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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1918)
' J. . .... I . ....rv "The Start and Stripes forever." YOUNG FOLKS LIKE THE BEE FOR- HE CHILDREN'S STORIES, PICTU The Om aha Daily AND PUZZLES EE VOL. 48-NO. 69. Zfff&ttitt & ' OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1918. tSSS. 5' TWO CENTS THE WEATHER Fair and warmer Friday and Saturday. Thermometer Headiniret A a. m. mm. 1 . m. N a. in. 9 a. m. 10 a. m. It a. m. n m. .. .4 M 4H ., All All A7 HI 04 I p. m. p. in, a m. 4 p.m. p, m. 5 p. m. 1 p. m. S p. in. ,.... Wl 1 mi it 70 W k . it : i ; ? 1.,. RED SOX WIN FIRST ROUND IN BATTLE FOR WORLD'S FLAG i Winning Run Scored From First Base on Balls Allowed by Vaughn, followed by Two Sharp Singles by Whiteman and Mclnnis; Cubs Miss Two Good Openings and Fail to Score. c.i luitlimit a orotest. Ihere was no cheering (luring the contest, nor was there anything like the usual umpire baiting. Ump Eats Peanuts.. "Hank" O'Day of the National league, who officiated behind the plate was caught munching a bag of peanuts after the game. "We were not roasted once during the game by players or spectators, Today's attendance was precisely 19 274 Rain caused postponement ot the first game scheduled for yester day Today the downpour had ceased and the grounds were comparatively dry The sun showed .fitfully and U-Jre was a stiff, chill bree .from the north. No seats were occupied in the upper tier of the second floor of the grand stand, and the right sec tion of the stand was ( Tactically nnpty. In the left section there , were manv vacant chairs. A number Df boxes also were without occupants, and in the bleachers the three lower rows alf around the field were vacant. General Public Absent. War taxes, the high cost of living, -urtailed railroad service at advanced prices, the weather, the curtailed sea son, and over all, the shadow of the war were said to account for the in difference of the public. The dyed-m-the-wool fans were there, but not the general public. ' ' The left field bleacher space usually i;,-pn nirpr to the virtues of a cer tain chewing gum admonished the crowd to "keep the glow in old "glory," and the right field space com manded "buy war savings stamps and do it now." At intervals six airplanes from the war exposition on the lake front reminded the spectators that baseball is not an essential industry. Even the brass band was cut down to a war basis of twelve pieces and Jt attracted most attention when it played the "Star Spangled Banner. On this occasion players and audience stood respectfully, Fred Thomas among them. Thomas, third baseman for Boston, was in the Red Sox uni form bv grace of a fourteen days fur lough from the Great Lakes1 Naval training station. He stood at the rigid salute of the Jackies while the hymn was played. Speculators Lose Out. One thrill was granted the crowd aside from the game and that was what must have happened to the as pirations of the ticket speculators. They had unlimited seats which they attempted to sell at double and even ' Even the electric score board failed . to rise to the occasion. Spectators ' were reminded by innumerable hawk jers that "You can't tell the players without a score card," but purchasers not familiar with the game found they could not anyway, for that por- (Continued on I'nge g, tolumn 1). Terny-Sorney Capture By Yankees is Called Brilliant Operation Paris. Sept. S.-La Liberie, under the heading. "A Heroic Charge, pays v tribute to the Americans It says: 'The taking of Terny-Sorny by the . mericans was a particularly brilliant operation executed by our allies with wonderful dash. The unit which made this stroke had never been under hre, having passed only a few -weeks in a comparatively calm sector, but on its rflebut it hurled itself against a divi sion of imperial guards and beat it. 'These sturdv youths from Texas habituated to prairie life tracked the brc'ie like wild beasts; they swept vil lages and nests of machine gunners and charged with bayonets at batter ies of 105s. killing those serving the batterv and capturing the guns. "Twice an officer of the French gen. rral staff had to interfere to modify their ardor, fearing that they might overstep the mark. Even the French zouaves, who are an embodiment of our aggressive fighting, were aston i?hed at such daring." Chicago, Sept. 5. One of the smallest crowds which ever turned out for a world's series opening game saw Boston defeat Chicago, 1 to 0, today. The battle was between Jim Vaughn and Babe Kutta. These two giants fought it out all the way and although Ruth allowed six hits to his opponent's five in an errorless game, the "break" went to the invaders. - The effect of the war was every-? tz, Tri:r:s HONORS AWARDED local, saw the home ream uiup u.c. mmwf a lA IU 41 AmtKIUAno BY GEN. PERSHING Graphic Stories of Individual Heroism and Daring Told in Commander's Cryptic Citations. Washington, Sept. 5. Graphic stories of the individual heroism and daring of 41 American officers and men fighting in