Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
-' THE BEE:. OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,' 1918. 10 : ' Went Ad Kates : (Cut With Ordsr I r '- iua DM word ............... each .OacrtlOS ti ' i ig p word Cor three ooneecutlve Insertion IS pr worfl lor eaco euamonai ineenioe Na ad taken tor lea thso a total of ' i ' or lias IW t ar. C HA BUB. 9e per Has fooejnt word to tin) on time Ms par Una eaob ttma. I ssosecutlvs limn 4 ta par ttaa aaca tlmo. 10 oonsrcr.tlv time SITUATIONS WANTEJ sts .dm Una ..par waak CABOS Or THANES AND t .. rtTNEBAi NOTICES. 16a aar Una.. en Insertion (Minimum Charge, 10 Ccnta.) 4 ' Contract BatoaOa AppUcaHoa. .-.- ' for sosfsatones of advertisers want ada 3 wilt pa aoeaptad at to toUowlng of rices: ' St A IN orriCa Bw Bulldlni r Am Office ....S41S MortB 14tb 6L jr Lak Office Ml North Utb 8t .Vlntoa ornoa Kit Soot a Ids 8t Park Otflca ....1(11 LeanwortB Bt. f Waloot offlo II North 40tb 8t South Bid ..........-- Sill " Bt f- Caanetl Blaffa ....14 Main 81., Nortk 1 THB BBB will not ba raaponalbl for mor than ana Inoorract Intortloa of an advsrtle. ment ordered for mora than one time. i, CM fBB TELEPHONE If TOO cannot oon venlsatly bring ' send your ada to any of 5 tha abora offices. Ask tor Want 'Ad Taker and oq will receive tha aam food - arrloa as vbaa dllvrlni four ad la it . . paraoa. rHOMB TTLEB MOO. i Wast Ad Column Cloaa ', Evsotsf Edltlona ..11:00 U Morning Edltlona '....10.00 P M if' Bqnnv Edition IS P M Batnrdsir Evening DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. LIT ILK Thr Mary, 8pUmbr 1. Bha la aurrlnd by her mother, four brother. Jobs 8. and William of Omaha, Ralph and Phillip with tha American xpdlllonary fore. . Funeral Wednesday morning from tha, (11 South 19th treet, at 1:10 e'e'ock to St Phlloroena church at 0 a. m. Interment Holy8-pulchor cemetery. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS mJLSl&"RlEPEN pinriMr rnnaral Directors fit aV Mth Bt ' Phono Ooug. 111. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality servlca. coat iaa nth rvvdaa . Douglas lltl. "' STACK & FALCONElT llndsrtskera 13d Far. H , UNDERTAKERS and licensed embalm. also pflvata ambulane. Call Webster 41 Willi fi Croaby. isu w. n p at'L DODDER CO., Funeral Dlrecli ra t. U. Fro, Mgr., lid and Cuming St Phono Dougla (77. Auto amhulancea iahm a atCNTLEMAN. undertaker and mnaim.r. 1411 Frnm Bt nTn9ml FLORISTS. fonUnsll Florists. "LEE L. LARMON 1114 Dongla Bt- 1 Douglas 1144. 111 Alt i nirttn' EaL 18. A. iJUlNAUnUD 1J23 HARNEY Flower shipped avrywher. Ep. prepaio haTH Careful FlorUt, 104 Farnsm St. i." u.nderann .1(10 Far nam D I14H MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN .offer ympatbtlo service In , sudden sorrow: perpetual carat no menu; lota on asy term, mm. THE largest display of oinnumanta to th United 1 Btataa. FRaNB SVOBODA. llll- l( 8 tltb Phon Dougl l71-MK CARD OF THANKS. -WB' wlsb to aatend our alnoereat tbankl to our many friend for their klndnss and ympathy ahown during tba loath of our beloved brother also for tb many beautiful floral offering. ; 8TBVB ABARIOTES OUST ABARIOTES I WISH to extend my lnoret thank to - my many friend for, their kindness sjd sympathy shown during tha death of Sty beloved brother! also for tha wsny bsau- tlful floral offerings. A 11 OEORaa BELETOB. "MARRIAGE LICENSE i Permits to wed hav been Issued to tha following: ,. V . t nf.fn. Bnd KAaldenca. ' Age. Fred O. Beuwlnke), Council Bluff. la.,, 11 Hslga Hackstock, Council Bluffs, la 12 Jam R. Cooley, Slou City, la........ II Frieda HoImbrf, Calumt, la.. 1 James Newman, Omaha..,.. 36 Thelma Burrell. Omah .'. 1 Lea Roy Payne, Omaha................ JJ Ethet Quick, Omaha...... 17 Oscar K. Nielsen, Omaha. ........ ....... 41 Kllen E. Larsen, Omaha.,. 13 John Frlet, Carlo. Minn.............. 42 Agnes Macbka, Carlo, Minn. 24 Kdgar B. William, Jr., Omaha.... 1 Juna R. Oaf ford, Omaha. .............. 15 Julius Nmeth, Omaha... 13 Catherine 8. Xtral Omaha.............. 14 Van T. Barn, Auburn, Nb. 14 Ruth II. Horrum, Omaha. 11 John A. Anderaon, Blouv City, la. ...... (0 Jaunle J., Johnson, Alceatar, 8. D....... It Kdward B. Davles, VllllscaIa... ...... It Beatrlca'fi. Scholey, Omaha............. 13 Rudolph Krhut, Brlibow, Neb 11 France Rambusek, Spencer, Neb....,,. 11 tlrglt P. Wlllatd, Omaha;............ 18 Helen H. Stone, Omaha...... ....12 Cornelius B Case. HendersanvUls, N. C. 14 Halll Woolf. Eagle Pass, Tax,.,..'..,... 19 Murroll Cowman, Omaha............... It Minnie Ehlera, Omaha.. v.. 11 BIRTHS AND DEATHS , Birth Frank L. and Marl Kolanch, (130 South Twentieth atreet, girl: Jacob and Bertha Friedman, 2442 Burt street, girl; Leroy and Clara Johnson. 602 South Twen ty. second street, girl', James P. and Lillian O'Hara, hospital, boy; Albert P. and Bessl Phillips, KIT Crelghton boulevard, - girl; Michael 'and Mary Palladlno, 27 Pierce 'street, girl: Louis and Jennie Fuller, 2117 Reward atreet, boy; Anthony and Josephine Bookman. 2114 South Thirty-fourth street, gtrl; Harry and Anns Penchausky, 1(23 North Twenty-seventh treat, boy; Irwin E. , sad Clara Weinberg. 1323 Canton street. girl; Francesco and Franceses Eaatlglla, UK North Seventeenth street, girl; Adam and Auna Blga, 2(21 J Btreet, boy; Joet ana Antome beoeaa, uis untano street, girl; Lysle and Anna Johnson, 4732 North Fortieth avenue, girl; Bebaatlano and Lucia Noel t a, 1307 South Fifth street, boy: Outs epp and Maria Calaflora, 1311 South Fifth street, soy; August and Clara Blank. 