COMMERCIAL GUIDE A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. ' Automobilei, HCAeFREY MOTOR CO. rd, lou Authorised li'lNTY RB-HAV WARD MOTOR CO 10th and Bow 1601 Kord cara and repair anta for Ford cars. 143T Farnam Doualaa 406 8'tarna-Knight and Regal care. 6AMPLK-UART MOTOR CO., lith and Hurt Tylr til 100 par cent Ford aery tea to Kord owner. AMERICAN STATE BANK. lstb and Far- nam wead Block Phone Tyler SO Auto Painting. ROESBIO. W F 144 8 4Uth Bar. 1448 We make old autoo look Ilk new one. Auto Renaira GREBNOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ISO, 3ll Farnam Douglas tool. AMERICAN MACHINE! WORKS, lit a 11th Doug 4881 Automobile work, eyl. boring platona fitted, auto parta made to oider SKRTSCHT MFO ENGINEERING CO. 8 B. Cor. 10th and Harney tfta. old parti maae new, new parta made, too. D. 661 Auto Tiros. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. lilt Davenport St Douglaa 3114 Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS. F.. 3311 Harney Duug laa 1711 Satisfaction guaranteed The beet la none too good. Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHAS T.. ill Paxtoo Blk Douglas 1804. FISHER, H.. 1418 First Nat. Bank Bld it isos Attorney ana counsellor at law FITZQERAl.D. JAMES U.. 1017-20 City Nat Bank Bldg. Douglaa 4608. GRAY A BRUMBAUGH, 113-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg- Bed 1117. General practice In state and federal courts. Abstracts of TitleT JIIDLAND TITJjE GUARANTEE A AB STRACT CO., 1714 Farnam St Douglaa MS. Adding Machines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 424 Ramg Bldg. Doug. 1441. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY, "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglaa 295. 14th and Jackson. FORD TRANSFER CO.. 817 Douili ryler t. "Always at your service. FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007 tt Howard. SI r. 141. Let us contract to do haullni for YOU. Biscuit Manufacturers. iTEN BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave., 13th to 13th St. Doug 3123 Snow White bakery Mfra, of crackers, cakes and cookie Blue Prints. FENGER N.. 306 Brandele Theater Bldg Douglaa 376S. "Blue prints that satisfy " Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO. 23d and Hickory D 1043 Mfra. of bo'lera. tanks. smokestacks and ony-acctylent welding. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOC1A TIO, N W cor. 15th and Dodge Doug' laa 870 t per cent real estate loans. Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1108 Leavenworth St. Douglaa tit. A NEW HOME Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO . 1303 Farnam. D. 3872. Gen Agt. NYA LS FAMILY REMEDIES. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL. ituh and Douglaa Sla Douglaa 240 In charge of Dr Michael J Ford, urgeon-ln-cbif The moat com plete hospital 'n 'he est Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1808 Farnam Douglas 848. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCague Blk., 16th and Dodge. Douglaa Ice Machines BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 854. Wholesale and retail lea. Itth and Nicholas J L. Baker. Pres. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 12$ Exchange Bldg Omaha. 8tockera and feeders our specialty is waiting for you in beautiful Minne Lusa Since January 1, 1918, careful and discriminating buyers oB,UUU6ui, uvmva m una mgn-ciass restricted addition to th value of $260,000 Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 40th and Leavenworth Harney 434. Lumbering Along."' "Just Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO. Douglaa 8526 1814 Cuming St. Osteopaths. ANDJiHSON, Dll Douglaa 3988. MARY E.. 606 Be Bids Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold Inter- natonal Patent Co., 683 Brandiea. D 611 Packers. CUDAHY PACKINO CO. South 2340. South Omaha. Paints. Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO.. Douglaa 476t ltsumj rarnam at. , Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS,-DR. WILLIAM WINDLB. Physician and Surgeon. 1130-21-23 First Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler TSt CAMPBELL, DR. 8. M. Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam 8t Douglaa 131U Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING. HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO., Doug 3101. Rooma 338-87 Paxton Blk.. 3d floor Printers' Supplies. BARNH ART BROS. A SP1NDLER, 1114 Howard SL Douglaa 1078. Printer supplies. Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13tb and Farnam Dousias 348. Printing, stationery and office furniture. '"" Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA IOWA STEEL TANK CO.. 