shipment. This number will ba recognized, by all carriera aa authority for forwarding of shipment 'against grain embargoes. I. Shipments moving on permits may not be reconsigned from one market to another market where permit system Is In control unless new permit Is obtained In prescribed manner. 10. Agent at point of origin will ad vise grain control committee at destina tion on prescribed form as shipments are made. Grain control committees have been established at all primary markets, and you will be advised of the personnel of these committees later. Funston Boys Eager to . Get Into Fray in France Lieut. Clifford H. Boyles, 41st United States Infantry, Camp Fun ston, is in the city on leave, visiting with the home folks. His father, H. B. Bowles, .president of Boyles college, motored down to the camp last week, bringing the lieutenant back with him. The latter is en thusiastic over the fine progress made by the soldiers who are in training at Funston and says that the boys are growing impatient waiting their turn to go "over there" and merge themselves with the great American army when it starts for Berlin. AT THE THEATERS TIE SCENIC effects of "Hello, America," which will be seen at the Gayety theater, week, starting this afternoon, are said to be elaborate and wonderful. The opening scene shows a pier in the North river and the arrival of the big American liner, S. S. Columbia. One of the scenes shows stage life as it really is and affords many a good laugh, while the last scene is laid at the capitol grounds at Wash ington. This is the show that ran all summer at the Columbia theater, New York City. Lewis and Dody are the stars. Tomorrow's matinee starts at 3:00. H. B. Warner will star in a play adapted from the French, called "Sleeping Partners." Arthur Lewis will be in the cast. Arthur Hammerstein's new musi cal play entitled "You're in Love," comes to the Boyd, starting Sun day matinee for a limited engage ment of two days. Mr. Hamnierstein has provided an unusually strong and well-balanced company. The costuming and stage settings will be elaborate and bril liant in their effects. Today for the last times, the Bea trice Morrell Sextette will present their offering of music and song, at the Empress theater. Maidie De Long, "The Base Ball Bug." carries things by storm. Paul and Pauline do Roman ring exercises and keep the audience busy laughing between sensational stunts. J. Hartley Manner's play of "Hap piness," will be presented in Omaha at the Brandeis theater for three nights, beginning Thursday evening, next, with matinee on Saturday, by an especially selected company, un der the management of Messrs. Klaw and Erlanger and George C. Tyler. Marie Cahill, who has made her self a big favorite with the two-a-day clientele at the Orpheum, and the entertaining bill with her, will be seen for the last two times, mat inee and night, today. Patrons are reminded that on Saturday night the curtain rises at 8 o'clock sharp. Next week a big favorite, Christie MacDonnU, Lite star of "Spring Maid," "Sweethearts," etc., makes her first appearance at the Orpheum. Miss MacDonahl will present a lit tle musical fantasy entitled "Cupid's Mirror." Cyril Maude's first appearance hi "The Saving Grace," will be made in Buffalo. A special company has been or ganized to produce "Three Faces East" in Chicago Lucia Moore and George Backus have been engaged for the cast of ' "Another Man's Shoes." j Henrietta Crosman may star in a war play called "The Alsatian," ( which ran a year in Paris. j Two companies will go on tour in "Seventeen," one headed by Bur- ' ford Hampden and the other by Donald Foster. Mrs. Lawrence D'Orsay, known on the stage as Susie Rusholme, will become a motor ambulance driver in, France. She has already sailed. Ducks Will Soon Be Flying Get Ready With Guns and Ammunition. Peters Shells and Ammunition will get the ducks for you. Winchester Pump Guns Dou ble barrel and single barrel Shot Guns; Remington and Winchester Rifles; an sizes and all prices. R 1ANDEI lrTC!DF STORE For the Soldier Boys Money Belts, Air Pillows, Canvas and Cordovon Put tees, Etc. Main Floor Men' Bldg. Buy Clothes TF YOU have to buy clothes this fall ask yourself this ques tion: "How can I do it most ec onomically?" That's really the one vital question; be particular about this for your own