Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Member of General Medical
Board Speaks to Missouri
: Valley Medical
Dr. Franklin Martin, member of
me advisory commission of the
Council of National Defense and
chairman of the "council's general
medical board of Washimrtnn w.
in Omaha Thursday evening to ad
dress tne medical society of the
Missouri Valley.
Dr. Martin spoke on work of the
volunteer medical service corps.
"We are listing the doctors of the
country through the volunteer med
ical service corps. Ten days ago
we sent out 90,000 applications.
When I left -Washington to come
. here, we had heard from 40,000. This
service is voluntary, enabling us to
act as a clearing house in deter
mining what doctors should be
taken for active service.
""The doctors, as a class, arc the
most patriotic in this country. If
the man-power of America had vol
unteered as did the medical men, we
would have had an army of 9,000,000
men at the start."
. Casts No Reflection.
Dr. Martin made it . plain there
was no reflection upon medical men
who stay at home. During the eve
ning he .gave out a statement signed
by Edward P. Davis, president of
the volunteer medical service
corps, and .himself urging against
any movement that would threaten
.to impair a medical man's local,
state or national standing because
he refused to enroll in the army or
navy or the volunteer medical serv
ice corps. -
The 'Statement also advised that
the volunteer medical service corps
i i 1l- :j: i..
n au as us jjuiyusc piuviuiug uic
needs of civil communities and in
stitutions and that medical men who
serve in this capacity are helping to
win the war as much as those who
are fiehting on the front.
Dr. Martin emphasized the im
portance of the everyday speech of
the individual. He said: woe De
tide the prattler who is privileged
to raise his voice at this time when
the' great searchlights of history
will have been turned on these few
tuper years of all the centuries."
Treating Shell Shock.
Doctors in attendance were great
ly interested in a paper read by Dr.
Gershom H. Hll of Des Moines on
"Psychic Treatment for Psychopath
ic Patients." in which he illustrated
the varieties of dementia.
Shell shock is the name by which
the nervous disease is familiarly
known. Physicians are of the opin
ion that under proper treatment a
large majority of the cases can be
The evening session opened with a
paper on "What Medical Science
Owes to the Military Surgeon," by
Col. J. M. Banister.
jut Masters Pledge
Operation With Head
"Co-peation and efficiency will
be my; standard," said Scout Head
G. M.'Hoyte at the scoutmasters'
meeting Thursday night in the scout
headquarters. "The welfare of the
individual boy scout is the aim of
our reorganization. I shall attempt
to make the scout headquarters a
clearing house for information."
The Omaha scout organization
w;is completely reorganized. Seven
teen scoutmasters were present. C.
R, Cook was elected president;
George A. Peters, vice president;
and Charles G. Triem, secretary and
It was decided not to participate
n the Fourth Liberty loan drive,
hut the organization -will concen
trate on the war savings stamp cam
paign. The scouts will act as guards
in the Ak-Sar-Ben parades as they
did last year.
At the end of the meeting a unani-
mous vete was cast to give all sup
port to the new scout head, Mr,
. Ban Put on Ignorance
By Negro Conference
The ' Kansas-Nebraska African
Methodist conference put a ban on
isuunuis auu iimcraiY vcsicrudv
and four men who applied for mem
bership in the conference were told
to go- back and prepare for the
work, for if God called them to
preach He also called them to pre
pare for the work.
"God can't use ignorance," de
clared Bishop H. Blanton Parks, D.
D., of Chicago, "and everywhere our
people are demanding an educated
miniefrv "
Nick Chiles, editor of the Topeka
Plaindealer, was presented to the
conference and delivered an address.
Roy Nelson Pryor of Lawrence
preached the annual missionary ser
mon last night.
Drttjn : H THM f . .....
Evacuated bv British
London, Sept. 19. Baku, in Trans
Caucasia, has been evacuated by the
nritish, who have withdrawn their
forces to North Persia.x
The evacuation was made neces
sary, it is stated, because of the lack
of steadiness on the part of the Ar
menian troops.
