Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    , 9 '
Charles E. Chapin Says He
Was Driven to Deed by
' Desperation Over Claims
::: :'of Creditors.
. New York, Sept 17. Charles E.
Chapin, city editor of the New York
Evening World, whose wife was
found shot dead in her room at a
hotel here yesterday, surrendered
himself to the police today.
Chapin wrote to a business asso
ciate jesteMay -hinting at suicide
and declaring that his wife had been
"such a gotfd pal . that 1 cannot
leave her alone in the world."
Declaring that his mindjiad been
wandering, Chapin told the police
he had been unable for several days
to recall his own name. Reading
in (he morning newspapers actounts
of his wife's death,, and his disap
pearance, - the editor asserted,
,..,niut tilti tn rinrr n tliA an.
H . v. , IV
tbfrittcs. " "i- -
Subsequently, Chapin told the po
lice how he killed his wife. Smoking
a cigar and continually pressing his
hand- to his head, he said that he
had been driven to the deed through
desperation caused by the demands
of his creditors.--
Approach of a policeman, the
editor declared, prevented his sui
cide in Prospect park, Brooklyn
where he,went after shooting his
wile. '
' m
Mother Asks News
of Elmer Doughty
Believed in Omaha
, Elmer, (V. E.) Doughty, your
mother is worrying about you and
' anvinua tn rpreiv a lcttrr.
IV HuniWiig v - -
Mayor Smith has received from
L.-C. Doughty, "of Marietta, Okla.,
a letter in which he states that his
wife wants to hear from her boy,
who was in Omaha when last heard
from, and is described as follows:
Elmer Doughty, 19 years old, tele-
fraph operator, 6 feet and 1 inch in
eight, 160 pounds weight, dark hair
and brown eyes.
"His mother wants to hear from
him," the father wrote.
(Contained from Foga One.)
nection with its construction. When
the cardinal found he could spare
him from his work at the cathedral,
he appointed Monsignor Farley pas
tor of St Gabriel's-church in East
37th street. One of his first acts
,y pccamc pastor ot this
" churclwas tps;rect a memorial al
tar to, hts vpfecTeceJsor, Father
iowry. - inn j aitar, exquisitely
worked in baS'fdief, still forms
one- of the chief ornaments of the
thnrch.- . .
Mad Archbishop in 1902.
In 1886 Monsignor rarjey was a missionary rector, and in
the same yean was chosen diocesan
adviser. In 1891 came his appoint
ment as coadjutor" bishop of New
York. In the roTlowing year he
was created a domestic prelate to
the pope and prothonotary apos
tolic three years later. The same
year he was consecrated titular bish
op of Zeugma and in 1902 he suc
ceeded Archbishop Corrigan as
head of the archdiocese of New
During his administration Arch
bishop Farley displayed remarkable
activity and energy. The number
of churches increased from . Ill to
147, the number of chapels from
154 to 193 and that of the priests
from 676 to 929. In 1900 there were
in the city 60 parish schools for boys
with 18,593 pupils and 61 for girls
with 21,139 pupils. Ten years later
there wereJJO schools for girls with
31,000 pupils.
As archbishop of New York Arch
bishop Farley was also charged with
the, general supervision over the
dioceses of Albany, Brooklyn, Buf
falo, Ogdensburg, 'Rochester and
Syracuse with more than 2,000,000
Roman Catholics.
' In 1904 Archbishop Farley re
ceived additional honors by being
appointed assistant at the pontifical
throne. In' view of his brilliant
achievements in, the past it caused
but little surprise when in Novem
ber, 1911, the announcement was
made that - Archbishop Farley had
beet) designated a member of the
Sacred CollegV being one of the
three distinguhfhed members of the
Catholic hierarchy in tne unuea
States honored with theardinalate.
Gamble, in Washington
.Boosting for Omaha
Washington Bureau of The Bee.
Washington, SeptA 17. (Special
Telegram.) John W. Gamble of the
executive committee of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce, is in Wash
ington getting things started Gate
City-ward. He wants action on an
increased water supply' for Fort
Crook. . He had an interview today
with Director General Densmore fef
the Department of Labor over .the
broadening scope , of labor condi
tions in. Nebraska and he paid his
respects to General Kenley, chief
of aeronautics. Mr. Gamble comes to
Washington to tell officials of every
hue : that , Omaha ,. stands ready
to get into the war game as a pro
during center just as soon as the
governmeht shows a disposition to
close a contract with an Omaha
firm. -'.s r '
Recommend Government
! Department of Aeronautics.
