THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1918. WARM WEATHER SWELLS CROWDS AT STATE FAIR Races, Naval Band, Horse Ex hibit and Four-Minute Men . Program Help Fill Bill, , With Pep. ATTENDANCE FIGURES. 1917. 1918. Cunday 9,651 9,755 Monday 22,589 30,312 Tuesday 33,446 25,277 Wednesday 60,316 53,937 From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Sept. 4. (Special.) With a warm sun drying up the wet places the stare fair board ordered ths band to play "The Sun Shines Bright on my Old Kentucky1 Home," early in the forenoon today when the crowds pouring into the grounds indicated that it might be possible to break the record Wednesday attendance of last year of 60,316. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the crowds were still coL.I.:g and it was hoped that the record very nearly equalled at least which had to be postponed yesterday because of the r!n will be carried out duriig the other days of the fair andthe management promises that Friday the last day will have just as attractive a program up to the time the fait closes as at any ot:ier time. The jackie band from the Great Lakes naval training station was pne of the fine musical attractions last nig!:!' - again today. The band will be he. the rest of the week. Judging of exhibits in every de partment is being carried on as rapid. Jy as possible. Thiw forenoon the Belgian horsj exhibit was especially good, some of the finest if not the finest hor-es it being looked ov the judges. -. "'our-Minute Men Day" to day and in the forenoon under the managements Prof. M. M. Fogg of the state university, who is at the head of the o ..ization in the state, a program was held at the auditorium ' over 200 sj- ake-s of the or ganization gathered. The Red Cross is doing a fine work this year in the way of instruc tion to the people along a number of lines connected with the war. They have a large tent placed near the textile building, where the govern ment war exhibit is being shown. Jce Williams Captures Golf Title at Field Club ' Joe Williams won the golf cham pionship of the Omaha Field club by defeating Maynard Swartz in the final round to the tune of 8 up and 7 to go. Beach Returns and Announces Staff of Campaign Helpers Lincoln, Sept. 4. (Special.) Chairman E. D. Beach returned today from his trip to Chicago where he attended the meeting of state chair men and several national committee men who conferred with the national chairman. He announces the following staff as his assistants for the campaign: Secretary, Nels P. Hansen of Lin coln. . Speakers Bureau, A. J. Dunlap, Central City. The publicity department this year will be handled under a new plan and instead of one man having all the work, the publicity will be in the hands of a publicity committee com posed of newspapermen living in close proximity to Lincoln so they can be called on short notice it it is necessary. The ,'committee consists of O. O. Buck, Harvard; H. C. Hass ler, Pawnee City; A. V. Shaffer, Sew ard; R. E. Cunningham, Auburn, and T. J. Pickett, Wahoo. i Kearney Organizes New Paving Districts for Year Kearney, Neb. Sept. 4. (Special.) The City Commission today organiz ed three new paving districts for the city. Forty-seven blocks have been laid this summer and during the past two years many miles have been pav ed. Paved thoroughfares are making a wonderful improvement in the city's appearance. Registration day next week and Pershing day will both be celebrated in this county under the auspices of of the county council of defense. Three thousand, four hundred men are to be registered in this county it is estimated and a fitting celebra tion will be held in honor of the event. Farmers Organize to Combat . Ravages of Platte River Fremont, Neb., Sept. 4. (Special.) The Platte Valley Mutual Dyking association was organized at a meet ing at the office of County Agent L. C. Christie. The purpose of the or ganization is to combat the Platte river on the north bank between Ames and North Bend, where the stream threatens to overflow and in undate upward of 2,000 acres of val uable farm land. C. D. Kinsman of the state engineer's office went over the ground with a number of the farmers. Dry Weather Blamed for Milk Advance in Fremont Fremont, Neb., Sept. 4. (Special.) The price of milk was given a boost of 2 cents a quart from 11 to 13 cents it was announced by deal ers Monday morning. Creameries are paying 52 cents for butterfat and 72 cents for butterfat in milk, the high est price ever known in Fremont. The dry weather has dried up pastures in this vicinity and many farmers are forced to feed their cows. This is given as the reason for the advance in prices. BANKS OF STATE SHOWJNCREASE Deposits Show Gain of Twenty-one Million and Loans Gain Twenty-three Million. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Sept. 4. (Special.) De posits in state banks of Nebraska have reached the sum of $246,800,000, according to the report of Secretary J. J. Tooley of the state banking board. There are over hal a million depositors and the average deposit is $475. There are 934 banks included in the report, which makes the aver age of each bank over a quarter of a million dollars. Increases over the August statement one" year ago are shown as follows: Deposits, $21,197,217; loans and dis counts, $23,519,673: capital stock, $1, 670,000; surplus. $942,819 and undi vided fund. $302,642. The report in detail is as follows: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ,. .1195, S4, 099 !5 Overdrafts 1,139,60147 Bonds, securities, judgment, claims, ate. 4,047,7!!. J5 Due from national -and state banka E1.38.70.6O Banking house, furniture and fixture! ,0.W.2 Other real estate 69S.S14.7S Current expenses, taxes and interest paid S.1SM2MT Cash ltemi not Included In re serve 605,711.11 Cash , 107.784. 14 Liberty bonds .'. 13.t70.Ul.n6 Stock in federal reserve bank 1.160.00 Total I284.4S4.3S2.6S LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 32.107.800.00 Surplus fund 6,186,251.97 Undivided profits 8,040,642.77 Dividends unpaid 18.103,67 Individual deposits subject to check 11S,63S,216.18 Demand certificates of deposit 17.961,605.40 Time certificates of deposit .. 102,766,767.79 Due to national and state banks ,544.76S.7 Notes and bills redlscounted. 615,105.16 Bills payable 1,888,344.70 Depositors guaranty fund .... 1,880,562.68 Reserved for taxes 43,328.86 Bonds, U. S. government bor rowed 10,000.00 Total 284,484,382.65 National Coursing Meet to Be Held in Army City The committees of the National Coursing association have located the annual meet at Army City, Kan., ad joining Camp Funston. The National Futurity for grey hound puppies running in public for the first time and the Waterloo Cup stake for 64 all-aged dogs will be run at this meeting, which will start on October 12 and last until the 20th. with plenty of coursing each day. These are the two principal cours ing events run in the United States. Greyhounds from 10 states will par ticipate. The July payment was made on 111 Futurity candidates. ' Lt. Mapes in France. Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 4. (Special.) Lti Donald Mapes of the American flying corps has landed safely in France, according to word received here by his father, Burt Mapes. Lieu tenant Mapes was one of 100 or more experienced American flyers who left mis country a snort time ago, Charge Gordon Boy With Robbing Till At Hooper Station Fremont, Neb., Sept. 4. (Special Telegram.) Robert E. Boyles of Gordon is in the county jail here awaiting a hearing on a charge of having robbed the Northwestern sta tion at Hooper of $12 Monday even ing. Boyles wasaught by Niglit Operator Julius Rupert as he was leaving the station with the money he had taken from the till. Rupert marched his man up town and turned him over to the night marshal. When taken into custody Boyles had a revolver and $56 in cash. He is said to have confessed to robbing the Union Pacific station at Clarks and Silver Creek last week and is be lieved to have taken $64 from the Northwestern station at Nickerson late Monday afternoon. He admitted to having been at Nickerson that af ternoon, but denied the charge of stealing the money. He hired an automobile to go from Nickerson to Hooper. Boyles if 19 years of age and is said to be the son of the agent for the Northwestern at Gordon. Norfolk Man Ordered to West Point as Instructor Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 4. (Special.) Capt Fred Inglis of Norfolk, who was recently made a major in the regular army, has just been ordered tb the West Point military academy to act as an instructor. He was scheduled to become a staff officer of the 15th division, which is now being organized for overseas duty. Major Inglis graduated from West Point only two years ago and has made quite a record as an instructor in three consecutive officers' train ing camps in Texas. McKelvie Offers Services To Bond Drive Committee S. R. McKelvie, republican candi date for governor, has tendered his services to the Liberty bond com mittee in the following letter to T. C. Byrne, chairman: "In connection witli the forthcom ing Liberty loan, I desire to tender my services to your committee. As soon as the Fourth Lib ty loan drive be gins I expect to spend all of my time speaking for it and shall be very g'ad to have you command me when ever I can be of service to you." Douglas County to Have Service Flag, Board Rules Douglas county is to have