Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 11

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Oh! Such Lovely New
Trimmed Hats for Saturday
At $5. 00, $7.50 and $10. 00
REALLY we did not think
it possible to gather to
gether such an exquisite,
array of new creations as
this one we present for your
approval Saturday.
The hats consist of the sea
son's very newest ideas in
style and shapes.
Made of the verv finest nualitv velvets and trimmprl
with the newest fancies and jet ornaments, they are in
dividual and distinctive only one of a kind and style.
And there is no doubt but you can find a style and
shape best suited to you and at a price much less than
you would ordinarily expect to pay.
Burgess-Nash Co. Secoml Floor.
CAVE All Peach
& Stones and Give
Them to the
They are urgently needed
in a very important branch
of war work. Whether you use
a dozen or even a smaller quan
tity of peaches, save the stones
and bring them to the
Liberty Peach Stone Barrel
near our 16th St. Entrance,
where they are being collected
for Uncle Sam. The stone
mutt be dry.
The New Blouse Models
Invite Your Inspection Saturday
VARIETY and newness is the chief charm we seek in
women's blouses, and there is plenty to find. One
group presents simple effectiveness at moderate price,
made of georgette crepe, in all the new suit shades,
brown, taupe, navy and beet root, also black, flesh and
white. A wide variety of styles with beautiful beading
and embroidery, real filet laces and braiding. Also taf
feta and satin blouses in stripes and solid colors to match
your new fall suit. -We invite your inspection.
Prices range, $5.95, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50.
Burgess Nash Co. Second Floor
Harold Baldwin
Author of the book
"Holding the Line"
will be in our book department
on the third floor Saturday aft
ernoon from 2 to 4 p. m., when
he will autograph his books as
they are sold.
Sergeant Baldwin is in the
city in the interests of the
Salvation Army War Fund and
has spoken in practically all the
schools and to the teachers of
the city.
A Most Extraordinary Offering Saturday of
Misses9 and Growing Girls
n ti n n
cnooi ana ltcss kinoes
A Big Sample Pair Purchase at About Half
the Price at Which they Were Made to Retail
at $2.95 Pair
COLD type can not express to you the very great importance,
of this uncommon offering. " With the cost of the shoe leather!
advancing this offering is really sensational.
The Sizes for Misses
are 12, 12'y, 13, 131,2. 1, IV2 and 2; tho leathers are black (run metal, calfskin and patent colt; button or lace styles
with soles of oak tan leather; medium and heavy weight.
For Growing Girls
The sizes are from 2- to 6, and they are made of patent colt only. Modified English last, lace style. ' We consider
the values the very biggest of the entire season, and parents will do well to profit by this announcement.
Burf Mi-Nub Co. Stcond Floor '
Continuing For Saturday
Our Very Special Offering of
Suits and Coats
At $25.00
VALUES that challenge compari
son with those offered any
where. Really, we can not make
the importance of this offering
forceful enough you must come
and see for yourself. '
The Suits
Are made of such splendid mate
rials as wool, poplins, serges and
Brunella cloth.
Mostly simple in effect, while
some have collars and cuffs trim
med with wool plush.
The colors are navy, burgundy,
brown, taupe and green, also black.
The Coats
The materials are light weight
kersey, velour mixtures, oxfords and
Mostly plain tailored without any
trimming whatever, giving the slen
der appearance to the figure, others
have touches of wool plush, collars
and cuffs.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
Fresh cut roses, assorted
colors, special Saturday at 4c
Ferns at 59c.
Potted ferns, healthy plants,
special at 59c each.
Burgwa-Nash Co. Main Floor
Men's fine cambric handker
chiefs with plain and tape bor
ders; also women's linen and
fine Swiss, colored edges. Some
initials and plain.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Silk Hose
Pure thread silk boot, "Bur
nasco" quality, full seamless
foot, black, white and colors,
at 85c pair.
Women's cotton hose,
black or white, full seam
less foot, "Burnasco" qual
ity, 35c pai.
Women's cotton hose, black,
white or cream color, full seam
less, garter tops, "Burnasco"
quality, 50c pair.
Children's fine quality rib
bed mercerized lisle thread
hose, seamless, all sizes, "Bur
nasco" quality, priced accord
ing to size, 35c, 39c, 45c and
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
RUGS and
Toilet Articles
Pebeco Tooth paste, 39c.
Colgate's tooth paste, 10c.
1 lot talcum powders, 8c.
Palmolive shampoo, 35c.
Powder puffs, good quality.
Java rice powder, 39c.
Prophylatic tooth
brushes, 29c.
Racarma toilet water, $1.00.
Odorono, small size, 21c.
Eversweet, 19c.
Milk weed cream, 42c.
Senreco tooth paste, 25c.
Pepsodent tooth paste, 44c.
j Sanitol tooth powder, 22c.
Benzoin and almond lotion,
small, 35c
Witch Hazel cream, large, 60c
Sloan's liniment, small, 17c.
Lavoris, small, 22c.
roll, 59c.
cotton, 1-lb.
Peroxide, medium, 20c.
Peroxide, small, 10c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Good Style and the Well-Bred
Touch Are Distinctive Features of Our
Men 's Clothing
at $18 to $40
FABRICS, workmanship and finish contribute that ex
cellence that follows good judgment in selection. First
thought is always the maker, for good clothing cannot rise
higher than its source. Next we choose the fabrics and
patterns that our knowledge of your taste indicates, and in
abundant variety for selections.
