Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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    Mo Eo Ssfiifflk & Compaw Aiieoii
Tiheir SOth Anmveirsajry Birthday
Party For Retail Merchants
Iff-"- . SV
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Fifty Yean Ago the Indian Runner Sped Across the Plain With His
1868 1918
Fifty Years in Business
Thit year w complete half century of bus
iness life fifty years of active service to retail
merchants of the great west. s
Their stores are found in cities and villages in
all the vast territory between the Mississippi river
and the Pacific coast even in far-off Alaska and
fair Hawaii.
Fifty years in business means much. We have
seen the Indian trading post give way to the metro
politan city- the pony express rider displaced by
the transcontinental train.
We have grown only as we have served. A
'slight feeling of pride may be pardoned, we feel,
as we round into out second half century of com
mercial activity.
So we feel much joy in our Fiftieth Anniversary,
and we invite our retail friends to 'join with us,
during Market Week, and particularly on Wednes
day, September 11, to attend our "Birthday Party."
A Birthday Party af Unusual Interest
Some of us have lived to see the changes which
fifty years have wrought Others, of not such ma
ture years, know of the contrast between the days
following the Civil War and today only as history
relates or we glimpse them on the "movie" screen!
So we think that to lift the veil that has closed
behind the last few decades, even for only an hour
or two, will be interesting even instructive.
The smartly clad maiden of today presents as
great a contrast to the lady of the hoopskirta as
the Mazda lamp does to the tallow candle.
We shall attempt to portray some of these
changes at our "birthday party" on September 11,
in a most unusual and attractive way, and cordially
invite our retail friends and their families to attend.
Message Teiey Tfe Reach Half d Million People in a few Hsurt Through the Daily Paper '
Cake i
We'll Cut a p, Big Birthday
or Merchants
In the Nature of Attractive Bargains
v To merchants visiting us during Market Week, we offer some attractive bargains.
These consist of short lines and broken lots which have accumulated during the
present selling season.
Merchandise is too scarce to permit gathering a very great quantity of such
goods in any one line just a few dozen here and there in different departments.
The aggregate, however, shows a large number of very desirable items all
clean, perfect stock from which a merchant can make selections at prices much un
der the regular market prices of today.
Short Lines and Broken Lots of
DrM Skirt ' Dri Good
Crep Kimonos Handkerchief
Rain Coats Domtic
Golf Glove v Men' Shirt
Notion And
These goods are offered, subject to stock on
hand, to house buyers only, at prices which
make them most desirable.
- If yon are In need of any goods to fill in
broken numbers in your own stock, you will
Men' Union Suit
Ladi' Glove
Silk Kimono
Hockey Cap
Many Other Items.
MW. an Wnm'i
TakU Damak
Bey. WaUt
find here a buying opportunity that you will ap
preciate more, after seeing the offerings, than
you can believe.
Come and see us daring Market Week
September 9 to 11 we win make your visit
pleasant and profitable.
. . Smith & Co., Omaha
Wholesale Dry Goods
We Are Large Manufacturers
For more than thirty years' we have been build
ing up a factory organization. The high quality
of our product has forced expansion until now we
own ana operate
Eleven Large Garment Factories
In half a dozen cities in Nebraska hundreds of
'machines hum busily day after day. They are
manned by happy, contented employes, who take
a pride in the work they do, and whose skill has
forced recognition of the fact that there are no
better products made than those which bear our
trade-marked brands.
Factories Are Highly Specialized
These factories are highly specialized.
Those which make men's garments are entirely
separate from those which produce garments for
This is necessary, because the requirements in
designing and manufacturing the two lines are
widely different So we employ specialists with
v years of training in the different factories. The re
sult is a perfect product wnlch wins instant recog
nition from the user.
For Men We Manufacture- .
"Ideal" N.glijj.e and Work Shirt
"Ideal" Mackinaw Coat
"Ideal" Boy' Waist and Shirt.
"Ideal" Duck and Sheep Lined Coats
"Ideal" Overal! and Jumper
"Sleepy Hollow" Night Robe and Pajaata.
"Beau Brummel" Dress Shirt
For Women We Manufacture
"Mina Taylor" Dreso
"Mina Taylor" Aprons
"Mina Taylor" Children's Dresses
"Classic" Coats, Suits and Skirts
"Sleepy Hollow" Night Wear.
"Feminalls" (women overall)
Wo invite merchants, while in Omaha during
Market Week, to inrestigate these line, and the
oiling plan behind them, which help tun stocks
into sales. '