Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
1 - : jtf"-! '5fc-iwr7' vcwrf-ifzr THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 11)18. Want Ad Kates - iCaab WHO Order ' e 1 pat word ...........each Insertion lu word for tbra consecutive Insertions U per word for eacb additional Insertion Ne td UkM tor tu than toUl of ' 1 or teas than toe par day. CUAB4.E. 9a per nno count words to Una) en tlma Do per Una aaeb tlma, I oocutlv time To par Uaa aacb tlma, 10 oonseeuUvs times SITUATIONS WANTED its par tlna P CARDS OF THANKS AJiD . rT'NERAl NOTICES. ' ' 10a par Una ........ . roearuon (Minimum Cbsrga, SO Cents.) Contract Bataa Os Application. For convenience of advartlaara want ada will ba accepted at tna louowing u.. wain omcs r,;-.jB21. !L if Amaa Orfloa Nortb Htk Bt Lake Offlco S618 Norto I4tk. B vmtoa tff!oa 8461 South 1Mb B Park Offle 261S Leavenworth Bt Walnut Offlca 1 North 40tb Bt South Sid l ' Council Bluffa 14 Main BU Nortb THE BEE will not ba reaponalbla for mora tbaa ana Ineorract Inaartlon of an advertise ment ordarad for mora than on tlma. Uaa THB TELEPHONE- It too cannot con veniently brim or aand rour ad to any of tba abo office Aek for a Want Ad Taker and tou will recelv tba aama good anrvloa as wbaa dalivartns Tour ad Is itereon- PHONt ITLEB 1.000. Want Ad Columlia.Cloaa Evening Edmona Morning Editions .....10.00 F ;M undv Edltlona 10 P. M! Saturday Evening FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HUlETTiTEPEN Plooter ruoaral Olractora 7t Bo. lth 81 Phona Doug, 121S. ' HOFFMANN FUNERAL BOMB Hoffmann quality aarvlca. ooata I, tlth and Dodge, Douglas IM. ""STACK & FALCONER inrt.iH.ndam Undertakere. Sid A Far H 400 UNDERTAKERS and lloeneed ambalmirai etf prlvata ambulance. Call Wabatar 41 Willis C. Croat. 1511 N S4lb Bt fcTTI DODDER CO.. Funeral Dlraotore. f. U raro. Mgr.. Sid and Cuming BU Phona Douglaa 071 Auto ambulance. JOHN A GENTLEMAN. undarUkar and embelmer. 4II rernam Bt Harney 108. FLORISTS. Fontenell ITInrlata. LEE L. LARMON 1J14 Douglaa Bt Douglaa S244. 57DONAGHUE u32S;t. Flower shipped everywhere. Eip. prapald, BATH Caraful FlorUt, 1804 rarnam St. hlf!SL!LJ?lSII!SJ? P., in1 mi ' MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offara aympathatlo ssrvlce Is auddan sorrow; perpetual carat no asaeae menta; lota on easy term. Phona Wal. ISO. THE largest display of monumanta la tha United Btetea FRANK BVUBUDA. mo 86 8 13th Phone Douglaa i7S-68l CARD OF THANKS. WIS wish to extend our slnoerest lhanka to our many Irlenda for Jholr klmlnjs and sympathy ahown during tha loath of our baloved brother; also for ma many beautiful floral offering!, ' HTBVB ABARIOTB8 ' GUST ABARIOTES 1 WISH U extend my alnrereit thanka to my many frlenda for their klndnea and aympathy ahown during the death of 1'iy beloved brother; alao for tha many beau tiful floral offering!. UKORflK BELKTOS. ATTRACTIONS. bKWARD county fair, Sept. 17, II, 10, SO; 4th annual fair; big program. Concea alona for aale. Writ, wlra or aea H. D. lndl. Suiit. eonceenlona, Reward, Neb. SPECIAL NOTICES . v DENTISTRY. Tha Infirmary ot Crelghlon unlvra(ty college ot dentlatry will reopen on 8ep tember l. All klnda of dental votit dona . ''tinder careful aupervtalon ol tha profea aora. Kxtractlona free. Chlldran'a taatk etralghtened. 210 South Htk Bt THE West Farnam Dancing Club will glva daoeea every Saturday at Keep Dancing ' Academy,' !4!4 Farnam. Scholars and patrona who wish Invitations, inquire at Academy or phona Douglaa 7150. NOTICE I will not ba reaponsfbla for any debta contracted other than by myself. J. A Mcrsrty. LOSTFOUNDREWARDS. OMAUA'ak COUNCIL BLUFFS BTRKBlf l.AILWAT COMPAsMT. Persona bavlng loat soma artioiaa would do wall to call up the office ot tha Omaha m Council Blutfa Street Railway, company to ascertain whether (bay left It to tba " ejtreet car. Many article aack day are turned In and tba company la anxloua to reatore them to tha rightful ownera. LUST Between Logan, la., and Omaha Thursday, August SOth, an automobile taxing, alxa 0x37, with new black tlra cover. - Suitable reward It returned to Flat Iron Oarage, Omaha, LOST Thursday hight from automobile. Mack obleng hand purse. Reward, Call '' Colfax MO. - LOST Coat, between, Missouri , Valley and Omaha. Please notify It. 1). Dolln. SH FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. house furnishings and furniture . IN MIO SEPTEMBER SALE, The fll months suggest "coslfylng" your home. A new rug, a new dreaaer, new stove or range, beapeaka mora pleaa ant surroundings. For Use money than eleaewhere, the State Furniture Co., 14th 1 and Dodge sireeta, will aupply your needs. - Our September bargains should attract you. We make a apeclalty of complete home outfits, also hotels and rooming - Iiouses. Railroad farea refunded to out-of town buyers within 60 milea of Omaba on pmchasea ot 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO.. . 