" Unconditional Surrender" is
Demanded by War Mothers
Evansville. Ind,, Sept. 19. "Un
conditional surrender" is demanded
of the German nation in a resolu
tion sent today by the war mothers
ot America, holding their first na
tional convention here, to Presi
dent Wilson. General Pershing and
the American expeditionary forces
in France.
The resolution reads:
"Millions of war mothers of
America, represented in national
convention in Evansville, stand
loyally behind you in your desire to
make no peace until Germany and
her allies surrender uncondition
ally." !
The adoption of the resolution
followed the reading of a telegram
from President Wilson as follows:
"To the War Mothers of Ameri
ca: The heart of the whole nation
goes out in pride and deep sympa
thy; sympathy because of the su
preme sacrifice they have made and
in pride because of the superb cour
age with which those sacrifices have
been accepted. Their sons are mak
America loved and honored where
ever men love freedom and respect
justice. Cheir heroism and their
sacrifices will make the whole
world a happy and safer home for
the wives and mothers of brave
men in the days to come. Future
generations will rise up and call
these men blessed. Please accept
my personal homage of respect and
At Lowest Price
SpMtal rate to TMchera and Families
whe rant for a teasea.
Stiimoller & Mueller
Electric Heaters
Junes Corr Electric Co.
207 So. 19th St.
Phone Doug. 4466
Hun Press Bewails
American Reject ion
Of Peace Proposal
Copenhagen, Sept. 19. The Ger
man press generally regards the
American answer to the Austrian
peace note, taken in connection
with the speech of Foreign Secre
tary Balfour, as final proof that the
allies seek the destruction of the
central powers, their peoples and
the dismemberment of their terri
tory. The Berlin Vorwaerts (socialist)
bitterly declares that the American
answer and the utterances of Sec
retary Balfour compel the conclu
tion that the entente will not con
sider peace by agreement. "'There
is but one thing left for us victory
or destruction," says the Deutsche
Tages Zeitung.
Cross Half Circle Ranch
Sold by John R. Webster
Cross Half Circle ranch, owned by
John R. Webster of Omaha, was
sold to J. M. Cox of Hampton, Neb.,
through the Kloke Investment com
pany, and Earl Brown of Cairo, Neb.
The total consideration for land and
cattle was $281,000, making it the
largest land deal of the year.
The ranch consists of 14,440 acres
of deeded land, and 2,560 acres of
school land, located in Garden coun
ty, 18 miles south of Lakeside, on
the Burlington railroad. It cuts
3,500 tons of hay; 150 miles of fence,
and 15 lakes are on the place, on
which, at the present time, there
are ducks by the tens of thousands.
The sale included 1,000 cattle, 2,500
tons of hay and all equipment
The ranch is exceptionally well
improved. Mr. Webster's summer
home, . "The Knolls," a $10,000 resi
dence, was built two years ago. This
ranch was purchased in 1900 by Mr.
Webster. On account of his son,
going into service he decided to sell.
J. M. Cox, owns 3,500 acres of the
best farming land in his home coun
ty and has always been a heavy
dealer in live stock. He will lease the
ranch to his two sons, J. E. Cox of
Cairo, and F. H. Cox of Hampton,
and his son-in-law, W. F. Bavinger
of Omaha. They will get possession
October 1, and immediately stock it
with 2,000 head of steers.
Young Man Who Failed to
Register Surrenders to Police
Carl Dalheim, a farmhand. Mo
line, 111., walked into the Central
police station at 6 o'clock Wednes
day night and imparted the informa
tion to Desk Sergeant Cooper that
he was a slacker, having failed to
register September 12.
As an excuse, Dalheim said: "I
didn't think I could kill anybody,
and didn't think the government
would want me."