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278. School Furniture and Supplies. Butter Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO.. 120-2.4 N. 11th St Douglaa 381)3. W W Richardson, Pres Cash Registers. kORRIL CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER CO.. 313-321 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglaa 4403. E. W. Hart. Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk.; new location, 404-408 Bran dels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. D. 4381 iMAHA Cement Products. CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 888. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. th and Howard St. DougSas 208. Cioaka. suits, ladles' and men's furnishing, art good, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and ataple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 8.13th. Douglaa 217. Largest elec trical repair worka and contracting com pany In the middle west. Electrolysis. tuperfluoua balr removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss A1lendr. 824 Bee. 8 87o. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO., 1122 r . n.A ei.m.j i i . cMuim. v. eniuvu uiuujuipa.1 im provement engineer; aewer, paving, flea light, water worka, appraisals, report. ANDERSON BENNETt7"424 'lee Bldg. Heating, ventilating and Douglaa 1430 power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). iVAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 2614 Martha St Harney 1663. Machine, gray Iron, brass. bronze and aluminum castings. t)L8EN A SCHLlNGER, 1407 Jackson. 57 7431. Braes, bronze and aluminum cast ings. - Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS. MARKETS Douglas 3733. Wholetalers and retailers of everything In eatables. Watch for date of opening In First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hardware. PETERSON A MICHEL80N HARDWARE CO THE. 4318-18 a 34th St South Side Phone South 1 171. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-13 Nicholas SL Douglaa 113 "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. 109-11 N IStb St Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing -Til of A faur rtiiMvn1siira 1 l t iu . i7 v ,r "6vno ouu laiger nomes leu ana we are puaiuveiy mrougn wun our Dujiding operations until war condi tions are settled. If you want one of these real homes vou muai act quickly. .Come out today tomorrow your choice may be BU1U. Sundays call: E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 3472 or M. O. Headlev n 1 .? ft J tai Charles W. Martin & Co. . REALTORS. 742 Orilaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187 BEVERLY HILLS EDDY PRINTING CO., THE. 823 Bee Bldg Douglas 8847. Fine commercial printing Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE, 307-303 8 17th. Douglaa. 805. Office, type, writer, architects' and engineer' up piles Loose-leaf devices. Storage Batteries. BATRY TIM CO OF OMAHA. 311 8. 80th St Phone Douglaa 7661. We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO.. 1514 Farnam. Douglas 870. Outing and camping aupplle and outing clothing Tin and Sheet Metal Works, CARTER 8HEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 8 10th St. Douglaa 602. Skylights, eteel celllnga and galvantzed sheets ' Tents and Awings. NEBRASKA TENT A AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam. D. 3323 When you think ot tenta or awnlnga think of Douglaa 3323. Undertakers. HULSB A RIEPEN. 701 8. th. D. 1221 Undertaker and erabalmora. Personal at tention given to all call and funerals. HOFFMAN, LEO A.. Cor. 24th and Dodge Douglaa 2901. Expert In embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel HEAFEY & HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265 Undeertahers and embalmers. CROSBY, WILLIS C. 2611-13 N. 24tb St Phone Webster 47 Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER WALL PAPER CO. 1414 Harney. Phone Douglas 330. Wall paper and In terior decorations. Wholesale and retail. BOF.WALK H., 211 8. Main Sv. Doug. 683. We handle the beat In wall paper and palnta Council Bluffs Directory Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. 