- Washington, Sept 17. The sen-'
ate military committee today, by a
vnt tit 11 tn? sirtred favorablv re
ported the bill introduced by Sena
tor New of Indiana providing for
the establishment of a department of
aeronautic with a cabinet officer at
fca heat- t - .
(Continued from Pf One.)
will be in accordance with the gen
eral policy which has governed the
entente powvs and America in
meeting the German peace offen
sives. Prompt action is regarded
as the surest means of defeating the
underlying purpose of the central
powers to shake the allres and de
velop fatal weaknesses by the en
couragement of the expression of
the individual aims anl views of
the separate states. Foreign Min
ister Balfour's comment yesterday is
accepted in Washington as a suffi
cient indication of the attitude of
Great Britain,, andt is not doubted
similar expressions will be forth
coming from other entente capitals
Conditions Laid Down.
Regarding this phase of the peace
campaign as practically closed, the
administration is low closely watch-
in , tor the next move on the part
of the enemv, for it is not believed
that they wfl abandon their efforts.
It has been suggested that, denied
unlimited fields of secret discussion
of war issues, Austria may attempt
a coup by assenting to a restric
tion of he discussion to the prin
ciples laid down by President Wil
son as the only possible basis of
It was said authoritatively today
that such a proposition undoubtedly
would be accepted. But this state
ment was accompanied by a signi
ficant reminder of condtions which
must be met preliminary to any
such discussion. These are fhat the
central powers must withdraw com
pletely from all occupied territory
in France and Belgium, Italy, Rus
sia and Serbia., The Germans must
drop the subterfuge of the Brest
Litovsk treaty made by Germany
with Russian agents, hired to be
tray their country. They must loos
en their hold upon the wheat fields
of Ukrainia and the oil wells of
Serbia and Russia, andall of this
must be done before America would
consentTo talk of peace, even upon
the basis of the -president's stipulation.
Another Bee Man Has '
Joined the Colors of
U. S. for War Service
Another star will be added to the
constellation which adorns The Bee
flag when Glenn Brewer, compositor
in the employ 'of this paper, quits
his work to enter the service of
Uncle Sam.'
Brewer was at one time editor
of the Napef, Neb., Advertiser, and
ca:ne to Omaha over a year ago
from Mitchell, S. D. He is married
and has two children.
Mr. Brewer will go to Manhattan,
Kan., Thursday, where" he will be a
member of the army auto mechanics
With Brewer's enlistment the 54th
star will be added to The Bee's
service flag.
Rialroad Men Directed
To Claim Deferred Draft
Washington, Sept. 17. All rail
road employes in the classes declared
by the railroad administration es
sential to proper operations,' were
instructed today by Director Gen-J
eral McAdoo to claim deferred
draft classification as a patriotic
duty and to furnish the district
boards with the necessary informa
tion in their answers to the ques
tionnaires to show the basis for such
Heavy Fines Imposed on Oper
ator of Ingenious Bootleg-
ging Operations in Coun-
oil Bluffs Court.
The Weather
Comparative Local Becord.
IBIS 1W lilt 115
Highest yesterday ..11 It- J 82
I.oweit yntorflay . ..1 (4 43 57
Mean temperature ..Wl 75 62 70
Precipitation OS 52
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal: .
Normal temperature 65
Deficiency for the day 4
Total exceae alnce March 1, IBIS 706
Normal precipitation 0.10 In.
Deficiency for the day 0.03 In,
Total precipitation alnce Mar. lit.. 10.96 In.
Deficiency since March lit, 1918 ..12.76 In.
Deficiency for cor. period In 1917.. 3.58 In.
Deficiency for cor. period In 1916.. 9.82 In.
Report! From Station at 7 p. m.
Statlona and itat Temp. High- Rain-
of weather. 7 p. m.
