Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Other Sections Raising Many
Millions of Dollars Passed
Without Objection or
Even Discussion.
, - Washington, Sept. 18. All of the
principal provisions of the new war
" revenue bill were approved by the
bouse today almost as fast as two
; clerks, working in relays, could read
them.' With only a few minor pro-
' visions and amendments now to be
considered, leaders believe a Imal
vote will be reached Friday with a
r possibility that it may come to-
'. morrow. , ,
i .'; ' Alter adopting v ithin an hour the
war excess profits provisions without
' i hange, the house passed important
-' sections raising many millions of
dollars without a word of objection
. or even discussion. Every anicnd
f ment proposed cither was rejected
I summarily or passed over so that the
' v ays and means committee can con-
" sider them before final, action is
' taken.
Beside the war excess-profits pro
i " visions, which yield the greatest re
turns to come from the bill, pro-
visions adopted today were taxes on
elates, estimated to raise $110,000,
' 'J 000.; . transportation $187,(XX)0U;
amusement admissions $100,(K)0,000;
excise taxes, including automobiles,
jewelry, luxuries and semi-luxuries
$518,000,000; beverages, $1,137,000,-
000; tobacco $341,000,000; capitat
stock $70,000,000, the federal auto
r. mobile license provision $72,930,000
and stamp taxes $32,000,000. -The
luxury taxes caused sonic dis
- cussion, some members contending
' the bill's rate are too low, and others
,! that they are too high. An amend
v ment by Representative Piatt of
New York to reduce the luxuries
" rate from 20 to 10 per' cent was de
: feated. .
4 The most important matters re
claming to be disposed of. are the
, -: proposal to tax cotton $3 a bale and
. ; to impose a 5 per cent tax on pro-
ducts of child labor. The cotton tax
, was formally proposed today by
Representative Moore of Pennsyl
vania and the amendment met spirit-
td and instant-opposition. The lead
ers predicted tonight that the pro-
posal would be rejected.
Representative Green of Iowa
gave notice that tomorrow he will
offer his , child labor amendment,
with predictions general that it also
would be rejected.
Dr. Martin Here to
Address Medical
' Society Meeting
Enrollment of every legally quali
fied physician, not already in gov
ernment service, is the object of the
Volunteer Medical Service Corps,
which will be represented in Oma-
ha Thursday evening by Dr. Fred
VmlM Kaasas City. Dr.
1 Martin will adress the delegates to
f the Sfft arffftaltsnve'htion of the
l Missouri 'Vrey?yeafcal society, of
' j which .heifs;'. secretary.
j t " Dr.' "Martin is one of the seven
civilians who comprise the advisory
commission of. the Council of, Na-
' tional Defense. Each of the seven
was chosen by President Wilson and
rcpnents one specialised field. Dr.
: ' Martin represents medicine and sur
I gery, including general sanitation.
, " Dr. Martin also will meet the state
,. executive committee of the Volun
i' teej Medical corps at a meeting on
J Friday morning. Another meeting
' I. with the executive committee of
i Wa will be held Friday afternoon.
Beer Gardens Mark
"Permanent" Home of
Huns in SI. Mihiel
With the American Army on
the Lorraine Front, Sept. 18.
(By Associated Press.)-The Ger
mans apparently never expected
to be ousted from the St. Mihiel
salient. They had done much
work in building shelters and
beer gardens, and about the Soul
veie farm the country had been
made to look like a prosperous
German neighborhood with re
sorts, where townspeople might
spend their holidays.
Little club houses were built
and equipped not wholly in keep
ing with front line operations.
The dugouts and shelters of the
officers were fitted almost luxur
iously, some of the larger ones be
ing filled with bath tubs and Tun
ing water and lighted by electric-"
ity. Outside of many of them
were little summer houses, where
the occupants were accustomed to
sit and drink beer.
