Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
f t(V. THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1918 W(D)mE in Wot Time M l M I I I H 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 H 11 1 1 1 1' I I i MX .Women to Confer on War Fund Drive Mrs. Henry P. Davison will not ivA' be present at the state meeting of I ' .... .. - a. '. me muuian (.uimiiuicc in 111c United War Work campaign, held here Wednesday. A telegram re- ..ceived today explains: "Extremely sorry that unexpected t and very important developments in ..-connection with women's work have called me back to headquarters in jN'eyr York." I Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Glen- Coe, III., chairman of the central de- ipartment, will take Mrs. Davison's place on the oroeram. soeakine on "Woman's Work in the War." Miss Edith M. Stanton, central de partment executive for united drive. J ,, will speak on "Women's Share in This Campaign;" Miss Clarissa ,. Spencer of London, on "Young Wo "" men's Christian Association in ---Russia;" Mrs. Grace F. Cl.olson, on ."State Organization." There will be '"three-minute reports of bureau heads as follows: Recruiting, Mrs. Frank W. Judson; meetings, Dr. "..' Jennie Callfas; speakers, Miss Kate ' .; . . McHugh; records, Mrs. W. J. r-'.-.i.. i Hynes; education, information, Mrs. . aimer rmuicy, anu puuucuy, MISS j ' ,Lida Wilson. Mrs. Ed P. Smith, wife of the mayor, will give the greeting. Mrs. Charles OfTutt, state Young Wo- w men's Christian association chair ,,vVn. preside. Patriotic Leagues The War Camp Community Serv Ice has arranged for the following social affairs for soldiers during the - present week: X fiance given Tuesday evening ;by the Tribe of Ben Hur at Ben JHur hall, formerly Turpin's dancing Ttcademy. An evening of games and dancing Wednesday evening by a group of girls chaperoned by Mrs. E. W. Sin nett, in the gymnasium of St. John's church, corner Twenty-fifth and Brown streets. . Regular weekly entertainment, consisting of music, games and re freshments conducted by the D. T. A. Patriotic League club at Y. W. C. A. building. Thursday evening the Columbia Patriotic League club has arranged i dance and musical to be given at the Lyric building, third floor. Harp music will be a feature; also re freshments. Friday evening Unitarian church . joung people will entertain soldiers with games, dancing and refresh- f 4 I !:4 : .r w t; t, , -AS f It n Y V' irh ments as is their custom each Friday night, in the basement of their new church, corner of Turner boulevard and Harney streets. The young people of the Baptist church will give a party Saturday night. A program of fun, music and refreshments will be provided. Boost Belgian Babies' Fund. The sum of $25 was subscribed to the Belgian Baby day fund by the Dundee Woman s Patriotic league at its meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. James Chadwick, this being the first club to subscribe as a unit. The club also voted to man the moving picture houses on Belgian Baby day on which day the mem bers will wear their grey veils and club insignias for the first time. This club has financed three Red Cross canteen workers and given other patriotic service. On Satur day the following members will so licit funds at moving picture houses: Muse: Mesdames W. J. Culley, Terry Reimer, G. A. Sammis; Rial to: Mesdames Gus Hollo, H. B. Whitehouse, Maynard Swartz; Sun: Mesdames George Waterman, Harry Patterson, J. A. Witt; Strand: Mesdames Van B Lady, Miles Greenleaf, A. S. Williams, club president. Dietitian in Base Hospital Miss Louise Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bailey, leaves Tuesday night for Fort Sam Hous ton, San Antonio, Tex., where she has the government appoint ment of dietitian in the base hospital. After being graduated from Central High school, Miss Bailey pursued her dietetics course for one year at Madison, Wis., and two years in the University of Nebraska. During the last summer, she entered the uni versity hospital as a student dietitian in June and qne month later, when the regular dietitian left, Miss Bailey was placed in complete charge. I PER30NALS Lt. Harry W. Shackelford, for merly second in command in the 45th balloon company at Camp Wise, Tex., has been promoted and placed in command of the 53th bal loon company stationed at Camp Morrison, V'a. Corporal and Mrs. S. Eugene Wood announce the birth of a daughter. Jean Ann. Wednesday. Corporal Wood is home on a fur lough from Camp Funston, where he soon expects to enter