a serv ice flag. The county commissioners Wednes day authorized E. J. Anderson, county purchasing agent, to ascer tain the number of men in Douglas county who have entered the service of Uncle Sam and to make arrange ments for placing a service flag with the proper number of stars on the court house.. , Approves Raise in Fare Denver, Sept. 4. The ordinance passed by the citv council last night authorizing the Denver City Tram way company to increase street car fares from 5 to 6 cents was signed by Mavor W. F. R. Mills today, Store Hour 1 , I Store Hour 1 Iffi ounte SOWS w NEW FALL FROCKS Smart Tailored Models Simple but Rich in Appearance Developed in Satin, Tricollete, Gabardine, Tricotine and Serges, or combinations of cloth and satin, meet with great favor. Fringe, Braiding, Buttons, Smart Collars and Vestees play an important part in detail of Trimming. Special groups at these prices " v $35.00, $15.00, $55.00 to $65.00 Special Attention Given to Dresses for. Stout Figures. New Satin Meteor and Georgette Crepes, $39.00, $19.00 to $75.00 THE NEW COATS ARE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE A Complete Array From Which to Make Your Selection. Variety in Styles, Cloths, Colors, Prices New Plushes, Velours displaying black and Beaver Plush trimmings, Silvertones, Bolivias, new collars, saddle pockets, panels, plaits and belts are attractive features. Fur trimming used extensively, ' Popular shades include Pekin Blue, Taupe, Ruby, Spruce Green, Brown and Navy. Com plete showing at , $35.00, $39.00, $19.00 up to $89.00 1UL TTASftltf 7G0222 FIIMLftND T?HOTO PIAY OFFERINGS FOte TODAY 1 On the Screen Today Sun BH.L1K BURKE In "LET'S 3KT K DIVORCE." Klalte D O R O T H T DALTON in V.RKKN KYKM." Strand M ART PICKFORD la 'MUSS." ' K impress MAT ALLISON. Mux NORMA TALMADOE In "THB3 3N1.Y WAY." Iithrop Uh and l.othrop JACK I'll" K KURD .In "TIIK SriRIT OF ,17., 1'atha News. Kohlff. 145 Leavenworth WILLIAM FAKNUM In T11K PLUNDERER." Orpheum, South Sldo FANN1K WARD In "INNOCENT." Apollo, 31th and Leavenworth ELSIE FKRUUSON In 'THIS LIB." lirand, lath and Hlnney JUNB CAP R1CK In "MISa INNOCENCE." Allied War Review No. 1. Maryland, 14SS South Thirteenth RUTH ROLAND In "HANDS UP," No. I. IRENK CASTLK In "THE GIRL FROM BOHEMIA." Allied War Review. MAY ALLISON in "A Success ful Adventure," bristling with romance and adventure, will be seen on the screen at the Empress theater for the last half of the week. Miss Allison has the role of Virginia Houston, a little beauty of the sunny south, who undertakes to heal an old family feud by means of masquerading as a servant in the household of her own uncle. Jealous men can find the cure for their trouble in Dorothy Dalton's new photoplay, which is the new bill at the Rialto for the remainder of this week. "Green Eyes," which is the title of this latest interesting photo drama of Miss Dalton's, is a stirring story full of dramatic acting and with a real, honest-to-goodness south ern negro camp meeting picture as one of the interesting scenes. The husband is cured of his jealously and things end happily for all. The Sun theater changes its bill today, the new play being Billie Burke in "Let's Get a Divorce," a comedy drama built upon the divorce and one in which the versatile Miss Burke has full opportunity to display AMUSEMENTS. FOUR VAUDEVILLE SHOWS DAILY 2:18, 3i30, 7i48 and 9:00. PICTURE SHOWS AT lli0O 12:30! 4:18 AND 6:00 P. M. THE END OF THE KAISER Comedy Sketch. LA PETITE REVUE A Manikin Musical Comedy. NICK HUFFORD Ths Loos Pag from the Book of Fun BLANCH BOYD Character Comedienne. MAY ALLISON In "A Successful Adventure." Metro Comedy-Drama. - "OMAHA'S' FUN CENTER 5?Xjf'ffj Evuft-ZS. 80. 78c. $1. 69th Aaaasl Tour of ths Bay Aetor. With HI Own Show -MUSICAL BURLESQUE- Admltttdly Amerloa's Ent.rttlatr. Mr. Welch'i Famous Daaclai Bsautj Charve, LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. Mat. sad wmk: ieaa n.aiai ana "rawr. BED WELCH Phone Douf. 494 ' mi mm Tonight and Week. Mat. Saturday. A, H. Woods Prasants - BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE By Montague Gla.a A Juloo Eckert Goodman Direct From 1 Year in New York. Nights, BOe to $2.00: Matinees 80c to $L00 SUPERIOR VAUOEIVLLE. Mttlnw Dally, 2:IS-Nlaht, :I6 This Wsak. "ALL FOR DEMOCRACY"; LLORA HOFFMAN; J. K. EMMET, MARV E. RYAN A CO.; Eddie Carr A Co.; Carl McCullauah: Dais A Burah; A Arllitls Trtat; Orahaum Trsval WmI. Priest Matlasu. IDs te 25o ( Bat. an Sunday, nms Mo); Boxaa and Stall.. SOs mi 7tt. Nlohtt, 10s te 75o ( Bun. same 11.00.) Boxti and stall., 11.00. TOMORROW NIGHT KRUG PARK GRAND FINALS Dancing Championship of Nebraska Prof. Chamber will officiate JEFFERIS FOR CONGRESS Are You Registered So You Can Vote November S? PAINFUL PIMPLES COVERED FACE And Arms. Large, Hard and Red. Itched Horribly. Cuticura Healed. "I had mv face and arms covered with pimples. The pimples were Urge, hard, and red , ana tney ruinea my iookb because thev stew larger and redder every day. They itched horribly and arratched them, ana mat maae tnem Jmore painful. 