Davenport, pt. cloudy ..64'
Del Moines, raining ..64
Dodge City, clear ....74
Lander, clear ........71
North Platte, clear ....70
Omaha, pt. cloudy ....60
Pueblo, clear 72
Salt Lake City, clear ..74
Santa Fe, clear 72
Sheridan, clear 64
Sioux City, pt. cloudy ..66
Valentine, pt. cloudy ..(4
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation,
L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
A big gray automobile hearse and
a new six-cylinder Cadillac car are
in the L. H. Bolton garage, Council
Bluffs, and when the cars were
placed in tiie garage William and Al
bert Fox, owners of the Fox garage
at 1814 Cuming street, and John Van
Meter, hearse driver at the Palace
gflrage, Omaha, were taken to the
county iail, the men and the cars all
charged with transporting booze for
bootlegging purposes. A fourth
Omana man, C. D. Houston, was
also detained on the same charge.
The hearse was to be used to con
vey the booze from Garner township
six miles east of Council Bluffs on
the river-to-river rbad, safely across
the Douglas street bridge into Oma
ha, and the casket was to be used
further to camouflage the whisky.
Sheriff Gronewee and Tiis depu
ties, assisted by Police Officers
Crum and Peterson of Council
Bluffs, got the hearse, car, booze
and men and then things moved
along fast.
Men Plead Guilty.
County attorney Swanson haled
the men into the Pottawattamie
coiinty district court on two charges,
conspiracy ajnd bootlegging, and
held them for trial under $1,500
bonds. An hour later the Fox broth
ers pleaded guilty to bootleggirfg
and were fined .$500 each. Their
wives brought checks for more than
$2,000 and the fines were promptly
paid, amounting to $1,080.
In addition, permanent injunctions
were obtained against the men, pro
hibiting them from carrying even
a homeopathic phial of liquor in
their pockets wnen tney came into
Iowa. Houston and Van Meter are
still in jail.
Houston and another man reacn-
ed the farm of J. H. Garner late
Sunday nieht in a crippled car and
got permission to use the telephone
to call the box garage tor neip.
A service car came out and pulled
them in, but upon the pretext that
the car was too heavily loaded
they got permission to store the con
tents in a shed m -the Uarner tarm
A number of olain boxes were
piledj in the shed and remained
there all day Monday. Early Mon
day night an Omaha truck came
and took half of the load away.
Somebody got suspicious and tele
phoned to Sheriff Gronweg and a
squad of officers waited until the
hearse came, about 3 o'clock yester
day morning- '
Thev watched the stuff carried to
the hearse and made ready to be
laid tenderly n the casket, then
flushed the -game, taking the four
men into custody.
County Attorney Swanson is in
clined to believe Van Meter's stry.
He says he received a midnight call
claiming to come from Hulse
Riepen, Omaha undertakers," ask
ing to have the hearse drven across
the river for a "body." He says
the Fox brothers and Houston met'
him at Sixteenth and Douglas, and
that he did not know where they
were going until the Garner farm
was reached at 3 o'clock in the
He claims that his first intima
tion that the hearse was to be used
to camouflage the booze was when
the men started to put it into the
coffin. For this reason there will
be no attempt to hold the big fu
neral car and Van Meter may not
be prosecuted- Houston, however,
will probably be held on the two
counts, conspiracy and bootlegging.
i Allied Aviators Drop
Bombs on the German
Positions Behind Lines
With the American Army on the
Lorraine Front, Sept. 17. (By As
sociated Press) British airplanes
can squadrens on this front' new far
back of the enemy lines today and
bombed airdromes at several places.
Some of the long distance fliers
passed over'Karlsruhe and Mainz,
drpping five and a half tons of ex
plosives. Eleven tons of, bombs were
dropped on the au-dromes at Lon
guyori", Boulay, f Marhange and
Bohm. 1
French and Italian units co-operated
with American squadrons in
rarrvintr out nine missions, in addi
tion to which patrolling and photo
graphic work was successfully con
ducted, London, Sept. 17. British avia
tors have again bombed the railways
at Metz-Sablons and Mainz and
docks and siding at Karlsruhe. Sev
enteen direct hits were obtained on
the Karlsruhe objectives, according
to the air ministry communication
corn food ought
to bs
and saves
the wheat
fact mmw mm
Home Builders is not a Building aTtd Loan Association nor a
Savings Bank, but equally as safe and more convenient.
Home Builders invests its funds in' only Gilt-Edge mortgage
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never overloans their security value as may be done on ap
praisement of buildings already built and in all stages of d,e
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Home Builders loans money for construction of home for
heir owners who have their own money invested ahead of Home
Builders' mortgage. Such a one never has occasion to abandon
lis home to go elsewhere to pay rent to any other landlord
and lose his equity.