14th and Dodge Sta, opposite U. P. Wdp. FURNITURE 4t HARDWARE BARGAINS. - Beda, apriaga, matircaaea, draaaera. cbil- foniera, tables, cbalra, cblna and kitchen oablneta, ruga and linoleum, trupka and auu caaea. gaa atovaa and lea boieo, full Una aoreea wire, poultry netting, gardes toon 1020-47 Nortb Ittb Bt let web l7 Open till 0 p. m. iOIt SALE Furniture aud uiideriaklng. wall paper, ate. Invoice about I7.0oo.ei). . f-alr-s Jan. 1 to July.l. 111.000.00. Brick building, two atory, cemented basement, apartmenta on aecond tloer. Cheap rent. Mill eland closest Investigation, It. W, i : alotea, Axtell. Kan. ' ACTUAL TRUTH . FOR , BARGAINS Full Una of furniture, gaa and coal oil atovaa, ruga, baby carrtagea. trunka, eta Loyal Furn Co.. tta N ltu 1UK tALE Braisd new French Wilton rug, til by 10x0. several small rilrn and nor. tier drapery. Call Colfax 80tS. ' COMPLETE household furnishings for aale, : all first claa. SOU. Lincoln Blvd. liar ney 1481. - ' ' 1UR SALE CompleU furnUthinga of 2 room apartment, new and priced reason able. Apartment 20, Angelua Apt. , 1VEKS As POND piauo, walnut caae, first claaa condition. Harney 1704. Pianos & Musical Instruments. l. HOSPS CO.. 161 Douglaa. bava plaova to rant at 83.60 pel south, or will aell oa easy terma Typewriter and Supplies. OU& EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART :'.;;,:'." MENT.- - ..... la tba largest of Ita kind in the weat '.Tod can-always find juat what you want - bar. Wa buy, aell, rent, repair and ex change typewriter ot every , kind. Es tablished nearly Id years. , '. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. In - ' ;".' 1906 Farnam. - ' TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. - . - THE W. i. LONOlCOMPANr. . 1916 Farnam. Tel. D. S9. UNE -columu Barrougba Adding machine for, aala at a bargain. " 1 1 190S FARNAM BT.! ' 'fi'PH WRITERS . sold, rented and repaired. Kent an Oliver 3 tncntha for 86. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1906 Farnam. ADDING iMACHlNls, all makes bought rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1906 FARNAM ST. V. n BUY. aell or axebasga typewrltars: guar, typewriters S10 and up. Write for V Lac -Midland Typewriter Co., 14H Dodge. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. aell and make daka. aafea. ebow eaeea. ibelelog. eta Omaha Flxtura A Sup ply Co llth and Douglaa D 714 OFFICE furniture, aettee, ball aafe. deka. chair and filing caeea. 119 vet ag.. Doug. 04. FOR BALE Meat lea box, txS; cheap. 4J0 Bo. HSIh St. new; aell Dairy Products FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beat of cream; etrtctly fraab agga; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South Sll or Tyler 80 Warner'a Sewing Machine. SEWING MACHINES . Wa rent repair, aell naedlea and paru ot ail aewlng machlnea MICK ELS. v NEBRASKA CTCLB CO., i tSth and Harnee 8W Doug ll. Miscellaneous ART TREASURES, DIAMONDS AND ANTIQUE JEWELRY. I am Instructed by tba court to offer privately for aala tha valuable palntlnga, Diamonda and antique Jewelry belonging to tha en tale of tha lata Carrie E, rtamge. Interview by appointment. - LTSLB I. ABBOTT, Executor, Sit McCagfc Block, City. . FOR SALE. v 1 Single white bed with matin? for aale; cheap. 3183 Larlmore Ave. Phone Colfax 4010. GEE the National Capitol. A aelected a. t of SS beautiful postcard vlewa aent poet paid for Sia, National Capitol Souvenir Co., D-3, P. O. Box Wafblngton. D. C THREE ataka wagona, alio three beer roll wagom, Latter can, at little expense, be converted Into platform wagons. All well built Offered at bargain prices. Scblitz Omaha Co., 710 8o. 0th St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera ateami-d. renovated and made up In oew feather ' proof tlrklnc 1007 Cuming Doug 1407 IK) W1L.I, place a IMy Vacuum Cleaner In jour home. DemoriMrsllon free. Fbone 'Webster 1001, fr appointment. I AMKIUCAN tool wks. shaper, 16-ln,; I 15-lb. power hamnur, fine ahape. Tell A Hlnkky, I3U Harney St. 0 HHABKH North American Hotel Company atock for sale cheap. Make off'-r. V. A. Bullork. SOU Farnam HI., Oma ha. STOCK Pattun's Bun-l'rouf paints, small aixes. Will aell cheap. 302 Cuming St. at Wlemer'a store. LlJAVINU tba city at once. Compelled lo aell piano. Calf Bouth 1887. DRUU BTORE wall ehelvlnu for salo. Street Pharmacy, So. Side, Bouth COLT'S revolver, .30 caliber apeclul, new. 110.00. 4111 No. J4th St. Colfax 034. A NEW but ued gaa stove; also guod leu box; cbi"p Address 700 North th. HIGH achool ta.let suit flisl-cluea condi tion: cheap, Webster 6309L SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL trade two-ton truck tor pleasurn csr. Graham Bros. Bales Co., SOU Farnuin, Omaha, Neb. CONN FRENCH HORN, F. V. and E-fat, for aala or trade. It. W. Barber, Ma nilla. I. ' Victor and Columbia Phonograph Records. "Want to awap even for others. Box b. C. 466, Omeba, Dee. WANTED TO BUY. WANT TO BUY STRAINED HONEY Want to buy quantity of pura tralnd honey; quote quality and price. Addresa Box 4734,Omaha Bee. JENKINS baa juat returned and will give you tba aamo good aervico that ba gave In tha paat Help win tba war. Bell your old clothes, alioea. ruga, toola. trunka and buy W a S Will call. Rea. D. S032, offlcf D. 0144. WANTED TO BUY One 25 K. W, gener ator, direct current Alao three motors, one 10-horee, 4 or 8 horse voltage, same as generator. Must be priced at a bar gain. Glatfelter & Powell, Central City, DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; uaed desks bought sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1301 Farnam. D. 0140 WANTED to buy a pair ot ferrota. Box tit, ski, stato price. ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Aoadeiny. 