France are told in cryptie citations by General Persh ing in awarding them distinguished service crosses. The citations were received tonight at the War depart ment as a tlelayed section of Gen eral Pershing's communique for Wednesday. One of the men decorated was a private of infantry who was attacked by 11 Germans when he entered a cellar at Vaux July 1 to install a tele phone. He killed two of the enemy and took the other nine prisoner. A corporal of infantry cleared out a farm house near Villers-sur-Fere July 28 singe handed, killing four Germans, capturing one and polding the house by himself until support arrived. A sergeant of infantry, after rush ing ahead of his line near Sergy July 28 was so badly wounded that he could not stand. Ten Germans of the Prussian guard attacked him. He arose to his knees, shot five of them and the others fled. In another case a private of infan try on July 28 near Villers-sur-Fere saw six Germans about to take pris oner his corporal who had been se verely wounded. He called a com rade, advanced on the Germans, killed two of them, took the other four pris oner and carried the corporal to the American lines. A machine gun sergeant brought down two German airplanes which were sweeping an American trench with machine gun fire. Despite the rain of enemy bullets, the sergeant turned his own machine gun cn the planes and riddled the uoper one un til it collapsed. In falling it struck the lower one, causing it to crash to earth. Several officers of the infantry and marines were cited for leading their commands when wounded, for pass ing through the enemy lines seeking information and for other acts of daring. A chaplain and a cook also were decorated for bravery and cool ness in attending wounded men under fire. Berlin Report Belittles Day's Fighting Activities Berlin, Sept. 5. "The fighting ac tivity was restricted today to minor engagements in the area fronting our new positions," says the War office communication issued tonight. FIRES MARK RETIREMENT OF GERMANS Free Use of Torch Indicates Enemy's Intention to Aban don Hindenburg Line Entirely. With the British Army in France, Sept. 5. The effects of the recent British successes are hourly becom ing more apparent. The enemy is steadily, but surely going back. Suc cessive minor victories in Flanders, the application of sustained pressure in the battle zone south of the Scarpe, the exploitation of the advances north of Feronne and the steady bombard- ment from the British cannon are all i helping the general movement. I The foe's retirement is being mart ed by the usual destruction, for fires j and explosions are reported from I vaious sections, especially the area I in front of the Hindenburg line from ! the Bapaume-Cambrai line south , ward, where the torch seems to have i been freely used. It looks as if the Germans here were going behind the line, with its great system of concrete dugouts and defenses. They are tibt in the habit of destroying where they man to stay and, besides, the crushing de feat they suffered when the Drocourt- (Jueant line was smashed makes this ground excedingly difficult, if not dangerous to hold. Defending Somme Crossings. On the banks of the Somme, south of Peronne, the enemy is manning his machine guns and trench mortars strongy and firing heavily on the crossings and their approaches, ap parently fearing a British attempt to cross. At the same time the suburbs on the southeastern outskirts of Pe ronne, where the German machine gunners have also been holding out desperately, have been cleared of the enemy, so that the position of the Germans on the east bank of the Somme is becoming increasingly pre carious. Aong the banks of the Canal du Nord in the region north and south of Inchy-en-Artois, strong German reinforcements have come up, and they are holding on the Somme places, especially back of Moeuvres, the western spoil-bank, with immense numbers of machine guns. As yet they have not been really attacked by the British m any force. It is not at all unlikely, however, that the Germans will try to consolidate their line in this locality with the Hinden burg line at some point further south Enemy's Weakness Apparent. It was through a somewhat analo gous situation that the Drocourt Queant switch line was established after the enemy was forced back from the original Hindenburg line in front of Arras. The old Hindenburg line itself does not run straight north and south. . To the south of the Drocourt battle area it swerves sharply to the east and then tails off southeastward. (Continued oa Pace Two, Column Four) Count Von Hertling Resigns as Imperial German Chancellor London, Sept. 5. Count George F. von Hertling, the imperial Ger. man chancellor, has resigned, giv ing bad health as the cause for his retirement, according to the Gene va correspondent of the Daily Ex press, quoting a dispatch received in Geneva from Munich, Bavaria. Allied Forces Advance In Ussuri River Valley Tokio, Thursday, Aug., 5. Report, ing .he military operations of the en tente allied forces Siberia