Home Builders loans no money to anyone to speculate in
building houses to sill for profit.
6 guaranteed you on $1.00 shares. '
Home uilder
American Security Company, Fiscal Agents.
Omaha, Neb. ' -
C. C. 9HIMER, Sec G. A. ROHrBOUGH, Pre. (
Fred Hoye is Found to
Be Driving Booze Car
Fred H. Hoye, building inspector
in the city building department, is
driving a "booze car."
City Commissioner Zimman ob
tained for use by his department a
I-ord touring car taken by the po
lice from bootleggers. Mr. Hoye
was riven the machine for use in
fiii work. He took the auto to the
shoo at the fire station, Eleventh
and Jackson streets, where the dis
covery was made that the car had
been fitted with c inpayments suit
able for the purpose fo secreting
countraband liquors.
Mr. Hoye believes the compart
ments will be handy to carry his
lunch or a thermos bottle or gro
King Honors Egan.
Copenhagen. Sept. 17. King
Christian has bestowed the grand
cross of the Order of Dannebrog on
Dr. Maurice F. Egan, former Ameri
can minister to Denmark. This is
the highest decoration which can-be
awarded a commoner.
Non-Com. Surrender Jells
Story Lost Morale of Huns
American Headquarters in Lor
raine, Sept 17. (Reuter.) During
the fighting in the St. Mihiel salient
it has been noted that the enemy
soldiers have shown an inclination
to surrender in large batches. There
has been a large proportion of "non
coms" among the enemy troops
taken captive.
An observer who has been several
years at the front said today that he
had never seen so many non-commissioned
officers taken as during
the last few days. He said:
'To tho knowing the German
army this feature has special mean
ing, for it tells of the declining mor
ale of the enemy forces. The
strength of the German army lies in
its noncommissioned officers and
something plainly has gone wrong.
The events of the last few days
have been a very serious blow to
German confidence."
Gas Case Put Off Until .
December 3; Lambert Away
Thm rnnrlemnation suit of the citv
against the Omaha Gas and Light
company, set for Tuesday, has been
postponed ntil December 3, says
Will L. Herman, attorney fsr the
gas company. The case could not
be heard Tuesday because W. C.
Lambert, corporation counsel, is in
Lincoln attending the hearing of
the street railway company's peti
tion to raise fares to 7 cents.
Great Tidal Wave.
Tokio, Sept. 17. (By Associated
Press.) During an eruption of a
volcano on Urup island, one of the
Kurile group, there was terrific ex
plosions, according to advices re
ceived here. This caused a great
tidal wave, which overwhelmed- a
force of men at work refloating a
sunken ship, drowning 29 of them.
Army Orders.
Washington, Sept. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Palmer D. Sheldon, Watertown,
S. D., has been appointed captain of In
fantry. Captain 'Max C. Krazler, dental eorpi,
li relieved from duty In the office of the
attending lurgeon, . thii city, and will
proceed to Camp Dodge for duty ae camp
dental surgeon. '
Appointment of iurgeon!i, first class:
Benjamin C. Hgyl, cchool for bakeri and
cooks, ai second lieutenant; Jacob M.
Sutherland as first medical corps; ler
geant first class, Peter Petersen, quarter
master, as lieutenant quartermaster, was
announced. They will proceed to Des
Moines, la.
"The Allied Answer"
Is Name Adopted for
Electrical Parade
"The Allied Answer" is the name
that has been chosen for the Ak-Sar-Ben
electrical parade on the
evening of Wednesday, October 2.
The theme of the parade and of the
17 floats which will compose the
pageant is designed to represent the
answer of the United States and of
the entente allies to German threats
of world dominion and the move
for a false peace. Gus Renze has
been working for weeks on the
parade and it is said that the result
will surpass all of his previous efforts.
War Trophies fo Be
Shown in Omaha for
One Day Next Week
A special train of three carloads
of war trophies will arrive in
Omaha the first part of next week
and will be on exhibit here for a '
day. The exhibition will be""given
in connection with the rourth Lib
erty loan drive, v
One car will be filled with
trophies taken from captured Ger
mans, many of which will tell their
own stories of Hun brutality. Bayo
nets wun saw-iiKe edges; so mat
they will torture as well as kill, are
included in the collection.
Speakers will accompany he exhibition.