Dismiss Constable Case
On Error of Prosecution
Constable R. W. Bryant of the
riorence district, arrested lues-
' day . on a warrant from Judge
Holmes' municipal court, which
charged him with attempting a judi
cial act outside the teritory in which
Jie had . jurisdiction, was given his
freedom Wednesday by Judge, Red-
i Ick in district court.
Judge Redick held that the war
rant upon which Bryant was arrest
ed and made to stand trial did not
present sufficient evidence of Bry-
nt's guilt.
''It was a technical error on the
; part of the prosecution, which did
not include the necessary informa
tion that Bryant, was a constable,"
said. City Prosecutor Murray, "but
' Bryant will be rearrested in a very
short time ofi a like charge."
Byron W.B. Sackett Dies
'At .Great Lakes School
Byron WV B., Sackett, 2563 Popple
r ton avenue, died Wednesday at the
Great Lakes Naval Training station,
; according to information received by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.
Sackett. Pneumonia is said to have
been the cause of his death. The
body will be brought to Omaha for
burial. V'
Two brothers i are in service in the
army, Hariv at Fort Omaha, and
; Lynn, at fort Worth;
Hogs from County Farm
f Bring $20.30 orr Market
- A. E. Patten, superintendent of
the county hospital and farm, has
been v advised by John Ralston of
South Omaha that 16 county hogs
brought $20.30 on the market this
week, the top price for this mar
ket These hogs were raided by
Mr. Patten at the county farm in
connection with other duties. The
hogs were fed in part 'on garbage
from the county institution. : .-
Former Bee Emote
f Manager of Radio Sparks
W. L. Rice, ' formerly with .The
j pee Classified Ad department, now
In naval uniform at the Great Lakes
5 ; station, is in charge ks advertising
5 manager of "Radio Sparks," which
t- is the publication w"hiclrthe Jackies
. "iiere get out twice a 'month.
1 - Private Harry S. Byrne '
1 Stationed at Camo Johnston
! Harry S. Byrne is at Camp J.ohn
I ston; Fla. He enlisted as a private
j in' the United States armv.
Collision of Trains May Have
Been Caused by Tamper
ing With Block Signal ,
Springfield, Mo., Sept. 18. A fed
eral investigation to place respon
sibility for the head-on collision of
a freight train anil a troop train on
the St. Louis & "an Francisco rail
road near Marshfield last night was
begun today by the Department of
Justice and representatives of the
railroad administration. A coroner's
jury viewed the bodies of the dead
and an inquest will be held tomor
row. The total number of dead, accord
ing to unofficial sources, now is
placed at 14, including 11 soldiers
and three trainmen. No list of the
dead, however, was available, army
officials in charge observing the
strictest secrecy even as to the exact
number killed. ,A revised list of 45
injured was given out by railroad
officials. Nine of the injured were
able to leave the hospitals.
' Among the injured were W. R.
Benson, Lincoln, Neb., and Denny
Welsh. Madrid, la.
Cause of Wreck Puzzle.
The cause of the wreck continues
a puzzle to railroad and government
officials, inasmuch as the track where
the collision occurred is protected
by the block signal system. Whether
either of the two train crews failed
to observe signals and ran into the
block as a result of carelessness, or
whether some one had tampered
with the block signal, clearing both
trains on the same block, probably
will not be known until after the
official investigation.
A report persisted that both trains
had no orders which would permit
of a misunderstanding and that both
trains apparently had been cleared
by a block system which had been
tampered with so as to clear both
trains, but there, was no official in
timation to verify it, the belief pre-
vailing in railroad circles that one
or the other of the train crews had
confused their orders. j
Five Killed, Official Report. j
Washington. Sept. IS. Five sol
diers were killed and at least 24 in
jured in the wreck last night of a
troop train near Marshfield, Mo.
This was announced tonight by the
War department.
Fifth District Calls
Two Draft Contingents
The following men from local
board No. 5, will go to Manhattan,
Kan., September 19, to attend the
mechanical training school.
FltchHrd Fanpman. Stean I. Goorte.
Glenn T. Thompson. Henry r. Skiles.
Earl J. Donnelly. Kll I,. Frank.
