THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918. k LARGE CROWDS HEAR M'KELVIE ON STATE TRIP State Issues Discussed by Re publican Candidate for Gov - ernor at North Platte and Gothenburg. North Platte, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.) S. R. McKel vie, republican candidate for gov ernor, addressed well attended meet ings in North Platte and Gothen berji today. His address was con fined largely to questions of interest in the management of the state gov ernment and co-operation with the national government in the success ful prosecution of the war. Attacks made upon him by newspapers op posed to his candidacy were replied to in a clear-cut and convincing manner. He was accompanied by H. G. Taylor, republican candidate for railroad commissioner, who also spoke briefly. In his addresses Mr. McKelvie said: "Of equal importance with pros perous industrial and business con ditions in our state is the subject of the domestic relations of the people. In times like this, when the public mind becomes easily inflamed, it is of He utmost importance that the people should be encouraged to con sider the common good and the rignts of the citizens as reserved to them by the laws and the constitu tion. "Since the time when our republic was established it has been a well observed principle that every indi vidual is entitled to a hearing before a court of proper jurisdiction, or a Wounded Yankee Arriving at Base Hospital ' tJ TOMli - lL P ml& Jill? ;i Americanization Hearing To Be Continued in Omaha Lincoln, Sept. 18. (Special.) The hearing before the American ization language committee was ad journed this morning. The com mittee went into secret session with jury, of his peers before being pro- j the state council of defense. I Mi.. , T'l ... . t nuuiitcu gui'ty. inis principle is being urged" upon the people by our national administration and it should be just as faithfully observed by our state administration. Organize Secrt Service. "If I am elected, it is my inten tion to aid the government in per fecting a secret service organization in this state which will permit no guilty man to escape and that will enable the administration to sec that the laws of justice are properly in voked. . "So far as our state is concerned, the question of prohibition has been settled at the hands of the people. Upon every occasion when the opportunity has been given to me, 1 have- contributed of my money, time and influence in the interests of prohibition. The records will show that when prohibition was a local issue in Lincoln I was a con tributor to the dry fund and was -included among those who were Interested in its success. Favors Prohibition. "I was elected to the legislature of 1911 from Lancaster county up on a county option platform, that being the issue in that campaign. In keeping with this section, I voted and was lor prohibition in that ses sion and was one of those who were most active in obtaining the pas sage of the bill for the initiative and referendum, the primary pur pose . of that legislation being to directly in the hands of the voters for 3 decision. As is well known, it was through this measure that it - was made possible for Nebraska to obtain state-wide prohibition. "In the campaign for prohibition . T .... n ivin. I vva a rnnrrihiitnr tn th dry fund and as a candidate for f 1 tion in favor of state-wide prohi bition, i I Throughout all the time since " prohibition has been an issue, my record has been clear as an active supporter of it. Through the col umns of my farm paper I have al ways advocated it and since I have been in charge of the "Nebraska Farmer" not a line of liquor ad vertising has ever been carried in r us ii ii u i ii ii s. i if ii ik mil in nriiiniii- tion as an economic necessity as well as a moral need, and I expect t. ha n r Mil i am an irfarf Gage County Bankers to Support Liberty Loan !'' Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 18. (Spe cial.) Gage county bankers, meet- ; ing after dinner at the Paddock hotel last evening, pledged their sup- '., port to the war works committee and unanimously agreed to make ninety-day loans at 6 per cent to subscribers who find it necessary to borrow for their quotas. Practically every bank in the county was repre sented at the meeting, which was presided over by R. J. Kilpatrick, county Liiuiiuidii. Heavy showers tell in tms sec tion of Nebraska yesterday after- V noon ana last evening, ine mois- l A. lUIC Will UCUtiiVii iv n uuv,t wavai, ilfalfa and pasture lands. The Gage county medical society held its quarterly meeting last even ing in the Commercial club rooms, and practically all of the members volunteered their services in the medical department of the army. STATE EACHERS' COMMITTEES ON ARRANGEMENTS General Board Named to Look After Schoolma'ams When They Arrive in Omaha in November. The niatier will lie taken up again at the Paxton hotel in Omaha Sep tember 27, when a subcommittee, to be named by the present committee, will continue the hearing. State Fair Brings Tidy Sum to Board's Coffers Lincoln, Sept. 18. (Special.) Receipts of the .state fair this year amounted to $I4I.41).06, according to the record of Secretary Daniel son. The expenses of the fair were $118,918.5' which leaves a balance in the treasury of $.'2,487.54. i Ushers, E. E. McMillan; guides, J. , cT, Masters; section officers, A. J. Pierce Farmer Sentenced, j Wedeking; reception of teachers at Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 18,-(S.e- ! d'P' 1 ' E' i"11!- Q cial.)