529 W. B'dway Red 1307. Baths In connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Coal and Ice. DROOB ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pearl St Phone 2860. Caterera to heat and cold Better Secure One While They Last There is a time coming in the very near future when new houses will not be obtainable. We have a few which were contracted last year. These are Just finished and are the last we expect to build. We offer these at prices which are from $70(00 to $1,000.00 less than we could sell them for if contracted at the present time. $3,500.00. Five room bungalow, oak finish, south front, block to car. Price $3,500.00. $500.00 cash, balance $35.00 per month. $4,250.00. New stucco, 5 room bungalow, south front, in sightly part of Leav enworth Heights. Beautifully decorated. Oak and white enamel finish. Window shades, screens, everything complete. Terms $800.00 cash, bal ance $40.00 per month. ' H f4,500.00 Five large rooms and sun room on first floor. Second story un finished but room for two, good rooms. Finely located in Leavenworth Heights on corner close to car line. Oak finish with oak floors throughout Garage. Terms $1,000.00 cash, balance $40.00 per month. t ' Now five room bungalow, large living room with fireplace. Oak and white enamel finish. Beautif ally decorated. Screens, shades, every? thing complete. All specials including paving paid in full. Price $4,950.00. Terms $1,000.00 cash, balance $45.00 per month. $5,500.00. Fine 'six room stucco. Large' living room with fireplace. Cement porch floors. Oak finish first floor. Old ivory second floor. Beautifully decorated. East front, large lots. Terms $1,000.00 cash, balance $50.00 per month. ' $5,950.00. New 7 room house. Finely finished in oak on first floor. Old ivory second floor. Beautifully decorated. Large living room, breakfast room, built-in features in kitchen. South front, 1 blocks to car in restricted neighborhood. This is an exceptional buy. Terms $1,500.00, balance $50.00 per month. IS SELLING. We are locating a Jot of good people m this beautiful acreage tract, on Dodge Street, west of Fairacres. Several nice houses will be built at once. THINK 0F IT Oie acre (equal to six city lots) for $1,100 to $1,600 and straight WEST m Farnam Street and only 5 MILES from 16th street. BUY NOW A producing home site and in a few years Oma ha crowding westward will make each LOT worth all you are paying for an ACRE. . TOMORROW is the time to buy Real Estate; you must act TODAY while prices are low. Call our salesmen today while you can get choice location. BEVERLY HILLS CO. BYRON REED CO., 1612 Farnam St., Tel. D. 297 CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Tel. Tyler 187. NINE GOOD HOMES. 3002 South 34th St. Five room stucco bungalow on corner lot. LiiuoiiGuiu van., xtice po,ft)j 3064 Sonth 33d St Brand new ix room bunsralow, all on one xiuvi, xmisucu iu una. ana wmte enamel, race ?4,3oU. 3005 South 33d St. Six room bungalow, full basement, plastered wwv, luiuucu in van. auu wiiiwj eiiamet. r rice f 4,ZDU. 2353 South 35th St. Six room home, corner lot, on paved street. 3025 South 34th St. Five room elegant cottage, finished in oak, vcijr uaiiuouuie design, Bixicuy modern in an details, race $3,750. tv.- 3fLSouth 34th St, Five room cottar corner lot, just completed. Price $3,600. pleted. 3059 South 34th St Five room, two story dwelling. Price $3,700. 3059 South 33d St. Five room modern cottage, just being com Pnce $3,750. 3083 South 34th St. Four room modern HwollW fm,,.. i just two blocks from Hanscom Park car line. Price $2,800. ' ' Some of these houses can he hono-ht. with a others with a $200 first payment, balance very reasonable monthly pay ments to desirable, parties. Open for inspection today between 3 and 6 o clock. C. G. CARLBERG, 32 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. Benson &.Carmichael 642 PAXTON BLOCK. Sunday, Call Walnut 2324. DOUGLAS 1722 CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. Ba oa Manufacture ot Beet Has Dtpress Inf lnflnenea tat Corn Market. Chleaf o. Sept 7 Prohibition of tba man ufacture of beer beginning December 1 hid a -depressing Influence today on the corn market Largely as a result, prices, closed unsettled, H to 1H centa net lower with October, ll.STtt to I1B7H and November. 11.601 to 41.S6U. Oats finished Ho to e off and provisions varying from lOo de cline to 25o advance. An opinion became widespread that bar ley, when no 'ongSr laken by brewer would be chiefly consumed as feed, and would thns to a, considerable extnt, re duce the feeding demand for corn. v eo 'Ingly, m'rterHte price upturn", which hid resulted from, weekend evening up to trade and from lightness of receipts were more than counterbalanced. Predictions of a livelier movement of euro to primary cen ters next week tended likewise to handi cap the bulls, and ao too did uncertainty In regard to what showing would be made by the government crop report on Mon day. Oata were governed almost entirely by corn. r Coverlnggby shorts rallied pork from a aever decline caused by lack of support Higher quotations on hogs helped to strenshten lard and ribs. Ht. Louis Grain. , St. Louis. Spl 7. Corn September. 