Ernest Hanson. - James T. Paustlan.
Vernon J. Ragan. ' David Cohen.
Paul Thorsori. Al C. Hachten.
Harold Price. Oscar Youngbere.
John Welsh. Henry Newman.
Evan R. Morris.
The following negroes from
board No. S will go to Camp Lewis,
Washington, September 25:
Harry Woody. Walter A. Jackson.
Kdwarrt Raw'Js. Forrest H. Oram.
Shirley C. Kennedy. Robert Herrlngton.
)arry N. Peoples. William Horrey.
Leonard Owens. Albert Perkins.
Charles Bryan of Lincoln Paid
$20.40 a Hundred and
Three Boosts Made
in Day.
A new, top was made on hogs
this ueek at the Omaha stock yards
when the price climbed tu $20.J0,
PU5, and f0.40 in one day.
Charles Brown, a farmer and feed
er of Overton, thought he had hit
the high spo when he sold a car.
load averaging 241 pounds at $20.30.
But A. J. Meyers of Burwell, also
a farmer and feeder, brought in two
carloads of choice pork on the hoof,
for which lie received $8,399.91,
which is $20.35 a hundred for 42,310
pounds, or $4,199.95 per car.
The top price, however, was paid
Charles W. liryan of Lincoln, who
sold a carload of Hanipshires, aver
aging 210 pounds, at $20.40 a hun
dred. The following table shows the in
crease in the number of cattle, hogs
and .sheep received in the 4Pniaha
market this year as compared wirh
that of a year ago:
191 S 1917 In.-rense
Tattta 1,313.740 1, 019, 100 :'94.640
Hogs 2,649,05(1 2,1110,521 H38.529
Sheep l',0S4,9U7 1,"76,S71 30S.03G
This shows the increase for a
year, up to date, including Wednes
day. Col. Gallup Back.
Col. I. C. Gallup has just re
turned from Gillette, Wyo., where
in conj junction with Jim Boyle of
Gillette, he conducted an auction
sale for the Wyoming Horse Grow
ers' Protective association. He re
ports the sale of more than 1,000
head of horses, the majority going,
to southern buyers. One load of
broke horses was shipped to Mon
tana. The growers expressed themselves
as well pleased with the outcome of
the sale and the prices they received.
Another sale will probably be held
this fall, in which case the dates
will be announced later.
Freda Hart Dead.
Freda Hart, 2-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Enid Hart, 1703 Mis
souri avenue, died Tuesday, Sep
tember 17, and was buried Wednes
day morning in Graceland Park
South Side Breveties
Avon Clancy, who Is in training at the
State university at Lincoln, was the gurst
over Sunday of his parents.
John Veylupek, who has enlisted In the
mechanical training school and will leave
lor Manhattan Kan., this week, was given
a farewell party by 20 of his friends
at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Veylupek. 3029 S street.
Mrs. Jack O'Hrien, who was operated
upon at the St. Joseph hospital, is recover
ing. .Mrs. Ashenbinner of Fremont, Xeb.,
ai rived Tuesday for a visit at the honu,
of her daughter, Mrs. Jack O'Brien.
Three rooms furnished; upstairs. See
Wilg Bros.
Mrs. Dave I-aveile (if Winnebago, Nob.,
is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.lack O'Brien. Mrs. Lavelle came to be
with her sister, Mrs. O'Brien, when she
underwent an operation at St. Joseph's
Opening of A. M. E. Confer-
ence Marked by Addresses
I Eulogizing Their Serv- v
ices to Country.
! Led by a choir of 30 voices, 500
negroes, waving American nags and
handkerchiefs, stood and sang "Star
Spangled Banner" at the opening of
the patriotic, session of the Kansas
Nebraska annual conference of the
African .Methodist Episcopal church
last night in St. John's A. M. K.
church,. Eighteenth and Chicago
"This is truly the 'home of the
free,' and 'thi land of the brave,' "
said Bishop H. Blanton Parks "and
an insult to that flag is a personal
insult to me. The blood of our
people has helped to make this couiw
try what it is in fact the first blood
shed for Old Glory, for the indepen
dence of thois country was the blood
of a Tiegro, Crispus Attucks, on the
streets of Boston' and we have been
giving our blood for it ever since.