- rank Hockbarth, a Pierce , R d rece )tion of speakers, D. E. county tanner, was sentenced to ten Vnrt' rai ;fornnatinn l!elle M. Kvan; hotels and rooms, Superintendent J. IT. Bevcridge has appointed the following com mittee, which will have charge of local arrangements for the State Teachers' association in November: Dismiss McCookJuryto Assist Draft Registrants McCook, Neb., Sept. .-(Special The regular September, 1918, term of the district court for Red Willow county convened Here this week, Judge E. B. Perry of Cam bridge presiding. There were 41 cases on the trial docket, of which fiv were divorce cases. On the re quest of the. members of the bar ahe jury was excused by Judge Ptrry until December 9, to enable the local advisory board to assist registrants . with their question naires. ' Tekamah Girl Patriots , Hold Profitable Auction Tekamah, Neb., Sept. 18. (Spe cial. The American Gill Patriots, an organization of senior girls, conducted the Pershing Birthday celebration here. A quilt made by the Fatriots was auctioned off and realized $1,272 for the Red Cross. Names to be written on the quilt brought an additional $100, which will be devoted to adopting a French orphan. The quilt will be jent to an American cantonment. days in jail on a charge of violat ing the espionage law by Judge Woodrough in federal court here. The jury found Hockbarth guilty on one count of an indictment returned against him. The jury, in the case of the gov ernment against W. A. Emery, a Norfolk business man, charged with making disloyal statements, dis agreed and was discharged after ten hours' deliberation. The court will take up several other important criminal cases, in cluding the one against Rev. W. Windolph uf Creighton. Found Guilty of Sedition. Fremont, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.) A verdict of guilty was returned by the jury in the case of Fred Langwisch of Winslow, who was tried in district court on a charge of sedition. The trial of Fred Borcherding, also of Winslow, probably will not come up at thistcrm as Martin Borcherding, complaining witness, may not be able to get an extension of his furlough from the Fort Omaha Balloon school. Martin Borcherding was the principal wit ness against Langwisch. Beatrice News Notes. Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.) Officers this afternoon raided the home of Will Kennedy and seized ten quarts of whisky. Kennedy has not been arrested. George Melton was brought here today from Corydon, la., by Con stable Ashenfelter on the charge of passing a forged check of $31 on George Weingart of this city. He pleaded guilty before Judge Ellis and was bound over to the district court. U. S. Airman Destroys Nine Balloons in Three Days With the American Army on the Lorraine Front, Sept. 18. Three enemy balloons were destroyed last night by Lieut. F. Luke, jr., of Phoe nix, Ariz., on a flight into the Gcrr man lines. This makes his total nine balloons in three days, nine balloons in three days. One other balloon was destroyed yes terday and three more are believed to have been shot down. Farley Funeral Services To Continue Several Days' Mamaroneck, N. Y., Sept. 18. Funeral services for Cardinal John M. Farley, archbishop of New York, which will continue for several days were begun at his summer home here today with a requiem mass celebrated by Bishop Patrick J. Hayes, chaplain general of Catholics in the army and navy. The Wqjher Arthur C. Thomas; information bu reau, R. M. Marrs. Superintendent Bevcridge has lieen invited to attend a national V. KJII V til I'l UiliLLl 3 tilt lU 3 working reserve in Washington next Thursday, Friday and Satur day. Owing to High School of Commerce commencement Thurs day evening and other engagements, he is unable to attend. Omaha boys have made a good showing in the working reserve this year, a number 6T them having done farm work and engaged in other essential industrjes during vacation. Programs for the Junior Red Cross work in the schools were is sued Wednesday morning. New members of the South High school faculty will be entertained by the old members at a picnic Wed nesday evening at Mandan park. Girls of the public high schools and seventh and eighth grades and their their teachers are organizing groups for attendance at the Auditorium next Tuesday night, when Miss Margaret Slattery will speak on "Hands Across the Sea." No speak ing event of recent years has caused as much interest among teachers and girls of the schools. Tyler, Minnesota, Asks Aid from Omaha People The executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce voted to give the chamber members an op porunity to subscribe to the fund to rebuild Tyler, Minn., which suf fered from a tornado on August 21. A letter was received from the Tyler relief committee, stating that, in view of the fact that Omaha had suffered similarly, the citizens of this city might want to help Tyler. The citizens of Tyler, a town of 1,500 people, have already raised more than half or the $362,000 es timated necessary to rebuild the town. The counties of Minnesota have contiibuted liberally also. i I n -tss i 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief gELL-ANS laFOR INDIGESTION 1918 78 , 60 6 .00 Comparative Local Record. 1918 1917 1918 Highest yesterday ...!) 1 71 Lowest yesterday ...40 SO 46 Mean temperature. .. .60 70 ti Precipitation 00 .0 .00 Temperature and prectpltatlon deoar tures from the normal: Normal' temperature 65 Deficiency for the day 13 Total excess since March 1, 191S ....70S Normal precipitation 0.09 Inch Deficiency for the day 0.09 Inch Total rainfall alnce March 1.10.96 Inches Deficiency since March 1.... 12.84 Inches Deficiency for cor. per., 1917. 