11.6114 b:d: October, 11.604 bid. Oats September, '24C; October. TL'-f bid. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn 6 Gents Lower to 4 Cents Higher; Oats and Wheat About Unchanged; Bar ley is Lower. Omaha, September T, 1111. Receipt of grain today ahowed continued lighter arrivals of corn and a, moderate run of oata and wheat Corn prices ranged from c lower to 4 higher. - White gradea showed the 'advance, while yellow and mixed underwent a decline. No. yellow sold oXf the most, the drop being around 4o to 6c No. s mixed was about to lower. Oata were about unchanged and wheat prices wer generally firm, with some grades perhaps a shade eft. No rye was apld up to a lata hour and barley figures were several cents lower OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT Receipts (cars) Today. WfcAgo. Laat Tr. Wheat .....104 101 27 Co St 68 61 U. 7 44 I , t 1 Barley u T Shipments (cars) wt' S Corn ..f..... e7 ,4 O11- 7 48 y i Barley s , x RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. . , '' Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago 4(2 U2 19, Kansas City j0 (o J02 st- Lo tit it 40 Minneapolis 493 Ouluth 440 Winnipeg '. 22 'PRIMARY GRAIN MOVEMENT RecelpU (b.)-( . Today. Tear Ago Wht M44.000 818.000 J'" 000 271.000 at ' 1,487,000 1 454 000 Shipment (bu.) i,i4,ogo Wneat -' -...1.681,000 S8S.000 J'0 ! 4S4'00( 889.000 a'. 1.858,010 1 450 000 UNITED 43TATES CLEARANCES ' ml...' Today. Year Ago Wh'at , 3",000 306,000 ua'" 210.00ft - Corn No. 3 white: t cars $187- 1 j.s oar, 11.88. No. 4 white: 2 cars,' Il ia No. white: 1 car, tl.68: 1 car, $1 6Sl car, 81.64; 1 car, I1.6J: 1 car. 81 62. Sample white: 1 car. ,1.51. No. 2 yellow: 1 car 81.72. No. 8 yellow; T cars. l.e8 No S yellow: S care. 11.63: 4 car,. 81.63; 1 car! 11.61. No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, 11.62 1 ... 81.60; 8-5 car. I1.4K. Sample yeluw! " (-1.40; I c-. l.S..j. ,ar. $,.. "N.a: .ixta: 1 car. 81. til .. 3 u,Xvd: tar" No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 11.81. No. I 1 car, 11.66. No. mixed: 1 car. 11.68. mixed 81.60. Oata Standard: 1 car. Tie. vNo. S white: 17 car. 70c; 1 car (two-Hoe haul). 70He. No. 4 white: 2 car, 701ie; 1 car (shifting weights), 70ttc Barley No. 8: 2 cars, 81.08; 3 cars, 11.07. Rejected: 1 car, 11.02. Wheat No. 1 hard: T cara, 32.18V. No 3 hard: I car. 32.16 Vi; 14 cara, (2.16; i cars, I3.15V4; 3 cara (smutty), $3.13. No. 3 bard: 1 car (durum), $2.15; t cara, $2.14; 7 car. $2.13; 3 cars (smutty), $2.0; 3 cara (smut ty), $2.08; 1 ear (smutty), 32.07. No. 4 hard: 2 cara, $2.11; 4 cara, $2.10; t cara (smutty). $2.08; 1 car (yellow), $2.0$; 3-5 car (smut ty), $3.00. No. 1 northern spring: 7 cars, $2.18; 1 car (smutty), $2.12. Chicago closing prlcea, furnished Tbs Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 815 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Arilcle. Open. tjiyh, Low. Close. Yes'y Corn. I Sept 1 56Vi t $7 155 I 585, 166 Oct.. 158 1 58 156 151168 Nov. 1 67 1 674 6i 1 5 15644 Oats. Sept 70 71 70 70 10 Oct. 72 72 72 72 72 Nov. 74 74 78 73 74 Pork. Sept. 40 60 41 40 40 50 41 40 41 46 Oct. 40 70 41 60 40 70 41 60 41 70 Lard. Sept 26 75 270 26 75 27 00 26 76 Oct. 26 70 26 85 26 60 26 74 21 62 Ribs. , Sept 23 65 27 75 23 65 23 75 22 70 Oct 24 00 24 02 23 76 23 10 28 17 OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Reoeipti Are Normal, with Prices Some Lower; Shippers Boost Hog Prices 20 Cents. Omaha, September T. 1(1$. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 18.171 6,007 38.164 Official Tueaday 16.846 8.117 61.064 Official Wednraday... 1,676 8.818 88,435 Official Thursday .... 6,783 .6,861 36,035 Official Friday 3,640 ,toi t.488 Eatlmat Saturday.... 200 8 600 Six days this week. 65, US 98.686 163.177 Aame day last week. .61,573 46.068 134 886 Same day 3 wk. go.J7.tM 44,48 183,617 Sam daya I wk. ago:3.386 43 467 14.158 Same daya yeait ago.. 41,141 20.688 86,806 Receipt and dlaposltlon of Live Stock at the. Union Slock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at 3 0 clock p. m yesterday. RECEIPTS CARS. Horaea Cattle Hoga Mule Wabash Mlnaourl Puclfto Union Purine ('. A N. ' et . C. A N. W. wet . C. St. P., M. A O. '. B. A Q., eat . C. B. A Q , west . C, R. I. A P., east Illinois Central .... 