officers train ing camp. Lieut. Arthur J. Offerman, youngest son ol Mr, Nebraska state Red Cross office nas. issued explicit directions rcla ."tive to sending money, letters and parcels to the American prisoners of war in Germany or Austria. These .rules may be mid by application to Leonard W. Trester, assistant di- rector, Wead building, Omaha. Eleven boxes of surgical dressings and knitted articles came from Sew- . . .ard, Neb., Monday to the state in spection warehouse. The censoring is conducted in such a fine manner that night work is not yet necessary. The War Mothers' club gives two days to the warehouse. Mrs. A. A. ''""Perry is in charge of the refugee garment work in the absence of Mrs. H. H. Fish. vJ . Mrs. J. J. McMullen, chairman of the bureau of supplies for Omaha chapter, has named Mrs. Daniel Baum vice chairman. Mrs. Howard Baldrige, state cen- 'sor, and Mrs. John L. Kennedy, '" chairman of hospital supplies, leave Wednesday evening for Chicago to " spend two days in central division r' headquarters learning the new rules regarding overseas shipments. They . return Saturday morning. vw-rr a .n Mrs. Walter Silver, chairman of n'j . lurgical dressings, announces the receipt of a quota of 5,000 flannel abdominal bandages to be finished Immediately for overseas shipment. All auxiliaries are urged to begin ..'.work at once. Hanscom Park . Methodist Episcopal church auxil T iary will work Thursday from 1 to - 4 o'clock to make its quota. : - A new class in Red Cross motor "p" mechanics will start Friday evening at 7 o'clock in the Apperson sales -.; room, 2060-2 Farnam street. R. F. Coleman has donated his services is .-"instructor. , .' ' The new First Methodist Church auxiliary, Mrs. E. A. Benson, chair wt ( man, will not open for work until '' October 1, owing to the fact that , '! . , the new quota has not been re ceived. 'tl, Most of Fall Plowing Done 7, and Seeding Undsr Way t J.S,".. The Burlington railroad crop re , 'port, covering central and south "'" eastern Nebraska, shows that 75 per cent of the plowing for fall wheat i has already been done and that in ' some localities seeding is well un ' der way. There is enough mois- nire in the ground to start the '."' wheat growing. In southeastern Nebraska there was some damage to the corn, but -" it will yield a crop estimated to be ' "' setter than the 10-year average. '- ' . In the central part of the state corn was more seriously damaged by heat and drouth, the damage run- ' Qtng from 50 to 70 per cent. -' " Wheat in southeastern Nebraska, while not quite as good as last year. . was good, and the corn crop will -" more than offset the small decrease ,' - !n wheat yield. ' Newlywsd Couple in Stolen :T car Caught After Chase ! " Ogden, Utah, Sept. 17.-01iver , L. Dressier, member of a prominent ! :amily of Miami. Okl., and his 18- t year-old bride, were arrested here ' vtoday after a chase through three i -states in an automobile, alleged to have been stolen from Bruce Cox, . at Miami, on August 17. They were taken fnto custody by J. O. Lung, ' chief of pclice of Okmulgee. OkU ? , -who with J. O. Cox, owner of the r trailed the pair 2 COO miles to this city. The couple will be return ed to Miami, the and Mrs. T. 1. unerman, who is with the base hos pital at Fort Riley, Kan., expects to sail for overseas duty in the near future. Mrs. C. A. Mallory will leave Wednesday evening for Chicago, De troit and other eastern points, where she will visit the different war camps in the east to obtain new ideas for her work as hostess at Fort Om aha. Miss Adelaide Fogg returned Sat urday morning from a seven months' stay in New York. Miss Fogg, who specialized in dancing while in the east, studying with numerous fam ous tachers, will open her studio in the Blackstone, October 5. Miss Lillian Wirt leaves Wednes day to enter her freshman year at the University of Nebraska. Marvin F. Bischoff has been com missioned captain at Camp Mc Arthur, Tex. Captain Bischoff re ceived his commission as lieutenant at Fort Sne'.ling. Miss Margaret McShane has tak en an apartment at the Bransford. CIEfYi Military Weddings. A pretty church wedding will take place this evening at Grace Luther an church when Miss Anna Lenora Elizabeth Swanson will become the bride of Mr. Nels Edward Backlund. Rev. C. N. Swihart will perform the ceremony. The church will be decorated with masses of pink and white astors with crossed flags over the altar. Miss Ruth Gustafson will be maid of honor and the bridesmaids will be Misses Merle Hughes