It is an honor to die for your coun
try, and the women of this race of
ours are freely giving up their
sons, their brothers, and their hus
bands that the world might be free."
Rev. Dr. W. C. Williams, presid
ed at the patriotic meeting.
Special music was given by the
choir of St. lohn A. M. E. church
under the direction of J. C. Parker.
Dr. Grifiin G. Logan, representing
tiic colored ministerial alliance of
Omaha, delivered an address of wel
come. He spoke in words of praise
of the work accomplished by Pas
ter Williams.
Dr. Titus Lowe, pastor of the
First Methodist Episcopal church
was given an ovation when present
en to the conference. He welcomed
the conference to a city that had as
its head a real mayor, and the chief
of police a Methodist.
Dr. Lowe told about his visit to
the boys and France, and spoke in
words of praise of the negro sol-,
diers and their heroic work over
John Smith represented the Afri
can Methodist Episcopal church in
an address of welcome and the wo
men of the church, representing all
the organizations, extended welcome
by Mrs. Louise McCullough, one of
ibe best-trained and educated young
colored women in the citv.
On The Screen Today
NtX DOHOTlir D a l t O N In
"l.OVB JIB."
U. S. A."
I.OTHKOI', 24th and Lothrop
BRIARS." Pathe News.
(.RAM), 16th anrl Blnney HRDDA
KOIILFF, 2559 Lc-avfnworth
PHAN'S." APOI.1,0, I?th and Leavenworth
ORI'H Et'M, South Side "EYES OF
MARYLAND, 13th and Pino GLAD
In "HANDS VP," No. D. Allied War
made under the direction
of Ivan Abramson will be
given at the Royd theater today at
a matinee performance. The picture
is slated for a run of three days at
that playhouse, and will be shown
twice daily. The presentation is
particularly timely, inasmuch as part
of the story is located in Russia.
Ivan Abramson, the author and pro
ducer of the picture, was himself
at one time an important operatic
director and producer in Russia, and
the atmosphere of the production
may safely be assumed to be cor
rect in every detail.
When Secretary Raker returned
from a tour of inspection of our
war preparations in France to meet
the vast army which was being made
ready on this side, he tevealed in
his interviews a great many inter
esting facts which the public learn
ed for the first time. In "America's
'(-.Answer," which the government U
j showing at the Rrandeis theater all
1 1 "lis week, will be found the particu
I of Secretary Baker's rcvela
! tions, clearly reproduced in cxtra
i ordinary detail by the camera men.
I Mr. 'Willard Hosford of the John
i Deere Plow company has purchased
j sufficient tickets to entertain his en
j tire force at tonight's performance.
Hugh Fay, Sunshine comrdy star,
! has the oddest fad of all the movie
j pets. He collects footwear and has
in his collection authentic shoes that
: once graced the feet of such ccleh
; rities as Abraham Lincoln, Li
1 Hung Chang. Gen. U. S. Grant,
j Steve. Rrodie. Geronimo, Harry
Thaw, Admiral Dewey, Richard
i C'roker, James J. Jeffries, Lord Kit-
chener. Henry Irving, William J.
i P.ryan, Richard Mansfield, Carrie
Nation, Grover Cleveland and more
! than 200 other well-known people.
I Mr. Fay's only rebuff in his requests
! tor old shoes was from Kaiser il-
liehn, who waxed wroth at the
thought of his footwear beinjj kept
as a curiosity, but Hugh's brother
is in the army in France now ami
is on the trail of the missing part
of the collection.
''Silk Hat Harry" and his friend
"Judge Rummy." whose cartoons
were so popular in The Ree a couple
of years ago, have come to the
movies end are being shown in
animated cartoons.