13 14 53 Total receltp : . . DISPOSITION CARS. Cuttle Morris A Co. 68 Swift A Co. 86 Cudahy Packing Co. 10 Armour A Co Schwart A Co. J. W. Murphy Mayrrowlch A Vail Other buyer 3 31$ Hog 868 605 820 787 387 1.363 Tottl 661 4.116 Cattle Receipt of cattle were nominal this morning, about 300 head being reported In, making aupplle the heavleat this sesson fop the week, amounting to 65,328 head. While the good to choice weattrn ranger are steady to atronger than last week at $14.60 and 616.60, medium to good grade weighing 1,000 pounds and under are quota bly 35 and 6$ centa lower, ranging In price from $10.00 to $11.60. Butcher stock closed strong, but 60 and 76 cents lower than last week; good to choice grade at $6.60 and $11.25 wer shown the preference by both packer and order buyer, and medium grade at $8.00 and $8.00 continue to be slow sellers. Blockers and feeders wer na tive all week, especially for the weighty fleshy gradea, which were quotably from 36 to $0 centa higher. Quotation on cattle: Cholo to prime beeves. 617.00fjil6.00; good to choice beeves, $16 00017.00; fslr to good beeves. $13,000 16.00; common to fslr beevee. $10.(0418.00! good to choice yearling. 614.00016.60; fair to good yearling. $11.00014.09; common to fair yearling, 86 0010.00; good to eholc grass beeves. $14.5001( 60; fair to good graas beeves. $13.00014.35; common to fair graaa beeves, $6.76011.76; Mexican breve. $8 00011.00; good to choice heifer. $10 00 OU.50; good to choice cow. $6.00011 36 fair to good cow. $8.0003.00; eommon to fnlr cows. $6.2507.60; prim feeder. $12.60 015.50; good to choice feeders, $10.00 13.00; fair to good feeders, $6.00 0 10.(0; common to fair feeders, $7.(006.00; good to choice Blockers, $10.00011.60; stock half. era, 6T.kooi.iso: stock caws. 87.0008.00: stock calves. $7.00011. 00; veal calves. $7.00 013.75; bulls, stags, etc., $7.76010.60. Hog There wer 60 loada of hoc hare today, estimated at 1.600 head, making to. tal receipts for the week $8,685 head. The market waa active this morning from the tart ana closed at th full advance. Shin per were mostly 30e higher than yester day, paying from $13.10 to $18.60 for their droves, the lattsr figure being the top for the day. Packers were 10Mo higher than yesterday. The bulk of today's aales la $18.84 to $18.20, generally 20a higher man yesterday. The bulk prices advanced the first half of the week until Wedneaday tney reached the highest point at this mar ket. There was a decllna of 38o to 60a Thursday and Friday, which haa been part ly regained today, nntn prices are very utile different rrom what they wars a week ago today. Sheep There were no aheeo reported In today, receipt for the week being 164.177 head. The market held up well, consider Ing heavy receipts. This is especially true on the eholc gradea. Fat lambs are from 40e to 50o lower than a week ago. Beat feeder are only 15025e lower, but com mon kinds are from $17.00 down, largely to a catch-aa-eatch-ean market. Feeder sheep have Buffered th most decline, being runy 700 to $1.00 off and hard to move. Fat sheep are off around 7 60 for tb week. Quotations on sheep: Lamb, good to choloe, $17.00 0 17 26; fair to good, $14 00O 17.00; feeders, $15.25017. $6. Yearling: Oood to choice. $12.60013.26; fair to good. $12.00013.60; feeder. $12.00 0 13.76. Weth er feeder. $11.76013.26. Ewe: Oood to choice, '$10.000 10 60; fair to good, $8,000 10.00; feeder. $8.600 10.00. NEW YORK STOCKS Steady Progress of Allied Ad ranee Induces Short Oorer lng and Substrial Be. covery in Values. New York. Sept T. Th .lock market mail ubtantlal recovery during today' two-hour aeaalon from th shook sustained by yeaterday's announcement respecting control of members' loana. Trading waa naturally restricted, however, by reason or that condition, and th rellglou holiday also eauacd a reduced attendance of broker. Th steady progress of th allied advance Induced consldcrabl ihort covering, notably V. 8. Steel and other speculative favorite. Rail also were Inollned to strength, al though Union Pacific and St. Paul wsre somewhat backward, the latter forfeiting part ot yeaterday's gain. Connar were again In demand and the fertiliser division was firm with active tobaoooa, low priced motors and their subsidiaries and aecondarv equipments. Sale amounted to 180,000 share. . Week and news was mainly encouraaln'. th mercantile agcaelea once mora lavlna special emphssls on th war' Imperative de mand in all branches of Industry. Deallna In exchange were nominal, but changes wer significant. In that they once n.