and Gussie Backlund. The four little ribbon bearers, who will include Elizabeth Davidson, Irene Peters, Barbara Gallas and Marguerite Schramm, will be gowned in white organdy as will also the little flower girl, Mildred Soukup. The bride will be gowned in white charmeuse made with a court train and long tulle veil caught with pearl butterflies. She will carry a shower bouquet of bride's roses and swan son ia. Mr. Bob Larsen will attend the bridegroom as best man and the ushers will be Mr. Harry Sackett and Mr. Harry McNamara. Following the ceremony a recep tion will be given in the church parlors, the young couple leaving that evening for Pensacola, Fla., where Mr. Backlund is stationed, as he is chief petty officer in the naval air service. Mrs. Backlund will re main in Florida until Mr. Backlund is ordered abroad. Muldoon-Dinneen. The marriage of Miss Toliver Dinneen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dineen, of Chicago, to Sergt Harry J. Muldoon took place Satur day afternoon at St. John's church, Father McNieve officiating. The wedding is a surprise to the friends of the young couple, Mrs. Muldoon is a former Omaha girl having re sided here four years. Sergeant Muldoon, who is a mem ber of the 41st infantry, has re turned to Camp Funston and his bride will make her home with her parents in Chicago until after the war. For Mr. and Mrs. Wattles. Since the return of Mr. and Mrs. Curdon Wattles from Washington, friends are entertaining at numer ous delightful affairs in their honor. Mr, Frank Burkley was host at a large d.nner party at the Country club Saturday evening, when covers were laid for 20 guests. This eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake are entertaining at dinner at their home, and Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wattles will be honor Tuests at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane at the Blackstone. For a Visi'or. Mrs. Richard Fredericks, who is the house guest of Mrs. T. C. Brun ner, has been honoree at a number of informal affairs during her stay, Mrs. John Guild entertained at luncheon Monday, and Mrs. Ed Haney will be hostess at luncheon at her home Wednesdry, Librarians' Examination. Examinations for the library train ing course will be held Tuesday, September 24, at the public library. By DADDY THE WILD INDIANS A ComplfU, Wn Adnntii Ktcb Waek. Btflnnlnj Mondij ted Bndln tuadv CHAPTER IIL In Savage Hands. (Pegg U called from her bed In a mountain camp by Juds Owl, who la lent by Billy Belgium. Peggy finds that- In dians ar on ths warpath and plotting to attack ths camp and villas.) WHEN the scouts reported that the sleeping camp was at the mmrrv r( Um Tnrliine th Uric 4.vj u itiv aiiuiauj tu. is, a riors started in dancing more vig orously than ever. They were work ing themselves up into a fine frenzy before attacking. Can t we get help from the vil lage?" whispered Peggy to Billy Belgium. "I was going to use the mega phone for that," he answered, "but we can't do it now. There are too many scouts out. I'm tryins: to think of some other way." liill intently studied the situation while Peggy knelt shudderingly be side him. What could a boy and a girl do against that fierce band of savages? If I could get down there while they are busy dancing. I misht be able to steal their guns," suggested tsilly Belgium. Judge Owl, will you find where their firearms are?" Without a sound Judge Owl slip ped over the edge of the cliff and dropped into the basin, disappearing among the wigwams below. lo Peggy the plan of Billy Bel- guim looked very venturesome, but she could think of no other way in which to save the people in the camp and in the village. Judge Owl came back very quickly. "They've piled all their guns be hind the wigwams, close to the cliff," he reported. "That's fine," replied Billy Bel gium. "If they'll only dance long enough, I'll get all their ammunition 50 their guns will be no use." Saying this, Billy Belgium took off his coat and began to creep cau tiously down the face of the cliff, following a slanting ledge that led to the bottom. Peggy, watching breathlessly, saw him go lower and lower until he disappeared from view among the rocks behind the wigwams. Judge Owl Came Back Very Quickly. Meanwhile the Indies kept up their strenuous dance, stamping and howling to give vent to their war like feelings. "Dance, dance, dance I" shrieked Chief Many Cows. "Dance for the Red Men are free. Dance because the sun has set for the Palefaces. Dance, dance, dance 