!in "A Pair of Cupids" at the Em
press the rest of this week, ror
those who are not up on movie lore
it might be told that this pair of stars have just returned last
week from their honeymoon tour
and have threatened to go to work
j again.
i Douglas Fairbanks and Fatty Ar
! buckle in "Mound in Morocco" and
j"The Cook," respectively, will make
J their bow at the Strand for the last
times tonight and tomorrow comes
I Enid Bennett in "The Marriage
! Ring."
"The Cailleaux Case," a play taken
from the famous criminal case in
France, which interested millions of
people over many countries, starts
today at the Rialto and will run
there the rest of this week. The
play is a drama of intense interest
and the cast is made of an all star
group. Very few cities in the coun-
i try have had this play presented
hi st times at popular prices, it hav
ing been presented as a feature at-
State Live Stock Survey I
Ordered at Request of U. Sj
Nebraska's resources of cattle andj
hogs, with its potential strength a
a milk and meat producer, will b
developed by a survey which will
be made by the federal food admin
istration of Nebraska at the re-j
quest of the Washington 'office. The,
survey will be made October 15 and)
,.ill ini-liiclc an estimate of COI1l!
parative figures for October 15,
Robert C. Bruce, who makes the
scenic films and the photography
of nature, some of which have been
running at the Strand recently and
more are to ccme, is to come east
soon from his journeyings through
the Rocky mountains where he lias
shot many thousand feet of new
Dorothy Dalton, in her recent
film release, ''Love Me," appears at
the Sun today and the remainder of
this week. The story is a charming
comedy drama, lighter than the most
of the plays in which Miss Dalton
has been seen this year and proves
that this actress is a star of the
finest water in farce parts. The ac
tion of, the play is especially good
and Miss Dafton's own company, di
rected by Thos. H. luce, makes up
the cast.
Did it ever occu to you that
every movie actress you have seen
has lovely hair, while the most popu
lar count their curls as their thief
beauty? In fact, many are leading
ladies just because or their attrac
tive looks. Inquiry among them dis
closes the fact that they bring out
all the natural beauty of their hair
by careful shampooing, not with any
soap or makeshift, but with a sim
ple mixture by putting a teaspoon
ful of Canthrox (which they get
from the druggist) in a cup of hot
water and applying this instead of
soap. This full cup of shampoo li
quid is enough so it is easy to apply
it to all the hair instead of just the
top of the head. After its use, the
hair dries rapidly with uniform col
or, Dandruff, excess oil and dirt arc
dissolved and entirely disappear.
-The hair is so fluffy that it looks
much heavier than it is, its luster
and softness are delightful. Adv.
politan Grand Opera company, j
Phyllis Davies, the contralto, was ,
a member of the Carl Rose Grand
opera company of England. ,Maide !
DeLong, "the base ball bug," will j
present an original chafacter study
number. Owen and Moore have a
singing, dancing and comedy talk-
ing skit. Paul and Pauline com
plete the program with an aerial ;
Four More Stars Added
To Central High's Flag
Four more gold stars have been
added to the Central High school
service flag. The banner now bears
about 600 blue stars and eight gold
ones. The new gold stars represent
Jarvis Offut, William Petersen. Ells
worth Wood and Harold Kelly.
An effort is being made by the
school librarian. Miss- Zora Shields,
to get a complete list of Central
High boys in service. Friends and
relatives are asked to send the
names of former high school boys
in the service to Miss Shields, with
rank, present accurate address, num
ber of years in the school, and
name, address, and telephone num
ber of relatives.
Nebraska Registration j
Falls Below the Estimate
l ' 1 . " . ... . f . lO ' 1 . . . I
vvasuiiigioii, ocpi. 10, uiupietc
returns from last Thursday's regis
tration in 31 states and the District
of Columbia, received at the pro
vost marshal general's office, show
that 7,651,252 men enrolled for
military service against the official
estimate of 7,653,350. On the basis
of these returns officials now be
lieve that the total registration will
not vary appreciably from the ori
ginal estimate of 12.778,758. Ne
braska registered 153,630 against an
estimate of 157,665.
