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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1918)
8 4- THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1918. Wai)t Ad Rates t (Ca.b WlthOrd.r.) 't P word.. each insertion , taper word lor t consecutive Insertion! If Pr word or each additional Insertion . ' 0 ad leko (or lew than a total of or less lnan Co par day. CHARGE. I, par ln (count word to line) 1 time la per Mn ach time. I consecutive time la ctar lln each tlm, 10 consecutive time felTUATIOXS WANTED. ' 11 ear Hi" P'r week VCABOS P THANKS AND r . UNtKAl, NOTICES. '' ( per line each tnaertlon Contract Bate on Application. Tor convenience of advertisers want ad -will b accepted at tb following offices- VAIN OFFICE ..Bee Building Amea Offlc North 20th St. likl Otflre... .2611 North 24th St. Vinton ufflc 4S' 8outn tth St. Vark Office till Leavenworth Ot. Walnut Offlc Bit North 40th St. foutb Bid. 238 N. St. Council Ululf Main St. Tn rlB BEE not responsible for mora than on Incorrect Insertion of an '.' dvrllsmat ordred (or more than one tra THE TELEPHONE If you cannot '' MnvanUntly brlna or n y"r ads to any of the sbov office. Ask for a Want , d Taker and f ou will receive the same good rvtc aa whn dellverinif our ud la ptrsoo. i ... PHONE TVLEB 1 Oufl. Vvantng Edition., 12:00 M. 'Soralnt Edition. 10:0d P.SM. 1 ' """day Kd 1 1 tonat-l O t P. ML giiturday , "CARRIAGE LICENSES Permit to wd hav been issued tuaihe 'following ! Nam and Rldenc. Age. .avid K. Pat taraon. 'Lincoln. Neb 40 ' fjianch M. Frguon. Lincoln. Neb 37 Harr Whinner. Lincoln, Neb !1 ' JSasal Upright. Unlverlty Place, Neb.. 21 Mtrry O'BrUn, Omaha.. over 21 J-.ih.rln (J. Stewart. Omaha over 18 Julie C Donolhan, Okmulgee, uki FOR SALEMisccIlancous. Furniture and Household Goods. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND FURNTURE IN BIG SEPTEMBER SALE. The fall months suggest coslfylng" your home. A new rug, a new dresser, a new stova or range bespeaks more pleasant surroundings. For less money than anywhere else, the State Furniture Co.. 14tb and Dodee streets, will sunnlv your needs. Our September bargains snouia attract you. We make a special ty of complete home outfits, also hotel and morning houses. Railroad fare re funded to out-of-town buyer within 50 miles of Omaha on purchases ot $20 or more, STATE FURNITURE CO.. ll'JL- Dodge Sts., Opp. U. P. Bldg. FURNITURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS Beds, springs, mattresses dressers, chiffoniers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks and suit cases, gas stoves and Ice boxes, full lines screen wire poultry net ting, garden tools. 1839-47 North 24th St Tel. Web. 1607. Open tiU9p . m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS-Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, etc Loyal Furn. Co.. 223 N. lettt Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE & CO., 151 Douglas have plant to rent at $3.50 per month, or will sell on easy terms. 22 1 ... 21 la.. 22 tfUIIC - . - r diva 0108, Omaha.. John T. Moore. Omaha Jophln Schrock, Council Bluffs Donald W, McNeil. Omaha....... Slary McElligott, Omaha.. yrd Stevenson, Blair. Nebr. Anna Chamber. Blair. Net) Harry J. Muldoon, Chicago, 111... , , . m Tiln.An Chicago. Ill U J I V ... . f,vr Todalen, Atltln, Minn 37 yaema Yate. Hamburg, la .luillJL2 , ,f: T ' " flEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1662. Store and Office Fixtures. -- t tii i in-u.Uri. Eleanor &7. aged 5 5 '' year. September 14, at home of her sls- tar 1(1$ Valley street. Survived by her tnolher. Mrs. Margaret Rudowsky, two ' latere. Ur. Jann of Omaha and Mrs f -William Barker of Chicago, and one i brother, John F. Rudowsky of Omaha, i Funeral Tuesday. I p. ,m.. from the Hoffman funeral bom. Interment In ProPct miii V v IVPLEN Mi. Maria, widow of the late r John Epplen. died at Spokane, Wash., Bptmbr 13th. Bervlce at th Hoffmann funeral home -f Tuesday at 1:J0 P. m, lntrment in For est l,wn cenuery. - DAIKBR Mr. Mry Anna, age 4 years. Service at family residence Tuesday. September It at 1 p. m. Interment In Surest Lawn. She la aurvlved by her husband. Frit Dalker, and two daugh l.r. Mra Marie Anna Ortffin, of Oma- s bal and Mr. Ro. Olga Eberhard of Lo"ng Besch. Cal. AIM two atatera of Prilladelpma. fEX-ilra Jacob, died at Papllllon. Sat J Vday evening, S.ptmbr 14. aged 71 ' '"fu! aervlc I a. m. Wednesday, ... tiplember II. from Saint Columkll a ; f.ihniiiT rnurcn i i v tvILLiE--Mra, Charlotte. September l, ' aaed 16 yer. Survived by a daughter, 9- Ida Emma Wilde, and .on. O. J. Wilde. ' runaral from re.ldence. 2515 St. Mary's avenue. TuesdaySeptember 17. at 2:30 " p. m.- Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. STEAM filter local No. 404 I nearby noti y to attend funeral of brother Andrew v Cully -Tuesday at a. m. at S631 V. atreet. H. U. row """f" f . BIRTHS AND DEATHS ' ""utrths-i-Frank and, Mathlllla Polgar, sl Worth Thirty-fifth atreet, boy; Cheater and Olayd Fore, ISif Ca atreet. girl; Jesse i and Bonnl Purnell. 14U Brown treet. arlrl; Jo'ph. and - Savllla Linton, 813 TrrangW' tfreaa.-wwt Druc n etvarloue J f Tai ah.? tr..t. boir wu -.. .ink-la Kinvan' Titrter Lake club. : nam nn . 1 tlrl; Ralph and Bess Brownie, 8529 Rcd 4 man avenu. boy: Charley and Alice Hall- barg 1305 South Thirteenth treet, boy; ' Jireal and Freda Katsman. 1707 ,1 street, I boy? -Camll and Elizabeth. Jacobberger, - 111! North Forty-flrat atreet, girl; Wil i Ham and Mary Kreba, 114$ 8outh Eleventh . tret. girl;- Clarence and Irene Barton, ' 1114 Missouri avenue, -boy; Albert and Anna Creel, 17IT Burt atreet, boy; Arthur and Anna Ware, U37 North Twenty-second treat, girl - . Deaths Nell Is Bchleo, 1$, sin miles west oa Uodg street; John Robertson, 6, 713 Leavenworth -street; Margaret Saum, 10, 71$ Nortb Twenty-ninth atreet; Benjamin Brownlee, 'I day. 152$ Redman avenue; ' JUargaret L Bron, CI, 147$ Pinkney atreet; , Helen Fore, 11 day, 1(1$ Suss street; ' Mr. Hannah Davl. 52, 1512 North Twenty-eighth atreet; Jamea Stark, 40, Douglaa county hospital.' BUILDINO PERMITS . : ' Bankers Realty and Invstmeut Jiany, (514 "Harney atreet, garage, I com. $800. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE -& RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors . s itl 80. I$th St ' - Phone Doug. 1228 HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME.' Hoffman -quality aervlce costs less 14th and Dodge. ' Douglas 8801. STACK- & 'FALCONER Independent Undertaker. 8$d-Far. H. 400 jpNDEKTAKERS and licensed embalmera; also prlvst ambulance Call Webster 47. Willie C.'Crosby, $511 N. 14th St. ' jEX. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director. r. L. Fero. .Mgr. 13d and Cumlnga 8ta. , Phnn Douglaa 477. Auto ambulance. JOHN A. QENTLEMAN, undertaker and , emblamer. 1411 Farnam St. Har.-391 FLORISTS. fZs LEE Lv LARMON ' JI14" Douglaa 8t. Douglaa $244, Eat. 1861 I$ Harney. ' Flowers -hlpi BATH Careful LDONAGHUE" rd everywhere. Ex. paid. 1 ' Henderson. ilorlst, 1804 Farnam St Farnam. D. 1248. S t. h if MONUMENTSrtt CEMETERIES. VEST LAWN -offera Vmpathetlo service In sudden sorrow; berpetual care; no assessments; lota on ty te rm. W. 8 20. tHe largest display of feonumenta In the United c Blatee. FRANK SWOBODA. 1$I52 8. llth. Phone Dbugla 1872-5216 SPECIAL NOTICES. DENTIST The infirmary of Crelghtln onWrlty ! bollrg of dentlatry will reoVen on 8ep 1 tern bar I.. All klnda of dentall work done Under careful eupervlslon of the profes ora.. Extraction, tree, ChlldiVn'a teeth tratghtencd $10 South 18ht ' NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS . . or the " BOUOLA8 COUNTY CONSUMERS 4 , t LEAGUE. All stockholder ar hereby notified that a meeting will be held Sept. 19, 'J$ll7:$$ p. m.. at 4124 8 14th St, 2d floor, for the purpose of reorganisation. V, A. Chrlsman. Secretary. : ibST-FOUNP-REWARDS. CalAHA 4, COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraona -having loat aoma articles , would do well to call at the office of th Omaha Council Bluff Street Rail way company to ascertain whether they left It 1n the street car. Many article each day are turned In and the company la aniloua to restore - ' them to "the rightful owners. f LATINUM fcar Din on diamond; $50 reward. "Call Franklin. Harney 14$. Mrs. Ben 4j4 ALL cameo brooch, light brown, keep cak Reward. Addresa X !. Omaha Be, 5sT Whit faced gold wrlt watch be- tween 'Amea or flat and Lothrop. Call wh. ts - - - mall fraternity P'n; diamond ahn. hsa letter. 8. 8. B5-! liberal re ward. Phone Red M4 , 7 LOoT A B India bull. Cali Web. 4IJ i I unti. . FOR SALE Grocery and Meat fixtures, one Toledo comp scale, on Hubard electric coffee grinder, one Hubard one horse meat grinder, one Iron safe, one meat sllcer, two marbl meat counters, one vegetable fountain, one butter and one fish box, on No. six Royal coffee roaster. Address 2911 Poppleton Av. rhone 5786. WE buy. Bell and make desks, safes, show-. cw?, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. llth and Douglas. D. 2724. FOR SALE Hardware stock and fixtures, eastern Nebraska. Address Box 463. Omaha Bee. TEN cars used lumber, $25 and up per M. New roofing, $1.25 tol.75. Doora, $2 up. Electrlct motora and machinery. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co., 21st and Paul streets. Omaha. WINrJ barrels for sale at Cooper shops, 2115 Burdette St., Omaha', Neb. H. A. Harder & Co. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, aold renWd and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, '1915 Farnam. Tel. D. 3961. ADDING MACHINES, all makea bought, rented and old. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1905 FARNAM ST. WE BUY ell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriter $10 and up. Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Cd 1404 Dodge. ONE 9-column Burroughs adding machine lor sale at a bargain. 1905 FARNAM ST. Medical. PILES fistula and other rectal dis eases cured witiiout surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Tee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MA8LE WESSON. $14 Brandels Bldg. Tel. 2960. Res. 4741 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 583 Brandels, I). 6691. STURGES A STURGES. U. S. and foreign patent and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L. 216 a 20th. Tailor. D. 2433. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S.- llth. D. 682. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. SAFES Wedding Statior:ry. WEDDING announcements and printing Pounls." Printing Cn. Tel. Doujrlns C44 SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. SITUATION -WANTED By a man ot long and wide experi ence, past the draft age and capable of filling any office position from office manager down, and do as much work every day as anyone from 20 to 40 years old; also capable of acting a sale and offlc manager and purchasing agent for a wholesale lumber firm; will accept a trial position of a month to six months to prove my ability; can give best of reference from business firms. Address J, Omaha Bee. Female PRACTICAL nursing. Webster 5040. Confinement cases. SEWING by day at home. Walnut 2065. PLAIN and fancy sewing. Webster 2463. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING called for and delivered, 6727 S. 36th St., or call South 329. COL. lady wants day work. Web. 3174. DAY work wanted by experienced colored woman. Webster 3094. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Webster 1873. LAUNDRY work South 8330. wanted and cleaning. BUNDLES carefully launJertd Call and deliver. Wc;b. t:3. LAL'NltRES.S wants .Monday. Thursday and Friday out. Call Webster 6657. ! REL. col. woman wants day work.W.(i9 I BUNDLE washings wanted. Tel. Red 6673. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Meats and grocery business In a Nebraska town with 1.400 popula tlon; own all b utcher and grocery store equipment; rent building; two acres of land, slaughter bouse well equipped; reason for selling. Writ Omaha Bee, Box 1856. GOOD Ice business tor sale. Including 6- room house, barn. Icehouses and other equipment; located at edge of town and partly seeded to alfalfa and bog fenced; hav other business and cannot get help. Box Y-685, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good location, doing good business. Reason for quitting death. Address H., 1410 Charles St., St. Joseph. Mo. FORD AGENCY and garage for sale. Ne braska town. F. V. Knlest, Be Bldg., Omaha A NO. 1 SOFT drink, cigar and shining parlor for sale. Address X, Bee, Office, South Side. SELL your business or land through F. M. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha Neb. AUTOMOBILES. FOR 8ALE. Bulck O IT Tourltg car, price $850. First class condition. Pbon Douglas 6352, or call at 1124 CAPITOL AVE. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 8 months for $5. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1906 Farnam. LATEST model stenotype machine at sac rifice If taken at once. Phone Tyyler 402. Miscellaneous. FOUR RUGS FOR SALE. 1 LAROE RUG. 1 SMALL RUGS. CALL COLFAX 3068. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co. DoUBlas 159. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. 1 AMERICAN tool wks. shaper, 16-in.; 1 75-lb. power hammer, fine shape. Tell & Binltley, 2318 Harney St. INFANTS' APPAREL Orders for exquisite infants' apparel. Harney 5630. E. Friend. GOOD household furniture and piano for sale. Apply 2310 California St. BEAUTIFUL surrey cheap. Phone Doug las 1624. SWAPPERS COLUMN. LADIES' Gold Wrist Watch. Swap for furniture or what have you? Box 2455, Omaha Bee. UiiAUTIFUL surrey cheap or will trade for Ford auto. Douglas 1654. WAITED TO BUY. IFWTfTWQ nas -fust toturned and JUIXIVLIXO .will gfcve you the same arood service that he gave In the past. Help win the war. Sell your old cloths, shoes, rugs tool's, trunks and buy W. 8. S. Will call. Res. D. 8032, office D. 8092. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J, C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 ANNOUNCEMENTS. JOSEPH LANG of Beatrice, Neb., paid $25.20 annually for 20 years on a $1 000 life Insurance policy, a total of $504. The company returned him on April 15, 1918, $759.34, and gave him 20 years Insurance for nothing. Hundreds of settlements like It have been made. Assets of this com pany, $14.00.000; more than a third of a century In busnless. If you can sell this kind of Insurance address Box Y 687. Omaha Bee, for particulars. KEL-PINB Dancing Acdy., 2424 Farnam. Will open children's class Saturday Sept 21.-at 1 p. m., with a party. All little folks Invited. D. 7850. Acordean Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button all size and style; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button hole, pennant. IDEAL-SUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 800-308 Brown Bldg., Phone D. 1986. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 138-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 8109 Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAYf THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 lbs., 15 cents. D. 7453. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH--FURNITURE Auto tuurlng tents and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. - Billiard Tables. PRIVATE ttables for parties at Holmes'. Chiropractors. Dr. J, C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH, Dr. Edwards. Tith, Farnam Costumes. FULL dress suH. for rent. 109 N. 16th St., opposite Postofftce. John Feldman, Douglaa 8128. Dancing Academies. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam; class and dance every . Monday and Thursday. Learn to dance for $5, where learning I a pleasure. Private lessons any time. Ballroom available for par ties. D. 7850. y KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam; class and dance every Monday and Thursday; learn to dance for $5. where . learning la a pleasure. Private lesson any time. LET Mr. Keep teach you to dance at Keep's Academy of Dancing. Hotel Home Phone Doug. 2581 or Harney 2792. Detectives. JAMES ALLEN, 242 Nellie Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Waters-Be rnhart Ptg. Co., 414 S. 13th St. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O.W. Bldg. Taf t s Dental Rm., 308 Rose Bldg.DTlIs Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. 6296. Film Developing. FILM developed, roll, 10c; packs, 15c; one-day service. Ease Studio, Nevill Blk. 16th, and Harney. - Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTRtTM Electric washing machine. XJ U eiectrlo Iron and reading lampa. 1221 Cuming 8U Douglaa 3619. Jewelry. DiAMONDSMtu'egrt'ob1:; been al email p refit. GROSS. 401 N If. U Bnadala Bide 1$$, Satu 474L RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radlatora repaired and rebuilt; large itock used radiators on hand. Mashed fenders and lamp repaired like new. New stock- of Ford honeycomb radiator. OMAHA RADITOR AND TIRB WORKS, 1918 Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. SPRAGUE TIRE & RUBBER CO., 18TH AND IZARD. LICENSED FIREMEN WANTED; BEST BOILER ROOM IN OMAHA. ALSO JANITOR .WANTED, COLORED MAN ' PREFERRED. GILT edge mortgage contract for $1,000, bearing Interest at 7 per cent, secured by good Omaha residence. Payable $25 monthly. Will take good car up to $500. Balance cash or Liberty bonds. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, good lo cation, close to car line, price $3,250. Would consider good automobile part payment. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandels Thea ter Bldg. WILL buy second hand starter and light ing system for Ford car. Grey and Davis preferred, must be In good con dition. F. J. Shumacher Orleans, Neb. JcFFERIES quad two-ton truck in good running order for quick sale. One third price of new. Wm. Floyd, Dun ning, Neb. HUDSON Super-Six Cabriolet, perfect con dition, full equipment. Joist overhauled. In paint shop now at 4006 N. 24th St Tel. Colfax 2233. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starters. 25 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1618 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 b. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and pow er. Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank, Route 6, 7 5 A. Benson, Neb. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. CURTAINS laundered, work guar. H. 1130 BUNDLE washing wanted Walnut 22,69. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED. Two thoroughly competent stock sales men to sell very desirable stock to help extend profitable growing business In Omaha; good show for traveling men. ADDRESS W. co. LOCK BOX 821, OMAHA. NEB. SALESMEN Side line, traveling limited territory In state of Nebraska and south ern half of Iowa repeatedly. Dry Goods and Notion Store necessity. Established article. Commission. Exclusive right. Nationally advertised. State counties covered and how often. Salesmen with auto preferred but not necessary. Dept. LL., Penn Rivet Corporation, Philadel phia. Pa. WANTED Collector for Iowa. Experience not necessary; must be single; salary $27 per week bonus and railroad fare. Mr. Weyerman, 312 Balrd Bldg. WANTED One prescrlptlonist ar. one counter salesman. Apply General Office 2d Floor, 19th and Farnam. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. Boys. MORNING carriers wanted, Dundee routes for Omaha Bee. Apply Walnut Station, 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to larn trunk and case making. Freling & Stelnle. 1S03 Fnrnam St. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. GOOD laundress wants day work.Web.6S94. TEAMSTERS WANTED OMAHA LUMBER AND COAL CO.. 4TH AND LAKE. PHONE WALNUT 830 HELP WANTED MALE. S.ores and Offices. DRAFT MEN Learn wireless telegraphy at home in from five to ton weeks. En ter this preferred branch of worli, which now offers the greatest opportunities ta earn promotion and excellent salaries 100,000 military operators urgently need ed In the army, aavy and merchant ma rine. Commercial operators now earning up to $250 -per month. Complete corre spondence course. No previous experience required. Practice apparatus sent with first lessons. Large residence schoO now In session for those who wish to study In Washington under government licensed Instructors. Write at once for full particulars. DEPT. D19, NA TIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE, Washing ton. D. C. WANTED One first-class prescription at and compounder, and one salesman for retail drug counter. Apply general office, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 2d floor, 19th and Farnam Sis. BOOKKEEPER, A-ITuture, $126. " WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bk. TIMEKEEPERS, $115. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 1138 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. SHIP WORKERS If you are skilled In the fol lowing lines of work we ueed you: RIVETER. HOLDERS-UN. STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS, HEATERS, BOILER MAKERS. PIPE COVERERS, SHIP FITTERS. MARINE ERECTORS, MARINE PIPE FITTERS. The Metropolitan (New York City) district Is yours from which to choose your home surroundings. Apply SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION Employment Office, Newark Bay Shipyard, PORT NEWARK, N. J. Miscellaneous. WANTED Men 19 to 50 years old for general yard work, steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stocq Yords Co , South Omaha. LABOERERS wanted at 26th and Far nam, at new building. Klene & Busch, Contra tors. WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. BOQUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1S29. help Wanted female. Household and Domestic. WHITE Janltress, morning and evening work, $32.60 per month. ALFRED C KENNEDY COMPANY. 105 South 18th St. WANTED A competent and reliable cook who will also do housework for fam ily. No laundry, two meals, small house, good pay. Call Walnut 49. WANTED AT ONCE White woman for general housework; 1 In family; no laun dry and best wages; city reference. Call Walnut 326. WANTED Competent, reliable nurse maid to care for small baby; reference required; good pay. Call Walnut 49. GIRL, general housework. Must know how to cook. Small family, highest wages paid. 305 South 38th St WANTED Good maid for general house work, no laundry; good wages; small family. Harney 811. EXPERIENCED girl or woman; small house; two In family, 627 N. 40th St. Walnut 2873. Mrs. Julius Kessler. WANTED A maid for general house work. May go horn night. Call Wal nut 1748. WANTED Experienced up-stalrs maid, references required. Apply Mrs. L. L. Kountze. 423 S. S9th St. Harney 187. WANTED A girl for general housework, good wages. Apply Mrs. R. W. Breck- enridire. SGU Jackson St. WANTED Refined woman for general housework. Address Box 660 Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT-HOUSE. West. FLAT 2305 Leavenworth, 5 rooms, $20.00 2568 Douglas, rooming house $33.00 JOHN N. FRENZEK, DOUGLAS 564 6-ROOM and reception hall, alt modern , block to Harney car. 3124 Cass. Wal nut 2062. HOUSE, 1611 Dewey, 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1611 Farnam St 8-ROO.M, hot water heat, all modern. 118 S. 34th St. Call Harney 1963. THREE-room flat, $2 per week. Douglas 6398. South. 11-Rm. mod. brick residence, double gar age, 1706 8. 32d ave., facing Hanscom Park.. $60. JOHN ROBBIN8. 1801 FARNAM ST, -ROOM strictly modern house, suitable for two families, 622 So. 24th Ave. Tel. Red 3657. 6 ROOMS and den, strictly modern borne, $30; with garage $32.50; vacant the 20th. 1639 8. 25th. Tyler 1812-J. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, 1441 8. llth St. Inquire 1421 S. llth 8t Miscellaneous. 315 N. 25TH, 1 rooms, $32.60. 2821 Jackson, 8 rooms, $37.60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. GIRL for general housework, family of two: good wages. 8507 Harney A WHITE woman cook wanted, clsl hotel. Hay Springs, Neb. CoiVtier- WANTED Chambermaid at the Brown Apts., 508 N. 21st St. Red 8960. WANTEDhalnbermald at""the Brown Apts., 60S N. 21st St. Red 8950. WANTED Girl for general housework. References. Mrs. G. P. Stebblns. Red Kererences, .Mrs. u. pieooins. jeq WANTED Good girl for general house work. Call Harney 69S4. BE a detective. Excellent opportunity; good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludvvlg, 870 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. W.CNTED sTabieman at'office. .Apply to American Railway Express Co., 1107 Capitol Ave. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced lady for dry goods or ready-to-wear department give references and state salary wanted; steady position. Lowenberg & Buck, Albion. Neb. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A dining room girl; also a nice maid. Apply to Brownell Hall. 66 South 28th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THEATRICALS. 10 ladies wanted between ages of 18 and 25 for a road show; no experience necessary. Tel. room 116, Paxton Hotel. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young women to enroll In our course of office training to learn how to operate Bookkeeping Machines. Easy to learn. Tuition, $40 on m onthly pay ments. Call, and see us about It. Phone Douglas 7415. Dworak School of Ac counting, Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam. GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE EXAMI NATIONS everywhere October 6; 12,000 women clerks to be appointed at Wash ington. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars, J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Exami ner). 625 Kenols Building. Washington. SSTENORAPHER and clerk, $75. Stenographer and cashier, $75. P. B. X. operator, $65-$75. Office clerks, $66-$75. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 VV. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, Dep't room girl, $65- $100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. WANTED Second girl for kitchen work In hospital. Phone South 68. Miscellaneous WANTED Young man of neat appearance and ability; age 18 to 35; steady posi tion with chance for advancement to right party Call 8 to 10 a. m., 12 to 1 p. m., or 4 to 6 p. m. 312 Balrd Bldg. TEACHERS We are still flooded with calls for teachers of all grades at salaries higher than ever before. Enroll now. Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Neb. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO., BEE BLDG. BIRKETT & COMPANY Care of properly and Insurance. 260 Bee Building. Douglas 828. LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TKUBT tunrAni, Realtor. Tyler 72$. 2917 Castelar, 6-r. mod., $16. 907 N. 17th at, 6-r. mod. apt, $27.60. RASP BROS., 210 Keelln Bldg. Tyler 721 Shopen A Co., Rental. Dougla 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. Vest. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof fine lanwn and flower: best location; Z4tn ana Farnam. Prlcea reasonable. Call D 1472. TIZARD Palace block; steam beat; cen- tral; 3-room apt. also 4-room flat. Ap ply 320i N. 23d St Phone Red 4232. North. FOR RENT At 1004 Dougla St., 16-room. team-heated flat. $65. per month. Apply at 1307 Howard St., second floor. South. LATONA APARTMENTS. Complete furnished. bet of aervlce, 841 8. 24th 8t. Call Douglas 1633 FOR RENT Business Property. 10 LADIES wanted between ages 18 and 25 for a road show; no experience need ed. Telephone Room 116. Paxton hotel. Office and Desk Room. HURRY! There are only a few vacant of fices left In the Bee Building. Keystone Investment Co., Tyler 181. WANTED Girl to press garments; good wages; steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESPEOPLE FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TWO multlgraph operators, good salaries. 3 office elks, $65, $75. Ledger elk., $75. CD-Operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat'l Bk. EXPERIENCED stenographer, permanent position. General Mercantile Co., 9th und Jones For bank positions see the Walters Co.. 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Tyler 480 ! STENOGRAPHERS, $100-$90-$86-$75-$65. ! WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bk. Professions Teachers. WANTED One teacher of Gregg shorthand one of Munson-Pltman shorthand, and one of bookkeeping and commercial law. High school educatlordjabsolutely neces ary; college education desirable; pre vious experience In respective lines also required. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Omaha, Nebraska. Professions and Trades. THE owner of a 2-ton, pneumatic tired truck, wishes to contract the hauling for a reliable firm In Omaha. Box 2687, Omaha Bee. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St D. 6035. BARGAINS In "used carsT ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam Harney 414. GOOD useT5"cars. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. MAXWELL roadster, 1916 model. equipped; extra tire and tube. Harney 7194 after 6 p. m. fully Call BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co.. 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8800. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St. Douglaa 9070. GRANT SIX, 6-passenger touring, driven only 3.000 miles at a bargain. Barnum Smith 2122 Cuming St MEEKS AUTO CAR, USED CAR BARGAINS, 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2406 LEA YEN WORTH ST. HAYNES cara at 1325 Park avenue. Har ney 618. Also one King 8, a bargain at $600. 1917 BUICK Six Touring Car, excellent condition. Harney 1597. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 15o a mile, 35c per hour minimum charge, Sunday and holidays, 60c per hour. FORD LIVERY CO. Douglas 3623. 1314 Howard St Repairing and Painting. BARGAIN Hudson super six touring car. overhauled and painted, five good tires. Call Walnut 8853 after 6 p.m. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 15c per mile, 35c per hour mtmimum charge. Sundaya and holidays, 60c per hour. FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 3623. 1314 Howard St. Tires and Supplies. BUT Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubple. Powell Supply Co. 2061 Farnam St. REAL bargains In slightly used tires; new tire at very low prices. G. and G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth st. Tyler 1261-W. Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1 1 02. HARLEY-D A V I D S O N MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leavenworth. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home sollctis your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurgtcal operation. -Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning. The National Cleaning and Service company, SIM LaaveawarU It, Harney 40U, WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STRRET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone oper ating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid ad vancement, permanent po sitions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Doug las St. WANTED Express Handlers Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salaries. WANTED Men, ladles and b oys learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. I'hone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladle s to learn the barber trade. Call or wrtte for free catalogue, 110 S llth St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED AT ONCE Man and wife for work on farm; no children; good wages. Address box 260, Beemer, Neb., or phone Harney If 35. WANTED A second cook, male or female, and two dishwashers, female. 814 So. 15th St. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405 Bee. EDUCATIONAL. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women; hours 8:30 to 1, permitting afternoon employment; rooms open for study from 8 to 4:30, ex cept Saturdays; enter any Monday morning, , Evening school for men and women; reopens September 3; sessions Tuesdays and Fridays from 6:15 to 9:16; ente, any Tuesday evening. The government and all employers need many thousands of office workers, educated women and men not eligible for other forms of government employ ment must respond to the call at once; do not think ACT. Second floor Omaha National Bank Building. Douglas 6890, Omaha Neb. LAWYERS It is essential for you to office In The Bee Bldg., Keystone In vestment Co. Tyler 131. Garages and Barns. BARN-BASEMENT Just winter; holds 10 horses. the thing 1501 Yates. for WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED To rent a fiv or lx room modern house by Oct 1st, will take yearly lease. Call Walnut 3498. WANTED Position as housekkeeper by middle aged lady. Address K, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Young lady wants furnished room In West Farnam district, near 82d. September 1. Box 50, Omaha Bee Furnished Apartments & Houses. WANTED By two adults small furnished bouse, apartment or four or five fur nished rooms, South Omaha. J. E. Gil lespie, Bellevue, Neb. WANTED to Dewey Ave. rent room to Harney 4546. lady, 3509 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING, REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and Bblpplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 16th. Douglas 41S3. Jfl piTti1!! Express Co., Moving. . J. XVJuCU Packing and Storage. U07 Farnam St. Web. 2743. Doug. 6145 REAL EST ATE IMPROVED, South. A BUNGALOW FIRST TIME OFFERED 1542 8. 15th Ave.. I roome, strictly modern, oak finish. Built Just before th) advance In materials. Paved atreet Owe er will repaint outside at tbla price Will b vacant next week. Price ll.4 Eaay terma. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TTLER $. 6-ROOM modern houaa; hardwood tlnlan, at HIT 8. $7th at Only $300 eaah and balance monthly; tor rant U oot ol aoon. Price $$,600. W. H. GATES, , .... 84T Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. P Hi 1002 8. 14TH ST,. 6-room buiigalu. terlor atueco. Interior flnlahed l u itrlctly modern; corner lot; price 11,759, $200 down, bslanc $3$ per month. a O. CARLBERO. REALTOR. 811 Brsndel Theater Building FOR SALE A very delrbl modem real dene In Hancom park dlatflct; will ell completely furnlbd. Call Harney 6682.. - - Miscellaneous. Attractive Home $850 Less Than Cost Living rom, den, dlnlni room, fclteham. flrat floor: three bedroom and heat4 sun room, second floori tronl and back stairway. Full basemeal aubdlalded. Nr nac roem, fruit cellar and laundry. Let 60x160, hd and frait treaa; paaaoj street, clos to publla and parochial achoola, on block off of oar Una. ale within walking dltanoa front Uwa, Pries very sttrsctlv. flflllHfrher & Nelson P . . - ...I 610 Brand,-! mag. Doug. lilt. BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT Centrally located. flrproof. all mod em In every respect; It outside apart ments; rental $7,500 par year; own ay submit proposition; will consid part trade; be Is a California ranches must have actloni calL Ur. Clary, Tyler 496. FOR RENT ANDlALB: HOUSES, COTTAGES APARTMBNl. PORTER & 8HOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St Douglaa 1011. 5-ROOM coTtage. two blocks from ear , full lot, $2,000; terma. Hot cash, bal ance $20 per month. BENSON & CAR MICHAEL, 641 Paxton Blk. WE SELL, tent lnsurnd make loan! on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO. 14th and Ame Avi Cot I1T. , BARGAINS In borne. Investment, prop ertles and acreage near umana- mm son 4 Morton, 916 Omaha Nat Bh. Bide p D. WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property nwNER GOING TO WAR. $2,500 will buy atore building and dwelling; 2640 Reea 8t Orocery busi ness in building also for sale at a bar gain. JOHN W BOBBINS, 1802 FAR NAM ST. , HIT-AGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Speclaltsta. 16th and Dodge Bla uougiaa si. REAL ESTATE Other Cities. FOR SALE My 16-acr river do i ion farm. Value, $ Maa orir. nw trade. No agent. Particular, addre. A H. Hohmann, Vlctorvlll, CaU Baa Bernardino County. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Nearly new 6-room trlclly modern bungalow; oak finish; furnac heat; at tic; creened-in porch; larg lot; tew block to car and school; house haa Just been painted and 1 In fin repair; owner leaving city and mut ell; thla la a very attractive home and well forth tba money; reatonable term. FOR SALE A vry dealrabl modern rel- dence In Hanscom para amnci; win eeu completely fu-nlshed. Call Harney 6582. Dundee. ROOM new stucco modern boua. 1105 N 60th Ave. Three deeping room, oak floors, full basement, $2.$00. Monthly payments. Phone Walnut 1920. FOR property In uunaee, nappy nouow and Fairacres, call OBURUS nnuwm PANY, 802-12 City Nat. Bk. Dougl 768. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving packing and storing call Tyler 230 or DouglaB OMAHA EXPRESSCOT LARGE moving nlture pack., Douglas S3." 4. dns; careful men. Fur otoorage. 