1" "Dance, dance, dance," howled Sit ting Man. "Dance, dance, dance 1" yelled Much Hair. "Dance destruction- to all work and all Palefaces I" "Dance, dance, dance" chanted all the other Indians, the warriors whirling about and brandishing clubs and tomahawks. Peggy strained her eyes to get a glimpse of Billy Belgium. The moon came from behind the clouds for a moment andj she made him out be hind the wigwams, busily gathering up all the ammunition he could find. Supposing the Indians should dis cover him! Peggy gave a shiver of apprehension. He was taking a lot of time, but possibly that was because he didn't want to leave a single weapon for the savages to use. Finally she saw him creep away from the guns and toward the cliff. Then he began to come up, dragging a gun behind him. As he climbed, the moon came out brightly, revealing Billy Belgium Edited iy lUMA H GffOSS HOUSEHOLD ARTS VEP'T CZNT7?AL HIGH SCHOOZ. Mrs. E. E. Sterricker and daugh ter, Martha, have returned from Deming, N. M., where they spent, the third Monday of each month Public Worship Conduct, Ministerial Union Theme A paper on the "Conduct of Pub lic Worship" was a feature of the program at the first meeting of the Ministerial union after thi summer vacation Monday morning at, the Y. M. C. A. building. The paper was read by Rev. F. W. Leavitt, pastor of Plymouth Congregational church. It treated of what is best to include in public religious ceremony. It was followed by general discussion by the members of the union. Various plans for extending the work of the union during the com ing year were discussed during the earlier part of the meeting. The nominating committee is expected to report on the new officers recom- forth regular monthly meetings on the past year. En route they visit- will be held ed in Dunning. Neb., motoring from Rev. Fred E. Pamp, pastor of the there to Omaha. WAR. PUZZLES bwedish kvangeiical mission, president of the union. is I r :rr i -.yw 'Jim Tractor Salesmen Hold Annual Banquet Monday About 40 of the traveling men and managers of the local departments of the Avery Tractor company, held their annual banquet at the Castle hotel, Monday evening. Former Governor John H. More head, who is democratic candidate for the United States senatorship, was the only speaker. He spoke reminiscently of farm life in Iowa in pioneering days, and of the progress of farming from a haphazard occu pation to a science, giving the im plement manufacturers and makers of farm machinery and tractors much of the credit. He ureed the traveling men to be enthusiastic boosters for all war activities. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Captain Heltfelt of ths police depart ment has returned from Camp Dodge, hera he and his wife spent a 11-day vaca tion, vlsltlmr their aon, Fred A. Heltfelt, who la a private In the medical corps. Mrs. P. L. Market, who Is making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.alph Kitchen, at the Paxton hotel, re ceived a cablegram Tuesday morning to the effect that her husband. Capt. P. L. Market of the quartermaster's 'department had arrived snfely In France. Captain Market was formerly manager of the Mil lard hotel. Apple Delicacies It is something of an art to put up food for the winter when everything "preservable" is very high and su gar that first aid in preserving must be spared even in canning, if possible. But apples and syrup are with us and those may be used as a basis for conserve, relish, etc. Apple Rclich. 1 pt. cider vlnet'ar. 1 c. chopped walnuts ?'4 c. dark corn syrup, or pecans. t t. cluves. 2 T. mustard seed. t. ground cinnamon. 2 T. celery seed. . ijts. apples. 14 t. salt, j lb. seeded raisins. t. paprika, 2 T. chopped onions. Boil together the vinegar, syrup and spices for five minutes. Add ap ples, raisins and chopped onions. Cook for one hour. Add nuts five minutes before removing from the fire. Seal in sterilized jars. Apple Ca;sup. 2 o. thick applo sauce t. red pepper, 1 c. cider vinegar, t. black pepper, (4 c. auttar, 1 t. salt, 4 c. corn syrup, t. cloves, t onion, chopped, t. cinnamon. Cook all together till very thick, over a slow fire with frequent stir ring. Seal in sterilized jars. Apple Conserve. t lbs apples, pared 1-lb. raisins, and driid. 1-lb. walnuts or 1 li lbs. suar. pecans. Vt lbs corn Byrup. 2 orangts. Run apples, raisins and oranges through the food chopper. Cook with the sugar and syrup, one-half hour over a slow fire. Add nuts broken into pieces and cook five minutes more. Seal in sterilized glasses. Sweet Picfcled Apples. H4 Cits, vinegar, 4 T. allspice, 1V4 qts. water. S lbs. sweet apples. 