-re moved against neutral centers, particularly Spain and Switzerland. The bank statement waa noteworthy for the large expansion almost $130,000,000 In actual loana. with the resultant Increase of almost $83,000,000 In net demand deposits investment bonds were steady on limited deallnga, the speculative lasucs evincing Irregularity. Sales (par value) aggregated 83.Kt6.00O. U. S bonds, (old Isanea) were unchanged on call during the week. Numbetof sales aart quotations on leading v.loain Bale. High. Low. Bid. 8 1.000 46 45 (00 84 86 300 66 66 500 73 78 800 108 108 700 38 87 Stocks: Am. Beet Sugar .. American, Can , , . . Am. Car A Fdry. . Am. Locomotive . Am. Smelt A Ref. Am. Sugar Ref. . Am. Tel. A Tel. .. Am. IE., It, AS. . , . Anaconda Copper 3.(00 (8 (7 46 86 46 78 10844 (7 16 (8 Chicago Live Block. Chicago. Sept 7. Recalpta. 1.003 head: market compared with a week ago, good and beat native steers, steady to trong; other mostly 35 cent lower; western, steady; butcher cattle mostly (Oo lower; bulla off mora and eannera le; veal calves, 35a to $60 higher; stec Iters and feeder, steady. Hoga Receipts, 4.000 head; market u- evenly lOo to 20c higher: some 2 60 up; butcher. $18.26018.(6; light 518 480 20.00; packing .$18.40010.10; rough. $17.76 018.26; plga. good and choice. $18,050 18.00. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. 1,000 Bead; market compared with a week ago, fat claasea of lamba and yearlings, 2 60 to 40c lower; aheep. ateady to 25o lower; feeding claiaea of lamba. steady to 15e higher, and abeep, 25e to 6 do higher; yearlings and fted- era, steady. Atchlann '300 66 86 86 A. a, A W. I. R. 8.. 6.800 102 103 108 Baltimore A Ohio .. 600 (6 66 66 Butte A Sup. Copper 36- Cat, Petroleum 16 Can. Pao 700 163 161 161 Central Leather , 68 Chea. A Ohln .... 400 68 67 67 C, M. ft St. P 1,100 54 83 68 C. AN. W (4 C , R. I. A P. ctfs .. 300 36 36 36 Chlno Copper 300 36 36 36 Colo. Fuel A Iron .. 800 47 46 47 Corn Prod. Ref. ... (00 43 43 43 Crucible Steel 1,300 $7 (7 (7 Cuba Can Sugar (0 Diet. Sec 3.608 67 66 66 Erls 30 16 13 16 Ocn. Blectrla ... 144 Oen. Motors 1,300 136 124 133 Or. No .rpfd 300 (1 (3 (3 Or. Nor. Ore ctfs 33 Inspiration Coppsr 400 (3 63 63 Int. Mer. Mar. pfd. $.300 103 101 101 Int Nickel 600 30 38 36 Int. Paper 86 K. C. Southern '. 16 Kennecot Copper .. (00 4 34 34 Loupta. A Nash. 116 Msxwell Motors ,. 600 88 (7 37 Mex. Petroleum .. 4.600 103 101 108 Miami Copper 28 Missouri Pactflo .. 1,000 14 34 34 Montana Power (8 700 74 74 1,000 44 48 800 106 106 400 30 (0 300 44 700 6.600 3.400 Nevada Cepper N, Y. Central . N. Y., N. H. A H, Norfolk A Weatera Northern Panlflo Paclfle Mall Pennsylvania .... Pittsburgh Coal ., Ray Coo. Copper Reading Rep. Iron A Steel Shattuck Aris. Cop. Southern Pacific .. (00 Southern Railway . 1.(00 Studabaker Corp. .. 1,300 Texa Co. (00 167 156 166 Union Paclflo 1,800 136 134 124 U. S. Ind. Alcohol . 1,000 110 111 116 U. S. Steel 68,600 111 113 113 U. 8. Steel pfd. 110 Utah Copper 400 84 83 83 Wabaah pfd. "B" .. 300 34 34 84 Western Union .... 84 Weatlnh. Eleo 400 43 43 43 Bethlehem "B" ... 1,700 85 84 86 Total Bale for the day. 180,000 shares. 14 (0 11 37 36 47 41 34 (6 10 36 26 46 20 74 44 106 (0 11 , 61 14 8( 1 16 (7 26 46 IT. U. u. V. New York ttoad la, feg (I Ot N. 1st 4a 3s, eon (I.I. C ret ' 4s. . I, reg. KlBt If. M. ta 3. eoa. (6 K. C 8. ref. 6 IT. 0. Lib. 3101.84L. ft N. n. 4 U. 8. 4. reg. 108MKAT let 4a U. 8. 4b, cou. 106 M. P. gen. 4s Am. For. a 6 (7 H. Power 6 T. T. A T. c. 6 (3N Y C deb, ( Anglo-Fre'eh 5 (1 'Nor. Pao. 4s Ar. ft C. 4 11 Nor. Pao. la.. Atch. gen. 4s !0O. . U ref, 4a B. A O. cv. 4a 7T P. T. ft T. 6a Bet. 8. ref. 6a !8Penn con. 4a C. Leather, 6s (3Penn. gen. 4 Can. Pae. 1st 76 Read. gen. 4a C. A O. ev. 6a 81 8 L A S F a 6s C B A Q, It. 4s (38. Pao. cv. 6a C MA8Pc4s 77 So. Rait 6a.. C R I ft P R r 4s (( Tex. ft Pao; 1st (1 C. A 8. ref. 4B 71 'Union Pae. 4 l( D ft R O r. 6 66 U. 8. Rubber 6a 16 D ofC la (1111) (4 V. 8. Steel la (8 Erie gen. 4a.. 63 Wabash 1st.. (1 Oen. Elee. 1 $7 French gt ( 100 17 77 II 7T 11 (2 67 17 12 II II 11 17 14 l 11 11 11 17 ' New York Coffee. New York, bept. 7. The market for cof fee future, which waa open today tor the first Saturday since last June, was quiet but generally ateady. Tb continued firm ness of Brazil appears to have Inspired some scattered buying of the later months at prices slightly below th maximum, and July contracts sold up from 1.65c to ( 68c during today's early trading. Realizing caused reaction from thla level, and after opening one point lower to five points high er, the market closed net unchanged to 2 polnta higher with July quoted at (.(2c, while near months held up to th maxi mum figures with December quoted at 8. (5c. Closing bids: September, 8.60c: October 8. tile; December, 8.80c; January, (,05c; March, 8 27c; May. 47c; July, (.620. Spot coffee Irregular; Rio 7s, (c; San tos Is, 1214c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit, New York, Si-pt. 7. Evaporated Apples Dull; state, 13Vj ffilotjc. I'rune Scarce; Callfornlas. 