Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Business Houses Close to Per
mit All Citizens to Take Part
in Celebration of the
Broken Bow, Neb., Sept. 13. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Fifteen hundred
school children and citizens, all carry
ing American flags, formed the pro
cession that took part in Pershing's
birthday celebration this afternoon.
The program was given in the
park to several thousand people. An
address was made by Judge W. M.
Morning of Lincoln, a personal friend
of General Pershing.
All business houses were closed
and the square was decorated with
the national colors.
Holiday at Capitol.
Lincoln, Sept. 13. (Special.) Gen
eral Pershing's birthday was quite
generally observed by the state de
partments at the state house today,
most of the offices giving the em
ployes a full day off, while others
were closed in the faternoon.
Parade at Kearney.
Kearney, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Pershing's birthday was
celebrated in Kearney today with
1,000 people taking part 'in the
morning parade. Among the service
flags were many gold stars showing
Buffalo county boys' supreme sacri
fice. Archdeacon Geo. G. Ware
presided at the patriotic meeting at
the fair grounds in the afternoon
where 3,000 people were assembled.
B's Time at York.
York, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special fel
egram.) The birthday of General
Pershing was celebrated in York this
evening by a parade headed by a fife
and drum corps of the city and county
officials, floats representing the God
dress of Liberty, Uncle Sam and Gen
eral Pershing. The home guards, G.
A. R., Sons of Veterans, mothers of
soldiers and the senior and junior
Red Cross were in the parade.
Addresses were delivered by sev
eral prominent citizens of the county
and a short sketch of the life of Gen
eral Pershing was read.
Holiday at Norfolk.
Norfolk, Neb., Sepl 13. (Special
Telegram.) Business in Norfolk was
at a standstfll all day Friday, the resi
dents obeying the request in the
mayor's proclamation by celebrating
General Pershing's birthday anniver
sary. Red Cross girls collected a
small fortune for the war work fund
by selling pictures of the nation's
foremost soldier.
Beatrice Sends Birthday
Greetings to Gen. Pershing
, Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special.)
Mayor Heffelfinger. on behalf of
the citizens of Beatrice, sent tht fol
lowing message to General Pershing,
commander-in-chief of the American
forces in France: "Birthday greetings
from Beatrice. This city honors you
and your command."
A number of farmers in Gage
county yesterday began sowing their
winter wheat crop. They report that
the' ground could not be better for'
seeding. A much larger acreage will
be planted this year in Gage county
than last.
Three thousand and seventy-six reg
istered in Gage county yesterday for
service in the army. The registra
tion showed a slight falling off of the
estimate made by the exemption
board, which figured that the regis
tration would reach about 3,500.
"Die Wacht Am Rhsin" Is
Taboo in Auburn Schools
Auburn, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special.)
A high school student, while look
ing over a new text book that had
been furnished him in the schools
here, discovered a page on which was
printed "Die Wacht Am Rhein."
He called the attention of the other
pupils in the room to the hated song
and there was a small sized riot. All
of the pupils unanimously tore the of
fending page from the book and
dared the school faculty to discipline
them for it.
Members of the faculty, instead of
showing offense, commended the
pupils for their patriotic act.
Nemaha County Holds Big
Pershing Day Celebration
Auburn, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special.)
This has been observed as a public
holiday in Auburn, and practically the
whole of Nemaha county turned ot
to celebrate Pershing s birthday.
An immense crowd gathered in the
county seat. Schools were closed and
exercises were held under the auspices
of the home guards. There was a pa
rade by the home guards and by dif
ferent patriotic societies and a pro
gram, with speech making.
Yellow Paint Spread
Over Business Plant
Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Yellow paint was daubed
over the front of the Nebraska Metal
and Iron company building Friday
morning. The word "slacker" was
written over the windows. The pro
prietors cairn that business copeti
tors are taking this means of ruining
Fremont Traveler Escapes.
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Lee Martyn, well known
Fremont traveling salesman, was a
passenger aboard Burlington train
No. 43 that was wrecked near Al
liance Wednesday morning, according
to a letter received by Mrs. Martyn.
Mr. Martin was in the smoker in
which nearly all of the 14 persons
were killed were riding. Persons oc
cupying the seat in front of Mr
Martyn were kinea, Air. Martyn es
. Jefferson Registration.
Fairbury, Neb., Sept. 13. (Spe
cial.) The total of the Jerierson
county registration fnday is 1V.UJ4.
Twelve hifth school graduates be
tween the ages of 18 and 19, of last
vear. have made application for ad
mission to the Nebraska state univer
sity for military training.
State Rail Board
Again to Clash On
Federal Rate Order
From Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Sept. 13. (Special.) A
hearing will be had before the State
Railway commission September 20 on
an application of the Nebraska Tele
phone company for authority to put
in effect a raise in installation rates
for telephones ordered by the Post
office department.
The State Railway commission ques
tions the right of the postal depart
ment to interfere with state rates
made by the commission and desires
of know if there is any good reason
for the raise.
The Nebraska company is joined
by the Platte county company in the
L'nder the order of the postal de
partment installation of new phones
in Omaha will cost $10 for resident
phones and $15 for business phones.