2 qls. dark corn syrup,4 T. whola cloves, 4 sticks cinnamon, lj t. salt. Cook together vinegar, water, syr- up and spices for five minutes. Peei and quarter the apples. Stick two cloves into each quarter. Drop the Co-Operation Miss Gross will be very glad to receive suggestions for the home economics column or to answer, as far as she is able, any ques tions that her readers may ask. apples into the boiling syrup ant' simmer until tender. Seal in steril ized jars. Apple Chutney. 1 qt. apples, cored M lb. seeded raisin? and pared. 1 onion, chopped. 14 c. brown sugar. 1 T. mustard eeed. 1 c. dark corn syrup. 1 T. celrry seed. 2 c. cider vinegar. Salt and pipper. Cock diced apples in vinegar til very smooth, add other ingredient; and cook slowly till thick. Seal in sterilized glasses. Mary F. Cooper School of Dancing. Seventh Season Blackstone Hotel Phone Harney 945 This Has Helped Others! Make sure you are not pay ing war profits for wearing gin apparel. 1 John Munro, Omaha Printer, Made Second Lieutenant John R. Munro, 2410 South Thirty first street, formerly a printer on an Omaha newspaper, has been com missioned second lieutenant at Camp Cody, Deming, N. M. He has been assigned to an infantry regiment. Visit the splendid Beno store in Council Bluffs and you'll be able to dress better at less cost. This ought to set you think ing as it has scores of others- FRANCO-RUSSIAN TROOPS Occupy town of Fiorina after battle with Bulgarians, two years ago today, September 18, 1916. Find a Bulgarian. YESTERDAra ANSWER Vpper left hand corner down under gun. Quick, Painless Way To Remove Hairy Growths (Helps to Beauty) Here is a simple, unfailing way to rid the skin of objectionable j hairs: With some powdered dela-j tone and water make enough paste ' to cover the hairy surface, apply j and in about 2 minutes rub off. i wash the slrin and every trace of hair nas vanirhed. This is quite harm!ss, but to avoid disappoint ment b"? sue to pet the delatone I ia aa original package Adv. I I MOVING PACKING STORAGE Thoroughly equipped in every branch and backed by years of experience. ' Separate locked rooms If you wish. Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163. 806 So 16th St This Beautiful COWHIDE GLADSTONE BAG Very strongly built, reinforced around center with steel; snap draw catches; heavy sewed corners; nicely lined, with shirt fold and stationery pocket on door. The best value in Omaha. $15.50 FRELING & STEINLE Omaha's Best Baggage Builders, 1803 Farnam Street. plainly to any one who might turn that way. Peggy held her breath, fearful lest any thing should betray him to the dancing Indians. Slowly, slowly he dragged himseK along, and Peggy began to feel that he might escape safely. Then a small rock gave way be neath his foot and went bounding noisily down the side of the cliff. Sharp ears among the Indians heard it. A squaw jumped to her feet and pointed to Billly. Instantly the dance stopped and the Indians turned to stare at the climbing boy. Billy Belgium, striving to climb faster, made a misstep. He tried to regain his balance, but was ham pered by the gun. He wavered a , moment, then, to Peggy's horror, he went slipping and sliding down ' the face of the cliff right into the arms of half a dozen savages, who rushed forward to seize him. I "Ovvhool Owool Owoo!" howled ' the Indians in triumph, dragging Billy into the light of the fire. They seemed to go mad at the sight of the white boy, for they danced fiercely and exultingly around him, brandishing clubs and tomahawks in his face. Billy stood without flinching, though Peggy could see that his face was white and set. Finally, Chief Many Cows stopped in front of him. The dance stopped, and the Indians awaited the chiefs words. "Paleface scout," he said, "you have dared to spy upon our secret war council. For that there is but one penalty. My brethren, pro nounce the judgment I" "The stake! The stake r howled the Indians. "The stake it shall be," cried Chief Many Cows. "You shall be the first of the palefaces to feel our vengeance." "Thi stake I" again howled the In dians, seizing Billy Belgium and dragging him to iawed-ofif trea , trunk directly below Pegs'. '''! Belgium was placed 0th h' bacK to this trunk, his arm were bent around it and hi hands were lashed together. ' , - "Gather wood," ordered - Chief Many Cows. . Peggy looked down in terror. How could she save Billy Belgium from being burned at the itakef (Tomorrow will be told ow work, for th rosou- BUt " glum.) : :W8 You Assizt in Un:h Sam's Imm enss 'Con servation schsms" if You do Your OWN Sevang in Your OWN Home. Not only that, but yon ex perience the plcaura of doing hotter work thaa you buy of others. The "Happiest Home Hlf of the year Is Mickcl's WHITE SEWING MACHINE CLUB l mere 25c starts everything torking your way. l'ou get 'he machine the moment yon ln and yon start in doing your home sewing right away. CICEL S Cor. 15th & Harney OMAHA Or Join the "Club" featured by Welters Conncil Bluffs Estnb :ishment at 331 Broadway, MI Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be Jm A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living Constipated and Happy Small Pin Small Dose Small Prie JflCArtfEtfsf Brittle its5- Cenuins bears signature many colorless faces but a will greatly help most pale-faced people HE'S READY FOR SERVICE, TOO. Probably this sturdy youngster will not grow up fast enough to get into the present war, but if health and strength count he cer tainly has the makings of a good soldier. His mother is Mrs. J. Rathjen, 355 Prospect Ave., Paw tucket, It. I., and she says that for over two years she has used Father John's Medicine in her family, both for the younger and the other members of the family with excellent results. Mi 8. Kath jen says she "thinks there is noihing better," and a few of her fr.enus to whom she has recom mended the medicine have had the same experience. This pure, Oid-fashioned, family medicine is nourishing, wholesome and strengthening. , It has superior food value and is rich in the very elements which make flesh nad strength. It is guaranteed free from alcohol or dangerous drugs in any. form. Adv. Wartime Methods Wwtims Mathoda September Coat Sale Three coat sections brimming over with choicest Misses' and Women's styleful garments seems all "coatdom! h , contributed their most fetching modes for you to choose from. Buy coal early, buy bonds early, buy coats early. Unusual coats of velour broadcloth, s'lvcrtone, tweed, cylinder ' cloth, suede cloth, bolivia, zibeline, crystal cloth, velour de norde, etc.; buy coats now. 25.00 values in September sale .........19.78 80.00 values in September sale ,..,,.24.78 35.01 values in September sale 27.78 ALL PLUSH COATS are included 40.00 values in Septem ber sale 29.78 15.00 values in Septem ber sale 34.78 r)0.00 values in Septem- ber sale 39.78 FUR TRIMMED COATS are included 55.00 values In Septem ber sale.'. ...... ...44.80 60.00 values in Septem ber sale. ......... .47.80 05.00 values in Septem ber sale .49.78 BAFFIN SEAL COATS are included . 75.00 values in Septem- 1 ber sale ............ 84.80 85.00 values in Septem- , ber sale. ........ , .64.80 100.00 values in Septem ber sale......,,.., 79.80 EXCLUSIVE MODELS are included. 110.00 values in September sale 87.80 125.00 values in September sale . 94.80, 140.00 values in September sale ,......-.110.00 FUR COATS also included 150.00 values in September sale .118.00 175.00 values in September sale .......139.00 ' 200.00 values in September sale ........159.00 ' 85.00 Cape Coat in September Sale , 69.80 Save This List Cash Deposit Holds It will not appear again. The Coat of your choice. . HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE COATS. 1812 FARNAM STREET Out of the High Rent Zone: E VJg&iMSfmAJSli X-jf Why Stew and Fret Over Cereal Substitutes? and bother with home baking when you can buy from your Grocer Fresh from Our Ovens Each Morning GENUINE v ( 1 1 5? ) "Rich as ButterSweet as a Nut" Made Exclusively by tho SCHULZE BAIONG GO) The knowledge of exactly the right kind of Cereal ingredients to use the right proportion of each how to mix them-how to "dough" them how to bake them together into a perfect loaf of bread is perplexing to the house wife. It is the great secret pos sessed by the Schulze Baking Co. It is that knowledge ol what to do with materials and how to do it, combined with modern Baking appliances which gives BUTTER-NUT the distinctive quality and delightful flavor not equalled by any other Bread in our city. The thoughtful housewife has learned in baking Bread that it costs more in time, material and needless labor and ' trouble to bake bread in the home. There can be no shorter way to true economy than to buy BUTTER-NUT BREAD the bread made exclusively by tne bchulze Baking (Jo. "Don't Bake, It Always Costs You More, Buy Butter-Nut Bread At Your Grocery Store." ( ( ( ( I C ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I! Mtoai