8016c; On-Rons. 1 5 K 41 tie. AprJcuts Klrm; choice, lfic; extra choice. 16 ":; fancy, IS'iC. reaches tT.m; standard, 1201Jc: clieii',- I1c; fancy. 14014). U.vs-lns Flim; loose muxratele, lc; r:,.i.,. to f;,iuy "c-ili'd. 10'. t1e; cellesn, t' 1 1 '41; L iuduii layers, $:.00. City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 7. Cattle Re ceipt. 1,600 head; market ateady; prime fed ateera, $17.25018.76; western steers, $10.00014.60; cows, $6 25011.50; heifers. $8.00014.00; stockers and feeders, $7,600 16.50; cslves, $7.60013.60. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head: market strong: bulk of sales, $16.00016.80; heavy. $1( 25 0 20.10; packers and butchers, $18.00 O20.10; light 318.76018. B0; pigs, $16,000 18.60. Sheep and Lambs Reeelpts. 600 head; market steady; lamba, $15.60017.(6; year lings, $10.60014.60; wethers, $10.00 0 13.25; ewea, $8.50012.25. St. Joseph Uv Stock. St Joseph, Mo., Sept. 7. Cattle Receipts, 200 head; market steady; steers, $8,000 18.00; cows and heifers, $6.75016.00; calves, $6.0014.60. Hogs Reeelpts. 3,000 head: market teady; top, $18.10, bulk of sales. $13,150 13.76. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, ' 100 head; market ateady; lambs, $11.00017.16; ewe. $5.00011.00. Sioux City Llv Stock. Sioux City, la., 8ept 7. Receipts, 700 head; market ateady; beef ters. IJ.60O 14.00: canners. $6.00 0 7.75: stocker and feeders,. $8.60011.00; cowa and heifers, 17.60 10.50.. Hogs Receipt. 1,700 head; market lo to 15e higher; light 111.1001(16; mixed. I18.I0-OK.10; heavy, 318.76 16.30; bulk of sales, $18.10016.25. New York General. New York, Sept 7. Wheat Spot steady: No. 3 red, 33.34 track New York, export, to arrive. Corn Spot firmer; fresh shelled No. 2 yellow, $1.(0 and No. 2 yellow, (1.87. 1. f.. New York. Oats Spot firm: standard, 81c. Butter Market firm; receipts. 6,086 tub. , Kggs Market steady; receipts. 14,848 cases. Cheese Market Arm; receipt, 1,441 boxes; market unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Sept. 7. Butter Market, higher; creamery, 4404(C ' . Kggs Market firm; recalpta. 10.243 cases; firsts. 41042c; ordinary firsts, 380 40c; at mark, cases Included, 37041c. Potatoes Receipts, 64 cara; market, un changed. ' Poultry Alive, market, lower; fowls, 2(0 30c; aprlngs. 28c. -a Minneapolis Grain. 1 Minneapolis, Minn., Sept 7. Barley 86c 081.00. Rye $1.62 Ot2. Bran $2 31. Corn 1 6011.61. Oata 67 684c. Flax $3.(804 08. American Casualty List 103 Turpentine and Roctn. Savannah, Oa.. Sept t. Turpentti Form, filc; sales, 103 bbls.. receipts. bbls.; shipments. 12 bbls.; stock. 28.386 bbls Rosin Firm. Sales, 831 casks: receipt. 610 caks: stock, 73.021 casks. Quota: B, I, E, $12 25: V. $12.80: O. 12 60: H, 13 65; 1. 12.75: K, 13 25; M, 13.60; N. 313.75; WG. 314.00 WW, 14.25. Kuneae 6I.H3 ; I1.6JV Kantc City (iraln. City. 7. Corn September. October. $1.8'; November. The following casualties arc re ported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: Killed in action. 23; missing in action, 16; wounded severely, 79; died of disease, 1; wounded, degree undeter mined, 122; died of woundi, 2. Total 243. KHIed hi Artioa. Lt Benjamin F. Blankenahlp, Thorn wood, W. V Sergt John Hllger, Granville, I. Corp. Thomas F. Cook. Reading, Pa.. Corp. Carl Frederick, Payaon, Monro. Mich. Corp. Frank A. Badatuebner, Rockvllle. Conn. Corp. Carl 3. Bona, Dubuque. 1. Corp. James W. Brewer, Oreelry,' Neb. Corp. Edward Harold Eckberg, Sweden. Corp. Harry J. Farren, Springfield, Mats Corp. Olea Fletcher. Cardwell,. Mo. Corp. Francis B. Ferguson, Ousted, Mich. Corp. Oeorg M. Lang, Wllklnaburg, Pa. Corp. John Maaste, Dutton, Mont Corp. Sam Melnlehuk, Chicago. Corp. Loul B. Orr. Great Falls. Mont Corp. Loul ScherABenton Harbor, Mich. Corp. Ralph Wllklns. Idaho Springs, Cola Clyff A. Bryant Oahkosh, Wis., Corp. Loul Cohen, New York City. Corp. Henry Bertel Hendrtkson, Verdale, Minn. Corp William H. NetuUI, Robinson. N. D. Corp. Peojamln F. Owna, Ban Francisco, Cat D4d at Woaada. James 8. Helton, Tayloravllla, Ky. Tboma Henry Miller. Flsk, Mo. Died ef Disease. George Hlnecker. Upland. Ind. Wounded Severely. Bernard F. McMeel, Meed. Kan. Frank H. Owens, Pleasantville, Mo. r Albert Hudson, Walker. la. Wounded. Degree ladetermlaed. George Baumgartner, Topeka. Karl. Joseph Parkins. Lewlston, Mo, Wilber Black Nevada, la. George E. DeForrest, Laramie, Wyo. Nat Cortln, lurton. 8. D. John W. Lawson, Lowry City, Mo. Klwer H. Lien, Decorah, la. Total number of casualties to date (including those reported above): Killed in action (including 291 at sea), 5,249;, died of wounds, 1,543; died of disease. 