The Lincoln telephone company
has been notified unofficially by a
representative in Washington that
anv, interference with the order of
the postal department will be cause
for legal proceedings by the govern
ment and has put in effect the postal
department order. Heretofore the
Lincoln company has made no charge
for installation of phones. The Ne
braska company has had a rate of
$2, so it is understood.
John Raymond Dead.
Beatrice, Sept. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) John Raymond, who came
here a few weeks ago from Savannah,
111., to visit his mother, died today
of typhoid fever, aged 36 years. He
was engaged in the newspaper busi
ness there for years. He leaves a
Dewitt Boy Wounded.
Beatrice, Sept. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) William vWood of Dewitt
was severely wounded in action in
France, according to information re
ceived by his father, 11. Wood.
Registration Under Estimate.
Kearney, Neb., Sept 13. (Special
Telegram.) Buffalo county's registra
tion of men between 18 and 45 went
below estimates by 200, 2,559 men be
ing registered.
Airplane Factory
For Havelock Now
Likely at Early Date
Lincoln, Sept. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) A $2,000,000 aircraft plant at
Havelock is probably the next ad
junct to the shop city, the llchb Mo
tors company, which has just com
pleted its big manufacturing plant
building for automobile parts, hav
ing offered the same to the govern
ment. The rompauy plans, it is uu-dc-stood.
have been favored.
Through Woods Brothers, who are
interested in the Hcbb factory, the
government has become interested
and if the matter goes through the
plant will be equipped to manufacture
training planes costing from $7,500 to
the high-priced Haiulley Page bomb
ing planes. Kngincs for the planes
will be furnished by the government
and the work done on a cost-plus
W'oods Brothers have turned over
160 acres of land adjoining the factory
for a training field.
Federal Judge Imposes Penal
ty on Fred Taylor for Fail
ure to Register at
Chadrou, Neb., Sept. 13. -(Special.)
In federal court before Judge Wood
rough, Fred Taylor pleaded guilty
to not registering and was sentenced
to three hours in custody of Marshal
Wright. lie had already enlisted.
William Slade pleaded guilty and
was lined $100 for violating the inter
state commerce laws.
Henry B. Fallis was sentenced to
pay a line of $200 within four months
and be imprisoned 48 days in the
Dawes county jail from July 23.
Charles J. Cissna was sentenced
300, and James Rig's 30 days in jail
for having 16 gallons of liquor in their
Carol (). Hagel, with 12 quarts of
whisky, was lined $100.
Jesse O. Everhart had 50 quarts of
whisky and was sentenced to 90 days
in jail.
Injured in Auto Wreck.
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special
Telegram.) John Uinze, foreman of
live Northwestern roundhouse, is at a
local hospital probably fatally injured
and Mrs. llinze and C. II. Spiker, a
local automobile dealer, are painfully
cut and bruised as the result of an
automobile accident six miles east of
Fremont last evening. Spiker faces
a charge of having booze in his pos
session. .Nine quarts of whisky were
found under the wrecked car by Mar
shal rtterhack of Arlington.
Pershing's Birthday at Fremont
Fremont, N'eb., Sept. 12. (Special
Telegram. Pershing's birthday will
be celebrated here tomorrow evening
with a public meeting in the city park.
Dr. K. 1). Hull, pastor of the First
Methodist church, will speak and the
home guards will give an exhibition
Hildebrand Will Speak
Upon "Joy ot -Service"
Blair, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special.)
T. J. HiUJebrand, a member of tha
Bee soliciting force, will deliver an
address on "Joy of Service" at Blair,
Neb., Sunday evening, September 15.
Mr. Hildebrand has a way of deliver
ing this message in a happy forceful
way and should be heard by all with
in reasonable range.
Airman Dies in Fall.
Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 13. Lt. C
R. James of Chicago was instantly
killed and an enlisted man named
I.antz fatally injured here today when
their airplane crashed to earth in a
spin. Lantz died shortly after tht
Dies in Miiltary amp.
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 13. (Specia
Telegram.) Jay Wormwood, son ol
Ben Wormwood of Scribner, died at
a military camp at Lafayette, Ind,
according to word received at hit
Bee Want Ads produce reults. Try
one and be convinced.
ISth and Harney
Orkin Brothm
16 th and Harney
This sale is the result of a shipment of Coats from a manu
facturerfrom whom we buy thousands of dollars' worth
of merchandise with the message to create a Coat Sensa
tion in Omaha. These Coats would be excellent values at
a much higher price, but we are giving you the benefit of
our wonderful purchase.
Most of these coats arc fur trimmed- fur collars -fur cuffs and
collar-fur cuffs, collar and border. Also many models for the
woman who wishes to wear furs with her coat.
$65 $
$70 V
Later it will be impossible to procure such wonderful coats
at this price!
The materials are silvertone, crystal, bolivia, pompom, ve
lour, broadcloth, plush, velvet.
0ut-of-Town Customers It will pay you to attend this sale.
No Garments Sent on Approval-
Sale begins Saturday, September 14th