He will be held for federal offi
cials. Man Suffers Fractured Rib
When Run Down by Truck
George F.oardman, an insurance
solicitor for the Bankers' Accident
company, suffered a severe abra
sion of the left temple, lacerations of
the wrist and probably a fractured
rib when he was run down by an
auto truck operated by Harry Com
mer, 3515 North Twenty-ninth street,
at Twenty-fourth and Farnam
streets at 4 o'clock Thursday after
noon. Press Association Service
Held Necessary Occupation
Washington, Sept. 19. Employes
of press associations actually en
gaged in the collection and trans
mission of news by wire to daily
newspapers, under a ruling tonight
by. the provost marshal general's
office are included among persons
engaged in necessary occupations,,
and therefore entitled to file claims
for deferred draft classification tin
der the amended selective service
Beveridge Talks
At Graduation of
Commerce Students
Commencement exercises for
graduates of the High School of
Commerce were held last night at
the Central High school. The class
was composed of 16 boys and 12
girls, who were enabled by the ex
tra summer quarter to be graduated
several months earlier than usual.
Superintendent J. H. Beveridge de
livered the address.
Israel F. Goodman, captain and
adjutant of the cadet battalion, and
Fred W. Swain, major of the sec
ond battalion, were awarded their
cadet diplomas for commissioned of
ficers. Frfenk Ross, a member of the
class, is already in Uncle Sam's ser
vice and was unable to be present
at the graduating exercises.
Rev. Edwin H. Jenks offered the
invocation and C. O. Talmage, vice
president of the Board of Educa
tion, presented the diplomas, Ar
thur R. Wells of the board presented
the cadet certificates.
The members of the class are:
Emmett L. Drury. Grant Yates.
Anna Oreen. Sadie M. Johnion.
Mlnnla Oreenberj. Aba Kadner.
Margaret C. Har- Esther I. Ind.
rington. Harry Lund.
Estelle B. Holiman. Mildred M. Peter
Max E. Janger. ion.
Anna Janlcek. Frank Rose.
Vera L. Bradford. Thomas P. Miller,
Bertha C. Clauaen. president.
August Crane. Clifford Postlewalt.
J. H. Dennlaon. Simon J. Robinson.
Edna Engellander. Madeline Schacken
Iarael F. Goodman. burger.
Paul A. Isaacson. Fred W. Swain, Jr.
Raymond F. Jensen. Wm. W. Wlntroub.
Y. M. C. A. Opens Office
To Recruit Overseas Men
In order to meet the great demand
for efficient secretaries for its over
seas service the Young Men's Chris
tian association has organized a re
cruiting committee. Walter W.
Head is chairman, other members
being A. W. Bowman, Charles A.
Goss and Dr. A, B. Somers, with the
secretary of the local association
acting as secretary.
Red Cross Worker Killed
When Auto Is Overturned
Atlantic, la., Sept. 19. (Special.)
Mrs. Edith. Peterson, wife of a
wealthy farmer and head of Red
Cross work in this vicinity, was
killed yesterday in an automobile
(Continued From Par One.)
ious finish and during the recon
sfruction period which will follow?"
The foregoing is truly a gem in
the face of the- fact that democrats
everywhere admit that republicans
in congress have been more unani
mously behind the president than
have the members of his own party.
This is proven by the fact that at
the time Senator Hitchcock arose in
the senate and criticized the admin
istration that a democratic senator
in answering the Nebraska man said,
"We have got to admit that the re
publican minority in this congress
nave been more unanimously back of
the president in what he has wanted
to carry on this war than have the
members of our own party in this
Mr. Jamieson's letter, besides hav
ing a tragic tone to' some extent
goes into comedy when he says that
if "democrats and patriots get to
gether it will not be a very great
hardship on anyone."
Is this an admission on the part
of the democratic national treasurer
that he thinks democrats are not
Trio, Charged With Two
Thefts, Arrested by Police
Charged with committing two bur
glaries, Aleck Britton, 2209 South
Twenty-first street; John Lynch.