John Lynch Is Arrested
On Suspicion of Burglary
John Lynch,. 2207 S street, South
Side, was arrested Wednesday
morning on a charge of burglary.
Police suspect him of the Green
berg grocery store robbery, where
merchandise valued at several hun
dred dollars was stolen, and of sev
eral other lesser robberies in that
section of the city. Officers Jensen
and Kntfdson made the arrest.
Soldier Brings News of
Death of Robert Gress
Sergt. George White, Company
L boy, arrived here yesterday on a
brief furlough to visit his young
wife, and is the guest of Mrs.
White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Kasinussen, of Council Bluffs.
Sergeant. White has been returned
to this country by order of the govj
ernment to act as instructor at
some of the training camps. His
arrival at an Atlantic port was re
ported in The Bee a fortnight or
more ago, and the announcement
was then made that he would prob
ably be given a furlough for a brief
visit to his home here before be
ginning his work as an instructor.
Sergeant White brought news of
the death in action of Robert Gress,
son of Herman Gress. widely known
market gardener on the Lincoln
highway. Robert was one of four
of the Gress boys in military service.
Mr. and Mrs. Gress have had no in
timation of the death of their son,
and the young man's name has not
appeared in any of the casualty lists
nor has the War department sent
any word to the parents. The in
formation imparted by Sergeant
White came as a crushing blow to
Missouri Valley Medic
Society to Meet Today
The 31st annual convention of the
Medical Society of the Missouri
Valley will open at the Fontenelle
hotel Thursday morning. The open
ing session will be devoted to busi
ness and presentation of papers. At
noon delegates and their ladies will j
take lunch at the Omaha Chamber of !
Commerce. !
In the afternoon an address will
be. made by Tom Bentley Throck-
raorton of Des Moines, Ja. A ban- '
quet will be held in the evening with j
an address by Col. J. M. Banister j
of Omaha, followed by moving pic- j
hires, prepared by the government.
The session will close Friday morn-
ing.' The president is A. 1. McKin-1
non of Lincoln: the secretary
Charles Wood Fassett of Kansas
Canadian Veteran to Make
Farewell Talk on Friday
Sergt. Harold Baldwin, Canadian
veteran, will make his farewll speech
in Omaha Friday night at the Cen- i
tral high school auditorium. He '
will speak in' behalf- of the "Dough-
nuts for Doughboys" fund. No ad- S
mission will be charged, but a col- j
lection will be taken at the close of
the meeting.
Alamito Bowlers Busy.
The bowling season opened last j
night at-the Farnam alleys with
match play in the ..Alamito" league, j
Scores were: Salesmen, 1,560; Sup- i
plies, 1,523; Plant, 1,480; Office,!
1,484. , , J
ONE little lady with the "Sight
seers," at the Gayety this week,
is surely doing her bit. Not
content with portraying Columbia
in the patriotic finale of the first
act, Kathryn Dickay causes the en
tire audience to rise to its feet
while she administers the oath of
allegiance. Miss Dickay's voice
is a powerful soprano and it is heard
to advantage frequently during the
Late in October the famous musi
cal comedy star, Marie Cahill, who j
is at the Orpheum this week, is I
to open her New York engagement i
in her new offering, ' Just Around !
the Corner." During the current four j
weeks she is in vaudeville. Other '
acts of admirable show this week j
include the one-act comedy, "Hon
eymoon." the amusing skit offered
by Wellington Cross, and the song
and dance duo, Bensee and Raird.
Next week conies the musical com
edy favorite, Christie MacDonald,
in "Cupid's Mirror." She was last
seen here in "The Spring Maid."
The Beatrice Morelle Sextette, a
group of six charming women who
are all musicians, head the new bill at
.Jie Empress theater which opens
today. Suzanne Savelle, the mezzo
soprano, is well known in grand
opera circles, having had a few sea
sons' experience with the Metro-
Delightful comedy, lilting melo
dies and spontaneous dancing is
what is promised in Arthur Ham
merstein's new musical play en
titled "You're in Love," which
comes to the Boyd starting next
Sunday for a limited engagement of
two days.