an of ficial statement issued by the Japan ese - office today says: "The right column of our t. ops, pursuing the enemy beyond the Uyeraya river, halted on August 26 at Medoujiya, ten miles east c." Simakoff. Our left column occupied the emi nence north of Simakoff. Our center, reaching Simakoff, stopped there. "Our troops were nearly in the same formation on Augu.t 27. On that day they were engaged in reconnaissance passing the bridge and making other preparations. "Our cavalry and a detachment of General Kalminoff's forces are ad vancing north through the Ussuri river valley." SLACKER RAID INQUIRY MADE DY PRESIDENT tfequest for Facts Follows De bate in Senate in Which Action of Federal Au thorities Is Scored. New York, Sept. 5. It was an nounced shortly before midnight that Charles F. Dewoody, chief of the Department of Justice's bureau of investigation, had called off all slack er raids in New York and nearby communities at 8 o'clock tonight. Washington, Sept. S. President Wilson today asked Attorney Gen eral Gregory to report to him all the conditions and circumstances sur rounding the so-called "slacker roundup" in New York this week, in which some 40,000 men were taken into, custody by agents of the De partment of Justice, the miitary intelligence- and soldiers and sailors. The president's request followed a two-hours' debate in the senate today in which the action of the fed eral authorities was severely criti cizedj particularly by Senators Cham berlain, chairman of the military com mittee; Johnson of California, Sher man of Illinois, and Calder of New York. Investigation Proposed. Investigation by the senate military committee of the raids was proposed in a resolution introduced by Senator Smoot of Utah. Upon objection by Senator Kirby of Arkansas, consid eration of the resolution went over until tomorrow. Senator Poindexter of Washington defended the authorities, declaring he was glad to see slackers caught and expressing the opinion that ac counts of hardships upon innocent men had been greatly exaggerated. Senator Bennet of South Carolina said he was authorized to state that the provost marshal general's office had nothing to do with them. senator Chamberlain declared there was no legal authority for the arrests. He said, while he despised the so- called "slacker," nevertheless they should be reached by due process of law. Senator Johnson said the round-up (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Captain Belvidere Brooks Is Killed by Shell Near Fismes1 FOE UNDER HOT FIRE IN WITHDRAWAL Retreat fastened and Rear Guard Harassed by Amer icans and French Occu pying Plateau. By Associated Press. With the American Army on the Aisne Front, Sept. 5. With the exception of a few machine gun de tachments left to sacrifice themselves in an effort to cover the retreat, the Germans were on the north side of the Aisne tonight. The American and French troops, H'ho have followed closely on the heels of the enemy since the evacu ation of the Vesle village began, were still in oact, harassing the rear guard and hastening the movement of the whoe force. Long before night fall the Americans had worked their way down into the lowlands towards the Aisne off the plateau from which they had been able to look over the next valley at the cathedral towers in Laon. It is at that point where is located the heart of the present German op erations. Laon is a great communi cation center. Retiring to Old Lines. The retirement of the Germans to positions north of the . Aisne is re garded as only preliminary to their reoccupation of their old lines of de fense along the Chemin Des Dames. With their recrossing of the Aisne the second phase of the retreat from the Marne is ended. In the first they were driven,, back mile by rmle and desperate fighting marked almost every bit of the ter (Continued on Page Two, Column Fire..) ALLIES STEADILY PUSH BACK ENEMY ON WESTERN FRONT- Rapid Progress Made by Americans and French From Soissohs Eastward Toward Rheims; Thirty Villages Reclaimed ; Haig's Troops Make Germans Taste Bitter Defeat on Numerous Sectors. By Associated Press. The French and Americans are fast driving the Germans out of their positions in southern Picardy and in the sector be tween the Vesle and Aisne rivers. So rapid has been the progress ctf the allies the French in Picardy and the Ameri cana and French from Soissons eastward toward Rheims that the retirement of the enemy has the appearance of the be ginning almost of a rout. . Meanwhile Field Marshal Hai In the north, from Peronne to Ypre. HUMBERT'S MEN CROSS SOMME AT EPANANCOURT Passage Effected After Sharp Engagement in Which Ger mans Contest Every Foot of Ground. . Wattles at Capital To Meet Hoover and s.i r it l Uther rood Leaders Washington D. C, Sept 5. (Special Telegram.) Gurdon W. Wattles, food administrator for Nebraska with A. C. Lau, assistant administrator, are in Wash ington to attend a conference of food administrators of the various states and to hear a comprehensive review of the food situation in Europe from Mr. Hoover, who has just returned from a trip to the allied countries on an international food mission. Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Burgess and Mrs. C. T. Kountze are in Wash ington for a short visit. Myles Standish, president of the Apprurity Spark Plug company of Omaha, and O. T. Lindstrom are in the city. Bert Murphy, of the Murphy O'Brien company of Omaha, is in Washington to offer the services of his plant to the aircraft production board. With the American Army in France, Sept. 5. Capt. Belvidere Brooks, son of a former general man ager ot the Western Union .tele graph company, was killed August 22, by a shell durrng a German at tack west of Fismes. Captain Brooks was standing at the entrance of an immense cave south of the Vesle formerly occupied by the Germans, and was watching the effects of shells when they struck. Uncle Sam Is Spending $40,416 Every Minute Washington, Sept. 5. Govern ment expenses in August were at the rate of more than $40,446 a minute, reaching the enormous to tal of 91,805,518,000 and exceeding by more than $200 000,000, the high est previous monthly record of ex pense since the war began. Of the total $1,524,901,000 went for the upkeep of the army and navy, ship and airplane construction and other direct war expenses. Six Hundred Airplanes Destroyed or Disabled By British; Cost 216 London. Sept. 5. Four hundred enemy airplanes have been destroyed and 200 disabled since the commence ment of the offensive on August 8, according to an official statement on aerial operations tonight. Sixty-one hostile balloons were destroyed and 911 tons of bombs were dropped on various targets. Two hundred and sixteen British machines are missing. Explorer Stefansson Starts From Dawson for Vancouver Dawson, Y. T., Sept. 5. Explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson left Dawson last night for Vancouver and Esqui mau to report to the naval command er at the latter place regarding the last five years of the Canadian gov ernment expedition north. He will also follow this report with one to the ministry at Ottawa. W'iih the French Armies in the Field, .5ept. 5. General Humbert's men crossed the Somme at Epanan conrt during the night, occupying sev eral points on the east bank. Fur ther south the advance continued today with greater facility than yes terday. The passage of the Somme was effected after a series of sharp engagements in which the German mountain troops contested every foot of ground. Hidden among the bullrushes and in the hollows and , reed beds of the brancres of the river, the Huns were able to use their quick firera effect ively, compelling the pursuers to slow up their progress. General Humbert's men built foot bridges under the enemy s hre. lhe hrst bridges were destroyed, together with their builders, but other merr gallantly re placed those killed and facing a gall ing fire continued until pontoons and foot bridges were thrown across the stream. Acts of Heroism. This work afforded numerous oc casions tor acts ot great heroism. Among these acts may be mentioned that of a French soldier, who, .not withstanding the fact that the river was under the fire of German sharp shooters, undertook the task of swim (Continued on Tag Two, Column Three.) House Passes Power Bill With Provision 4 Opposed by President Washington, Sept 5. The adminis tration water power leasing bill was passed late today by the bouse after leaders had tailed in a second attempt to amend it so as to carry out the wishes of President Wilson that a "fair value" instead of the amount of the "net investment" should be paid by the federal or municipal govern ments in taking over power plants at (he end of the 50-year lease periods. Kaiser Sends Regrets to Lenine Because of Shooting London, ept. 5. The Berlin Na tional Zeitung, a copy of which has been received hcje, says the German government communicated its regret to M. Joffe, the Russian ambassador to Germany, immediately it learned of the attempt on the life of Premier Lenine. SWIFT RETRIBUTION FOR U-BOAT CAPTAINS GUILTY OF ATROCITIES British Wireless Press. London, Sept. 5. Although the British government does not intend to adopt the practice of giving proof of official utterances made by its minis ters, it has been thought desirable to print in tomorrow's newspapers the names of the commanding officers of 150 German submarines which have been disposed of in order to sub stantiate the statement of Premier Lloyd George in the House of Com mons that "at . least 130 of these ocean pests have been destroyed." The statement to be published to morrow does not include the names of officers commanding Austrian subma rines put out of action. ; .A majority of the 150 officers men tioned are dead. Some of them, are prisoners of war, and a few ari in terned in neutral countries whereithey took refuge. Kapitan-Lieutenant Schweigerjwho, while in command of the U-2(J tor pedoed the Lusitania in MayTl9l5. The U-20 was lost on the Danish coast in 1916, but Schweiger survived and was in command of the U-80, which was