2207 S street, and Dan White, 2310
Hickory street, were arrested Thurs
day on a warrant by Detectives Jen
sen and Knudtson. The men axe
said to have forcibly gained en
trance to the grocery store of Sam
Greenberg, 2403 Hickory street, and
carried away a quantity of merchan
dise, September 16. A few nights
later they robbed the store of John
Sonbrink, 1111 South Twenty-second
street, it is1 alleged by the police.
Death Rate in Army
Less Than in Civil Life
Washington, Sept. 19. The surgeon-general
announced today that
for the two-months period ending
August 31 the death rate of the
entire army was 2.18, compared with
the death rate of men in civilian
life of military age of 6.7.
Dyeing! Changing
the Color of Any Wear
able to Any Shade of
the Rainbow Our
Dyers Do It and Do It
Phone Tyler
Dyer -i- Cleaners
2211-17 Farnam St., Omaha
There's an individuality about our New Fall
Novelty Boots
Thats' not to be found in Shoes
of other makes. Then too, they are
to be had in varied shades of colors,
matching up any gown you may wish
to wear and, they are selling for
Less Than Ten
Dollars a Pair
School Days Demand Shoes
of Character
in that they fit the feet of the
growing school girl, keep the
feet dry and give service.
OUR SCHOOL SHOES in black are
better, $3.00 to $5.45.
No deliveries, no charge, no commissions. Our price will i
not permit of any extra.
16th and Harney, New Conant Hotel Bldg.
"Omaha' Popular Price Shoe Store.
Will Interest Every Yonian
They'll Be Movin
Your Way Saturday
Friday's ? ff ?
Difu n '
B " Details
Th3rc Vzzis T7crs Purchased From Two or the Largest and Best New York Manufac
turers at a Groat Concession.
Chief Dempsey Will
Be Entitled to $50
Pension, Says Weaver
Answering an inquiry from Su
perintendent Ringer of the police
department. City Attorney Weaver
has replied that October 1 Chief of
Police Dempsey would be entitled
to a pension of $50 per month if he
should retire on that date.
On the date mentioned Marshal
Eberstein will take charge of the
police department, accprding to is
recent appointment and confirma
tion. Mr. Ringer stated that he
wished to do the best he could
legally for the retiring chief in the
matter of a pension.
The city attorney declares he is
unable to apply the law to the
chief's present status in any other
way than on the $50 per month
Visitor Greatly Impressed
By Progress of Omaha
W. V. Russell, treasurer of the
National Life Insurance company,
Montpelier, Vt., is visiting in Oma
ha, on a trip - through the middle
west. He has been in attendance on
the meeting of the Farm .Mortgage
Bankers' association at Kansas City.
Mr. Russell is much impressed
with the wonderful progress made
in this section and finds that Omaha
even exceeds the many good things
which he had heard of it in the east. J
Since the National Life has had an
office in Omaha for over 30 years,
and has large investments in Ne
braska farm mortgages, Mr. Russell
naturally has a sympathetic interest
in the material prosperity of Omaha.
While here Mr. Russell was the
guest of Nathan Bernstein, general
agent for the company at Omaha.
"I Wanta to Ask
Y'U About
Patriotic selection com
posed and written by Miss
Beatrice Alderman, a Ne
braska girl, will be on sale and
demonstrated by Miss Alder
man, personally, Saturday,
September 21, from 2 to 5 p.
m., in our Sheet Music De
partment. The Public Cordial
ly Invited.
SchmoIIer & Mueller
1311-13 Farnam Street.
Be Sure That You Are Registered
So You Can Vote November 5.'
Qhe Qasnton Center Jor VJomoif
Moderately Priced Apparel for
Well Dressed Women
A special effort will be made Friday in
presenting a marvelously comprehensive
variety of Smart Autumn Fashions in
Women's Apparel. All at modest prices.
Suits $39.50 $45 $49.50
Coats $35 $39.75 $45
Wool Dresses $25 $29.50 $35
Georgette Blouses $7.85 $8.75 $9.50
In strict accord with the good taste and individual
attractiveness so long associated with the name of
Thompson, Belden & Co.