4124 N street, boy;, Moris and Mary. Jensen, 311 w street, gin: William A. and Made Una Pa lensky. 1217 Pratt street, twin boys; Clrlno and Salvatrlce Araato, 1434 South Tenth street, boy; Frank and Anna Blga, 4422 noutn rortletn street, boy: Frank and Katherlna Clmnurck, test South Eighteenth atraet, girl; Ott H. and Thereatg Bits. (20 South Eighteenth street, boy; Henry f, and lmiuw nun, vt norm Tnirty-mira atreet, boy; Frank and Elisabeth Nuier, 405 Dorcaa treat, girt . ; t . Deaths Katie Tbomsen, IS, bosplut; Jea tt Kltcher, 42, 2123 Grand ave.i Bernlqs Kalhoro, t. llll U atreet: Ann Fuller, 11, 4711 South Twentieth atreet; Charle E. Cockrell. I months, 2S60 Fort street; Arfgust Haden, 71, 2711 North Sixty-second street; George W. Berllnghof, , S1I Evan atreet; Otto Bell, (t, 2124 South Twentieth street; Jacob! O, Adams, 71, I4( North Twenty seventh street: Theresa Little. It, 3011 Jack, on street Building Permit. The following building permits have been Issued: ) J M. Kemp, till Btnney street, remodel dwelling. 31,009. Metropolitan Water Dta- : trtot. Twentieth street 'and Poppleton ave nue, tee storage house, 140.000. SPECIAL NOTICES dentistry: Tb Infirmary of Crelghton untvertity college of dentistry will reopen on Sep tember 2. All kinds of dental worn done under cartful supervision of tb prate. sera. . textraetlona free. Children's teeth tratahtened 21S South 1Mb St LOST FOUND REWARDS. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . LAiLWAT COMPANY , . - Person baring lost em article would do wall ta call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they loft It Is the . street car. " .. . Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. - - LOST Aug. 30, between Union depot and Benson A Thorn' on- Dundee street car, gentleman a Hamilton' fold watch and haln with ccapular locket fob. Reward fer return to The Be office. k . LoiT By aoldier on croeetowu car, silver fiuhlleht Plctnre of Woolworth building In cerner. Valued aa sowvsnfr. Phone Mb. LOST-FOUND REWARDS. LC8T Thursdsy night from automobile, black oblong band (mm. Reward. Call Coifs 040. . LOST Wrist-watch between lalb arid Far , aam Tuesday at noon. Retyrd. Webster 4444. $0-Dollar Liberty bond on North 24th trtt ear. Serial number 10,312,918. Call Web ter 1(43.-' Reward. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE IN BIO SEPTEMBER SALE. Tha fill month suggest "coilfylng" your noma. A new rug. a new dranaer, a new atova or rang, beipeaka mora pleas, ant aurroundlnga. For leu money than elesewbere, tha Slate Furnltura Co., 14th and Dodge atresia, will supply your needs. Our September bargains should attract you. W make a specialty of complete bom outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fares refunded to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on . purchases of 120 or morn. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14tb and Dodge His., opposlt U. P. Bldg. ' UKN1TURB A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Bads, springs, mattresses, drvasers. chif foniers, tables, chair, china and kitchen cabinet, rug and linoleum, trunk and " suit. case, gaa atovea and lea boiea. full Una screen wlra, poultry netting, gsrdee toola. 1D30-47 North 14tb St Tsl Web. HOT Onen till torn ACTUAL TRUTH KOR BA BOA INS Full Una of furniture, ga and coal oil itovea. ruga, baby carriage, trunka to Loyal Purn Co.. Ml N Utti COMPLETE household furnishings for sal. all first class. iOll Lincoln Blvd. Har ney 2481. r FOR SALE Complete furnishings of 2- room apartment, new and priced reason. sble. . Apartment 2t, Angelus Apts. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rant, repair, sail needle and parts of an sewing machine MICK ELS. NEBRASKA CVCLB CT., IStb and Harney ffta Doug. 11(1. Store and Office Fixtures, a- - WE buy -.i-ll and Biake disks, safe, show cases, shelving, etc omaha Future A Sup ply Cn. 11th and Douglas D 2724. OFFICE furniture, aettee, hall ate, deaka, chair and filing cases. 310 Be Bldg,, Doug. 2004. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS. (II make. oid. rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONO COMPANT, ttlS Farnam. Tel. D. 2161. ONE t-column .burrough Adding machine for al at a bargain. I00C FARNAM ST. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 2 month for IS. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1001 Farnam, ADDING MACHINES, all make bought. rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER PXC1IANOB, 1(01 FARNAM ST. WE BUY, sell or exchange typewriter; guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ for list Midland Typewriter Co.. 144 Dodge. Dairy Products Fresh country buttermilk: butter: beet oi cream: strictly fresh eggs: delivered to any part of Omaha. Pbnn Sou'b 111 or Tvler tt Warner' -Pianos & Musical Instruments. . IIOSPB CO., 1S1 Douglsa. have piano to rant at 11(0 pal nonth. or will nil on ay trm ART TREASURES, DIAMONDS AND ANTIQUE JEWELRY. 1 am Instructed by the eourt to offer privately for lata the valuable painting. Diamond and antlqu Jewelry belonging 'to the estate of tha 1st Carrie E. Ramge. Interview by appointment. LYSLB L ABBOTT, . i Executor, ' 114 McCagu Block, City. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feather ateamtd, renovated and made up in new reatber proof ticking 1007 Cuming Doug. 14(7. AMERICAN tool wks. shaper, 18-ln.; 1 M-lb. power hammer, flna shape. Tell A Blnkley, 2311 Harney 8t, - ia HARTMAN wardrobe trunk, 125.' In quire evening J, Kennedy, 111 North nineteenth street.'