lost with all hands in Sep tember, 1917. Kapitan Lt. Paul Wagenfuker, who sank the steamer Belgian Prince July 31, 1917, and drowned 40 of the crew, whom he had ordered to line up on the- submarine's deck when the U-boat was about to submurge. Ilis subniarfne, the U-44, was sunk with all hands, about a fortnight ago. Kapitan Lt. Rudolph Schmiritler torpedoed the steamer Arabic in Au gust, 1915. The statement says it is significant that the authors of particularly atrocious crimes have expiated them speedily after their commission. It says the names of such men are care fuily noted by the British admiralty and that special endeavors are made to bring their active careers swiftly to an end. Several commanders, ivt is added, have escaped retribution by finding refuge in shore appointment. Others on List. Prominent among those named as having estaped retribution, but whom the British navy has on its lists, are, according to the statement, Korvet ten Kapitan Max Falentiener, who was responsible for many sinkings of vessels, among them " the Nor wegian steamer Magdaa, the Spanish steamer Pena Castillo, the Italian steamer Ancono and the British steamer Persia; Kapitan Lt. Wilhelm Werner, for the sinking of hospital ships; and Korvetten Kapitan Frei heer von Forstner, who when in com mand of the U-28, sand the British steamers Falaba and Aguila. has been almost as busily engaged with his troops in carrying out suc cessful maneuvers which are onlyjjp a slightly less degree of rapidity fo ing the Germans everywhere to give ground. Haig's men again have made i ' tae Germans taste bitter defeat o il numerous sectors and the end of the" punishment for them seems not yet in v sight. Thirty Villages Reclaimed. - Jn the latest fighting in the region extending from the old Noyon sector to Soissons the French have re claimed thirty villages from the Ger mans; have crossed the Somme canal at several points and are standing on ly a short distance from the important , junction of Ham. -with its roifcs leidi mg to- at viuentin. ana -lA'cwv. . On the south they have made lur ther crossings of the Ailette rive and are fast skirting the great wood ed region which acts as a barrier t direct attach on Lion, thedetrj Des Dames and the western Av I defenses of the enemy. Seemingly J the present rate of progress this bar rier shortly will have been overcome and indeed the entire salient north west of Soissons obliterated. Already the French south of Fresnes on the fringe of the high forest of Coucy, have penetrated the old Hindenburg line. , All behind the lines northeast of Novon arreat conflagrations are to be seen, particularly around Jussy and, La Fere, which apparently indicates that the Germans intend to fall back as fast as they can to the old German lines running southeastward from St. Quentin. , Hard os Enemy's. Heels. The French and Americans are hard after the Germans between the Vesle river and the Aisne and for more than eight miles, extending from Conde to Viel-Arcy, they have driven the ene- my across the Aisne and are standing on the southern bank of the river. Eastward toward Rheims, almost up to the gates of the cathedral cirf, the German line is falling back north ward. At the anchor point of the line in the vicinity of Rheims, how ever, the Germans seem to be hold ing, evidently realizing that a retro grade movement here would necessi tate a straightening of their line per haps as far eastward as Verdun. In the initial maneuver to the re treat along the Vesle front the Ameri cans and French captured both Ba zoches and Fismette. From Bazoches they moved six miles northward to Viel-Arcy, while from Fismette they have penetrated more than three miles northward to Barbonval, which is only i . . , - . , i ' , a mue more man a miie loum ot uie Aisne. ' ,. . Driving Toward CambraL In Flanders the British have taken the town of Ploegsteert and positions southwest of Messines and northeast of Wulverghem and repulsed stapnjr counter . attacks launched agams them. Southeast of Arras.aH the wa down the line to the south df th Somme below Peronne. the Britis have dug more deeply into the ent my s front on various sectors, especi ally toward Cambrai. nd immediately north and south of Peronne. in the latter region having driven in the ene my's rear guards for considerable dis tances. - The Germans have been violently bombarding the Americans at Fra pelle. on the eastern end of the battla front in Lorraine, but have attemped no infantry attacks. - More than 3.000 i shells,, many of them gas projectiles. nave oeen sent into the American lui Bomb Explosion Comment ' Chicago, Sept 5. An editoriat published by the Chicago Evening Pos.t today, insinuating, it is charged, that the speeches of Mayor William Hate Thompson., candidate for , the republican nomination for . United States senator from Illinois, jmay have urcn inairecny responsioie lor . the explosion of the bomb in the federal building vesterday, led the mayor ta file a $500,000 libel suit against O newspaper late today. T 4 4 -; -:: , .-'..v'; tic' i