2424 Farnam; rlasa and danca every Monday and Thura. day; learn to danca for SO. where learn ing la a pleaaura. Phone Douglaa 7050. Accordeen Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttona, all aixea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let out work, button holes, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., S00-SOS Brown Bldg. Phone Do tie;. 1030 HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS, O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. IS0-T Paxton Block. Phona Doug. SI 00. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY K.UH.'' THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY wlU baul everything for. you. Packagea Iraa than 10 lbs.. eena Douglaa 740S. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto louring tenta and camping aupplle SCOTT-OMAHA TENT 4k AWNINO CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO. S7th and Martha Sts.. Omaha Nab. Brans, bronss, aluminum and machine gray Iron eaatinga Billiard Tables. PRIVATE table for partlea at Holmes' Chiropractors. Dr. J. 0. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 41. SFINQORAFh. Dr. Edwa rds. S4th, FarnanT Costumes. FULL draaa auita for rent 100 N. 16th Bt; . oppoalta Poatotrica. John Faldman. Doug laa Sli. - , y i Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. SIS Neville Blk. Bvldanoe secured in all eaeea Tyler 11SS Printing and Office Supplies. Wetere-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 414-16 S. 13th at. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 011 W. O. W. Bldg Taft'a Dental Rms.. 30 Rose Bldg. D. 1116 Film Developing. FILM developed; rolla, 10o; packs. 16o: one-day aarvlca. Kaaa Studio. Neville Blk., 16tb and Harney Dressmaking. ORDERS for exquisite Infant apparel. E. Fllan. Harney 6630. HISS STURDY, dressmaking Doug. 6396 Fixtures and Wiring. TlITPlVTM Electric waabing machlnea. UUIVlVlix .lectrlo Irona and reading I.. . 1. lamps. 1S23 Cuming at iHvuglaa t&lO Jewelry. DIAMONDSrioy' .SS at email profit OROS3. 40S N. :otb St, Osteopaths, f . DR. MABL WESSON. T St60 Rea.. 14 Brandela Bldg 4T4I Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and auld. Inter national Patent Co., 60S Brandela. D. 4601 8TURGES 8TUKOES, U 8. ant foreign patenta and trademarka "S8 Be Bldg Tailors. Dledrlck. P L S16 8 liith Tailor. D. 1438 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 1078 llth D 626 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rertal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monial. Zi&. E. R,'TARRY- 240 Bee Bldg, Omaha; , - Sale. UrOAINS. . 1212 Farnam, SAFES - Darlgtlt Baft Ca. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Wdding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing Douglas Prtntlna To- Tel Douglaa 640 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED a good bualnesa man lo take charge of retail bualnesa with a good aalary and half of net proceeds; -annual profits. S4.000 to S5.000; you handle your own money; will require S3.000 to S4.000 to handle thla proposition. Box 4Sj umtu nee. t-o aw l- n R KMT Juat remodeled from top to bottom. Modern SO-room hotel In good eaat cen tral Nebraska town of 700 population. The only hotel In town. . !f you want a good buslneaa write or better aea ma at once. M. A Larson, Central tuy, FOR BALE A growing abstract bualnesa. Incorporated. Hall County Abatract Co.. urana isiana, nra. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good bualnesa, Reaeon fat quitting, death. Addreae H.. 1410 Charts St., Bt Joseph. MO NEWSPAPER for aale at a bargain, town of S00. Not a dead one. J. U. O.. Orient, la. Care Independent. FORD AGENCY and garage for aale. Na braaka town. V. . Knleat Bee Bldg., Omaha, , AUTOMOBILES. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radlatora repaired and rebuilt: large etock uaed radlatora en band. Maabed fendera and Ism pa repaired Ilka new New slock of Ford honeycomb radlatora OMAHA RADIATOR AND T1RB WORK 8. 1010 Cuming 8t Omaha. Nab OLDS MOBILE SEDAN PRACTICALLY NEW I OWNER 0O1NO TO CALIFORNIA CAR AT WEBSTER 1282. FOR BALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadater. hlgb speed and power. Wih accept Ford In Al condition aa part payment A bargain. & E. Frank Route 6. 75A. Benaon. Neb t FOR SALE A good t-paaaenger Studebaker , car. In good repair; good reaaona for aell Inc. Address E. Fl. Zimmerman, cara N Y. Life Ins. Co.. R. 837. ;)maha National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 037. Leave ' word If I am not there. ' ' ONE Packard chassis, S3&0: 1 Peerleaa truck with body, SI00. Both' machines In good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO.. Feti C. Rogers. Mgr. , 1 407-HI Capitol. WANTED .V Ford roadster body or coupe body In good condition or a 1917-18 Ford roadster or coupe car at reasonable price. Mall description and price to Box 00, Madl.on. Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes With and without atartera, 20 to pick from Phone D. 1241 or call at 1616 Davenport FOR SALE At a bargain. Reo three quarter ton truck uaed part tlma for algbt months and In good condition Addreaa Box T. 113. limitll pea. useo cars And trucks AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 20!0 rarnam si., nmsniu o BU1CK Itoudater Model C-S6, four-cylinder, run 3,000 miles 1n first-class condition. Can bo inn at Davenport garage. C. L. nmltn. .Morn Apnrunrm .uur.iTV itHvri tars. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2106 LsAVKHIVUIlin METIS touring car. In good running order. IS 10 model. Will demonstrate and aell cheap. 2303 Cuming street. GRANT SIX, 6-pwisenger touring, driven only 3,000 miles at a bargain. Barnum Smith, 2122 fuming m.- nik'I.IMn Monalhle RIa. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 3300 Farnam Bt. ' ' WiTaRE THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam 8t Douglaa 0070 WANTED- FOR SPOT CASH. .100 USED CARS, quick action; no delay. Auto Ex c ha nga Co.. ,2050 Farnam at Doug. 6030. BARGAINS In used cara. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 14. OOOD USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH. !6th and Farnam Sta Douglaa 1070. MAXWELL roadater, 11 model.- fully equipped; extra tlrt nd tubea. Call Har ney arir o p. m. BARGAINS IN USED CARS , McCaffrey Motor to. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8800. " MEEKS AUTO CAR. Iisr-.n CAB BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM BT. DOUGLAS 6S0. ONE 19U Ford touring car In best of con dition. Price. 8126 for quick sale, Phona Webster 1021 BARNUM SMITH. 2122 Cuming, used cara nougni, eoiu ana wibiwb. FOR SALE New 1818 model Ford. Call Tyler 2407 W. HUPP 83. good condition, for sale cheap. Harney 40. ' Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 1816 or 1017 Packard. Peerleaa, Wlnton. Stuta, Locomobile or almllar car, lo good ahape, at bargain. Address box I omana pee j Auto Livery andGarasea. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 15o a mile.- 36c pr hour minimum charge Sunday and holidays, too per hour. irnnn i.ivtcnT no.. Douglas 3622. 1114 Howard Bt Starters and Generators Repaired. AllTll gl.KCTRIO SERVICE C). Anything electrical about your auto, 810 S. 10th Bt Douglaa 6486. Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS IN USED TIRE3 WHILB ' THEY LAST; SOxl ....80.60 82x4.... t 8.26 30x3(4 87.00 834. ......... 10.00 S2x3H........ S.00 S4xt 11.00 Other eliee up to S7X6 Tlrea shipped subject to examination on deposit ot one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cumin. St, Tyler 917 Omaha. NEW TIRES AND TUBES ON, SALE. Ford tubea 83S5 32x:; 816.76 30x3 89.96133x4 823.46 3113 ........813 953lx4. non-skid, 834.76 Firestone, McGraw, Republic, Congress, Lea Pullman. Flak. sna for circular. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1731 Cuming. REAL bargains in slightly uaed tires; new tires at very low prlcea, O. and O. Tlra Co.. 2416 Leavenworth at Tyler 1261-W. BRAND new tlrea and tuuea at 26 to 40 per cent off list price. Send for our - pries list OMAHA ' CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Doug.. 2916. , 810 S. 19th St TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Write us for particulars. Agents wslrted. !-ln-l VULCANIZING CO., HIS Davenport. Phone D. 1241. BUY Lea puncture-pronf pneUmatlo tlrea and eliminate your tlrs troubles. Powell Sup Dlv Co 21 Farnam 8 Service Stations AUTOMOLILE electrical repairs; aervlca station for Rayiield carburetors and Co lumbia Storagi Batteries. Edwards, 2616 No 19th. Webater 1105 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES, H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON- MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In used machlnea. Victor H Rooa. tha Motorcycle Man. 2Tlh sod Las nworth PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial Homo ao llclta your old clothing, furniture, maga- tinea We collect We distribute. Phona Doug 4186 and our wsgon will oalL Call and Inspect our oew boroa, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge atreet MEDICAL. RUPTURE aucceaafuily treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs. Or Frank H Wrav. 800 Bee Bldg - SITUATION WANTED. Male. CLERICAL or bookkeeping . position in county aeat town, Nebraska, desired by young married man, classification SB. Best references, I B. 108. Osceola, la. Competent and experienced, bookkeeper and general accountant dealrrg poaltlon. Ex empt irom draft. . Oood references and record. Box 3174. Omaha Bee, WHOLESALE credit man, 36 yeara old, 16 years' Intensive experience la considering rnnnge wun reeponeime firm. All around colored man wanta janitor work. Above draft, experienced. SS0S N. 26th t tleorxe Scott. PAINT, rnriutt aiid paper cleaoliig, the Na ttnnnl Cleenlna and Service company, 2709 Lacnvriu &i. iiaruey I3. SITUATION WANTED. Female. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes clerical or cashier work; buaband. In aervlca. Douglaa 7806. ' WANT small children to cares.tor by day - or week, prices reasonable. Douglaa 7003. PRACTICAL nuraiug. Doctor references. Web. 6040. . Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress would like lo work first of week, "Colored. Webster 1671. DAY work, cleaning and ironing. -Call Col fax 3380, mornings or evenings. BUNDLE and family washing; call and da liver Wat S66S. ' WANTED Bundle washing. Call Webater 1871 BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver Web. 4283. REL. col. woman wanta day work. W. 608. BUNDLE shlngj. wanted Tel Red 7S DAY work , wanted Call after 6. Web. 4426 LAUNDRY work by tba hour Webater 2068. CURTAINS laundered, w k guar. Har 1110 BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1322. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2260. COL, lady wanta day work. Web. S174. BUNDLE washings to take home. Web, 1301. Hotels and Restaurants SITUATION wanted by bakjr. flrOt-clasa on bread or pastry; wishes steady posi tion in bakery or hotel. J., L. Schaefer, room 64, Merchants hotel. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. Bookkeeper, grain, S160. Cost accountant, aalary dependa. Offlca clerk, good at figures, 1115. Stock clerks, 860.76. , Offlca boys, $40-66. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Competent stenographer and clerk by Llva Stock Commission Firm. Oood ' salary to right party. Muat be pneficlent atenograpbor. State ago and experience. Addresa Lock Box 2, South Side Station. BOOKKEEPERS, 8160, 8123, 8116, $100. WATTS REF CO., 1138 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. WANTED Registered or unregistered drug clerk. Box Y 658, Omaha Bee. Piofessions and Trades. HELP SAVE THE CANADIAN CROPS When Our OWN HARVEST Requlrementa Are Completed United States Help Badly Needed. 'Harvest Hands Wanted. Military demanda from a limited popu lation have made such a acarcity of farm help In Canada that the appeal of the Canadian government to the United Btatea government for HELP TO HARVEST THE CANADIAN GRAIN CROP OF ISIS meets with request for all available as sistance to go forward as soon' aa our own crop la aecured. Tha allied armies must ba fed and therefore It la necessary to aava every bit of Uie crop of the continent American and Canadian. Those who respond to thla appeal will get a WARM WELCOME, GOOD WAGES, GOOD BOARD AND FIND COM- FORTABLE HOMES. A card entitling the holder to ft rate of 1 rent per mile from Canadian bound ary polnta to destination and return will : be given to all harvest applicants Every facility will be afforded tor admission into Canada and return to tha United States. ' Information as to wages, railroad rates and routes, may be had from the UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Branchea at Hastings, Lincoln, North Platte or Omaha. SHIP WORKERS; STEADY WORK. LONO JOB; COME. DON'T WRITE; RIVET KR8, HOLDERS ON HEATERS, STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS. BOILER MAKERS; BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT; BEST PLACE TO LIVE; THE METRO S' POLITAN DISTRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOME SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD. PORT NEWARK, N. J. WE NEED "CONDUCTORS AND . MOTORMEN Apply jp person to t'.ie superintendent of trans portation, v second floor, Mtrchants' National Bank Rldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. , 1 . . WANTED ' Express Handlers Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salaries. v AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station offlcs WANTED Can give steady employment to a man capable of taking, charge ot high tension line design, rouatructlon and main tenance. Man familiar with hydroelectric power preferred. Addresa Box T 668, Omaha Bee. WANTED Oood general blacksmith, beat of wages, FRED HEAVERIN, Bloomtteld, Neb. HELP WANTED Factory and toadea; ex perienced battery man; good wages. Uni ted Servtce Co. Telephone D-163B. DRUG CLERK WANTED Houra and aal ary right; permanent. Attebery Brca MorrllL Neb. WANTED A man to do electric power line butOuing and repair work. Addreaa Y-66J. Omaha Bee. WANTED Steam englneera and firemen. Steady Job, nine and 10-hour shifts Ap ply Nebraska Electric Co., Crelghton, Neb. WANTED One porter and four, bell boya. Apply Sanford Hotel, WANTKD Upholsterer tor furniture de partment Bn 4140 Be WANTED Candy maker. Rogers confec tion e ry. 3 4 1 ha a d Fa m a m Ptg FIRST claaa mechanic for general repair ehop. Ford garage. O'Neill. Neb. Salesmen and Solicitor!. Bee. , ; A . . ' WANTED SALESMAN With aoma knowledge of tha alec trio Una, to sell a gpvernment rated aaaenttal In Omaha and vicinity. Stat references, ag snd experience. Box 4303, Omaba THERE isn't another opportunity Ilk oura In Nebraska. Exclusive territory, effect ive -co-operation, careful training. Some thing new. Country work-- Tb war baa greatly Increased the demand for our products. Tba crops In South Dakota are tha beat ever. N. W. Mfg. A Mill. Co.. Aberdeen, 8.-D. WANTED One preacrlptlonist and one counter salesman. Apply Oeneral Office, 2d Floor, 19th and Farnam. Sherman McConnell Drug Ce. . . Agents and Canvasser. WANTED Experienced agents and per atora. Hava several good positions open. Can place experienced men pdrnJ,nt,!'' Writs T. H. Rulllvan. auoertntendent II- llnols Central railroad. Fort Dodge. Ia, stating experience and when you can re port tor aervlca. 1 " ' HELP WANTED MALE Teamsters and Cbaufieurt. STEADY man wanta lob driving Ford truck. Web. 1311. Boyt. BOYS WANTED BY BURGESS-NASH CO. Various places open for boys that In tend going to Commercial High achool and wish to earn extra money by work ing after school. Apply Supt Balcony. BOYS WANTED. OVER 16 YEARS OF AOS. APPLY TO MANAGER SKIN NER MFG. -CO.. 14TH AND JACK BOX - MORNING carriers wanted Dundee routes for Omaha Bou Apply Walnut Station. 