- INFANTS' APPAREL. Order for exquisite Infants' apparel. Harney (CIS, ff. Friend SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL trade two-ton truck for pleasure car Graham Bros. 8!e Co., 2012 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. - - WANTED TO BUY. ? JENKINS . has Just . returned will slv sou the and good service that he gave In the past. Help win tn war. Bell your old clothe, shoe, rug, tools, trunk snd buy W a 8 Will call. Res. D. 1032, office D (144. WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. , Will pay cash for furniture for 40 room. If you bav a amall hotel or rooming house and want to quit business here' your chance. Answer at once, giv ing address; will call snd see furniture. ' Must buy this week, Address Bee 2201 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought sold and traded J C Reed, 1ln Farnam D (141 ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam; class and dance every Monday snd Thur. day; learn to dance for 15, where learn Ing I a pleasure. Private lesson any time. rnone Douglas 7&o V Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEUN. aid, knife, -sunburst, box pleating, covered button all sires and style; hemstitching, plrot edging, eye let cut work, button bole, pennsnls. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 2nO-3 Brown Bldg Phone Dojg ill( HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. O.' U VanArnam Pleating Co.. IK-t Paxton Block. Phone Doug. lies. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY ZZX' THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. , REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANT wtU hsul sverytblng for you. Packages lees thsn 10 lbs. 14. cents Douglas 7461. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring .tent and camping upplls 8COTT-OM AHA TENT AWN1NO CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO. 17th and Martba Bta.. Omaha. Nab. Brsia, brans, aluminum sod machine gray Irr-B fastings Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tshlts for parties at Holmes' ' Chiropractors. Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Blflg. D. 14(1. 8HNOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards. 24th, Fa-nam Costumes. FULL areas suit for rent- 101 N. 16th Bt. opposlt Postofflee. Jnha Feldman Dong. Iss 1121. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 212 Neville Blkv Bvldenoe ecu re a in all rase Tyler 1121 Printing and Office Supplies Waters-Bsrnhsrt Ptg. Co., "414-K S. 13th at. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain (21 W. O. W Bldg Taff Dental Rm.. 2 Re Bids D 21S( Film Developing. FILM developed, roil. 10c; packs, 16o. one-day service. Kas Studio. Neville Blk.. Kth and Harney ' Dressmaking. ORDERS for exquisite Infant apparel. . E. rutin, narney o.dv. MISS STURDY, dressmaking Doug 4(11 Fixtures and Wiring nllRK'TN Blwlr's washiSg macbinea. w . elsctrlo irons and readlna -; lamps 1222 Cuming st Itouglaa IMS Jew4ry. , . as DIAMONDSW,rrv,,,reV,.-t,.PbU7 haeS at smsll profit GROSS. 402 N '(tb Bt Osteopaths. DR. MABLE VVESSON., (14 Brandels Bldil T 2t4 Rea.. t Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procuredrbougbl and eold.' Inter national Patent Co.. 61 Bran dele. D (III ST URGES A STUKOE3. U 8 mat foreign patent and trsdemsrks 180 Bee Bldg Tailors. Died rick. P L 31S SO'h Tailor O t31 Towel Supplies. ' "gmeUe tuw'ei Suiiy, 3urainui7i."Hs. ANNOUNCEMENTS. MedicaL PILES, fistula, and other rectal dis eases cured Without suical oper ation. Cure guarantied. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monial". SR. E.-R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg Omaha. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 fa roam J J porlght 6a fa C SAFES Wedding Stationery. WKDDINO announcements and printing Dnuvta Printing To Tel Dougl 044 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED a eood business man to take charge of retail business with a good salary and half of net proceeds: annual nrofit. tinitn tn tn.AflO: von handle your own money! will require 12.000 to 14.000 ta handle this DroDosiuon. ooa '" Omaha Bee. WANTED To correspond with Commercial club of soma live town wno wania w a nura an canning factory, east em Ne1)rka or western Iowa preferred. Address R. E. Hawley, Nebraaaa i-ity. Neb. ' FOR SALE A growing abstract buslnesa, " Incorporated. Hall County Abstract Co., Grand Island, Neb. FDR 8ALK FORCASH Saloon In good k. eatlnn. dnina eood business Reason fai Quitting, death Addres H.. 1410 Charles ( St.. 8t Joseph. Mo 'NEWSPAPER for sale at a bargain, town of (00. Not a dead one. J. U. o., oneni, la. Care Independent FORD AOENCY and garage for aal. Ne braska town. F. v. itniest. uea oiaa. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. RADIATORS t Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt: large ttorb used radiators cn banoV-Mashed tenders and lamps repaired like new New dock of Ford honeycomb radiator OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB WORKS. 1D1 Cumins St Omaha. No ibn SALE A good t-passenger 8tudebakei car. In good repair; good reason for eel), in. Address E. E. Zimmerman, ear N Y. Llfs las. Co.. R. 127. Lmaha National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 127. Lav word If I am not there. ONE Packard chassis. 