3.63 Inches Deficiency for cor. per., 1916.. .91 Inches Reports From Stations at 7 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Precl- 01 Weather 7. p. m, Cheyenne, cloudy 68 Denver cloudy 74 Des Moines, cloudy.... 56 Dodge City, clear....". .84 Lander, cloudy ..20 North Klatte, cloudy ...68 Omaha," cloudy it Pueblo part cloudy.... 80 Rapid City, raining. .. .48 Salt Lake, cloudy 76 Santa e, clear 74 Sheridan, cloudy 60 Sioux City, cloudy ....(4 est pltatlon .00 78 58 86 78 71 60 84 63 76 76 66 64 Hair Often Ruined By Washing With Soap indicates trace ef precipitation. I " v im a. welsh, Meteorologist, i monins. Adv. Soap should be used very care fully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and p?e pared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is I just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or two teasponfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thor oughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lath er, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dan druff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will sup ply evei-y member of the family for I Opening Displays of Apparel For Autumn Have Shown to Every Woman Wonderful Stocks and Moderate Prices. Although the showing has only really begun, scores and scores of women have expressed, in no uncer tain terms, their great satisfaction in being able to choose from the biggest and best selected stocks of ready-to-wear ever shown in Omaha. Wonderful variety combines with moderate pricing. This Second Floor is now one of the most beautiful Apparel Departments in the entire West magnifi cent walnut fixtures .and casings the new Louis XIV French Room, a charming Millinery Salon and an air of comfort, combined with the utmost refine ment, permitting the .choice of apparel amidst the most congenial surroundings. n Mil ? mk m 9 J r 1 Modest Priced Autumn Frocks, $25 to $83 1 Vool lersey Frocks Wool Jersey Frocks still claim first place for utility wear. Smart, simple and easily adjusted. In practical shades of5 Beaver, Navy, Burgundy, Kangaroo, Brown and Taupe. Wool embroidery, braidings, buttons and pleating for deco rations. $25.00, $35.00, $39.00 to $49.00. We make this announcement particularly to show the wonderful range of prices in the new Autumn Frocks to show the woman of moder ate means, as well as she who can afford to spend more money, that there is excellent style for everyone. Warm Wraps for Chilly Days Especially attractive new Velours, Silver tones, Plush and Broadcloth Coats. Fur and fur plush, trimmed collars, cuffs, belts and borders. New colors, such as Brown, Spruce Green, Navy a"d Pekin Blues, Burgundy, Taupe and Black. Lined, warm, stylish garments. $25.00, $35.00 and up to $45.00 J-V ' MJLL ILL HI. ,. I Satin and Tricolette Dresses Street, afternoon and general wear dresses, lovely in design and simple in effect, but rich in appearance. Fringe, braiding and embroidery for trimming. In Black and Navy, varied with Taupe, Algeria, Brown and Dark Copenhagen. $35.00, $49.00 and up to $69.00. Second Floor. Women's Tailored Fall and Winter Sutti, TVs i $B9o00 There may be suits that look like these at this price, but examine the individual style points the narrow shoulder, the tight fitting sleeve, correct lapel (same as, a custom mads garment) and many other points of superiority then you will realize the difference. The moment you slip into the coat, you-FEEL the difference in comfort and see the differ ence in correct lines. Clothes that improve your figure and give you the knowledge that you are well dressed. Straight line coats or ripple or box pleated effects, in Wool Velour, Broadcloth, Serge, Gabardine, Velour Checks, Mixtures, etc. All the prevailing Fall shades. All sizes in this group. Finest Fur Trimmed and Tailored Suits, $95. 00. No two alike, selected from the makers of high grade custom tailored suits in New York and shown here exclusively in Omaha. The best man tailoring in each of these suits plainly labeled with the master maker's name. Duvetynes, Velour de Laine, Silvertones, Wool Velours, Chamois Cloths, Tricotines, Broad cloths and Velvets. All the new shades of Algeria, Taupe, Tobacco, Belgian, etc. Richly trimmed with fur collars, cuffs and borders. Second Floor mimwMM wmWw oron 6t Ma. . Hitc Always I la Moderate Priced Stylt le Leaders. Coronet Hats have builded for themselves a reputation that acknowledges no com petition at this price. They are well made Hats the lin ings are put in right the Hats are shaped for service as well as excellent style; and they are trimmed with a nice sense of discrimina- tion that assures to every woman who wears them distinction and exclusive- ness. Large Dressy Black Hats, in beau tiful Taupe, Tete de Negre, Navy, Peacock, Sand and Purple, for street and semi-dress wear. of the best Velvets and in styles that compare very favorably with the very high priced millinery. $10.00 Always. Second Floor. Beautiful Georgette Crepe Blouses at $4.19 to $6. 95. The new Fall styles m Georgette Blouses are simply lovely. This mate rial always adapts itself so readily to the artistic touches which master de signers employ, that it is a real pleasure just to look at the finished product. In a season where modified tones in dress and a general tendency to be reserved is no ticeable, it is refreshing to turn to those beautiful Blouses and recognize them as masterpieces of style, both in design and lovely color. The newest models show round necks, V-necks, square necks, with frills, fichus, square col lars and a score of other at tractive features. Colors are flesh, beaver, brown, navy, rose taupe, sott gray, oversea blue, Copenhagen, cream and white. Second Floor. ; : : ' . ,