A play by Max Marcin, "The Ac
complice," will be produced by John
Cort, with Josephine Victor in the
leading role.
Maude Adams will again appear
in "A Kiss for Cinderella." Her tour
will begin the last week of the pres
ent month in the south.
Lila Lee, the new star who makes
her first bow in Omaha at the Rialto
on October, has started work on
another story, "The Secret Garden,"
written by Frances Hodgson Bur
nett, although the play will proba
b'y be presented under another
Tom Mix, appearing in a real
drama of the west, "Mr. Logan, U. S.
A" will be the headliner at the
Muse the remrmder of this week. It
is a play that has all of the pep that
Tom usually puts into one of his
pictures and at the same time there
is unlimited humor for the audience
in the various mixups Mr. Logan
gets himself into before the action
clears in the final reel.
JeevicjMas wnwncm the cm of iovb
Francis N. Bushman and Beverly
Bayne have the joke on them, for the
world knows how a pair of newly
weds hate to be ' kidded" on wedded
life. And here they are to be seen
Dr. and Mrs. Kiscaddon, uncle
and aunt of Maude Adams and
residents of Detroit, were killed last
week in an automobile accident.
Walker Whiteside will be seen
in New York this season in "The
Little Brother." The piece had a
run of 20 weeks in London last
Robert Edeson and A. E. Anson
wlil be in the cast of "The Riddle
Woman," in which Bertha Kalich
is to star. The first production
will be made in Washington this
1 1 sSL ""ii
b mmiJTmJi f jet
t g.. .gsg
The U. S. Government Present
Twice Daily, 2:30 and 8:25 P. M.
Admission, 25c and 50c. No war tax
24th and
DOUGLAS -Movr bill
mm a ibr n mii.Mi.v"
w g
Continuous From 11 to 11.
Singing and
"The Base
Ball Hug"
"The Little
Couple From
in I
A Comedy of
Fun and
Aerial Novelty
'pec. Mat. Monday
Arthur Hammerstein's
Dainty Musical Comedy,
Catchy Music, Pretty Girls.
1 to 11 P. M. SEATS
New York Paid $1.00 Admission. Mothers Brin
Your Daughters. Fathers Bring Your Sons.
The He roine of the Lusitania Disaster, iu
A plea for one standard of morality for both sexes, div
ing deeply in the question of social inequalities.
Oct. M. "My face and neck
broke out with small pimples which
swelled and festered until they were
like boih. When I opened them they
filled again, and caused intense pain
and loss of sleep. At last they were
so disfiguring I had to give up my
position and could not go anywhere.
After five years of this trouble, and
having- used many other prepara
tions, I tried Resinol Ointment and
Resinol Soap. The pain and itching
was relieved at once, and when I
had U3ed lVs jars of Ointment and
seven cakes of Soap I was cured.
Xow my skin is clear, and when I
shave it is as soft and pink as a
child's." (Signed) Jerald H. Kess
ler, 303 East 93rd St., New York
Resinol Ointment and Resinol
Soap are sold by all druggists.
The secret of yuth. is ELIMINATION
OK POISONS from your body. This done,
you cn live to be hundred and enjoy
in? tfood tliinKs of life with as much "pep"
as you did when in the springtime of youth.
Keep your body in good condition, that's
the secret.
Watch the kidneys. The kidneys and
digestive organs are the main causes. The
kidneys filter and purify the blood. All
the blood passes through your kidneys
once every three minutes. They strain
or filter out the impurities. That is their
work. Keep them clean and in proper
working condition and you have nothinir
to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes and
deadly uric acid accumulations from your
system. Take COLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules at intervals and you will always
be in perfect? working order. You will
feel stronsr and vigorous. Nerves and
muscles will be elastic and your face will
radiate youth and health. GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct
from the laboratories at Haarlem, Hol
land. They are not a patent medicine, but a
guaranteed remedy which has been used
by the sturdy Dutch for over 200 years
and which has helped them to develop
into one of the strongest and healthiest
races in tho world. Get them from your
drucrist. Do not take a substitute. ... In
sealed packages three sizes. Adv.