1350; 1 Peerless truck with body, 1460. Both machine In ' good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO., Prsd C. Rcgera, Mgr. 1407-21 Cpitol . BARGAIN8 IN USED CARS All make Wltb and without (tartar. 21 to pick from Pbon D 1241 or call at lil( Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. , OLDSMOBILB SEDAN PRACTICALLT NEW OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA CAR AT WEBSTER 1282. QUALITY USRD CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. HUPP 22. good condition, for aale cheap. Hsrney 48. - FOR SALE At a bargain Reo three quarter tot) truck used par time for eight month ana in gona condition.' aaar, Bni Y. (12. Omh Be - FOR SALE OH TRADE (0 b. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, blgb ped and power, Will accept Ford In AI condition aa part payment A bargain. B. B. Frank. Route 7A. Benen. Nen USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 8TANDARD MOTOR CAr. CO. 2020 Farnam at.. Omaha. Neb. BUICK Roadster Model C- four-cylinder. run 1.000 mile In first-class condition, Can be seen at Davenport garage, C. I Smith, MorrT Apartment. ' all dolled up with extra, Including wire wheels. Fhone Webster 1330. Address 8517 North lth St. METZ touring car. In good running order, 1011 model. Will demonstrate and sell cheap. 2302 Cuming street. GRANT BIX. t-pasaenger touring, driven only 8,000 mile at a bargain. Barnum Smith, 2122 Cuming St. OAKLAND, Sensible Six MARSH OAKLAND CO, : 2300 Farnam Bt -WE ARB TUB USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1810 Farnam Bt Douirles (070 WANTEDFOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS, quick action; no delay Auto Ex nhsne Co.. toil Farnam t Doug, (031. UK' FORD touring, nearly new, Yale lock, speedometer, shock absorber. Tyler 721 or. .Webster 1480. - Bargains in used car ' ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40lh and Farnam, Hsrny 414 GOOD USED CARS. OUT L. 8MITH. Kth and Farnsm 81 Dnugla 1(70. MAXWELL roadster, 11( model, fully quipped; extra tire and tubea Call Har ney 7104 after ( p. m. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson.' Ford Agents D. 1(00. MEEKS AUTO CAR USED CAR BARGAINS -2028 FARNAM BT DOUGLAS 1211. FOR SALE On new 2-ton Indiana 'truck. model1 D. Price 12,400. Oplts Motor Co., Clarlnda, la. WILL sacrifice Hudson 23 roadster; moat any reasonable offer Tyler 72. FOR SALE New Tyler 2407 W 1211 model Ford. Call Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED KM or ' 1117 Packard. Peerless. Wlnton. Btuts, Locomobile or similar car. In , good hap. at bargain Addree Box f (21, Omaha Bee A -to Livery and Garajes. RENT A FARD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 16o a mile, 16a per hour minimum charge ' Sunday snd holiday. (Oo per boar. FORD LIVERY CO., Dnuslss 1(11 1114 Howard Bt Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO, Anything electrical about your suto. IK B Kth Bt Douais 14X1. Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THEY LASTS 10x1 16.60' 31x4.... I 80x3 .87. 00 11x4 II. (0 22x8 H 1.00 14x1 11.00 Otber sixes up to 17x6. Tires shipped subject to sxamlnatlos an deposit sf on dollar-. ' Omaha Radiator & Tire Works. 1814 Cuming St. Tvler 91 Omaha. NEW TIRES AND TUBES ON SALE. Ford tUbe...,.l2.SS!32x2Vi ........315.76 30x1 105!33x4 123.43 20x2 113 26134x4. non-skid, 124.71 Firestone, McOraw, Rnpubllc, Congress. Leo Pullmsn, Flak. Send for circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 171 Cuming. REAL bargains lu slightly used. tires: new tires at very low" prices G and O Tire Co.. 1411 Leavenworth at. Tyler 1261.W BRAND new tires and tubes at "i to 40 . per cent oft list price. Send for our pries list. - j - V '' OMAHA CUT RATE. TIRB CO., Doug. till. 110 8. lh St. 'HRES AT HALF-PRICE. Write u tor particular. - Agent wanted. 2-tn-l VULCANIZING CO. 1611 Davenport. Phone D. 1241. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles Powell Sup olv Cn SnSI Farnem P- Service Stations' AUTO.MOL1LE ' electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Co. lurabia 8torag Batteries. Edwarda. 2611 No Kth. Webster lint. . ' MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. BAKU Y-DAV1USON MOTORCYCLES , Bargains In .used mschlnea Victor H Roe, the tiotorcyrl Men. SItb snd rrworth PEKSQNAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial Homes ao. Helta your eld clothing, furniture, tnsga. . sines. We collect. W distribute. Pbone ,Doug (136 and our wsgoh will caa Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1113-1114 Hnowe street v . . , MEDICAL KUPTUKH succesafuliv treated without a urglrsl operston Cll or writ. Dr Frank U, Wray. (ul Bse Bldg. ' - SITUATION WANTED. A MARRIED man with a family who has bad 10 years' experience an office man and bookkeeper, deaires position. Address T,((3, Omaha Bee. Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na (lonai cleaning ana tteivic company, l(ut Leavenworth Stl Harney (013. 8ti Har Femal emale. WANT amall ibildren to care for by day or week, price reasonable. Dougls 7092. PRACTICAL nursing. T Doctor references. Web. 6040. WANTED A position filing-. Harney -(023. Laundry snd Day Work. GOOD laundroa waul day work. Webster 6804. DAY work,1 cleaning and Ironing. Call Col fax 1211, morning or evenings. BUNDLE and family washing; call and d liver waL (061. WANTED Bundle waahlng. Call Webster 1871 BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and " deliver Web. 4281. REL. col. woman wants day work. W. t91. BUNDLE washings wanted Tel Rd Hi.T DAY work wanted Call after I. .Web. 4426 LAUN.HRY work by the hour Webster 106 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar Har 1120 BUNDLE waahlng wanted.,' Webster 1222. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2261 COL. lady wants day work. -Web.. 2174. BUNDLE washlnaa tn take home Web. 1391 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices BOOKKEEPERS, 1 1 36, 1126. 1100, 90. 385 otenog, tin; uince Clerks, xiuo, 130, ssa; packer, (to; snipper,' (66; stock Clerk, 180, 190. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat Bk. WANTED Good roan for grocery clerk good wages. Apply to George Strtlbln of Seventh snd Pierce atreet WANTED Registered druggist, reference required. Barley Drug company, Lincoln, Neb. FOR bank positions see the Walters Co., 1434 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 480. WANTED Reglafered or unregistered drug clerk. Box Y (S3. Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED EXPERIENCED FLOUR PACKERS $6.00 for 12 hours. Steady Work. OMAHA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY QM AHA, NEB. SHIP WORKERS; STEADT WORK, LONG JOB; COME, 'DON'T WRITE; RIVET ERS, HOLDERS ON HEATERS. STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS, BOILER MAKERS; BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT; BEST PLACE TO LIVE; THE METRO POLITAN DISTRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM . WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOME SURROUNDING8. APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD, PORT NEWARK, N. J. , ' WE' NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ' Apply In person to the superintendent of ; , trans portation second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED ' Exerts Handlers Driver snd Chauffeur. Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. ... Apply Union or Burlington 8tatlos office WANTED Experienced help tn the shoe de partment; permanent position, good salary; apply Mr. Singer, Brandels Stores. WANTED BUSHELMAN x TAILORS AND PRESSER3. ; V GOOD WAGES AND STEADT WORK. DRESHER BROS., 121T FARNAM. . EXPERIENCED CAR WASHER.' DUNPEE GARAGE, ' ''. " 4111 DODGE ST. WANTED Machinists and toolmakers for United States government contract work with Ford Motor Company. Detroit Only ftrt-clas -mechanics now engaged tn essential war work need apply. Ford Mo tor Company, 16th and burning or United Statea Labor Bureau, Basement Douglas County Court House. -: WANTED Can ;ive steady employmentsto a man capable of- taking charge 01 men tenaion line design, construction and main tenance. Man familiar wltb hydroelectric power preferred. Addrea vBox T 168, Omaha Bee, JVANTED Good general blacksmith, beat 01 wages. FRED HEAVERIN. Bloomfleld, Neb. . DRUG CLERK WANTEDr Hour and aal- ary right; permanent Attebery uroe., Morrill. Neb. ' WANTED A man to do electric power lln building and ropalr'work. Address Y.-66.. Omaha Bea. . WANTED Steam engineer and firemen. Steady Job, nine and 10-hour shift. Ap ply Nebraska Electric Co., Crelfrhton, Neb. WANTED-VOne porter and four bell boy. Apply sanford Hotel. - . WANTED Upholsterer for furnlture de partment Row 414HS- Bee, - Salesmen and .Solicitors. MEN WANTED At ONCE. ' For house-to-house canvassing; , salea not required. Call South 2340 and ask for soap dep't TRAVELING salesman, staple commodity; ana expenses, v WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Soiicitois. WAX'i'ED One prescriptlunist snd "one counter salesman. Apply General Office, 2d Floor, 19th en! I'arnam, Bberman A MeConnell Drug Co. Boys. WANTED Colored boy between It snd M years of age to assist with Janitor work. Must be clean and an hoscst bo. . LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO, , ' 12th and Davenport. . WANTED TWO BOYS. One for retail furniture floor and one for wholesale drapery atock room. .Both lead to salesmanship. , ORCHARD-WJlHELM CO., 414 S. 18th St. ERRANT) boy wanted by large electric com- pany: good chances for advancement steady work. Apply 4th floor Electrlo Bldg., USth and Farnam Sts. Nebraska Power company. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk snd case-making. Frellng 4 Stetnle. 1101 Farnam Bt MORNING carrier wanted Dundee routea for Omaha Bet.. Apply Walnut Station, 40th and Cuming. WANTED Errand boy wKh bicycle; good wage and chance for advancement Call Douglaa 7474. M. F Shafer A Co WANTED A 16- ear-old boy after chool hours. Harvard Pharmacy. Doug. leg. DELIVERY bay wanted. 1714 Farnam st Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Experienced auto truck dellv airman. Apply Cudahy Pkg. Co., 14th . and Jones Sts. Miscellaneous WANTED Laborers or bandy men, steady employment; good pay; no time lost on account of weather or materials OMAHA GAS CO.. 20th and Center. MEN WANTED To unload bay ' Apply to timekeeper. I UNION 8TOCK YARDS South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug 10 Hundred wanted 11.100 year Sample questions free Franklin Ins: tut. Dept ll-F. Rofheeter. N Y WANTED Colored man helper In dry cleaning room. DRESHER BROS., 2217 Farnam. U. S. CO-OPERATIVE Emp. Service, Court house (basement), jso charges, tun men for the sugar beet fields. Good wages. WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American RaHway Express Co 1107 Cap itol ave WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. . BOQCET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1821. HELP WANTED. . Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boy, learn barber trade; big demand, wage while learning, itrtctly modern Call jr write '1402 Dodge 8t Trt-Clty Barber College Phone D 1147 ' - MAN and wife, without children. In private home; chorea, gardening, oooklng and general housework! good wages; per manent place. Apply Box 2261, Omaha Bee. MOLER Barber College wants young men snd ladle to learn tb barter trad. Call or writ for free catalogue. US 8. 14tb m Omaha Neb , J.ELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT civil aervlce examination, Omaha, In September. Government clerk, teacher. Inspectress, research clerk, type writer. Salary 11,206-12.000. Experience unnecessary. women desiring govern ment position write fpr free particulars to J. C Leonard dormer civu service ex, arnloer). 626 Kenols Building, Washing, ton. OFFICE clerk, good beginner, 150-155. Steno. and office clerk, 76-$80. - Ledger clerks, 7I-S0. Stock clerks, 140-160. s s THE MARTI COMPANT, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. - U. S CO-OPERATIVE Emp. Service court - house (basement). No charges. 60 women for essential war work. I bookkeepers, 176 per month. I Burroughs Ridding tnachlSe STENOGRAPHERS, 1100, 1 90. 86, 180. $75; Bookkeepers, 1100, $85, $76; Typist,' $60; P. B. X Operator, $60; Office Clerk, $60. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bk. STENOS., 376-190) bkprs., $85-1100; office clerks, $65-376; typist, $66-16. Co-operative Ref. Co.. 1016 City Nat'l Bk, EXP. bookkeeper and steno. for substitute work, 1 month. 0004 salary.) Sox 2292 Omaha Bee. ' GENERAL office clerk, $60 to $80, depend ing on experience. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n. WANTED Experienced office clerk. Cud- any pag. uo., tstn ana jonee pis. TYPIST, billing clerk, $66. erence A Bond Ass'n. ' Western Ret- FOB bank position ee the Waltera Co., 1424, First Nat l Bank Bldg., Tyler 4o. WANTED Neat, reliable gtrl to answer 'iPhnne and office work. Harney 6012. WANTED An experienced caBhler Apply Washington Mfcrket, 1407 Douglas Bt Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent 'positions., Apply to C. F. LAMBERT,' 1807 Douglas St, WANTED AT tlNCB II experienced power (swing machine operators wa guarantee experienced op ratora will earn 22 ents per bout at piece work. ' Thl guarantee Is given for operator to learn our work snd penae for period of 4 weeks Nice, clean and steady work all the year t ' . ' . t)MAHA AUTO TOP' CO.. , , 701-11 S. ltth St WE WANT OIRS. Experienced operator on power machines, : making shirt Snd overalls. . -1 HIGH WAGES GUARANTEED. PLEASANT SURR0UND1NGSV Working hours from 7:30 "to 6, o'clock ( - week day and noon Saturday. Call any day and let us explain what we have to offer. Ask for Mr. Eden's. ' BTRNE HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., - 9th and Howard Sta. WANTED, WOMEN TO WOR IN FACTORY; GOOD WAGES TO START. GORDON-LAWLESS CX.. EIGHTH AND DODGE. WANTED An experienced girl In tbe wrap- ping department - - ALSO ' -v- v- . gtrl In delivery, shipping sod glov fin ishing department, ' .- , . DRESHER BROS., 2217 Farnam. " - 1 WANTED Experienced film Inspector. Ap ply Metro Picture Corporation.. Ill South ' Thirteenth Bt , ' HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED 8EWING GIRLS." GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. , DRESHER BROS x 2117 FARNAM. WANTED A flrst-cTass counter waiter, lady or man; also a dining room girl. BRUNS WICK RESTAURANT. FREMONT. NEB. Saleswomen and Solicitors. , LADIES WANTED -AT ONCE. For house-to-house canvassing; sales net required. Call South 2310 and ask for soap dep't. Household & Domestic. COifPETENT white BecotLd maid. Refer ences required. Phone Harney 601. Good wages. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. Small family. Call Walnut 3271. WHITE girl for general housework, three In family. Mr. A. H. Walsh, 124 North 50th t Walnut 1461. COMPETENT white girl forgeneraf house work, no laundry; references; best wages. 6126 Burt St. Walnut 238. WANTED Experienced cook. References . required. Mr. L. F. Crofoot, 123 a 39th St EXPERIENCED second maid wanted In family of three, references. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. Harney 4760. WANTED A girl to assist wltb bouse work and children. Harney 1342. WANTED A competent cook. Good wages Apply Mr O Storx. 8708 Farnam St WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 408 N. 39th St., Har. 6033. Hotels and Festaurants WANTED Chambermaid at Brown Apia.. 508 N. 21st St. Red 196 WANTED Experienced waitresses; good pay. 314 south 16th St. WHITE Janltreaa, morning and evening work. (32.50 per month. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY. 205 South 18th 8t JANITRESS wanted. 640 First Nat'l, Bank Bid.: colored need not anply' Miscellaneous. TEACHER of piano will give lessons to dressmaker In exchange for sewing. Har ney 69RS. EDUCATIONAL. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women: hours 1:20 to 1, permitting afternoon employment rooms open for study from 8 to 4:30 ex cept Saturdays; enter any Monday morn Ing. Evening schbol for men and women reopens September 3; sessions Tuesdays and Fridays from 6:15 to 9:15. Enter any Tuesday evening . Tbe government and all employers need many thousands of office workers educated women and men hot eligible for other forms of government employment must respond to tbe call at once; do not think ACT. f ' Second floor Omaha National . Bank . building, Douglas 6890, Omaha Neb. FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE! DAY SCHOOL. SEPTEMBER 3 NIGHT SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 4 Intensive training for office worker. Courses In bookkeeping, shorthand, steno- typy, typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, comptometry, machine book keeping and all Encllsh branches. Cata logue free. S l. Telephone Dougla 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter course -Easily learned. No books Free, catalog National Auto School. 2814 North 20tb St Omaha. Nebraska FOR RENT-ROOMS. SEPTEMBER 15 Furnished room In prl vate home In Dundee; on car line. d dress Box 2278, Omaha Bee. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern rooma tor men only 12.10 per week Sunshine Apartment.' (Oe N I7tb St J B Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg Douglas X097 MODERN - furnished room, permanent or transient, including largo front room suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge. TWO furnished rooms within walking dis tance to gentleman of ' good character. Red 6272. NICELY furnished rooms In private modern home, one qiock to car, weoster 47i. LARGE beautiful furnished room near car. Harney 1913. , ' GRAND HOTEL 520 a 13th, new manage ment, nice, clean rooms, 12 up a week. Board and Room; WANTED Board and room In refined prl vate modern home, walking distance from oowntown, oy woman empioyea. neier ence exchanged. Box 6039, Omaha Bee Hotels COOL rooma, 12 week: also apartments wltb kitchenettes, osden hotel rn R'nrrs Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms In Crelghton Block. 16tb and Douglas Sta D 5342 WORLD REALTY CO ROOMS wanted: GENTLEMAN wishes room with' prlvats family. Place where dog may ne sept. References exchanged. Box 2140. Omaha FOR REN'l-HOUSES. West. STRICTLY modern five-room v bungalow. furnished or unfurnished, adults; 806 North 49th. Flat 2305 Leavenworth, t rms., 120.00 2668 Douglaa, rooming house, 131.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 664. -ROOM, hot water heat, all modern. 118 S. 84th St. Call .Harney 963 2927 Franklin; ( rro partly modern. Ill OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASS'N. North. (-room modern bouse'; oak finish, elec trlo lights, furnace; strictly first class condition and neighborhood. 1817 North 24th St 125. Open. 120.004 ROOMS and bath, store with helving and parn, corner stn ana cum ins. Tebbens, (06 Omaha National Bank. FOUR-ROOM -bouse, 1403. Ohio St, 19.00. N. P. Dodge & Co., Realtor,- 15th A Har ney Sts. WILL rent for board, dandy furnished 7 room cottage, new piano. .North. Phone" evenings. Colfax 2898. - v ROOM cottage, has gas, water, and toilet; in good repair, nu.uu ztus oewara st. Red 682. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, 2237 North 19th st. Call Webster 3678. 7-ROOM house, hot water beat adulti only. Harney 2049. 7-ROOM modern bouse, entirely new. Titus Ave. Tel. D. 126. 3740 FOUR-ROOMtungalow, gas, electric lights and bath. '1814 Miami. Phone Web. 2680. Miscellaneous. 1143 8. 82d, 7 hub., $30.. 1859 California St., 8 rm., $30. N- ' ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., Tyler 1536.- - 333 Securtitles Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CREIGH SONS CO.. BEEBLDG LIBT vour property for rent or sals FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Real!,;-. Tvler 71 vitb 'hon-'n Rentels Onu;i 422 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West.- , FOR RENT (room brick., all modern, nice neigh borhood, good furnace, located at 1717 Park avenue, fronting park. v -T RAVER BROS. 0. Doug. 6881, ' ' 819 1st Nat Bank Bidg HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof, fine lawn and , flowers; best location; 24tb and Farnam Prices reasonable Call D 1471 T12ARD Palace block, centrally located. I e i.mnn .nta: also 4-roora flat Superb V AddIv tint N 23d Phone Red 4231 North 1-ROOM and bath, second floor, steam heated. $11 and $21.61., 1121 Maple St Red (82. ' South J ROOMS 16 and 17. 709 Seuth 27th, $(. Room I, 701 South 17th. 14. N. P. Dodge, .Realtors, Kth and Harney Bt. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. . J Miscellaneous Large atore, 2421umlng 8t SO OS. Large atore, 2431 Burning St 10.09 8mall store, 70S & 37th St 16 00 8mall atore, 709 8. 27th St 100 Small store, 711 So. 27th St 10.00 N. P. Dodge A Co.. Realtors, 15th A Harney.. 4923. Webster St, modern $23.5C l-rm, mod, flat,, 408N. I'Sd St.... 30.00 1-rm. mod. flat, 2302, Cas St......26.?0 4-rm.. 167 No. 26th St., 1st floor... 1.00 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment mansgement. FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk loom ATTRACTIVE officea at reasonable rentals tn the Bee .building, wher aervlce la REAL. Keystone Inv. Co, Tyler 111. Garages & Barns. GARAGES. -Small garage near 24 th and Cas St. 14. N. P. Dodge ft 0sT, Realtor 15th A Har ney St. - Miscellaneous WOULD like to hear from local merchants anywhere In Nebraska who have room to atore a few sample pianos and player piano. Address M. F. Klrkbrlde, 130$ 8. !8th St., Omaha. Neb WANTED TO RENT. . BIG SNAP 40x66 with'9-room house, on 24th jusl south' of Leavenworth, only $1,800. tfOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM BT. Unfurnished Apartments anr Houses SMALL heated apartrnVnt or two or three' unfurnsbed rooms with batb. by small r smalt Address ram 11; Close in or on car Una. Box Y 659. Omaha Bee. - WANTED Young lady went furnished room In West Farnam district, near S2d, September I. Box 10. Omaha Be. Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO 16TH AND JACKSON t DOUG lit. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. - REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS - . J. CREED Ed 1207 Farnam St Web 9741: Douglas 14S. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE . Separate locked room for household good and pianos: moving, packing snd shipping . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80S 8 Kth Dougls 41(. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real aervlce tn moving, packing and etorlng call Tvler lln or Douglas 4121. . OMAHA EXPRESS CO. uARGB moving van; careful men. Pur nlture pack,, (toraga. 1417 Chicago. D 1154 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. CLOSE In 8-room modern, with largt lot at a bargain. Gallagher A Nelson, Douula 8382. NEW up-to-date 7 rooms, oak finish, large lot, fine location; price fjS.250; terms. 6131 N. 24th St. Norrls & Norrls. D. 4270. West NORTHWEST BARGAIN. DANDY MODERN COTTAGE. v Five rooms and bath all on one floor, oak finish, neatly decorated, strictly mod. ern, only one year old. Nice corner lot Owner transferred to Detroit - Price only $3,000; 8500 down and $25 per month. , OSBORNE REALTY CO.. ' 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 491 i . FOR QUICK SALE. 7-room modern house In Berols park, 1420 Hawthorne Ave. Price $3,800. . 2020 N. 60TH ST. Brand new 4-room bungalow, 1-3 sera. Easy terms, cement walks to car. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Dougla 1016. 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee. 1307 N. 60tB Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement, $2,400. Month ly payments. Phone Walnut 1920. LOT with all Improvements, an paved street; good district; $395 to $496; $6 down; $5 per month. Douglas 6074-.' -ROOM dwelling with store room attached; amall barn. Walnut 824. 6-ROOM cottage, good repair, Clifton Hill. vy owner, wai. 1723. North MILLER PARK SPECIAL. BUILT BY OWNER FOR HOME. Seven rooms and bath; oak finished an! oak floors throughout; fireplace; ' book cases; buffet; 'Bleeping porch; full brick foundation; laundry tubs, etc.; about $2,000 necessary to handle; tbl is post, tlvely a snap. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg Tyler- 491, KOUNTZB Placa Bungalow,' I rooma oak nnisti ana floors, beamed celling and built-in feature. All modern. A fin home In a fine location. Owner leaving city, must sell by Oct., 1, . Phono Web.' 6130. Address 3617 No. 19th St i $200 DOWN, $18 A MONTH Just listed a 4-rom house, partly mod ern, near 84th-and Parker. Quit paying rent and buy yourself a home. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, Realtors. " - 637 Omaha Natl Bk. Bldg. T. 1781. 7-ROOM modern house, - at 4303 Burdett St., corner lot 50120,-for $2,600. W. H. GATES, (47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1214. 6-Hooil new stucco, mouern house, Dundee. 1307 N. 60tb Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement $2,400. Month ly payments. Phone Walnut 1120. s YOUNG & DOHERTY, ' . ' REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 121 BRANDEIS THEATER. DO. 7t UiNNE LUSA honves and lots offer tb best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. South. FIELD Club District, 7-r. modern house) garage; lot 70x1(5; price $4,260. C A. Grlmmel. Phona Dougla 1615. EIGHT -room, suitable for rooming house. 2037 Harney St. $40, . J. H. DUMONT CO., - 416-418 Keellne Bldg.-Phono Dougla (91, BIG SNAP. 40x6$ with 9-room house, on 14th Just south of Leavenworth, only $1,800. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM BT. Miscellaneous. . BARGAIN Cottage, six room down snd three room apd bath up; not new but In fin shape; Fine neighborhood, a find at $3,600; reasonable terms. BENSON ft CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Blk. Douglas 172). 6-ROOM cottage, two clocks from can full lot, $2,000. Terms. $200 cash, balance $20 per month. v ' l- BENSON & CARMICHAEL, $43 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND KAI.R HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER A SHOT WELL, 202 8. 17th St Oouglas $011. WE sell. rent, incure and make loans "oo city property, north. "MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO, f4th and Ames Col. lit. BARGAINS tn homes. Investment, proper ties and acreage near Omaha. Harrisoa A Morton. 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. W FARNAM 8MITH A CO. Real Eatat and Insurance. J82S Farnam St Dougla .(((. W l WPn SKI. 1.8 Rill ESTATE REAL ESTATE Uuslncss Property, BUSINESS, property snd investments. a r run. a. i s nun.. . 2S First Nation! Bank Bldg, M CAOUE INVESTMENT CO Incomsv Business and Trackage Specialists. Ilth and lodge Sts Douglas 411., WE WfLL bur your home or bualneas prop erty and py cash. , , HA WOLFE CO. Electric Bid Tylsr II. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGK3. TWO beautiful lots lust south of Elmwood; full-six lots, 50x150. To exchange as tint payment with soma cash ea modern bungalow. Address Y-660. Omaha Be. s - OR sale or trad a retail busineea, ne. profits from 14.000 to 16.001 s year; waj tana in cioeesi lnvesugeuon ; goo sons lor selling.- box 7, SI