1417 Chicago. South Side ! SO. OMAHA BARGAIN $2 600 buys the 1-story brick tor building and flat at 8606 N trt: Rents 358 per year. Th price I only a fraction of the original cut of build- Ing and the Income better Ihsn 10 per cent. You will not find a better bargain in Omaha. BENSON & MYERS CO., 421 Oraehi Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglaa 746. Miscellaneous. RE L- ESTATE IMPROVED. BOYLES COLLEGE Intensive training for office workers Courses In Bookkeeping, Shorthand Stenotypy, Typewriting. Railroad and Wireless Telegraphy, Comptometry, Ma chine Bookkeeping and all English branches. Student, admitted any day. Catalogue free. Telephone Dougla. 1568. 18th and Harney 8t. Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter courses Easily learned. No books. Free catalog. National Auto School, 2814 North 20th St Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY Apply Union or Burlington Station office. WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLDEREU TOP WAGES. APPLT 1121 CAPITOL AVE. WANTED Handy man, with knowledge of firing boiler. Apply to engineer. JAY BURNS BAKING CO., 20TH AND CUMING. WAMTRD ;TVO HUNDRED P6WER MA CHINE OPERATORS Here is an opportunity for the girl who wanes to help out on war work lor shirts and overall ar needed badly and .we can use the service of every operator who can help u clothe Uncle Sam forces, whether they are In the rank of labor or right at th front Experienced worker are desired. Th work on the power-driven machine 1 not hard and Intelligent, capable work ers can cummand liberal remuneration and permanent positions. Tou can get wholespma meals at a nominal cost in our cafeteria working conditions are ideal and hour from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Music and library fur nish recreation for your noontimes. Come In and see us about the work we want to tell you about It We can also use the service ot opera tors on Mlna Taylor dresses. The work is pleasant and surrounding congenial. Apply employment department M. E. SMITH & CO.. 9th and Douglas Sts. Entrance. WANTED PLANER MAN AND HELPER, ALSO 2 OR 3 MEN TO HANDLE LUMBER, OMAHA BOX CO., EAST OMAHA. vVANTED Can give steady employment to a man capable of taking charge of high tension line design construction and maintenance. Man familiar with hydro electric power preferred. Addresa Box Y 668, Omaha Bee. ELEVATOR MAN WANTED. 46 to 60 YEARS OF AGE. GOOD SALARY. APPLY ASSISTANT MANAGER BLACKSTONE HOTEL. WANTED at once, two good shop and counter men In our meat department; steady and desirable work at good sal ary to right parties. Courtney & Co., 17th and uouelas sts.. Omaha. WANTED First-class tailor. Prefer elder ly man, or one above draft age. Good wages paid to right party. Address May Clothing Store, Cozad Neb WANTED Dry cleaner who knows his business. Steady work for the right party. Address Keith's Laundry & Dry Cleaning Works. Ida Grove, la. WANTED A man to do electric power line building and repair work. Address Y-667. Omaha Bee. W ASHMAN WANTED AT ONCE Phone or wire. Nebraska City Laundry Co., Ne braska City, Ne.- VT ANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405, Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. GREAT opportunity for man with car or rig tn Nebraska; country work; (alary $31 to 150 par week and ospenaei; liberal allowance for use of car. - Addroaa 101C jraraat Bldg, Omaha, Kaht WOMEN WORKERS. SHIRT AND OVERALL WORKERS. Do-you want steady employment mak ing cotton clothing and O. D. flannel shirts for soldiers? We can offer regular work to several women, making these garments on electric sewing machines. Experienced worker can make good wage right away. To inexperienced girls who want to learn what will always be a very useful occupation, we will guarantee nine dol lars per week while learning. Apply in person on any day between 7:30 a. m. and 6 p. tn. Ask for Mr. Eden. BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. 9th and Howard. GIRLS WANTED. Experienced operator 'on Power Ma chines, making flannel shirts and soldier suits. Call at BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS COMPANY, 10th and Howard, and let us explain what w have to offer. ASK FOR MR. EDENS. WANTED At once, 40 power sewing ma chine operators," to work on Co. Ell. radiator and hood covers. Steady em- . ployment Experienced operators can earn $15 to $20 per week. Apply to forelady, 709-11 8. 15th St Household and Pcmestic. WANTED A girl for cooking and general bouaework- wbr eaoond maid I kept. tit IsuU lid A, ar pboM Har. lot. LADIES' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn your own car. Free catalogue National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th, Omaha. LEARN Mosher ihorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College, Bee Bldg., t. 6528. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. LADY only, large sunny room, furnished, trlctly private, with roomy clothe closet and bath, In private family, near Clifton Hill (chool on car line; must furnish best ot character references. Walnut 8407. DELIGHTFUL modern rooms with large closets: best car service; walking dis tance to business section. TeL Hv 2642 after 6:30 p. m. SANITARY modern room for men only $2.50 per week. Sunshine apartment. 609 N. 17th St. J. B. Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg. Dougla 8097. BEAUTIFULLY furnished clean room In trlctly modern prlvat horn. Near car. Harney 1913. GRAND HOTEL o20 S. 13th, new man agement, nice, clean rooms. $2 up a week. WARM room, also stall In garage. Priv ate home on car line. Hanscom park district Harney 1044. PLEASANT warm room; private family. 131 North 31st Avenue. NEWLY $2 up. furnished modern 659 So. 26th Ave. rooms from Board and Room. HUSBAND and wife wish" room and board In refined private home Oct 1. Har ney 2128. NICELY furnished room and board. Douglas. Dougla 6288. 