sake and the country's sake; this nation can't afford wasteful clothes or wasteful anything else. , That's only another way of saying be sure they're good clothes; the kind that wear so well you get more value for your money. Most Beautiful Choice of New Autumn and Winter Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats i IN our Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats , v you have the assurance that every best thing, in fabrics, tailoring, style, is in the goods. Suits and Overcoats for men and young men in the smartest metropolitan styles; the maximum of clothes service and value.' We are more than ever enthusiastic about them. $25.00 and Up For Fall Now ALL Clothes are higher priced ' than they were a year ago; the question for you is, "As the price has advanced, has the qual ity been kept up?" In the case of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, the truth is, the quality has been kept up, but the price hasn't ad vanced in proportion. We are prepared to fit all men. Men of odd sizes stout, very tall, very short stout men, as well as regular sizes. Copyright 1918 Hart Schaffner &Man Remarkable Values in Suits and Overcoats for Men, Young Men, High School Boys THESE are economy clothes; they save money for you by the service they give. It is a value demon stration, as you will see when you look at the clothes. Here's a variety for you that gives you plenty of choice in weave, pattern, style, which will surely show what you want. $15.00 to $30.00. Fall Shoes For Men New Fall Stocks Are Ready AND this season more . than ever you should be 'ready early to supply - yourself with the proper Footwear for Fall and Winter. It is a positive fact that Footwear will not be easier to buy , or get so when we an . nounce complete stocks, all ready, now is the time to buy and buy as much as you need. Brandeis Special, at $8.00 .' Exceptional value in this line of Gun Metal Calf, Black Kid - and Dark Brown Calfskin; lace, " button and blucher models; English, medium and broad toe shapes; all widths and sizes, 5 'a to 12. . ' Cort Shoes at $10.00 ' Black Kid, Brown Kid and Kangaroo leathers, medium and broad toe shapes, all sizes and remember that these Shoes are -. celebrated for their high grade workmanship and durability. , Two Special Lots of Men's Shoes $5 Shoe, $3.95 ' $8 Shoes, $4.95 - Several dozen pairs in this. lot, and they won't last long." Sizes are broken, so come early. S , School Shoes for I Boys,$3.95 ' I A-special , lot of Boys' Oil drain Calf, with double soles; in blucher lace style: sizes 1 to . - Y .. Main Floor Men's Bldg-. Fa 11 Furnishings Great Offerin It is indeed good news that is announced for these Saturday offerings every man has an opportunity to stock up for Fall and Winter witl the things he needs andsavemoney. Men's Sample Flannel and Wool Shirts Values That Run From $2.50 to $7.00, at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 Men's Fine All-Wool, Wool and Mixture and Flannel Shirts. BOUGHT FROM TWO OF THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE EAST and as these SAMPLE SHIRTS WERE BOUGHT NEARLY A YEAR AGO, they contain a larger percentage of wool than the Shirts being manufauctured today. We have divided them into four big lots, at prices which are lower than they can be purchased for at wholesale today. $1.98$2.98 $3.98 $4.98 Lot 1 Wool and Worsted Shirts $4.98 Consist of all wool, fine quality Ely & Walker and Ferguson & McKinney makes; all wool, fancy wool cashmere and mole skin cloth and worsted mixtures. Lot 2 Wool and Worsted Shirts $3.9 All the fine wool mix tures in heavy and me dium weight flannels, as sorted colors, also regula tion Army Wool Serges in medium weight. Lot 3 Wool and Cotton Shirts $2.98 All the Wool Shirts, slightly soiled and wool and cotton mixtures; not all sizes in this lot, but the sizes we have are extraor dinary values. Assorted colors. Lot 4 Flannel and Wool Shirts $1.98 Flannel and Wool Mix ture Shirts, all the sam ple heavy flannel and part wool shirts, together with all the odd lots of flannel shirts bought from a big jobber. Men's Shirts, $2.00 s Selected from the best shirt 2 manufacturers. Exceptional in 5 wear and fit. All colors, fast. Materials are Corded Madras and Satin Striped Repp Cloth. Sweater Coats, $6.50 to $15.00 J Webber's' Hand-Made Fash