Doug. 494
Matinee Daily. 2:15; Night. 8:15. This Week.
WELLINGTON CHOSS; Bensee h Baird; Valente
Brothers; SyiTia Lnyal And Pierrot; Howard fltid
Helen Savage; Official weekly Allied War Re
view; Orpheum Travel Weekly. Prices, Mat., 10c
to 50c; Boxes and Stalls, 50c A 75c. Nights 10c to
75c; Boies A Stalls. Il.tHi. Few tl.00 Sunday.
10iTI t M TJ i Daily Mats, 15-25-50C
l Evngs, 25c-50c-75c-$l
Travel 2 1-2 Hours With "Blutch" CtMstr'i
ALL CirUT CtrOC Musical.
NEW Burlesque
A Gay, Giddy, Gambol Through Girl Land En
titled, "WAIT A MINUTE," with Cora-Fed Gut
Fay. Chorus of Baauteoui Slght-Seera.
I : Sat. Mat. A Wis: Levis A Body In "Hello. America."
Chicago Grand Opera Co
Thais, Nov. 1. Barber of Seville, Nov. 2.
Mary Garden, Baklanoff, Campanini,
Galli-Curci, Stracciari.
200 Artists. Orchestra of 60. Chorus of 60.
Massive Production
Seasons Tickets: $9.00, $7.00, $5.00, $3.50, $2.00.
Plus 10 War Tax.
Mail orders, if accompanied by remittance and self-addressed,
stamped envelope, filled now. Address
Associated Retailers of Omaha,
Brandeis Bldg.
Make Checks Payable to Associated Retailers cf Omaha.
JWmMMMmWMMMMMm9mWMmwmmwmmmMMMMMmmmmkmwmMMMm I
msaffli yip
Tanlac Restores Mrs. Connors'
Health and She Gains
Eleven Pounds.
JJnJ ihen you
wish you we
single and fcneuf
Hefand you
ihfill and shiver:
"I jst can't praise Tanlac
enough for what it's done for me,"
saiil Mrs. P. J. Connors, while in a
Sherman & McConnell drug store,
recently. Mrs. Connors owns and
operates a grocery store at 3223
South 24th street, where she enjoys
a l?re:e andwell pleased patronage.
"It's lucky for me that Igot Tan
lac," she continued, "for I was so
run-down and felt so badly that I
was about ready to give up. My ap-
suffered from indigestion so that I
; never enjoyed eating anything. If I
I ventured to eat a fairly hearty meal
gas would form on my stomach and
put me through no end of trouble.
My sister and I run the store and I
was so tired out all the time that I
could hardly do my part, and I
would get up in the mornings even
more tired than when I lay down at
night. I lost eleven pounds in
weight and just felt miserable all
the time.
'Tanlac certainly has done me a
world of good. I could notice im
provement almost from the time I
started on Tanlac and, my, vhat an
aopetite I do have. I can eat and
digest anything and the gas and all
disagreeable symptoms are gone.
' Life is no longer a drudge to me. 1
! can work hard all day and sleep
I good all night. I have more life and
energy and take more interest in
i everything. I have gained six pounds
i of my lost weight back already and
i feel as well as I ever did. This is
what Tanlac has done for me and of
I course I will praise" it."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., corner
lfiih and Dodge streets; 10th and
' Harney streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th
and Farnam streets; Harvard Phar-
macy, 2!'.h and Farnam streets;
J northeast corner 19th and Farnam
I streets; West End Pharmacy, 49th
j and Dad;re streets, under the per
I sona! direction of a Special Tanl?
i.PiTRocnuuive, ana m South Omahi
rorroct & Meany Druir
" f f ,