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and caae-maklng. Frellng Stelnle. 1S03 Farnam Bt DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam at. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Second cook; also fry cook. Ap ply to rhef. Blaeketone Hotet ' Miscellaneous 1 MEN WANTED for various kinds ot work. A few posi tions open are In the men's furnishings, carpets, draperies, warehouse. Apply superintendent balcony, Burgess-Nash Co. OILERS wanted at once; ateady work; eight houra a day; large power atation. Ex perience preferred but not absolutely ne cessary. Chancea for advancement Ap ply at Nebraska Power company power station, 4th and Leavenworth Streeta. MEN WANTED To unload hay Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS, South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug 10 Hundreds wanted. 81.100 year Sample questions free Franklin Insti tute. Dept 28-F. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Stablemen at once. Apply to , American Railway Expreaa Co.. 1107 Cap Hoi ava WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. ' BOQUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1829. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys, team barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; atrtctly modern. Call or write 140S Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College Phone D SI 47 MOLER Barber College wanta young men snd ladlea to learn tb barber trade Call or write tor freo catalogue. 110 8 Mtb Rt Omaha. Neb Janitor and maid. Experienced. Living room furnished. ' 2106 Chicago street. Tyler 2607. " HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS ATTENTION I If you want a position In a clean, light and airy office beautifully furnished and centrally located, call and sea us todsy. Ws need a stenographer at once. Muat be experienced and capable. Fbona Tyler 480 for appointment The Charles E. Waltera Company, Bank Stocks. 1424 First National Bank Bldg, GOVERNMENT civil aervlca examinations, Omaha, In September. Government clerk, teacher, Inspectresa. research clerk, type writer. Salary 81.200-82.000. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring govern ment positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former civil service ex aminer), 626 Kenola Building. Washing ton. WANTED IS to 20 Young and middle aged women as cash iers and Inspectors to taks the placea left vacant by young women returning to school. BURGESS-NASH CO.' Apply Supt. Balcony. THOSE wishing to prepare themselves for competent stenographers In tba shortest tlma possible should taks advantage of our special twelve weeks' course. Night classes open soon. Webster 3406. U. 8. CO-OPERTIVE EMP. SERVICE, baae tnent court house no charges, 10 stenographers 865-8100. 8 bookkeepers 876-8100. 6 chemists 8100 USE the Marti Service lu securing a high class commercial position. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, 8106. Typist, 876. F. B. X. operator. 860. Office clerks, 860. 865. Co-operative Ref. Co.. 1015 Cltv Nafl Bk. STENOGRAPHERS. 8100, 895, 800, 886, 875. 866. WATTS REF. CO.. 113S 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. OFFICE clerk, good at figures, 160. Westers Kererenee It Bond As.-, n. TYPIST, 860. Western Reference & Bond Assn. Professions and Trades. WANTED-Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wa.ges paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. GIRLS Av ANTED NOW. . Must ba 16 years ot aga or over. Good placea for both . experienced and Inex perienced glrla. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 13c Steady work and good wages. Tha mora you learn tba mors .you earn. Apply aecond floor. 1 3th Str and ApI tol Ay. v 1TEN BISCUIT CO.. Snow Whit Bakeries. WANTED AT ONCD : 28 experienced power sewing machln operators. W guarantee experienced op erators will earn SS cents par bour ml plec work. . This guarantee Is glvsa for operators to learn our work and expense for period of weeks Nice, clean and ateady work all tb year OMAHA ACTO T6P CO.. 709-11 S. 16th St WANTED Carpet eewera, experienced pre ferred. ORCUARD-WIUIELU CO., 414-18 south I6th street lA'TK-.rki nl.liu pniinur wt!ar. lariv or man: also a dining room girl. BRCN6- WICK RESTAURANT, FREMONT, NEB. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED. - i WOMEN TO WORK IN FACTORY; GOOD WAGES TO START. GORDON-LAWLESS CO.. EIGHTH AND DODGE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. BURGESS-NASH CO. . HAVE VACANCIES FOR EXPERI- ENCEp SALESWOMEN, aa well aa . a number of refined, educated young wom en without experience. Opportunltlea of fered to establish permanent and well paid positions. Apply superintendent, balcony. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES FOR SKIRTS AND SUITS. APPLY SUP ERINTENDENT,. HATDEN BROS. Household & Domestic. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family, good wagea; no laundry work; private bath. Call Harney 4898 or Tyler 2726. ' WANTED Cook In family ot three, where - aecond girl Is kept; 810 per week. Ref erences required. Call Walnut 45. WANTED Competent girl to assist with general housework; good home for right party. Walnut 3349. , WANTED Experienced cook. References required, Mrs. L. F. Crotoot, 132 S. 39th St. WANTED Girl for general housework, 3136 Chicago at Mrs. A. P. Tukey. Harney 2176. WANTED A competent cook. Good wages Apply Mrs G Storx. S70S Fsrnsm St WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework Call 3806 North 24th St. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid- for the Warden hotel. Apply In person. S17 N. 16th St N . WANTED Chambermaid at the Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st St. Red 8960. WANTED Experienced waitresses; good pay. 314 South 16th St. Miscellaneous. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS You can find ENJOYABLE and PROFITABLE employment at our Bak ery, packing Hard Bread for OUR SOL DIER BOYS. Apply at once. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT COMPANY, 1STK AND DAVENPORT STS.- WHITE Janltross, morning and evening work, 832.50 fier month. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY. 205 Bouth 18th St. JAN1TRESS wanted, 640 First Nafl. Bank Bldg.; colored need not apply. EDUCATIONAL. t VAN . BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women; hours 8:20 to 1, permitting afternoon employment: rooma open for study from 8 to 4:S0 ex cept Saturdays; enter any Monday morn ing. Evening school for men and women; reopena September S; aeaalona Tuesdays and Fridaya from 6:15 to 9:15. Enter any Tuesday venlng. Tha government and all employers need many thousanda ot office workera; educated women and men not eligible for other forms of government employment must respond to tha call at once; do not think ACT. Second floor Omaha National Bank building. Douglas 6890. Omaha Neb. STUDENTS ARMY TRAINING CORPS AT DOANE COLLEGE. The little city of Crete, with It natural advantages of location, scenery, river, etc., olford.i an Ideal location for a college. Doane college ia fortunate, also. In having a beautiful campus, excellent buildings and equipment particularly In science. 8. A. T. C. Is authorised and there will be a course in wireless as well as regular col lege work In all departments, music, ex- 1 presslon, etc. College opens Septemebr 10. Address Q. H. Scott, Dean of Men, Crete Neb. FAT.T. TERM BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 3 NIGHT SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 4 Intensive training for oftlc workera. Couraea la bookkeeping, shorthand, steno typy, typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, comptometry, machine, book keeping and all English branchea. Cata logue free. t - 1 Telephone Douglaa 1666. isth and Harney Sts. ' Omaha. Neb. "brltim.H AllTfl SCHOOL. Best electrical and aelf-atarter courses. Easily learned. No books. Free catalog. National Auto School. 2814 North 20th St Omaha, Nebraska. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooma. SANITARY modern rooms for men only 82.60 psr wee, cunsnine aparuinaH, v N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 44S Be Bldg Douglaa so7 LOOKING for a rora with kitchen ad joining, pieaaani, 'wiui pnreu i We have tt. van uougias mi. TO PERMANENT party, nice warm room; modern; private noma; umkobi ran uw trlct Harney 1044. TWO nicely furnished rooms, east front and modern, half block to car, reaaonabla. 2613 N. 23d Bt. wen. ias. 3 FURNISHED rooms with laundry; good home 638 X 320 m.. waiarog nisiance, NICELY furnished room; west 'Farnam! private ismiiy; em. wmin GRAND HOTEL 620 & IStb, new manage- ment nice, clean rooma. si tP a wen. NICELY furnished rooma In private modern home, one blocK to car, weoater en LARGE beautiful furnished room near car. Harney 1911. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE housekeeping rooms, modern, pri vets family. 1909 Cass 8t ' Board and Room. AN , at tractive double and single room, good noarn. Harney ena. 2427 BRISTOL at, four or liv unfurnished . rooma Web. SIS. - - Hotels. COOL rooms. SS week; also apartmeeta wltr kitchenette )di bote! C B'uffs Unfurnished Rooma. HEATED rooms in Creighloo Block, 16tb and Douglas Sta, D 6343 WORLD REALTY CO TWO large unfurnished rooma, all modern except heat Call Sunday morning or 'evenings from 4 till S. Webster 2397. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of service 641 S. 34th 8t Call Douglaa 16SS - 205 SO, 26TH AVE. Apartment No. 7. Pleasant room In private family. Ladles only. ... FOR RENT-FURNISHED. Houses. MY homo, on west Harney of S rooms, modern, furnished or unfurnished, Har ney 8800. FOR RENT HOUSES. West 3648 DODGE Corner 27th, 8-rooni, modern house In flrat-clasa condition; ready to mov into Sept 1; very cheap at S30: pres ent tenants-will show It; call owner, Webster 4875. .. 1:0.00 I rooma and bath, store with shelv ing and. barn, corner 48th and Coming. Tebbens, 606 Omaha National Bank. MODERN 7-roem house, fine condition, references. S920 N. 17th at Inquire 1st hus west .Flat 230& Leavenworth, t rms., 820.04 2663 Douglas, rooming house, S33.0C JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 864. 6-ROOM. hot water heat all modern. 118 8. S4th St Call Harney 1963. 2927 Franklin; 6 rm partly modern. 817 OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSN. North. 2224 DODGE ST. 8,r. modem bouse, S60. 113 N. 24th St., 3-4 house, 811. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. 