Mffl'rv should
I be . .pression
of beauty
New Arrivals for
Art Needle Workers
Fall selections of embroideries,
beautiful stamped pillows,
scarfs, . table covers, bed
spreads. Made up models are
here to assist you in complet
ing; your own work. Classei
of instruction daily, 10 a. m.,
12 and 2 to 5 p. m. Lessons
are without charge when ma
terials are bought in this department.
Gloves only $1.49
Glace kid gloves, two-clasp
overseam styles, in black,
white and tan. At a very spe
cial price Friday, $1.49 a pair.
Children's Wear
New,Not Expensive
Plain gingham dresses with
trimmings of plain gingham.
High-waisted styles. Sizes, 2-6
years. $1.50 and $2.
Boys' wash suits of plain and
striped gingham and galatea.
One and two-piece suits. All in
fast colors. 2-6 year sizes. 85c
to $2.50.
Children's black sateen bloom
ers, 85c, $1, $1.25.
It should make its
appeal r one's
Introducing Rosemary Hats
Always the Latest a
Styles and always
Rosemary hats are different from others, inas
much as each is a theme in itself. In this ini
tial showing a comprehensive assortment of
the most recent fashions, newest trimmings
and latf colors.
New Neck Fixings
Satin collars and collars with
cuffs. Organdie and pique
collars, also with cuffs. Lovely
collars of lace and still others
of Georgette, in both round
and square effects. Smart lit
tle vestees of organdie and
Georgette. A particularly at
tractive pleated organdie col
lar for $1.25.
Never Were Silks
More Beautiful
Fashions favor rich, shimmer
ing satins in lovely subdoed
colors. You'll admire t'.ie
wonderful collection we have
on display. Pretent values can
not be duplicated. May we
show them all to you soon?
Belding's silks here exclu
sively. They are guaranteed
as to wearing qualities. There
is a Belding silk for every pur
pose and occasion. All axe
here for your viewing.
2 Hosiery Specials
Silk Litle Hote, 50c. To be
had in black and white.
Made with garter tops and
iouble soles.
Out ize Silk Lule Hote, 65c.
Black and white, with gar
ter tops and double soles.
Young Men of 18 to 21 Years
The United States Government Offers You an
EDUCATION and Pays You for Taking It
Complete Your Education in the Student
Army Training Corps
All candidates must be graduates of a
Standard High School or its equivalent and be
at least 18 years of age.
The Government furnishes all equipment,
tuition, board, uniform, clothes and the pay of
a private ($30.00 a month).
No student will be taken from college
until men of his class are called in the Draft
by the Government.
When student is taken from the college
1. He may be sent to an Officers'
Training .Camp.
2. He may be sent to a Non-commissioned
Officers' Training School.
He may be reassigned to school for
further training.
He may be sent to a Vocational
Training Section for technical
He may be sent to a Cantonment
for duty as a Private.
Thus he has four chances for service
higher than that of a Private.
If a man is 18 years of age, but not a
graduate of a High School, he may enroll, but
must pay his own expenses.
If a man is a graduate of a High School,
but not 18 years of age, he may enroll, but
must pay his own expenses until he is 18. when
he is regularly inducted into the S. A. T. C.
. 'j
mw1 mi m m m I ' I I i ii ' . .i
Bellevue College has been officially desig
. nated by the Government for one of these Stu
dent Army Training Posts. Adjacent to Fort
Crook, students will receive tuition from the
officers of that, permanent fort.
The curriculum of Bellevue College will
e limited only by such changes as the Gov
ernment may suggest.
Bellevue College is splendidly equipped to
look after the material welfare of the men:
Gteam-heated barracks; good wholesome meals;
healthful, moral environment; a new and fully
equipped gymnasium.
Military training begins October 1st.
Young Men in this Class are advised to communicate with
C. S. Baskerville, acting President of Bellevue College