2124 Housekeeping Rooms. HANSCOM park district, two or three rooms in strictly modern home; com plete for housekeeping. Box 6066, Oma ha Bee. Hotels. COOL rooms, $2 week; also apartments with kitchenettes. Ogden Hotel, Co. Blfs Unfurnished Rooms, HEATED rooms in Crelghton' Block, 10th and Douglas Sts. D. 5342. WORLD REAI-TY CO. West. jiINNB .USA Nice lot on Tliua Ave., can he bought at a bargain; thla lot must be sold. Call owner evenings. ..Walnut 72. VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME WELL BUILT, STUCCO FINISH, CHEAP AT $6,000, TERMS. Located Just four blocks of. Cathedral; corner lot: two paved streets; double garage with cement driveway; practical. ly new and up-to-date with fireplace, bookcases, buffet, oak and birch wood work; a first floor room which can be used for bedroom or den, with lavatory and toilet; boua vacant; Immediate po, session. A bargain for someone. Act quick. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. "WEST FARNAM DIST. 7-ROOM MODERN, -REDUCED TO $4,500 7-room, strictly modern horn on Dav enport St., near 85th St. Oak through out Built. In features, full basement. furnace heat, south front, paving paid, House has just been painted and redec orated Owner haa left city and has cut price to $4,500. House alone worth the money. Now vacant; Immediate posesslon. If Interested call J. L. HIATT CO., 900 FIRST NATIONAL TYLER $3 BANK BLDO. I REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE" buera ior 6 and 4-room all mod. bouses, $200 to $500 cash, balance on paymei.ta; must be priced U aelli what have uu to olferT P. J. TEBBCNS CO., " umana nai. NEW up-to-date 7 room, oak-flnlsh large lot, fin location; price $6,250; term, 6137 N. 24th St Norrl dt Norris. Dd. 4270. CLOSE In 8-room modern house, with large lot at a bargain. Gallagher as Nelson. Douglas 3382. 8-ROOM house, modern except beat baru, $2,600 Webster 3866. North. A NEW cottage built ot material bought before the rise is the best solution of the house problem. 4907 N. 27th 8L has accommodations, finished In oak; welt arranged, and has every modern con venience. Iiullt a little over a year. Street Improvement In. Reasonable down payment Owned by HIATT COMPANY. Phone Ty. 60. 245 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. A FIVE-ROOM and bath cottage at 4805 Burt St. is offered today at only $2,450; $200 cash will handle Balance $25 monthly. Full cemented basement, ce ment walks and newly paved street Modern except heat. COLFAX 1039 or DOUG. 1014. FOR RENT FURNISHED. MODcitN rooming house with all furni ture, rugs, etc. at 111 South 20th St. Ten rooms modern, hot water heat. Near business district. - CITY TRUST COMPANY. Doug. 789. 245 to 260 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 3-ROOM house, furnished, $15. Colfax 494 or 615. 1414 Ames Ave. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. FOR RENT To dcsliable tenant, modern 8-room no'ise with beautiful large yard. ' Located at 2502 Spencer St' CaU Mr. Cavangh. Dougla 647. 6-ROOM houe, all modern, only $20; 2812 Capitol Av. Call Red 8667. 7-ROOM houaa, hm walec heat adulta tUrnay 1041 , WILL Bell from $5,000 to $10,000 worth of 8 percent preferred Skinner Manufac turing Co., (macaroni) stock at reason able price Object of seller Is to raise money to buy Fourth Liberty bonds. In quire 792 Brandels Theatre Bldg. Doug las 2717. ABSOLUTELY' modern 6-room house. Ill ono of the nice residence districts. Has oak floors and finish, large living room with built-in features. Nearly new. Terms on most of the price. Owned by HIATT COMPANY. YOUNG DOHEK'i'Y, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. DO. 1571. WALNUT hill home, six rooms; water and gas; sewer In street. Price, $1,400. Box 2649, Omaha Bee. WE have buyirs for i and 1-rooHl bunga lows that can be bandied on eaay pay "paySvE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nat'l Bnk Bldg. D. I7$L BUSINESS property and Inveetmenla. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 420 First National Bnk Bldg. WE WILL" buy your boss or boala property and pay aaah. H. A. WOLF CO, Electric Bldg. Tylay OS GOOD" Omaha incom property for clear western land or esstarn Nabraak farm. Mr. Peas. 211 Brand) Theater Bldg. FINANCIAL. CITY AND FARM" LOANS 5, 6 '4 and 0 Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO., Kaellne Bldf. OUR 6 per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha residence are f Invest ments because they ar baaed upo not more than 40 per cent of th actual value of the security ar.a era backed by 25 years' experience without th low of a dollar to an Investor E. H. LOUOEB. INO, 638 Keelln Bldg. 6 PER CENT" mortgages, ourt by Omaha residence. - wm v-x v v m as 4rkM I' Jfl. n. LUUUbLV. tamjaf U II Vasllna UliJB Vi cl FARM LOANS DVo 0 PAUL PETERSON, 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO, A ( I I LOW RATES C. O. Carlberg. Ill Brandebl Theater Bldg., Doug. 18k H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage; loan. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. III. No Delay Closing Loan. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1131. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W.H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Private Moneey, SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. tilt. FARM AN0 RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. SEPTEMBER 17TH. Our next excursion to McOehee, Ark, W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLKjw Colorado Lands. FOR SALE Highly Improved 220-acr ranch in Weld county, Colorado. All kind, of crop grown; mil from school, church, ator and Cream sta tion, on mall route and telephone; t miles of railroad, $30 per acre, d rect from owner. A. V. Cponrodt, Brlggs dale. Colo. MINNE LL'SA homes and lots offer the best oppo.tunlty to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. $4,500.00 cozy 6-room house, east front hot water heat on block north of Blarkatone. D. 1963. 1-ROOM houaa. modern ascent beat. Want tltOt, Wabatar Itif - W E own several large tract of choice eastern Colorado farm and ranch lands; buy direct f.-om owners; writ today tor list, John Lorena, 111 Denham Bldg., Denver Colo, FOR SALE 320 acre beat grade Colo rado wheat land, 131.00 per acre. Also 480 acre, with good Improvement, $45.00 pr acre. Addre Geo, H. Turner, R. A. Hextun. Colo. WHEAT, corn, bean and alfalfa land, $11.50 to 140, easy terma; plenty of moia turei hot wind are ajnkaewa. Writ 8ta hm, wvmmr mm o. vas Ww M T i