205 S. 18th St. s, Douglas 122. ."REALTORS. t-BOOM cottage; nice yard and treea; partly modern; 34th and Maple Sts.; 4 blocks to car line. Price, 812.50 per month. Mr. Pease. 211 Bra,ndels theater Bldg.- 909 N. 17TH. 6-r. mod. Apt., 827.60. - 1623 Cuming St.. 4-r. mod. Apt. 833. SO. Rasp Bros.. 210 Keeltne Bldg. Tyler 721. FIVE-ROOM furatshed cottage, modern, elect. lights, good furnace, one-half block from 24th at. csr. 2306 Grant St. 6-ROOM flat, modern but heat, newly deco rated. 315. 1603 N. 24th St. second floor. Red 682. 7-ROOM bouse, hot water heat, adults only. Harney 2049. 7-ROOM modern bouae, entirely new. 2740 Tltue Ava. Tel. D. 9185. Miscellaneous. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIOH SONS a CO.. BEE BLDO. LlttT your property for rent or aal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors Tvler tSl 9-ROOM modern house. 2017 Harney 8t, Excellent for roomera. D. 116. Phonen Cn Rente la Douaia 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENT S. West, HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers: best location; 24th and Farnam. Prlces reasonable. Call D. 1473. Nortb COLLEGE Terrace Apts., 23d and Califor nia, new, fireproof, modern, only ona apartment left, 3 rooms with 4 -room ac commodations; choice outside exposure; 840 summer, 815 winter. See janitor or call Tyler 496. ' , Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO., Speclallet In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk n.oom LIKE TO SMILE 7 Office In the Be Bldg., and smile with satisfaction. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments anc1 Houses, SMALL heated apartment or two or thre unfurnsbed rooms with bath, by small family. Close In or on car Una. Address Box Y 659. Omaha Bee. WANTED Young lady wanta furnlshej room In West Farnam district, near S!d September 1. Box 60. Omaha Beej MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE C 16TH AND JACK80N DOUO S8S. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. . REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL 8ERV1CB. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACAN'l HOUSES ANO ArAltTM EHTS Jp nPCTl Express Co.. Moving. . J, SXCjEjU Packing and itorage. 1207 Farnam Bt Web S74S: Douglas 14S. vmr.Dsnnir WARKHflllSE Separate locked rooma for bouaebold gooda and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. SOS 8 ISth. Douglas 416S. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service to moving, packing and storing call Tyler SSn or Douglaa 4686 OMAHA EXPRESS CO. L, A RGB moving vans; careful man. Fur niture pack., atorage. 1417 Chicago. D. SS64 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED., CLOSE in -8 -room modern house, with large lot at a bargain-. Gallagher As Nelson, Douglas 3382. NEW up-to-Sate 7 rooms, oak finish, large lot, fine location; price 86.260; terms. 6137 N 24th St. Norris K- Noi-ris, D. 4270. Vest OPPOSITE ST. PETER'S NEW SITE. 7 room?, reception hall, good living room, dining room, breakfast room, good kitchen, 4 bedrooms . aud bath upstairs; Kood cellar, bot-water heat; eaat front, 60x163; close to car line; good neighbor hood. Can b sold on terms.- ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. REALTORS. 205 South 18th St. Douglas 722. REALTORS. 3y20 K 60TH ST. Brand new. 4-room bungalow. 1-8 acre. Easy terms, cemsnt walks to car. -.'.- ".,' PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Douglas 1010. 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house. Dundee. 1307 N. 60th Ave. Thre sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement, 82,400. Month ly cavments. Phone Walnut 1920. 7-ROOM dwelling with store room attached; small barn. Walnut- . 5ROOM . cottage," good'repalr, CUftoo Hill. . By owner. Wal. 1723. ' . North North Side Cottage, N Bargain, 5 Rooms, $2,800. ; 5-room strictly modern, cottag tm Sprague street near 18th. Hardwood finish, full basement?"turnace heat, attic. Property In fine repair. A decided bar gain at 82,800 on terms pt 8500 cash and S30 per month. J. L. HIATT CO., V 900 FIRST' NATIONAL TYLER fj3 BANK BLDG. t-KOOM new stucco, moueri bouse, Dundee, 1307 -N. 60th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full baaement, 83.400. Month ly paymenta. Phone Walnut 1920 IF you are going To buy a homo, aea this first; a line five-room house; electrlo lights, gss snd water. Prleo 82,000. Be owner at 3330 Manderson. . MINNE LUSA homes and lota offer tha best opportunity to Invest your money. pnone Tyler n. vnrw: -fi. nnHEBTT. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. - . 321 BRANDEI8 THEATER. Do. 187L South. FOR SALE For a good six-room, strictly modern houee In rood neighborhood see 2616 Pop- -pleton ave. A good homo and priced right by owner. S3 ana KIIVS the (-room house, modern, ex cept beat; good lot, S blocks to car, 2707 South 20th St; par cash, balanca at per cent.' BENSON MYERS CO., - 424 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. T46. BIG SNAP. 40x66. with 9-rdom bona, on 24th Ju south of Leavenworth, only 81.809. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1803 FARNAM BT. A SNAP 8 rooms, electric light, oak floors N . garage, cement ' drive, near Field lub, 1J8 So."32d atreet 66.600, by th owner. FIELD Club District 7-r. modern boasjaa garage; lot 70x166: price 84.260, fjp GrlmmeL Phone Douglas 161. A y. I