1 was growing in in hKiuuoi aieeoiess nienis. ana worry. "One of my friends advised me to use Cuticura Soap ana uimment ana ! uu-A two cakes of Cuticura Soan and not quite one bos of Ointment when I was healed." .(Signed) Mrs. Louise Zake, 131 rumpkin at., narmramu, Mich.. Feb. 27. 1918. With an annarent tendency to skin troubles you should usetnese iragram, annrr-ereamv emollients for all toilet purposes. They prevent as well as preserve, purity ana oeautuy. .a'. lick rm ? Mall.. AWra. postcard "CiMeara. Dant. I. Bastaa." Sold ererr 3oD2fe Ointment anil Mle. Talcum Sae her powers. The play, which has been built into the motion pictures from the stage success, "Divorcons." is a mixture of' laughter and of more serious scenes, demanding of the star finer dramatic cffelts. It is reported that D. W. Griffith made a most flattering offer to Mary Miles Minter to star in one of his big productions, but that she has decided to stick it out where she is. Rumors on the coast also tell of offers being madi for the services of Mary Pick ford and Douglas Fairbanks, both of whom will be ready to make new contracts soon. Franklyn Farnmn, the clever juve nile, and Miss Alma Reubens are the latest newlyweds in California's cel luloid colony. John Thwaite, who is cast for a part in a new serial by Francis Ford, returned from the trenches recently and will start work at once. Two of the downtown houses of Omaha will hold their bill over for Thursday. At the Strand Mary Pick-a ford will be seen again today ia "M'liss" and at the Muse Norma Talmadge in "The Only Way" for, the last times today. A "The Geezer of Berlin," a travesty on the feature film, "The Kaiser o Berlin," will come to Omaha the first part of next week at the Boyd thea tcr. The film, which is a killing of the pompous majesty of the kaiser's name by laughter, will be shown in connection with "For Husbands Only," a comedy drama, with Mil dred Harris as the star. Nell Shipman, one of the best' known of the California stars, is writ ing a play, which will be produced in dependently this fall. Miss Ship man will not divulge the nature of the plot of the new story. Edward Earle has 'been speaking for the Red Cross in New York and he is the best straw hat customer in the city for when collection -time comes, Earle steps forth with hi? handy lid to start the change. S11 in -""N "LetsOetA Today to Saturday. Lait Time Today. , S "GREEN EYES" "M'LISS" I I i ""1 ---TutrDJk !, 5 (9REELSI 4 OrlOVB ADVKNfUPC ri LL V COMEDY PATHOS J f-J I T5I?U'" IWBISUV J V CjUwrQpJrrioir I i NOW PLAYING 3 Shows Daily. 2:30 p. m., 25c 7 and 9 p. m., 25c and 35c FOR HUSBANDS ONLY. WATCH FOR IT, ALSO THE GEEZER OF BERLIN. Lesson in Scientific Complexion Renewing Everyone has a beautiful skin under neath the one exposed to view. Bear that in mind and it will be easier to understand the correct principle in acquiring a' lovely complexion. Nature Is constantly shedding the top skin in flaky particles like dan druff, only much smaller in size. In ab normal conditions, or in advancing age, these particles are not shed as rapidly as in robust youth. The longer they remain the more soiled or faded they become that's the immediate causa of a "bad com plexion." It has been discovered that ordinary mer colized wax, to be had at any drug store, will absorb these worn-out particles. The absorption, while hastening Nature's work, goes on gradually enough to cause no Inconvenience. In a week or two the trans formation is complete. The fresh, healthy hued, youthful underskin ia then wholly in evidence. You who are not satisfied with your complexions should get an ounce of mereolixed wax and try this treatment Use the wax nirhtly, like cold cream, washing it off morninga. Adv. Bee Want Ads produce f cults. Try one and be convinced. u Norma Talmadge Only Way Allies Official War Review. Sunshine Comedy. i.t Ul -.-j.saetxet.L LOTHROP JACK PICKFORD In "THE SPIRIT OF '17. PATHE NEWS. After each meal YOU e? t one ATOMIC CfOff YOUff STOMACH'S'SaKE) and get full food value and real stoma' acb comfort. Instantly relieves heart, barn, bloated, fiaa? feeling. STOPS acidity food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the stomach sweet and pure. JEATON1C ia the beet remedy and only costs YoawiU bade lighted with results. Satisfaction guarantee c money back. Please call and try ir. .. . Sherman A McConnell Drug Co 6 Stores, Omaha, ,