Italians Make Successful
Raids on Austrian Lines
Rome, Sept. 17. In. the region
north and southwest of Grappa, on
the northern Italian mountain front, numerous machine guns.
Italian detachments this morning
raided the enemy lines and Improved
a' some oonits the positions already
occupied, says the Italian war omct
statement issued today. The Italians
took 321 prisoners and captured
j .:.'.i-t . --f-;-.
You get out of a truck
what the maker put in
PIERCE-ARROWS yield big dividends be
cause they are built to endure.
. Designed right, Jbuilt painstakingly of selected
material, they can't fail. Regular inspection keeps
them right, keeps earnings up and costs down.
Changing design means uncertain standards
ysually to get an attractive selling price. When
quality is secondary, upkeep is high, resale prices
low. Ask those who have had experience with
both kinds what they found out.
Delivers more work in a given time;
Loses less time on the job and off the job ;
Costs less to operate and less to maintain;
Lasts longer, depreciates less and commands
a higher resale price at all times.
for instance: ;j
Sinclair Refining Company bought 50 Fierce-Arrows, after
the experience of their subsidiary companies proved cheap
truck? depreciated too fast and cost too much to operate,
maintain and replace. Sinclair now owns 128 Pierce-Arrows.
Return joad will cut your hdulage costs
J. T. Stewart Motpr Co.
2048-50-52 Farnam StOmaha, Neb.
Prompt Deliveries Available
rfs tfhe fashion Center fir ZUomcr7
Suits from New York
Styles Youll . Admire
The most recent develop
ments of Fashion find ex
pression in these newly re
ceived tailored suits.
Quality of the highest sort
is in ; evidence throughout
each garment.
The, prices are correct.
The alteration service is
without extra charge.
Choosing early will be to
your advantage:
Apparel Section Second Floor.
Art Explanation of
the Yarn Situation
We have been advising the
immediate purchase of yarns
because the mills have, for
some time past, been refusing
all orders and making no ship
ments, both according to gov
ernment regulations.
We have learned that these
government restrictions have
now been removed, so that
we expect a reasonable amount
of yarn to "come through" as
It is never1 our intention to
misinform our patrons hence
this explanation.
Stylish Gloves ,
One and two-clasp styles in
Trefousse French kid, pique
sewn, in black, white, brown,
gray, navy and' pastel, $2.75,
$3 and $3.50 a pair.
'Bacmo,' a very attractive
one-clasp glove for shopping
wear. Shown in tan, gray
and khaki, $3 a pair.
Linen Handkerc'fs
Embroidered styles of fine
quality linen, 25, 35c and 50c.
All linen, initial styles, 20e
to 60c.
Plain hemstitched linen "ker
chiefs, 20c, 25c and 35c.
Dainty handkerchiefs of mull,
10c, 15c and 20c.
Women Want
They must be comfortable,
too; but first of all, they must
be stylish. We have selected
our fall stocks of footwear
most carefully, for we wanted
to be sure not only of their
quality and make but also of
their style.
Here is a comprehensive and ex
cellent stock of shoes in which you
will have no trouble at all in being
correctly and satisfactorily fitted;
and you will pay only a reasonable
price for any pair you select.
6 Net Yield With Safety
BECAUSE of the excellent interest
return, with perfect safety of the
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tate Bonds hold the highest place in the
esteem of the conservative investor.
From the safety standpoint, they are on
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investment. They are, in reality, a part,
or subdivision, of a direct first mortgage.
From the income standpoint, they have a
great advantage over a direct first mort
gage loan. The investor is relieved of
the trouble and expense of such matters
as looking after the payment of taxes
and insurance, searching of titles, drawing
Vand recording of mortgages, etc. His
income is net.
In the case of the First Mortage Real
Estate Bonds which we are offering, this
income is46 payable semi-annually.
These bdds are secured by direct first mortgages
on modern office buildings, hotels or apartment
houses located in important and prosperous cities
throughout the Middle West
An ample margin of security is provided, as In most
instances the property is conservatively worth about
double the amount of the mortgage.
We will be glad to go into the fullest particulars
with you concerning any of these bonds, or a copy
of our booklet, "How To Choose A Safe Invest
ment," will be sent you free upon request This
booklet contains some excellent investment informa
tion which you will doubtless be glad to have at
Bankers Realty Investment Co.