These are the days when the new suit tells its best
story about the man who cares for his appearance, the
time when it gives distinction and gratification.
Best days, too, for wide selections, for the variety is
greater now, as a matter of course. No matter where your
price idea may be, in reason, we have the suit for you that
will give best service and satisfaction at the figure you say.
We are at your service.
Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor
Elastic-Top Corsets, $1.50
MADE of a fancy pink, heavy batiste with a free hip
and double boned. Sizes 19 to 25, at $1.50.
Fancy Pink Broche Corsets, $3.00.
Coutil, striped or girdle top, medium long skirt, free
hip, double rust proof boning; sizes 19 to 28, at $3.00.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
An Unusual Offering of Women9 s
Kid Gloves Saturday, $1.50
HERE is an opportunity for
Omaha women to save
about one-half on gloves.
Every one knows that gloves
are much higher now than they
have ever been before.
We secured the samples and
discontinued lines from a large
importing house.
In the assortment you will find fine French kid and
suede gloves, also street gloves of domestic make in
black, white and colors ; every pair is strictly perfect and
offered to you about half price at $1.50 a pair.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Pick Out Your
New Hat Sat-
There is just
the style,
shape and
shade that is
best suited to
you and at a
price that is
certain to
We feature
such well
known makes
as the
"Ward's English
The new shades include pearl
gray, dark gray, olive green,
various shades of brown.
The price range is $3.50 to
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
THE sort that men liketo wear here in big assortments
and priced specially low.
Men's Underwear
Our stock represents several of the best known and
standard makes cotton or wool, in two-piece garments
or union suits.
Two-piece garments, cotton, 90c to $1.25.
Union suits, cotton, $1.50 to $3.00.
Two-piece garments, wool, $2.50 to $5.00.
Union suits, wool, $3.00 to $8.50.
Men's Night Robes, $U0 to $2.00
Made of outing flannel with fancy stripes and plain
white, neatly trimmed.
Men's Outdoor Sleeping Suits
Heavy outing flannel suits with hood and sox, either single or
double weight fabrics, $4.00 to $6.50.
Men's Cashmere Hose, 40c to $1JH0
Light weight, medium, heavy and extra heavy qualities; black,
natural, gray and dark oxford, 40c to $1.50 pair.
Men's Sweaters, $3.45 to $1630
All wool and wool mixed in a variety of weaves and colors, all
sizes, $3.45 to $16.50.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
MEN'S Worsted
Latest fall and
winter models,
patterns and
colorings. Spe
cially well
made and rep
resent ex
treme values
at $14.95.
Men's and
young men's
model over
coats, new
fall shades,
$9.95 to
Boys .. new Norfolk mod
els; made of serviceable cordu
roy, blue serge, cassimeres and
wool mixtures in all the new
shades, for ages 6 to 17 years,
at $4.95 to $6.95.
Burgeaa-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
MEN'S Shirts,
at $1.15
New fall styles
and patterns,
made up in a va
riety of good
shirting mate
rials; all sizes, 14
to 17 neckband,
it $1.15.
wear in a
big variety
of patterns
and color
ings, at 39c.
New fall hats for men and
young men, big variety of styles
and shapes in the newest
shades and black, and they're
big values, too, at $2.50.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
Millinery, at
A remarkable display em
bracing scores of the very
newest and smartest creations
for present wear.
The hats are made of
the better quality of vel
vet in black, navy, brown,
taupe and purple.
We recommend the offering
as one of unusual value giv
ing and have planned for a big
response Saturday.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
OMEN'S Tail-
ored Suits, at
A 1 1 wool
serge suits,
with velvet
t r i m m ed
collar and
cuffs, skirt
has gather
ed back, na
vy & black,
dresses of
t a f f e ta
with geor
g e 1 1 e
s 1 e e v es
and collar-
black at
Cn.uren's coats made of
velvet, all wool coatings and
mixtures, self and fur trimmed.
Brown, Navy, Green, Burgundy
and mixtures. Sizes G to 14
years, at $9.95 to $13.95.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
Shoes, at
Made of black calf skin, lace
styles, with medium heavy oak
tan soles, sizes 9 to 13 Vt at
Sizes 1 to 6 at $2.65 pair.
We also offer two big ta
bles of sample pairs of
shoes for
Man and big boys, just the sort
of. shoes for school and hard
wear. Two groups for Satur
day at $3.45 and $4.65 pair.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
n Petticoats,
Too much
stress cannot
be laid on the
styles of these
new petticoats
for fall and
winter you
must see them
to realize their
true be auty
and real
Made of the genuine heath
erbloom, Fifth Avenue taf
feta or sateen of a superior
The colors are the new au
tumn shades, also black, with
colored flounces and all black.
Come and let us show them to
you just at the foot of the
stairs in the Downstairs store.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
Oil Heaters, at
Smokeless and
odorless, very
c o n v enient,
can be carried
from one room
t o another,
special $5.45.
M a j e st i c
give off in
tense heat,
c o m p 1 etc
with cord
$7.50. ,
Furnace scoops, "L handle,
good quality steel blade, 79c. s
Japanned coal hods at 39c.
Buck's cast iron ranges for
coal or wood; square, with tea
shelf, 16-inch oven, $45.00.
Buck's Master cast iron
ranges with high closet, 18-..
inch oven, for $55.00.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Store
I. I