Ms THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1918 Want Afv r' cu V 14 Pr word la per word to 1 per word f i Ho ad ,UT -V: 1 pr Iln . $ f I J. I I L ! S3 1 w ' II II ruthfomtheGiape To know you are w6ll prepared to fulfill your duty as Host or Hostess is one of the Supreme Joys of entertaining your Quests. To feel that satisfying, sense of security in the Leverage you propose to serve is the solution of a perplexing problem. Because it is appropriate for all occa sions, Virginia Julep has endeared its delicious winey flavor to the hearts of ladies and gentlemen through all the land and has a wide-spread popularity at the Cluh, the Home, . and among, Lovers of the reat outdoors. It is strictly a beverage Universal! - - - - -, - 4 !H:;SBH:iH:i:::!: ;iiiSii:!:;;H::iK!ii;;::;;i;;:::;::::"-::;:::::::;::r.:::::.T;:; .J-- -!- P-1-" - -.1- - J - :::::;;n::::::r:::::ui Elm : nii::r:::::u-;:n:i;ai::: y;:3"iy :::::H:i:::jKH:::?n:::::;:::::i:ii; - -- r - -- - - -- -- "f' - i:iJJ::HT:::::L:::H!:::;3!;::3;-: -- 5 M iS.:SSif. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll : u - .Bmsmsriesxarais&&sfi r h -. - ----- r HI If .'imJiH.i:..-4 - --- -- B - C I I I W II I . ;lPf Mips , Carl Furth Supply House W jf if " " ' - ,- l. 1 1- M-n- fc : 1 1 H V I Hi 4 it i 1