ioned Sweater Coats, in plain "V" neck style, also wool and worsted rope stitch . coats, in plain and trimmed styles. Sample Union Suits Men's Fall and Winter Weight Union Suits, SAMPLES of Manhattan and Reis makes, con sidered the best there are. All grades of wool mix tures, fine cotton and mercerized mixtures. All in one big lot at the one price : .. .. $195 Pajamas and Nightshirts At $2.69 One lot of Sample Pajamas, made of fire quality Oxford, Repp, Soisette and Madras Cloth, in assorted patterns; with silk loops; all sizes. Outing Flannel NightihirU and Pajama. Buy them early. Outing Flannels are very scarce and advancing in. price daily. Night Shirts are priced at ! $1.39 to $2.50. I Pajamas of Outing Flannel, $2.50 to $3.50. Main Floor Men's BIdg. munsing-wear Underwear "Munsing" Union Suits for men. We advise you to buy what you want right now, a it will be almost impossible for us to duplicate any orders on this wear $1.75 to $7.50 Men's Hose, 40c to $1.50 Our Men's Hosiery stock is larger and more complete than ever. -Lisle Silk, Fiber Silk, Cashmere and Wool, from best makers. Fall Hats For Men In this exhibit are Hats from the best foreign and American makers such as John B. Stetson Co., F. Berg & Co., New York, and the J. R. Gilleandeau Co., and the famous light weight' Italian Hats from Alfredo Sebelli & Co. and De Cappelli in all the lat est Fall styles. Stetson Hats at $5, $6 to $20 Berg's Hats, for young men, at $3.50 to $5.00 The Famous Mayo Hats, at $3.50 The Famous J. R. Gillean deau Hats.. $2.50 and $3 The famous lightweight Italian from the above makers, silk lined, spe cial $5.00 The Genuine Borsalino Hats, sold here . . . .$5.00 Men's Caps New Fall Caps now ready. The most complete show ing in town. All colors. Special at 65c, $1.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Boys' Headwear Finest selection of Boys' and Children's Headwear. School Caps at 35c, 65c, 75c, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 Main Floor, Arcade. IQNiMlJUtm Extra Special OOO High-Grade BROOMS On Sale Tomorrow Saturday,Sept.21 From&tolo'Cloci Sell Regularly at $1.0 Our Price- Again this store demonstrates its ability to save the.' peo- pie of Omaha and vicinity on their home necessities savings made possible by our inexpensive location, combined with a low operating expense and an immense buying power. These, brooms are made of fine quality of broom corn, with four ties , and retail regularly for $1.00. Come expecting the biggest ' broom value in Omaha and you will not be disappointed. .r Select Your RANGE or HEATER From Our IMMENSE STOCK and SAVE From 20 to 50 Per Cent-And, As Usual, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. Get a j Howard ' Over draft Heater and Learn Stove Economy TWICE THE HEAT WITH ONE-HALF THE FUEL. ; Are so constructed that it is abso-V lutely impossible for them to con sume as much coal as the ordinary soft coal heater, for' the ""reason that ." they consume all the gasVbf athe fuel. Many styles to choose ht ritn- all moderately priced r . j - Combination Coal and Gas Ranges. A splendid Combination Range permit ting you to change from a coal to gas range and vice versa. Our price $49.50 STEEL RANGES Fully guaran teed, Splendid Bakers $21.50 to $49.50 LAUNDRY - STOVES Also suitable for small kitchens. Made of cast gray iron, top fitted with two lids. Our price : $4.95 Select your furniture from our immense stocks of newly arrived Home Furnishings. Finished in oak and mahogany, walnut, white enamel, bird's-eye maple DRESSERS at $14.50, $18.50, $24.50, $27.50, $32.50, $37.50. Duofolds and Davenports In a big range of patterns; frames of solid oak, uphol&tering in Moroccoline and genuine Spanish leather; priced at $28.50, $37,50, $49.50, $50.50. Diningroom Furniture The greater portion of . our .ntire third floor is devoted to the display of handsome Dining Room Furniture. . Complete suites at :, . , f 47.50, $59.50, $72.50, 85.00, $110, $124.50. DINING ROOM TABLES $12.50, $16.50, $19.50. ' $24.50, $27.50, $32.5ol Columbia Grafonolas The World's Best Music by the World's Greatest Aritists is at your command if you own a Columbia Grafonola. This genuine Columbia Grafonola only $20.00 'The People's Store." It I I 'i s 3 lb' .A I ft a it Opposite Hotel Rome. I.n 4 it hi r 3 Su, I; ? - v Jt-J V.' 'T I c-. , 0 I fl