1,686: died of acci dent and other causes, 794; wounded in action, 14,677; missing in action, (including prisoners). 3.224. Total to date, 27,173. The Weather 1818. 1117. 1(11. 1115. Highest yesterday 81 84 77 81 Lowest yeaterday 64 66 (4 64 Mean temperature 48 73 70 74 Precipitation ( .0 .(0 .($ Temperature and precipitation departure from the normal: Normal temperature .....(( Deficiency for the day : 1 Total excess since March 1, 1(1$ 735 Normal precipitation 11 Inch Deficiency for the day 11 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... 10.78 Inche lVftelency since March 1. 1818. .11.47 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1(17.. 2 .63 Inches Ificlency for cor. period, 1316.. (.34 inch RAPID STRIDES MADE 8Y BRITISH EAST WS0MME Advances Generally Between Cambrai and Peronne Ap- r: proach Close to Hinden- : burg Line. By Associated Press. With the, British Army in France, Sept 7. The German retirement con tinues throughout the whole area to the weit of Cambrai and St. Quentiri and the British advance guards In the., tone generally between Cambrai and Peronne are close to the Hindenburg line. Numerous flres still are burning as the Germani retreat and there have been many more explosions. The British in the louthern i area have made rapid strides forward and this morning were more than nine miles to the east of the Somme, be ing some distance to the east of Hancourt. -i Along the Cologne river Tincourt has been reached and north of here the British are east of Longavesnes and Lieramont. There has been , a rather stiff resistance from enemy rear guards with machine guns in sev eral places, but in every instance thisv was quickly overcome by the British advance guards. v The German artillery now seems to have reached a place of safety, for a&; quickly as the British ' enter towns they come under German shell fire." Fighting in Fins.; -2 utro Has pcen nara ngniing in Fins where the Germans apparently did not get out quickly enough and were forced to defend themselves. South of Fins the road to Nurln has been crossed. South of Havrincourt wood' the British are at Mets, which is now being heavily shelled. East of the Canal Du Nord many enemy machine gun posts have been located and they are being dealt with by the British artillery. , Brook is Flooded. Trinquois brook, north of this lo cality, has been flooded by the Ger mans as a defensive measure for theit flank, and it is now 40 yards wide at its narrowest point. North of La Bassee canal the enemy resistance has stiffened. Further north the Brit ish have made slight advances.-They are pushing forward toward the bank of the Lys north of Erquinghen. As the result of minor operations north of Hill 63 the British have Advanced their line to the village of Le Rossig nol. i y ' , The Germans are reported to be working rapidly on their tines around A a ' a . tiiMviiuviia. biiu in a, uc ii li i i w iu vri trie positions here prepared they are even requiring French civilians to work on the defenses. The repairs wing iimuc "a tuncrciE uuj(uui, are reported under construe-. tion. , . It is quite likely the resistance, which has been developing herrv jnr there along the line is ma3e H aV to give the Germans time to prepare lines which they intend to bold i the rear. , ;- Sanaa City Prod are. '' . . Kama Cit, Sspt. 7. Butter and Poultry Market nnchanced. . '. Es First. 41o; second. 36c. ' Unison Bros, t Co. Established 1874 MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange New York, Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Stock Bonds .Grain ProTisions Cotton Careful attention given to invest ment purchases of stocks and bonds. Private wire to principal market. We have the "Hutton Du plex" direct private wire, Omaha to New York. - Your businesa solicited 402 Grain Ezchang Bldg., Omaha TaL Douglas 2567 Sealed Proposal ha Triplicate will b re ceived at th office of th Quartermaster General, 10 East 16 th SU New York City, New York, until 11 o'clock a. n Sentamher IS. 1918, for manufacturing overcoat, wool servcie coats, wool trousers. Sample mar be seen and specifications and proposal blanka obtained at the office of the Deoot Quartermaster at Omaha. Nebr., or at 109 East 16th St. New York Citr. New York. Advertisement. . ... Fome-Owner Loans Up to P per cent on resi dences ess than five years old. Monthly payments. Special privileges and ttrms. also straight loans at semi annual interest. I INNER PACKING COMPANY BUTTER EGOS Doucflas Stf TaAOl MAM MI6-III8 TelDouasl52l